The Wingham Times, 1893-12-08, Page 3WC, T. U. COLUMN.
(a'oWDIIcxieD 3iY :r is wrielluAtt 1048011,)
•' Pur • od and Home and Yatfre Land,'
Well tali the attention of the mothers and sisters
to the fact, that the Woman's. Christian /Temper,
,nee Union meets every Monday at three o'clock
slurp, .for one hour, at Airs. liolut'e residenoo, Pat.
rick street, All. Iodine are made welcome,
We hold a iitenthly .tgeepel meeting on the last
hfonday of every month, except when otherwise
advertised, to which meeting' "invite the publlo
M the Editor has kindly givenns part of his
space, for our work, we eel( frit/ads, of the cause to
said items of lnterost on all moral questions of the
day to any of our member,.
Stop and Think.
My boy, when they ask you to drink,
Stop and think,
Just think a the danger ahead;
Of the hearts that in sorrow have bled
O'er hopes that were dzown'd in the bow],
Filled with death for the body and soul,
When you hear e man .asking for drink,
Stop and think,
The draught that he drinks will destroy
$iglt hopes and ambitions, my boy;
And the man who the leader might be
Is a slave that no man's hand can free.
01 1 this terrible demon of drink!
Stop and think
Of the graves where the victims are laid,
Of the ruin and woo it has made,
Of the wives and mothers who pray,
For the curse to be taken away.
Yes, when you are tempted to drink,
Stop and think
Of the danger that lurks in the bowl,
The death that brings to tha soul,
The harvest of sin and of woe,
And spurn back the tempter with "No."
—E. E. Rexford,
To Women, Voters.
The Plebiscite Campaign Executive
of the 1%v. t7. T. U. have issued the
following circular :
Iu the plebiscite to be taken on j
January 1st next, the women of On-
tario who are municipal voters have a
right to express their opinion for or
against the total prubibitiou of the
liquor traffic.
The ballots to be used by woolen
will be printed on blue paper to dis-
tinguish there from the ballots used
by men. They will bo separately count-
ed and in the return made after the
voting, there will he shown the num-
ber of votes given 'Yes' by women
• voters, the number of votes given 'No'
by women voters, and the total number
of women voters appearing by the list
to he entitled to vote.
The plebiscite will thus convey to
the legislature information as to (1)
the attitude of a section of the women
of Ontario towards the liquor traffic,
(2) the extent to which women in pos-
session of the franchise are willing to
exercise that right.
Never before in the history of the
country was there a situation
fraught with so much impore
tante to the cause of temperance,
the cause of home, the cause of women.
It imposes upou our woolen voters and
all other women who can influence
there, a tremendous responsibility. It
is very much better for our women
that their vote should be counted
separately. if included simply in
the total vote along with the men's,
it would have no special value beyond
the small extent to which it would
swell the aggregate majority for pro-
hibition. Counted by itself, it will
be taken as a representation of what
the vote of the women of the province
would be. For example, if 40,000
women voted and 35,000 of these
mark their ballots 'Yes' it will be fair
for us to say to the Legislative Assem-
bly 'Three-fourths of the women of
Ontario want prohibition.' lied you
allowed them to vote you would pro-
bably have had 350,000 of them say-
ing 'Yes' or a majority of 800,000 in
favor of prohibition.
The extent to which wo.nen vote in
this contest will probably be taken as
a measure of the willingness of the
Women of Ontario to exercise the
right of voting on such questions. 1f
the returns made Show that only a
remail percentage of women voters go
to the polls, this fact will he used by
those opposed to allowing such ap ex-
pression of women's opinion, as an
argument in favor of their position.
It will thus be seen that practically
every woman oil the voter's list will
be voting for tete women who are not
A woman's vote in the contest as
an expression of public opinion will
thus count for far mono than a man's.
.fu view of these manifest facts, in
view of the fearful extent of the
liquor evil hi our province—for the
sake of the many Ontario homes that
Suffer sorely from the crushing curse
of Ontario—in the tame of all that is
pare and .good and true which they
now bare a matchless opportunity to
pr"otnote,—an earnest appeal is made
to the Women 'voters of Ontario, to
rise to the necessities of this crisis and
respond unhesitatingly to the challenge
THE 1T I NUAi.......,:1 TIME'S, DECEMBER 8 893,
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
lather Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil,
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Iffillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness, Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures (Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.. Castoria relieves
'teething troubles, cures constipation and. flatulency.
Castoria, assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas.
toric, is the Children's Panacea—tine Mother's Friend,
"Castoria is an excellent medicine for chiI-
dron. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good eieet upon their children,"
D. G. C. Osaoo0,
Lowell, Mass.
