HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-30, Page 5.....�.. r .,. ;, as.. ,•< ....... .,:.
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4 A national hog stabilization wholesale feed co$4, 1pading tip Show#ago 4_pW, ; klttk ;her Z40 1
plan, has been unveiled by W April' I this year, and the ",will be pate t d bee nse ,ell tlelyq k' tabilita�tio# '1 # . A41
Agriculture Minister en, nal average . or.'lt rice for federal subsid
,. �: ,' •, Ng a natio, w
,� 1+ fitpa art 1
Whelan. he ame � five- a period. he
•, �, .;-, :;,�,�„ ,,, ,•. �. ,,r:. Ye aratttee the
' �" ' �• �^ Pe
;r, The tan h' b e t s t T gu
;:§<'. ., A+n , r•;- ��fa; � ..,,� . �' p as been endorsed figure of $22.41 represents 90 per •''Stabilizatt n Oea': � r " a '
t l,Sl 1 1�Ct „a
both by the Oirtario Federation of . cent of the average margin of hog ur '
� .. �onF� t eouid bp,;a
'Agriculture and by the Ohtario prices over feed costs .during the
°P l - Producers. * ozegPln$ ;pra8raj,x ,''Vhei, n:
Pork five-year period.
;; * ;• , T,he new fe oral ho said. "kIe went A.n .#p shy".*,W Wprk;;
d g Dpficienc payments to
qr:x 6'; stab• '
��tent would poretiantte with the )nd>�Str '°
?. ihzation plan is a pacesetter. producers wii e based on all
...> ..; z taw develop alt ptlgoltll ,rP Ca
+ will benefit both -pork producers hogs' whioh , index 88 or better 1 r
bis desltlesl tl�. ssei# #laeix: els, ?
,READY FOR TAKETOFF — Students at;St. Patrick's celebrations of Mitchell's Centennial this year. The and consumers," says Frank under the. federal 'hog gradingry
School in Dublin spent the latter part o Friday- balloons carry messages advertising the Centennda% Wall', first vice-president "of the program, up to a maximum of boosters01"R.,
afternoon cha§ing balloons. The flock Of of
Prizes'will be given to people who find the balloons tarso Federation of 1,500 hogs per; falrnt.
weee released to celebrate the be innjn of whieh,drift the farthest away. Agriculture. To ensure eligibility
ti BNB :
g g y (Staff Photo g Y W
_ 'This is ,not an incentive producers should ret ain proof of Cdr�il
payment. Consumers should noto sf their ar ket ho s such as
a le
get alarmed. This will.. not y
m g
hog carcass grading certificates.
to a mu tip a -owner operation w t
be eligible to submit individual
5ttu , LMNIN . z
artificially push up the retail price
The payment per hog, will be
As a sort of dress rehearsal for
claims. '
of pork," says Keith Weeden,
calculated next April 1, when the
1975 and to raise money *for next,
chairman, Ontario Pork
government can • determine the
year's centennial activities, the,
Producers Marketing, Board.
actual margin achieved during
Seaforth Centennial Committee is
County by
The plan, which will cover all
the year, and how much it falls '
sponsoring a car rally *Sunday.
F T E L+' 'Spritlg Delivery -
hogs marketed between April 1,
short of'thre guaranteed martin of
� A bigger and better car rally is
on early orders.
1974, and March 31, 1975, is
•.$22,41 per hundredweight.
planned for 1975 ag part of
price of pork.
based on a totally now
Hog producers who participate
Centennial , festivities but this
stabilization con— t fo
I 'I 11
ear's version is a nett fair size
that wilt work well to protect the
The land s eciilation tax act
p A
agricultural products, ME
to a mu tip a -owner operation w t
be eligible to submit individual
y P Y
itself. • Twelve trophies will be
After being delayed by heavy
Whelan said.
claims. '
presented to winners in mens',
t rains, the tractors are rolling
"We are stabilizing the margin
The federal plan will be
mixed. and womens' classes.
Distribut4o in Huron
as the local farmers prepare
between feed costs and hog
independent of any prograivs
Most of the route is along back
County by
corn and bean grounds. ,
prices, but withotit interfering
which governments
roads .according . to Recreation
The Tyros Group under • the
leadership of Doug -Reid
with either the price of feed or the
may wish .to operate.
Director Clive Buist. Every °car,
Milton J.
price of pork.
"Farmers have been searching
which must contain a licensed
Sat tin ni ht al n Lo an's
have a -time element built into it
obtaining Rev. Alex Taylor as
minister. Rev Ta for was ordain
confidence because'there will be a
that wilt work well to protect the
The land s eciilation tax act
i.nfori`nation and to see his
subjected to the speculation tax.
y g o g g
Creek in Plum Hollow.
the market will be free to
follow•.its normal course, based on
for a much better form of price ,-
and income stabilization for many
driver and navigator, starts off ,
with a number of points and loses _,..
has undergonelegislature an rs
documents and records.•.Theoret
Jim Breithaupt,' Liberal
The pastoral relations commit-
supply and dema�, but 'pork
years," Mr. Whelan said, ''and-
points for reaching, checkpoints
in the legislature and practically
ically, at least for purpose of
member for Kitchener, made
tee in' Varna -Goshen United
prgducers will • be able to 'plan
we think this new concept of
too early or too late or for failing
half the sections of the bill have
yet to, be considered.The bill has
this."act, if there is reasonable
to believe that an offence
several points, .one of which, was
that the speculation tax should.
