HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-16, Page 4Allroxx'II, olvT., It1<AY II '>Ra74
Coir lMisse rerecallslls a sit to india `�0der rite Peg and Bess Grieve were Th June meeting be held spent three months iq t ��ttic(.i'a,
hind hostesses to the Fireside. at K ing's cottage on fune•2nd at where their Son .John hiss Ix•�e•
ekly Fellowship group at their home in 3 p.m. The committee in charge iving •for three years. TII slldes
. 1he showed wore mast
� E mondville on Tuesday evening. includes Mr. and Mrs.Jas• F. Y
g •
when there was a large Scott, Mr. and Mrs, F.K'.Cosford interesting and gave a vivid viow
` A ntalmber of readers of this paper have written entries in the many readers. • activities of individuals and attendance and Mr. and Mrs.John Patte�s,on. of the country. Mrs. Scoft was
'"What -my local weekly paper means to me" contest which is E. E. SheraE^ OSI tOr organizations. In the files of the 'John Patterson was in the Miss Bess Grieve introduced dressed.in a beautiful green sari.
sponsored by the Canadian Community Newspaper Associ�tion. 14 Chalk Street, small town weekly are recorded chair and Miss Peg Grieve read a the guest speaker, Mr. James M. John Patterson gave ,courtesy
,a The entires have 4n P ortunit to win a $400 prize and vWl be Seaforth, Ontario the vital statistics of the town s
pp y p ' � poem entitled "My Mother". Scott and Mrs. Scott who had remarks.
I'"• judged, with other entries from across the country, at the CCNA NOK I WO ; �e life - the births and. deaths,
Annual Convention in July. Contest' judges are It)oking for g , marriages, social events, tragic
s originality, charity and an understanding of the role of the weekly events and the ludicrous i'm
$ paper. Winners will be announced at the July convention. The ee� II es moments that give life zest. It, is a
iocal•essays are published below. fo
r • year means by which local Politicians
convey their platforms to
means much more to people like ' Y Thousands of people at once. TheI M0 n
Rea,ds 'YALUES v
me who have moved from the l am not out to win any prizes, editor can bring to the reader's
Since but I thought 1 would take this
community, then it does to the g attention the ills •of the
• o ortunit to tell ou what 7, an
local residents. I sure wouldn't PP Y yISPECTAC-ULA'R,
�? community in an attempt to
Welk Iy o n like to be without it. [''1I o � e(.1rs otJtsider, thinks of yqur correct the situation. .
I i It is a wonderful paper in every �°+ �✓ newspaper: A weekly, newspaper is an
way and i hope they keep up the it's been at least a year since 1 essential part., of any united,
good work. You're doing a fine Having the home town weekly moved from Toronto to your town growing, and prosperous
break job, come into our home each week of Seaforth, and I•must commend community. It is essential to the Mrs. Rdssell Sholdice has given us something to look you on' the help and guidance
lives of the individuals
Our Home Town 'Pa 'Papers arrive 270 ornin on Street., forward to. it ha kept us aware of your paper has provided me with.
P ,M gt � comprising -the families it serves.
q ite regularly each Tbursday Stratford, Ontario' the happens s in the It's aided me in ,finding' It is essential to me as it is a link
community. It is one of the few accommodations for myself and 1
morning. Mail delivery may be a' NSA SG6 Y• with my past, my friends, my A'�
little late due to the extra oldt.imers to survive in this so family, as well as^ keeping us home and my family. ALKYD HOUSE P 0
handling, but no time is wasted in called modern world, The fact it up-to-date on coming events, Amy Stewart $eccario ,
getting them from the box to the Weekly" has survived craves its worth and where we have met many ONLY —
kitchen table. For anyone with a popularity. The many changes it different people from all walks of 2S3 Fitch Street, Apt. 303,is
little time to spare, papers make a; has reported during its over one p p Welland, Ontario
P P P best wa P g life. I can keep u with the news Gel-Flo
good excuse for a coffee break. hundred years ' of circulation of Seaforth, as well as all the
There are items of interest for y would make a good television surrounding towns: things Itke EXTERIOR A,_KY0 At
each member of the family who series'. Education right down to the FUNK S Y g�i* E
has taken part in some } It's a far cry from the time our enterwinnient. I have broadened, .
community activity, school, sport,,. ■ o know forefathers settled on this land, my knowledge of cooking through
your paper as well as some SEED CORN M•,a...,,�..,�..�
or public meeting and for those" cleared, it, built their log cabins, s..rw,ro.�«.o.c....
cooking terms. You have made
' who have retained interest in and planted the seed with only Works like two costs fnone '
town _ all this possible, for someone new GOOD YIELD and
such' activities. the most primitive of tools. Most a Smoo hpoint iioneads ikew ortps. ripping.
