HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-16, Page 7iff
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I.p students, �.'otf,.
L'ti x� .'o tax rates .this year' A Jae t midget
y ion News t the Huron.Perth Track ,Meet n R bey, ,girls I500 relay KATO" Kok, '>41ltxrrq p0ro.-I���it', ,
There will die little change in applicable..' at Western University Track metres; and the Midget gins 4 x Houston, too, Kh and' 1i0n R.tlrst I�wxl� , ��i� 10k� "�q >ro "
Views Hullett tax rates this year as The regular meeting .of council Monday, Dan Maloney set a 10¢ relay at Maureen James Maloney, pXy,$ $e091lac and lila
compared to 1973. was held May 6 when two drain record in Junior Boy 400 metres - Haney, Nancy Dietz ,and Ann Point totals this year were, iQ tiYjy "
Council adopted a budget at the reports were considered with 52.6 seconds, Janmaat,
May meeting that .wtiU,,produce several owners present. As these Results are as' follows; First Fourth piece winners were
� �.�� _ •p . the $637,20Q necessary to operate were, revised reports it was not place winners Mary Lammerant 'Gayle Beuerman, Midget Girls
.---� -.. •.
a, t the townshijs-�in 1974. considered necessarythat the in Junior Girls 1500 metres and
discus and the Junior Girls x iQU '
The schedule of rates is: Engineer be in attendance. pan Maloney in Junior Boys 400' relay %t cam' of Jane Leeming, looqka" V. 11(� WNW— V F On
r t F & R B & C The reports were adopted and metres and 800 metres.
i ' ,
Barb Chesney, Susan Beuerman
County 1�. necessary by-laws Passed, Second place winners - Mary ;
and Barb. Doig, Chartered Accountants
v Huron County School -Board Clerk Clare Vincent was Lammerant in Junior Girls 800 268 Main St., Exeter
Elementary ... 19. 22. instructed to send a letter to Blyth metres; Ann Janmaat, Midget Fifth place winners were - Barb "r
Huron County School Board
Council and inform them that Girls 100 metres; Linda Dorsgers, Smith in Junior Girls 800 metres AR'T'HUR W. -READ
Secondary... 17.5 20.5 Huflett-Townshipis prepared •to ' -Midget Girls High Jump; Cindy and 1500 metres; Ann Janmaat, , Resident Partner
_ Huron -Perth R.C.S. make a Grant, of $1,000.00 porssers, Junior Girls high jump; Midget Girls, 200 metres; and 25.0120
Board 24.22 towards the Blyth Recreation Barb Doig. Junior Girls 400 Marvin Kale, Junior Boys, 1500
By'John D. Raker Hullett General 27. 30. Committee and recommend that metres; and open Girls 4 x 400 metres.
Public Relations Officer
Branch 156
Village of Auburn 15.
future councils consider a similar
relay team of Marl. Jansen, Barb
Winning to 6th place was the
Londesboro Street Lights4,
grant yearly.
Smith, Mary Lammerant and
Senior Girls 4 x 100 metres - Kim
Past Events
invited to participate.
liti Council held a special
Building permit was issued, to.
Florence Pullen, Lot 14, Con. 1,
Barb Doig.
Third Place -winners- Cheryl
Anstett, Jane Williamson, Connie
Van Dyke and May- Ann Van,
. Last Friday, May 10th, Branch •
Man members have not
Y yet
meeting at Londesboro Hatt when
for an addition to house and shed.,
Sevmuur, Junior Girls high jump;
$akel and the Open Boys 4 x •400
156 sent an installation team to
received their membership card,
Dave °Reed from Cowan'spresent
Council recommended for
the Blyth Branch to install their
The reason for this is .that
insurance discussed present
insurance coverage and necessary
approval severances on Con. 3.
