HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-16, Page 15TRI -TOWN
. J1�IHVlUtS
Income Tax•Returns .
,Busine'ss' Farm - Individual
Record Preparations
Brucefield Phone 482.9260
.229 James St.
Clinton Phone 482-7988
20, .Auction Sales
Of Real Estate 6.'/4 miles
North and 'A mile we;t•• of .
Seaforth on
At 2:30 P.M,
OF: A/z acre of land on
which there is situated, a
completely modern
renovated two bedroom
school house. This would
be, -an ideal retikement or
summer -home.
TERMS:.10% down on day
of sale, balance in 30 days.
Propertywill be offered
subject to a -reasonable"
resarve bid,
.347-2 465 °
Not responsible for
accidents on day of sale.
Of cattle, feed, farm
machinery, and some
-household effects at Lot 3S,
Concession 1'6., Logan, five
miles west of Monkion on
the kounty road on
at 1, o'clock
CATTLE - 13 beef cows
with calves at side; 16
stocker cattle one-year old;
Hereford bull coming two
years old.
FEED - 1,000, bales of
good hay; 10 ions, of mixed
Ferguson "102" industrial
tractor with heavy duty
loader; land -roller; 9 ft.
three point hitch cultivator; -
8 ft, LH:C. disc; three
section harrows with pole;
wagon with feed rack; and a
-wagon load of small items.
- A quantity of household
effects to be sold first.
TERMS - Cash.
NO RESERVE - as farm
is sold. '
Phone 347-2465 or
. 482-7898 1 .
Proprietor and Auctioneer
not responsible for.
accidents day of sale.
20.' Auction Sales 20. Auction Sales.
Items of Interest:
New Leonard refrigerator ,with matching 30 ' electric stove
(green or gold), Leonard . automatic washer.,, and dryer,-
Electrophonic' Morse quality component set with 8 track tape
fleck, 6 lovely styles of, Morsb stereos, Morse sewing machine,
large selection of bedroom and chesterfield suites in styles of
Spanish, Colonial, French Provincial & Modern, new single and
double beds', lovely table &,svyag lamps,.4 styles of coffee �a end
table ' kitc„
' table sehen suites in a variety of styles 8i colgurs,
lazyboys, sets of dishes, radios, sets of silverware & gift items -
,many more items too numerous to. mention.
This is a large sale consisting oUquality furniture & appliances*
• which will be sold , t6 the highest bidr. '
NOTE: Terms of sale are cash and our handy TKM budget plan.
There is plenty of parking & seating. A refreshment booth - &
washroom facilities are''available.
Sale Conducted By:Bal1 Auctions Ltd., Beast
Auctioneer: G.J.Ball
Phone: 887-9363
k.e 41 'PON ,
Auction Sale .
The County of Huron Road Department will offer .for sale at a
public auction to be held on each site the following: -
1. The demolition or removal of the former Westlake house at
the top of the Saltford Hill just off County Road No. 31 -,'/: mile
east of Goderich. The land will not be sold. At the time of the sale
the successful -bidder will be required to deposit a $500 certified
cheque as a surety deposit and emer into an agreement to
demolish or,otherwise remove from the site -the -entire house
within six wecks'of purchase. A quantity of steel siding rerhoved
from the County Museum will also be offered at this sale. Time
of sale 5:30 p.m.
2. A quantity of structural steel (i beams, etc.) and 2" x 4”
timber'tlooring at -the site of the old Goderich/Stanley Township
bridge over the Bayfield River in Lot 40, Bayfield Concession,
Goderich Township - 1/4 mile south of County Road 13 on the
sideroad immediately east of the Elmer Trick farm. Time of sale
7:30 p.m.
Both sales will be held on: -
Wednesday, May 22, 1974
at the times noted,
Anyone wishing further particulars. on either item and
particularly those interested in demolishing or moving the
Westlake house should contact the County Engineer between
8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for an appointment to inspect the house
and to review the terms of the required Agreement.
