HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-09, Page 19i ,p Just as Car Needs C heck Befvr - Going 'on Trip; So Does Camera Components Can Cause Drag If -you think the gasoline shortage is a drag, then there is'something you can do to make it less of .one. Make sure critical compo- nents of your car are in good condition $o eliminate con itions, that waste fuel. For instance,. lack of . -maintenance in areassuch as tires, brakes, -shocks, wheel alignment and trans'- mission can affect gasoline mileage as well, A, safety. In some cases, these faulty comporients help create a "drag" on the engine, thus I requiring more gasoline to keep the car running. Underinflated tires create such a drag. So -can poorly adjusted brakes, especially when the driver has a habit of "riding" the brake pedal. Gas -wasting engine drag also can result from im- properly aligned wheels.. Worn shocks also can cause road wandering with. resultant fuel waste. .►• Slipping transmission bands or low transmission fluid levels can hinder prop- er changing of automatic transmission gears, thereby causing fuel wastage. Neglected, these compo- nefits can cost you money in premature tire and brake wear as well as possibility of expensive transmission repairs. With the extra bo - 1 . nus of better fuel economy and safety, routine main P tenance of these items is more important than ever. eR y All, > l ; r H.L-O-N-G on value 0 f.. WIDE-TRACKSAFETY 99 LONG COLD -Our newest Non-Selted'Tire in Nylon ` A high performanpe'tire built expressly to replace belied fircs. Its a low angle, long cdrd tire that provides close to the long mileage of belted ?v ? tires, but Mth double the safety (See Nevada Test results in-store), . a Also available in Polyester. for distant mountain vistas, .7ust as you, would have but don't overlook dramatic distance accurately. An easy your car inspected before way to do, this i$ with ,a erally, mountain scenes are taking a vacation trip t0 improved by cross -lighting, close-up distance your cam - make sure It's running 1:::111:1: . >•<:.;:;�;%f" .: �` :rJ,. + >;��"J%f a child looking at the,scene, smoothly, check your cam- •.,, �`. .. era. Shoo test roll t .a r of film .:.:r:.: *4,r,; ,, ,r.fii�f y f� �: ;�;,r,.,.{r{' .,;; {" :•f•. �yi;r,•r:�'�:/•� �Jo Pul flowers.These will frame before' le4ving. If thepic- your picture, set It off, and camera and you're ready tures are satisfactory, you ',`L%gm J r M • can be reasonably sure the�%'j%/�i`r +% flower for example, simply camera is working properly. ,{f¢{✓•, -X , ¢, i al- ' setting u ago a et ng s n If not rip •dealer�y/•."<€!s,�;<v.!,{:,,i.;" bring it to a .':��� :.J, ,',•;rid"" �;•:'r,.? ;> };�/%�'•�;!„+ ,.:�,c .r ..:�•�f .: .:..�:fi=.�� �?fs �.4,y' • , and have him check it over. :>, ,:;:;' fE:;%•; {•''•:^>'{"'i:;:i'' >..z$t ,fvif{...fJ,r,.' �yJ %: Jry .r�{,. without squinting your eyes, When you pack your cam: r/J•fS ;;4„1 ,•':trr,/".}!,: f..;+.,t„ � y :;:r."++:4:?2f.•: >.rx%'•%','•i!i.:y�.`ir: y::r <�>a:: �::��!ar�,.•,:;,:. � :< ,{?,.,,,f...,'�> Pats offer era for a trip, the first ! F � thing to do is unpack it .. 