' }
No. big increase
The Bingo last Friday night
Command once again
are having trouble with their
Pt. Lot 27, Con. 13, Pt, Lot 39,
attracted one hundred and eleven
Council agreed to increase •
and Con. 10, Lot 20, and attach no
conditions but suggested there be
(Continued from Pae 1
for the year. g 1 -
3R4.R68.00: rants and, subsidies
$87,526; tax penalties and
players, and prizes to the value of
$371 were divided among the
coverage on Londesboro
Community Hall from $75,000 to
a written agreement in regards to
Projected costs for the year
intbrest $1,700; licences and
• winners,
Anniversary k'asses Almost
line fences.
1974 are estimated as follows:
permits $750; other revenue
Building Permits were
• Set the rate for garbage pick-up
Finahee and general government
$72,404; surplus from previous
Coming Events
Last Wednesday. May 8th, was
approved for Jack Carter, silo;
for 1974 t $15.00 per residential
$56,682; public works and
year $36.000,
Friday, May 17th Bingo 8s
to most of us just ahother day.
Fred Hellinga, granary; Henry
and $30 00 for commercial in
sanitation $159,500; protectioa-
Rates set by council will raise:
usual at the Legion Hall.
Too occupied with todays plot-
Wilts, granary; Edmund
Londesbo i.
persons and proFei•ty $91,726;
sewer frontage $9,761;'sewerrate
Saturday, May 18th - installs•
refs, few of us looked back to
Honking, swimming pool; Cliff
Provision Ily adopted the
community centre board $27,500;
at 2 mills $4,694; County of Huron
tion officers, Branch
reflect on ot)e of the happiest days
Shobbrook, Mobile Home; John
report on the cane Drain #2, and
recreation committee $14,834;
at ,18.1 mills $63.460; tax levies
a theiEgeter
will be providing the installation
of our lives, for this was the 29th
Van Egmond, Granary; T.
set June 3rd for the Court of
and non committee items
$162,453; unconditional per
team. This will be followed by a
anniversary of VE -Day. For many
Hallam, add to house; Hugh
Revision when acres assessed M
$195.858. making a total
capita grant $22,484; making a
social evening.
service men it a day of
Flynn, addition to house and H.
W �z .17 wtl! be reviewed,
total , estinlpted revenue of
Sunday, May 26th -Branch 156
reprieve from death and it should,
'Van Baaren, granary, subject to
• c
Pfovisi onal! � adopted the
This figure includes education
$54'$,100. '
will be conducting a canvass for
always:be retne,mbered as a day
Township By -Laws and. Huron
Engineer's Re ort on the Beane
requisitions of public $83,759 and
Mayor• F.C'.J.Sills expressed
the Salvation Army, all members
of thanksgiving.
County Health Unit where
Drainage W6r s #i and set June
separate $7,744, making a total of
his thanks to. members of council
3rd for Court of Revision, and
$91,503 required for school
and the clerk for their
instruct the C erk to advertise for
co-operation in making it possible
Tenders for onstruction of open
and closed ortions.
Revenue estimates include:
debenture debt - recovery
to almorfj' hold the line on this
Year's budget.
• or out y
Federationf Agriculture $600.00
Seaforth Police Department is aid to all kinds of people, in all understanding between police for 1974.
observing Police Week, May 12 - kinds of circumstances," Chief and the public will result and that Accepted the petition of Doug
18 along„ with other Police Vaughan sa' We do need our the public will continue to be Farquhar for repairs to the
Departments across Canada. cops. The perforin a valuable aware of the need to maintain our Farquhar Municipal Drain and
N► Chief A.C.Vaughan said, "We ' service• that,rwe could not do traditionally high standards of instruct the commissioner to
hope the citizens of Seaforth will without." law. enforcement throughout tile' inspect same.
come and see us. We look forward Chief Vaughan explained that year.' granted $20.00 to the Huron
"Police Week gives the plubic a County Historical Society.
to meeting with as many people
chance to meet police officers Granted $125.00 to the Auburn
as possible, and showing them
how we do our job." under relaxed conditions." Hall. Berard to be used•to help pay
During this week, people can Newocation repair bills on hydro.
