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The Wingham Times, 1893-12-15, Page 1
VOL. XI.— NO. 1141, WINGITAI4, ONTARIO RIDAY,. DECEMBER Cold weather is at hand and Xmas is —20 boxes Florida • tinges, from: 20e. to W. T. Yates has coming, Are you prepared for them? If 00o. per dozen, at R, 4 urn's. not, you should go at once to the / order of Xmeus China, eeting o the School yet, se Iiia window. evening, for want of a 5.4.(erst: •�wtia"' "" y� �' Where you will find an excellent range of winteroils o o P k' ever dsac's ' 1 tla Y, n P Our Goods e lead as usaalivaiutee m ands assortment We are also showing special values in Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Under- clothing. In tee Gent we hew an immenseFurnishing e Tweeds, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Sox and a special Hue of Sealette Caps, in all the lea,deng shapes, 82nd at a price haat is Iower than the lowest. Don't fail to see then. The head of our Grocery Department is also making a special effort in that direc- tion, Choice New Fruit Currants Mal Raisins, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, prize Colnmhian Cheese.tllcl the old re - 8.5e. Tea, all,' to hand. ORP cb $iscOCTtS, Direot Dry Goods Importers. Ton DEA/1, iV'oveniber 30, 1808. llierriaree 'weenees Issued by PRANK PATBR801,4 No 23, Vic- toria. i,tr e etfZVi . it +Firm required. f Ont. No witnesses DRESS • MAKING. Affitt aros. i437C.zi.4.1f139) Has decided to open a dress snaking ` Wet- ness, at her ie:' Sld , residence-, John street, oppositeQueers Hotel. .Setisfaotion guarr};nteed. Apprentices malted. teri. ani 4tereeet'eagetteeetteteletelerte. deitfreeeree4fe en, e}el P'^t Pla in Gama& to O USN F$S ' t- •1 .' Sd1 fig trona 5h„rtitsml, fc., is nt the Cert. rut Busirte;s Col. k" lege,. Teraina; Ont„,Ond Stratrt,r,,, •CYnr.: O Urrevestleuat'. v Ct{tiacfn's r'frsofest Coat. y. mercrtsr satrok.:, r cr.(neS I a, Mei- « floe this paper. S?Unv i,itiu,t, Principals. ee, r . y Y b LO„ NEWS, bk1. —Just tare' t1ofsand•1bs0Y a ` 11Tfxel Ganly,f lbs, for L.5e, at R. T%z;rirs, bel f to 1 Isby Der, •r'•, tt', in the Veinobam Con tegational Church, on Monday evening ilea : , —Letlies' fele bets at cost, 's millinery store. • --There was no Board ort Tuesday quorum, j” Mr, Samuel field, spent eh the guests of If son. —A. full stools of un oed as • ' llolm's Drug Store --Rev. T. G. willpreach P in tl church, on Su hours. --The next Wing t 1a m on th expected that a present, each and bride, of Asia. l _d bis import .Timmy think t ' is of st he has had s i n Hoots prices; Dail an h!m •3Lr. Time, Abi;a am was m G this week attendin the quarter session as a jueer, days in town, last week,,�"112t•, Thos. 13i ors, Wrr(, and M; Robert; 'Tuesday attending tare rnaut2faotnrel� 5, 1893. neeessary to and be convinced for you . elf,, that herihas adericli (' elieailest and best Xmas s volt in town. JAs, Moireevre, --On 1lronulay last when -the rentable of the late John MeGr gar arrived at the Roman Cat h olio ehu 11,St.Augustine, there were the retrains o, two other orsona already in the churel , and the o e service wee performed for o three pe sons, bby pipes, eased or cos, etc„ at Chis. hompstn, of Hamilton,. ZVLnh am � Presbyterian day next, at the usual orse fair will be held in 28th instant, ,when it is number of buyers .will be 1 was in Stratford on E�leting of the fitriil- association.. —Now is yon ie to get a cheep lire, cigars or tab o, at R. Hill's, opposite Bank o • PP e #.La Ham n to —The Ilamilton 1 M ar Itlei t s down, The majority voice