HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-23, Page 7r , 'J .. x J ,.. ♦....:r. . •I i u ',. .. ' '.•i '.1'. rY'.T . ,,... .A ..i. , ,. •� ,., y. 1,.. I } • •1.. I 00 � 4, r�7A+�rfi 7 WOO � 1101 �l��l�a��t►���r.-:�►�;�!'!.!►'lt,i�p. ;� ". �� .. ,Re,h� FPL, SAT1tRDA Y 112.30 Newst9mo^�iM► : .. '0 3:00 Thirty From 8:3.0 M A S.Ef -, 8:30 M•aigrichon et Gtas 12:45 Aftarnoon 1Movie 3:30 Edge of Night 9:0 Annie,.North Of Sixty. ` Double 2n30 Dick "Berryman 4:00 Famil Court 10: Hawaii Five -CI On SuncJ�� y arch Class 174, which they worship ed xR'�theic ty ICal:.,XAPAII C 414sh s•r pbl #ho ; Aftj��lt�?,S(1j�Ml������M�. I: 9:00 Quelle Famillq 3:00 Thin From y Y 4:30 This Land 11:00 The National L'gmondville� tltlite0 Church"s own topguage was; t0 togr ss, apse, ' fiGP�es, •.tipR thy; C11t s,: ' rouljRit lh , k��1d„>jA >f !44 9:30 The Littlest Hobo 3:30 Edge of Night :00 Dick Van D ke 11:20 Plvi Teen -Age Confirmation Cl a$ 'our ,young pepple #.let vytttt the gxpresse. the„ ;$ a>�d�nvtte� 1�.� ��leptts':tt��' i�gtrl,�»dV111� ;�alpit, 10:00 Spiderman 4:00 'Family Court 5:30 Paul Lynde Show 11:45 Movie visited the Japanese United Japanese 'Young pepple. 'They Japanese ypung' edFie f4 .Vli;t +vt: sutp�iett„tip xlfiRts 111% '` " 10:30 Rocket Rooin Hood 4:30 A Way Out 6:00 FYI Church in Hamilton, Mr, and shared information. concerning Egmondtrille for a weekend 1:00 Grand Prix Wrestling 5:00 Dick Van Dyke Mrs. Jim Rose and Rev. T. their churches lifo .and work, The Septpmbef, ogn1c�#�iaFe,l, 8 Y 7:00 Emergency tt def 1'f tbi� ' g Y' FPL Movies 12:00 Max The 'Mouse 5:30 Dusty s Trail 8:00 Exoo Baseball Hancock accompanied J net Japanese church serves 160 mem- The, days activity was rounded exchatlgd wit11 Jrips�lt%>lp tl 12:30 Reach For The Top' 6:00 FYI 10:30 Man Alive SATL)R DAY , .~ Haney, Nancy Dietz, Dou�las hers from 76 families living in the out by a visit to NiagaFa Falls affil Ian fnetlds, M 1:00 Know Your Sports 7:00 Gunsmoke11:00 The National 11:45 "Miracle Of The Bells'' Henderson, Pam Geddes, Debbie greater Hamilton area. In the 1:30 You Really Can 8:00 Partridge Family 11:20 Pay Frank Sinatra and''Lee"I Rose and Lona Eggert on the 100 e6bgregation are Issei, first gen- '2:00 Majbr League Baseball 8:30 Cannon . '11.45 'Movie Cobb. mile trip -to attend the English eration, Nisei, second generation, 4:30 Sports Week 9:30 This Is The Law THURSDAYSUNDAYM , MAY 26 speaking 10:00 a.m.- service, Sansei, third generation and 5:00 Sags Bunny -Road Runner lO:O 10:0-0The Romantic Rebellion S:Ob Ontario Schools 12:15 "Go West'Young Man" - The visit was part of the Yonsei, fourth generation mem- Man Alive 8:45 Mon Ami Mae West and Warren group's LIVE LOVE project for hers. ' 6:00 Adam 12 • 11:00 The National 9:00 Foendl Giant Y William. 1974, to become more personally William Harms,' the minister, 6:30 FYI, 11:20 PM 9,:15 Ontario Schaolsinvolved MONDAY, MAY 27 in the mission of the Wally Fukumoto, clerk of the 7:00 Bob Newhart Show •11:45 Rivals Of Sherlock 1Q:30 Mr. Dressup 12:45 :`The Other Love -David church. it provided an opportitn- Session, George Masada: Chair- , 7:30 On The Buses Holmes. 