IO this town. ■Smooths one•sllylikewhlppbdg�••m. Ths smilNdQ chunk paint
For Junior to see the picture of of these early tools and STANDABILITY ■ Dries to a double thick glossfinlsh. yodw.»n�awnl..d'•n T.v.
his hockey team and to read thcx equipment are displayed in' Not long ago 1 read of an .ea M uf.iN.p.:in.•
.W,.. When we arrived in Canada, inEducational Programme which i
account of goals' scored is, the 1856, we settled in the town of museums or hidden away in F 1, L L Spring Delivery
occasion for the loud, someon<s attic. Th: are an am now attending, and it's been a
�• Grimsby, Ontario. One of the first 'y few years since I attended school, on early Orders.
"Whoopee". 'Pictures of things we did, was buy the local antique collectors delight. Not so but now thanks to your paper, I SPECIAL
weddings or wedding weekly paper. Our understanding our weekly newspaper. From the am furthering my education.
anniversaries whether they be of the English language was time of its humble beginning .with VOLUME NEW IMPROVED
25th, 30th or 50th cause the older manual o erated printing press to All in all, if anyone were to ask
rather- poor at that time, and by P P g P DISCOUNTS I
generation to feel youn at heart its more up-to-date automatic me where all the action "is in J Glidden
g g • reading the newspaper we P Seaforth. 1'd tell them that for • r
again. For the Senior Citizens learned to know and understand electrically powered machines it pDistributed in Huron spread -satin
anything they want to know in, there is manv a chuckle when h+'enty pretty soon „ what everything -has served the community well cents they can find out County by
they peruse the "Years Agone" meant. and kept us- abreast with the , LATEX WALLPAINT
columns - grandfather took horses A weekly' local paper is times. It has given us food for the: 'HURON EXPOSITOR .� Milton J. Dietz
to the Old Country, Mr.A had an indispensable in any household. thought in editorials like,. Thank you for listening
accident breaking his arm, Mr. B. It lets you knoabout coming "Finishing School .for Crooks", in Bonnie Boudreau dreau
sold his farm for $3500, eggs events, weekly sales in most a recent issue. it does not hold Ltd*
brought 10c a dozen and beef was stores. Plus, advertisements are, back from admonishing us if , r ST/LL
25c a pound. What recollections P14ANI A CHOWS ONLY gal:
• P compared to daily papers, very necessary and r, eminding, us our a
to keep their minds occupied for inexpensive.. It is always amusing slogan is, "The FrieOr dly town". Weekly SANITATION PROD CORl SEED CORN � ■Over 3,Ogo beautiful rotors ■Extra hiding power
hours. when one reads about people one But most of all it brings us the LAYER CAGES ■ Dries in half an hour
The past may be important but knows, like weddings, etc. • etc, news we are interested in most.
"Coming Events" reminds many Grimsby's Independent. has a' "The news of home". For many• VENTILATION
that a night out at Lodge or bingo column cal'ed "On 'the Streets" shut-ins the home town paper is link with (Wholesale & Retail) SAVF TnDAV SALE ENDS JUNE 291h, 1974
is in the offing, or a and first of all, we read the their only way of -keeping .up with / R.R. 4, SEAFORTH, "r
neighbourhood sale is worth opinions on several subjects. the community activities. To the ONTARIO BALL. MACAULAY Ltd.,attending to buy a dish or mat Many articles on different rural subscriber it brings the
past home' PHONE 527-0608
which belonged to a former occasions, are printed free. The home town news right to the door. � (�,I` Mtpn 4$2_9514 — H@ItsaN 262-27i3i--••s@efOrtll .'�2i-081e
9` friend, or to purchase a disk or weekly paper becomes a friend. It Quietly and without fanfare it
corn planter at a reasonable price,'
is odd, but most people disregard
arrives every week with, a digest -
As in thousands of other
or just to see how things are going
their daily papers. The next day
of material striving to please
Canadian towns, our weekly
and chat with friends and
after, half read, but one's weekly
everyone's interest and needs.
