HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-16, Page 1,� " '''"�di'.li'•t.r - T. �i , � nr 7771777 "T•TF:>�"?.'.F'�",'...... 4 r , ..p I� I tJ! ' I f{ �i A' r t VPhoitie N& 5640 a . ><>twi~ Y SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 16,197 -- 1�6 PAGES l��oo':a� Y+� u f as'. ig tax, in �a�rf arc',%�� yr �. .` -�.� ..9 •. :. .� � - a`rY �n 4. rawer a'd o s uget Seaforth tax rates as In the executive -legislative Sfh for 1974 i �' � t^>• g provide access to an industrial anew police cruiser, a new road they apply to commercial department estimated ark being planned. grader and a scoreboard for the ' properties are increased by nearly expenditures have increased toIn protection to persons and arena' This accounts vnainly for u 2 mills in the case of Public School $10,300, up from '$6,544. This property for fire protection costs the increase of peer $12,900 tr supporters and by 4 milts for increase reflects increases .in are estimated to increase, by estimated for thW year, ( ti ;,;' Separate School council allowances. $6,000 reflectinginceeased Debt charges show a slight �" Residential rates are down a little In administration, salar t Y payments to the fire area board. decrease estimated for the year t over .a mill for public school and adjustments again' account for P J g Under police, salaries again mostly due to a decrease in school up a fraction of a mill for Separate most, of the $8,256 estimated account for the $8,000 increase debentures. School supporters. it i;r pporters. increase in costs.over last year's expenditures. An increase of over. $13,000 in The rates refldct substantial In the unclassified department In the unclassified section, the Huron County IdVel this year increased costs in sortie areas expenditures are expected to street lighting increases account has added to the projected costs which. at the same � time were decrease this year by about $100. for neatly all of the estimated (Continued on Page 7) offset by increasing revenue. Allowances for the committee$2,000 increase from Last year. .., • .r ' 9 p •> �.` Council adopted a budget on of adjustment were set at $600 In the 'community centre board - xr ��it,. �''' which the rates were based at a 'this year. This is -a new committee w Y estimates,a decrease is estiq►ated Cancer fund `e i;°a, meeting Monday. so this represents an increased of almost $8,000 but with work Details of the budget had been expenditure. that is planned for this year this :,, ""• arrived at in a meeting of the The senior citizens housing unit figure is likely to change. do�"taf�o g ns up committee of the whole and there also is estimated to cost about The recreation committee ' Was no indication as to the $400 this year. ^ yk � , a � r, , .rte •�. �n� Y estimates show an increase this to ���oo reasons supporting the various Public works estimates are up year of almost $10,000 which is . proposed expenditures as council about $1,000 this year and again mainly due•to the hiring of a full Donations to, the Seaforth Area PRIZEy WINNERS -- The Kindergarten class at St. Looby, (Middle) - Maureen Murray, Christine gave formal approval. increased salaries account for this time recreation director for- the Cancer. Campaign totalled $2200 �► Patrick's School, Dublin were prize' winners in the Louwagie, Janet Vandenbirk, John Ryan, Paul Mill rates for 1974 are public figure plus an increase in town,Of the total '$5,676.00 is on Tuesday, area chairman Rhythm -Band section at the Mitchell Music Festival Menheere, Maty Murray, Betty Anne Reynen, Nick commercial 114.02 mills up from maintenance costs. recovered from . grants and R.'J.Spittal announced this week. recently. The young musicians, students of Klaver, Kirk Purdy, Corinna Lansbergen (front) 112.5 mills last year. Public Construction of streets and $1100.00 from program receipts. ' Mr, Spittal said gifts are Mrs. Anne Murray are back, left - Len residential is 100,02 mills .this drains show an increase of around In capital expenditures out of continuingto come in and he is Mary Margaret Kelly, Colleen Maloney, Terry $30,00, this e r with the Birch Sehoonderwoerd, David Van Bakel, Lisa Poppe, Cronin Dann McCarthy, Anne Marie Malone and year. down from 101.6 mills last Y revenue allowances have been hopeful the objective of $3,000.00' Danny y+ year. Separate residential