The Huron Expositor, 1974-05-16, Page 5,3F tR yP;�G4 AR FA fy4 t",��H I 4, •��'94 ,Y �, r .,x +� ,y �.t, y! X_d reit? y �.,N, erg o ncil iei A , ! ,� ,.'4 �tiw -r e I s �, Lor ti �� v.�'b ,••�'. �} e , •� a; n •z r, :n i I rant fo r F of,A C b; r F�# FYr F 7 xs a I L lY Rfrlall' 1 A1iJs �A�s ,, f�. �t a` £ Hibbert Township turned dpwn Nicholson Ltd. for the open work the year 1974. � a uest from the Perth Count for 51328.00. Grants of $25 were made to the K .n r req y Federation of- Agriculture for a In other Drainage Work, the Mitchell St. Johns Ambulance, grant at their regular meeting Clerk was instructed to call for and the Hensall Spring Fair of Was just reading„ some of the bellies and belrimds,, yi!l , e#3tagf�:" ; ' r 1 May' 6 when Joost Drost addres tenders on the McGrath Drath 1532.00 for the calf showing• price forecasts for hogs from -end ►` . � � . g snowmobiles attd 01ii , at ds trrl, sed Council and pointed out the, Repair; E,H. Vderstadt O.L.S. of On Thursday evening the rate- Janus The prediction of the + P P Y R n'• I? soon'ftw�on kms bebe.ftltucu' ;tri g g PP payers ceY g owns an aircusition velttcleM ..i'R assi9tance given to farmers by the bran cultic was appointed to a ores involved In the Forbes stat ball azers- was ther for iC Y P p, p ,r r,, ,� p •,f !`" !,�" . Federation, and • sill that it bring a preliminary report on (a) Award Drain visited with Council, 60c to S5c per pound and one was going Pete,"but it wq .t do airy +'' warranted their support. A mo- •We•McLaren Award Drain and (b) and discussed• -the problems of so essimistic as to predict as low good because we ar,.e `too greed • .- '�;,,�;' �� �"�,: h •}�� � be g as made en the that dgrant A rationf . $but drainag100 the e Forbes Sloan Award of Drain. 53800A tile was highway, seand north ong that and south of hoverction of the as ing while around the 40c elevel. t3 * f' e iv Fee gg The traditional concept there being no seconder,,- the approved, and a Drainage Deben- the Highway. It was generally Now is the .time to fill your freezer politipians propoftg growth, tR Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Connor of Mr. and Mrs. At Byers, who Mrs. Dan Costello. motion was defeated. ture of $4500.00 applied for. agreed that a problem did exist, folks. The Ontario Pork Institute, expand the taxbase is archaic 'an A of Toronto visited last week with was baptized on `Sunday. Mt. and • Mrs. Dan Costello Council directed the 'Clerk to " A Special By -Law was passed and requested Council to appoint which is mainly funded by the should be discontinued, said Paul -1 of Mr, and Mrs. Pete Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McLaugh- spent Sunday in Guelph with Mr. enquire of the price of old wire. for two readings to apply to an Engineer to bring in a Pork Board, has begun a 'Steinberg of Woodstock, It is time Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'ulette and tin motored to Toronto on Wed- and, Mrs. John'Krauskopf. fence, and whether it was a O.M.B, for permission to borrow preliminary report and cost anal- campaign to shore up sales of that the population pressure of .' family of Windsor spent a. few nesday on business. MrsAean Dill visited last week _ workable proposition to stock pile $250,000.00 to cover the drainage ysis. On receipt of this, there„ pork. They stress the new pork, this part of Ontario was shifted to. days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Visitors with-- Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dill at St. wire at the Township Landfill loans, as the old by-law of would be further discussion on 'meaning the lower fat content, other • areas where prime Hugh Benninger. Mike McLaughlin on Mothers Mar s. ' Site; and dispose of truck load $150,000.00 was• near) ex- the drain. lower calorie content and. the � p y agricultural land would not be Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Dwyer Day were: Mr, and" Mrs:*Jerry Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warren, Jill lots. This would be again discus- pended. The Clerk was directed Severance again occupied a higher protein. Pork is the best "sacrificed for , concrete and and children of Windsor spent the Poland and Barbara McLaughlin and Mark visited on the weekend sed when replies were received to give this precedence so that large part of Council's time, and buy of any meat right now. So pavement. Amen, brother. