HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-12-08, Page 8Wroxeter. Test opened out ne >; oz's Dm., _ ; fee clod- nt'i 444 . 13oo40i (1001)g. i anal Novenicees ell; ideals, a c la4lW,iye-•-eomotobead- t The first public t from the, largest, most ° iutereeta of Eroleibi complete, most magnificent j -nett hen, on Tivur ever allows he Winghttati. t cask and dee tie ti idol imtigiaabie for maw, i >r4 , at prieeeranging from a the weather, the lust many dollars. Whether it 1, Tilos. Rae, P. Cl, of or the big price,absolutely, cu ied the chair - tern for your money at this p !y Trading place, Don't i the tweeting with p shopping, now you can select . delivered by Revs. ' l assortn�eut, get ready atter- t Brownlee and other ithease, plume pleased. Later was furnished by ayes pick from broken stocks, ;The meeting was hied done your shopiug sooner. 1 this mistake, sped and sugars SILKS, plebiscite. see would make the very best i John J. Rutherfo 'hristtuas present. Here are a We carry Bengaline, Crystal, from Detroit on a their friends here. Gros Grains, in black and all At the election of LOAIKS AND WRAPSi T., 011 Friday even �t6rt•:: A blatee, Mentes, (a;atrled ass /tneetieg in the ion was be in the day evenies of lea very eternal state of wa.s. well tilladi gr. he R. T. of T., oo. v, Ur. Shave opened yer. Addresses were haw, Davidsou and Appropriate music o 1L, T. of T. choir. success in every re- ell for the coining,' 1 and wife are home few weeks' visit with officers in the R. T. of ng last, the following t fan's latest Fancies at special • were elected: Thos. I. Miller, S. C'.; Maggie lec ember. Buy now when you t Paulin,V. C.; Jas. N =ilson, Rec. Sec.; Thos• at what you want.. Buy before !Rae, Fin. Seo.; Ai ' ie Sanderson, Treas.; 'me mantles are picked up. Good. � Alex. Smith, Chap, Wm. Gibson, Guard ; viv prices don't last long. FURS. IL. W. McDonald, ntinel,: ` lames Fos is th Yam h.v come and we have the Fir lou warm. We are determined to te+lrtxe a atl this winter, if low prices; . Very lerge stock of Ladies' and air Coats still in stock at prices to 1 Ii. An Overcoat or Ulster most 'in your thoughts, and the price 1 oeoultth this year. We have a 1 variety and the stylesare capti- 1 materials are t hose most favored , at low prices. headquarters weed Linen Handkerchiefs; Kid utas -Shirts, .Collars and Ties. ehtly earned this reputation by Ways the best valees at all tinges, M. IL 6OIIGOD'S. l 'mmi;s will be sent to any address ytilt the lst of January, 1800, for is the s assn of the year when ',re disponi g of their poultry and more oar were take in preparing idr sale wt ul l.be an easier matter. it is di 4alt'to.ship poultry to els, snip y because they are not ressed. ' hey should not be fed bef re, being killed, they be Beall d so much,., and they t;eh, bet er if they were killed by jagnlai 'eiu, imiteacl of wring - necks, oultry that is neatly 11 alway ,find ready. sale at good Confirmed. +zombie impressioe, Peodnced+dit poem:m ice of tide agreeidele rl‘ic id ay Syrup of Figs a fear years ago snore than confienied by the pleas - donee of all who have used it, and as of the proprietors and niititu- the California Fig Syrup COM - A Great Offer. e of Toronto is offering great is in connection with their week. To all subscribers who fol dollar by the end of Dee.ern- wm:send The Weekly Globe in addition, present them opy o{ 'Hints for the Million," lay M' essrs. Cand, McNally & Co., publishers of Chicago .and �+C an invaluable book of refer - for the household, being a of thousands of new and value and Puggestions en hygiene, siness affairs, travelling, the boratory, house, kitchen, gar - etc, The regular selling price oath one dollar. MSS NOTICES. &ititi isitiye and economical .