HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-09, Page 5E 1 i 6 -n 44 <. n o un fo'.r ; r ode Winners at the Igspital Aiuxilr notch -plant food, MilJred Ctlllis, iatie's antitial' penny' Sale ,l#,st R.R.2, Brussels; Cash -fishing week were: pole & reel, Mrs. Grant Finne- Genesco Shoes•sboes, Mts, 14,o'• gan; ' D. Williamson -light bulbs, ray'Llennis, Walton; Stedmau0i, Mrs. Harold Pethick, R:11.2; Jack cookie jar, Lloyd Bedard; GAY. Thompsons-sbgbs, Mae Smith; Woods -air sanitizer, Mrs, Shir:loy Seaforth Jeweller -towel bar, An - Rose, Mitchdll; Pat Bennett -toy drew McNichol,; Ewart Wilson -2 r mouse, Mrs, Paul Brady; Glii- dozen eggs, Julia Acheson; gerichs-wall plaques, Darlene Crown Hdwe.-6 salad bowl set, Ryan, Clinton; Anstetts-hurricane Belle Campbell; Klings-knife lamps; 'Howard Breen, R.R.I; sharpener, Ed Beards, Mitchell; Co.OP-can opener,, Rose Burke, Prov. of Ontario Savings Office -S .•, Staffa; Seaforth Jewellers-bulle- silver dollars, Mrs. Aaron •4antzi, a; tin cube, Gloria Racho, R.R.4; Dublin; Cash -waste basket, Mrs. Reds' Fina -charcoal lighter, Liz Delphine Buys; John Longstaff- tWat.son, Egmnndville; Gcn-caco- sun glasses., Helen McKenzie, shoes, Janice Preszcator, Londes- R.R.1; Keatings Pharmacy -radio, yrs boro; McLaughlin Motors -car, Mrs. W, Titford; Hair Shop -hair wash, Clara Brugger; Hilde- spray & contrdl, Bob McCowan; yAt brands -floral arrangement, Eva Genesco-shoes, Mrs. Joe J. Lane, a� McCartney; Hilda Sellers -tatted' , R.R.S; Topnotch -plant treat, Mrs. 3 set, Monique Vantyghem; S As Ira Robinson, R.R.3, Kippen; Jim AM,,- f. Hdwe.-garbage can, Ethel Haist; Crocker -slip pers, Hazel McGon- Mrs. J•C. Cornish -beauty coun- igle; Nobel Lanes -5 games open selor, Gordon McKenzie; Whit- bowling, Mrs. W. Titford; Vera rr� neys•lamp, Mrs. Doug Ennis; Haist-pillow (blue), Marion Rose; f E`u Commercial Hotel -2 dinners, Trapnells-52.00 baking, Don r george Hays; Huron Expositor- Coleman; Hospital Auxiliary -crib tape & markers, Doris King; quilt, Donna Oliver, Clinton; tt' Toronto -Dominion -3 silver dol- Expositor -dater, markers, Brenda Tars, Tracy Bradshaw; McLaugh- Mclniosh, R.R.4; .Setaforth lin Motors -car wash, Mrs. Harvey Creamery -10 lb. Elmgrove p. ry .� s ., ..1� • �*" ''i` Moore; Keith Sharp -oil, Tracy Spread,'Mrs, Ira Robinson, Kip - Bradshaw; Stewart Bros -shirt, pen; Knapps-lamp, Elaine Palin; err, • • Marg Wright; Flannery's Clean- Ball & McCauley -socket tool set, ers-53.00 cleaning, Angelo George Hays; Dublin Meat Mar - REBELLION OF 1837 -- Miles Potter Is one of the rebels in this scene from the Andreassi; Seaforth Creamery -]0. ket-55.00 voucher, Mae Hille- Ib. Elm Grove Spread, Wendy brecht; Velma Haist-cushion, Theatre .'Passe Muraille play 1837. Theatre Passe Muraille players have been Smith; Merck Sharp Drug Co.-sil- Mrs. T.F. Wilbee; Bob Dinsmore - staying in Seaforth•and rehearsing their play in.the Memorial Hall in Blyth. 1837 ver dish, Mrs. W. Titford; Gay oil, Jim McQuaid, R.R.S., opens Sunday in Clinton at the Sales Barn at 2 p.m. (C.A.Hyatt Photo) Lea -10 lb. milk powder, Mrs. Larones-fruit arrangement, D.F. MacLennan; Huron Whole, Donna Oliver, Clinton, Bit) sale -chocolates, Alex McMichael, • O'Shea -shirt, Deanne Oldfield; .Hydro asking inions on nuclearplant Clinton; Gay Lea - gal. ice Canadian Imperial bank of.g o� cream, Jessie McGregor; Mrs. Sills merce-3 silver dollars, Mrs. Ontario Hydro researchers making a telephone survey in members of the public with a view Hdwe.-server, Helen Reeves; fr8nk Johnston; The Forge -2 were carrying out a preliminary, Goderich, askin to their participation in the choice Texaco(Bob Dinsmore) -oil, Mrs. $1.65 take-out dinners,' Florence Y g P Yr g people's P P study of public' attitudes and reaction to the proposed nuclear of the site fora new electrical Hannah Parke, London; Vincents- Ludvigsen, Clinton; Crown other related social factors in plant. energy centre will also be held. toy tractor, Bob Watson, Eg- Hdwe.-hockey helmet,' Steven Huron County last week. This preliminary study involves The meetings likely will begin mondville; Ken Moore -1 flat of Ungarian; Geralds Datsun -stain - The study involves the government ministries and the in Tat a spring or the summer, it eggs, Don Heard, R.R.2; Jack less spoons, Mrs. Andreassi; owin• Boyes-hand cleaner,:' Irwin Tre- Shinens-pillow slips, Marg Scott; gathering of data on attitudes of community. It marks the very first was announced today. Follg wartha; IGA-1 case pop, Jean Main St. Variety -picture, Mrs. M. people in the study area toward step in a sequence of events that these meetings the site will be DeCecco, Toronto; Milton Dietz- Asquith, Clinton; Queens Hotel -2 possible n ew generating station would lead to full public