HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-23, Page 7r , 'J .. x J ,.. ♦....:r. . •I i u ',. .. ' '.•i '.1'. rY'.T . ,,... .A ..i. , ,. •� ,., y. 1,..
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�l��l�a��t►���r.-:�►�;�!'!.!►'lt,i�p. ;� ". ��
.. ,Re,h� FPL,
SAT1tRDA Y 112.30 Newst9mo^�iM► : .. '0
3:00 Thirty From 8:3.0 M A S.Ef
8:30 M•aigrichon et Gtas 12:45 Aftarnoon 1Movie 3:30 Edge of Night 9:0 Annie,.North Of Sixty. `
Double 2n30 Dick "Berryman 4:00 Famil Court 10: Hawaii Five -CI On SuncJ�� y arch Class 174, which they worship ed xR'�theic ty ICal:.,XAPAII C 414sh s•r pbl #ho ; Aftj��lt�?,S(1j�Ml������M�. I:
9:00 Quelle Famillq 3:00 Thin From y
Y 4:30 This Land 11:00 The National L'gmondville� tltlite0 Church"s own topguage was; t0 togr ss, apse, ' fiGP�es, •.tipR thy; C11t s,: ' rouljRit lh , k��1d„>jA >f !44
9:30 The Littlest Hobo 3:30 Edge of Night :00 Dick Van D ke 11:20 Plvi Teen -Age Confirmation Cl a$ 'our ,young pepple #.let vytttt the gxpresse. the„ ;$ a>�d�nvtte� 1�.� ��leptts':tt��' i�gtrl,�»dV111� ;�alpit,
10:00 Spiderman 4:00 'Family Court 5:30 Paul Lynde Show 11:45 Movie visited the Japanese United Japanese 'Young pepple. 'They Japanese ypung' edFie f4 .Vli;t +vt: sutp�iett„tip xlfiRts 111% '` "
10:30 Rocket Rooin Hood 4:30 A Way Out 6:00 FYI Church in Hamilton, Mr, and shared information. concerning Egmondtrille for a weekend
1:00 Grand Prix Wrestling 5:00 Dick Van Dyke Mrs. Jim Rose and Rev. T. their churches lifo .and work, The Septpmbef, ogn1c�#�iaFe,l,
8 Y 7:00 Emergency tt def 1'f tbi� '
g Y' FPL Movies
12:00 Max The 'Mouse 5:30 Dusty s Trail 8:00 Exoo Baseball Hancock accompanied J net Japanese church serves 160 mem- The, days activity was rounded exchatlgd wit11 Jrips�lt%>lp tl
12:30 Reach For The Top' 6:00 FYI 10:30 Man Alive SATL)R DAY , .~ Haney, Nancy Dietz, Dou�las hers from 76 families living in the out by a visit to NiagaFa Falls affil Ian fnetlds,
M 1:00
Know Your Sports
The National
"Miracle Of The Bells''
Henderson, Pam Geddes, Debbie
greater Hamilton area. In the
You Really Can
Partridge Family
Frank Sinatra and''Lee"I
Rose and Lona Eggert on the 100
e6bgregation are Issei, first gen-
Majbr League Baseball
Cannon .
'11.45 'Movie
mile trip -to attend the English
eration, Nisei, second generation,
Sports Week
This Is The Law
MAY 26
speaking 10:00 a.m.- service,
Sansei, third generation and
Sags Bunny -Road Runner
Romantic Rebellion
Ontario Schools
"Go West'Young Man" -
The visit was part of the
Yonsei, fourth generation mem-
Mon Ami
Mae West and Warren
group's LIVE LOVE project for
hers. '
Adam 12
• 11:00
The National
Foendl Giant
1974, to become more personally
William Harms,' the minister,
Ontario Schaolsinvolved
in the mission of the
Wally Fukumoto, clerk of the
Bob Newhart Show
Rivals Of Sherlock
Mr. Dressup
:`The Other Love -David
church. it provided an opportitn-
Session, George Masada: Chair- ,
On The Buses
Sesame Street
Niven and Barbra Stan-
►ty for fellowship, worship and
man of Christian Education and
Front Page Challenge
wycl Isocialization
'for groups of differ-
Sunday School Superintendent
Summer Movies
Ontario Schools
' News
Rivals Of Sherlock
ent racial backgrounds.
