HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-23, Page 5' . A l - � ''� 1. • - r I , .il, "* ;
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Meal n�-W del
Tickets fat'Sdaforth's Meal$. of hope to be able~ to e. more The MOls an Yy tees Commit V1'h .CIS, in gaze f ;tl>!e S¢a
g P p a'
Wheels ro ram went on Sale ;Heals to more eo l after the tee said at they need :futkdr to liecreatlan 'C�c.�,,. o tilt) ;� �ei�M. i4p
Ma20 and the delivery of meals ,grogram gets going. Mrs. t?dw get the rogrAm started. Dona- date have been rexevedxgfict►r0sigtld.#►Sldit'
S4 and Mrs. tions can be sent to 'M.eals on anti Ml's. Marle�u Yinoent,D.r� of �'�i��at�rs, ;1K '04
.from the Seaforth community ' ward Kenny at 527.11
f Y Hospital to Seaforth Senior Cid • Anne Kennedy at 527-0548 w}p y '•
' tens will begin on June 10„ take phone calls requesting the ft r
according to Mrs. �B.kt. Thomson, meals, will discuss any special Kindeigarten vi�tiis f r'tofthe Meals on Wheels volunteer diets and make certain of ad- •
organizing committee. x dresses and deliverjl times. All c`
The cool wet weather of last with the sows an, their,p%glets, barn, en,lr, Wni>lax *•'.?
At. the beginning of the Sea- meals served will be evening Friday didn't dampen the spirits Mr. Watson let the children hold thein w�►ero lixil)r c4lnes from; one i
M forth program, silt meals per day meals. t
of the Seaforth Kindergarten the week-old piglets and encourr of actt)ttlly,*., fr9
1 � � will lie 'served:, five days a week. Meals consist of soup, meat when they Visited the farm of Don aged them to try to straighten the 'the Sttltiet r �° x
"''t';`t ° '�' • About 20 people have volunteered- potatoes, vegetable and dessert Watson, R.R.4, Clinton, Nearly piglets' tail. The piglets squealed Tammy, :the YVatsotj'`s whilppii>t` x %�
their services 'asrt�'vees S. and will cost $1 each. Tickets can halfthe class said they had never and the children screamedl All dog, was a welcgme'Sl fit f6r'Ohe,. '
Nyti "�,hk°r� Thoinson said, `which means that J '
. be bought a week or a month in visited a farm or been in a barn, the sows joined in with their children, who rushed; 5p pat lt0S,
each driver will only, need to wotk advance. Mrs. Margaret MclVairn Linda said that she wore her snorting while Brian '1J., and Scott sold he had a co4si4 nam,04
one day a month for less than an has volunteered to sell and jeans so she'd look like a farmer Denise beamed at all the commo- T4nirctY.
` hour.' deliver the tickets which will be because they wore jeans. tion. Shawn spied a different pig The children beamed when mr,
More drivers are needed she exchange with the drivers fora and said that the black and white Watson.. brought ice create ft - °
added, so that spares are avail- ' - First, the class viewed the
p meal. g one was a'bore and that he was everyone --a perfect pvay to end a
one s swimmin pool. For-
able when regular. drivers are g pQ really powerful. Lisa S. question- 'delightful visit
PRENATAL EXERCISES'— Karen Mahon, left Of R.R.2, ;Steffe and. plane unable to work, 'Peo le don't Eighteen volunteer drivers at tunately, the weather was cool
p ed Mr. Watson and wondered Our sincerest thanks to Mr. and
Alexander, R.R.4, Walton, two Of the mBmbers of the pre -natal cls§ses given On'. need to tie themselves down to a tended a Meals on Wheels and their anticipation of seeing
meeting last week and.decided to fhe farm animals outweighed why the sows had earrings Dere Mrs. Watson fol making all this
Thursday rfights'by the Huron County Health �Jnit at the Seaforth Community sprecific dace; we just need their g g The ewes and the lambs were possible.