Yes to the prohibiti1 Spectator return-In:— ales and gentlemen: f Hamilton will Eay n plebiscite question," --Watches, olookr and jewelry promptly repaired and fatly warranted by H,insr:r Peeve Meei Block, z1 g 1 t am. pePae f -A reference to r advertising columns CaII and see the bargains in Wirer e/ - will show that ,t , D. M. Gordon, our hats, at Miss 'Wallace's. present Meyer, is candidata for the office —It would be ell to bear in mind that for a second term, ral Mr, W. F. lie o en - the municipal xi mations take plane `6i shire is in the fie fo 1the Da t - .Frida Dee. 22, ship for another / pu yReeve• Y, et the 25tii,tltfs year, that y date being Cluj mas. -Good and Cheap -,Good flour at 1$1,50 per 100 pounds'. All kinds'. of feed equally as cheap, at A, H. Carl's,•Win Baan, —Rev. G. 11. .Cornish) L. L. D,, will preach next sue ay in the Wingham Methodist lest church LCh n ornL n ga2d evening, in b,i in aUseuoo of Mr 'Sellery who is conUuat- ing services in M' shell. The watez•wo ks will be extended east along Patrick str et, to Shuter street, This .,ction ofthe town, which of proper Are protection, r ' Vltte� in the; future.—Follow the reals tg etinnshaw`s`for violins mei violin strings atltl irelinloid Lnau.tl argent, at t25;cents. will give a large bas been deficien tiniest e ffi0lent t; Mr, Iii • 4harf warden for this a for soma fiat• i t F1� r the enure las lrt sport for them the r'—rhe retirin town, this year, hat n tvatd•..-- c.'M eYel, and Fat Meyer e beving u r s en man will have to iii net nanti' �h and td Pere tri. istrfot, to an the lookout woo have been violating ty. It will be expensive. f fir. kinsman atcbes settee', .fi'usteee in the are: Weed Z.-.'i'..A.bra- Mo r oe ward dd— kT. W• d 4—D. 1I. Gordon. Mr, ov ed from town, new e i. peen for ward suppose the old tr tsteee l tineIt t o ei will e wi ZlLng ecept ace t —Candies by the Xelvie's; the largest sortment of eandieai -in Wingham. Fo We 1Vc arils C a.' e agree. town, at Tames Mc- eapest and best as - het was ever shown i °—Large clitan'titie of wood foulstierle- s rand lemons, hundred dozen old at are being deliveredg i , best quah.3 it beKi sold at g d i town -now, the sleigh- cheapest prices. .71s. t g '1TcIi:t:2svrni. ing being slfleedid, ' ' •I --Tt will bo well to •eserve net Monday —Cash , and- eggs at R A --Pezfutnes, sni a for holiday gifts, opened out at Chi in1's Ding Store this week. New VH style 1 e new 'n v . de 1 sae, sank, come and —A meeting of t1 Town Council will be held this evening, cording to statute, to close up the linen al year. A statement 'of the receipts an expenditures for the past year will be repared and printed, ready to be giveti ton nomination flay. Friday, the 22nd i stant. —A large assortment . of embroidery silks and linen goads, at Miss SVallaoe's. "-The re` reaming o Dr. J. Young, 4 were ze 'ought home £ion I3ritzsIz Columbia, and interred in Colb rue cemetery, to -clay (Friday). The fur' ral was coodueted by Morning , t t • S fl led • g e A. , 1. and C M, •Goderich. The d tor was a' member of %•Vinghnm Lodge, . I'. and A. M., but the distance -being so reat, tl p ,4'trneral was taken charge of by he God` iiolt brethren.a --A large assortment o canned goods; nuts, pipes, cigars tt d awes. A spoof- alty alt fancy bisef t A large stns figs, dates . and r 1 'ns. A full steel , r Tia rr Webb's cream earn c enc ho s. TAs. McKeown: —We must say tl at ,Tae, oiielvie Itis two of the fullest, ice t am tastiest win - flows that have ev e t e see n in I t am. Wing - ham. 1 He has Sen e u t to again in