J. W. BRITNELL, P. Eng.,
Huron County Engineer,
Court H9use,
Goderich, Ontario,
N7A 1 M2
M •naA I �'
j I j
o Jot,
6y i 1
20, ,A�uct0o l• Saes 20, Auc ioan $ales ' 23. us, D><lrt�c... xy X � Gax� Qf Tliatlks
• .,
The burs„
ax awarded d a nu �
. Y g Y t. � t atte>♦}¢edr
relatives and fr ends for the cards School Coanrttenement exerses I K�tecg�ltett pl$t9
NORM WHITING l 1 Apl#QpX .i be tib ll al T
ora s
r treats and --visit& while '1. was a each or• :bye t p 4001, lls pptt#1u##tt'
he Hospital visit Q fhb
M &. patient to the Stratford General Auxtltey is to be increased $50 to. It�gltat ;pit ;iMATephttp
jL« APPRAISER Hospital, also a special thank you raise it to $200, attgrnsilns aling>ff1�'. r Y
Prompt, Courteous, Efficient to Fr. Moylan, Fr. Hughes, Fr. Miss Janet Cluff, treasurer of and May 2
8 .alio ted",Qt11e� �dysi
ESTATE AUCTION SALE P Gleason, Dr. • Moyo and Dr. the Auxilialy, reported Tuesdhy a>le to Jae c�tirxtle tot,
To be held for the ESTATE OF ETHEL H. FQWWE in the Quinlan and thanks also to the the net profit from the recent pgss bey May.29 iti4
C W.L. of Stratford and the Penny Sale amounts to $703.61. The, Qlux4liary wtltettter a #]4g#
Village of Bayfield, Main Street, ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE,
C:W.L. of Seaforth for their Mrs. Walter Armes announced .• • lii_tbe; rade'tq bo jfiyld t�a)r
ANYWHERE "'kindness and to the staff and there are 76 active members' nd the
SATURDAY, MAY 25 at 1 P.M. * _ th 4 e15a =�'� A `":�tf""
nurses who were so good to me. 21 associate'members to date. Sea€ort�i Giot S Cftlb on'Ji,
un'PP1 A ,
Consisting of a complete houseful of fut<niture, antiques and • We give complete sale service. - Catherine Cleary. 24-40x1 Mrs. Clair Campbell won the committee of eight was. named to
q mystery prize, prepare the float.
many interesting items all of which are in excellent condition. We wish to thank our neighbours, Mrs.Joseph McConnell, Mrs. The annual June dinner for Cx
PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE friends and famfly for the lovely W.C.Bennett and Mrs. Leo members will be hold. at the
Full listing next week,
surprise party and beautiful gifts Teatero gave reports on,
the Seaforth',Gglf•and Country Club fi;
Phone Collect +l
RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 2Phon 64 Exeter and cards for our 25th Wedding Spring Conference • held ' in • on June 11. Mrs, Armes and Mrs,
Brucefield 23 38-tf Anniversary.. Special thanks to Ingersoll last month which they. Bennett are in charge of'selllAg;
((_ the neighbours who organized the and nine =%other members ., .1:he,tickets for it to members; s
20-40=1 party and to John and Karen "`
ilatasrFss•Iv�s sssisas•rtsq�,ar�ss�rrss�#�
LOU ROWLAND , 1A,Menheere who so thouehtfuliv, w
held the party in their home. It Day care, ;arena council
SPRING CLEANING 21• Tenders Wanted TRANSPORT LTD. was all very much appreciated
• �TIME Continued 'from Pae 1) Fire A Board at a cost of
- . and will always be remembered. ( g
Note ice P.C.V. Class•CDF & FS -Joe and Teresa Lane. 24-40x1 He said an apparent $ , 2• hile Seafo th is
Turn your old furniture and Serving Dublin 4 Seaforth areas, misunderstanding had occurred advancing pa ent for t:ie new
-household effects into cash. Phone 345-2301 Dublin anytime. 1 wish to thank Dr. Malkus, the between himself and the ,unit; municipalitfe tri the area
We will either buy or sell it 23-38-tf nurses and staff of Seaforth contractor, -therefore the bid by board will each share ' the final
for you. Frpm smallest item to the contractor had been, cost.
