HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-16, Page 1611C[I 4Tt1x sXIA>I?'41R�'H, c*v'1�., MAY% l VI's
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Teach r otli t
} The teacher spotlight this week Shaw taught at South Huron
ta!,, is on Bruce Shaw. Besides being District • High School for nine
�" -- ••� vice-principal (which ke"eps him years before coming here this
fairly busy), Mr. Shaw `also year.
teaches English. He is staff
the studentspa e
advisor of the students' council When asked what he,likes best
t' also. about Seaforth High School, he
Students' Week'Council Executive. Those elected Imperial Life Insurance C•vmpany Mr. Shaw lives in Exeter and answers'Its size. You get to
Last (week, a yearly tradition are as follows: President • Allan in London, England, talkeA to us has two boys (who also keep him know a lot more kids faster.' Mr.
' was kept, when the students' Carnohan; Vice President - about civilian life in London busy). He is a member of Exeter Shaw also says he likes both the
i council held their' annual stu- 'Vilma Jansen; Second Vice - during the years of war, Never Town Council and that town's staff apd the kids in the school.
dents' week. Every day (except Dave Ring; Secretary - Deb did an hour pass so quickly for us, Recreation Committee. He likes I'm sure we'll all agree that Mr.
�.N 1 ��» y ► , �c,` Monday), students could dress up McClure,,, Treasurer . - Marj becauae the talk was about the to read and collects coins. Mr. Shaw is a real credit tq our school.
in the manner assigned for them Jansen; Social Convenor - Dan blackouts, the manner of bomb -
N2, }' .that day. Tuesday wgs grub day. Maloney. ing, and especially the rations, • m
= +..• ",. Many students came to school Good luck to`the new execu-, truly intrigued us.
Northside, Ung �• ■ • •eets
i a , • ,� wearing their barn clothes includ- five! �• -May 17, 1946
y, + , . s ! �•, ing rubber boots and straw hats, Drama Joanne McRlillan is going into Unif 1 met in the social rooms Mrs, Close and Mr's. Melaniuk
Wednesday was clash day. Any. Next Wednesday, Thursday, business. Yes, the shoe shining of the church on May 6 at 8 p.m. were in charge of the program for
} wf one who wished to ruin their the 22nd, 23rd, and business, only I'm afraid she's with the President, Mrs, McKen- the evening. Mrs. Melaniuk gave is
t ,.•� and Friday, zie, in the chair. a reading Daily Dozens for
eye-sightjust had to take one look 24th of May the SDHS• Dr tua going to end up Broke if she
.. Y The minutes of the last meeting Worriers and Mrs. Walden readl4
at' sorvie of the clashed colours; Society presents "1'b -night at charges everyone the way she were read and adopted and the the scripture Luke 11:1-13
v., � �f purple and red, green and blue, 8;30', two one -act plays by Sir charges Butch Beattie. Every ,
- ' etc. Sogne students who were Noel Coward, 'Ways and Means' time he sticks out his foot up, she treasurers report given. The followed by tNe meditation by.
bake sale aifd tea was a ver Mrs. Close. t
really caugbt up in the spirit wore and 'Still Life.' gives him a free shine with her very
=� successful project last month. Hymn 127 was used and Mrs. '
'-' �' d unmatched shoes or different The two plays will be pct- Kleenex. Doughheadl Why don't
rs t'i, +• Also the copper contest which had Allen led in prayer. Miss Ruth
coloured socks. Have you ever formed at 8:30 in the SDHS you make him shine his own
S, v been running for several months. Cluff and Mrs. Ann Wood
�i x 1'� seen a person with blue eye sha• Auditorium. Admission is: Adults shoes. g
w The general meeting will be favoured with a duet accompan-
-, dow on one eye and purple on the $1.00, Students 75'c, Children Debating' May 28, at 8 p.m. An invitation ted by Mrs. Stewart.
