HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-06-20, Page 18CROWDS AT THE CARNIVAL - The traditional the front area of the ,park. In later years the Carnival
Seaforth Lions Club summer Carnival began in 1935 , booths and rides and entertainment moved to the
when activities took place alongside Silver Creek in playing field behind the pavilion. lip this 1959 picture
crowds' enjoyed rides and games of chance.
LOngfime Aram, a rec�a sm ions- u , - istory t
(BY James A. Stewart) -'Cleaning the pool, as .it was enclosures., The new pool was provided a challenge to the Lions metal collections and many other
The Seaforth Lions Club was constituted, became an officially opened i -i 1956.and since• Club for a charitable service to patriotic endeavours. '
organized in the Fall.of 1924, with_ increasing problem, and in A,93.5 a ' {hat . time, has required very hundreds of children who,, due to Other noteworthy. activities of
the late R.M. Jones as it s first:` retarding wall, was built on the minor repair or upkeep. hard times, would have missed the Seaforth Lions Club included
President and the late Geo. South, bank; the north .bank was 'In 1961 a childrenst wading the joys of Christmas. Parcels of sponsorship of Boy Scouts, Cubs,
W. Spencer as the first Secretary: edged with a'stone wall, and the pool .• was built, with funds warm clothing, toys, 'and in many Girl Guides and' Brownies,
T ent -five enthusiastic pro- swimming area was cemented to provided by .the 'families .• :of cases food, were delivered to a financial support to many sport
fessic na� and business men and create. a two level pool of 80' X deceased Lions, as a permanent great number of homes to assure and athletic < groups, a $5,000 '
three ergymen made up the 100'. A drainage hgte was drilled memorial it dedication and them a merry Christmas. donation to the Seaforth
slate of Charter Members. Of into the rock fissures .which- work w th ,the h Li6ns Perhaps, the Seaforth Lions Community Hospital, -a $1,500
this origional group, ' two facilitated easy water removal for Club. /.'Club was among the first' to donation to the Lake .Joseph
members have survived the span .pool cleaning. Funds for these 196 saw the completion o organize Santa Claus visits to the Camp for the bliti'd and numeiious
of 50 years Chas. A. Barber of -,expenditures were raised by ,� ch needed picnic Pavilion, at a town, 'when 1500, or' more, other worthwhile charities,
the Seaforth Club and R. Neil stag ing annual Hallow'en ost of $12,000. -This 36' X 86' stockings; filled with fruit; candy The record of the Seaforth
Bissonnette, now of the Stratfort Frolics, with torchlight parades, building provides a sheltered area oy were handed But ata big. Lions Club during its fifty years
Club. It is interesting to note free candy for the children, for picnics and has been used, as Chri mas tree set up on Main history, is one that each Lion can,
ior picnics and has been used, as Chri mas tree set up on Main
11 f
an•here, that these same twoLions games, bingos and major priz well, for dances, penny sales and Street.. Free . movies and -free be'justifyably proud of, and with
W, the first ' to represent draw . An adjoining-propert bingos during the Summer skating were also provided for the renewed determination; vision,
Seaforth at an International and house was. bought by Dr. Carnivals. children. �Eoncern and dedication we look
Chas: McKay and given to the forward to the eventful ears of
' 'i✓onvention. Y g , �, new 'flood- control darn, _ In the early years of our clul% y
The history of the Seaforth Club to- provide 'a home for a beautiful Centennial 'Gates and the annual Christmas -visit to the . service that lie ahead.
Lions Club must, of necessity, Permanent caretaker. repairs to the Club house_h"v pepple in Huronview Home was 'Every week more, and more
start with the beautiful Lions Dark The official' opening. of the bee4lLcompleted since 1967, -and started and has conthfued'without pgople discover what mighty jobs
for it has been the objet of 48 newly cemented pool was held in thanks is due the Township of interuption to this day. are accomplished by low cost
August of 1935, which was
years of 'planning, work, late g Tuckersmith for their assistance' The war years saw the Lions Expositor , Want Ads. Dial Y
dedication, fund raising . and rained out, but this was the start - in two of these later projects. involved in paper drives, scrap 527-0240.
effort, until to -day .it has become of,our annual Summer, Carnival, The Lions Park to -day is a far
the Mecca for thousands who take wfflch • has 'become otie of the cry from the swimming hole of
advantage of the fine facilities outstanding attractions' of the nearly'fifty years ago and, over ,
that. make u this complete summer seas n at Seaforth Lions ' b.
. P P 25,000 children each summer •
picnic, swimming and sports Park.
A. small club house was enjoy the swimming, the Congratulations
area. built, with dressing . room instruction in water safety and the
From it s modest start in 1926, facilities, and the pool received training in life-saving. The park
when two acre's of land, which attractive lights, the. -gift of Mrs. is wbll staffed with competent life to
contained an abandoned lime- T.A.G. Gordon in, memory of her• _.,guards, nimintainance crew and
stone quarry through which the brother, the late Dr: Chas. booth operhtors, at ,an ever
small Silver Creek flowed,was , McKay, a charter member of the . increasingcost to the Lions Club.
lease b the Lions .'Club. Club. ". SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB
-'� Y Like all Lions Clubs, our
Dredging the old quarry of it s The years that followed saw , -efforts. were also directed toward
years of silt, an effort that sew the c' n of a new 100' X 26' r___Jo the work of sight conservation
many Lions on the business end Club House, complete with and aid to -the blind,'•but it also on their
of a hand shovel, and building the change rooms, Showers and became very evident to our young
first dam created an attractive , made
refreshment booth clpb, years before the advent of
' �
swimming hole. A raft and a Possible by admirer of the work of- : National Health Care, that many 50th Anniversary
divingboard'were the onl added- the Sedforth Lions Club.
Y crippled children in� •Huron
facilities, but they served The decreasing flow of Water, County required medical care, • •
admirably for the first few years. in Silver Creek, coupled with the that their families could not, of community sere e"-,.-.
M In 1928, arrangements were increasing degreeof . water. provide :• The. Seaforth Liops Club
completed to purchase the pollution, were the main reasons Crippled Childrens Commi ee \
origi nal two acre property,' and for the decision to abandon the pioneered in holding clinics W.hd
at this point it became evident old pool and-repceed with plans to as a result scor'es_of young people- in the operation of
that a Canadian Charter, Whereby construct a completely new pool. were red through orthopedic
Canadian Clubs could hold Province -wide sales of raffle treatment or surgery. This effort `
the ° Lion
properties in their'`SWn rights," tickets on cars, permitted in those along with the provision of eye s Pool and Par
was 'imperative. Through, the days, a public subscription and glasses forchiidren with impaired
Untiring efforts of International local' and Government grants vision, won niany friends and -
Director Harry A. Newman, who provided the $48,000 needed to supporters throughout • the
later became the first, Canadian to build the 45' X 100' ' pool, County . Tonshipof Tuckersmith
hold the office of International complete with filtration plant, The great depression of the
President, a • Canadian Charter sun decks .and -protedtive late twenties and early thirties
was granted... "
2a.—THE HURON EXYUSrroR, 9EAF03I$WH, ONT., JUNE 20, 11974