newspaper is at the core of
is kept on hand all week, 'till the
Yes we can truthfully say the
community life. Unlike the radio,
Advertising is extremely
next edition is out. Recently, we
home town weekly fills a.definite
television, and other large means
important to many individuals.
moved to Seaforth..and again, the
need. It is a faithful and dedicated
of plass' media which resort to big
Where else but in the: local paper
first thing we did was subscribe of
seryant, rceopizing ; fully that
city street sensationalism for their
can one get information about
the Huron Expositor. Especially
room'-fofAmprov'ctrrent,'ii the'
reader's attention, 'our weekly
help wanted, pasture for rent,
when one. comes to a new town
'biggest room in the world.
fills the individual's .need to
_ produce for •real estate,
there is no better help to get to
Susan Bennewies
con.municate with the local
professional services, etc.?
know your town and his people,
33 Louisa Street
people and those native tq the
Organizations trying to make
than by reading a local
Seaforth. Ontario.
area who have moved away.
some money to carry on their
weekly papers. My Dad once said
To those -in the latter group, it
activities, need to inform the
public of the Beef Barbeque or
The cost of living goes up inil
but I sure, very
is more than a newspaper nit is a
huge letter from home. It is
every way, .am
to get the correct answer. I'm
the Dessert Luncheon or a special
few people will quit` buying a
personal. We know the people
meeting. The annual meeting of
many organizations depend onones
-Weekly newspaper. -(Now this
not mean you can raise the
Dad. 1 am alone now and do not
get out tike I once did, but do not
whose names, are in print.
Although, -we cannot always be
the local papers to inform their
ace on the
there, we "• can share in our
stockholders to be on hand.
1 don't know if this article is
comrifunity which i wish to thank
friend's sorrows, misfortunes and
Who will repair my roof? Who
can l get to clean my septic tank,
sufficient, but I still like you
to kngw: I and.my
sports page
happinesses. A wide variety and
of ures brings
Huron Expsitor. i read several
presentation pict
or bulldoze my dead tree roots?
family would not' want to be
weekly papers, enjoy and find
us even closer to the happenings
Who is available to plough my
garden? Some of these problems
without our local weekly paper.at
Some leisure time of
home. That warm, friendly,
are served by perusing the
Thank you and greetings from
interesting reading the front page
rural spirit is reflected on every
"Classified Section".
Mrs. H. Glim
right to the back. it mostly brings
P g
For those who wish to keep
59 Jarvis Street
Seaforth, P.O. 67, NOK 1 WO
news from right around home that
The weekly is not an
only" plulnt. ion; it is family
informed of public opinion, the
The weekly newspaper keeps
cordes in the hearts of us older
entertainment. r the
regular columnists and the
me informed of births, baptisms,
folks. It doesn't only give the
interest be cooking, gardening,
Editor, have something to say
about the conditions
Rush t0
news from , Seaforth but
surrounding towns and villages. I
politics, history, geography or
the .lives of ordinary people,. of
hospitalized, convatescents and
think this paper has just about
humour, there is something for .
their family lifer of their hopes, of
the /7'11,/'x/' I
everything of news of By -Gone
Days, resent also the future.
evervone and every agff: In days
of a chaotic, troubled world, a
their and of their philosophy
in or out of .the district and the
about the Huron
T of life. Issues of the day have
11� �� �! VV
With printing that is not too hard
newspaper with a majority of
comments worth a second
thought. ideas are valuable andI
to read.
particularly like Sports
happy is a welcome change
for all. ,
sometimes action is started to
o/' wee
photographs, sometimes there's a
The weekly is invaluable t6 the
clear up some prejudice, or some
and auction sales. I don't miss
smiling face I know. There's
community. Merchants look to its
local municipal injustice.
in the first light of dawn a
always some great bargains for
advertising columns as a major
We are urged to communicate,
whole new world greets you. The
sale at a very reasonable price.
tool for selling goods. it is a chief
` There is the radio, the T.V. the
air is sweet with last nights rain.
When I want to buy some used
s°urce of information about the
Everything must go! We are clearing our com-
plete stock of Upholstery Materials at big
Do it yourself -
Make your
Chesterfields and
Chairs like new
by taking advant-
age of our going
out of business sale
MokeYour Furniture
Originally Priced from .00
$8.00 to $12.00 NOW per ,yard
Clearing at
Originally Priced from.
$C.00 to $8.00 NOW
CLEARING AT per ,yard
After 20 years serving the wmmuhity
.and after more than 50 years in the, up.
