The Wingham Times, 1893-12-08, Page 7Too+, re WWI til Lose. !iii was n , , a .barefooted urchin with 'a tin pa , and es he trudged along down Riverside drive he Lues laboriously Whistling writri ,M.an Thur Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo," but be stopped eliort to look at 1t tricycle elder in gay suit who went whizzing past. Suddenly a horse and surrey went dashtni{ by lied the small boy made a quick i;Utlip to get nut of the way. The woo., moment he Naw a bicycle rider Pak n4., 1 he driver, it young lady Lula Bald teruwii to the groemi, and teary iir irr nue of the nee r• by benches. The ming moo bolted around sr if ter hell, r lilt boded th., barefui,tee •,r"J Let me 11',' e your pail, 11!1b, quick, he exclanie•.3; 1 must lame some. wetei. :Cos young Judy is hurt. Bat the l,fr,•fouted buy thrust the pail ottytnrt1Leely hui,ird link, ,Let rue lei:r tilt• p,ul, L say. can% you see, you little idiot, that the youu, 114,1y +1 Le lawn hurt? and he Tilade a grab fur the pail. But the troy d.d;.r•ed, Y'r ain't a ;nib' to take my pail, not much, exclaimed bub, oyeil.g, Into closely, Itis got smoothing in it? Well, empty it, you young block- head, you infernal little tall and again he tried to snatch the pail, Oh, ito yet cton'll cried the urchin, as be started to run. Them's craw fish. ll'atriol ►s Ezperienoe. Saye 1, ie Minter Snaith in, sir? Says the Man wid the sojer cap, will yez erep. iu ? Su 1i clips inti! the elosit, and all of a suddcnt he WIN at a rope, and --it's the truth l' telliu ye—the walls of the buildin' begin rttnuiu' down the cellar, Och, mother, become of Bridget and the (milders 1,awhich was left below there'? SAye the sajer-cap titan, ,13e Itis sir ; they'll be alt right when yez come dawn. Colne down ie it i says 1. And is it no closit at all, but a haythenish balloon that yez got me in Aud with that the walls stopped stock !,till and be opened the door ; and there 1 was wid the roof fist over my head 1 And that's what saved me from going up to the hivins elltoirely 1 A wonderful new cotnbivation is It Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Diver kowders, nice to take and perfectly baral- lees. Mr. 8. P. Glass, Landon Pottery Works, says: "No testimonial can be too atroug to express the beuetioial effects I have experieuced from the use of R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, personally and in my family, and they have afforded me perfect relief from the moat distressing sink headaches whitph frequently incapacitated me froth doing business. I know of others who have been equally benefitted, I consider them one of the most useful medical combine•• Mons of the day," J. Temple, 40 Cather. iue street N., Hamilton; says : "I tind Stark's Heaelache, Neuralgia anti Liver 1ior Oyer Pifty years Powders a sure cure." Mr. Laceetield, AN BOLD. AND watbatuaD Ilsgsor,-Itis. ruin librar,au; public library, Hamilton, says : years S,.othins Syrup leas been used for over fifty ! "They are most valuable for sufferers from slow' by millions of mothers for their ohilurenwhile . headache, ueuraleia aha liver complaints." tedthins, with polleetsuccess. It soothes the child !silts 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine Bgtlen* the sums, allays ail pain, cures wind colic, and is ttrebest melody for Diarrh,na, 18 pleasant to dealers. the taste. Said by Druggists in et err part of the • Wor1a. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value i8 incalculable, Bo Brite and ask for Mrs. Wiuslorv's I A Lover's 1t/1isCa1Cl11atlOrt. Soothing syrup, and take no other' hind. . A. Woman's Name, I'll take this 75 cent bottle of net. fume if you will take off this cost stark and put on one with 11.50 on it, said TIIi ETIQUETTE mF nu; SIGNATURit AND a youu;; man to the clerk in a drug Tklhl NAME ON A CARD. `store, All right. As far as tale etigdette cif the Signa- 1 lr. was done. tore rr.' uolleeriteu, ti,trper'e Bazar Great head, soliloquized the young says ; There is one unvarying rule mail. Minnie will notice that cost for w.tlnen, ,married and single. It is mark and love tne for it. 1t never never' right -ir in good forts to sign ' hug is a yooug titaness chalices for the OWN name with the addition of Miss : object ni his arireiratiou to think he or Mrs, You are. .Mary Emily Jones, regards her worth ge ting the very not Mrs. Yati'tuk Fitzgerald Jones, brat for. to whomsoever yon may he whim:2... The bottle of perfume was sent, and If it is n�ces try to u.ttity your Our- an evening or two litter the donor o.tll- respoutle'rt, of your ntttrri'd dtyte and ed im p"rsou and casually proposed estate;, y.•u .m,ty do so and in one of : marri,uio. several way, Ple,tve retnetube•r that 1 James. said the girl. correspnndeute should not be left to : What Is it, Minnie, dear 1 doubt, as t.t ritii., ritual embarrassment i You senr, me a bottle of perfume? being frsqueuc'.y oaueed by the otitis- Yes. Did you like it 8 THE WINGIIA&M TIMES, DECEMBER 8, 1893. (tverile4 sugar; bring milk to A scalddm pour over bread crumbs, and let cnol Subscribersi "� beat yolks of eggs end one cup cont. Ilton sugar together ; rni?F ill corn steaclt also. J sat before putting it to WO add the• grated d rind Of lemons ; bake twenty rrrlutatK ; beat whited or etrge and ono cup pulverized sugar to. wether, add lemon jut,.c' ; ;Ind when pudding is done, put this 0t top, and set iu oven again for a few! uriuutes, To be eaten cold. Gems of Tlitught, it isi better to sutler than . to am, , , 1 uuulit Mill it reseal who trice to !,et 1u11 wilt$ out uta trait -ted hu&ie. That, Luau 1y beldouf Happy wiiu lulus a grudge emoted!. this eattlt, vunCeutratruu 1s lite beufe4 ut strength, w It is not ktiowlodge, but little kUUWleuge 1s pulled up. LS'iriat hal service heli ill the uuli;;er- ut1Ua ut sitopiedt duties. ltowever little we may have to do, that 1lttte tihuuiU tie duet Well, Don't stand shivering ou tue bank; plunge 11, awl 110.4li 1L ever. We attract 11ea;1'te by the qualities .V8 illspla,y; We retain theut uy iue (lulus lard we possess. Otte holy aatrun is Lotter n alndt bice tUG,uy luau a btoquelrt diouoUroee, Mau was wane to ue' active, aud Ae 18 sever s., happy as w lieu he is nru- p1Uy ell; 1t to the 1UIe Luau Lh.tt IS iue must tlrlsertttile. argument thousand Intellect, like Ice, is co orless; uu bun had more ut 1t Luso the nevi'. It la tue menet that lupurls character, if either trod or man will love yuu, F'r'eethinking uttenl Means thinking that is Iree !runt tide t"etLl1utlUil5 wUiuh rtueurate knee ledge of Lite reuuguized Laws of reaeuuiul; Jaya, upon Soleldtthu Investigation. Itcmemtler that uutirlug wul supply the want ut prudcuce, auu that, uagil- geuce mud irreg.ttariL.y loud uuutttiued wIti Wake kuuwh:d„e llde,ess, wit, 1'tUt- eUtous,aud genius Cur1LtnrpLlule. There itt a great zea( ut talking that weans tint it66ie and chits In howling. Nut cuust:touttly insincere, 1t yet poorly represents toe true reetitigs; It ruerety outlaw cue Will situ wea,teus Lire per puce. Bion iu lett•-r$ between straugeis, of L was good perfume, James, but it exact iufurinittioh ao to whether the wasn't worth any dollar and a halt'. Yuma peolrle who lrsru to wurk, • writer to ut:srried or single. !Seventy-five ce'mts 18 the regular pr:ce You may place Mrs. 1?, F. before' for the perruiue, and 1 can't say that. the Mary Einily afore4ttid iu parte!