other, If you haven't, you're 50c. Still a bargain, so come out Last Tuesday, Goderich deba- was accepted to Br efie d Mrs. James Scott in an inter -
lucky. Thursday was dress -up and see fheml tors came. to Seaforth. The
day. M ny students donned their resolution in the prepared debate U��'W'.Y....... tors Day Jun 4 at esting manner told of the trip to
SDHS RUNNERS — Winners in a recent j-furon-Perth track meet and SDHS best clothes and long dresses and 250 Fruit Sale was 'Inflation Can Be Controlled.' p'm• India which' she and Mi'. Scott
entrants in an upcoming Western Ontario track meet, these students form a - The 'nutritional program' of- The Afternoon U have in. took recently. She displayed�l
bow ties were popular. The band The senior team of Ken Chalmers
stronghigh school track team. The are back left Mar Lammerant Dan ered by the home economics 250 vited the Unit tc eet with them many beautiful articles that they
9 Y Y Maloney,Y, from Orilia, which played that
class is going quite well. Apples, and Cathy Stewart gained a tie in June 4 at 6:30 p. brought home with them.
Ann Janmaat, Linda. and Cindy Dorssers, Jane Ribey and, front, 'Barb Doig, day, wondered if we dressed like Oranges, and bananas are avail- this match arguing the positive. The president elcomed Unit S Courtesy remarks were given
Cheryl Seymour, Gayle Beuerman, Mary Jansen arid,Barb Smith. (Staff Photo) that all the time. Mr. Scott able.at all.three lunch hours, in The junior team of Don Melady to the meeting a they were by Mrs. Elliott and Mrs, Rimmer
• I assured them we did. Finaily the month of May. Bananas *and and Anna Lee Stevenson won seated in arranged se is so that thanked Unit I fora pleasant
News of came greaser day. On Friday, the apples are selling 'the best, their debate arguing the nega- both Units were mixed up, evening. hymn 434'was sung and
halls looked like they did ten or tive,
however oranges aren't. All fruit Each Unit answered t e roll call Mrs. Close closed with prayer,. A
Editorial twenty years ago. Girls wore long is being sold every Wednesday In the impromptu debate, the by placing a flower in a t contest •was' used while the
Brucef field pleated skirts, pigtails or pony and Friday and the cost is only ten Ytopic was 'Women's Liberation is or paying a fine, Hymn 383 w s to sers of the copper contest
' tails, rouge and bobby socks. Achieving its Goa'l'. The senior
• The U.C:1N. of Brucefield cents - a small price to pay for sung, prepared Lunch.
Boys wore straight -legged pants, team again tied while the junior
Lesspoo V rri S Ts
United Church met in the school
white T-shirts, leather jackets,'
better nutrittpn.
team notched another victory. -
room on Tuesday afternoon, May
pointed shoes and funky sun-
A Bit of Nostalgia
The next debate will be Tuesday
There are always a few indiscriminate.
glasses. The 'Phantom' motor-
(From the May' 17th, 1946
the 14th.
persons who by their actions leave a _ ___
Mrs. Wm. Scott and Mrs. R.
cycle gang even paid the school a
school news by June Shaw)
disagreeable impression of a larger group
Triebner were ih charge of
One day last week, Fifth Form
or of an event. It's hardly fair. By far the
I think students' week really
heard quite a commotion out in
majority of a group can conduct themselves
- Mrs. Scott opened the meeting
helped to revive some of that
the hall. After listening for a few
to their and the group's credit.
with a poem followed by singing
school spirit' that has been
minutes we could tell that the
In the late election' cam ai ns, posters
P g P
'Oh Love Divine, All Love Excell',
dwindling latel
g y
noise was outside the chemistry
were defaced in the classic tradition of such
with Mrs. Mcseath at the piano.
Band from Orilla
lab door. Fourth Form kids were
artists. Rude remarks and vulgar graphics
Mrs. Scott took as her theme,
Thursday afternoon, students
exclaiming 'What a smell!' as
in soccer
art.• best• left in the cesspool whence they
'Lo've.' The Scripture Ruth 15-22
and staff of SDHS had the
they ran out of -the room into the
The senior soccer team won its
was read by Mrs. Triebner.
'The offering was received b
pleasure of bein entertained b a
P g. Y
hall holding their noses. Fifth
third consecutive regular season
The posters ruined had to be .torn down
and replaced, I have not talked with any
g y
Mrs. Scott and dedicated:- The
band from Orilla. You couldn't
really call it a band; it was more
Form immediately came to the
conclusion that Fourth Form had
game with a 3 1 victory over
one who was happy with the scribblings.
meeting closed with Hymn 268
like an orchestra. T ere were
been making hydrogen sul hide
Marvin Kale scored oneoal
Most were disgusted and many were
and prayer b,)• Mrs. Scott.
