HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-16, Page 9,r1ling, Winners,, Loical.,Ibowlers M ' 17 t rophies c. I • �, "��: f .+� " •' `�' ..:. Yom: a � r r LEAGUE CHAMPS — Hoisting their, heavy trophy, St. James' Bowling Champs! are: L. Audrey Malone, Sandra Johnston, Joan Beatles, Back, Hank Kramers, Tom Turner and' Gord Dick. Smile r A teenage girl recently started smoking. She came to her father and *said, "Guess what dad; I smoke..– The father, who was Fortune, Paul Matthews; Front, Barb Alexander, Mary Van Dyk and Joanne. Matthews. Winners in the Tuesday night bowling league were presentedwith their strongly apposed a, her smoking, replied, No, dear, you don't trophies recently. The'team members are Ken 'Burgess, Ron Beuerman, Bob smoke., The cigarette smokes. w, Dinsmore, Georgina Reynolds, Marg McCauley and Shirley Dinsmore. You're juv the sucker." HIGH WINNERS — In St.'James' Bowling this year were: Ladies' High Triple - Sandra Coleman, left; � Ladies' High Single - Joan Bettles, Missing, Ladies High Average- Jban Noble. t3ANUVt:I A 1 - 15KIIJUNAUC1V — uuUttlt carni Brodhagen bowlers had a banquet and dance Friday ri night to mark the end of their season. Some of the trophy, wirmers were, back, left Tom: Butters, -Laverne Steinman, Doug. Vock, front,' Helen Wassmanny,., Ruth, Eic1Cmeier and Lois Kramers. (Staff Photo);, 0 1 TOP BOWLERS — More winners in the Dublin and Brodhagen bowling leagues this winter were, back left, Frank Eickmeier, Wilber Hoegy, Mike Eckert, front Jenny Berendsen, Helen Van Moorsel and' Cathy Sommers. (Staff Photo) INDIVIDUAL WINNERS — Trophies were presented to Cecilia Maloney, front left, high average (163) and Shirley. Kramers, most improved at their league's annual Bowling Banquet. Louis Coyne, rear won the men's high average with a score of 204 and Wilber Hoegy was the most improved male player,. Recreation News and 'Views A number of girls and boys will soon be proudly wearing smart red'crests in town. These crests represent a number of hours of physical activity. By the time a child has obtained his fourth crest in the Series he will have partaken in many activities for a considerable amount of time and should be commended. It is encouraging to see• y oungsters runnitig, walking and cycling all over town, which only goes to prove, fitness can be fun. The irfterest'for field Iacrossitis picking up with much efithusiasm. For those boys who have not yet participated but ehjoy a fast moving game with body contact conte on out to t o Ru%lie School Wednesdays at 7 p.m. � rt MOST IMPROVED —1n the St. James' Bowling ;League this year Paula Marcussen and Jack Bedard were the most improved players. - 11 A X w Boys' SPORT COATS and BLAZERS Just like the men's range of sport costs, we feature navelty checks and plainshades in Brown, Royal Navy Rust and Wine — Sizes 8 to IB yrs. 15:95 to, 2:2, 50 DOUBLE-KNIT SLACKS Plaids or plash shade washable fartiel' .knit slacks to. mix: 1� g5 with- any Jacket ............ ' SEE US'FOR . FORMAL •WEAR - . RENTALS - We are agents for FFeemaws,.•. Formal Rentals, Slid Silver Formals, Collins' Formal Rentals. A terrific range of new styles,and colors — Order two weeks ahead. Priced at $2O to $35 v MEN'S HIGH — St. James' Bowling League mens ;' 4A C111111 A 1 THE STORE left, High Triple; George Love and High Single, -Lyle TTj ''WIN Haney. FOR,. MEN & BOYS , PLAY OFF CHAMPS- 'In St. James' League this winter champs were, left, • Mary Authority o• ennewparkbowling p S : ' Prop in tF+'.N.c+•y/ "d, Sok ovet Our doul)le hit , Joan Stapleton and John Mnge of pjam, 0*tA inetll the 1p prie it; pp#eM Art Strong and Joanne g Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural in,41140 mold P.1014, !ove ec3gey' ; Houndtooth cliieulfs and Avatt y r ,signs• n ! Virus an over popla. ;.400 approval of a provincial grant of Powder, fid, Navy,, Wine and Chocolate $15,000 to the Ausable- Bavfield Blazers. Stocked W shorts, Conservation Authority for the C ... regulars and ta31% t .i and priced away be- ... `;;� low suggested prices t` — You save up to w± 1 15% any day of the out further,development Work in year at Stewart's �r this Area durPng 1974. The work will inctude construction of Na-ICEWASM washroom and, changeroom favi -m 34,95 t . �. Q ' 6.5o 9 lit,,, gatehouse, installation of Sport Suits 54.95 to 89.50, ' Boys' SPORT COATS and BLAZERS Just like the men's range of sport costs, we feature navelty checks and plainshades in Brown, Royal Navy Rust and Wine — Sizes 8 to IB yrs. 15:95 to, 2:2, 50 DOUBLE-KNIT SLACKS Plaids or plash shade washable fartiel' .knit slacks to. mix: 1� g5 with- any Jacket ............ ' SEE US'FOR . FORMAL •WEAR - . RENTALS - We are agents for FFeemaws,.•. Formal Rentals, Slid Silver Formals, Collins' Formal Rentals. A terrific range of new styles,and colors — Order two weeks ahead. Priced at $2O to $35 v MEN'S HIGH — St. James' Bowling League mens ;' champs were: Men's High Average, John ,Coleman, 1 THE STORE left, High Triple; George Love and High Single, -Lyle it Haney. FOR,. MEN & BOYS , PLAY OFF CHAMPS- 'In St. James' League this winter champs were, left, • Mary Authority o• ennewparkbowling p Cameron, Gertie Kramers, Joan Stapleton and John Jack Riddell, M•P.P., and Hon. All member Municipalities are � , Coleman. Missin were g Art Strong and Joanne g Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural designated as benefiting and will Melanson. Resources have announced the bear -the Authority's share of the approval of a provincial grant of cost. $15,000 to the Ausable- Bavfield JIIIIIIiIIIIII fill 1111111111111111111111111 lit1111111111111111111111111L Conservation Authority for the C ... .i Port BlakeConservation Arca. ... `;;� ,•.- yt,., t` The Authority proposes to carry -- - 1 out further,development Work in C this Area durPng 1974. The work will inctude construction of Na-ICEWASM washroom and, changeroom favi -m BUS—NOT ' lit,,, gatehouse, installation of ' hydro, water and sewer service y� lines. fericing, completion of service roads, walkway and step C ,Fc construction, seeding, erection of signs, plapning and other general e .= Effective MAY 14th, 1974, Change of t;c y development work. , All member municipalities will SEAFORTH BUS DEPOT TO ,;.bear the Authori-tv's share of the Cost. The Poti Blake Conservation C :: t Area is located immediately south of the Lake Water Treat- � MEDDIS S AWARD VI/INNERS -- Other Brodhagen and Dublin g at the meat Plant at the ua�ction of area bowlers honoured Friday night were front, left, Highways 21 and 83, and is the Jenny Berendsen, Anne Kistner, Norma. Dietz and newest of the AuthBrit}'s rccrea• SERVICE STATION and SNACK BAR rear Hank Kramersand Frank Kistner. (Staff Photo) tion areas. It will he open for the Victoria ,.� = Seaforth Main and Goderich Street 4 H club Dav weekend, although the wash- building-.- room and changehousc uildingsMcKillop McKillop11 held their sixth blowor cc herr styling your hair will not he completed until late in C meeting in the St. Columbat� The mothers of the club members -June. Other development work Separate School. were invited to attend the melt- will be continued over the sum- ..� .� ••• .�. . For 'information can Passenger Tickets and Parebf Express -mom Discussions and demonstra- ing which provtd -to be quite mer by Auihoriti and SWEEP .tions were based on personal amusing. Refreshments were ct•e tv s . This cdnservation area is being u.� r .� \ .... appearance. Mrs. B. Binnings, a specialist later served. The seventh meeting of the developed to provide proper CALL 527-0311 in cosmetics and skin care and 'MBdificd Raggedy Anns' a as . facilities for the large numbers of Mrs. Elsie Willems, a hair stylist, held at the home of assistant people Who use this attractive *� were available at the meeting to leader Mrs. sloe Dorsey. The section of beach. There will be a give us some helpful hints discussion consisted mainh on charge of $1.00 per ear for use of ,� r •.• concerning ourselves and how to posture and body language. The the park rte`Now .. improve our present skin and hair condition. leader Mrs. Roy Swart chose several the stub members to Hon. Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural Resources and Jack Rid- Lin�. ��� mom � �� ���` mom Mrs. Binning gave a demon demonstrate postero in standing. ra dell, M.P.P., have announced the... . stration on how to apply make up sitting, and squatting. approval of a provincial grant in = wM properiy. She stressed the impor• 'Body language' Was another the amount of $1,000, to the ' ` .�w wn tarice of have kin cleared of make issue discussed which dealt with Ad". ble-Bavfield Conservation ,'�: �►X �� ��� Pune T1_�'T14 Stratford ' up before retiring for the night. appearance, facial expression, Authority to carry out certain,WARM Mrs. Willems told many inter- voice and manners and flow renovationwork in the Authority �; orqu esting tips on hair 'care and demonstrated how to use a hair others react to them, All enjoyed a delicious snack afterwards. fleadgyarters office and work- shop•iilllrttr11t1ltllltlrrililtrlllrllllllrlllltllllllltitlililrltlllllrllrlrlllltrrlltllll!l111lllllrlltl a ' t