1, f '+fr+�+�JrJ$f n jf%r�, %<":'i f "l�lfr a forest on a sunny day; you and keepit hand for an Y Y F J,�•. �J/ %{�l:F%S::C::,?�yl?j�:;,;1::;. a`!.r?,v ,./ r. firy n;.l,J. %`!'r 1./:�..+,..ri :',•}'y ., f... :: }: : r 3: aiad then shoot. scene that presents :••:{Jill 'sJ':'•. �• f}/ZiAhoto %r:'.J:•�}}:IrF.:' . f!}.y:•J:n.>iaR«•>• •. .,,;1�;:J�J,.tJ%r'% :4J.r:: :..s,::::.:4t:•1;,',.:,:t. ::J:' %::'' '{i {414; shadows • spawned by the itself en route:•It I won t het .Fe:: ,:% f;YA,•: }•.•r • :1W i' :%frf.1:' Li''.;J. ,;.. .: fr}/'r, Cj• ,%. i} .:::iii: ':f%u',,:":.:5•i!{!r :::+:}> it in a cool place until you g. t0 see o Just the shot Y "► want • .'•l+. �f/%l Jril��.rJ+r%+r�::Y. v,C:'%i+ ::Yr':T:ii <.::,::'. :;..: ,�. ,•Y / . Jr+/•i::.yiyr.,.:,5 .,yor.;. :�:• :"i:% {s'4' ,:�+rt%:/: ...%. �%�{, 4i:: „4r FJ.;a/.. %3t t.,?�' :%iii.•>: !. •%i{:f:I:i. fnl,•:9�%•/: ..lir//J.•/'h''l.tGitn,. •t{�.. >..,.. 4 ,`i%f , camera iso if' our easily Y Y :. r. j'n ,//ri :O{:?:R'•{Jr$ F... l:n 4..�:1: ii: ':}{, •f.•r. l..J :..: {tl: ,a. :{t. :,f.•,%r rv:1#: 4>y>:>.4 !./..r•:. >ri<<�� .:f?: .fn .3�a�t:..,!„ .r�` ��::. ..f....«4}::. :;:s}•y+i J. ':::t•:: :.: "L/r'li,y3+J..'•f....nn J.r.i. .;F.}/.•.: y... :Ff'::•.:'::$:•'f: i5yr,,:'''i,:::...:{ J4:• 't• i'4 shots. available...t4•rJ :N.r.%,:F,.?"i?+fv i`{i%.Y+, �i1:'y,.;�nlj�t}n!.•;{ ', <.?::xtr:•��..`r ...�•..r `•r:>: :car . •isJ.•»•fr >'t{€:���,. ^''h .:� ,�/�•4atir v.$•:. ;,.�;?y}�J'. :y.. r/:: :::�%•i/�': ::i1 is or in hazy sunlight. An ex - r A word of advice: film is .:/...< ;f... r?%!/.• :}$'f:n r, Ori: {:,4,.: r.l,.n rff.. 1. :;<yr' ::l ;'),.. .: v.+ % % . !.%?r.,4,,.'f.;:'4 . /:{% .:1 : �:f}1•i}i} fI :f: an. •r. •. Y}%.: J.J. +i /F.: Y:?r'>:•t.: ' �<:..r.:' .�f:�• 4/J,.n/.: r ff•:t:�t':4%,Vir?tiy h ?/.•:r //•%L.. 1 .05- perishable. Heat and , hu- •'•J.v. r.%fi,y vi..,. . . ,:4J.h ../ .p•:'.:,%4?i.::F�.......,::n;?:!%��i'•f•F."%�i/li.,.4..,.t...;i...,%/,.n..4Ifr�'nf:•?':Yi.:}lilil(:i�::4::: While most amateur photographers want bright sunlight to midity are harmful to film: illuminate their still'shots or films, some dramatic effects' can _ in summer, don't put your be obtained' cloudy or, partly cloudy. days. This is particu- 1. 9 or film in the trunk, larly larly true on beach shots where the white sands can cast an .12.34 glove compartment, or on annoying glare when'the sun is too bright. (Photo courtesy 078/13 (650/131 the rear -window deck. The of Kodak.) '-16.1 ,,,handiest place for your 11.e1 13.44 camera equipment is'-dn"the „ C78/11, 1100/13) - seat besWe you. usual'rocks your child finds, ' posure meter, will be a bi 16.53 + . . even the toad he brings, help. + CAR PICTURES, back to camp? all are per- MOUNTAINS 979/141645/141 While driving to your feet subjects for close-up Bright sunlight is .15es - camping site,'you *ill want - 13,55 to take some pictures.. It is always best' to stop the - C78/14 1695/141 - oar, but sometimes this is - I '" - not possible. If you,. must 11.16 - '0 7 9 /14 1695 /,t41 shoot from a moving car, 20,a 111 - - - - - - 070/14 While