HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-16, Page 30. , r
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Miss Margie Whyte, $. Sc., 9 Five (laky Fainnily �#ir?jli� �lpi►�
Chairmen of the police commit- and, Walter Johnson and Police by the OPP or a regional or county and use of the fJPP. The county.. nights and use of unmarked ears 1 ? Fd., daughter of Mrs. w.t,. witfi her or 1,� atydjCs� 11e w
tees In the five munici alitW in Commissioner Elmer,Bell. Exeter force. Jude Graham explained force would be.'missing a seat and lainclothesmen could be Whyte and the late Mr. Whyte of 'teaches Sunday Sp4po' ltd l ad
p g p g g P d'-
Huron County will be approach- Police Chief Ted Day conducted that people in 'southern Ontario deal of equipment that would be utilized in county trouble'• spots. Seaforth, a graduate of her lora! CGIt grQµp,
Ing County Council May 31 to a eting where area elected should have, to ,pay for their needed to cover the wholcounty. Policemen now' .on the five SDHS, has been appointed as the john Willlasfi;Y,.;E1.,
request a stud on future, olicin o t als were informed of the 1974 Director for Camp Mene.se• teacher and se,
y p g " policing. ' A central communications cen- forces would also be able to tun Goderich which is a r 'eet �""
in the area. police chiefs proposed county Rural areas, now policed by the tre would be set up, including a remain in their present homes g` p I folk sinker frond TorQnt.QJain,�s'tl�e. i
A committee was formed at a police force. OPP, for free would have to pay Canadian Police Information Cen- and work in the same area. MARGIE WHYTE of the Huron -Perth presbytery of staff '-as Camping ,Slfllls aard
the United Church of Canada. She - --i7
meeting held last week at Clinton The police chiefs drew up their for. their service if. the tads force is ire (CPIC) machine. The OPP now Reassurances have been made • Nature Lore Director, �e 11as, hada
Town Hall, conducted by the five proposal in response to the accepted by the govefnment. It' have a CPIC machine in coder though, that if the QPP does take has had leadership experience as 5ie
uc outdoor 'camping "exper.
police chiefs in tate county. recently released task force report this happens, the local forces ich. The government would pay over, men now employed -by the a teacher and counsellor at Camp ce in Western Canada. '
Panel members at the meeting on policing in Ontarid. I) the would like to offer the county an 75 per'cnnt df the costs for a new . local forces would be absorbed Menesetung as well as participa-
ting °
included four, .members of the, report, it is suggested that all alternative. one in the area with the munici- into the OPP and given the tion . Steil,. dames p Holl Jordan, slop
in the Operation Beaver Y. $ra ton, .has
g �Pbeen s ointed Swim Isistructor.
Ontario Police Commission: communities having less than Costs seem to be the biggest palities paying the rest. of remaining where they are now program ill Pira: acid a Cross- Pp.
Jude T.J. Graham, Ronald Dur- 15,000 people should be policed problem in both 'a county force CWC gives
roads volunteer" project in the She holds her Leader Patrol `and
g_ P P P Many people expressed their located. -- Bronze certificate, and has had
concern over the high cost of the Several members of the and-� Philippines followed by extensive
suggested Possible I/ivisiou For Bunn, Count) Police CPIC machine. Goderich police- ience were concerned that other previous swim instruction and
travels around the world. t
No. i — Division — Goderich — Total Population - 19,926 man Tom Jarczak explained that alternatives were not being dis- . Her qualified .Senior Staff has counselling experience a Camp
No. l — Division — Clinton — TotallItnk I on - 9„•.r 7 ■ Menesetun and Bark Lake.