Police week is observed visit the police station, discuss' instructed the clerk to sends+a
annually across Canada.' This careers as police officers and pick for bus Station letter to Goderich .Town.hip
year's theme in Ontario, is "We up hints about how to preventinforming them that council feels
need our Cops". crime `in theie communities. Seaforth has a new bus station. ` there needs to be a drain and
-"Our police are, integral parts "Although only a week is set Medd's Supertest gas station is sewer put in on Boundary Road
of our communities. Their job has aside," ChiefVaughan said, "it now selling , bus tickets and between Goderich and Hullett at.
come to involve assistance and is hoped that increased handling all parcels. Ball's Bridge, -and enquired if
The station is located at tile, tile\- arc interested 41 sharing cost
corner of Main and Goderrc.h 50 and'to ask if'tf'ev would be
Streets. interested in employing ' snow
.c „µ The bus formerly stopped at blower e blow
im snow cuff the road'
°+i CI�:aV'e"'.s" Sii'fidetr ort "Ciod'erich in winter time and share cost
open -seasonStreet.'
Monday evening saw half of the " Teachers 3'--1 to end the game on
eight teams in the Industrial top of a 12-8 score. NEWS OF
League open their season, as the Jack Price went the distance on
two ballgames scheduled for the the mound for Main Street to pick •
Rec. were cancelled because of up the win, while Howard James V' ��
wet weather and a soft field. also went seven innings for a H,uroh
' However, at the Lions Park four losing cause,
teams braved the elements to, In the late game Bob McKell'er
start- the season. hit two home runs and a double
In the opening encounter last lead to. Villagers to an easy I6-3 One hundred and fifty students of Colborne Cental School
year's champs, ' Main Street victory over, the ;Queens. The visited the Home on Friday afternoon and presented art'
edged the Teachers in a nip and Queens, in their debut, showed operetta "The Pied Piper of Hamelin". The residents enjoyed
tuck contest. Main Street sported little power at the plate and made this performance very much, as it took them back to their
new sweaters and opened the first several costly mistakes in the school days when this story was in one, of their readers. A
,inning with two runs as Bob 'field. They do show lots of great deal of credit is due to the students and teachers for this
Beuttenmiller and Cub Bet'ties' promise through and before the tine display of talent. Mrs. McClure, a great grandmother of
crossed home plate. The Teachers season ends will make their one of the students, thanked all those csponsible for (he
« came 'back when N. Hutchison presence felt: Rick Woods was program on behalf of the residents.
scored to narrow the margin` to the winning hurler while several The Bavticld volunteers assisted with Mondav's activities
one run. The second inning saw of the old Mechanics made, a with Mrs. Mvrtle 'Parker'joining, Norman Speir and Jerre
Main Street open upa big lead reappearance including Eric. Collins - to provide the music for the afternoon.
scoring 3 times while holding the Chuter who pitched in a losing The over 90 Club met on Wednesday afternoon and were
Teachers scoreless to take the top cause. Bill Price and Rick Woods entertained by three la(�es. from Wingham. Mrs.
half of a 5 - 1 score.The third also collected three hits apiece as McNaughton.gave three ready gs and joined Mrs. Bosman `
inning, however, saw the the Villagers connected for 15 hits with several vocal duets accompanied at the piano by Mrs.
Teachers reverse the -edge by including 9 for extra bases. Goy. Following the program tea 'and cookjes were provided by '
holding Me Uptownerstcoreless The games cancelled at the the kitchen staff assisted by a volunteer Mrs. Luckham of
than rall)ng for 5 big runs to take Rec. will be played tonight, Clinton. ' ,
the lead 6 - 5. Main Street took (Thursday) with the Turf Club The music committee and the young people of the Bayfield
control and nipped away counting and Texaco meetin at 7:00 while Baptist Church provided the program for "Family Night".
N two runs in the fourth to regain the new team a the Firemen Mrs. Pearson thanked the group on behalf of the residents for
the lead. The fifth frame saw th6 will play the la a encounter. the hour- of singing and musical "numbers.