letters 25.11 shoot through the • front - 32.11• - - - - 17e/141135/14) 20.96 22.75' - 17.63 window. If you shoot out of - 14.49 14.49 /1,11 E70/I4 Whit. eaten F7e/141775/14) 26,80 21.75 - 24.27 10.43 37.82• - - 12,99 the side window, the fore-. i k 20.0 F70/14 17 75/141 22.70 - - 34.92• - - ground of your picture will - F70/14 WT1d. Wtm 28.50 ' - 39.57-' - .16.53 be blurry. Hold your'camera a� C79/1/1125%14 22.70 26,22 19.39 11.88 13.57 as steady as possible with= MISS 22.32 070/141825/1/ 23,86 - 35.96' Out bracing it against the - - n 29.4p -� a ._ 'car, because vibration will - H78/1,41855/11) 21,41 20.02 20.91 k l -- blur your pictures., 19:710 21.10 117111 Witt. Wan 30.81 - - -- - as - - - 560/1 9 11.03 NATURE PHOTOS > 11.31 - 10.76 Campers, more than other ' 3 20.36} , 24.55 vacationers, have a love of 12.99 16.10 16.10 the outdoors and a feelings'' F70/16 Whit.9nen 27.60 - for nature. Your pictures x - � should reflect this. I OFF 678/161825/15) 23,96 The most attractive na- 19.95 42.56 ture pictures often are those taken close -up -the flowers s I1►, 'in bloom, the shells or un- 6_70/161825/15) Components Can Cause Drag If -you think the gasoline shortage is a drag, then there is'something you can do to make it less of .one. Make sure critical compo- nents of your car are in good condition $o eliminate con itions, that waste fuel. For instance,. lack of . -maintenance in areassuch as tires, brakes, -shocks, wheel alignment and trans'- mission can affect gasoline mileage as well, A, safety. In some cases, these faulty comporients help create a "drag" on the engine, thus I requiring more gasoline to keep the car running. Underinflated tires create such a drag. So -can poorly adjusted brakes, especially when the driver has a habit of "riding" the brake pedal. Gas -wasting engine drag also can result from im- properly aligned wheels.. Worn shocks also can cause road wandering with. resultant fuel waste. .►• Slipping transmission bands or low transmission fluid levels can hinder prop- er changing of automatic transmission gears, thereby causing fuel wastage. Neglected, these compo- nefits can cost you money in premature tire and brake wear as well as possibility of expensive transmission repairs. With the extra bo - 1 . nus of better fuel economy and safety, routine main P tenance of these items is more important than ever. eR y All, > l ; r H.L-O-N-G on value 0 f.. WIDE-TRACKSAFETY 99 LONG COLD -Our newest Non-Selted'Tire in Nylon ` A high performanpe'tire built expressly to replace belied fircs. Its a low angle, long cdrd tire that provides close to the long mileage of belted ?v ? tires, but Mth double the safety (See Nevada Test results in-store), . a Also available in Polyester. for distant mountain vistas, it's imlRortant to measure but don't overlook dramatic distance accurately. An easy -storm-cloud effects. Caen- way to do, this i$ with ,a erally, mountain scenes are piece of string, Whatever improved by cross -lighting, close-up distance your cam - plus a foreground object - era permits, measure this a child looking at