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim of London, Mr. -and Mrs. John with Mrs. Jeap Dill. from scrap metal merchants. there would be no delay on tile two applications were referred watch for those posters and r •, * r • r Delaney. Montgomery and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend Tlieie were no appeals to the drainage applications. back for further information. recipes. The political optimists are Sisters Margaret . and Mary Stratford, and' Miss Mary Lou and girls spent the weekend • at Gardiner Drainage Works, and Road Vouchers for $3644.42 Building permits were granted to Eckert of Essex visited on the McLaughlin of Kitchener and their cottage at Lions Head. tenders were opened. Keith and General Township Expenses James Diehl' and John O'Reilly, In his' rural route letter in again sticking trice neck and relict hi h.. rices for wheat, 'weekend with Mike Eckert. friend of Hamilton. Mr. Don MacRae attended the Brickman was awarded the con- for $8481.92 were approved: for improvements and addition, ^p g ._.p w Visitors with Thos. Butters on Visitors with Mrs. G. Kramers fifty-sixth Annual Convention of tract for the closed work in the Mike Coyne was appointed to and to Barry Mahon for a new `Country Guide", Pete Williams, corn soybeans, etc. 1 m not so has a very sane letter. It tells us of. sure. The high prices of last year , Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Jack on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. the Canadian Postmasters' Asso• sum of $3600.00 and • Robert collect fees and issue dog tags for home. a leading ebonomist wh3 shows as induce every grower to , plant ♦ Morris and children and Mr. and Bernard Casey of St. -Thomas, ciation held at the Ontario branch t ndard of h' h d b d Mrs. Don Coyne and children of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kramers, at Oshawa, Odtario. London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tracy and Todd of Mitchell, Mr. Mr. MacRae attends many Butters and children of Mitchell. and Mrs. Paul Kramers of meetings and is interested in Mr. and Mrs. Ed Byers spent Egmondville and Mr, and Mrs. loolihig after the affairs of the Sunday in Kitchener with Mr, and Louis Kramers. citizens in general. Mrs. Al Byers and attended the Mr. 'Joe Malone of Winnipeg Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bannon baptism of William Edward, .son visited last week with Mr. and of Rostock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. London and Mr. and Mrs. Frank an, 9 . ,,,,,:.,,.., certificate vfor •. the �yBeginners' last The. funeral service was held Fischer of Straffordville. Council agreed the interior of Memory Work Course at the last Friday morning at Ingleside: We are sorry to know that Mrs. The monthly, meeting of the the 'Township Hall and Council Christian .Family Service on Sun On Sunday morning Mrs. John Verne Steinman is a patient in Catholic Women's League was Chambers is to be redecorated day afternoon. In the absence of Jefferson attended the baptism of Stratford General Hospital. held on Tuesday evening in the and a new heating system Rev. W. Jarvis, Rev. Harold Snell her first great-grandchild, Mrs. Emma Malone Church hall. Father Oostveen installed. of Exeter was in charge. He spoke Charles William Chessell, in accompanied by Mr. and opened the