. Churches have -been successful inproduction
with renewed
stabilizing margins is a fresh idea
to answer a series of questions
probably been one of the most
has taken place under this act as
have a -time element built into it
obtaining Rev. Alex Taylor as
minister. Rev Ta for was ordain
confidence because'there will be a
that wilt work well to protect the
about laces along the wa
P g y
inept bills that has been
P �t
is done in relation to income tax
for 'an example of depreciating,
p p g,
ed in 'Scotland, did missionary
guaranteed minimum margin.
interests of both producers and
y Registration is at 12:45mp.m.
introd'uced into the hou3e and
and certain,other taxing. statutes,
rate of 5 /o per year., This rate
work in Africa for 8 years, and
is essential that,producers
be given this confidence at this
..On the one -hand, it.will give
The rally starts at SDHS at 1
p.m. and should be all over by
(Wholesale & Retail)
although the Liberal Party of
Ontario supports the principal of
they can go in, sei& the
documents, seize the papers for
should also be available to the
person who owns a commercial.
returned to Scotland. He served
in Western Cfnadabefore coming
time because they are caught• in a
pork producers enough
late afternoon when trophies, will
fee for
R.R. 4, SEA1� ORTH,
taxing those persons who make
the purposes of this act, The
building, a simplex or an extra
to Elgin County and is living in St,
squeeze between rising feed costs
and falling hog prices. `
confidence to stay in business,
but the margin guarantee wil) not
be presented. The entry
each car is $5..and a large crowd of
extremely profitable gains at the
provisions of this act also allow
home which he or she has
thomas at ine present time.
"if pork roducers are forced
be so high rodu ers can
Centennial boosters and car rally
PHONE 527-0608,
expense of Public- We
the members disagree on many of
the ministerial officials to take the
documents to any other
purchased and maintained and
has hoped to use as a matter of
Mr. and Mrs. /Fred McClymont
into bankruptcy by this squeeze,
ignore market d me and and
enthusiasts is expected.
of Clinton were Sunday visitors
production will fall to the point
prices. Pork producers will have
the details of the bill 'and havedepartment of the provincial saving. Mr. Breithaupt also with Mr. and Mrs., Ivan McCly- where prices hit a sudden to employ th_ e' top-notch
proposed many amendments itr�government which is concerned (Continued on Page 11) mont. reversal, and consumers face a management and skill to barn a
the hopes of improving the bill. with taxing matters. As if that Budde and stee increase in e ,le mrit at this mar in
'Opposition members have were not enough the statute goes
argued that there should be an on to'' -provide that the same,
exemption for the small builders. information, the same documents
o At the present time there is and the same records can be
nothing in the statute that will" )turned , over to any other
allow small builders to continue, depart. nt of the federal
These are effectively prohibited government, which is concerned
by the provisions of the bill from with .,tax^ing matters, The alt,
going to a developer,and buying permits these same documents ,to
three or fpur or five lots on which be turned over to any 'department
)? p r .Bona p g ,
retail prices," Mr. Whelan said. so pork production woh`t become
The plan �4.t has been'put into a welfare haven for people who
operation will guarantee farmers can't make a go of any'other'line
a margin of $22.4'1 .per hundred- of business," Mr. Whelan said.
weight of pork between the ''On the other . hand, the
wholesale•cost of feed (grain and consumer will enjoy the lower
protein) and hog prices. i . prices' that naturally occur in
"Because • the average times of,surplus production; such
carcass weighs 165 pounds, this as we are experiencing right now.
to erect houses, beca se no ofanother provincial government ' works out to a margin guarantee We also hope that consumption
developer will "sell to thejnall with whom. Ontario has a Ontario Hydro has held plant is completed there will be at of $33 per hog," Mr. Whelan, will increase in, response to these
builder without .his payment of reciprocal (agreement. Opposition interviews with Huron county the most 1,000. , people said.a bargain prices, and help to clear
+h the 50%v speculation tax. members wonder just what kind People to find out if , they. permanently employed. The margin guarantee of the market," Mr. Whelan added.