the,scene, distance with a, string and overhanging tree branches, tie a knot at 7t"t point. a rushing stream, or color- Tape one end of t q. string. Pul flowers.These will frame to the lens mount of your your picture, set It off, and camera and you're ready create the desired depth. for perfect close-up shots. r M • To take a picture of a SUNSETS flower for example, simply Your family silhouetted. hold the string in front. of the camera move in i al- ' setting u ago a et ng s n and until the knot touches the c d inyd a good shot to include in yciur picture �tory.,�P yfau flower; then drop the strip A g can look at.tit unset sg and shoot, without squinting your eyes, Pan. 1,041 �r it can be photographed in Pats offer cpIor; In othbr words, with FORESTS automatic cameras, wait When taking pictures in until the sun is below the a forest on a sunny day; you horizon or behind a cloud, will find- eltcessiveghting aiad then shoot. contrasts; from tit dark After ,you've taken your pictures and removed the shadows • spawned by the film from the camera, stores"•...Aglit trees to the bright sun - when the sun shines it in a cool place until you g. through.'To avoid this can. take it to be processed, striped effect, scenes in the los cash deep woods are best when shots. taken, on an overcast day t With extreme close-ups, or in hazy sunlight. An ex - Your kind of tire,• your kind of need, your, kind of price! It's the right time -and the right place -to buy. We can't dcov that prices -are clue to soar. Natural rubber and carbon -black costs are doubling. Oil derivative; tike Nylon and Polyester, synthetic rubber and a host of other components ,are following suit. Shortages lootn on the horizon. But right now, CtmadianTiTT has a great selection I•or cyery purpose and every pocket. Wise motorists.will buy NOW. Allpnem ahoum are alter X scount orcas . o onus our m. Canadian rrreCREDITCARD terms available, applying betare-%cosh-discount prices, 1Co Pmr1m-t11rten6odlp¢s,Imt¢lauedti •Gua.•air-Whnastripeoolrp tread cull *Whinssanenry-He.hh.utten All tiro shewo (except Stalderd).6-Yeer Road-liarard Guaranteed and Weer -Out Insured (Sia particulate 1n your local Canadian rim star$) The more you know about tires ,s u NO CHARGE4or TIRE INSTALLATION when you buy our Dill or the more you'// solve... Ola Schrader Valve at our regular catalogue price of "$I,00, We I A Cis D eek must in'smll tire and valve together. "A tire isn't new unless Csnedian Tire Maker l h. R✓rt:__ �( ',j t li u all - the valve is tool Sletic-Balance, tire and wheel, $1.00. y tour t(r8-do!/ar Dy- namic Balance $2.50. 6% Discount for Clsh No Bonus Cartoon.�A free Tilley Ltd., Seaf®rth:,�w�ws .<...,,,> ;_,u:.xv i7� THE HUWN Wa?o STOM SrABIORTH, ONT., MAY .9, M13 - ft �0 A A, 2+2 Qlass-Belted Polyester c, Polyller 24 2 Polyester -Belted Nylon . . Like tires on new car5-1970 to '74. Our Built with 2 Polycster^Belts plus 2 body - Turnpike W idq Track has 2 Polyester body plil s of Du Pont 66 Nylon, for a softer -ride plies - 2 Glass Belts. 