HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-12-15, Page 8H. NicINDOO HOLIDAY GOODS. lel now for tb( Ilolirlars-Tomotohead- ae---nelact from •tic largest, most zttoet complete, most magnificent rilMent ever shown iu Wingham. everything imaginable for man, tot and child, at primes ranging from a �mites to many dollars. Whether it little price or the big pt•ice,absolutely, cry best return for your money at this iitheatee EioWhy Trading place. Don't ry ytt yunt• shopping, now you eau select n the full assortment, get ready atten- 1, alto!, with ease. go home pleased. Later fid with delays, pick from broken stocks, Wog you bad clone your allopint; sooner. tit woke this tuistake, Lots of Chris oysters nlwayso Slei;;hing')s. no drifts. The iuuniepal heli] in the tone 2:2,nd inst. SILKS. k. silk dress weuld make the very best 4 of a Christmas present. here are a r lines : We carry Bengaline, Crystal, urveilleux, Gros Grains, in black and all f. new calors. • CLOAKS #2W WRAPS I'aabion's latest Fancies at special e for December. Buy .now when you get just what you want. Buy before 'the choice mantles are picked up. Good ge at low prices don't last long. FURS. inter has come and we have the Furs keep you warm. We are determined tr. I ham,will deliver rid of thern all this winter, if low prices on prohibition, o 1 do it. Very large stock of Lathes' and i it's For (:opts still in stock at prices to ! The following sevou, Aix'Overcoati or Ulster most I the S. O. E. lodg ale TH.} ", "7:+%413.;,: TINIESI.DERFAVER 15, 1893. lis candies and fresh �i},r•vtx,•- In (.alta, P, nt and nt O'Ilr em's. ; tlsreaite of 1tr, r&:00. Col did. ;lots of SItIOW and t(irft)ur.- ht 11411411 11'1+)er 24t11, the •)tvoe. f nominations will be ra ,dahter, rt•uee hall on Friday, th!a•slid nt 111 if lla.utitt and ;: a watt. m on •I). r� ,ZIoneris—CAau omil,:- On thA• ]esti hist, er Nomad 24th, aft;• a slaughter. vanes)), ca Nov- Er. ov- \ I . '' n, Cnrrie ; ;•nt;litldhtoN;.—In Illy 91%, nu Ili1/49;s199mhdr 5th, • (tnteutietl (arbet lone.) G. ;<l'. Kilty, of village on Saturdt William Longo) house on 13e11 and Geo. Williams, last week att,endin the Sons 'et Engle Humphrey Gray home tbo last wee John Holland, Manning left for Monaay. Sleighing is g making good use o The Misses Ra Wingham at pres Saw logs are co plentifully. Mr. mill again this w Rev. E. W. Hu ut the resit1 t.c' t'tt tiro• ninhnerhill, was in the' the F. Sultery.„1-i.:la susfy,of Clandeht )re„tn bus moved into the 1 of Mr David Cain pbell elv in °irx• your thoughts, and the price esti'�11.. counts this year. We have a nndiesevariety and the styles are capti- ting and materials are those most favored Fashion, at low prices. Headquarters r -Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Kid .tee,; Gent's Shirts, Collars and Ties." e have rightly earned this reputation by ving always the best values at all•rhmes, it H. 1101100V Plecisoite Pro a ramie. WEST=luso r VEON. , X. Dec l ' ,,Gader el), Jos. Gibson, n{rsoll. t, Dec. x:l s Clint. n, Jos. Gibson. It's Hill, Bev. . Tully, of Mit- ahe1L "INSHAI, Der. 20.