to the largest estate. Phone Community Hospital for the kind
B g R. S. BOX forwarded to council in of to Council received, a thank you
Contractors attention that I received while a
KNAPP'S FUIfNITURE patient there. Many thanks also him.from the Seaforth Horticultural
FUNERAL HOME • for the lovely flowers, treats, He said that ministry approval Society for the grant of $400 for w;
And AUCTION ROOM had not been obtained and • new flower pots for Main Street.
cards and visits A. very special
482-1336 a Sub -
thank you to Tuckersmith necessary changes in the design Members of council and the
/ 1 Phones: were necessar clerk were authorized to attend `
20-38-tf Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885, Towhsh' Council, Seaforth Y
23 38 5 Canadian Legion, and to Ida and In the contractor's bid he had the annual, meeting of Huron
dish touted. having regard only to
Glen for transpd'kation to and
stated a possible 23 tons of •steel
County Municipal Association at
trusses project begins. He said
21. Tenders Wanted'
from- the hospital for my wife.
Mould be necessary for the work
Pine Ridge Chalet, Hensall on
The Township of 'Tuckdrsmi.th'
Everything was sincerely
but in the final design at least 25
May 22nd.
Parks and Recreation Board invite
a reciate,& G or `e ruse,
PL? g S.`.,-.
tons of steel are necessary.
_ Drumcrow Farms Ltd.
all contractors interested "in r
By Appointment Only
� - 24-4px1
Councillor George Hildebrand
presented council with a gift of
bidding on the installation of a
Seaforth Office
regarding an amendment to the
asked Mr. Moles why sketches
$100 annually to be used as
poured concrete swimming 'pool
Tues., Wed„Thurs.,Fri..
I would like•to extend my - thanks
had been sent to the, contractor
council sees fit as a bursary. Clerk
and aone=storey concrete block
9 to 5:30 P.M.
to all my friends and relatives for
and not Working blueprints. He.
Ernest Williams was asked to
addition to the' Community Hall,
Thursday evenings
cards, flowers and treats. Special
thought this was a foolish thing to
send a thank you and the money
Mun�lay only Clinton Office
to the neighbours who
is to be turned over to the finance
Contact the
helped out when I was a patient at
Mayor Sills said he felt the firm
&mmittee to decide what
�Phonc 527-1.227-1240 or 482=7910
University Hospital, London. -
had been.very laic with the project
purpose it would be used for.
Mrs. Leslie Miller, St•affa.24-40x)
as they knew that council wished
A fetter from the Ministry of
to st art the work as soon as the
Transportation and
24. Cards of Thanks
My warmest thanks'- to all who
ice was out. With an approximate
Communications was received by
have shown their love and
three month time period involved
council suggesting that if council
•om m ► ttee
The family of the late Mrs. Lilly
concern for me and my family,
y• -
i�n'the project, the setbacks that
wish'etT'Yd have new traffic lights „
Wnght wish to ..express their-
Eldon Allen. 24-40-1
had - bae en o nmosa
sections of
482-7844` ''
thanks to all for the many visitors
25. In Memoriam
summer revenue from
Mainlled"'at Goderich Streets, they
would proceed'with a design and '
acts cif kindness, floral tributes,
to view thr..plans and "specie-
doiv4,;itans, cards and expressions
HUNT - In loving memory of my
• He added that the increased
install the lights at no cost to the
c?ativiews. 21
of sympathy, :during recent
bereavemceiat,,as during the long
wife Ethel, who passed away
,price of $79,000 - a difference of
town. ° Council agreed and
2 ..'Le a1 Notices
illness. while our mother was in
May 19. 1973.
nearly $14,000 over the earlier
authorized the clerk to re
hospital. - The family of Mrs.
Greatly misskd along life's
price - resulted in a double
immediately. .
Lill'• Wright. 24-40x1
penalty the town would have, to
Council approved in principal a
Quietly remembered every day,
suggested subdivision arrange -
No longer in my life td .share,
He added that the increased
ment which had been submitted
The family of -,,the late Willis
_ But in my heart she's always
price of $79,000%ver the earlier
by A,Y,McLean.