his old quarters, nicer , ri more tastily fixed up than ever. Jim y is bound to keep up. with the to times. —Chief Justice alt decided lately that there is no appeal f cm the decision of the fence viewers &war . Under tate statute their finding is bsoiute. It was a ease which Mr. .DuVern t had from near Sim, cos. The cattle of of farmer broke through the fence of another nd caused 1120 dam- ages. The rests of to case are now $400, ash will ws and T°t —41,50 to Weekly Globe ifromnnow re THE itll the 1st of January, 18i15. S,ibscribe at once. - —A new editio Canada, for disttib. been issued by the to •i a 1 0l. it contains LnA stated, relating to a Dominion, with ext one of the best map; scale, which has ye —Boy your X from Yates, the an fresh of the -handbook of tion in Europe, has just e a rt mens P of the 1'n - information concisely 1 the provinces of the fleet illustrations and o Canadte"; an a small sen published. candy, oranges. Y, etc. cel, he no them pore —Rev. J. C. Tolti pastor of the first rxi i3atf ala was t this pastorate of St. react Mr. Toltnie is a neph� Innes, and is known t He is nue a,° the rising Pe r t stlyteriari church. —Miss Lillian el. P k of roes, will lecture on : of I Town IraI1, Wingleent, next, the lath instant. bo the auspices of the Wi and should be given v a Phetai - W a known awn to e, for some years 'resbyterizan church, ok 2 flit n cies into t 2n n the "s church, Windsor, AO lies. D. Me' any in TVingharn. aung -hien in the —The following oto' to 11 eh old o2 g a o o s d will otferedbypeivatesal atth: residence of •. W. 12 . Ware 0 n to .: f LV �% er � ed alio D 2911) 1 safe --J•" 1 ' cher stove starter st ; 1. - y°• . d r • t Y .t e e si°n table; 1 s! • a .. r ,; t -w. h• g michit, I farrow ep , ur ,;.1 mer. • Parti requiring equfllna • of the :hove, .please call above residence du ing morning; hours, previous to date nem =d. ' . • ea, il- iis the foremost lad' Canada. Adtrlis o;—11lflaga almond nuts at i also apples x onlay for good butter a —Sleigh -runners, suiteble for eny.s;ze of 1 evening for Dr. W id's lecture on "'.Che trrahaUl s market grocery. Baby Cardiacs, at S, G•reeeeer Dangers and Safety 'of Canada," in the A u t ` Congregational,. . ch 'ch, —At the meeting f Anchor of r Gl.rieute - tate g The . reverend Lodge,. L * Hope Perna, during the doctor w • ill Ltreach it t the same Thine, onthere O, C'' q `' e i 'eu"ey - next. at 1 e. L . andi was a very g Cletnio see2n ' n an& 7 p stat t• P. n candidate was initial Tickets for the Tectal•, can be Procured from " till. John Wilson, 'rhos. tions submitted. 0 S., and 1STr. 1 hag. Pheip's lecture, "on r1' --Quite e number of been suffering with fit , past few weeks, but th • be ib i g. tt i t g --The Trees will be senator any address from now till the t of Jtixivary, 1895., :Pk. One, Doll Eta -Thu town wnof t Par v .Sa � tflt. " ,�,7 `i5elnl0yR #.� the distiteetermn tf Navin sttieele'the highest rate in the T'ravince t ars tree r,tire fax pf$3r having to shoulder 3, ntills-r»fl the. -dui eeeiS hat can 1 got Fantle', fee ii i,t;s ?resent? I know; 1'11 get.I1eieotie of those eautiful foie tai;;,4litnslittarus: --ilfr. Ito t; fXohne , of the Cli tot Now Era'ais a einulidite fa the it(byoi'alty of that town. Fi'ieend Imola-trete how to manage e toad neevs1 'ger unit etouid no atalbt be a,enteteeaue lead of a betty town like Chit toe, '-Grainre-len/ming done fr3i+ T•cente per 106 lbs, et the V'iugltani Oaletterif ittfll. Oats exchanged for oatmeal!' 