meeting with prayer. A request was received for the on Joshua's words, "As for me, Sebringville United Church, and repair and improvement of the - visited afterwards with his are- Mrs. Alfred Malone attended the Mrs. Francis Hicknell presided.. P p , and my house, we will serve the p funer9l of the former's brother -in- Minutes were read by 'Mrs, 'Knipe Drain and a petition Lord." He said it was a message ents, . Mr. and Mrs. Norman law, Mr. M. Rees of Detroit. Thomas Murray. Mrs. Clarence making an award drain affecting not only for Mother's Day, but for, Chessell, Stratford. The following children received Ryan read the correspondence lots 13-16, cons. 1d-16 into a an da an time, anywhere. The Mrs- •J. Jefferson visited Sun- munici al drain. Jas. A. Howes, Y Y. Y. Y First Holy Communion ,and Mrs. Theo .Van Bakel gave . p , juniorchoir under the direction of day evening with Mr. and Mrs.ale, Sue 1):L,.S., is to be notified 'to Mrs. F. Horne sang Do You Donald Riehl and boys, Seebach's Ann on uMurray, Ale inenday: M ary Jo K -McIver, chaelr Coyner and Pauline rareNto -examine the drains and report Know. Hill and Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred ' Neil Ryan, David- O'Rourke, care for altars. Graduation. pins The 1974 tax'rate was set, the Hibbert Townshipraised a total Chessell Mitchell. •-' •- • Jeffrey Visser, Richard Klaver. have been ordered for the Grade 8 County Township and Schools / of $728.40 for the Cancer Fund Mother's Day guests with Mr. Mrs. -John O'Reilly of Stratford 'graduating class. Used clothing is amounting to 81.17 mills Res. and /J this year. Of this amount $83,25 and Mrs. 0. Walker were Mr. and visited recently with her' sist ere to be in by the end of May. Mrs-: " ` 69.68 corn. ' for Public School was collected on Concessions 10 Mrs. Hugh Currie and girls, MRS. MARY LOU STAPLES Y b d.11 with Mrs. Gordon Lain as. Dorchester. will graduate from Lambton Mrs. Jack Moylan. Bob Duffy will visit the sick. Mrs. Supporters and 67.5 mills Res. , g I a Mrs Mar Ducharme is+r Hicknell thanked everyone who and N7,2.,,pom. , for, , Separate Canvassers we' Bar Frank Allen had the misfortune 'College of Applied Arts acid" ' ... Yt.kener. McLeatt Brenda "r"di ' r � o I a# school '4 0 sprain -:hill`+ 'Technology ^uvaf nia, Ontario +;!A, lv s r tn� tw^th her son a»d helped make the parish dance a School��Sukipprte> a,,glus� f;reg pqp- ghtet} r =taw . Mr. and, Mrs. success. The C.W.L. cantributed tgctiori, Mitcbq,,A.rea14 mills and Wallace Murraynd Mary wrist: Friday, May' 1'7th', 197 as 'an f Monkton Area .4 mills and Y a Y Tom Ducharme in Thunder Bay. towards paying for ice time or r 6 Ross; Margaret Laing, Penny Eldon Allen's farm was a busy Early Childhood Teacher. She is,a the' Knights of Columbus hockey Brodhagen street' lights 3.5 mills Meikle and Mary Kinsman. On Place on Saturday when several graduate of St. Columban School Mrs. -Agnes Kale, of London is team. $25.00 was donated to the and Monkton street lights 2 mills. concessions 12 and' 13, Agnes neighbors gathered, tp plant the- and Seaforth District' High visiting members o£.'her family disaster fund. Mrs. Clarence 'The first payment is due June 15 Russell and Margaret Cole col- spring grain. Mr. Allem arrived school. She is the daughter of Mr. here. Ryan and Mrs. Francis Hicknell and the second payment . Nov- .lected a total of $70.50. home'Friday- from Seaforth hosp- and .Mrs. Joseph A. ' Lane, . Mr. John McGrath, Kitchener, will attend the Convention to be ember 15 instead of December 15. Gail Harburn was commentator ital where he had been a patient R,R.No.2,. Dublin, Ontario. spent Mothers Day with Mrs. held in London in May. A motion A .supplementary by-law is to for the Staffs Munchkins' exhibit, since he was injured while Helen McGrath. d th t t be ur- be assed re uestin the De t of Featuring Wheat, at the 4-H helping in the clean-up