No. :1 — Division — Wingham .Total I'nnulion �r,;9; the mactiitte was his lifeline on cussed. also been selected. The Bible g
the 'ob. 25 ereent is not, too Wayne Ellis, chairman of the fast Resource Dean is Joyce Bonello, Jamie Richards, Stratford, re -
No. 4 — I)iaision = Seaforth — Total Pa,putation - ;,t:,u l? Y B. A., B.Ed., an elementary turns for bis„ second year as
No. fi — itivisioo — Rscter — total Population -- 1u.rnu ^ ; much money, • 'Seaforth police committee, said
An additional cost in the later that the.purpose of the study. ■ school teacher from Weston, who Sports Director in charge of -the
proposed force# would be the will be to decide what type of has graduated from a summer, sport program at Menesetung, In
installation of personalized port- policing would be the best for communion course at the Regent College of the past, he has taken an: vtd
-rt ' able radios (PREP) for all officers Huron County, not necessarily if - Christian Studies, U.B.C., Van- interest in Hockey School anU-Day
on patrol. These radios would the county force is feasible.' ■ ■ couver. She has led Christian Camp, and enjoys refereeing
enable all officers to leave their I'm interested in what type certificates Education study groups' for a hockey and basektHall games. 1
cars ..and circulate around, towns will cosi the' taxpayers the least dtumbe of years. Applications for counsellors are
■' •' "" t and villa es and still be in contact amount of money 'and" the The new Craft Director is still beingreceivedfor this camp
� g i- Y Holy Mass in honor of Our Lady
,, ;:,,°:» ",• with the central communications best service,' he said. of Good Counsel was celebrated Nancy Day, ,Stratford, who has near Goderich, which has special
c 1 centre. Boosters would be placed Chief Pat King expiained at the before the regular monthly meet- had much camping experience at programs for boys, girls, co-eds
in the cruisers to give the radios meeting that the chiefs -drew up ing of the Catholic Womens' Camp Bimini, Menesetung, Ryde and parents during July and
enough power to return calls to • this proposal as one answer League. Lake CGIT Camp Council, and August.
the centre. should the task force be accepted. Mrs. Ray Hutchinson, the new
No one seems quite sure of who When the report was released the president, opened the meeting » `
-is going to pay for these addi- chiefs knew there would be with the league prayer. May is
tions. Even if the OPP does take questions and they wanted -~to membership month and dues will
' over the area the county will still have some answers ready for the be collected. Any members
have to pay. Police Chief Pat King public. SPECIAL
missed or anyone wishing to join .
* believes costs will be shared on a Constant questions of 'are could. contact Mrs. Wilbert Mal -
head count of some sort. there other alternatives' finally oney, membership convenor.
Seaforth Mayor Frank Sills told led to the discussion of having a New members- will be welcome. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED IN
f others at the meeting he person- study made be the Ontario Police Mrs. Ewart Wilson reported 21 MIXED PLANT S
ally was in favor of letting the Commission. Ontario Police Com- first communion certificates were
r OPP take over the job because mission Chairman Elmer Bell told given to the children at a special
they already have the equipme-nC the -guests that they had no Mass. AND ARE SELLING THEM AT
Bill Harris, chairman of the alternatives to getting the stud
- - - -.1 `• g g Y The Grade 8 evening will be
police committee in Wingham, done. • held Wednesday June 19th for HALF PRICE .
questioned the cost factor invol- 'You can ask county council to
i parents and pupils. Mrs. Peter
ved with the OPP taking over the ask the Solicitor General to .ask Jansen reported 141 boxes and 46
t♦ I county. Prepared with figures he the police commission to make a bags of used clothing sent to St.
I1 y had gathered from the OPP and comparative study -in costs or ask Vincent De Paul Society. There — BUY NOW AT
Wingham's own police force, Mr. county council to ask the police were 15 visits made to the sick
Harris explained the difference in commission to ask the Solicitor andshut ins.
costs for the policing of Wing- General for permission to conduct, There will be a meeting of the MacLEANIS
ham. the study,' he said. 'Right to Life' in Dublin June
y7t The 1974 budget for the police Either way they decide to do it, 11th• Nearly 9000 of the 10,000
force in that town totaled $85,110. county council must -first approve names required for this area have FLOWERS,
o In , Wingham there are three the idea of a study at no cost to been obtained.
constables, a sergeant and chief the county. Letters to several members of
now on'the force. If OPP took over Warden Bill Elston explained parliament were written urging PHONE 527-0800 SEAFORTH.
the town they would establish a that council knew little or nothing, them to fight against abortion.
jC.•� force of seven;constables-and one of any proposals concerning the Librarian Mrs. James. Kelly `
corporal Theie salaries would Police forces. He suggested a
died ay at uronvlew to g ,
Clinton. She was 83. Mrs. Peter B. Moffat, 76, died Funeral services were held at 2
� She was born to the ]ate Mr. May 7 in Seaforth Community p.m. at G.A.Whitney Funeral
and Mrs, John McLay in Sea- Hospital after a long illness. She Home on Friday, May 10, with
forth. She and her husband was the widow of Peter B. Moffat Rev. M.E.Reuber , officiating.
farmed near Staffa where they - for many years principal of Burial followed in Bairds Bob .' and Beffy's Vari]etylived until his death in 1934. Mrs. Seaforth Public School. Cemetery,
Tuffin then lived with her Baugh- She was born in Goderich Pallbearers were: James Cox,
ter for ten years. Township. She was predeceased Wm, Cox, Wnt. Bond, John Main Street -- Seafo
She is survived by one son, in 1950 by her husband to whom Moffatt, J.C.Cornish, Allan Hill.