11:00 Sesame Street Niven and Barbra Stan- ►ty for fellowship, worship and man of Christian Education and 8:00 Front Page Challenge TUESDAY 12:00 Cartoons wycl Isocialization 'for groups of differ- Sunday School Superintendent 8:30 Summer Movies 8:00 Ontario Schools 12:30 ' News 11:45 . Rivals Of Sherlock ent racial backgrounds. g along with several students and g 9:30 Movie 8:45 Mon Ami 12:45 Afternoon Movie Holmes: "Sensible Action ,While the Japanese Service for teachers ep.tertained with a boun- 11:00 The National 9:00 Friendly Giant 2.30 Shirley Taylor ., the first generation families, in tiful lunch consisting of several 11:15 Provincial Affairs 9:,IS Ont ario Schools3:00 ThirtIMIy of Lt. Ho* - y From TUESDAY"' MAY 28- 11:20 PM - 10:00 Canadian Schools 3:30 Edge of Night 12:45 "Joe Butterfly" - Audie 11:45 Heritage Highways 10:30 Mr. Dressup 4:00 Famil Court 11:50 Movie Sesame Street 4:30 A Place Of Your Own Nader. TOWS �►f Seaforth AUDITOR'S��� SUNDAY �.� 12:00 Cartoons 5:00 Dick Van Dyke 11:45 "Quebec" -Corinne Cal- '�""' • $:30 Ontario Schools 12:30 News + 5:30 Room T' 272 vert and Patric Knowles 10:30 NFB Pr esents 12:45 Afternoon Movie 6:00 FYI WEDNESDAY, MAY 19 ' 11:00 Max The Mouse 2:30' Dick Berryman 7:00 Flip Wilson Show 12:45 "Written On The Wind" - 11:36 Junior Talent Hour -3;00' Thirty From 8;00 In The South Seas Rock Hudson and Lauren The' members of Council and Ratepayers In our opilfion these hoancial statements present fairly the 12:30 Hymn Sing 3:30 Edge of Night b:.10 Ceilidh of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth. financial position of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth as at 1:00 'Roy Jewell Farm Show 4,,:00 Family Court Bacali. M Y Y 9:00 Thursday. Night Movie 11:45 "A Covenant With December 31, 1973 and'the results of its operations for the year 1:30 Summer Country Canada 4:30 The Fit Stop ,11:00 The National Death" - George Maharis We have examined the balance sheets of the Corporation of then ended, in accordance with accounting prilictples generally 2:00 NHL Hockey Playoff 5:00 And Mother Makes Three 11:20 PM the ,Town of Seaforth as at December, 31, 1973, the related accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent 4:30 Arts :74 6:0G FYi and Laura Devon. 11:45 Movie. THURSDAY* MAX 30 •statements of "revenue and'. -expenditure and capital fund with that of the preceding year. 5:OA Music To See 7:00 Maude FRIDAY 12:45 "Stranger In My Arms" - operations for the year then ended. Our examination included a �r Wonderful -•World of Disney 7:30 The Odd Couple 8:00 Ontario Schools Jeff Chandler and June general review of thg accounting procedures and sucR tests of CLARKSON, GORDON & CO. -6:30 ActFast8:00 Police•Story 8:45 Mon Ami Allyson. accounting records and other supporting evidence as we London, Canada, Chartered Accountants - 7:00 The Beachcombers 9:00 The Emmy Awards, 9:00 Friendly Giant.9:00 "Search" - Hugh O'Brian considered necessary in the circumstances. -.February 11, 1974 Licence No. 4371 ,,, 7:30 •The Waltons -•" 9i15 Ontario Schools and Elke Sommer. 8:30 New Dick Van Dyke Show 10:00 Upcanada 10:00 Canadian *Schools 11:45 "Interlude" June 9:00 Anthology Drama - 10:30 Some Honorable 10:30 Mr. Dlressup Allyson and Rossano 10:00 Another Face of the West Members. 11:00 Sesame Street, Brazzi. STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE li 10:30 Ombudsman' 1.1:00 The National 12:00 Cartoons FRIDAY, MAX 31st for the year ended December 31, 1973 11:00 The National 11:45 Movie 12:30 News 12:45 "The Hunchback of Notre 1973 1972 IIA5 Nation's Business 12:45 Afternoon Novie e� Dame" Charles $ $ 11:20 PM WEDNESDAY. 