-'holatery trade, I find it necessary to close
up. shop. I am grateful for the trust you
have plaeed in me and thank you for the
opportunity you have- given me to serve
Seaforth Upholstery
%, !/2 ,1, 2 and 4 inch thickness .
SHEETS ARE 72"x42"
(bindings), FELT (padding)
a 'Do it yourself" We are not doing the work.
Seaf drth_
80 Centre St.
Seaforth, Phone 527.0190
c rii/Itir�al
beams of satellites with news
And so with the weekly paper we
article 1 just look at the articles for
from outer space, but the weekly
greet it with open hands and a
sale. There's always help wanted
paper keeps us in touch with our
warns heart. i t •have always
for all kinds of jobs opportunity.
immediate environment to help
preferred a weekly paper in
Then there's the T.V.
dispel loneliness and isolation
preference to a daily ,paper. it
programme listings which are so
and make life more worthwhile.
carries 'the local happenings of
plain and easy to read. Which 1
Mrs. Jessie McAllist er
the week and many other
th'i'nk is just great. if i want to
R.R.#I, Zurich, Ontario.
features. I just could not 'let a
laugh theres smiles to read,
week go by without the weekly
which can bring t ears to your
home town paper. The sun
eyes and laughter. 1 thought the
Weekly is
brushes the clouds with beautiful
cross -word puzzle was a lot of fun
last week. it was the first time I
color while i am enjoying the
weekly papers. My Dad once said
worked out one in- 'S weekly
what so wonderful about that
newspaper. We just'couldn't wait
paper but who would be at the
to get the correct answer. I'm
mail box first. You guessed it my
toolCing forward to do more. it
from home'
Dad. 1 am alone now and do not
get out tike I once did, but do not
even gives the trewest books of
the Seaforth Library which is of
miss out on the happenings in the
great interest for those who enjoy .;
Our local weekly newspaper
comrifunity which i wish to thank
reading books.
means so very much to me, it's
our own Home Town a er The
p P '
Then the Legion News which
reminds us of our sol$iers who
like getting a letter from home.
Huron Expsitor. i read several
fought s the war. Which helps us
Since I moved to the city, it is
weekly papers, enjoy and find
all to remember. Lest We Forget.
theonly way I can keep in touch
them interesting and useful. if
1 enjoy cooking and baking and
with the surrounding community,
you are interested in buying
1 always. fiiiir a good recipe,
sol sure look forward to receiving
property you will find what you
something tempting and
it every week.
want, as we did. The latest news
The weekly newspaper keeps
of SPorts events. Weddings,
g '
Again there's everything in this
me informed of births, baptisms,
meetings, pictures the
wee ly paper. i want to express
engagements, marriages,
anniversaries, illness,
Agone' column is very
interesting to many readers, to
�y honest opjnion, it's just
hospitalized, convatescents and
others it recalls other days,
Y ' then
w'ondAfui. Thank you for giving
obituaries. Also those who move
there are T.V.listings. Local
us the opportunity to express ourthoughts
in or out of .the district and the
briefs, Coming Events, For Sale.
about the Huron
visitors. Church and school
It takes care of all our needs when
Expositor. Everyone of us enjoys
functions, coming events, current
the occasions art $,e. So many
reading it. 1 buy our paper at
events, advertising, classified ads
beautiful features, i know i
Mrs. George W. Wickie
Mrs.G orgStsffa{,
and auction sales. I don't miss
cannot do justice to this subject. i
do wish all weekly papers every
`I'believe the weekly newspaper
success, you will always have
f, _
Everything must go! We are clearing our com-
plete stock of Upholstery Materials at big
Do it yourself -
Make your
Chesterfields and
Chairs like new
by taking advant-
age of our going
out of business sale
MokeYour Furniture
Originally Priced from .00
$8.00 to $12.00 NOW per ,yard
Clearing at
Originally Priced from.
$C.00 to $8.00 NOW
CLEARING AT per ,yard
After 20 years serving the wmmuhity
.and after more than 50 years in the, up.
-'holatery trade, I find it necessary to close
up. shop. I am grateful for the trust you
have plaeed in me and thank you for the
opportunity you have- given me to serve
Seaforth Upholstery
%, !/2 ,1, 2 and 4 inch thickness .
SHEETS ARE 72"x42"
(bindings), FELT (padding)
a 'Do it yourself" We are not doing the work.
Seaf drth_
80 Centre St.
Seaforth, Phone 527.0190
c rii/Itir�al