Hospital limber 'u • with some of the exercises which her et them 1n shape for names.' put the program through a dry their desire for a swim'. (Contributed)
P. P P 9 P frightened of the xhildren, but
Meals on Wheels recipients run the first week in dune. As the children entered the
labour and dellvery. Eight to ten local women and their husbands atend the eight Mr. Watson held a lamb so all the
will receive two, three, or five .Any people interested in acting barn, Patrick held his nose and
weeks of -classes which are .taught by Public Health Nurse June Martene. class could pat'its woolly coat. ..�
meals per week. Response from ,as volunteer drivers are asked to several groaned 'o -o -o -o.' Jeff The hens had laid four eggs'
m a s call Mrs,Thomson at 527-1378 or said he was used to the smell of a and the children were fascinafed.
(Staff Photo) Senior Citizens requesting
has been good and organizers Mrs. Marlen Vincent at 527-0373. farm because he used to live on 'Some of them only knew of eggs ~
one. in a carton in a grocery store.
■ - v The children were fascinated The holsteins were still in the
Hope drive 1 �`
°1` Eggert famit sharesIs successful -&GREGOR
4 e • t
in Egmondville service
The South Huron and District J Top Qualsit)/
Association of the Mentally Re- �Y �` Christian Family Week at at SDHS. Patrol Leader at Girl • i
tarded who is carrying on at Egmondville United Church was Guides. Received All -Around
campaign for the 'Flowers of " ' :. climaxed by the Christian Family Cord in Girl Guides. B E EF
Hope' has reached two-thirds of ' (Mother"s Day) last Susanne: Member of the Junior
41 the objective. week, when the ch Family Choir. Member of the Sunday GOVERN31ENT
Anyone who wishes marigold for the day, "The No >n Eggerts'' School. Member of the IIVSPFAYI"
seeds•oF to make a gift may do so. -y shared with the minister Rev, Egmondville Explorer Girls. _
by contacting Mrs. Erlin Whit- j.,'•� y;,;- Edwin Hancock, in the service,. The Junior Choir, under the
more, R.R.4, Seaforth NOK 1WO, i `' r " Mr. and Mrs., Eggert and their direction df ' Mrs. Arnold Scott Whole Beef 9�C
the area `Flowers of Hope' " . • ^ four girls, all active members *of sang the anthems: "OurBest" Half Beef 99C
Chairman. ;r +y" the church, represented a typical and "God Leads Us Along". Each
-The funds are being use¢ this Christian 'Family and each took member of the choir wore a
year to furnish.and equip the new �" part in the -lessons and prayers: corsage donated by Mrs. �� fstil►�ect to change
Adult Rehabilitation Centre at
,a � 41 They were: 'Emmerson Durst. IIVULIIDE$; CJfITTIDn(i J
Dashwood'where already trainees
w,t« �� F � Norman: Member of the Com- (Intended for la'st week)
from the local area are being mittee of, Stewards. Former F79EZIT(
rehabilitated to -kelp themselves �, *' a r( '. .
for a brighter futaare. '+ � i Trustee McKill%p E.U.B.Chu-rch. e
g� " r;; Laura: Social Committee of'the USE
• U.C.W. Member, of the Choir. Free Delivery
sm' deS �� a s r 9 a 4 H Leader. EXPOSITOR
�•�"° Carole: Member of Church
Within 10 Mile
What's The Differonce? �. f h $ Class '11, Teacher in Sunday /� �+
... : -' - tq School, Member of the Choir. 4-H A T A�S
How do you tell 'the flowers W RANT MCGREfir'O
from the weeds? the only sure ' - Member. Grade 12 at SDHS.
way is pull anything that's ' HUSBAND COACHED' CHILDBIRTH — Barry Health Unit's local prenatal classes and learn t0 June: Memberof Church Class , Phone 527-0240 Ph 262-58"
doubtful. If they come up again, Mahon, left. and Jim Alexander are helping their assist their wives during labour and delivery of their, '71• Teacher in' Sunday School:
they're weedsi pregnant wives to practise relaxed breathing children. Parens, to=be discuss child care and Choir Member. 4-H Member,
techniques which will make childbirth easier. 'nutrition as well as most"as Aspects of pregnancy at the Grade 11 at SDHS. Treasurer
# * * * * * q ,•. P P g Y Sunday School. Ra'nge'F Member.
Little Cars Husbands are now involved in the Huron County weekly classes held in the Hospital. (Staff Photo) Company Leader at Girl Guides.