2:30 Movie Review •, 11:45 Movie Review 8:00 Ontario Schools 3:00 Thirty From O'Hara. at and Maureen • Accumulated net revenue (deficit) � y 12:15 Comedy Classics. 8:45 Mon Ami ' 3:30 Edge of Night at the beginning of the year 43,474 8,779 " REVENUE 11:45 "Touch Of Evil" - Chart - 9:00 Friendly Giant 4:00 Family, Court ton Heston and Janet EXPENDITURE Taxation ........................ 265,405 285,688 MONDAY 9:15 Ontario Schopls 4:30 Bagatelle Leigh. 41 Contributions from other governments 109;482 50,786 " 8:00 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 5:00 Dick Van Dyke overnment............. 50,619 40,279 54,600 8:45 Mon Ami 11:00 Sesame Street 5:30 .-Bridget Loves 'Bernie Every week more -and more General g Other.. • • • • • ' ; , , , • , , ,- 428,887 372,638, 9:00 Friendly' Giant 12:00 Cartoons 6:00 FYI people discover what mighty jobs Protection to persons and property. 68,571 58,764 9AS Ontario 'Schools 12:'30 News. 7:00 Brian Keith Show are accompli ed by low cost Post Transportation services....... , .. 43,012 39,897 10:30 'Mr. Dressup 12:45 Afternoon Movie 7:30 Now Look Here p t Ads. Dial 112 Environmental services.......... 1041892 37313) Huron Ex itor Wan 11:00 Sesame Street q, 2:30 Dick Berryman &00 All In The Family 52'i-0171 eve Social and family services (313) Recreation and community services 27,876 4,541 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) H Community planning and development 416 10,034 at the end of the year, . , .......... 36,404 43,474 CKNX TV listings ���e���eass����e���ee�e Regio or coenses 1,626 4,631 Region or county -share of expenditure 50,821 50,271 Education...i.1.'................ 86,600 90,351 Analysed as follows: Other . ............... . ......... 1,524 1',304 • '` SATURDAY, MAY 25 2:30 Juliette & Friends 5:30 Truth .or Consequences ` q Holld°wa and Donald General revenue .....•... , ...... •. 36.404 43,474 8:30 French Show y' - 3:00 Take Thirty From 6:00 News, Weather, Sports Pleaserice. 435,957 337,417 9:00 Tugboat Annie 3:30 Edge' of Night 6:30 Lawrence Welk TUESDAY, MAY 28th - 36,404 43,474 Rocket RobinHood 4:00 Family Court 7:30 Maude 1.00 "Passport to China" 10:00 Spiderman 4:30 The Fit Stop 8:00 All in the Family ��� Richard Basehart ' 10r30 Junior Talent Hour 5:00 Hogan's Heroes 8:30 M*A*S*H 6:30 "Bandolero" - Dean 11:30 East of the Sun 5:30 Truth or Consequences 9:00 Anne Murray Special Martin; Jimmy Stewart, STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS 12:00 Abott & Costello 6:00. John Strong Repori, news 10:00 Under Attack$ George Kennedy and for the year ended December 31, 1973 - 12:30 The Littlest Hobo 6:30 Twilight Theatre Pt.11 11:00 The rational • Raquel Welch, w - 1:00 You Really Can 7:30 Cirele-Eight Ranch 11:20 News, weather, sports 11;:45 "'The Back Door to Hall" - 1:30 , REach for. the Top 8:00 PoliceStory 11-:45 Heritage Highway Jimmy Rodgers, Jack 1973 1973 2:00 Major League baseball 9:00 The Emmy Awards 11:50 Starlight Theatre. Nicholson' and John $ $ xv 4:30 Sports Week 9:30 TBA CBC Hackett. Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended 5:0,0 Bugs Bunny 10:00 America C K N X.'Movies WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th capitai-financing) at the beginning ` a. of the r ..................' , Nil. Nil. 6:00 Supper Show 10:30 Some Honourable � . 1:00 "Cage of Evil" - Ron'. - 7:30 Music Machine Members SATURDAY, MAY 25th Foster and Pat Blair. 