'Itt. J ititne We uttdcitrtancl til t the Ttev,'G4`ny, `1:f it d' t +flregoi, raster of El a Wingham l•eaptlet thureh, ltnti pieced 1 is resil,nat•ibn in :Bea i1c a :I the wirer officers of. ilio ebnrclr. teflon is tt take eirectrthe•Thst of next.. Deus„ --Private moneys to loan on mortgages atr reasonable rate aCe of u tterest. Apply to t.E.- JointNeureeees, —At the last to Lebanon Chapter, , Masonry, the folio eel fat the enevilTg t C. 11. �V i111an1.Y; ,Se 'Offal Principal, Win. 1 wed, fit tel, r�Uft•st swiss, geed 1f Masser; Third Ptit aipnl, J>La, 1F'Lo - , Y , classtit. Ut1tle; —;Coe anniversary s Scribe T.,• ,1'. dr iFlo tun; Scribe N„'Ttros, Gregory; PrinolJal jourxier, le, 1 with the 1FTetltodfst o , Iiinaald� , were held hist Sunday Senior #iojbtlrner, S. J. Smith; .7'unioi' Sa• � R 'coiner;".l,', L. Tobb.' ,. there will be no lodge Tuesday ul in esd'u, evening, ens Y n tl as i ' aft endali . Ce. One( Id and two ito sosf• l z account of Miss cease/ evening next, meetirng next week. All the members ate pecictlly invited to attend oil 'Tuesday • evening, the 2tith instant, when a. splen id programme will Altar - Convoaatiatt of f a. 81, Royal Arch bo given, ing officers. were cleat- ( —Unities, have ynur gtarrtrente tirade b° MiHH r1 T. Jchneton, Gregor block, opposite nr: First Principal, " Iisr res. • $1 A YEAR IN ADVANC ---If you are looking for anythin; n table Chinaware, take a look ti gh W. T. Yates' stock. Be bas bean rill sizes; hi suit jars,; rose j' s, saladplates, and fruit bowls unci the best anti cheapest bar. gains he has been Able to secure yet, -•Tboproprietor of the, . russets Post has decided to abolish the et' flit system as fah as possible in his busines , and will require all accounts for job work and tLdvertisirg to be paid monthly, con owing January 1st next. ti r have just laid in a large stook of fancy papers, all kinds of job and at reason. prices and see s office, bill heads, etetements, an and are in a position to d printing, on. short uotiee; able rates. fes. Call and get samples of work et the Tr. --The holiday season is and our merchants and bu laid in large titmice of t their several liues,in antic trade. Red the advert! Trues and see flze bargain nearly upon us, Incas men have ie best goods in dation of 0. large 3nlents in the that are offered. r Tarot to Weekl1.60 cash y Globe ill of from now th Tim Tines ande 1st of January, 1895. Snbseribe at once --At the meek Brussels. Mechem week, a vote of tha Rev. S. Sellery, B. dress he delivered aid of the institute —The church w during the deliver never flagged -for ea ing her delivery ab outbursts which g donee of Iter orators audience was deligh address; and tile city her. ---St. Catharines will it lecture in the tow Tuesday, 19th instant of the aireotars oK Instituto, held ks was period 1st- ; ., for the exoelletnitl the entertainment held a short time fy ailed, and the inter of her er o r e#n P 1 enroll instant. At tireeellr Otetec'l into els 914 V M e unmistakable . MA t;, akab 1e al power a. The lax d with Miss Phele aght to feel proud t, to . s. Miss 7>h e hall, Winghttrn, -AAs a result of an : xtra t anvase on half of the Aged and fie irm ministers' fa of the Presbyter c�u eh • rel, the subect'i capital is now 1tb ut )1,'5,000, Of this 288,000 is paid. The i reviona capital 215,000. Thus it gran tonal of 0180,00 al 1 paid d1' t up, las to the credit of the fru,,. When the 0200,000 la acbed the cornrri tee have the promiset et the slim of i1 Mr, Fred. H, Heat 000 will be added to ft. At the preeen been promoted to the p time there are 70 mini ter on the'' retire' agent of the Cionfedeeati list. Many of these 1 ale only receive very small I salaries, arI ae8� Company 1abo » nf�,z of thetis ,o 1w y:r ' that men ease gaup the life rind staenat reside in that city, whet for the service of their lulls i .