- 11 have much use for„,a young than wlro theses. You way write Mrs, Patrick • is so careeless of his 'wouey as to pity Fitzegceraid out fully and plainly in for an article twice what it is worth. the lett band corner of your sheet 1 But Minnie--- below your proper eiguature, or you ;fames was going to explain, but on may simply Inclose ynur ioigraved second though he refrainer. It occur. visiting card, tilts being on the whole red to hits that a girl might like hire the most elegant and also the most less for deceiving her than for extrav- convenient method of showing one's: splice. �o he put on his hat and relation to society The exc, ption ; departed, resolving to try different mast he remarked here that the visit- I tactics when he found another girl. ing card is out of place in an exclusive ! business letter—one which has uct even remotely a social bearing. l Pudding Recipes. Card etiquette is one of the finest! Princess Puddiug.—Two-thirds eup and most delicate test by which a worn! of water, melted, one cup sugar, Otte" an classifies her acquaintances. Ila:. large cup flour, three eggs, une•half laws are unalterable and its sins of tettepoou baiting powder. Steam two omission among the few tlint are ab- boort. iiolutely unpardonable Concerning the banie on the card an authority Chocolate Pudding. — One quart tells that the name et.nrait d in script lolls, three ounces grated uhouotate, through the centre shnnld have the oDe eup white sugar, lige eggs; scald address below it in site right llat►d milk slid chocolate together, when earner, the day for r000iviu•; in the ciao add yolks of eggs, and one-half left corner '1'lie name should never the but, or sugar ; bake about twenty- left a husbau,i's ;itIe or prafssston, five. tutuutes ; beat whites of eggs with but Sp out the htlsttand's niuue in °alter halt eup <tf sugar ; spread over fail, and not he written with the iu. top and brown hglitly, E.'t cold. ittals tante. A dau,eirter in the first year of her social itt'e lu,e Ho cat•d. 4fter this prehibitionery year the eldest daughter or the only daughter in a family writes only hiss before her fatni.ly name. The younger „daughters wilt, the fail moue. It line been decided that on a widow's card the dear. 1.510•• lin 'tong born,: sit bora tufo eggs, with intik enough to wet It to rr•rnlq,tiah, trait"' be reteineiJ With „ ii. Bel four hours. propriety for sr,fiial use, thongs in all practical metier,/ the willow v-'rltes S,,ow Pudding.—Oue piut boiling her ovi l}:,t'r+tis,1 ranine 1iistt'ad of that %torte', three tab;edpUums wire starch, Of tier ttu51ralld. Plain Pudding.—One pound raisins, one pound eurrauts, three-quarters pufud of ,,reead erutllbs,one••half pound il.rur, three-quarters pound of beef beet, 511: eggs, one pound sugar, one• l,ulf polled citron anti lemon peel, trlue•llalt uutllleg,spices, two teaspoon:3 lnekiug powch'r; mix all dry utrd thou nlrl,t:tfArr*:tf (lumbi INA D,vi.