-=Nevi York Sun. which will le found useful by —Boston Traveller. eful thing fora handy person. DIS '.I',jcayune. ' are comprehensive enough, onder is they aren't called a Eneyelopedie. "--Cincinnati house recently ocou Mr, Geo. E. Dan Friday morning, w good situation witl Knox, ,Morgan & C The Foresters it nual concert on nth. Miss Kate Fors ou a short visit at Gazette. i1 information could not well in the same space.—San Fran - in. egulated household should he py of "flints for the Million." the Times. aerially compact form a vast Information. ---Manchester iln, will be forwarded free of post - r is a most liberal one and e a large itlerease iu the eircu-:' old eetablislt,d and excellent 11 A "'and event 1.141, which threw able emit teu.eut. attended to the e the shaft which b the dyutureo, was caught in the sha The abaft makes minute. It is not I u this state w Leighton, tc esus few minutes bef ,inect'ade preseute bones, limbs, &c.,. while what was to ate mac was still t The sad event etis town. Ile was afternoou at 3. r member of the I. and A. O. U. W. week moving into the ied by Mr. Lee. left for Hamilton last rere bo has secured a. the dry goods firm of of that place. tend holding their an- riday evening, January h is home from Toronto resent. rriston. Ash mid 12th o nceseion, has pet a in his st m mill. Ile is dos o first see sawing. class eleighfng just news''' happened on Tuesday tee town iuto consider - Mr. Thomas Davy, who ctric light, while oileug ars the belt which drives y some means or (Aber and dashed to pieces. bout 500 revolutions a kuowu how long be was ren found. 411r. Geo. of the plant, went in a re•,,eie. and a horrible Itself. Brains, blood, ere strewn everywhere, eth er of the unlortuu- volving with the shaft. a deep gloom over the buried ou Wednesday rn. Deceased was a .0.F.,A.F.&A.M., tower :eneetinn"fer ing ?leads.}ti'e vote echo•1 Dols •, iu t evenin4 ext, D o'clock. A good payers of this su ear restly re;lueste Winghain. anizbtion for the cam - will be held in the is place, on Tue.-day ember 12th, at 7.30 tendance of the rate - vision of Turuberry is . 1;I Q cash will secure THE TI3IEs and Toronto Weekly Globe from now till the 1st of January, 18tf5, Subscribe at once. STRAYED UEIFEf" C iw on thepleraieee of tit i, bar, lot et, Conesseent 11, Taretiorry. oak ab'. t the reit of Noveeoher last, a rolls colon t " year oTdt heifer. The wailer Is requeiattd top w 8ropertt. fray tx- pens.a• and take her away, o e' ifl lrt dc:l,4 N1th aecor,f4u1; to•1aw. ! scowl', (;lenanttoa P. 0. (N. HQIIUaJ Entertaineib. MESSRS. W. G Ualritan —A DK WILLIS, �#aatii�t,. UNDOUBTEDLY iT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BE WORTHY GRADUATES ASSISTED TO POSITIONS. THE FIRST FOUR OF TEE FOLLOWING STUDENTS AND GRADUATHOP INTERESTING INFQRMA.TION I To f 'YOUNG A'IEN AND WOMEN. ALAN < acLEAHN, CHATHAM, ONT. Humourous ane Dramatic Reader,—HAVE BEEN PLACED DURING THIS WEEK,. late of New York City are open for en- gegetuents, either together or separate during the holiday Beason. Terms very moderate, Apply to A. S. MAcLF.AN, Seaforth. AUCTION SALE VALUABLE TOWN. PROPERTY. -Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain registered mortgage (which will be pro- duced at the time of sale) and anon which default