--, uburn, Rev. A. F. for the year 1894 Pres., Geo. Snell ; man; Chap., Joh Bond Lawrason ; Woodman ; 1. G., 0.0 -.,Geo. Carter; A. Brunsclon, W. \` H. Bell, W. Griffit gate to Grand L Two propositions fo received,with more The L 0. G. T. in evening, was well a , of the best held for was a mock trial, wl-�ch was both amus - This lodge is in has been for a long It.. a committee was otter of condolence f which the follow - 1 yitlattTT-1'1oc1 nmei ashetn's farm. Wingham, was hero he supper given by ass been visiting at ed Cole and John he old country on now and farmers are it. ord are visiting in t. ing into the saw mill Wallace will run the nter. hes, formerly of Wing - lecture in Lotidesboro,. the 22nd inst' fIicers were elected in 1 Constable, d 73 blade"µ• Sather, by Mr li"ulisnn' •Ilod fa,garen, daughter lV hj,a k} ru,r�e-. Ob. tail+ -little tit clip Met lxh.t *2ArsolVingliarn,.loy, {i i'r1 K•' Thomas. feeteridge,.both: At Heirri'ton, On, Bev., 11?1rr. li2unro, Alexander Watson, of Celross,. to Mrs.. Gardner Mitohel:l,of Harrieton:. IPISour—MCJ!]ACnaEs.-.-At• the, residence, fl Mr W Beaton hrother-inla w: of, the, the Rev' ';S• Sillc•t; N linnrett to Miss Man+rge nb 1ltorrim townshal ,. ' Wa,rsoN •-tl'11TCIet'ILE, I�Tf+vember 22nd. by • U EDLY IT P' P D WEND TREL BEST 11 1iIhItD� a WOW GRAD V AT.�iil`aaf , Aeu • TLIED TO . ,OSITIONr,r TFUL I:RST B!OUB. 011' THE FOLLOWING• .$TUDBNTS AND GRADUATES -OF 4I�'TERHS`TING. ;JaTI'O.ltMuATIO N t To„ f NTNG MEN WOMEN. • ,MISS• SARAH STSIIIN, ?vlitolflell''A Bay, XS book-keeper with H. Mmoaulay of "The Ark," Hardware, Cliathraxiva. CHATHAM:. p�"!ll"e:. HAVE BEEN PLACED '*,.= DING. THIS WEEK t. . beide, th 5th inst by the Rev,. lin `MISS FANNY IVDASON Chatham as Stenographer wvth' Kerr, Bull cta,Rowell,rl3t+rrvAtara, t e,on the McKinnon, Mr. lisaac Brent•ta,MasS A'nnie•ti�HORACE..11. ETAS2G,,,Sarnia, a++ Bools-keeper and Reporter for ThenBanner Printing co'Y, Chatham:,, M'oEaehren, hot•h,of Clinton. ,JAMBS McLACJ ILAN,,Lhathiam„ as Stenographer auti.Shnpping Clerk'for Kent! Flour Mills, Chntlnamt•Ane.t•ofr thealhegest Inc',gif(,t••- Hon w.e__Brnc)iion,—At the, residence of• ; tries of theekind in Ontario,. the groom's brother, ,,Tt: T. Ht)lmea,, oar,.MISS GERTIE•',S-IM.BSON-, FJhabbarbn„took charge of •the,books,of:•Ridlety &a Ci5.. of Chatham, last week.!, 'MISS HAItAH IHHINCAN.JMnin' Bridge, Ireland, has recently accepted the position of. Stenog)tgpher wi�s`et,rt!Tv3o13iss, & Garveyrt•l, Barristers, of Sarnia„(lit'.. • !S'OHN. YY/UNG, (ih,atharp, aa•Sten"ograoher, with the•,Chatham CasiCo. John was oae of our fastest, writer -se, MISS ANNA TA'CKA.BE RRYI;, Chatham, coinmeucedl•her, duties ' short tin e4 goi aa, Stenograplrew with I�Sritherliundl„ Innes tC Col;• , of Chathitui,,.N'fiw Yerlkcandi Liverpool, in their Chatham Ofl17ee.. We•�a!veeaiSlS&tdy euppliedathe,same• Omani a>:tbb six Botrk.• peepers and Stenograpb.eoe for their different ofSces during pile. past:fuvr .years—four• of whom.are stilAwitth,them. Catherine, daughter y.ondon, by Rev. Ira Smith, on 6th inst.,. Miss Eva Bidgeod, to Jbhtr I+tlbltnes,, of Clinton. LEACH—PIcxnntEo.