HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-09, Page 11r••
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FStTyIioti x JOTTIN �::'t bapk xed eY,`� l #i 1
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Sunday at mondv 11 United,
Church. They qw re:
i;r; Corey James -Baker, son of Mr.
From ueensar
�' ro rjl and Mrs. John Poker. Y
Timothy Mich el Brown, son
✓- ,.M . and * � � f r Mrs James Brown
By Debra Jeanette Coleman,
k, "." *'�°�.-• , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. '
l , •
Jack Riddell , M.P.P. Huron Kenneth Coleman.
,<,. ,�„.�,-t •r ' d f .” .. Darryl Spencer Finnigan, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Finnigan.
Trevor James Henderson, son,
of Mr. and Mrs. Bev Henderson.
Matthew John Jaques, son of
A new "Und .transfer tax"elo o'p�
devment is in accordance ceiings remain but adjustments
by-laws or staff assistance
sent to the blaze which was
Mr. and Mrs. John Jaques.
designed to discourage large . with an official plan. As soon as will be made to cover both ,
actually to prepare the by-laws.
confined to the massive roof
Jasen rohn Muir, son of Mr.
scale acquisition of Ontario land proper iand use controls are increased cost of materials and
.The lack of zoning, in townships
beams in an attic over the fourth
and Mr s. John Nuir.
by foreigners 'was given royal developed the orders 'will be better wages for workers. ” °
has meant a shopping centre can
floor in the northeastern corner of
Next Sunday Christian Family
assent the Ontario Legislature. rescinded. The 62 municipalities There was more than the usual
be built without any approval
the 81 year old seat of
Day is being observed. The
The Act's 20% tax on were offered help in the excitement around Queen's, Park
being required. Without any
Church Family for the day will be
purchases of land- by non preparation of the appropriate this week. A lunch hour fire
zoning municipality cannot
The Provincial Government
announced and will take part in
_ residents of Canada was criticized planning measures. This may be caused damage estimated at ;
refuse a building permit even if it
does not carry fire insurance on
the service. The Junior Choir
by opposition members as insuf- , in the form of financial assistance, $14,000 to the main building and '
was inclined to do so. Those
this building because it f. eels
under the direction of Mrs.
ficient. They favoured the for the developing 'of zoning contents. Twelve fire trucks were
municipalities which have zoning
Arnold Scott will sing.
proposal of a select committee to
by-laws or staff assistance
sent to the blaze which was
Bill received second reading this
restrict land ownership in the
actually to prepare the by-laws.
confined to the massive roof
standing committee where it will
province to Canadian citizens or
.The lack of zoning, in townships
beams in an attic over the fourth
': a. ' �• ' a�
landed immigrants.
has meant a shopping centre can
floor in the northeastern corner of
The Liberals joined . the
. The• House is prsently debating
be built without any approval
the 81 year old seat of
` ► "s
the proposed land speculation tax
being required. Without any
chapel t a a f silk
act which would impose a 50%the,
zoning municipality cannot
The Provincial Government
prayer. Devotions were provided
tpx on speculative gains from the
refuse a building permit even if it
does not carry fire insurance on
the various health professions.
sale of land.
was inclined to do so. Those
this building because it f. eels
opposition speakers suggested
that it would do neither one. It
• During the debate on the
municipalities which have zoning
that it is cheaper to accept the risk
provincial grant of $5,615,00 to
Province's land speculation tax,
by-laws now in the absence of an
rather than pay enormousK
Ontario Revenue Minister Arthur
Meen, admitted that the 50% rate
official county plan will be given
special concession for commercial
In 1909 a fire caused $700,000
Ruth Marie Ritchie, Hamilton Brussels Legion Hall. Receiving
depends entirely upon whether
damage to the Parliament
and Donald Leroy Krick, Cope the parents of the bride and
Ottawa would go along and if It
buildings -at Queen's Park
St., Hamilton were united in groom. The bride's- mother wore a
Liberal member
for Downsview, protested that the
Mrs. Harold Dowson ' and
'dedicated Hill.
po• lyester satin,/ gowns with
marriage on April 6th, 1974 at 4 frosty blue Italian lace dress with
does not the tax may have to be
Ontario's Health Disciplines
cut back sharply to about 25%.