in payment has been made, there will be offered for sale by Pnblie Auction, at the BRUNSWICK. SWIICK HOTEL, in the TOWN OF WINGHAM, 00 Tuesday, the 22nd d December, 1893, at the hour of 2 o'clock it the afternoon, the following desirable pro erty, namely : Town Lot number ifnu, n the north side of Victoria street, in the ow of WI:wham, Foley's survey, being a sub•divi io of Park Lot number ono, Qo"oruntent survey, co t ring one-fifth of an acre 01 land more or less, r . mint, however, a portion of the west half of th •nst MU of said lot hereto- fore conveyed to n. p ugus W. Frazer, anti described in his registered dem . This property is conveniently situated in the said Town of Winglu:dn. being on the north exit rnur of Edward ar.d Victoria streets, and within Due block of Josephine street. There are upon the premises a good framerl+valiing house, a frame stable and 1.t re eto•lo warehouse. The property will be sold snhjeet to a rcern0 BORN. PATTON.—In East Wawanosh, on the 6th inst.. the wife or Mr.. W.u. Patton ; a daughter. •''.eittroee.—In Turuberry, on the 5 h 1 last., the wife of Mr. Thos. Elliott ; a solid ]aims L.—In Brussels, on November, 1 20th, the wife of Mr. J. N. Kendall ; a son. BYAM.-1u Brussels, on November 17th, the wife of Mr. Harvey Beam ; it son. SAN»EasoN.—In Clinton, on November 26th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Sanderson ; a son. TERMS OF SALE. Ten par cent. of toe purchase 'money to be nail down nt tho tone of Hole and the h,tl nice 1thi i ;10 tilysthe,w farr. Arra n etrentscon be Ini,letoallow a po tioe of the purchase money to remain Sat rtmrt• tors al..easouable terms Further particulars may be hod on appliwitiott 10 E. L. I11 :•Iiia ot1. 13.u•r, ater•, Winghatn,tho Anatlonoer, or to the Vendor's Solicitor. P. DEA \S, R. VANSTONE. Auctioneer. y,indnr's Solicitor, Dated at tVinuham, December 71l , 1893, 1.0GS, Loss, LOGS. . The 1110111.81 Cash prices paid f' r any (pertly of good HATE3 ASID SOFT WOOD LOGS delivered in our yard, Call and get prices before disposing of your Tiluber, Custoffl Sawing,Piaioing and SHINGLE CUTTING done cheap as the cheapest and Balis% faction guaranteed. All kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lath, •shingles, &c., kept constantly ou haod. • McLEAN & SON. Witighrttn, Dec. 7th, 1893. Cusnips—TEFtmA—At the residence of Eviiit,plEmi, '' 7PAo� 1.bride's arents, 30 November 28th, b Rev. W. H. Watson, Mr. Win. A. Currie,to Miss Maggie, fourth daughter of George e'' LoTarvit, Bete., both of East Wawanosh, t+ ✓ / 11� N wer—Soucu.—At the residence of the JI bride's parents, on the 6th itist.,by Rev..J. W. Priuky of Bluevale, lir. George C. —, I Tr\i Lowry, of Iirnssels,tn Alae Martha Menefee f 1 daughter cf Mr. Robert Souch, of 3rd cou. Morris. •Gittds—Ross.—At tht' reeideuce of the oriole's father, r rrgside, hear Luckuow,ou November 16th, by the Rev. I', A. Iic- Lenuau. lir. Henry Herbert Gilks, of Toronto, to hiss Christina, fourth daugh- ter of 1Ir, joint Ulnas. DIED. ntou'r.-••-At her residence, Park greet, Mt, 011. the 6th rust, Mary dun ht, aged 83 years. beloved another of 7i.r.,i`bos, Woodcock, \Vfngham. r'auaattivis.--It West Weevtutosh, nu Nov- ember 19th, John Sherriff, aged 74 years. Joneseo1l.—lar iiayfi'l.l, ml November 20th, Itosauua, wife of Mr..lohn Johnston, of Chilton, aged 51 years, and 34 days. It1N•r.—At IEippeu, nn Nnvembor 20th, IteJfert Hunt, sou of Mrs. Hunt, Clinton, 62 years end 6 moans. MrYns.—•In Howick, on November 22nd, Jacob Myers, aged 83 years.. mak} usinessagreat deal Ertonl'.