Elmer, of Seaforth; one daughter, she was married in Clinton in Flowerbe�arers: Bruce and Peter FAMILY �A'��
Mrs. William (Jean) Hodge of 1922. She came to this area in Wilbee and Mark Golding. F lata
Winthrop; 2 grandchildren and 2 19.31. She was a member of „r
■ #great grandchildren. Northside United Church and An Expositor Classified will *I t 11 y •' K
Rev. M. Reuber, of Seaforth a y
°sang in 'the chair the?e. She was pay you dividends. Have you tried
officiated at the funeral servicealso active in • the UCW at one? Dial 527-0240.
held at the Heath -Leslie Funeral Northside.f%
I —-- — — — ~ + ~ ~
Home in Mitchell on Saturday, � • ' �`
She is survived by two sisters;
May 4. Interment was in Staffa Mrs. J.Leslie Cox, Kirkland Lake
Cemetery. and Miss Annette Sinclair,
Relatives and friends attended Seaforth; two daughters, Mrs. e_
the service from Fordwich, Lon- Thomas (Helen) Wilbee,
don, Dorchester, Winthrop, Sea- Seaforth, Mrs. Frank (Jeanette) I
MOBILE Display from $1.00 to 115.00
-Not sold to anyone under 18 years of age
GRINDING _ 5 kinds to choose from —•
for fast economical
service i Until 11 p.m. every night
I Steve Marra ! Hostess Chips en Special -- 59c
R.R. 5, Seaforth Remember! You can't Buy SeM+c,t-� — Selection
Representing Experience — but at Bob and Betty's We
I4ASTER FEEDS Ltd. provide all t'llre'e.
come,. $120,000 a year excluding
committee approach countfl on •
wou d eke anyone having a oo
belonging to the library to return
overtime. The townwould have to
May 31 to explain the need fora
them so they can be checked.
supply an office and equipment "
study. before taking it to, a vote,
Everyone has the use of these
plus pay 15 cents a mile for the
., Get, it out, of the rumor stage,'
books and cards are provided for
cruisers. Including overtime the
he'said. 'Let the county people
the names of people taking a
OPP would cost $128.084 a year.
know what's going on.' He went
book from hese
Mr, Harris then said that-".'
on further to say that presenting ' -a...-
The league is serving luncheon
■ ■ -' illegal,
police answering services
des rte the initial costs, the
'central communications centre is
county police force proposal first
could be futile county people
to the Knights of ColumbusJune
9. The regular annual bazaar will
necessary whether we like it or
receive their policing fret -now.
be held November 30.
Answering services used by the
tion Centre, (CPIC) is used by the
intelligence not to choose some-
not. We must work together.'
Advantages of the county force
They get good policing from the
OPP now',' he added.
. Anyone wishing a Catholic.
five police forces in Huron County
police officers to receive data on
one if they feel some doubt as to
were pointed out by Chief Day at
On a motion from Mayor Sills, a
League pin or a copy of
the by-laws and constitution' can
were questioned b Jude T.J.
9 Y g
persons which they may be
their character.'
the beginning of the meeting. He
committee of the five chairmen„of
order these from Mrs. Ken
w Graham, Ontario Police Commis-
detaining. Personal information
Harry Jessome has been hand-
said that Huron. County was
the police'.committees was dele-
Vincent. '
sion at a meeting held last
and possible records are transmit-
ling the answering service here
fortunate in having only three
gated to approach the county
The meeting closed with prayer
Thursday in Clinton.
Judge Graham's remarks were
ted over these machines, then to
for the past five years. 'i have all
sides W police and thaf'all forces
council. Bill Harris was elected
led by Mrs. John Maloney. Lunch
prompted during discussion of a
New directives have been
the trust in th world in him,'
Chief Vaughan tide
were now it) communication with
wd. each other. Thev also use the
chairman of the committee.'