—At the•aesidenoe of+ the bride's father. Ashfield„ en•Gth.inst;. by Rev. J. Kenner, Samuel Leach to Mich, of .loan Plokering.. ppy �I>ria I ] {yrt�y p17,' BJ11. `��Wasa y'ou are in need of ethos assistance writo••silt medius will sa b •I, CIoNATAnzs.—In Seat('rib,. en, 4th. inst... � ✓ ,�:,,�1. �+F C� . r ■ • .`�iti You with CO4�'1PI).'1'Ir''L�T' HELI° FUER D E'.Y•'i E'ibR il..., NO lsi.ilkl•I'i•1 I,. Mary ble, Turney, relict cf tle•late Gas. OF GOING TO;/'.l'•HB E P.NSK OF ADVERTISING: FOR ILL?'.. We•,do nodrguarantee siouatious• to.•our nispils and -;ares. ant Friday Cole I -Moo e, of n years, Moony —Ifo Given, I"nwa,, On. A`eeemba�' therefore uader+no•o'ehhtttioe)s to.rerorntmend any butl,the.ivorthya, tUer busicosa.houhe staxieong,ori taett ttl.at we �turu�infCmowt. caanmpetent-ofFi. �:!,. P. Pres., Thos Colo ; i 5th, Thomas Moore, son of MIr Jas 111oore. Stenographers ^a,<d•Book.keepera should be euffioieut,gniarautee•touu of4Blyth, aged 25 years and 1 ,months,. help. GERMAN,—In Morris, on Dnoember 9tr154 Mary Greenan, relict of the late Thomas I Teachers Supplied o if $�j(a, l} �.'ryp ming �i t`',�i i► i i P Greenan, aged 8$ yertrs and, lot mcntkta 1 ;ts' �`i`.McGnooAv. -In Detroit, co December ., John ,.a East W.,.,va.nosh, MISS BESSIM DUNE•TuT.'' ot Chatham, Gold Medalist of onwShorths,ud department in June • last, aceepbed tale posititn , Mei aeed about 22 years. ' teacher.of Shortnand.and Commercial subjerrts in Alma; C'ollegei 1St...Months, nths, ii Sept. last,. and :is rseti with a 1let;4 SUCCe9A, MISS 111ARI()N, PAtgLIT(1CZ„ of Chathamh , as ead of the so ns! Businesa,c72partment of tin ,rlx saytle ' hdl)} lusinesA z> o ,eg+ti HENRY 'I'Ei0511'SON•„of Leith, Co. Grey, near Owen Scuucp�bas Beninau u th'lrvInternational ater ati penmen. p,0%4d ,r lylast,a ” iii ' Mr. Thompson, although quite a, young man» now ranks ,an.o rn W 3. 1 LWI'S,.a former h".. S. teacher of Fletchelr„as teacheruaf Commerci;al,aub3Cets and assistan<t,i� t�W fai chem' W udst ,r - - - M. McLA liiItAN.,, its Weaker of Commercial subset!; iu the Drat. Business-O011ege, I3av City, 1i ;Myst FleVry :cif -j oil in 41;,yi„Ii>,pjnr. Business C'oliege, lde commenced in September last. 'GORDON a'SIi JOHN A. 11YN.19. ot, Chatham, a former Y. S. •teacher, as teacher of Mathsmatica, Book•keopip;and Itryaualip iu x Vflnos: IA, 9 Business College„IiTt..Wayne, Ind. . e. Soloist, , A. H.. 1.10S• ' av former 1?, S. teacher of Herewanr3, Ont., as :dead of the:Theory a3epartment of )9te.•Denairiirn, l3nsines$ ,fe , q Ott. King tou„Ont,. ; r. Ross isa superior penman. -u- 1 U RESULTS PB,OV12I OUR SIIIIBBI.ORITY ALA Ma. LEAN, ___.___ .. , ., «. count „utaaa.bHcked by results. The obeys show our results: Alae„theywsratisfecstoty? Uumourous re Den. osis Reader, IT • PAYS TCI .ATTEN31.t'i, T,1+TF; BEST hate New ,pro for au- gagemntenta, a e!r separate 3''(ilLMCa1 MEN AND WOMEN wishing tonpreparo themselves for positions as Book-keepeunsc'al•nd.iStn;<.rogrrapb.ere sha:fdi¢1Gkrri .1 wring the h . ns very care iu ekoosrug a sehaol to attend. model ate, 1 t ' .