along with several students and
Mon Ami
Afternoon Movie
Holmes: "Sensible Action
,While the Japanese Service for
teachers ep.tertained with a boun-
The National
Friendly Giant
Shirley Taylor
the first generation families, in
tiful lunch consisting of several
11:15 Provincial Affairs 9:,IS Ont ario Schools3:00 ThirtIMIy of Lt. Ho*
- y From TUESDAY"' MAY 28-
11:20 PM - 10:00 Canadian Schools 3:30 Edge of Night 12:45 "Joe Butterfly" - Audie
11:45 Heritage Highways 10:30 Mr. Dressup 4:00 Famil Court
11:50 Movie Sesame Street 4:30 A Place Of Your Own Nader. TOWS �►f Seaforth AUDITOR'S���
SUNDAY �.� 12:00 Cartoons 5:00 Dick Van Dyke 11:45 "Quebec" -Corinne Cal- '�""' •
$:30 Ontario Schools 12:30 News + 5:30 Room T'
272 vert and Patric Knowles
10:30 NFB Pr esents 12:45 Afternoon Movie 6:00 FYI WEDNESDAY, MAY 19 '
11:00 Max The Mouse 2:30' Dick Berryman 7:00 Flip Wilson Show 12:45 "Written On The Wind" -
11:36 Junior Talent Hour -3;00' Thirty From 8;00 In The South Seas Rock Hudson and Lauren The' members of Council and Ratepayers In our opilfion these hoancial statements present fairly the
12:30 Hymn Sing 3:30 Edge of Night b:.10 Ceilidh of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth. financial position of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth as at
1:00 'Roy Jewell Farm Show 4,,:00 Family Court Bacali.
M Y Y 9:00 Thursday. Night Movie 11:45 "A Covenant With December 31, 1973 and'the results of its operations for the year
1:30 Summer Country Canada 4:30 The Fit Stop ,11:00 The National Death" - George Maharis We have examined the balance sheets of the Corporation of then ended, in accordance with accounting prilictples generally
2:00 NHL Hockey Playoff 5:00 And Mother Makes Three 11:20 PM the ,Town of Seaforth as at December, 31, 1973, the related accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent
4:30 Arts :74 6:0G FYi and Laura Devon.
11:45 Movie. THURSDAY* MAX 30 •statements of "revenue and'. -expenditure and capital fund with that of the preceding year.
5:OA Music To See 7:00 Maude FRIDAY 12:45 "Stranger In My Arms" - operations for the year then ended. Our examination included a �r
Wonderful -•World of Disney 7:30 The Odd Couple 8:00 Ontario Schools Jeff Chandler and June general review of thg accounting procedures and sucR tests of CLARKSON, GORDON & CO.
-6:30 ActFast8:00 Police•Story 8:45 Mon Ami Allyson. accounting records and other supporting evidence as we London, Canada, Chartered Accountants -
7:00 The Beachcombers 9:00 The Emmy Awards, 9:00 Friendly Giant.9:00 "Search" - Hugh O'Brian considered necessary in the circumstances. -.February 11, 1974 Licence No. 4371
7:30 •The Waltons -•" 9i15 Ontario Schools
and Elke Sommer.