campaign w Homemaking Club Achievement following the tornado on Easter Day in Mitchell on Saturday, Sunday. Farmers assisting in the Lorraine Laing received her pro- bee were: Carlyle Meikle, Nelson vincial honors piii and certificate Howe, Bruce Miller, Mervin and for having completed 12 clubs. Harvey Dow, David, Gordon and Bonnie McPhail, Margaret Bob Laing, John and David Scott, Laing, Patti Norris, and Helen Jack Butson, Maurice Ruston on Smale attended a gathering of' Ivan Norris'- tractor, and Ernie Latin students at John ,F. Ross Harburn on Stan Zankowski's now to increase ours a more. C na a otter crops an Logan -council. living. Pete says: "Who says we cut imports from the U.S.A. w, / have to increase our standard of 'Result will be more American Sets tax rates living? Right now, I'd say there is wheat of the world market which something a little indecent about is bound tq ' bring down prices. The. reports of the Watt, a call for an increased standard of We will probably get the same Parrott, Logan Maitland, Centre living in. this country when results as withhigh meat prices. Branch of the Northwest and the two-thirds of the- world's people Oversupply and following lower Ritz Extension Drains were read are inadequately fed, clothed and prices. I suspect that the political . ` and adopted at a meeting of sheltered." He goes on to ask iL economists predict high prices 'to we should have more cars per encoura e' farmers to Graduates r„•• Those attending the Staples- Ottawa, Toronto, Brampton, Au- Logan Township Council: The Clerlt, K. J. Reaney, is'to prepare g family, or two plat es of food over supply. - Lane wedding -from a distance burn, Windsor, • Chatham, by -Laws with $100.00 and under instead of one so we'll get fatter in Sarnia were Mr. and Mrs. Basil Lane ' Thamesville, Stratford, Goderich assessments to'be paid cash and returning the next morning. in Seaforth Community Hospital. Center, She told of her stay in India,Father India, and Mrs. Tom Lane of Toronto, and Clinton. ratepayers, with assessments of Mrs. Philip James. p 1 Mrs.J. Wallington of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle of over $100.00 having the privelege cultivating earlier in the month }I' Mr. and Mrs.Tom. Ducharme of Thunder Bay, Mrs. F. Murray of London and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Regier of Zurich spent Sunday of paying cash or letting payment go on 5 year debentures with following the death of his mother, Strat ford, home for Detroit, Miss Emily Kennedy of Mrs. F -tank Maloney and interest at 10%. Court of Revision M D 1 W'lf d J Nowl. was the A number of former nei hbors with was set for June 3 ' I Remember! It takes but a . was ma e a carpe p p q g p. Mr. Joe Murray and friend of chased for the choir gallery and Transportation and Com,munica- Orillia visited his parents Mr. and 'steps. The .'June tea was dis- tions for subsidy on an extra Guaranteed Investment Mrs. Raymond Murray. ' cussed. $5,000.00 expenditure for road Certificates Mr, and Mrs. Jack Stapleton Mrs. Angus Kennedy was, construction, and family of Kitchener '-spent presented with a gift from the Sunday with the lady's, parents C.W �. on her departure from the News of Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Mr. and Mrs. G., Murray. parish. Mrs. Len O'Rourke gave a KiPPEN Mr. and Mrs; Leo Smith and reading "The Perfect House- The senior Trust Companv ' devoted entirely to serving girls of Acton spent the weekend wife." Teresa and Margaret - with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. • Hicknell entertained with singing The Board of Directors of the people of Ontario. y Collegiate Vocational Institute in tractor. The lob had lust been Miss Laurlynn Greig and, Mrs. Tom Lane of Toronto accompanied by their guitar. Kippen East W.I. met at the Guelph on Tuesday afternoon. p Y sympathy this coin- completed