Dundas wish to express their
price. - ,..resulted in, a double
Council adopted, the
x *
All `c iit�i i aigpinst
sincere a preciation to Drs. and
iivr`ses' iif Seaforth Community
-Lovingly remembered by her.
penalty the town•'would have••to
recommendation of the Seatorth
t"1n4. of dna Marjory
husband Homer. 25-40-1
Planning Board regarding
Hopper. late of the Township of•
'Hospital, also nursing care
Mr. Morris agreed the firm had
subdivision planning. The
Tuckersmith, in the County of,
received at Kilbarchan Nursing
COUTTS _In loving memory of a
been lax in not pressing the job as
prospects had been drawn up by
Huron.. Housekeeper, deceased.,
Home during his last illness. -
dear husband, father and
fast as they should and
the Huron 'County Planning
who died on the 12th day of April,
-Margaret;-jorrance, Robert
grandfather, John Coutts, who
apologized to council for this and
iS74, arc,hct'cbv';not'ified . o send
and Armor Dundas. 24-40x1
passed away 9th May 1965.
assured council the would obtain
Councillor, Bill Bennett
.in full particulars of their claims
I ld like thankk Drs.
Dad we will never forget ,you
approval for the job as fast as
reporting •for the Arena
to tire uiilcrsigned on .ur before
Or the joy you brought to our
possible so that work could get
committee told council that he
itis 23rd daj of Ma 191, after
Underwood, Malkus and,thought
underway within the next month.......
some extra work should
which date the ass will be
Whitman, nurses and staff of
By your kindness, and wisdom
or engineering
A p tion of the en ineerin
be considered when the roof
Towns' p - spent on our 25th Wedding And • memories will last by-law so building permits would the use of the • centennial
23. BUS, Directory Anniversary. We appreciate your evermore. be held until permits'were issued committee. This was approved.
of best wishes, cards, gifts and for jadly missed and always by the Huron County Health.for Councillor John Sinnamon
G. A. WHITNEY comm to make it so enjoyable reniemb red by his wife and installing of septic tanks where
� g j ~� g P • reporting for public wgrks said
H u Ile tt FUNERAL HOME -Emerson and Phyllis, Mitchell. family. 25-40x1 sewerage connections were not the stump cutter had been in town
24-40-1 available. and atotal of 52 stumps removed.
— 26. Personal Council passed by-law 9SS to Work was being started to
87 Goderich St.W.,Seaforth increase the salary of Police Chief remove a tree on George Street,
1 Phone Seaforth 527-1390 The famfly of the late Mrs, Peter Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bosha"a, Arnold Vaughan to $12,500' per sidewalks were being repaired
Bea n e # I 23 -38 -if Moffat Nish to express their Seaforth, are happy to announce g g P
gratitude to relatives and friends annum along with .the. same and some 'road work was being
PERCY WRIGHT g the. fortitcoming marriage of their benefits as the other members of carried out. He asked council to
OPEN 4715 lineal feet' of open for floral tributes, donations, daughter Eleanor Pearl to Mr. theolice force.
drain (a 7500 cu.yds.) messages of sypathy and many Richard Alan Wilson, son of Mr. P approve the advertising for a full
pP• mtime man for the town,crew and
I Farm Pond (app.500 acts of. kindness during their and Mrs, Alan R. Wilson, By-law number 956 was,passed
LICENSED recent bereavement. , Special aut horizin the urchase of a also,the hiring of a student for the
p Toronto. The marriage will tak g P
cu. yds.) thanks -to Dr. Movo and staff of g summer. Council approved.
place on Saturday, June 1st at fused road grader from Dominion Councillor'Wa 'Wayne Ellis in his
CLOSED 7; 15 lineal feet of rile AUCTIONEER Seaforth Comm►�nity Hospital, Roads of Goderich for $10,650 y
P 4:.30 p.m. in Zurich Mennonite persons
to protection for ort X
(16" t 6") G.A,Whitney Funeral Home. Church, Zurich. 26-40x1 exclusive of Ontario Sales Tax report p P
I Road Crossing Kippen, Ontario Rev. M.E.Rcuber and the and trade in of $1,100 for the old ,and property, told council that his
Rip -Rap & C.M.P. Northside United Churchcommittee was trying to• Mr. and Mrs. James F. Keys wish grader. - a deal with Seaforth Community
7 Catch Basins- Telephone 26? -5515 Hensall Women. Mr.. and. Mrs. to announce the forthcoming Council in passing byflaw Hospital to have them act as an
23 -,38 -if T.F, Ibce, Mt. and Mrs. marriage of their daughter,
Separate Tcnders will be F.A.Golding, Mrs. J. Leslie Cox, Marion Eleanor to Mr. Norman number 9S7 authorized 'the answering service for the police.