- was Y. IUL, C. L, secret by will be Adequately r, - n days gm a son -in law of Mr. Jas. q netted: tow». —We have just had n tip tortunit3 , —itis worth mentions g that besides all inspect l ct the tidies Christmas as n1 Luber of the Mont classes of municipal vot -s, those intiticd i Star, iclt is now sing issued. ei to vote for candidates 1 the Provincial t r really f ere a p.g bitten, anti ilte.esr„ite Legislature, known as anhood i'rauehise.•ment it tcreating thro tecta Canada voters, ere entitled to re rd their votes •for tube seenified, The i; tenets Rey nee. t or against prohibition. hey hove not the to be scan, for is elyTbc wercan le nt notrr do ' right it justice. Lstl ce. . rl lr7 , tto"The voteh art afor supplements t .I menthe. al candidtates> but 1??7lenten• s are entitled under the P biscite Act to vote fee t e with the C;fi <j1Uto se Star niv. rse, on the prohibition quest on feet gents, and the emir *on is universe, t,•Tnottgst art eritics that i o foreign . u li- oKeivie's is the athlete anti eo larevious 01 'radian Cl1ri t ee restaureetie wa pictnriai con, for a n2.o `et, compare f pare with 1 Wall c L, customers tills yP.ar s C'+l2itaLtntt�Ir i"i,�r. Of air t#1.:+ seitsonabie thinge, of to • the sweet and el- ce t ab e 1. 1 r went P t p s .,<Lt. .,=. ix nb e• .ve nor sen t to friends, certainly t'is 01-nistmas Star of Ottawa, has shire of general n Life Assurance district, and will he, at one time, 'y. Mr. Beath, is Duffield, of this --Seeing that' Jae,; oldestoitd.most reit Lam, he is now o exit sips, of St, °ether. 1 who patronize hint, special rates for Xmas rohibition, in the 1;,and New Year's. Oysters stewed, fried or nZ nos ` . d avev enrol;. ;the teatime under g taker; the palm, and its sill els£ r L tv rLnl t . g W. C. T. i3,, epee, This is verily a nlard Ions fasts. 'TLe pn11;. frill hones. a Se Miss 8 Ushers aa. are Graben). C • :Flo t gleam people, and 1, n re'be pr will send u direst wit e it can2trrtlio pro tat fez m speaker in cured through a uewstl oiler. LOII 1� cents. nications on the subject, da• —For the. admin Ontario Gaye • l Haien sexy stationery I ` 3aid t. It the matter, at tat, excepting papers, which each mil vide for itself. Come JAS, McT�n . tiebisete vote the applies all noes - ructions relative Ve to oll books and ballot icipality must pro - apes, figs raisins, dates, . addressed to ti o clerk of the lens- 4letierifetLei.a. areno•settl. routs, 13ra.ziis, ecloanuts; floc assembly, TO, nto, will receite t Messrs I .:OP Iara'c Co., a1 , 4, -,anti y the peek or bushel, at R. j prompt attention. 1 benture Brokers, .nue •'bare r1'okorrta Stock —A very efjovabl in the basement of t1 on Monday everting, the Young People's 1'+acleavor of the eltur ave an t address, dt'e 4 s. , gramme of vocal'itnd and' readings, teas were served; and the to enjoy themselves. e' 2e' u c. ° --Said Siad - Tlir i ani We of Walkorvi11e, lief' 81002 "The governn liquor business. and Wbich shows that thing or two. At t 1 eople, the people a t with the traffic'. t _ t tF I Enchants, 24 Toren « Ste /14. -feel=:' pile,. Ace to the Preen.