is Street road and bridge work to made this year for the purchase of will be reached. Barbara Sloan, Mark Stapleton, Martin Feerley, Jennifer Horan. (Staff Photo) 104.49 mills this year -compared Cathy O'Connor, Cathy. Ann Louwagie, Johnny „ith 104.15 last ' -and separate commercial is 121.06 mills this a Sas Vanastra ex loited year euntpared with 117.6 mills P last year. � i, • � The •biggest .increase is in Tuckr 1111Counc*11or rest ns separate commercial, a 3.46 mill t ' increase while separate � ! residential increased .34 mills. j Public -,commercial - increased St Reeve Elgin Thompson. of handed in hi signation as meeting on May 21 ", Mr. stated that "this letter will• serve L52 mills while public residential I Tuckersmith Township informed' councillor to Clerk James Thompson said. as notice of nn immediate decreased by 1.4 mills this year >° r •, members of council following a McIntosh earlier that day. Releasing a copy of his letter to resignation from Tuckersmith ,- special meeting Monday night "We shall deal with the the press, Mr. Fowlie who Township Council". that Vince Fowlie of Yanastra had resignation at the next council addressed his letter to the clerrk� -The continuing ruthless Canadian exploitation of the citizens of the Cana • - - community of Vanastra, the lack w^ OMB,ap,roves recreation area P, .•g Forces grad ' of lannut to meet future, as •- - _+•ell as immediate needs of all s areas of the township, together . Tuckersmith Township Counpil centre and the curling club to be mills) and paid in their property with the money issues not vet s . was informed the proposed used for curling, hockey and taxes each year. resolved have combined in such a. Community Centre- and--Recrea- skatingu.•Gpnstruetion:',oi a new .The petition -to Tuckersmith manner as to place"rity hceilth in' tion Area at Vanastra had been swimmingpool, establishment of Council at Aril 16 meeting P P g je(ipardv." Mr. Fmvhe said. t �. "" WRIN approved by the Ontario Munici- a park where a ball'diamond and asking the township to sponsor Mr.Fow•lie asked that if there al Board as -of May 10. picnic pavillion can be built, also the program was signed by 79 per P Y was any gratuity owing 4im from At a special' meeting Monday purchase of playground cent of the Vanastra ratepayers. council that it be sett(t to, lihe + SEEDING FOR NEIGHBOUR Friends ancl, neigndours or ticton Allen of H.H.L; council agreed to accept the offer equipment. In other business, council ap- Clinton Centennial Bank in his y ' of 9.75 per cent b the Ontario Council expects to receive proved a request from Murray Staffa worked at his farm Saturday, panting 60 acres of mixed grain and getting P Y name. artother,forty acres ready for beats. Mr. Alyn was injured by a fallen beam while Development Corporation to buy grants from the government 'for) Hohner of R.R. 5, Clinton, for Mr. Fowlie was acclaimed to the debentures ($130,000'): the community centre and curling building permit to enlarge his helping With the cleanup of the Easter tornado in Hibbert Township. He vyaS � council in the election in The debenture moneylkvill help rink for a total of $30,000. lunch stand at intersection of released from Seaforth Community Hospital where he spent the past three and a fi • nance the recreation proposal The debenture debt will be P g aid Highway 4 and Vanastra' Road. November 1972. half weeks, Friday. (Staff Photo) estimated to cost about $163,000 by the Vanastra ratepayers over a Council approved a tile drain in u which calls for the purchase of a 20 -year period by a mill rate the park area at Vanastra to cost church to be used as a community levied each year (this Year 12 approximately $1.000. C, rash inures - • injured Neighbours. help _rman local man Won't'. meet a t s e h o o i s ,,,,,Saturday, eleven .neighbors of tornado whichban swept through the Scott. Nelson Howe, Carlyle Brian Flannigan, Seaforth, is in `�, E:Idon Allen of. R.R. 2, Staffs. took St. Columban area Easter Sun- Meikle, Dave Laing, Harvey Dow, I Universi(} Hospital, London, as a their tractors and implements to day. He was released Friday from Ernest Harburn, Stanley Zankow- Carol Jessome his faint and planted sixty acres the Seaforth Community Hospital ski, Maurice Ruston. Ivan Norris, result of injuries received in a P • P Carol Jcss(tnic has graduated single cal• accident on N<�,. 