accepied for open and closedMiss Annette Sinclair. 24-40x 1 ' Edwin Walker, Smith alls:,son , Purchase from King Seg,rieve of'a- The meeting adjourned at 12:30
work. Lowest or any .Tender not Bruce Pulsifer new fire truck for. the Seaforth a.m.
necessaril accepted.- of Mrs. Rena Walker and the late
• i wish to thank everyone who sent Mr. ,lack Walker. The wedding
(exAll ,material and equipment Piano Specialist cards, treats and visited me while will take place Saturday, June . •
the co C.M.P.)to be supplied by I was in the flospital.. Special 8th. 1974 at 3 p.m. at their home, H �rtiC•uIturalists see,
the contractor. Your piano is a valuable piece of thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr. R,R.1, Seaforth. 26-40x1 T'
All Road Crossings to be filled furniture. Have it tuned and kept; Newland and employees of ides
with gravel and tamped in repair.• Phone 327-0053,' Clinton Public Hospital. - Ray Mr, and Mrs. Martin (Iof Sco,,tl'
nd '
'A certified cheque.for 10% of 23,-38-tf Storey. 24-40x1 Heynsbergen, R.R.4, Seaforth �+
the .Tender Price to accompafiy -- are pleased to announce the
Tender. Mrs. William Scott ave a
Tenders close at 6.00' P.M. Dmn-Rely Excavating forthcoming marriage of their At a meeting of -the Seaforth g
second oldest daughter, Theodora Horticultural Society Wednesday report on the annual meeting'of
R.R.N 4, THAMESFORD, ONTARIO Maria to Mr. Herman Bernard held at the common room of the District 8 which she' attended in
Monday Koert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy sen citizens home, slides of Owen Sound recently.
DOZER AND SCRAPER WORK Koert. R.R.2, Sebringville, Scotland were shown to the large Mrs. Mary Haugh and Mrs.
LAND CLEARING Ontario. The wedding will take number attending. Scott were named delegates to
June 3rd. STRIPPING place on June 22, 1974 at 3 p.m. Gordon Wright, who spent his the annual convention of Ontario
BASEMENTS DUG St. ,lames' Roman Catholic vacation in Scotland last summer, Horticultural Societies in Niagara
ALSO BRUSH RAKE Church, Seaforth, Ontario. described the beauty spots he Falls beginning June 9.
26-40x1 visited and showed pictures of Floral arrangements prepared
Further particulars and Tender KiNTORE 283-6623 UNIONDAI.E 349-2585 them in the area where his, by members were presented to
Forms available at the Clerk's forefathers had lived. Robert residents at the senior citizens -
Office. 23 36-9 27. Births home.
Spittal of Seaforth claims this as
the homeland of his ancestors as
CLARE VINCENT - McCOWAN - To Mr. and Mrs. well and was in Scotland with .his
• ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTQ• Kenneth McCowan, at Seaforth
Box sbo Community Hospital, a son. wife at the same time as Mr,
Londesboro. Watch and Jewellery Repairs P Wright.
21-40-2to IL+e Plans were finalized for the -bus
-- -- We Sell and Service — trip to Niagara Falls on June 12.
