HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-09, Page 22DVICE TO WOMEN
who DRIVE...
` andMEN,Too...
Offered, byNoted Driver
• -
a woman who•daes
Dear Dede:
fear for my safety every
Can you help me win an
time I go out in the car
which is extensively used
argument with my dad?
in my calling. I do not want
I've taken and passed driver _
to appear to be ungrateful
• training and am ready to
or to make it seem I am
get my license. But my
asking our congregation for
father, thinks 1 am not
moz;e Do you have
ready for a license. Not be-
any suggestions?
cause I can't drive well (he
admits that I do), But he
(Town Withheld)
insists I show -him I know
how to change a tire and
Dear o °
From the woW your car
start a car before
Sp from 70 miles per
he ll let me get a license.
requires now - and will need
says a young lady has
soon; it appears that a dent
no business taking chance
of several hundred dollars
of being stranded -with
of th a flat
would be put in your budget.
tire or a car that won't
that's a large
`start. I think he's -just using
slIr". f
s,,,,: of money fora min -
this excuse forme not
spare. But, don't
i e
- to drive his car. Can't you
afraid of discussing the
tell my dad he!s wrong
$ matter with your Church'
since he does read your
Board. I am certain they
don't want their minister
_ involved in a tragic acci-
Columbia, Mo.
dent. Perhaps they can
with a professional race
driver,. know that he is
make some arrangement
, lzes,r• Cheryl:
with congregants who are
Your dad's attitude
in the auto'repair business',
be unique but I can't say
to .maintain the car. No
.matter who must pay for
I . completely disagree with
the repairs, future high re -
him. It's too bad. that more
pair costs can be anticipated
driver training classes don't
by using armonthly savings-.
spend more time teaching
about car care, and -simple
plan, that is putting aside
repairs. Changing a tire and
a certain amount of money
each month exclusively for
using a booster cable prop-
car expenses. Some months,
erly, should be easy for any-
there will be a big surplus
one in decent physical con-
in the fund. Other months
dition —male or female.
you'll need to tap the till.
Since you don't indicate you
Respectfully suggest that
are anything but a normally
your church set aside a
healthy lady, why
modest monthly stipend of
41 not give it a try. Show dad
$25 or so each month to:,
you can change that .tire
maintain their car which
and start a car with a cable.,
is on loan to you:
Good luck..driving.
Dear •Dede:
I am•a minister in a small
town which I do not wish
to identify. Along with a
small salary, I am provided
with a car. I receive no
allowance for, gasoline,t oil,
or regular maintenance of
the ca Frankly on what I
earn,(I nnot afford, the
new tires, brake job and
newlshocks that the car .
desperately needs.1 really .
Fuel ' Squandered
When Ignition'
S ys tem Fails
Any defect in the ignition
systexn is likely to create
misfire and a resulting in-
complete burning of' the '
fuel., Thus raw gasoline will
end up in the exhaust; both
squandering fuel and cre-
ating pollution.
The role of the ignition
system is to Convert about
10 volts of primary current
from the battery to upwards
of 25,000 volts at the spark
plug firing end.
Common defects that can
lead to misfire include worn
out or fouled spark plugs,
deteriorated plug cables or
'"pouts, distributor or coil
If any of these compo-
nents aren't 'working right,
it is possible that the,elec-
trical charge provided won't
sufficient to fire one or
ore spark plugs. The air/
uel mixture will not be ig-
nited in affected cylinders.
Sb, not only will gas be
wasted in non -firing cyl-
inders, butyou need to com-
pensate for loss of. power
by feeding more gas to the
functioning cylinders.
If there is a general de-
terioration of the ignition
system, the engine won't
Mart at all (with a result-
ant waste- of fuel trying to
)start the engine) .
Nx Ways
to Stretch
Offered, byNoted Driver
2. Driving fast is the namb
1. Any car I drive, be it
of my gam8 a-ud I have thet
the same on the road, you'll
Champion Spark Plug Co.
skill to do it safely. But I
save gas. Try to"' "play" traf-,
Highway Safety Team
don't drive any faster than
fie lights and don't tailgate
Maybe you believe that a„
absolutely necessary to win.
to avoid sudden stops ai'a
professional race driver give
And that's part of the secret '
Ing tips on saving gasoline
of driving with gas economy
5. None of you is apt
is like- a vegetarian offering
in mind..
to experience -.the stop
htank is filled
advice on how to barbeque
educing your highway
w your
a steak. I don't know g bout
Sp from 70 miles per
and tires changed in 20
the vegetarian and the
hour o "50 can save you
seconds: But avoid, if you
steak. I do know that saving
more t an 20 per cent in
can, long periods of idling,
fuel is becoming a vital
fuel. � h gasoline' prices
either ata service station or
consideration to those of us
the way ►hey are, you're env-
any other place.
who race at the Indianapo-
iPg almost four gallons or
It you have to wait in
lis '500' and other tracks
$2 or more per tankful by
your car for more than a
around the untry.
cutting speed,
few moments, turn off the,
Since/ the Varied States
3. If you've ever ridden.
engine. _Tftis holds true at
Auto Club, s netiOning body
with a professional race
driver,. know that he is
a •railroad crossing while
waiting for. a, train or at a
of Indiana lis -type racing,
recently reduced the fuel
an extremely smooth driver.
market waiting for someone
allotment per race car, the
both on and off -the track.
to come out of the store.
driver must be more fuel-
He doesn't indulge in gas-
As a race driver who needs
conscious than ever.. Get-
wasting jack -rabbit starts.
every competitive' advan-
ting that little extra mile-
He-keelfs a steady foot on
tage I can get to win and
age from a tank •of- racing
the gas pedal, *doesn't pass
as a motorist who .loves
fuel can mean the difference
erratically or lane hop.
driving, I am truly • con -
between winning,A race or
. All thepe_Maneuvers con-
cerned with the fuel situa-
being an also-ran,
sume fuel unnecessarily.
tion. You can bet I'll be
Since it is my business to
4. The successful race
driver always anticipates
watching my gas gauge'
more carefufly this year and
know all I can about all
traffic patterns. If you do
I urge you to do the same.
rands of driving, I can pass
these fuel, saving tips on to
you with confidence.
1. Any car I drive, be it
at Indy or my. own private
car, is in best possible s4gpe.
I don't waste a drop of fuel
because my engine isn't
tuned, my tiros itcen't prop
etly inflated, my brakes are
faulty or any other part of `
,mcar isn't functioning the
way it should.
The averagemotorist
��.– 0
0 r
can't ,say the same. If he
has neglected maintenance.
t Y
he is .wasting costly and
scarce fuel.
"Do you keep hearing a horn tootiug?" ,
Till the end of May
Medd's oe-rtest.
Main and Goderkh 5VO.
527 0311