The business was
sixty students involv6d in the
and having had the experience
while Tom Murray got both''the
' infurated. Of course many coulun't care
chaired by the president, Mrs.
re sentation.'Instruments played
before, we knew the H which
others to up his season total to
less. Its time everybody cares. Purposely
destroying other people's work can hardly
Triebner, who welcomed all and
ragged all the way from kettle
drums to bongo Prums and horns
they were making smelt like
rotten eggs, and they just could-
three, tied with Larry Kale for• the
be regarded as a rewarding occupation,
read a poem 'Mother's Day: Mrs.
to trumpets. The Orilla School's
n't stand it, so had to get out. It
team lead. The goal by Exeter
represents the only score against
Next time someone tries his hand at such
John Hendersorl..,gave .the Sacre-
tary report in the absence of Mrs.
dancing club entertained with two
was so bad that Mary Ryan even
our. goalie. Frank Verberne in
posters, stop him.
Cliff Henderson.
numbers also. The students are
lost her voice for a few minutes.
three games. -"
' yet, if you can't repress' that
Thank you notes were read
making a tour of Ontario and are
May 17,1946
In the junior gaffe, Seaforth
humourous urge, - write it across your ^
from Mrs,. Joan Greenwald and
being billeted at homes along the
Tuesday morning we had the
also won 3-0. Murray Connelly
forehead. See how many laughs that gets.
Stewart Baird, b}' Mrs. Berry.
Privilege of listening to one of the
scored the winning goal with
Also, one more point. Talking. Talking in
Mrs. L. Wilson read a letter from
Students' Council Elections
finest speeches ever presented in
assurance goals from Keith Mur -
assemblies. has grown to the point where
the Foster' child.
On Friday, all their campaign
the high school. Mr. Arnold
rayand Allan Ryan, Goalie Doug
Y g
I'il wager not 2 out of 10 persons in the
Mrs. J. Mustard reported for
ing paid off when six people were
Turnball, a graduate of the
Fry notched his first shut out of
gym can hear what is being said. That's not
the bale of boy's clothing which
elected for the 1974-75 Students'
school, now secretary with the
.the season.
to say 8 out of 10 are talking. Far from it.
.~yeas, ent• to Mrs. H.F. Trefry at
Against Wingham, the seniors
A Usually`only a handful of chatterers persist
in' disrupting the assembly.
Richards •Landing Hospital.:
June 4th is Visitor's Day when
•-.•••• • -g
Joffi -s
won .3-0 on two goals b Larry
Kale and one. Tom Murray.
For example, when the assembly was
all ladies are invited and from
The juniors gained a 1 1 ties on a
being held to ratiy the new constitutior,
persons not 25 feet away from'the speakers
neighbouring units of the U.C.W.
(Contlnu'ed from page 10)
Association misrepresented
last minute goal by Paul McClure.
couldn't hear a word being said because of
•:• A special program is being
scientific evidence in an attempt
or ams
Good w to
the incessant droning behind. them.
its place in the.government books
torove o tometrist should not
That's rude and unnecessary. ""
A strawberry suer will be
with its first official s endin
P g
be allowed to administer
Lets' end here and now the beginning of
held in June . Miss M. Swan read
estimates more than $226 million
diagnostic drugs, Albert Roy,
a flippant attitude that could undermine
a thank you note from Mrs.
Stanway to all who remembered
for the 1974-1975 year. The
housing ministry estimates
Liberal Health Critic said this
any good things - we've got going for our
her and her family at the time of
previously included in the
week. Mr. Roy said he was
appalled that the Medical
I know it )hut...
Rev. E.R. Stanway's death.