8:30 New Dick Van Dyke Show 10:00 Upcanada 10:00 Canadian *Schools 11:45 "Interlude" June
9:00 Anthology Drama - 10:30 Some Honorable 10:30 Mr. Dlressup Allyson and Rossano
10:00 Another Face of the West Members. 11:00 Sesame Street, Brazzi. STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE
li 10:30 Ombudsman' 1.1:00 The National 12:00 Cartoons FRIDAY, MAX 31st for the year ended December 31, 1973
11:00 The National 11:45 Movie 12:30 News 12:45 "The Hunchback of Notre 1973 1972
IIA5 Nation's Business 12:45 Afternoon Novie
e� Dame" Charles $ $
11:20 PM WEDNESDAY. 2:30 Movie Review •,
11:45 Movie Review 8:00 Ontario Schools 3:00 Thirty From O'Hara. at
and Maureen • Accumulated net revenue (deficit) � y
12:15 Comedy Classics. 8:45 Mon Ami ' 3:30 Edge of Night at the beginning of the year 43,474 8,779 " REVENUE
11:45 "Touch Of Evil" - Chart -
9:00 Friendly Giant 4:00 Family, Court ton Heston and Janet EXPENDITURE Taxation ........................ 265,405 285,688
MONDAY 9:15 Ontario Schopls 4:30 Bagatelle Leigh. 41 Contributions from other governments 109;482 50,786
" 8:00 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 5:00 Dick Van Dyke overnment............. 50,619 40,279 54,600
8:45 Mon Ami 11:00 Sesame Street 5:30 .-Bridget Loves 'Bernie Every week more -and more General g Other.. • • • • • ' ; , , , • , , ,- 428,887 372,638,
9:00 Friendly' Giant 12:00 Cartoons 6:00 FYI people discover what mighty jobs Protection to persons and property. 68,571 58,764
9AS Ontario 'Schools 12:'30 News. 7:00 Brian Keith Show are accompli ed by low cost Post Transportation services....... , .. 43,012 39,897
10:30 'Mr. Dressup 12:45 Afternoon Movie 7:30 Now Look Here p t Ads. Dial 112
Environmental services.......... 1041892 37313)
Huron Ex itor Wan
11:00 Sesame Street q, 2:30 Dick Berryman &00 All In The Family 52'i-0171 eve Social and family services (313)
Recreation and community services 27,876 4,541 Accumulated net revenue (deficit)
H Community planning and development 416 10,034 at the end of the year, . , .......... 36,404 43,474
CKNX TV listings ���e���eass����e���ee�e Regio or coenses 1,626 4,631
Region or county -share of expenditure 50,821 50,271
Education...i.1.'................ 86,600 90,351 Analysed as follows:
Other . ............... . ......... 1,524 1',304 • '`
SATURDAY, MAY 25 2:30 Juliette & Friends 5:30 Truth .or Consequences `
q Holld°wa and Donald General revenue .....•... , ...... •. 36.404 43,474
8:30 French Show y'
- 3:00 Take Thirty From 6:00 News, Weather, Sports Pleaserice. 435,957 337,417
9:00 Tugboat Annie 3:30 Edge' of Night 6:30 Lawrence Welk TUESDAY, MAY 28th - 36,404 43,474
Rocket RobinHood 4:00 Family Court 7:30 Maude 1.00 "Passport to China"
10:00 Spiderman 4:30 The Fit Stop 8:00 All in the Family ��� Richard Basehart '
10r30 Junior Talent Hour 5:00 Hogan's Heroes 8:30 M*A*S*H 6:30 "Bandolero" - Dean
11:30 East of the Sun 5:30 Truth or Consequences 9:00 Anne Murray Special Martin; Jimmy Stewart, STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS
12:00 Abott & Costello 6:00. John Strong Repori, news 10:00 Under Attack$ George Kennedy and for the year ended December 31, 1973 -
12:30 The Littlest Hobo 6:30 Twilight Theatre Pt.11 11:00 The rational • Raquel Welch, w
- 1:00 You Really Can 7:30 Cirele-Eight Ranch 11:20 News, weather, sports 11;:45 "'The Back Door to Hall" -
1:30 , REach for. the Top 8:00 PoliceStory 11-:45 Heritage Highway Jimmy Rodgers, Jack 1973 1973
2:00 Major League baseball 9:00 The Emmy Awards 11:50 Starlight Theatre. Nicholson' and John $ $ xv
4:30 Sports Week 9:30 TBA CBC Hackett. Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended
5:0,0 Bugs Bunny 10:00 America C K N X.'Movies WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th capitai-financing) at the beginning `
a. of the r ..................' , Nil. Nil.