Main Streeters add two more runs
to extend their lead to 9 - 6. in the
sixth the Teachers loaded the I tours •
bases with none out but managed gra n lant
only one run as a double play g
pulled the Uptowners out of The Seaforth Women's Large, Medium. Small and Pee for busincs,.
trouble. The, final inning saw institute etij'oved a most Wees, then on to dozen cartons. Roll call was 'A favorite use of
Main Street . outscore the interesting tour .of the Gay Lea The work all is done by cheese'. Communicbtions read
Centenarians Plant on Tuesday evening. machine. Eggs are packed in included thank you notes from
In the United States only three Members -saw 450 dozen eggs dozen lots and so in trays and'put Mrs. Graham Kcrr, Eldin Kerr.
of every 100,000 persons are on one cart, and 2000 to 5000 into boxes for sale. A staff of Mrs. Gordan Papple, Kilbarchan.
centenarians. dozen in a lot. The eggs are put in seven run the machines and there The Huronvicw• Blossom tea is in
trays and on a (rack wliere the is day and evening shifts. Eggs be held June 5th. Achievement
License Plate •eggsare picked out of the trays by are checked and inspected at Day in the Seaforth District High
I just saw a very unusual suction cups and put through a frequent intervals. School June 8 and Seaforth is
license plate:"HUP 234". 1 found washing machine then' on to the Mrs. Bruce Coleman was responsible for the Huronvicw
out the guy who drives the car is candle machine and run hostess for the meeting. Mrs. birthday Party in March next
an Army drill sergeant. off in 6 grades, Jumbo, X Large, Bruce Coleman read a poem, "A Year.
Garden of the Mind". Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Mrs.
Claire Reith, Public Relations Alex Pepper `were appointed to
officer for Gay Lea Foods told the attend, Keeping Fit and Active at
meeting he had been associated Huronvic%%W4ay 29th and Mrs.
with the firm for 27 years. The Jas. Keys and Mrs,Lorne La%+son
vet % j firm has 1.5 branches and 5 main were appointed to the 1975 Quilt
�J centres including those in committee. Mrs. John
Guelph. Tara and Woodstock. Henderson, Mrs. Ross Gordon,
.,r� �� ySc'ahrvh and Weston. Mr. Reith Mrs. Arnold Taylor ate to look
spoke on Yogurt. which was after a comedv }}oat for the Lions
originated in the Orient, is made Club Anniversary Parade June in 16 flavors and in 3 sizes. Other 22, It was• decided to have a
dairy products include cottage courtesy booth again for the Fall
cheese, sour cream and butter. Fair.
Gay Lea won ist prize last year The meeting agreed to have
for butter at Toronto Exhibition, additional Cook Books printed. A
k Gay Lea products are sold in all discussion was held in regard to
chain stores, some use their own the Hospital Auxiliary June i nth
wrappers. Gay Lea exports to the meeting to be held at the Golf
United States and Jamaica. Club at 6:30 p,m.
+ Mrs. Ken Stewart•thart,ked Mr. Mrs, Taylor adjourned the ,
1 ^/ Reith and presented him with a meefing and lunch was served by
V$t1/ gift. MrS. R.M.Scott and her
'00h, not" Mrs. Arnold Taylor presided committee.
A History of.,
By Isabelle Campbell
• ,
� a •
adored, rejected, argued about, accused, praised, sat on, thrown
out, spitefully used, befriended, crumpled up, broke, laughed at,
cried over, blacklisted;, lauded, reproved, loved chastised, blamed,
and read
Seefor ••. ourse-yourself.
Be informed about• what'sgoing in Seaforth,
Dublin, Staffa, Cromarty, Brodhagen, Walton, Winthrop,
Constance, Brucef field, Kippen and Hensall
a year in Canada
$11 outside Canada
Phone 527-0240 Seaforth
Dear Sirs: Please send The Huron Expositor directly to my home,
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N*w ..:..... Renewal .
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