HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-23, Page 10#1 1C #E H[)R, ON 'FXIEPASI7!'Q]<i, ,R. FAF01ET1f, 'OA'T., MAY •Is, 181 • IRwrs f Walton j • p 1 F JA%'vrS JOITINGS. (Intended for last week) Insecure Property 2 practises. fi s During the week of t 8th to Assault 1' } t the 15th May, 1974, th eaforth ' f ost & Found # " E ° Police Department investigated There were three minor from . e e n s Park 26. occurrenc&s. Whey. , are as accidents • investigated, damages e tj �'" �yti oto followsr �` t¢talflrig $225,OQ, plant � e e under t C ? i ; M, General Complaints 12 3 persons chars d y u f72r BY Nssist Other PDS. 4 L.0 A. € , - Theft - 4 10 Persons stopped and waFr}ed , .. Jack Riddell, M.P.P. Huron - "Wilful Dnrrica e 2 about minor offences and de p.bts,lr Correspondent kilometre. Mrs. Docken answered convenors, Mrs. E. Mitchell and _ t R r Mrs. Allan McCall many questions and also discus- Mrs. H. Bolger. The Education and Cultural sed the 'temperatures in Cefsiu,s Mrs. Nelson Reid- presented t ✓// Activities meeting of the Walton • and Rhrenheit. She was thanked Mrs. Clarence' Martin with a Women's' In was held in by Mrs. Neil McGavin for giVigg party gift from the Institute. She a OnoUffibbert bor Matto the community hall on Wednes- us some research- in the new has been a member since the Ontario Provincial Police `are, upper and tower plates for fit-ting will reach buyers on lower system and was presented with a Walton Institute was formed in investigating Toronto lawyer, in a mouth where no teeth remain 'incomes, He attributed this to the day evening May 15. The President, Mrs. Allan gift• 1956 and pians tom join the Joseph Bunneit's involvement in in the upper or lower jaw or both. Province's neyv ta-nd Speculation erre Insuranco Compa" McCall' called the meeting to 1n the corre's�iondence, an Seaforth Institute as they now the potato wholesale business in Making a partial denture is a Tax, However, the opposition c order with the Institut '(Sde. The invitation was accepted from the reside in that'town. Metro Toronto, Solicitor General much more complicated proee• pointed out that the. facts do. not Mary Stewart Collect was repeat- Blvth Institute to attend , thgir Mrs. Neil McGavin auctioned George Kerr,' indicated in' the dure. than, making a full plate seem lt,l„bear, this out qs' housing READ OFFICE — EXETER 235-0350 ' ed in .unison, followed with 0. meeting oil June 6th. It was the sale of bulbs and plants, 'Legislature. Mr. Kerr said Mi. according to Mr. Miller, because costs 'rose.6% within the area t Canada. Mrs, Herb 'fraviss was agreed to send sandwiches and which was interesting with brisk• Burnett's business operations are of possible problems with a.dja- ; .covered by the Toronto R-1--1 pianist for the evening, cookies to the' Annual Blossom bidding. also part .of qn investigation into cent teett$and so this.iwork should, Estate Board in the month of F^� -insures: A' welcome was extended to the Tea at Huronview on June yth Lunch was served by the laundering of money in Toronto. be supervised by a dentist. April, r rte,) a Sj ;' • Town Dwdfdings members and guests present. A and to put on the - jirthdav parts' hostesses, Mrs. Stewart Hum- Apparently the the largest Expropriate T'rn or twelve Ontario doctors �.1 'f �Ii/r *All Classes of Fetor new.member, Mrs. Frank Kirkbv for the residents there on Decent- phries,•Mrs. Hemi Tuaviss. Mrs. potato 'wholesale companies in Ontario Hydro is to be allowed are being investigated by the Property ber 4th. Mac Shold•rce and Mrs.. , Bill the Toronto, area have closed to expropriate certain lands re- Government for fraud in colleep � ef• joined Institute. 30 members —=pI. - • Summer Cottages answered the Roll Call, 'Nance Mrs. Harvey Craig reported on Humphries. corporate ties and farmers have qu•ired for relocation' of a Cana ins fees undentho Ontario Heal h , your first teacher, and something . the W . Area Conference she had complained they cannot get a fair d4n'Pacific rail line to make way Insurance Plan.. s� • Churches, Halls special about her.' The minutes atter a delegate at the price in dealing Hvith them. Mr. For the controversial dans near . Fraud were read ut Mrs. Ken McDon- Waterloo iversity and Mrs. Several nicnihers of the Walton Burnett owns a Sudbury fruit Arnprior. However, it has been A Ministry of Health official aid, and she 'also gave the Don McD aid on the bus trip W.I. attended the 72nd' Annual company acid lent $600,000.00 to refused the go ahead-it, sought to