6:00 Supper Show 10:30 Some Honourable � . 1:00 "Cage of Evil" - Ron'. -
7:30 Music Machine Members SATURDAY, MAY 25th Foster and Pat Blair.
8:00' eront Page Challenge
11 i00 The National 6:00 "Love, American Sty le" 11:45 "I Dream Too Much" CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL FINANCING
8:30 Jalna 11:20 News, weather Michael Callan, Henry Fonda and Lucille
4:30 lee Palace with Vikki Carr 1 I :45 Starlight'Theatre Marjorie Lord,' Bail Capital expenditure Contributions from the revenue fund 74,179 1$,892
To Romri with Love WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 Greg Morris and Penny THURSDAY, MAY 30th •
$:00 Ont ario Schools Fuller. _ 1:00 "The Wild Westerners" - General government............. 12,308 1,446 74,179 - r 18,892
10:3Q 1 1:45 "The Ladies' Man" Protection to persons and property 654
11:00 The National 8:45 Mon Ami Nancy Kovack and James
CKNX late news 9:00 Friendly Giant Jerry Lewis, Pat Stanley Philbrook. Transportation services.. • ...... 1,584
9:15 Ontario Schools SUNDAY MAY 26th 9:00. "Elephant Walk", - Eliza- Environmental services.......... 57,695 5,276 Unfinanced capital outlay(Unexpended
11:45 Starlite Theatre p Recreation and community services 4,176 1,209 Capital financing) at the end of the year Nil. Nil.
10:30 • Mr. Dressup 11:45 "The Gentle Terror" - beth Taylor, Peter Finch y p g Y
SUNDAY, MAY 26 11:00 Sesame Street Terrence Alexander and Dana Andrews. Community planning and development 8,723 ;
8:00 French Show 12:00 , Lassie Angela Douglas. THURSDAY MAY 30th
8:30 OECA 12:30 Noon Report, News` MONDAY, MAY 27th 11:45 "The Outlaw'k Son" 74,179 18,892 '
10:30 Cathedral of Tomorrow 1:00 Matinee. 1:00 "Screaming Mimi" - - Dane Clark, Ben cooper,
11:30 Hymn Sing2:30 Juliette &Friends F Anita Ekberg and Phillip And ellen Drew.
12:00 People's -Church 3:00 Take Thirty From Carey. N FRIDAY, MAY 31st
1:00 Focus on the Farm 3:30 Ede of Night 6:30 "Bandolero" Dean 1:00 "Machette" - Albert
1:30 Summer Countr Canada g g Martin, JimmyStewart, CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
Y 4:00 Family Court MONDAY MAY 27th Deckker and Marie Blan- islet December 31, 1973
2:00 The World We Live In 4:30 This Land chard.
2:30 Sports Special TBA 5:00 Hogan's Heroes 11:45 "NoLove For Johnnie" - 11:45 "The Glory Guys" - Tom i '
5:30 Truth or Consequences y y ASSETS LIABILITIES
4:00 Youth Confrontation Peter Finch,' Stanley Tryon. Harve „Presnell
Arts ••74 6:00 John Strong Report;
5:00 Music To See - -
6:30 Gunsmoke � _ Current'assets.................. 41,408 -" 42,077 Current liabilities . '
5:30 Singtime 7:30 Ryan's Pq.cy Accounts receivable. .1 ....... ... 22,533 10,383
6:00 The Wonderful World of g:00 Expo Baseball ' Taxes Receivable ................ 18,372 21,281 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 29,534 15,952
Disney Other current assets ......:...... 40,078 40,609
7:00 The Beachcombers 10:30 Canadian Sports Report' No�rv■ i 29,534 ' ( 15,952
122.391 114,350 �`-"-
7:30 The Waltons 11:00 ' National
8:UO Dick Van Dyke 11:20 Late news, weather
8:30 Summer Movies - Review 11:45 Henry Fonda ;Festival
10:00 Another Fee of the West THURSDAY,MAY 30 Capital outlay.to be recovered
10:30 Ombudsman 8:00 Obtai•io Schools in future years .................. 159,135 170;806 Net long term liabilities.......... , 159,135 170,806
11:00 The National 8:45 Mon Ami Reserves and reserve funds....... 56,453 54,924