—In Caradoe,tonNovember27th, 1 William 31. Elliott, aged 70 years, 6 very seriously i menthe and 0 days. i at C•otlerieli,otle (Fly I ()Jimmy. —Io Clinton, on Monde'', De, comber 4th, Eva, daughter or Joseph 1 Chrdley. sr., aged 10 years and 6 months. _ ow Tetltr i STrar.•-yin Clinton, on becen ' er let, tin stoma 11 bora' u , lv[rirityre inare a ldohs Steep, aged 63 years. families ere seeietes i :7oireeeme.—At Toronto, on November ,._ bore prfoes. /few is 201n, Them ix Jt.hnfitcn, formerly of Sea. veer teas. forth, iii his 64th year. ENTE11JiSTING `INFORMATION. t To t t YOUNG MEN:\ '• AND WOMEN. MISS SA.RAH STEEN, lelitchell''s Bay, as bpok•keeper with, H. Macaulay of "The Ark," Hardware, Chatham. MISS FANNY MASON, Chethatneas Steuugrapher with Kerr, Bull & Rowell, Barristers, Toronto: HORACE L. HALL, Sarnia, as Book-keeper and Reporter for The Bennet Printing Co'y, Chatham.. JAMES McLACHLAN, Chatham,. as Steuo;;rapher•audrS1opping Clerk for Kent Flour 'Malts; ltatham,.onee of the largest iuduse tries of the kind in Ontario., MISS GI+fRT1E SIMPSON, Chatham, took.ohargeeoti the books of Ridley & Co., of Chatham, last week:. MISS SARAH DIJNOAN, Plum Bridgi',.Irelrtud,,bas receutiy accepted the lrositiou of Stenographer, witrlil Pardee & Genre)** Barrieters,.of Sarnia, Ont:. JOHN YOUNG, Chatham, as Stouographer,, with ,the 4`lhatbam Gas Co. John was ono of •ourr fastest writona. MISS ANNA TAOKABERRY,, (;,hathant„cotumenoed her duties rt short time ago ae.S.tenographer with. Sutherland, Innes &tGo•, of Chatbaln, New York and L.verpool, to thein (3htttlesen Office. We have ai.ready,supplied the same• tir;n wits six Book- keepers and 'Stenographers for their different o£Goes during two pail few years --four, of. whein.are•atill. with them. It's it,vh dens yeti were g3tting your Kuno pretests. Call and have a look thrnngh our oriel( of foods suitable for both birth lay sod Xmas preseute, iu Gold and Silver Watches-, Onyx Clocks, Rings, Jewellery, Silver Tea Service, Water Titters, Pitchers, Cheese Scoop, Berry Dishes. Cake Stokes, and all other kinds of silverware, at the leading jewellery store. itepairing promptly done and warrant- el. J. E. M [TNSHAW Mason Bleak, Witxghanl. (� N ESS �} ,,� EN, p..�^ ��, WFIE\ you are in need of dime eeslatence write us, and we will supply TO �� f'tT A•,i;.a fi.you with COMPETENT•'HELB'E1i3'1rL+': OF CHARGE. NO lehleEl1- OF GOING TQ' THE EXPENSE OF AD•VERTISIN therefore under no oh11gatioue to recommend any but t Stenographers.aud Book-keepers shouldbe suffibitut help: (J rr FOR HELP. We do not..gnarautee•situations, to our pupils aude are .e. worthy. The standing.pfeth.e•above.•firms, to whore we have supplied rantee to other business houses. thet,we•amturniug, out competent.,cffice Teachers Supplied,. to) Other Colleges During, the Past Year : MISS BESSIE DUNKLEV, of Chatham•, Gold. Medalist of our Shorthand dlepertment in, June lit t,. accepted the positic.n of teacher of Shorthand.and Comreereial sobJectaiu Alma College, St. Thomas,. iu, Sept, last,• auric k. meeting with exrrlleut success. MISS MARION PAULUCUI,• of Chathitm„es head, of the Actual Business depar•.t,mout of. theert, Wayne (Ind.) Butnnewe*College, HENRY 'THOMPSON, of Leith, Co. Grev„near (Owen Sound, as Peurnau iu the•Iutornatcnal. B•ttemees: College, Bay Cab. iliioh. Mr. Thompspu, although quite a your,' man, now ranks antnng America's- best penmen., lite commenced iu July haat;. W, J. LE'WIS, a former 14. S. teacher of