--•South A.tncricao ltirottmutioCure of Rheumatism ,t;,gs beaters light, a littler salt, nue atnd. Neuralgia radically cures in 11013 tttbieipoon white sager; pour lti luuUld days, Its action upon the system 1s re and set to cool : make Custard of yolks markable and rnyatterione. It removes at mace the eeuse 01 the diseat•e nereedfntely of eggs, o11e'.half pint mug, bile -half disappears, The first dose greatly bone• cup Huger, one tt'aspoOil corn stitch ; lite. 4G dente. Warranted at {.hislruhu's 1l,Lvour to taste ; serve cold, pouring drug store, 011 custard AS you serve it. What to do with orir trouble end him:In: saes is ills great problem of life, Qu'een's Pudding.—One quart milk, win always tare better titan tutors aur! dawdlers. .Elven if tuay du ,tut work, IL Is better to learn how against a Liam of misfortune. V'vealti suwe- Gimes takes unto itself wings. Love can be increased by judicious culture, as wild fruits way (loathe their bearing under the band of a gartieuer, ami love eau dwttUle anti die out by neglect, as euutue flower seeds ptauted to poor suit uwiudlti uuu grow single. There is no moment like the pre sent; not only so, but moreover, there is 110 moment at all that is uo instamd force and energy, but in the present. The than who will not exoute hid resolutoius when they are fresh upon him, can have uo hope from them afterward. The secret of iuterestiue conversa- tion is the Same as that o£ literature- having something in the mind—some- thing to say. Yet how few people, h.tve minds furnished with anythtug but commonplace, or at ,east how le* can produce acceptable fragments from a store of knowledge 1 The solidification of whiskey is a new invention, If the spirit is taken in the form of cakes hereafter, the phrase solid enulfort will,iu the minds of some people, have received a fresh diguificance. /cob on human sed horses and all ani - reale cured in 3t1 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails, War- ranted at Chisholrn's drug store. Becklsss.--Moderate Smell ; G'inc tai. eQi s, cite -half pills ❑rills ; d'asoive 1 to take tt eabt Immoderate 4tvell : Er, corn starch to a tittle` clad water, stir' n0. Nil S. No ouibrelle, I see. ,1lrt tutu Umlaut. water, odd winces of two S : Er no, dear boy. See, if••=-ere--- eIlrry'brella, looks as if yo:i'd only ono suit of clothes. ;‘ttitlaltila 1 inisher7 (tit young !tidies' eerid ny) : Miss Pretty, that was the sixteenth young man who bus called here as your brother, and 1 know you have been deceiving us. Alisa Pretty: 1 o, madame, 1 refused thein, and have violets hes win It tus xrtstoof make finest souls Sinto o OtDpibbread starch,two fire eggs, one! promised to be a sister tt', there all. teaspoontwo small lemons, .. ...._.,- !lave been made to sorrow. one stip common sugar, ono•cup .pule. '"Subscribe for the Pings. Rin ricer andSHINGLES, SIIINGLES. Canadian £act 0O hO�S. 7.'1, io xA1s1,%. A number fif h'ubst't'il,r,y:,tare still Tndns4171vratiddepart etrifollows t in arrear for their subm:rintious for "Ae + 11111i .1, ut...... ....For Toronto ,fust to band, a car load of No. 1 the current year, and rt certain ttunlbet' for two anti laced more year', We ureently request all subscribers in Itl•rrar to put them- selves right on our le' ok5 aS soon ! ay possible, `Phase inelt•btat1 f:,r,lol, jointing and advrtrtisirlg will also confer a favor by an eerlysettltrinent, 11'e Lava large Payments to make and would like these inslel•rtetj to us to put OS tri 11. position to meet thein. if you owe us anything, don't wait for an account to be sent you, but call and settle or rsan,it the antouttt a,t .your a+trliest conve- nience. All rernittant:en Should be anile by express or money order, a1• sent by registered letter to R. ELLIOTT, Tams Oar>•xcs, \Viuguarn, Ont. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Cronp,Sore 4rhraat. Sold by all Druggists on n Guarantee. Fora Lame Side, Back or Chest Shil�oh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction. -25 cents, �9�9A��1►t' VliT uLf ER'. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tenn.'s:Is Shiioh's Vetalt;cr'"'4V. D MY LIFE. I coesider it coabretrenrodyforodetictotteciattstern /me used." For D •ipepsia Ll er Gr Sidneytrouble it casein. Price'i5 ale. 14 II E. PI PS,144ATA 11 oialrifuePrctvoy evee- r uie 30 cts.This Injector for :t* emocoast'ul treatment is furnished free,, Iiotnrn,1 ^,fihnoh'stretnedioe are sold ona »:>.r:rt,.,:,,,, rtitic,fr.etion. rhestt4i Dodd' V2/Vt4 Kidne Pills re . Backache, Dropsy, mbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. ' orre,e,ptnEpnce nn Tmay Ct31`. I TO 1 TIW cvuett. By all druggists ' so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith 2i; Co., Toronto. MONEY FORYOU If Taken in time it will cure most severe rases orCorigh, Bronchitis, Asthma, or chronic irritation of Throat or Lungs, THUS abeavy doctors bill. YOUAE lots of much discomfort C 1011.‘w Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK StOIVIACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. contain no hurtful drags. A wonderful Compound. Niee to take. Sure death to pain, lie sure you get sTATmI{'S. PREPAREot sr R. STARK, M.0.0. P., CHEMIST NOM GLASGOW Usivena,ty, would Nb, MR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 ,„,i„ n'aaxe Sold bit' ailfrtntrcrsts .utlr¢r* new Committed CURESraea BMtcough sALLtiFAILS. tee In time. hard by drrt girds lg�' r 1818 p. ,,, a ✓! �iR �� ( •.. l or ; oeawarvr m is lid Culari'"iin Al whish we will sell at prices that defy coin. ^^—Ti3srS TgfIL;E, petitiou. Also, first c(tas ■fie w. NORTH . SHORE SHINGLES AHar1'a AT t1'r N,l11/0. JKAVIt'D•"v,LLbit s. 0;35 ant,1";,bnerbton. Cuclph, Tnrnla.a, ,wr tr:r6 t1� y li ,,, •, >, .. 1 le at $11.75 perSquare,U.gt p ..iktr.• t IO:A5 a, et. +' mixed tor Iilis mdinn I1 set., 1 3.57 p. nt, for Itinarrtfuo ;,;f; y, 1 its ., „ c 1le:o03 a„ n,, London, Clinton, kc., t1: 40 ,” 5:14p, in. t, 'quality guaranteed. IDressed and Rough All kinds of t ,Lumber, Lath, Barrels, Wood, &o,, • kept eoustautly on !land. PAINING AND M tTCH11 j DONE cheap aa the cheapest, MoLEA,N & SON. Wiugliam. June 7th, 1893. PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PRESIYTcRlAPI CHURCH gives private Lessons in Vogel Training, both in Slott arid Tonic.Sol.Fa Notation. Open for uttnwemer is for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply a. MILS. FI. Mnititnw'c, Patrick St ti'iush, m i 11 „ .r 1 Scientific American Agency for CAVEAT.% 9'RA[Ubi MKS,; ©EutQ111 PATENARTS,• COPVRICINT$, etc.. For information and free Hundboolr write to MUNN & 61 $ROAnwAir, NEW Your. Oldest bureau CO.,for Beenting patents In Atuerlor%„ Every patent taken. out by no Is brought beforo sac publicggyy°�o anotticeglvenu�;;reeoofcharge/lath. mr.. fff Largest circulation of any solenti0e paper in tate world. Splendidly illustrated. Eo iutolUtt man should bo without it. Weekll�yv� 33. fyp a, year; 51.50 six months. ,Address LtTJ N & fp* iicuraSuEUs, 3618rOnaway. •"ew "wk City. FOR THE ZEST VALUE IN ORDERED TH N?., 00 HATS, GAPS, COLLARE,',, SHIRTS, OUFF 3, Cheap for IKA,:. - T E AT --- 1 r-1 ‘" ves otoves, oyes All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from D.,, SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND 000K .- - to choose from. • wait shotal.',4 Off ...» :Dare y stove guaranteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. Wiut,bigu, August'23t1',18,'t3. D. SIM !'ELAND.