11:20 Late Insight News 9:00 Friendly Giant 281,526 28S,t56 Accumulated net revenue (deficit)
and unapplied capital receipts..... 36,404 43,474
11:45 Starlight Theatre 9:15 Ontario Schools
1 10:30 Mr. Dressup 0� a 281,526. 285,156
MONDAY, MAY 27 11:00 Sesame Street
9:30 Mon Ami 12:00 Lassie
9:45 Friendly Giant 12:30 News, markets,weather
10:00 Camera 12 1:00 Mat inee Movie
r' 10:30 Mr. Dressup 2:30 Juliette & Friends NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
11:00 Sesame Street 3:00 Take Thirty From ^' , For the year ended December 31, 1973
12:30 Noon Report 3:30 Edge of Night
1:00 Matinee Movie 4:00 Family Court
2:30 Juliette and friends 4:30 A ' Place of Your Own 1. Charges for net long term •liabilitiesTotal long term liabilities incurred by the
3:00 Take Thirty 5:00 Hogan's Heroes - , municipality and outstanding at the end of
3:30 Edge6fNight 5:30 Truth or Consequences Total charges for the year for net long term the year amount toL\ $839,658
4:00 Family Court 6:00 News. WEather, Sports liabilities were as follows: -
4:30 A Way Out 6:30 Barnaby Jones Principal payments . $ 6,500 Of. the outstanding long term liabilities
5:00 Hogans Heroes 7:30 Irish Rovers Contributions to the debt retirement shown above, the responsibility for payment
5:30 Truth or Consequence 8:00 The South Seas fund of Ontario Water Resources Cbmmission 5,170 of principal and interest charges has been
6:00 John Strong Report 9:00 Thurs.Night movies. Interest 11,725 assumed by others for an amount of (632,000)
6:30 Twilight Theatre pt.one. 11:00 The Natioral
8:06 'Partridge Family 11:20 News, Weather. Sports $23,395 The balance in the debt retirement fund of
8:30 Cannon 11:45 Starlight Theatre the Ontario Water Resources Commission
9:30 This is the Law FRIDAY, MAY 31 which has accumulated to the end of the
10:00 The Romantic Rebellion 8:00 Ontario Schools All charges shown above were paid from the general revenue to retire the outstanding long term liabilities
10:30 Man Alive 8:45 Mon Ami Guaranteed Investment of the municipality and are included in expenditures, shown above amounts to (48,523)
11:00 The National 9:00 Friendly Giant ('+ classified under the appropriate functional headings.
11:26 Late Insight News 9:15 Ontario Schools Certificates Net long term liabilities at the end of the year $159,135
11:45 Classic Theatre 10:30 Mr. Dressup 2. Basis of consolidation
TUESDAY, MAY 28 11:00 Sesame Street Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporatian
8:00 Ontario Schools 12:00 Lassie The Consolidated Balance Sheet reflects the assets and 4. Assumption of ;debentures issued for school purposes.
8:45 Mon Ami News Markets WEather The..,enior Trnst:Compan.i' liabilities of the revenue fund, the capital fund and all reserve
9:00 Friendly Giant 1:00 Matinee Movie devoted enrirely ro serring funds of the municipality.'The assets and liabilities of agily local On January 1, 1969 .the Huron County Board of Education
9:15 Ontario Schools the people of Ontario,
� 2:30 Juliette &Friends boards of the municipality have not been consolidated. assumed from the municipality the responsibility for the -
! tt 10:30 Mr. Dressup 3:00 Take Thirty from.. payment of the principal and intertest charges on the debentures
11:00 Sesame Street ITMRIA.
and GREY 3.' Net (ong term liabilities issued for-sebool purposes.
12:00 Lassie 4.00 FamilyCourt
12:30 • Noon Report, news. 4:30 • Haganle TRUST COM •P A N Ye SINCE '1869
Matinee Movie 5:00 Hogan's Heroes �
Ny 1