told the Le islature Public Ac- Extended'Coveragd (wind,smoke,water damage'. treasurer's report, a alarmed. t go to London Wi May Meeting of ,he East Huron Rocco and Gordon Cappuccitty, acquire other land it needed to counts C pntnrite that with only faiting objects, liagility, etc.) is also availa6l- Mrs. Normal, Schade read an loth. District at Gurr.ie United Church the largest dealers in Ontario use only during,the dam construe- 400,000 residents paving their r . article on the problems of the - on Tuesday, May 14, 1974, The grown potatoes in the Metro area. tion and for .a transmission. line awn premium, opportunities for r DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS, , Metric System. Then she intro- / delegates w•ereNMrs. Harold Mr. Kerr said the. investigation (or which Hydco had no firm plan. fraud are mostly with doctors but president, Ray McCurdy FIR 1, Kfrkton duced Mrs. Rev. Docken who Mrs. Ge-tatd 4tson-gave a Bulger,, Mrs. Gerald Watson, into the potato industry does not flvdro mu}' re apply for expt'u- he said cheques -are run by RR 3 L conducted a most informative ° summary of the East Huron 'Mrs. Ernic Stevens and Mrs. necessary include just Mr. Bur- priaiion of further land when it sending letters to all the patients Vice President, Timothy Toohey uean workshop on the New .Metric District Annual held in the Gorrie Keith Rock. Mrs. Everett Small, nett. He said it might 'lead to can more precisely. state how sceh in a month by a doctor. -In a Clayton Calquhoun , - RR 1, St. Marys System. This country is one of the United Church. Mrs. Bill Hum- past president of the Federated charges under the Combidts mhucland it needs and where Che sniallcrcity or town the letters go Martin Feeney' G RR 2, Dublin few that have not been using this phries added sonic int%rmation. Wonieu's Institutes of Ontario Investigation Act. tr: nsmission line will be built. to patients uf.all doctors. fri Metro" Robert Gardiner RR 2, Staff system, but we will be coming -The June meeting un Agricul- watt guest speaker during the • Increase Prices Otherwise the way is cleared 'for Toronto the doctors are selected William Chaffe RR•4,,Mitchell more aware of it. as lye hear of tore and Canadian Industries will afternoon session. Three major oil companies Have the $50 million dam. according. to areas at times the m.efre, add grams and you be a tour of several places of ' The District Annual next 'year inereased'gasoline prices to deal- "'•Environment Minister, William unknown to the doctors, -AGENTS \. have weight'. Groups were form- interest.in Listosyel with a picnic will be held in Ethel, 1 ith the ers by more than 9c a gallon Newman+ confirmed the Enquiry Thr letters ask for verificateicin ' ed, measurements taken to find at the noon incal: This has been County Raltv this fall in October which will probably mean is We . Officer's findings that Hydro's that the patient was seen at the Ross Hodgeis x-229-6643 the centimetre and distance as— arranged for .lune 19th by the in Brussels. increase at lite - niinimurii to c%idenec about• holy much land it rime indicatcd•by the doctor and ,• �. Ontario's motorists. needed and for what purpose's for the , same. illnesses.: 'rhe Hugh Benninger Dublin 345-2001: Premier William, Davis said was Vague and',unconyincing. Ministry Official said about 18 of Clayton Harris Mitchell _ 348-9051 ' • there are no plans to review or 10,000 letters show a, discrepan= _ . Lost and fou n d cls see c hinc h r llas' stall the increase in gasoline Ontario Housing i0liiiisler Sid- c.v. .1-his is investigated further, • prices 5t the np,rmept but he could. 11e> Handlrman, said this week first by the College of Physicians , The Waltorl Lost and Found parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence spentfing this geek in their new; not see it reason fur prices that ho0w price are uri.the. way and Surgeons then by the Govern- girls•again met for their regular Ryan: hollic in the village. ~• Soing up as much as they .have doyn and ".ill bring sayings that ttlent. meeting on Tuesday evening. The Mr. and Mrs: Robert Machan` ,+ which might suggest that there Mi and Mrs ,Gerald Watson girls visited the home of Mr. and and family of Sarnia visited will be some possible future Usborne, �ates of A rant left �i'om London Airport on Mrs, Fred Dunk to see their SuriiYay'with Mr. and Ms. Nelson Wednesday . They will spend the Ontario action over '61' and 9 SPRiN6REQUIREMENTS'' Chincillas. These were worth Reid. next' month in Vancouver.. B.C. gasoline