"C.cstoria is tho best comedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria in.
stead of the variousquack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, byforctngopium,
,morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending -
them to premature graves."
Conway, Ar-
" Castoria is Sowell adapted to children ilia
I recommend it assuperior to any prescription
Known to Ino."
II, A. Anctlan, if, D.,
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Our physicians in the children's depart-
ment have spoken highly of their experi-
ence in their outaido practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wo are free to confess that tee
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
Boston, Plass.
. C. Sarni, Pres.,
The Centaur Cornany, 'g"d B ur.ay Street, New York City.
,fiati Y?.:,r•e,.59?ia"' "r'i. 1• dt'a14ePlrrra:IF
t eF.el' fe `tlie e! VI jt t/.5:. a
thus made to their Christian patriot
ism and womanhood.
Further, women whr, vote, and who
do not vote, havt'. a vast responsibility
in this emergency, in the fact of the
mighty influence they possess with
men who have tate franehi'sn. Let
every woman's influence he exerted to
secure the fullest expression in the
coming contest, of the high principle
of the best manhood of our country.
What has already been stated to
every woman that at this time there
has come to her a providential power,
privilege and responsibility in refer-
ence to the future welfare of every
Ontario )tome.
There is more than an opportunity
in ail this, Throughout God's uni-
verse, to every possibility of far reach
ing good is linked a possilility of mis-
take and wrong. in proportion to
the results for righteousuess that must
follow woman's earnest prayerful per-
formance of full duty at this tune, is
the awful possibility of injury to the
cause of right that may result from
any neglect or evaeion of this duty.
Those who are not in sympathy with
what is best, will be glad to seize upon
any failure in this respect as an evi-
dence of even more indifference than
it really represents. No Christen' i
woman, specially no Christaut woman
voter, in this contest is a unit, Her
work will eount in the high percent
Some hints as to the methods of i
work may be permitted just here. In
the first place women may do much I
quiet, judicious, ttersonat presentation
to friends and acquaintances of the
ease for prohibition. Every Cbristiau
woman should tae a personal mission.,
ary during the next six weeks.
In dearly every Iocality there will lie'
a committee of plebiscite workers, l
Women will. be welcome, cordially in '
these organizations, and in most cases
work will be cheerfully assigned to
them. They should take upon them
selves a special duty of canvassing the'
women voters in their neighborhood,
and others as far as they can do so
Women maydo much in some places
by an independent organization to sup.
plement the work of the regular gen.
oral committee. In some plaees they
may take charge of literature circul-
ation, arrangements for public meet,
lags, and other matters which their
own judgment will dictate.
It would be ititpossibla to lay down
hard fast rules to'guide all our work -
ere. Their awn wisdom wilt dictate
methods to suit different localities and
ciroumetances. Let every possible
effort for tight he ptlt forth. Let every
possible vote be polled.
Celery Salad.—Cut your celery into
inch lengths, lay it in a bowl, and put
iu on the ice until needed. After it
is brought, on the table port• over it a
French dressing consisting of three
tablespoonfuls of oil, two of vinegar, a
saltspuurzful of snit, a huff teaspuonfal
of white sugar arad three or four dashes
' of black pepper.
Lite is Mastery
To many people who have the taint of
scrufuta in their blood. The agonies
caused by the dreadful rnnuiog sorer and
other manifestations of chis disease are be-
yond desoriptinu. 'There is 00 other
remedy equal to Hood's bnrsatparillit for
scrofula, salt rheum mud every furrn of
blood disease. It is rear,amahly sure to
benefit all who give It a laic trial. ,
Eloon's Prr,La pure Iver ills.
13elgtlltn is the; 1)r.• t country to iuxlie
hypuotlein r chow,
Cpritentmeut is lartt'.r than div,na-
tioti or vision.—Lander,
Piloted Won Nearaagia for 0 Year
To , e Proprietor of the Great S.uth
Amer au ltheutraatic Cure.