- chi it d s1I '00 T) 1 trues effne-ii of Til- Itjeet o£ aisousaft n ri 0f:env/taLre, Beating tot y eld little better radical change in fife. ' ymnolo;;y of 81 e S Per sen hal -e ee ly, whole church. • The .; 1 , OW Pr r stn •tet.:' Presbytery v • la l o ed Y Y me Ia file ubolitfou of I �bholesat©--Gardnu ri Mein tyre trope it the time honored div Stoll into 1.111118 1 noudltion to supply fatntlirl or seeleres parapiauses and byte the omission of tdeco terve, ret e j�+iiitatette soca. New le many psalms and par phrases and the itt. the tune to set ore aerllr tette. --Of no small import • , ,a Debt: t Rome" was held terian church was ones 1 resbyterearrclruach, I at the meeting of Torot a sop 002 , hall_ Let e der the ars ices of 1 other day. It was no t11 g rest; tery the; 5 lar. Id, cot. P Y n lest; than $' cis y of Christian 1' ! 1 titan 4' t t • Rev. R. ,McNutt• f . sIe - nar a ? ro• semi amental music wen. ICefresl2nteuts •ge auclienco seemed c wine which flet, a'.71olrCey corporation of selectie r Ta th ro > e :, o big sea B Fiat tla - tile� P P l~ of t; 1: • the Royal Commis. f the hymns, too, will b ones will be elided. psalms will be need, psalnis and hymns, t phritees. lettro*a ..Contrib That the, °Myers of et is 'partner in the ,etc the lion's share," lien Welker knows a e government is the then in part.nerehiri to as ilonoot and con. the tiartuereh1,, by • Sunday, the 1%ev. Wni vices in connection • lei:de,in this town', . PI stent people diesel earls of the ballot sand Xenaay, On lair.} onllectinna for the 01 r ere, --•x`1 t I tubi,. dis la Y a Y , of �efalt, .A ti test rifler yet -.-The Teams end ii 1 P x t Chi Lave a large s1e3i;1T of sureitare in ' morning and cocain r, , , c. ve Bed ! It r, iho disnoursss were :I'at•Io�SufteH,SIrtnay S.' i7a�tb•� t(itdis' qulcl��,d 1 bath listoneuI to with p' Parton), Spring -Reds, ltilsttriessns, etre.,' Irryets, tltcligh getting. that I1vis1 ttodi dispose of b the new i'ef ,t s 1 c.tv • � rt t . Y year„ i7 ti a �tfu1 and , n. the 'first of liui: cultural Society slid y foraner pastor of the el Litchi preached both T1 Toronto Weekly globe front now tilt Lhc following elessiflcati r, r i f hiw plicas tall do 2t •b t ! "s don tiny atry.1 Land his old friends in i•'tughai tete pleas- .tants: itr the fnrniture�line until yon mall at i oe to 2lteoe him again. n eeoheey otunin E;.-Gutcey's furniture Store, Wiled flu. g, 'Specially low prices for spot cassis 1 ra ensietil and literary enteltfiumout Wag)] of -With the number of:O,uestionss to bevot-given fit the elite -eh. 'y, the was a fair ed upas at the tenth' 1n eipa eieotxar,o fs ry', the pastor, ac. i deputy returning bib l alit attention.' liar, up in years, .still 0 of Fortner years, mt i ' l tee 1Bev, S. Sell ers will have• their oullic<i fife chair, end ii, here will be the reg;. 1 rr•urtt by Bev,,7as, 'Led 6ysrltt.d, IO to 20tni to rtft'caialwaod ular.mtiuicipal ballot, the lebisa{te Ballo ; thno; LcaV.y"01,. •'13 vers stile satviot 1. Wei* t 2 e e°4"'"-'"'° ret' tat w ee. p t, GAO. '.tLeoltsn:�H,. � 1Vttt:tt y«'�"X'lte%:slrecrr11� tltehouse of iefttge b llof, and 1c1s i'1 � htiedefn11. In town. 'i", Mists I a b y to . tv purr „ r4tn Clint. school urn tt� .4. Fet�i ierse<1 twit/ , s .� ballot.. Tt would not re ilii trio 1t1 �l� Ity•Y +3 1n nn.t maned N5 tnttrr, h.,,ian„ if .. Wu. • �5�. _. —'11 / t'rtnn.ins of :the Mt: room, tv1 Bast 'SVawanoelt, we Detroit on Saturday man was a blaeksri te meet Some are Only entiti ight lest. The young, rcrill be neceeeery in It bre tweet!, and work- eon and insure AC 11t1 Wert) Ott to vote out* ter that giant Mar to avoid eat were, meet au owed, , r dreeetts were dolly- t f;stealtti;oe' Moor- ''' iticar- tc��±±." ore, W. Ix. t1 .their' -short, tape1 v0104161 s of Movie mid el 1894, for $1.40, • t otat and places from —A correspondent ho evatehes 1111ini� Cxoonebe+tries.. 