pricing. seei.n and was a real It was estimated that the stock C.lshoirne, Townst}ip council ^ Coinimuiticattoils. ° ° g g Mr: and Mrs. with the 4ormcr's' sister , Leona Vinod a grant of $400 to Ilse Huron Vic road xu perintendent was experience. A• thank you was. Leonard.Chapman,of Laindon are and Mr.Ray Nelson and boys. '01 oil and oil products •produc cd g c 1 Township F,cderation . of instructed to order oil for dust � extended to the-Dunks for their at the old price of ad w u d laIsl'• P GRAS S EED". hospitality. for oil at'the well head would last .1griculttnre at their•May meeting., control up to a maximum of 9500 - ' The girls then returned do the µ until May. Mr. Davis told th.c tri outer liusiness cot ncil referred gallons ' and to advertise ,,for church for the rest of the meeting. . Legislature he found it hard to tact( oto 'the Fip r� in the tenders f6i"i'li road constrilcti,on Nine girls, were "-present'toanswer A ttQ understand an increase bevoud Kellen Drain repiltt for land work planned for this wear. %MRKE�=, S EES the roll call.' They then elected • r� notes the estimated 7c that was agreed isussment revisions in Exeter. The _-tender of parker and officers for the next meeting, to at the Ottawa conference six 4-H Show •Pae�a$ed or Bulk followed by losing taps. weeks ago: Ontario residents pay P;orkVr Ltd., Herisall. to construct Pemo als (By Adrian Vos) a.total 6 $44 million for each- is the Taylor Drain Extension for the • Mr. and M . Bob Ryan, increase in�the price of a gallon of lump soli of $x953:20 ,vas Mn Seaforth • Joanne, Timmy and Scott of gasoline and fuel. nine Provincial' accepted. London spent the week end with tax on gasolihe is 19c a gallon. Vandcrspek, Kernick and, Members of 4-H Clubs acr6ss Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan and What Would we do if it came to more fully in lower'retail store The. Ontario government has ' Flelchci drain constructiuu yurbn County have been invited DAHLIA and GLADIOLI BULBS • family, andvisit ed.fath �t.ielatives pass .that,, moll •of our milk d prices. White food prices at stores changed its mind foir,the-secunr!t fp)` laws were passed subject to to compete in a livestock and field in the community. milk products would have in be have levelled •off sonic, margins time and- decided d4nitn•ists the 'approval of ,tile ' Ontario crops competition this Saturday'. ,."--'--'-• Miss Amy Love has returned imported? How much would we are still higher thin .normal.' should be allowed to work indc- Municipal Board. pp C p C c pendent of, su eryisioti by den A by law proiyiding fur the Registration will, held in the LAWN & GAR-DEN SUPPLIES home to Tor r sister, after spending a have to pay"then for milk: •Sill} These are harsh ��ords from tate P' p control. : 1n-I. tiiiiii li11 and Seaforth Cohirtaunitw Centre at 8 ir. k with her sister, Mrs. Walter-, questian? Not so very silly as it USA's 'highest agr'icul•tural offi- tilts if they passed qualifying I g A destruction o:t stray dogs passed. :+ rn. followed b\, tktG competition dfoot. might appear at first: Tbousands Bial, examinations: Health Minister LAWN MOWERS -- TILLERS =- GARDEN Frank Miller said that the demur- A by-la\+ providing for the. and Mrs, Stewart Young of of nittk producers are leaving this Food prices dropped some if collection of an intcrint tax levy of The- competition, under, the TOOLS PEAT MOSS -- GARDEN CFtunder Bay were Saturday part of farming every year. Up tom nut, in the proportion of f, 'nt fists who vote the examinatiofi ru dircct.ion of the Huron County ' o :ality to work under dentists 40.0 mills was passed. �n� guests at the home of Mr. and now much has been salvaged by prices. April food -costs in t e 4 contract to sup ply 175 tons ol•• Brunch of the Ontario Ministry of LAW ?FERTILIZERS .NOW IN STOCK Mrs. Waltq; $hortreed. greater efficiene}• by the pro- house dropped_a fracti while ` how would b ablt to work" supply A ,riculture arid Food and lite '. calcium chloride and apply it to ' Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm ducer; b t how long will thtat ,be` food prices at tho farm dropp& independcr However,, the}' the roads to the tow nshi p for dust Hucun County ,lunior Farmer Broadfoot of Ottawa spent the possible'. Ivtr, Pigeon, president like a br:_1, A price freeze, as will .have 'to% pass 'upgrad'ing 1 Association is o po n to all nien'and ee>rptol 'was aory d'ed to Lee I " weekend at the home of Ma's. of the Dairy Farmers of Canada atter❑ ileo b'v the Conservatives examine ron.y when they are set. ' •` r ,IG�nisun. Grand Bc,nd, at tits w'unien. 