when Saturday night's heavy rain began. Other men who s ent a few da s last week with Murray Haines, Kingston, visited P Y � friends in St. Columban. Mystery prize donated by Mrs. Theo Van Bakel was won by Mrs. home of Mrs. Robert Kinsman on ITMRMandGREYThe May 7 to plan the programs formunity of meeting in the Family Life on the weeken with Mr. and returning the next morning. in Seaforth Community Hospital. Center, She told of her stay in India,Father India, is extended to the Rev. had helped with plowing and Mrs. Philip James. p Mrs. Jean Miller of Walton-' Tom Murray, Lunch was served the coming year. Pians will be Wilfred "Jarvis and his family cultivating earlier in the month Miss Geraldine Templeman, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Jack an -d a social hqur spE4i t. made later to celebrate Kippen TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 following the death of his mother, were Elmer and Roger Dow and Strat ford, home for McIver. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence East's 40t anniversary. The y M D 1 W'lf d J Jim Miller. was the A number of former nei hbors .Ryan, b d' 'd d t k 'th 0 V y Is. oug as ire arvis, in weekend with her family, el Larry Murray, Chris Delaney, and mem ors eci e o wore wi i 1 or the Whole Family , -- Not Bold to anyone under 18 'years of age 4!1 e Available at aro e S. ItOMS AND STATII1ti1�:R'1• sr�>'r{�F: The Friendly Store in Seaforth - "the frtendty town" OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS Mrs, J. Davidson,. Brucefield, of Mrs. Anna Kennedy met at her Reg Van Bakel attended Donny the Junior Farmers to the re'cycl- wa's guest speaker Sunday was home recently. Cards were en - graduation exercises at Sir ing of glass and paper. The buS evening at Hibbert joyed and a .dainty lunch served, . Sandford Fleming College in trip will be June 20. g g Community Young People after which Mrs. Len O'Rourke Lindsay on Saturday, May 11th, Mr. Elzar Mousseau is a patient meeting in the Family Life read an appropriate address, and returning the next morning. in Seaforth Community Hospital. Center, She told of her stay in India,Father India, Mrs. Roy Swart made the pre - sentation of a pole lamp., r- ~' — — _ _ _ �' working with Sister Jean Moylan of London Abraham and also showed interesting and Miss Catherine Moylan. of St. SEED BANS i pictures. Thomas spent Mothers Day with I ff The executive of the Stas Women's Institute met at the Mrs, Jack Moylan. Foundation No. 1----SANIIiAC, $47 per Cw't. (. home of the president, Mrs. John Mr.•and Mrs. Gerry Staples ofi Miller on Tuesday afternoon and Stratford spent the weekend with Seafarer grown from Foundation, $42 per Cwt. prepared the programs for the relatives here. Sister Anne Elizabefh of Lon I DASH and CARRY WHILE LAST I year. don visited with her sister Mrs. I Remember! It takes but a . John Shea and other relatives. iJEFFERY FARM LTD• i moment to place an Expositor Attending the McLean -Nolan Want Ad and be money in pocket. wedding from a distance were I 345-2529 To advertise, just Dial Seaforth guests from' Kitchener, Waterloo, 527-0240. Woodstock, Sault Ste. Marie, ;------_—._—_..�.�..��._ WITH THE'- OTWORMS ' BUX Corn Rootworm Insecticide contgols both resistant and non-resistant rootworms. But it also has a relatively low mammalian T,O % RYetoxicity, and it doesn't smell bad. Let us give you the full story. V - VAILABLE AT YOUR GREEN CROSS DEALER: MILTON J. DEITZ, LTD. . Seaforth, Ontario GREEN CROSS Super Q Fertilizers and a crop production sys- tem tailored for ybur soil, your crops and the results you want this season. We Also Have the Grain SUPER Q Area, Representative - BOB BMERMAN --- Ph, Dublin 345-2467 WAREHOUSES: Jack (:?loor, Bornholm — Bagged Cowds Milton Dietz, SeaYorth -- Bagged Goon Art Hinz,: Bull# outlet — R.R. 2, Monkton, 347-2613 Auburn — Bulk and lkagged Goods