78 series: Whitewall with twice the safety. (See Nevada Tat re - E Standeld rwleF'P/yNylon F. Como dir•4-P/yPiOltar a. Wldppst rwia-Ply Nylon Du Pont 66 Nylon bladkwall. Similar construction to tires Mtde, with double -ply Du Twin -ply construction as on on new cars 1965 to 1969, Pont 6.6 Nylon and shaped new cars prior to belted -tires. except that Contender is a much like a European radial. Meets or exceeds government heavier construction. Poly- Best -suited fur high-speed safety standards. Sold with- ester construction with no highways. Provides a cool - out in§urance. Add $1.00 overnight set. A low price for running, cushioned ride. An each when insurance wanted. ' a quality tire. 6 di f h N outstanding value. a C Allpnem ahoum are alter X scount orcas . o onus our m. Canadian rrreCREDITCARD terms available, applying betare-%cosh-discount prices, 1Co Pmr1m-t11rten6odlp¢s,Imt¢lauedti •Gua.•air-Whnastripeoolrp tread cull *Whinssanenry-He.hh.utten All tiro shewo (except Stalderd).6-Yeer Road-liarard Guaranteed and Weer -Out Insured (Sia particulate 1n your local Canadian rim star$) The more you know about tires ,s u NO CHARGE4or TIRE INSTALLATION when you buy our Dill or the more you'// solve... Ola Schrader Valve at our regular catalogue price of "$I,00, We I A Cis D eek must in'smll tire and valve together. "A tire isn't new unless Csnedian Tire Maker l h. R✓rt:__ �( ',j t li u all - the valve is tool Sletic-Balance, tire and wheel, $1.00. y tour t(r8-do!/ar Dy- namic Balance $2.50. 6% Discount for Clsh No Bonus Cartoon.�A free Tilley Ltd., Seaf®rth:,�w�ws .<...,,,> ;_,u:.xv i7� THE HUWN Wa?o STOM SrABIORTH, ONT., MAY .9, M13 - ft �0 A A, 2+2 Qlass-Belted Polyester c, Polyller 24 2 Polyester -Belted Nylon . . Like tires on new car5-1970 to '74. Our Built with 2 Polycster^Belts plus 2 body - Turnpike W idq Track has 2 Polyester body plil s of Du Pont 66 Nylon, for a softer -ride plies - 2 Glass Belts. 78 series: Whitewall with twice the safety. (See Nevada Tat re - only; 70 Series with bold white letters. sults posted in Canadian Tire stores.) 9, 4+2 Strongest Glass -Belt Construction o. Selety 99 tong Cord Radial Ours has 4 Du Pont 66 Nylon body plies 4 belts, 2 tbody plies, for 5lability MiletLgt•1 YOU Plus 2 Glass Bells = 6 plies undertread White stripe only. TRY BEFORE instead of the usual 4, Big mileagc-getter, BUY; if not satisfied,, return within 10 days gas -saver and saf%ty-lire! for refund (excluding valve, service fees). 2+2 4+2d Pol1FLEx RADIAL STANDARD CORTMOER WHIPPET LONG CORO ' WHITFWAII WIRTFWAII. RIAr.KWA11 WAil. alae. RLACKWAIt RLACKWALI RLACKWALL110an/PAhester Allpnem ahoum are alter X scount orcas . o onus our m. Canadian rrreCREDITCARD terms available, applying betare-%cosh-discount prices, 1Co Pmr1m-t11rten6odlp¢s,Imt¢lauedti •Gua.•air-Whnastripeoolrp tread cull *Whinssanenry-He.hh.utten All tiro shewo (except Stalderd).6-Yeer Road-liarard Guaranteed and Weer -Out Insured (Sia particulate 1n your local Canadian rim star$) The more you know about tires ,s u NO CHARGE4or TIRE INSTALLATION when you buy our Dill or the more you'// solve... Ola Schrader Valve at our regular catalogue price of "$I,00, We I A Cis D eek must in'smll tire and valve together. "A tire isn't new unless Csnedian Tire Maker l h. R✓rt:__ �( ',j t li u all - the valve is tool Sletic-Balance, tire and wheel, $1.00. y tour t(r8-do!