8:00' eront Page Challenge 11 i00 The National 6:00 "Love, American Sty le" 11:45 "I Dream Too Much" CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL FINANCING 8:30 Jalna 11:20 News, weather Michael Callan, Henry Fonda and Lucille 4:30 lee Palace with Vikki Carr 1 I :45 Starlight'Theatre Marjorie Lord,' Bail Capital expenditure Contributions from the revenue fund 74,179 1$,892 To Romri with Love WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 Greg Morris and Penny THURSDAY, MAY 30th • $:00 Ont ario Schools Fuller. _ 1:00 "The Wild Westerners" - General government............. 12,308 1,446 74,179 - r 18,892 10:3Q 1 1:45 "The Ladies' Man" Protection to persons and property 654 11:00 The National 8:45 Mon Ami Nancy Kovack and James CKNX late news 9:00 Friendly Giant Jerry Lewis, Pat Stanley Philbrook. Transportation services.. • ...... 1,584 9:15 Ontario Schools SUNDAY MAY 26th 9:00. "Elephant Walk", - Eliza- Environmental services.......... 57,695 5,276 Unfinanced capital outlay(Unexpended 11:45 Starlite Theatre p Recreation and community services 4,176 1,209 Capital financing) at the end of the year Nil. Nil. 10:30 • Mr. Dressup 11:45 "The Gentle Terror" - beth Taylor, Peter Finch y p g Y SUNDAY, MAY 26 11:00 Sesame Street Terrence Alexander and Dana Andrews. Community planning and development 8,723 ; 8:00 French Show 12:00 , Lassie Angela Douglas. THURSDAY MAY 30th 8:30 OECA 12:30 Noon Report, News` MONDAY, MAY 27th 11:45 "The Outlaw'k Son" 74,179 18,892 ' 10:30 Cathedral of Tomorrow 1:00 Matinee. 1:00 "Screaming Mimi" - - Dane Clark, Ben cooper, 11:30 Hymn Sing2:30 Juliette &Friends F Anita Ekberg and Phillip And ellen Drew. 12:00 People's -Church 3:00 Take Thirty From Carey. N FRIDAY, MAY 31st 1:00 Focus on the Farm 3:30 Ede of Night 6:30 "Bandolero" Dean 1:00 "Machette" - Albert 1:30 Summer Countr Canada g g Martin, JimmyStewart, CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Y 4:00 Family Court MONDAY MAY 27th Deckker and Marie Blan- islet December 31, 1973 2:00 The World We Live In 4:30 This Land chard. 2:30 Sports Special TBA 5:00 Hogan's Heroes 11:45 "NoLove For Johnnie" - 11:45 "The Glory Guys" - Tom i ' 5:30 Truth or Consequences y y ASSETS LIABILITIES 4:00 Youth Confrontation Peter Finch,' Stanley Tryon. Harve „Presnell Arts ••74 6:00 John Strong Report; 5:00 Music To See - - 6:30 Gunsmoke � _ Current'assets.................. 41,408 -" 42,077 Current liabilities . ' 5:30 Singtime 7:30 Ryan's Pq.cy Accounts receivable. .1 ....... ... 22,533 10,383 6:00 The Wonderful World of g:00 Expo Baseball ' Taxes Receivable ................ 18,372 21,281 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 29,534 15,952 Disney Other current assets ......:...... 40,078 40,609 7:00 The Beachcombers 10:30 Canadian Sports Report' No�rv■ i 29,534 ' ( 15,952 122.391 114,350 �`-"- 7:30 The Waltons 11:00 ' National 8:UO Dick Van Dyke 11:20 Late news, weather 8:30 Summer Movies - Review 11:45 Henry Fonda ;Festival 10:00 Another Fee of the West THURSDAY,MAY 30 Capital outlay.to be recovered 10:30 Ombudsman 8:00 Obtai•io Schools in future years .................. 159,135 170;806 Net long term liabilities.......... , 159,135 170,806 11:00 The National 8:45 Mon Ami Reserves and reserve funds....... 