FEvery week more and more B U 1 ®V A -ACCUTR®N' ,WATC14ESTickets available from lle O eEXP®51T0R Patterson and Mrs. Orville Okepeople discover what mighty jobs A plant e-k6hange was held'. AAds are accomplished by low cost — 3 St its'-- WANT -ADS ADS Miss Jean McEwen handed out vOv 571RZ ` ,
Expositor Want Ads. DialGPOSE )1?U
P 5EA'Pt511'I'FI CLINTONt:LINTAN - WALKERTM copies of the 1974 year book to GAMBL/NC7 •�� ��
"hone 527-3240 527-0240. Phone 527-0240 members.
dish touted. having regard only to
Seaforth C.omrnumty ospita
and laughter
fees would be written off, he said.
trusses project begins. He said
21. Tenders Wanted'
Maims then received.
wh51c a patient there. Thanks •also
Though we are now far, far
In. further business council
that some work could be carried
to Rev. Rcuber and all those who
decided to ask the planning board
out at the' same time without
DATED at Seaforth this 251h day'
visited me -and scut cards, it was
Your art showed as natures
to set a date for a public meeting
creating too many problems.
of April, 1974.
all very much appreciated.' -.
Kerr. 24-40x1
true beauty
regarding an amendment to the
In reporting for the finance and
Though landycapes you will
official plan.
general government committee
Seaforth, Ontario
paint' no more
By law number 954 was passed
Councillor Jim Crocker asked
Solicitors for th.e Executors
We would like to thank all our
But your pictures are with us
-by council authorizing an
council to approve a loan of -'$500
friends for the wonderful evening
amendment to the Building
to the recreation committee for
Towns' p - spent on our 25th Wedding And • memories will last by-law so building permits would the use of the • centennial
23. BUS, Directory Anniversary. We appreciate your evermore. be held until permits'were issued committee. This was approved.
of best wishes, cards, gifts and for jadly missed and always by the Huron County Health.for Councillor John Sinnamon
G. A. WHITNEY comm to make it so enjoyable reniemb red by his wife and installing of septic tanks where
� g j ~� g P • reporting for public wgrks said
H u Ile tt FUNERAL HOME -Emerson and Phyllis, Mitchell. family. 25-40x1 sewerage connections were not the stump cutter had been in town
24-40-1 available. and atotal of 52 stumps removed.
— 26. Personal Council passed by-law 9SS to Work was being started to
87 Goderich St.W.,Seaforth increase the salary of Police Chief remove a tree on George Street,
1 Phone Seaforth 527-1390 The famfly of the late Mrs, Peter Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bosha"a, Arnold Vaughan to $12,500' per sidewalks were being repaired
Bea n e # I 23 -38 -if Moffat Nish to express their Seaforth, are happy to announce g g P
gratitude to relatives and friends annum along with .the. same and some 'road work was being
PERCY WRIGHT g the. fortitcoming marriage of their benefits as the other members of carried out. He asked council to
OPEN 4715 lineal feet' of open for floral tributes, donations, daughter Eleanor Pearl to Mr. theolice force.
drain (a 7500 cu.yds.) messages of sypathy and many Richard Alan Wilson, son of Mr. P approve the advertising for a full
pP• mtime man for the town,crew and
I Farm Pond (app.500 acts of. kindness during their and Mrs, Alan R. Wilson, By-law number 956 was,passed
LICENSED recent bereavement. , Special aut horizin the urchase of a also,the hiring of a student for the
p Toronto. The marriage will tak g P
cu. yds.) thanks -to Dr. Movo and staff of g summer. Council approved.
place on Saturday, June 1st at fused road grader from Dominion Councillor'Wa 'Wayne Ellis in his
CLOSED 7; 15 lineal feet of rile AUCTIONEER Seaforth Comm►�nity Hospital, Roads of Goderich for $10,650 y
P 4:.30 p.m. in Zurich Mennonite persons
to protection for ort X
(16" t 6") G.A,Whitney Funeral Home. Church, Zurich. 26-40x1 exclusive of Ontario Sales Tax report p P
I Road Crossing Kippen, Ontario Rev. M.E.Rcuber and the and trade in of $1,100 for the old ,and property, told council that his
Rip -Rap & C.M.P. Northside United Churchcommittee was trying to• Mr. and Mrs. James F. Keys wish grader. - a deal with Seaforth Community
7 Catch Basins- Telephone 26? -5515 Hensall Women. Mr.. and. Mrs. to announce the forthcoming Council in passing byflaw Hospital to have them act as an
23 -,38 -if T.F, Ibce, Mt. and Mrs. marriage of their daughter,
Separate Tcnders will be F.A.Golding, Mrs. J. Leslie Cox, Marion Eleanor to Mr. Norman number 9S7 authorized 'the answering service for the police.