DNAs , 'itt,—For over thirty ye. s I was
afflicted ry much with Near ;ria and
.I3eadache. Seeing your g at SOUTH
AMa✓nxcaN 1t UMATzu Cutnt . dvertised I
thought 1 wont ive it a tri —although 1
did not think for . /tomett. tt was goiug to
do me any good is er rytug so many
remedies without b .etit. I obtained a
bottle from Chisholo i rut; Store in this
town, and 1 must s that got great relief
from the first few dune., mu WKS so over-
joyed that I de ertniued to - ve it a good
trial and conti ued taking it, L. ring to all
MX bottles. can truthfully sa that I
haver felt so ell slice I was, a go it has
not only o ed sue ut u.euralgta ant dread•
ache, but las also built up ruv cystet and
I feel q to young again. ): most el t or.
fully g •E you this testimonial and const
you . e the greatest benefactors to sulfa
ant, Dear Sir, YoureThaukfully,
Kai:easel! Stmt.
ituessed by J. f1. Chisholm.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Bard, soft, or calloused Lumps and idem
leges from horses, Blood Spavin, Clutha,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stitleh,
Sprelus, Sore and swollen Throat, troughs,
etc. Save $S0 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted by Chisholni's drug store.
The shortest way to .10 many things
id to do only and thing at once.
Sunday schools for temeinug the ele-
ments of English education were es.
tablisbed by Rtitltes ebnut 1871,
For &ovors Colds.
GIENTLitintt,--I had a severe cold, for
which I took Dr, Wood's Norway Mine
Syrup. I find it an excellent remedy,
giving prompt relief and pleasant to take.
J, PAYxraa, Huntsville, Ont.
The first regular effort to instruct
the deaf and dumb was by Ptdr.) de
Ponce, a Spanish monk, in 1570.
At Iiomo and Abroad.
PEI 'SICIAN`S, travellers, pioneers, set -
Ir tiers, invade, and all ,lassos of
people of every degree, testify to the mod•
teal and tonic virtues of Burdock Blood
Bitters, the most popular and elective
medicine extant. It cures ell diseases of
the stomach, liver, bowels and blood.
The Greek fetter college societies ie1
this country have 19 active &eptars
And 62,270 merebere.
Creat Papers t Great Premiums,
We are 10 a position to offer The Trntus
' and the Family Herald and Weekly Star,
Of Alontreal, for one year for $1,75. This
offer entitles the subscriber to a choice of
two great premiums given by the publishers
of the Family lleruld, These frretuivais
ere the "Starr" Almanac fctr 18910, a superb
book fe 450 paeee, nr if preferred, a coley
of the great. 1+'.uottt ll(,ralr1 Souvenir Pic.
tore which retailer ut tweury dallttrs. The
t,remiuuas-.-Abet ee and Picture --will be
teddy ubottt he trier of November, and will
be forwarded itt (Ito of, i, i' in which the
subscriptions are treeliett. Subscriptions
to the paper run}" tt l; 11 s.s once. Ilernent-
ber the offer of n ci,o,t•,. ; i i,rs•utiutus holds
good only to pcnplc v.ho ru4 calbe during
the autumn, Art', v t„t. the dunce will
positively bo•,rvr,.
Ad lresl+, Ore:c e,
oYinghant, Ont.
J058PH Cowan,
GLENN din Div. Counr, Co, Vireo,,
A iJ(:'1'.fiNI:s':'1?,
L'orrntzutsiuvrr iv kJ, C, J., Z:aa.
Wacx»mrar., ONT.
Farm Crops and Processes,
Horticulture and Fruit -Growing,
Live -Stook and Dairying.
While it also includes all minor depart-
ments of Rural interest, such as the Poul-
try Yard,Eutoruology, Bee-Iieeping,Greeu-
bouse and Grapery, Veterinary Replies,
Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside
ea lug, Domestic Economy, and a sum-
mary of the News of the week. Its Mar-
ket Reports are unusually complete, and
much attention is paid to rue Prospects of
the Chops, as throwing light upon cue of
the most important questions—when to
buy and when to sell. It is liberally illus-
trated, and by recent enlargement, con-
tains more reading matter than ever be-
fore. The subscription price is $2.50 per
year, but we offer a sp ial reduction in
A, Blessing to Every Rouser old,
These rcrnedles helot stood alto teat of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the ba4
f-f� C t k'anttly use.. f ^7 -
-L . -I EU PI-d.-�l-.l..,ts
Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVET;, STOMACI1, KIDNEYS AND aowi
invaluable in all eowanlairits fucidontal to females of, all ages.
Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sora, utters, and old wounds. I telt BRONCHI
�(. TdedeD14! l :d IT /1A8 NO UMManufacturedonly at 78, New Oxford. Iat.6:r3, oxford etre*, y
nod sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.
O'Purhasers should look to the Labe) on the Boxes and Pots. If the addr
not .,:38 Oxford Street, Loudau, they are spurious,
"-•SSSS. � .F �. 4. c ToN„tf::8 EROS.
of Kincardine have bought the Marble,.uyi of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried cte by w tituy
Parties requiring work in their lino will tin well by veIiing on them or seeing one of their agents,
purchasing. You will find our price, are away down, our workmanship Is trnsurpaseed, We will ut
but the very best stock and by square dcatbr_ hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage,
T Watson, who has been running the bttsiiress tor the past year, will represent us 00 the road.