> Lally. ;regannert, Jos. Gibs• n. hlktnson's church, G •derich twp., II S . W. Hughes ;t,;usan r, 'DI 'ed. 21. - 'TI' hnesville, tev F. Tully. l3elgrave, Rev. E. W. ughes. ntokr, Dec. 22. -aide :baro, Rev. E. Eug1 es. :'iTroxet - r. Stor lets, all s .tastopenod ()whatI'n•1 1) stack of XXm of 4'rtt , Be 4 Nor:Sties ot A '.lir he'+•' sfa4ii't'« . t'acmety Mg of, Tlhirrt•day of thE, hest sine jte o Aidont, 1r}'t, ',Ieseph e chair. The followin' dared in a most ere ding, Miss jean Da affect Rae and Orr and citation; Mr. Robert McDonald. ,.1t W, brought to a close ed, "The Virginian h rendered in a most e -The following delegat ortn convention at Brus Wm M Robinson, .1 IT 'Fortune, John, B Vo ox. ldr A. J Sanders is home visit, John Dengltts returned est on ttorldav evening e been residing during ars, The PresbyterianSund Id its annual entertainm itt�'next, December 22nr r Robert Barnard, of lr home on a short vi is* len Allen returned y evetliT1g last, rtceomp or and Mr McIntyre, wi sett re,tiriing in Clevela txyryto��mer. W (1 Smart, of Wingh eav days here with h Fox. V. Pres., James Wood - E. Taylor ; Secretary, Treasurer, Arthur Peleg W. Thompson ; anaging Committee, allace, J. Shobbrook, s, A. Wilkin ; Dele- ge, A. Woodman.' membership were1.1 follow soon. ting, on Tuesftay. tended and was one some time. There ing and instructive. better shape than it time. On the 28th appointed to draft :t Bro. J. C, Adams to , ing isacopy : ey. Mn. JOHN C. ADAMS. DEAR SIO AND BE() A' members of North S I. 0. G. T., allow us t most sincere sympa sore affliction, whit the loss of a loving While we mourn th loss is small in cot anti- c I �Gawes I We extend to you c w. MESSRS. $;!orifi ertannerits. In behalf of the ar Lodge, No. 31'7, extend to you our by in this time of has come to you in wife and partner. lose of a sister, our orison with yours. n,rt r sympathy, also, on ed. 'account of tieing pe •sonally afflicted and 'meting, on the hope you may son 1 be restored. Wo tsG rge"li, was one would direct your houghts at this time gau{°ari''tl' The I to the Lord, who 1'. too wise to err and lwaxt,tiacupied 1 too good to bo un -ind, who, in His io- pm:gramme was )table manner: idson ; Chorus, r. Robert Rae ; Lack; Reading, he programme th a farce, en- ummy” which silent manner. attended the els on Tuesday bu Brethauer, t and James from Detroit an the North last, Rhere he e past two School will it on Friday Menonomee, scrutable provide move your partne the only true IIe We pray that the may descend upo ren and guide y' truth, enabling y time with you may meet your the other side, ever gone. We a in Faith, hope a me on Tiles - lied by her h whom she , during the Londesboro. J'ettietkIlill returned from sakota last ey,nfter a sojourn flier • of about soar',, :`t„nv .11.3% Pair reached a on nn Prohibition last S nday even, ton large congregation. PAY. E. W. ITugltee will tneture on hibition, and the Plebes,ite in the hedist Church next rrid y evening. rrti inst., at 7.301]. m. saIt Stevens. ot •ielgrav on Saturday evening. Ii''oreatere oro going tol e evening of Thursd 5 Londesboro, Dec ce has seen fit to re - from your side, as for and Sympathizer. lensing of the Lord you and your child - in the way of all 0 so to live that when all be no more, you rtner and our sister on here all sorruw is for- e yours, most sincerely, ri Charity, B. LAWRASON, E. Gam, R. ADAMS. 