By forming the committee at
was served by Mrs: Maurice
proposed central dispatch unit for
the local 'forces. Goderich Police
mailed out to the police chiefs
Mr. Jessome will not be
same court although the jail is
the meeting, Seaforth Police
Etue, Mrs. Gerald Van Den
Hengel and Mrs. Gerald 'Grooth-
requiring security checks and
handling the service after this
outside the county.
Chief A.L. Vaughan said later he
Chief Pat King described the
RCMP clearances on, anyone
month and the police are now
Property checks in all villages
felt -the meeting achieved what
present procedure used by the
. using the CPIC machines'. The
attempting to locate another
and towns could be made each
the police chiefs set' out to do.-.-
forces, using an answering ser-
local forces have not been getting
answering service. Anyone hand -
vice. If there is only one man on
duty, cannot leave to transmit
himself, the
these clearances in the past.
p •
Seaforth Police Chief A.L.
ling the police calls at the next
answering service will have a
■ ■ 4 ......:.............. ...•.,,,.,;,.;;
1 , ` '
al making
10 the call
Vaughan said later that he
security check don on him,
answering service necessary.
believed the chiefs `have enough
according to Chief Vaughan.
The Canadian Police Informa-
Marie Milner, graduate of the
in 1972. Marie won the
College,of San Mateo, San Mateo,
Religious Essav Contest'
B I T U A R ' E —
California has been awarded a
scholarship to San Jose State
sponsored by the Millbrae Lions
Marie, who plans a teaching
Mr. and Mrs. Milner for a
All Types of Repairs
forth, Cromarty, Staffa and
•Golding, Seaforth; fivePhone
career, is the daughter of 'Barbara
number of years were residents of
Mrs, George (Margaret) Tuf ;4
grandchildren and three great -
Milner and the (ate Eric Milner,
Santa Clara, California.
Seaforth when they carried on a
doral and house business.
— — —
M 2 H
died ay at uronvlew to g ,
Clinton. She was 83. Mrs. Peter B. Moffat, 76, died Funeral services were held at 2
� She was born to the ]ate Mr. May 7 in Seaforth Community p.m. at G.A.Whitney Funeral
and Mrs, John McLay in Sea- Hospital after a long illness. She Home on Friday, May 10, with
forth. She and her husband was the widow of Peter B. Moffat Rev. M.E.Reuber , officiating.
farmed near Staffa where they - for many years principal of Burial followed in Bairds Bob .' and Beffy's Vari]etylived until his death in 1934. Mrs. Seaforth Public School. Cemetery,
Tuffin then lived with her Baugh- She was born in Goderich Pallbearers were: James Cox,
ter for ten years. Township. She was predeceased Wm, Cox, Wnt. Bond, John Main Street -- Seafo
She is survived by one son, in 1950 by her husband to whom Moffatt, J.C.Cornish, Allan Hill.
Elmer, of Seaforth; one daughter, she was married in Clinton in Flowerbe�arers: Bruce and Peter FAMILY �A'��
Mrs. William (Jean) Hodge of 1922. She came to this area in Wilbee and Mark Golding. F lata
Winthrop; 2 grandchildren and 2 19.31. She was a member of „r
■ #great grandchildren. Northside United Church and An Expositor Classified will *I t 11 y •' K
Rev. M. Reuber, of Seaforth a y
°sang in 'the chair the?e. She was pay you dividends. Have you tried
officiated at the funeral servicealso active in • the UCW at one? Dial 527-0240.
held at the Heath -Leslie Funeral Northside.f%
I —-- — — — ~ + ~ ~
Home in Mitchell on Saturday, � • ' �`
She is survived by two sisters;
May 4. Interment was in Staffa Mrs. J.Leslie Cox, Kirkland Lake
Cemetery. and Miss Annette Sinclair,
Relatives and friends attended Seaforth; two daughters, Mrs. e_
the service from Fordwich, Lon- Thomas (Helen) Wilbee,
don, Dorchester, Winthrop, Sea- Seaforth, Mrs. Frank (Jeanette) I
MOBILE Display from $1.00 to 115.00
-Not sold to anyone under 18 years of age
GRINDING _ 5 kinds to choose from —•
for fast economical
service i Until 11 p.m. every night
I Steve Marra ! Hostess Chips en Special -- 59c
R.R. 5, Seaforth Remember! You can't Buy SeM+c,t-� — Selection
Representing Experience — but at Bob and Betty's We
I4ASTER FEEDS Ltd. provide all t'llre'e.