56,453 54,924 11:20 Late Insight News 9:00 Friendly Giant 281,526 28S,t56 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts..... 36,404 43,474 11:45 Starlight Theatre 9:15 Ontario Schools 1 10:30 Mr. Dressup 0� a 281,526. 285,156 MONDAY, MAY 27 11:00 Sesame Street 9:30 Mon Ami 12:00 Lassie 9:45 Friendly Giant 12:30 News, markets,weather 10:00 Camera 12 1:00 Mat inee Movie r' 10:30 Mr. Dressup 2:30 Juliette & Friends NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 11:00 Sesame Street 3:00 Take Thirty From ^' , For the year ended December 31, 1973 12:30 Noon Report 3:30 Edge of Night 1:00 Matinee Movie 4:00 Family Court 2:30 Juliette and friends 4:30 A ' Place of Your Own 1. Charges for net long term •liabilitiesTotal long term liabilities incurred by the 3 3:00 Take Thirty 5:00 Hogan's Heroes - , municipality and outstanding at the end of 3:30 Edge6fNight 5:30 Truth or Consequences Total charges for the year for net long term the year amount toL\ $839,658 4:00 Family Court 6:00 News. WEather, Sports liabilities were as follows: - 4:30 A Way Out 6:30 Barnaby Jones Principal payments . $ 6,500 Of. the outstanding long term liabilities 5:00 Hogans Heroes 7:30 Irish Rovers Contributions to the debt retirement shown above, the responsibility for payment 5:30 Truth or Consequence 8:00 The South Seas fund of Ontario Water Resources Cbmmission 5,170 of principal and interest charges has been 6:00 John Strong Report 9:00 Thurs.Night movies. Interest 11,725 assumed by others for an amount of (632,000) 6:30 Twilight Theatre pt.one. 11:00 The Natioral 8:06 'Partridge Family 11:20 News, Weather. Sports $23,395 The balance in the debt retirement fund of 8:30 Cannon 11:45 Starlight Theatre the Ontario Water Resources Commission 9:30 This is the Law FRIDAY, MAY 31 which has accumulated to the end of the 10:00 The Romantic Rebellion 8:00 Ontario Schools All charges shown above were paid from the general revenue to retire the outstanding long term liabilities 10:30 Man Alive 8:45 Mon Ami Guaranteed Investment of the municipality and are included in expenditures, shown above amounts to (48,523) 11:00 The National 9:00 Friendly Giant ('+ classified under the appropriate functional headings. 11:26 Late Insight News 9:15 Ontario Schools Certificates Net long term liabilities at the end of the year $159,135 11:45 Classic Theatre 10:30 Mr. Dressup 2. Basis of consolidation TUESDAY, MAY 28 11:00 Sesame Street Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporatian 8:00 Ontario Schools 12:00 Lassie The Consolidated Balance Sheet reflects the assets and 4. Assumption of ;debentures issued for school purposes. 8:45 Mon Ami News Markets WEather The..,enior Trnst:Compan.i' liabilities of the revenue fund, the capital fund and all reserve 9:00 Friendly Giant 1:00 Matinee Movie devoted enrirely ro serring funds of the municipality.'The assets and liabilities of agily local On January 1, 1969 .the Huron County Board of Education 9:15 Ontario Schools the people of Ontario, � 2:30 Juliette &Friends boards of the municipality have not been consolidated. assumed from the municipality the responsibility for the - ! tt 10:30 Mr. Dressup 3:00 Take Thirty from.. payment of the principal and intertest charges on the debentures 11:00 Sesame Street ITMRIA. and GREY 3.' Net (ong term liabilities issued for-sebool purposes. 12:00 Lassie 4.00 FamilyCourt 12:30 • Noon Report, news. 4:30 • Haganle TRUST COM •P A N Ye SINCE '1869 Matinee Movie 5:00 Hogan's Heroes � PIw Ny 1 r