4 g of mixed grain, and prepared where he had been a patient for Bruce Miller, James Miller, Jack HPRC o a r d'decides Highway south of Hensall early from the Canadian Forces Recruit another forty acres for beans to be the past three and 'a half weeks Butson And Miss Rae Butson. Sunday morning. School in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, sown in early June. because of back injuries, The Huron -Perth County Rom particular arca'Ifiad been received janitors. His ,jaw was fractured in two May 10. She is the .sister of Mrs. Friday, Mervin Dow, Bob and Mervin Dow organized the an Catholic Separate School it was decided that the meetings Council will- hold another meet. places and he received cuts and Jack Matthews, Seaforth. She is Mr. 'Allen was injured by a Gordon Laing picked stones and work bee. Mrs. Allen was as - Board Monday turned down a continue in the board room with ing on Thursday to complete bruises. lc was alone in the car now stationed at Canadian Forces_ falling ibis am in resulting from the assisted db` Saturday Scott, John., ssisteed bvgsome of her neighbors in proposal by a vote of 11-2 to hold Howard Shantz and David Teahen .unfinished business which they at the time. Base, Borden. Ont. P g preparing meals for the workers: school board meetings in the 19 opposed. '� were unable to•,coniplete Monday schools in the two .counties on a Joseph Looby of Dublin em- in spite of an almost four-hour' •' rotating basis. is welcome to the press that anyone . Proposal On the agenda will be a Day care, arena are council topics M'[chael Connolly, R.R. 3, is welcome to attend a regular Proposal for re -organization of '� 'f • Kippen, chairman of the board,- in board meeting, but added they staff, also to be considered is a A delegation' of persons 27 to which area councils would recommendations being prepared I his inaugural address said one of would not, be able to attend a press headline by Stratford Coun- i interested in havinga day care be invited. e cil that the separate school tax f . ( prior to completion of final the priorities for the year was in committee -of -,the -whole meeting. p .� centre met with Seaforth Coun'Cil Councils of McKillop, Hullett, drawings. The tans submitted the area of communication bet- The property and maintenance race had been boosted by 8.04 `` $ Monday evening to ask that Grey, Hibbert and Tuckersmith were preliminary and not in ween board, teachers and parents mills while the Separate Board P committee was voted $ready council make an carp• decision will hr asked to attend along with and spoke of the importance of had set the levy at 27.25 mills , g sufficient detail to permit a firm additional at the committee, , already a»,�,, I regarding support for the opening Mrs.Edna Routledge of London figure, keeping channels of communica- ranted that committee, so that - `Which is 3 mills higher than last g ` of a day care centre in the new and Marvin Streich, Wingham, (Continued on Page 15) tion open. Following his address the necessary maintenance work Year's rate. Optimist building being officers of the Ministry Howard Shantz of Stratford sug- such as repairing and painting constructed on the Scaforkb 'concerned. Bested one way of keeping can be completed. Recreation grounds. Ken Cardno and Charles Graduates - communication channels open Jack Lane, Business Adminis- Keeping active between the board and the Mrs. Sharon Rau acted as Geddes were present from the • parents would be for the second trator, was authorized to attend a spokeswoman for the group and Seaforth Optimist Club to indicate in agriculture board meeting each month to be conference in Toronto May 26, 2709)said an early decision was their views! The committee told --W" ' and 28 to be held by the Ontario necessary so that staff could be council an early decision was )*-ld in one of the 19 schools in the two counties until all the schools Association of School Business �s Scheduled arranged with the possibility of an necessary so that changes could were covered, officials. opening in September to be made in the building while it The Muskoka Board of Educa-• For those people who are �16orrespond with school -opening. was being constructed. When the proposal was tion forwarded a resolution that interested in "Keeping Active", This was thought to