4th, 1893. rk City, are her together liday season.1 t fly to A. :t: MACLEAN Seaforth. ' AUCTION SALE —or— VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. Linder and by virtue of a power of sale contained • (which he pro - dived Ic In a certain registered nvrrga:;t. ( , P dived at the time of sale) anal upon which default in payment. has 11301 1110(13, I hero will lir offered for sale by Pula.. Anc•ion, af. ' 113 1ii11i.d :b �`11ICIt� HOTEL, in tips TOWN 0 WING-HA'!1, �) aiA+ A. o), Tuesday, the 23th day December, — 1803, at the 11011a. of 2 o'nlock in the afternoon, the An Inatltntien where ilOUe but boarders desirable property, namely Town Lot !mintier hilae. on the north aide of Victoria street, i1 the Town of tt'logham, Yoley's are admitted; has been ruaniug aboult 18 years. THE MAYORALTY. To the Municipal Ele the Town of Win_ am. A course in? a Good Schceol. Means S ,OC ',S.''.:. CHEAP TUITION MEANS P()OR INt1bTRUCTION; and poor instruction is dear at anv,.priee. A COURSE IN AN INFERIOR SCHOOL 142EANS,cliseourageMcan.tland dissatisfaction ,ta„tbte••stx d,tirta„ thus hiuc`eriig4tael1iar effort and making his life partially if not completely a':;slurs. For handsome Catalogue .of Canada's i;reatest School of Shorth 6(1lar••Btasiness, address;.„ . D. McL1; C_EIElai, Chatl• rsfl,3,(l a+t, l DE i'. 1' ILL COLLEGE.' survey, 1.nnv 0 snh.divi.n,n of Park Lot limn ber ane, 3 G,ernnent, Sarver, 6011t(1 )116 one-fifth of an acre oa ]and more or lefty, reserviti6, however, 0 portion of the west !half of the east half of said lot hereto - foto convoyed 0) 000 Angus W. Frazer, and described in his reCistered dc?d. This property Is conveniently situate( l in the sail Town of.winghauf. iw irm. rhe north east erruer of Edward al.d Victoria w reets, and within one block of Josephine street. There are !spot the prriniae8 a enol triune dwelling house, a frame Stahleand 11•• 6 Stolle warehouse. The property wilt be sold subject to a resorae hid. TERMS OF SALE. Ton per cent. of the pnrehnse uhatey to be paid down at th•• tune of wile And the b,4•,nee within 30 daystherenfrer. k rrs,l,1dnie,ll'' 11. he naldO to allow a portion of the pe10c1,13o ulo.,ay to rcm.,i (an tuoyt• {;ave at reaseimble terns Further parfitnls1s may bo had on applicator to E. L. Diekir•ann. Barr ...ter, st un h.uu,thu duetir:ilber, or to the Vendor's solie tor - P. DEANS, R. VANSTONi•L Auctioneer. V. tiib.r's alolicitnr. Dated at lylnclaau.,'December 70h, RM. tors of i ltillaf 711:115S WL K. LADIES AND (,ENT many years past, the o Civic Chair, by pre have been accorded honorable position. where there is nn gd and sufficient reason iIr 'Vend` 1 for a change, that the principle is a good r daughter, one, for a year's experience es Chief 11Ia- gistrato of the town is very helpful to the discharge of the important dodos belonging to this very responsible position. Therefore, in accordance with this gen- eral principle, I again offer myself for the Mayoralty for the year 189.4, and assure you that it I am again honored with your confidence, that I will