Bill received second reading this
Mr. Meen said the tax will have to
week and it will now go to a
become law before the province
standing committee where it will
will know for sure that it has the
be given clause by clause review
required federal acceptance. In
by politicians and other interested
arriving at the 50% tax figure,
- Ontario assumed that Ottawa
The Liberals joined . the
would ' allow individuals and
Conservatives in voting second
corporations to ded et that
reading approval but it was
p.m. Iin Duff's United Church,. empire waist trimmed with silver
Walton with Rev. Derwyn Docken The couple will reside at 38
officiating. Cope St. N--Iamilton,Ontario,
The bride is the daughter of Guests were\ present from
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie, Alden, U.S.A., Buffalo, London,
Walton and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 'Barrie, Hamilton, Ingersoll and
Krick, Alden, U.S.A. are the surrounding area.
parents of the groom.
Candelabra with multi
coloured daisies decorated the Receive
amount from their income or
capital sins in calculating
p g g
opposed by the new Democrats.
Health Minister Frank Miller
The Varna U.C.W. met in the
taxable income.
indicated that he have
basement of the church with 25
Given in marriage by her
will' a
number of amendments to•:make
members and seven visitorsprovincial
father, the bride' chose a sheer
The new tax was a corner stone
and there+will be many more to
pePresident, Mrs. Charles Reid
crystalette trimmed with sced
pm lace with
pearls and $end
of the Ontario budget unveiled
April 9th, and was designed to
come from the opposition
members and still others are to be
opened the . meeting with a
p g
chapel t a a f silk
Jack Riddell, Huron MPP and
stabilize land � prices and so
proposed by representatives of
prayer. Devotions were provided
veil. She carried pink roses with
Leo Bernier, Minist er of
restrain inflation. However,
the various health professions.
by Group 3. Mrs. Ivan
McClymont opened the worship
white and pink chrysanthemyrms
and baby's breath.
Natural Resources, " have
announced the approval of a
opposition speakers suggested
that it would do neither one. It
The Bill which will establish a
central health disciplines board
, with Psalm -100 "Make a Joyful
Mrs. Georgia Schmiedeberg
provincial grant of $5,615,00 to
was further su ested that unless
will take full effect 6 mid-
Noise Unto i:he cord", followed
the matron of honor'iind""'the
the Ausable-Bayfield
Ottawa allow the speculation tax
summer if the province can keep
by Happy the Home when God
is there" with Mrs. Bev Hill at
bridesmaids were Miss Ina
Huisman and Miss Nancy Elston.
Conservation Authority for capital
improvements to be undertaken
as a deduction, the tax on public
corporations jump to
to its planned schedule.
Vernon Singer,
the piano. Offerin was taken b
p g y
They were .dressed alike in pink
in a number of small conservation
between 110 to If 2%. Mr. Meen <
Liberal member
for Downsview, protested that the
Mrs. Harold Dowson ' and
'dedicated Hill.
po• lyester satin,/ gowns with
areas under the Authority's
admitted that under these
Health Disciplines, Board would
by Mrs. Bev.
Worship service was closed by
empire waist, jumper style with
matching floral yoke apd sleeves.
The • conservation • areas
circumstances the tax wouldbe
not be required to give reasons
'Beatitudes for Mothers" read
Ray Nopper, Jarvis, Ontario
included in the program are:
confiscatory and would have to be
for its decision, would not require
by - Mrs. Gordon Johnston.
was the -bes't man and Gordon
Thedford, Port Frank; Morrison
r, abandoned. I
A table contained in the budget
a complainant to be present at
hearings or be accompanied by'a
Business was conducted by
Lyddiatt and David Birtwistle
Dam., Lucan," Stephen Wildlife
_)shows that the total tax on land
lawyer and does not require that a
Mrs.'Charles Reid..Minutes were
read by Mrs. Harvey Hayter and "
were the ushers. �°
The wedding music was played
Area and the Bannockburn
Wildlife Management Area.
gains would rise from 31% to
complainant be 'shown, material
the roll call taken. The
b Mrs. Elva Wii