He asked this'gerrtlurrlan howReceived Canada Cord in Girl
/ite 'liked the new little economy • dangerous -Ari'
Lorna: Meipber df ChuTch
The e, except hefp�i�dt�Mein ean v1c �'ed o ' v •� n
fine, except when you a Class ' ' Choir Member. Ranger
I V• Member. 4 H Member. Grade 9
have to cross the strteet — you ,
1 k t ft ' U, d A d i ' ;Heide t which to a char a of careless driving Ethel on three counts $75 and W C
have to oo a rig t an r vier, . , n
of down!" occurred nearly a year ago had a
He was, fined $100.
William E. Collins, 48, Clinton,
ayne oombs, Seaforth, $60;
Robert G. Henderson, Seaforth,,
sequel here last week when
. • ..David. Thurston, from the
$60; Robert A. Elligsen, Walton,
Clayton Riley, 22, Seaforth, was
. London Unemployment Insurance
� Robert Baynham, 'Huron Park'
$35- and Brian J. Earhart.
found guilty of dangerous driving
Commission office in London—
was fined $200 for failing to'o Seaforth, $35.
�. by Judge _H-. Glenn Hays in
acted for the Crown in a .case
submit a statement of profit and
Brian Glanville, Egmondville
Y provincial court last Wednesday,
concerning Shirle�A. Ryan, 25,
was fined $56 for two counts of
All ` • Witnesses told• the court Mr.
formerly of Seaforth and now
Leonard M. Lansink, 16, Glenn
having liquor out of residence.
Riley on June 9 was driving at
living in Vanes-.;.
Malcolm, 18 and Robert David
Paul J. Storey, Dublin, was
erratic speeds through the main
Mrs. Ryan was found guilty on
; Schenck, 17 were given
. $28 for also having liquor
intersection in town and on one
five counts.of -making - false
conditional discharges and placed
-chargedout of his residence. "
occasion drove up 'onto the.
statements on her .biweekly
on six months probation. They
sidewalk. He was fined '$150 and
reports to the U.I.C..C. She was
had been charged with theft. '
J ohn A. Miller was fined $53 cS
his license was suspended for,
fined $125.
Glenn Allan Dale. 17, found
ex -parte evidence for having
Four men were fined for failin uilt ' f br'k' t d liquor out of residence. William
Olive News
our mon s.
Gal•ry J. Nash, Seaforth was
to return income Tax T1 ,forms.
> o ea leg, en ry an
theft was given a suspended
G. Thompson, Brucefield, was
fined' $38 for trespassing. Mr.
They were: Ray Bell, 39, Kippen,
sentence and put on six months
fined $28 also on ex -parte
Nash had driven his car over the
on eight counts,' $200; Thomas G.
evidence. ,
high school lawn in Seaforth.
Carter, 32, Clint'oit; on two
Several youths charged and
Brian T. Laverty pleaded guilty
counts, $50; John Byers, 50,
fined for drinking underage were:
Classified Ads pay dividends.
During the week of the 15th to `
the 21st May 1974, the Seaforth
Police DeIrtment Investigated
22 Occurrences. They are as
Domestic Complaints I
Missing Persons �-2
Insecure Premises . 2
Fraud Complaint 1
Property Damage, 3
Break and Enter 1
Assist Other Police Dept's. 4'
Lost and Found 2
Theft Complaints 1
Mischief 2
Litter 1
Assist Public 2
The Department is happy to
report a free accident week.
4 Persons charged under the
Highway Traffic Act. '
a otototists stopped and warned
r minor infractions and defects.
345-2172 i
for fast economical I
i s'emee
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