accepied for open and closedMiss Annette Sinclair. 24-40x 1 ' Edwin Walker, Smith alls:,son , Purchase from King Seg,rieve of'a- The meeting adjourned at 12:30
work. Lowest or any .Tender not Bruce Pulsifer new fire truck for. the Seaforth a.m.
necessaril accepted.- of Mrs. Rena Walker and the late
• i wish to thank everyone who sent Mr. ,lack Walker. The wedding
(exAll ,material and equipment Piano Specialist cards, treats and visited me while will take place Saturday, June . •
the co C.M.P.)to be supplied by I was in the flospital.. Special 8th. 1974 at 3 p.m. at their home, H �rtiC•uIturalists see,
the contractor. Your piano is a valuable piece of thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr. R,R.1, Seaforth. 26-40x1 T'
All Road Crossings to be filled furniture. Have it tuned and kept; Newland and employees of ides
with gravel and tamped in repair.• Phone 327-0053,' Clinton Public Hospital. - Ray Mr, and Mrs. Martin (Iof Sco,,tl'
nd '
'A certified cheque.for 10% of 23,-38-tf Storey. 24-40x1 Heynsbergen, R.R.4, Seaforth �+
the .Tender Price to accompafiy -- are pleased to announce the
Tender. Mrs. William Scott ave a
Tenders close at 6.00' P.M. Dmn-Rely Excavating forthcoming marriage of their At a meeting of -the Seaforth g
second oldest daughter, Theodora Horticultural Society Wednesday report on the annual meeting'of
R.R.N 4, THAMESFORD, ONTARIO Maria to Mr. Herman Bernard held at the common room of the District 8 which she' attended in
Monday Koert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy sen citizens home, slides of Owen Sound recently.
DOZER AND SCRAPER WORK Koert. R.R.2, Sebringville, Scotland were shown to the large Mrs. Mary Haugh and Mrs.
LAND CLEARING Ontario. The wedding will take number attending. Scott were named delegates to
June 3rd. STRIPPING place on June 22, 1974 at 3 p.m. Gordon Wright, who spent his the annual convention of Ontario
BASEMENTS DUG St. ,lames' Roman Catholic vacation in Scotland last summer, Horticultural Societies in Niagara
ALSO BRUSH RAKE Church, Seaforth, Ontario. described the beauty spots he Falls beginning June 9.
26-40x1 visited and showed pictures of Floral arrangements prepared
Further particulars and Tender KiNTORE 283-6623 UNIONDAI.E 349-2585 them in the area where his, by members were presented to
Forms available at the Clerk's forefathers had lived. Robert residents at the senior citizens -
Office. 23 36-9 27. Births home.
Spittal of Seaforth claims this as
the homeland of his ancestors as
CLARE VINCENT - McCOWAN - To Mr. and Mrs. well and was in Scotland with .his
• ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTQ• Kenneth McCowan, at Seaforth
Box sbo Community Hospital, a son. wife at the same time as Mr,
Londesboro. Watch and Jewellery Repairs P Wright.
21-40-2to IL+e Plans were finalized for the -bus
-- -- We Sell and Service — trip to Niagara Falls on June 12.
FEvery week more and more B U 1 ®V A -ACCUTR®N' ,WATC14ESTickets available from lle O eEXP®51T0R Patterson and Mrs. Orville Okepeople discover what mighty jobs A plant e-k6hange was held'. AAds are accomplished by low cost — 3 St its'-- WANT -ADS ADS Miss Jean McEwen handed out vOv 571RZ ` ,
Expositor Want Ads. DialGPOSE )1?U
P 5EA'Pt511'I'FI CLINTONt:LINTAN - WALKERTM copies of the 1974 year book to GAMBL/NC7 •�� ��
"hone 527-3240 527-0240. Phone 527-0240 members.