chosen. cat' chow, Anne Marie Maloney, dinners, June Hillen, Walton; sites and associated transmission participation in the selection of. a The new energy centre would cat' c ; ,Anneramps Arrow Station - lines. It is hoped the work will site in Huron County once such be the site of one or more R.brake fluid, Tom Carter; Top- (Continued on Page 13) identify major social issues and proposal is approved. thermal -electric generating concerns in the area, and provide During this early phase citizens- stations. The decision as to the information for further research randomly selected will be type of station will be decided into citizen involvement. interviewed by a team , of later. A group of women from Ontario researchers. The new st ation, or stations,' Hydro'•s 'Toronto office were A series 'of meetings with "will help • to balance the Thank -you eneration for the province In g - Eastern Ontario rive or six " stations, located at Lennox, Guides and .Brownies wish to thank Pickering, Bowmanville and Wesleyville are in various stages all the mothers who helped' during of construction or recently completed. We now will need to our.reeent Cookie Day. 1.balance this generation wijlt 'r comparable stations in the western part of the province," a 'f Hydro spokesman said. btattons now under Birthday Greetings to Mrs, which greatly enhanced our construction in various stages of Vera Moore of Mitchell - 78 on opinion of that part of the development in southwestern April, 2'7fh. Her family took her Y Ontario at include two nuclear ,,­­,cutReor dinner. Hancock of Birds estind animals were ver coal-firedan' ' t' "1Jruce'" and two: P Y Commony�:cuJ,th . ,.'dRwp,...4inder',. . ., s ation's at Nanticoke Egmondville United Church took and Lake Erie. the devotionals this week. He chose Chap. 8 St. Mark's Gospel for his background. Vs. 27. And Jesus went out and his disc-iples to Caesarea Phillippi. And on the way he asked his disciples whom do men say that 1 am? They answered and' said unto him John the BaptisCand some say Elias; and others say one of the prophets. And Jesus said "Whom do you q say that I am? and Peter answered "Thou are the Christ". Vs. 34. And when he had called the people unto him and his disciples he said unto thein. Whosoever will come after me let him deny himself and take up his. Cross and follow me. Mr. Hancock spoke -of crosses people might have to bear sucFi• as the loss of a loved one or some infirmity we have to' bear. Mr. Hancock brought along a few slides of his.trip to Australia a WGREGOR Top Oual ity BEtr GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Whale Beef 98e Half Beef 99c Price subject to change i1NcLuDEs- CUxTINa " WRAPPING and QUICK MEEZING Free Delivery --- Within 10 Mile Ph. 262-5829 Complete .....�r Car Care We take the gue6tiwurk out of TUNE - UPS ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS and CARBURATION With Our New Solid State ELECTRONIC SCOPE FOR COMPLETE Engine' Analyses Front End Alignment Headlight Aiming Exhaust Systems Brake Work Wheel Balance INSIST ON THE BEST - Also a Complete Line of MICHELIN ' STEEL BELTED RADIAL TiRkS Guaranteed for 40,000 males Treadwear - - SEE -- GERALD'S DATSUN . LTD. FOR ALL YOUR, MOTORING SERVICE NEEDS BLAZERS and PANT TOPS Sizes to 24J/, 10:95 --_ 29.95 SLACKS —'in Fortrela, Plaids and all. the now sum- mer -Pastels .......... .. .. • ..... 8.95.6p BAGS -- Red, White, Bone, Black, Navy, Brown, etc 5.95 -- 112.95 LINGERIE — Perma Pres, Cotton and Nylons, Long'and Short Gowns, Pyjamas, Slips, eta. Also many to choose from in Blankets, Pillow Slips, Sheets, Towels, etc:, at reasonable prices SHINEN"Sa Seaforth "- Olit. cooking comptanion lets you dial your *, way to perfect l cooking. Makes COOKING steaks, r. asts,pvery• -• 4 , thin a sna ! Drop in and get {� TIMERS IE yours. Nothing to buy ...it's yours , 4 . (reel GET YOURS, WHILE THEX LAST. =fNIX4 Enter an exciting contest, get a free cooking timer, see the new Bulova timepieces -- 3 good reasons for you to visit us no% SEAFORTH JEWELLERS 47 MAIN STREET — 527-0270 - SEAF.ORTH "Orift. W7-ap All Yetr:r" ' The sign of quality. . KitchenAid Front -Loading Portables. make it a BIG s Buy it today, use it tonight. No installation needed; REGENCY Full Cycle KDR-67 3 CfCLEs: Rinse /Hold with hard wood top Soak Cycle DESCRIPTION OF CYCLES FULL CYCLE RINSE/HOLD Complete washing and drying of Partial loads are rinsed and then held mixed loads with average soil. moist till a full load is accumulated. SOAK CYCLE fK,tchenAid Patent) Heavily soiled pans, casseroles and table- ware (along with other items) are soaked automatically prior to complete washing and drying. Superba provides an extra pre -rinse. and a third after -rinse. BOT( FURNITURE SEAFORTH PHONE $27-0640 em •