Fletcher, its teacher of Qtimrneruiel subjects,autl assie,tan.t.'Siio•rthand toauber in,Weaideor Business College. tl:e commenced in. Sepoentber last. M. McLACHLAN, as teacher of Coanrnerei„l sublectta in the Int. Business Coneee,,Bity,(ttyt,, Itiob, 111e commenced in Talar hast, JOHN A. PAYNE, of Chatham, a tormer 1't. S, teaeher, at teacher of fiatheinattes,,131aok,lteentae cul Peutuausltto 1,. .V.41.Wayue Business College, Ft. Wayne, lied. A. H.. (ROSS, a former b', S. teaeber of 1-Ierewerd., Out., as head of the Theory. dellrartrnen.t,Mt the Dominion Business. (60.ege or Kiugston, Out. Mr. Ross is is superior penmen. RESULTS PROVE OUR 6Ull.?.FrZiil'.QIJ1;L` IE Claims to Superiority do not count utiles,- racked by results. The ahow show our re,,til.ee Are they satisfactory?! IT P.i.YS TO ATTEND: 'I HE: BERT :YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN wishing to prepare themselves for phot thine to Book.. Reelects acrd Stenographers shuni)d exercise Dare in choosing a school to attend. A course in a Good School Means SUCCESS CHEAP TUITION MEANS POOR INSTRUCTION, and poor iu1tsantion is dear at airy price. A.COURSE IN AN INFERIOR SCHOOL MEANS discouragemeuhmnl• dtssattsfa: emen to tl:e student, thus hiin:kering further• effort and making his life partially if not completely a failure. For handsome Catalogue of Canada's Greatest School of Sbor"thanl! or Business, tteddrese, D. McLACHLAN, Chalk -0* Ont, DEMILL COLLEGE, OSHAWA. An Institution where none but boarders are admitted; has been running about le, years. Employs `a ver? Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOLD embracing a full course yearly, iucluding all the English branches, Sciences, French and German, Classics, Music, Drawing, Crayon Portrait, Oil Painting, Ornamental branches, with Vocal and Elocution, iu classes, at remarkably low rates. This Iustitutiou draws students from Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and the towns and cities from Canada, as well as from New York, Chicago and other cities from the United States. For partieulars address, MISS D. A. HURD, Secretary, ° Oshawa. J. B. CUMMINCS Begs to intimate to his numerous taus- tomers and others that he intends moving to the stand lately used as a boot and shoe store where will be found a Igo sto ck of Two Doors North of Post Office Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers, with all needed repairs. Also a full line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES --ANn GENERAL STATIONERY. Store wilt be opened ou Saturday, July 20th. GIVE DILE A. CALL. ». B. CUMMINGS Witagbita, 7aly 28th, Btu, r� r ease Brings with it its own pee'uli•tr wants, anal we are happy to be able • t -,ay that we are prepared to supply one!' wa11ts, in way that will ins 'wrest and protit the buy'. Do not bray old trash, which will prove to btf6 deal' at any 1.lricta,; when you can get n. resl, ' .��! ew ao s so cheaply from us. Vt'e male a ��eat Cut 11 th Price of LEin an all, GrNuiot this week. Now'is the time. to get your Xmas Supplies. r2 w t.. this tveelc in l+ ELT BOOTS, LITMMBO,MEN'S RULIBEBI ANIS SOX,' OVf•SEIOE'SFOR 1V4I':N, EOYS, WOMEN, MISSES ' AND CHILDREN ; also ROBBERS All CARDIGANS for every person. e Come 1ttld see the ,�.e... dig STCTIT wein�Rku up to nrdt'r---first'clltes iu r.•v i•y p;trficnlsr— e A' ,1,41,E CO es Fitter Suits fol d little more Motley. If yon prefer READY—MADE SUITS —A i71)— we have them for very little mosey. 'Yours II espt.vifully, CORDON & IVIcINTYRE, �>r File .Ancho i