Vern ',Singer, Liberal for of legislation it is which allows the approved or disapproved the. The cost incurred for the 3,000 $22.41 per hundredweight is ,, `'If hog prices drop any
Downsview, argued strongly, that government to come in and' Proposed new power station in families that leave, will be all based on the five-year average of further, consumer pork prices
there should' be an. 'exemption' .investigate a partular offence Huron'County. However, they did wasted and the empty 'facilit?es . "
from this tax on the: basis that ' ,%hich .,it.;must :have: reasonable not give any, itAormation zo to the have'to be akanooned or ke t�
.once a subdivision is -registered, if grounds__ -to_. presume is' taking consequences a power', plant with youY" and `ii{y; YaX fie
a developer takes a piece,sof raw place, and then dissipate this would have on the jobs and taxes Another side effect felt in Bruce.ATTENTION.,
land and turns it into a information to' all sorts of other of the people in Hurons' towns was the- 'closing of small plants'. ,
subdivision making building lots agencies .of all sorts . of other and., villages, from Wingham who couldn't compete with the
available then there shot5ld be an governments. it really boils down through Goderich down to the wages paid the power plant
avail ability.of selling those lots to ' to the fact that it is a. Gestapo south. As a result, if my workers. As a result many were •
an individual builder and allowing arrangement which the minister,information is correct, laid off and, in the ,case of older
gtownspeople generally were in workers, (45 and up) very difficult Due to the shortage of natural fiber twine tine
him to go ahead without. the 50 /1 is. setting up.
speculation tax.csix Years favour of a •power plant.. I will give to find a new job. are offering the now Poll • Twine to our
§ Exemption Tfie limitation period' is six here sonic of the drawbacks that a If this Huron plant would •be customers this season.
Margaret Campbell, Liberal for years and in the minds of the power plant will have on our started in the next 'five years, it
St. George, tried to instill upon official opposition -this is too long towns, as experiepced by' the would affect workers who are now .
,fhe minister that thcre'should be ' a• period of time.Oppositton People in other areas, "who were ih their late thirties.' This again
an exemption' from the tax for members feel'that if the ministry suddenly confronted with great « will hit your pocket book for that • t` jll �e NEW IMPROVED
Senior Citizens who are in Senior is doing its job, it should be able industrial - development, which is where welfare is coming from.il
Citizens accommodation and whoto determine whether or not it they initially welcomed with a know that` real estate people will
have rented their home but for feels the e has been an offence 'great deal of joypus expectation. probably frown on this letter, for
sonic reason beyond their control under is in a much shorter lu Bruce Counts about 8,00,0 they re the only ones who stapd to POLIm
have had to sell their homes period of six y persons work on the Douglas profit by industrial expansion of §
I, E
during their residency in the Another gravis n of the bill Pc>tnt project. Let's assume that this kind. There will also be a few BALER TWINE
Senior Citizen ac0ommodation• which oppositiot members tri Huron County it would be 4,000' farmer's who will receive premium
M Other 'opposition members disagree with is- that which workers. The average' family prices for. their land. This o
tried to ,int out to the minister beat 3'/z arsons, it would howev r will be limited to a very
p subjects a farmer to the tax unless p
that the land speculation "tax act he ,sells his farm to members of—fequire lousing, schools, few whose,land is needed for the
does not allow„either for a widow his family. Murray Gaunt, Liberal recreation facilities, restaurants plant site and for the needed 0
whose husband died and left her a for Huron Brucc proposed an and stare expansion, sewers and subdivisiolis for 4;000 families.
small estate wli'IA'-sht,turned into amendment which would allow a water for 14,000 people. Hydro if it goes like,l�x,uce, there will
aduplex-in order to get a small farmer to sell his farm to anyone would pay sonic of this, but the be ban on development within a • .Non rot A BALE
income from the rent, If this free of the tax if hes ed it greater burden will fall on all five mile radius of the plant, This Reduced wear to parts
woman decides that .there is too fol• a period of 10 e r more or ears. Huyon taxpayers, that is you and locks this land in agriculture and •
much work and worry involved for Official plans and land zoning me. the farmer who owns this land is Uniform weight and size
her anq she wants to liquidate her would dictate whether this farm The London Free Press' locked in a low price. Probably • Non-toxic to animals
assets she is faced, with the w•as to. remain in agricultural reported that a belated study in lower than before, for w,ho wants
speculation tax. In the estimation production but the argument is, Bruce County shows that it will the risk of a nuclear plant or the • Competitively priced -
1N of the Liberal Patty this woman is farmers should not be penalized cost the surrounding smoke of�a coal fired plant on his • 'Manufactured in Western Canada
not a speculator but is benefiting for being the victim of city municipalities $24.5'millioh'. The doorstep, i could bring forth
from the work done by herself and encroachment upon his land. study says that the Douglas Point many more arguments, Al a Sold by Canadian Dealers and
her husband and trying to protect Opposition members also argue 'station will have an adverse effect against •a power plant iiiHut•on Distributdrs
herself from inflation. that there should be an exemption 9n nearby municipalities for the county. What we should have is
Other arguments of the bill are "from the land speculation tax,for cost of providing additional ail independent study of all the
that the enforcement provisions people'who have been sent out of • services. Our county council effects on our money and our life
of the act, the limitation period the country by*heir employers in would be well advised.to initiate a style..
anti search or seizure' provisions order to carry on theirusiness. similar study, so we, the After this study we should be
must be changed. The act allows If they have rented their home taxpayers., will have a better idea asked by an independent group if
the minister's officials to go into arid upon returning decide to sell 'if there, are any benefits in this we want this plant, not by biased
• *somebody's office to gather it then they should not be type of development. When the hydro employees.
BUX Corn Rootwofm Insecticide controls
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aBut it also has a relatively low mammalian
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Let us give you'the full story.
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for all your requirements.
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I ' ' —