do everything in my paws to advance the moral and material •wellbeing of the town of Wingham. Very Respectfully yours, 1l. M. Gennor. Wingham, Deo. 13th, 1893. try . MEN,—{I For utilities of the . general consent, .JJJJJ L \econd terof that fl �� `' All will agree thatas I ori three initiations on Tuesdey 'eve n g rent health state then fere some years, filetholiirttfteregoing t Christmas. (1 Wt. Wrestling •)f th•p S. ras in the (IVO a Stip. Jan. 4th, n thel.O. lug. This t present, have tttea drefoes THE DEPUTY- VpSHIP. TO the Elect •.. Of Wing,lictra. Your void and influence are respectfully solicited for . . B11,0 G;I1,.ict l 5l 1 for Dcpntp`I; etc'.,r 1411. , 6 1..wa It's high titre y„u were g:tting ionrl Xmas I regents, Call and have at Ionk 1 Employs a very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOLD embracing a full course yearly, iiueluding all the Euglish branches, t eieuces„ French and Germau, Classics, Music, Drawing, Craven Portrait, Oil Painting, Ornamental branches, with Vocal and Flotation, in classes, at remarkably low rates.. This Institution draws students from Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa ands the towns and cities from Canada., its well as from New York, Chicago and other cities froto the United States. For particulars address, MISS D.;A. HUTRD, Seeretary, Oshawa.. J1 D. CU MINGS Begs to intimate to his numerous cps.. tamers and others that he intendsI moving to the stand lately used as a boot and shoe store osierr ,............••••.••••••.... 1,..- t4 Brings,cwith it its,otvrn,p(eculiar wantsi,..nnd.'v :. say tllalt we are l;iieparecl to supply atten, wainu . terestt.and profit . tlbe• buyer. 'Do not buy old. ttlbb, which wit.bnnn,te e to. be .t1ean. at.. al ay :mutes whenayou can g,etl Two Doors North of Post Office where will be found a large ata ek of Pi!1. � i � . �Iutsical Instruments, Sewing Machines through otic s+net' or goods suitable for hath 1 birthday Oud ;Cm+iv !.resents, to Gold, and Silver Wattelios, Onyx ('locks, Mingo,' .jewellery, ';dyer Tea, Serttee, Water 'filters, Pitchers, Cheese SOnnn, Ilprry Dishee, Cake Baskets, and ell other kinds' of silverware, at the leading jewellery, etore. Washing Machines and Wringers, with all needed repairs. Repairing promptly done and warrant ed • Mitt Week, ';"rine!, tali. to In ftble to 4 c'1ri11tbi#rs'scill in, • Frest., CIAT s» clheapl;r from us. ' of Ma ke.:t 7`�t dars tad:Jrat ht �.� �hd Pr�oo Also a full line et Sc OL SUPPLIES •-.•-Axn•-w GENERAL ST'AT'IONERY. l'+owe will be opened on Saturday, illy h, GIVE ME A CALL. r, It CUM MINGS SVinghant, 3'uly t8th,'9L stn. this week. Now is the: tine to get ymlr XrXmasSupplies. GOEvr..131L'Ir ;IV bb>,ie week in FELT ] '1'S, • I„'• BERMEN''S RUBBERS ANDSClX,'2 OV1 It SHOES FOP'. MEN. l30Ys!,s,, WC11,, 'MISSES AND 0ElIllDREN falai) tJBB7lft i ,A'N.I• C:ii,Irll1GANS for ever} jeer Nrti'. i Come and a:te the MairksT� we snake up to order-•'+-1ir'at,thiss in every pnrtionlut Fitter Suits for It, little Inure money. It yon prefer READY—MADE SUITS —AND vie have thorn for very little money. 'Ir"'elyra It Rtlrc;l,ftiil5, GORDONIMtNTYRE,,y� The Anchor!'