Call aril see our stock and prices.
1- -�v :' `rte `�Y ° --r mi t`+nsea
AHIGH-class illustrated monthly magazine in the home is no
a luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands er'bate
this ne;essity, TIME COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving year).
it. does, 1536 pages of reacting by the ablest living authors, svitll
1201) illustrations by clever artists, hits stepped into the breach, w
reduction in its price that has startled the literary world..
The 1'I Eft, fully ,;,live to din needs of its patrons, has made s
at•rangutuents with this superbtuittlthly, tvltereby it will r•ect'1t'e u
ren• yearly subscriptions to both publie,otiot's combined file the sur
iigE Otte.
1 The price of the great illustrated monthlies in the past has been
:Ind 84.00 a year, anti they were to be found only in the more pretext.
Manes, 0 offer furnishes a help to all families, no matter bow 01,
their means, to keep in touch with the ;greatest minds of the Ivor)
} rl he Uusmopoiitan has touay the strongest regular staff of any exi
I periodical. Send orde's to
The Cosmopolitan Magazine.
Two Subscriptions in one remittance. 54 l
Six Subscriptions, do. do. 10I
Ton Subscriptions, do. do. 15
is -To all new subscribers for 1894, pay-
ing in advance now, we will send the paper
weekly from our receipt of the remittance,
to January 1st, 1894, without charge.
Specimen Copies Free. Address,
LUTHER TUCKER dr, SON, Publishers,
Albany, N. Y.
Perseverance rh using it will give relief, even
in cases of tong standing, where a curt seemed
impossible and htr seemed hardly worth hying
Per $ottle,25c40c,ar J,00
'yti, t;.I. T
the tezrg.beathtr airtuos oftho Pine
-et 'Weed •
With the soothing and expectorant
,) y ,t ,ersie.. of other pact/tat herbs and barks.
1,tov escrtcsa, Asthma trench itis, Sore Throat
Croup1and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and
LONG DISEASES& Obstinate cdu h.whtch
resist other remedies yield promptly to this
pleasant ploy syrup.
1e0. AND bed. p1Cpr dt05 ltJt.
rime rt/ ai.t. eauialtet*.
`Vni haw,
'1'fvt+ aim �,,rji�r D P,7 P';'"a1�;tw;r
.,�.'-,�.M�..fA��„��.. 5' s..✓iC.�."".i.:�
Severe al in Shovilder 2Years
Cured b.„The D.&L:'Menthol Piaster.
My wife was afflicted for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through to tht
Myatt ; after using many remedies without relief, she tried a "D.& L.” Menthol Plaster, 1 did atswortt.
ma owing to Ibis Cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, giving egbar saliddsc,lon.
J. 8. SUTHERLAND Druggist, Rlher John, t ,$.
Sold Everywhere. 25C. each.
AfeiVR WARD V-tt
• R a
Sheridan's Condition Powder
Strong and Wealth • Prevents all Disease.
Isis alssolutely Imre, Itlkkirtroneenteeted, r. mum.
tityMsst.MthofaarxtAday. ?loather kind 1.riksit.
Bamppl. tar 2602. t. Pix, 1t'. tsa.irsilit, tor•g.1141b.
mart, by run talk Six *oats,. yi, +20 M.n, tigd.
r dfHNISON8C(Ci.a1 ainettrs4
On the security of Cultivated harm, .rnteret
per cent, payable Annually. Atty. pertidn e
principal may be repaid at any time the her
wishes All nspencea paid by the County..
person except the County Auditors allowed 't
mortgages or to know to 'whom mohay Is le
Apply to WM, 1101.hMES
Godetieh, Aug. lith 1P42. Co. ire
Capital, $1,250,000, Rest, ;$(1iat),
President—Jetts 'STUART.
Vice -president --A, G, 1tANt.'.r,
Timm 'Roegoa,CrAS,t.IUaNB,, Wk(rraswX,.li?,
woo,, A. B. List (Termite).
(lathier—J. TUIttht?LI..
savings, Saanlr,a.flsure, ie to 3 l saturwlAytt.
1. ifeptaits of $3 atid.upwarde received and in
xllnwett. :
Specials iteapstent* else reeotvtd at cur
-rerce of interCrr.
b Draughtfttsdess, * itetBritain lull the flatted
( .Belies.