be the best Mr.Cardno said he felt that the 9 brought up again at the meeting legislation be amended to provide a day -long workshop, is to be held time for an opening as some necessary changes, if the day care Monday, it was suggested it that school buses be required to • in Huronview on May 29. This is mothers hired high school centre was to be held in the would be inconvenient for the operate their flashing signals in keeping with Ministry of students during the summer. Optimist building, could be made administrative staff to have all the when loading or unloading school Health, both provincial and months and this would eliminate without too much added cost. Additional information necessary students from a street or roadway federal, encouragement of more the necessity of hiring or trying to He said the Optimists were for the meetings avaifabli at the unless unobstructed sidewalks programs for recreation and hire someone after school went agreeable to the day care centre school where the meeting would 'rare provided ttygether with a activity. in. in their building. ;r. be held. (Often during meetings it system of crosswalks or signal " Mrs. Francis McHale will be a " Councillors asked Mrs. Rau if a Vic Morris and Wm. Moles of is necessary for a member of stag lights so that "students may cro,s guest speaker and panels will meeting had been held with area .lames F. McLaren and 44to go to the files for material to the street or roadway safely. A feature afternoon sessions. municipalities to assess the Associates were present at the--" provide information for a trustee copy of the board's 1972 resolu- The Huron Chapter of the a degree of support that they might meeting to discuss changes in the? during a, discussion.) tion, similar to the above, will be Registered Nurses Association of . provide and she replied she was prices and specifications required The cost factor was considered forwarded to the Muskoka Board Ontario is sponsoring the of the impression that council was in strengthening the roof trusses;, - the increased mileage costs for information. programs. going to do this. at the Seaforth Arena. would be considerable for the While the teachers under the Mrs. Betty Cardno said all age Mavor Sills said he thought At the April meeting council trustees to travel to one end of the jurisdiction of the board hold a groups are welcome to that the committee was going to had received a firm bid from the r two counties rather than for them professional development day on participate, take this action and said council contractor for the - carrying out tto meet at a central point, as the May 31, the janitors of the 19 had done nothing !it this regard, of this work which council had Brlaih Oldfield board 'office in Seaforth is. schools in the system %rill beAfter further discussion in accepted at a cost of $65,000. Brian Oldfield, son of Mr. and Michael Connolly said that if asked to attend an in-service Car club which council indicated they felt Mr. Moles informed council Mrs. John H. Oldfield of R.R. N4, BETTER THAN RECESS Christine Achilles � any delegation wished to attend a training session ' at St. James , that no decision could be taken that he had only sent sketches Seaforth, recently graduated from 0 Diarticular meeting he would be Separate School in Seaforth from draw daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Achilles, finds until discussions had been held to the contractor and had asked Centralia College of Agricultural ha to accommodate it. 9a.m. too m. with Ed Rowland, treeplanting more fun than usual schoolwork. with area tgvvrishi s concerning PPY P• P� g him for an estimate only for the , Technology in the Agricultural The general consensus seemed maintenance officer, in charge of Roy Hutchison of Egmondville Christine,was one of many stuoents at Walton Public responsibility in the event there carrying out of the work. He said Business Management ptogrmn. to be that 'as no requests for the program. Lunch and mileage has won the weekly draw prize of School who took part in the tree planting for Arbor were operating deficits and was the estimate had beet requested Brian plans to work on his meetings �o be held in an costs • will be prnvided the $25 in the Lions Car Club'. Day. (Staff) agreed to sett a meeting for May as a basis for a.,• report and home farm.