11 to 30 years ntd, Walter Broadfoot. said recently that younP•men in would frceric m)"price at theTarnp Denture therapists• will not , tic, residing in Huron-Co Lirity. allowed to make partial dcnturrs tender,pricc of 560.30 per flake g Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pritchard, his area are going to the factories to bring me right into bankruptcy. P Tr i phics and' s 'ccial 'awards' Kimberlyand Mark, Mr. and and 7pake from $175 to' $200 per it is interesting to note that the except under dentists • suipe•yi- ton cyuiyalcr))I, subject• to the i) I , p g 3pproyal of t-tftc Ministry of` will hc. given 4o winners' in `the FOR CORN, Mrs. Don Mater and Paul spent week. ''Why, ' he asks, 'should a overall, food cost went up. This is lion• Thcy will be restricted to full various divisions. the weekend with their parents, young mato invest about $200,000. because the cost of eating out Ttansixirtanon R and 1 Mr. and Mrs. David Watson. - in a firm, iyork twice as long and. increased by almost two percent. Mrs. Jifn Howe, Brantford, get less money?', The dairy man This however is not a true food ATRAZI N spent-Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. has to receive abetter income or cost, but a serVice cost. Statistics 1 Harold Smalldon. ' sooner than you, think we will Canada rates it as a food cost.KRC Mr. and Mrs, AllanSearle and have to pay import prices. Mrs. Plunitrec, of the Food ND*ALL. LASSO, Mary, attended the graduation of David 'Lewis'' accusations Ph ices Review Board, said that: g Miss ail Searle, in the against food retailers' making 'Farmers incomes are 'up 89 /M Auditor'' m of the Peel Memorial unjustified high' profits are but ac rico oily as.thrce,}cc}rs ago, Hospital in Brampton. Gail was echoed by America's Agriculture farmers were 'not getting any among 22 girls who graduated as p Secretary Earl Butz. 'Prices of return on Iabour and investnipnt, ■ RIE -ENGINEERED. -•STEEL BUILDiN•G major farm commod:tics have and even today dairy fa risers are SUTAN a registered Nursing Assistant. •• ` The Searle.lra y then spent dropped 20 to 40°•io since January not always getting a return-' 'This ' • Saturday nightla d Sunday with and February. It is high time that is why the cost of dairy produce is ALL =STEEL AME�IVCIO , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duncan in ',t hese lower farm prices show up gup.' - FO.N BEANS Kitchener. —�� PRE-FINISHED SIDING and' TRIM - Sunday ,visitors at the home of Mrs. Walter Broadfoot were: t Mrs. Ferne Patterson, Miss b i - A ­;-VARIOUS, SIZES AVAILABLE EPTA-M Bessie Davidson ' and Mr. Ivson Q Henderson, all of Seaforth. EXCELLENT for COMMERCIAL, ° Mr.. and Mrs..Tom St evenson !, " and Ronald visited on 'the INDUSTRIAL or- FARM USE.: PATORAN v eekend with Mr. and Mrs, ` Murray Stevenson and girls.-, '�} '"°-1\'�-4 Rev. Derwyn Docken and Mr. r • Fred punk are attending the NOTICE TO ' PROPERTY OWNERS annual meeting of London ' Conference this week at .the r WEED' S Western University. ' o -. , Rev. Bert Daynard of Staffa D E ST. R'O Y - United Church was guest minister • Sunday marmite atDuffs United Church. Rev. Docken took overWEED � ! t <, •�� the Staffa charage. c�tf. a Weekend guests over the NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN '' "' FERTILMER holiday weekegd with Mr. and a Mrs. Fred bunk were: Mi;. and to all persons in possession"of lands in anv. ' Mrs. Phillip Dunk and. DavidMunicipality in the County of Huron. BI LK: BLENDED OR BAGGED ofToronto. Mr. and Mrs. David Dunk, Darlene and David of - for all your requireliftmento Corunna�" Mr. and Mrs. Fred In accordance with the Revised Weed (%ntrol , Dunk. /wendy and Russell of Act, 1972, rection 4, 14 and 20 and amendments. • ky Frankford. thereto, that unless noxious weeds growing_pn Miss Teresa Ryan R.N. of a 'London spent the holiday their lands are destroyed by June' 15, 1974 aird weekend at *her throughout the season, the Municipality may �. SEED 'BEANS' enter upon the said lands' and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the landSmith • Consdruition USE in taxes, as set out in the Act. EA FO RTH P EXPGSITCw# The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. P•O. Boge 809 , --•• SEAFORTH C 0 0 HAROLD SMITH: 527-1079 — WAYIVE SMITH: 262-2121 TARMERS � WANT - Abs u rl x CMSNFIY, wesa 108pextor, } . County of Huron ""FREE ` ' F!boite 527-0240 -EST.IiN1ATES - Phone �i27-0770 Seaforth - - -