3f. try. til 1 t?ly ilii pLrs. ilii i sets atter Holt r ;fit this %tatennone ( Plates.. L 1 . 4 ' list ere entitled to 1 Peaeltos,,:.+,n• Oreailed pt1LtbItioli, (Cii'aLebB ..-„ws ,I8 Airl•icots..,,..e `l Fast, so far tie being 1 Qrlinoe, r , t e. , 4 1 Legislarc`sve voters, tn2iorta..., .„ .4 )eat l'asid02)06 ire the 1otatoes. , ,,10 .l;e lishativo districts tel ote the vote is ten 111:3111.1,11(;,10(1.8::::, F1;2tl;;olcls , . . ticr:t* is en joiized. Ili pritteinle rtf "one { k irr,LTirs , ..:, Corn ;..: In IV offs veto'” Xn t i,ni1 . in tlria as itt of C' ar 1'li rival natters very el r to something n. Un et that all upon the vete oast their votes for or 1." raet1tt, lly sctel2 is the entitled ;wilt nielpela but there isrestrictiott oft• i .a i i nwerr,. teono to the .'intuit 1 t egialatnrt faltol 1'l1lu1)kiti :. file plan resitTenta reh 1 t'%zttettt's ui,pear' nn ::inslasil ..,..: _....f. Bets tl4lttea1` to vokrrr fol` Titl2all eplleotloix' n jzpt entitled osteal, t' !:hese were,coltec t it the destriot till: Iltttt liLn2io»,15 tt 10 at Winghitic, 13 G le Division, tool at, 11,10 a en rho ravorobb, proilleol on For fleat•efr 8 tailoring arid aftiettl a." 3-44 trt. vitt Ounten 11hd Unellth• I the first eppearente of tide egreetble ligitici • 101e. If It s from them in the heir tsri.!tx. t,ise,Brfissels Pn�t; TLirt •.•DnaC; t:t• 7«cT t of. ttcit ' S stn 11,11a S e•. I.ttt s :Kent, t , ' ,r .ftL > 1 i 7 Iitr ', d• ,t i0 t dropped were i d u r e u a , taw a 64 T 1C rt P v f 't � n leer S.tndav ut 87 portions of Mise L. i\LLClyntc t, who hag been req. tel there will he 540 -ding in Goderich for some time, returned Bother with 33 perm,) home on \Veclluesd.ta . :rice 1'1ti.`idliteentti l.rtti'Ec ThttitetliteettrtgLi at Chicago. I 'Nile will care Heaela4lle,.iliousuess,•1Sour Stomach, etc. ',1'ry tbeonce at,dthe Gothrieh iiotii< I yon w'ill itot il$ES Ia17y Miek'•25c. Ago, is Amin by Bei fl)ite ie the best 4:wee:la lettlateet itt tie ot the veered, e . world, Inetratt emelt lkir 14/r11/1818 awl s, comprising var. ' So 44 Dr. Ring's Weer POerriefeet II 44 testenomere testify to its nierite. Mortey it 61 I Will positively be refutided if kleatliflelde Realieg Beleam does not tio all diet is ti 13 tv /6 Ur* ihriaMIS 114-410111 IPINCOV. i tt erz. is the 'great blood purifier. It wit' It II .I Cures dyspepsie 'and ell forme of Memel -It . It Imo' liver tronbles. It is tbe beet; bny the beet. Price otie dollar a bottle, siS. bottles I rifts. , 0eeter and Demote, NVillloons Little Dandelion at Clinton, 0 at They- . eriele 13 at 331.rth, 22 at Wilrooni'm , y we oars notate r.,„, of the rId steed end between Route belie. teeing 811V•tnelln. 11 l' tu.egiVIth* Ill'Onesht14 • 7'MM-it* Weekly Motet from now till the lend heart folittret *ebb- 'Settee, 4, death., , 1 end of 1894, for $1,50. i at Prominent ZAVVer. et Imve eight children, evely ono in eei'cid health, not (me of whom but bee taken Seottrt Ihnulalort, in which any wife lute Iereit tereetie 14yrrp of 14, eery ye:01m Ago. 1q013/1113. n80011 tS, Vttiant have nectin litratlxileItro ' to • • , hex been more t hen cent:441mA 1111100one. rewired, their llama 14 order fraln Etvle.• 414111111 ant ex,terierite of all tehri it, told I lattri for raft* blecke. and Will flgalh he )1)r. IrCitteezii the stool of the penal ito4 s en I mann- 'Par'brif the hi/-fiellt 'ePtlat Pricee for y • ("rye „ fitetaftreeethe tlariftrtnia Fig flerrim Clem. geentity of good letter Meld* logs. Alto -P-t" ft" rentVe medtethee