Ministry of Revenue showed' a
Association would resort to
sounds corny,
The meetin cl sed with lu d,
2 7 'll' $1 0
David Ring g R n droll from $ 3 mi ton to V misrepresentation. -and scared •
served by Mrs. Allan, Mrs. million in grants to Ontario tactics to keep diagnostic drugs
McGregor, and Mrs. M. Mustard Housing Corporation. The solely in the domain of eye
•++•�N of Unit 1. spending of OHC was large last doctors. He explained that last
year because it -acquired land for month the Association sent a brief
the ro osed North PickerinP P g to al( members of the le islature holcllwwo
Development. In return for that attempting to show that optical 2 ii•
decrease this yeaY's estimates anethetics and dilating drugs
provide $19.8 million for the could have serious side effects
housing action program which and that ,optometrists should not
housing. minister, Sidney be allowed to use them. Mr. Roy,
Handleman hopes will provide M.P.P. for Ottawa East, said
30,000 moderately priced homes.
• there- is ,overwhelming evidence
Spending on community planning
that optometrist's with the proper
increases from $8.3 million to g g
care can use diagnostics drugs
r r $23.8 million, of this $2.5 million the same way as eye doctors.
�. w.
will go to planning in North Members of Parliament have
Pickering. The Ministry for the w.
g• Y been receiving a number of
first time is providing money for enquiries about the guaranteed
comMunity and ' co-operative annual income system as it '
housing, about $4.1 million.
applies to senior citizens which is
♦ The Ministry of Government comes into effect July 1, 1974.
Services which handles the
• Perhaps the matter could be � ' � ^yyJJs�r z'•"
government's internal business clarified with the use of the
and finds its Ministry's follow mg example:
accommodation, is estimated to A single old age pensioner who F
cost $224,792000_ . This year an has no outside income >r'•
01,100" ' increase feom $179,568;700.00 receiving a maximum old age t
last year. Of this, the Government security and guaranteed
P income supplemept of $191.06 £"
will send almost $30 million
i buying land for itself more than will receive from the province "i• `
38 million leasing offices and $125.61 per month to bring the
i more than 75 million in building
pension total to $216.67. The
t construction. province is guaranteeing an"— "` The best value in your next grass- Versatile enough to handle all the chores -
The Treasury, economics and income of $216.67 per month to cutting machine calls for -tough ques- you have. We have to fit you right,
intergovernmental affairsL. ,each single pensioner. if the tions. Push it, ride it, drive n r is 3 hp because we want to see you again.
� ministry.shows in its $1.26 billion outside income plus the old age too much ? Is 12 enough ? Even if it takers years.
TM ATS NOT -estimates the costs of the security and guaranteed We've got some tough answers. N
+ ' government's program of grants income supplement equal or matter which IH equipment you choose /.� L
F•a�R,.r� Y CAM ERi� AIM to-municipaUtigs $307 million up exceed $216.67 then the prov- - — Cadet tractors or power mowers — , Name the -Date and
D „ REN R F. 6%0 V � from $20The million estimated last A ince will not make any further it'll be a sound choice. Because you'll
year. The ministry afso budgeted However, if those We'll D e iii o n $trate
payments. get a tough piece of machinery that
i for the first time to cover flood three sources of income do not gives more service because it demands.
damage, excessive exceed $216.67, the province less attention.
unempldyment and other specific will make up the difference. And we'll help you find the right " b
r problem situations. The amount To calculate a pensioner size. Not too big. And not too small,
set aside is $14,765,000. Of the couple's new guaranteed income either.
i total ministry budget about half the same procedure as set out 11MRBATIIDrIlAL1NOMMMR
1 $674 million goea in repayment of above is followed. Their new
the province's public debt. guaranteed income is $433.33 per
Almost Twice month. At the momeht a couple
The Ministry of Revenue will that has no outside income
spdnd $110.4 million this year receives a maximum old age
"ost twice last year's estimated security pension plus the
Spending. The difference comes guaranteed income supplement of .w
mostly from the guaranteed $364.49, To this will be added
t. incomepro rams for Pensioners 1d "1
`.�•• —w+► and the disabled and increased $68'84 to make the $433.33. As
long as the outside income plus
!:• tax credits announced in this the old age security and the
year's budget. The cuanges will guaranteed income supplement "`TIE BUSINESS EEiMBILM 3MV
cost $50.5 million according to the do not exceed $433.33 the 527-Q120 r• W
7DAM PAR s6m S estimates, province will make • up the AYR ,,,� SEAF'OIt'1'� ..�, CAMBRIDGE
The Ontario Medical difference to that point..11