/ar Dy- namic Balance $2.50. 6% Discount for Clsh No Bonus Cartoon.�A free Tilley Ltd., Seaf®rth:,�w�ws .<...,,,> ;_,u:.xv i7� THE HUWN Wa?o STOM SrABIORTH, ONT., MAY .9, M13 - ft �0 A a C D E T F 13 N 2 TIRES 2 TIRES 2 TIRES 2 TIRES t TIRE I TIRE 1 TIRE 2 TIRES or mon or more of mon or more Piste Price Price . or mon SIZES EACH h EACH in EACH m EACH in .1141 Wit, after EACH In Pan. 1,041 Pairs afar Pats offer Pant after dieeoont drstount discount Pain after discount discount (amount discount for for for dittow for cash for cash for cash los cash cash cash Cash for tab 600/12 17,53 - 1 .05- - 15.150 - A711/131600/13{ 17.68 19: 9} 1. 9 - 10.812 .12.34 12.34 - 078/13 (650/131 78.43 - '-16.1 35.10 11.e1 13.44 13.44 19.49 C78/11, 1100/13) - 20.19 - 16.53 - - 13.99 13.99 19.39 979/141645/141 - • 19.26jj - - - 13,55 - - C78/14 1695/141 - 19,05' - - - 14.15 11.16 - '0 7 9 /14 1695 /,t41 - 20,a 111 - - - - - - 070/14 While letters 25.11 - - 32.11• - - - - 17e/141135/14) 20.96 22.75' - 17.63 •32.87• - 14.49 14.49 /1,11 E70/I4 Whit. eaten F7e/141775/14) 26,80 21.75 - 24.27 10.43 37.82• - - 12,99 - 15.10 �- 15.10 20.0 F70/14 17 75/141 22.70 - - 34.92• - - - - F70/14 WT1d. Wtm 28.50 _ - 39.57-' - .16.53 - - C79/1/1125%14 22.70 26,22 19.39 11.88 13.57 MISS 22.32 070/141825/1/ 23,86 - 35.96' - - G70/14 WAS Wiwi 29.4p -� 42,61d ._ - - H78/1,41855/11) 21,41 20.02 20.91 44.17 -- 17.76 19:710 21.10 117111 Witt. Wan 30.81 - - -- - - - - - 560/1 9 11.03 --- 11.31 - 10.76 C78/15 168511 F79/161775/151 - 21.80 20.36} , 24.55 18.76 12.99 16.10 16.10 21.33 F70/16 Whit.9nen 27.60 - - 40.59- - � : -' 678/161825/15) 23,96 2x.60 19.95 42.56 13.85 16,50 16.99 22.70 6_70/161825/15) 24.90 36.39 - - - - 070/iiWhil team 29.36 - - 43.ti'la - - - - Hie/is(055/15) 4.80 29.40 21.21 44.18 - 19,017 19.951 24.11 H70115WHsalman 31.26 - - 37.29• - - - - ..- 115( - 29.36 - 47.26 18/151975/15 y - 30.28 - 48.92 - - - - 28.01 Allpnem ahoum are alter X scount orcas . o onus our m. Canadian rrreCREDITCARD terms available, applying betare-%cosh-discount prices, 1Co Pmr1m-t11rten6odlp¢s,Imt¢lauedti •Gua.•air-Whnastripeoolrp tread cull *Whinssanenry-He.hh.utten All tiro shewo (except Stalderd).6-Yeer Road-liarard Guaranteed and Weer -Out Insured (Sia particulate 1n your local Canadian rim star$) The more you know about tires ,s u NO CHARGE4or TIRE INSTALLATION when you buy our Dill or the more you'// solve... Ola Schrader Valve at our regular catalogue price of "$I,00, We I A Cis D eek must in'smll tire and valve together. "A tire isn't new unless Csnedian Tire Maker l h. R✓rt:__ �( ',j t li u all - the valve is tool Sletic-Balance, tire and wheel, $1.00. y tour t(r8-do!/ar Dy- namic Balance $2.50. 6% Discount for Clsh No Bonus Cartoon.�A free Tilley Ltd., Seaf®rth:,�w�ws .<...,,,> ;_,u:.xv i7� THE HUWN Wa?o STOM SrABIORTH, ONT., MAY .9, M13 - ft �0