HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-02, Page 16_..._, .,.....—. .. v:-:�.,w:,«c••y,r�.c,-_.: r.:�e•.F:.;z ., —,...t,, .- n.-•,m.»ne-µw a,;.,, .x:a ..i.w. .. ..... .. ....,. _. ... ... ... .. ..... ...,. ... _. .. .. .. _. ,. , ..... ,.r;...
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Thinkgs ha a changgd since
the days of Christopher
Columbus. Columbus headed for
India and wound up in Santo
Domingo. Today' you head for
India, you get to India. It's your
luggage that winds up in Santo
A backyard swimming pool is a
body of water completely
surroiCded by other people's
There are many questions that
no man can answer. And most of
them are asked by five-year olds.
„Changing Times
Everything's changing.
Remember back in the good old
days when kids asked you to tuck
them in at night? With our energy'
crisis, a lot of kids have electric
blankets. You have to plug them
A History ; of,,,,, 11
By Isabelle Campbell
P Ur {'DIY
, r LUNCH BREAK — Prin'cipal, board member and administrators all got together for
lunch at the professionjai development day for Huron,County teachers at CHSS in
Clinton -Tuesday. Trustee Mrs. Dorothy Wallace, left, of Goderich talks with w EM EM g ER
• Director of Education John Cochrane, Mrs. Ila Kayes, Co-ordinator of Special
e „ Education and Seaforth Principal John Talbot. Huron Centennial School principal
Arnold Mathers and Donna Kenwell are in the background. (Staff Photo)
Your 'First Love moilt
ifernSayan s wll Chan a with metric s sJEWELLERY___
' In terms of each. car on the Amiss is as good as 1.6 (e) litre (liquid volume) Family Rin Charm_ Bracelet Charms
F ; ;` ` = ,. , toad, MTC experts estimate the " kilometrds. (a) millimetre (1000th of a metre) g� r
cost of changing road- signs, •28.4 grams of prevention is- ...mm
providing speedometer, stickers North 453.6 grams of cure. centimetre (100th of a metre) Watch, Ring, Necklace and 'arr�ngs.
+� f and driver education at.no more Give him 2.5 centimetres and ...cm
' '` ` i+.,. than $2.00 per velijele. Where he'll take 1.6 kilometres. 1 -metre ............. -
..........) .....m �.� PERSONAL
GOiNG METRIC -- Ministry. OT i ransportation and possible, road signs will t1,e" 1 wouldn't touch him with a 3 kilometre (1000 metres .....km
Commu•hications • crews have erected 21 metric changed by using economical metre pole. 1"=2.54 em
destination signs along major highways throughout overlay•stickers. Don't hide your ligh-Kunidera'38 1'=30.48 cm Dresser Set, • Jewel Case, Evening Bag,
Planning for metric conversion litre basket. 1 yd. =91.44 cm
the Province signalling the start of a six-year on Ontario's highways has been There was a crooked man and 39:37"= 1 metre Music BOX,, .Purse, Accessories
program to convert the Ministry's operations to the ''underway since the Federal he walked a crooked 1.6 kilo-' (b) gram (1000th Qf a kilogram).. -g
metric. system. -,All highway signs in Canada are Government announced in , metres. Kilogram (1000 grams)........kg HOUSEHOLD
scheduled to be changed to metrics by September, January, 1970 that conversion The Texan ww;e�.,* 38 litre hat. ion= (1000"kilogram):.......... t ,
was an objective of Canadian Conversion Table (c).035 oi. =I gram ................ ° k •
1977. Photo by 1.76 t =litre............ Ornaments
;�. policy over the next dec,�de. Vt Here is a handy, table for P �•– ••••••••1 Dinnerware, Figurine., Floral
Ministry of Transportation and Communications) As Canada moves toward conversion to our present 2.2lbs.'-1000 grams
adoption of the Metric System for measurements to the Metric 3 qt. milk container=3.41 litres Pictures, Mirror, Candles and Trimmers 4i
all measurements sonic of our System. Metres per second ............ m/s
more commonplace sayin' g s are Basic Units Are: Kilometres per hour.......... km/h
going .to undergo some change:' (a) meter (linear) Knots (international nautical S E A F O R T H JEWELLERS'
• - ,
Metri c 'ro a Stg n s Below is a metric•version of some (b) gram (weight or dry meas- miles per hours) _ .
,old'saws. ' ore) 47 MAIN STREET'. SEAFORTH 527-0'270
From St. John's (NfcUd) to '''(waft. Wrap All. Year"
Vancouvbr is 6840 kilometres
by 1977 1.11 Ca' nada Rab1eS 'Clinic Success
21 metric -destination signs will are made, they^ will likely -be
e be alerted on Ontario's changed to round numbers in , A large number of area animals Anti Rabies. Vaccination- Clinics
Highways. signaliing the yt art of kilometres per hour, such as 50 are rabies proof, as a result of the held in Perth County during
a six yc ar pmeram to convert the km/h in place of 30 m.p.h., dr 100 �, ,�
Minist ,;',. Opel r. 4< to the km 'h in place of 60 m.p.h. Consumers The total vaccinations for Perth
wetc as follows: "
metric, system, Honourable John Metric speedometers are
HereR. Rhodes, Minister of'franspor- p a, Dogs 5128; Cats 2803: Rabbits•29; lk Verytation ;tnd Communications, has already found on many imported Corner Ponies 27; Guinea Pigs 4; Racoon SOS ■ ■�
cars and motorcycles, and will 1. totalling 7992.
announced. The on -the -olives that most g
soon be a feature on new g •
The green and white signs will families lead don't lend 'The s figure's represent an. .–"
d75mestic automobiles. When the increase int S2 n� loews to A vertisers.show the.• di5tanrc• in kilometres to. themseh•es to the traditional l animals over the � � �� � ■ ■ma or Ontario communities. changeuyer ' takes place, )973 Clinics. p1 conversion stickers will be "three square meals a .day.'
The conversion factor is 1.6 km a
available fur older vehicles. And-, as children grow older,- „k �
- i mild, therefore, I(; kilometres Iit's even harder to corral the
equals 10 miles -• or breaking it The plans of the various, µ.hole family three time's each day * O T four Their
down further,
eight kilometres Ontario Ministries are being Wa.nt,,The -
g to serve them a balanced meal., � ,Who
co-ordinated by the'Metric Office THE
equals tivr mitts. So, homemakers may do'the -
The sigtis u ill he located on within the Ministry of industry next ` best thin het their
major hi ghwivy , near such centres and Tourism. g P SEPARATE
All 10 Provinces co-operated in children develop proper eating. Advert�s� n Dollar
I €� * e
as Hamtlhm, ly rth Bav; Ottawa, P habits so they %vilf eat right when
Toronto, Thunder Bay , and"`on"""development of a national plan for they are away from home. �( , *'
highways near principal border metric changeover irf highway Ii is best to begin the wise SHOPPE.
crossin otos, - construction and operations and K 1
g P " eating habit 'when children¢ are • Main Corner —Clinton
'All tcn Provinces and the this plan was adopted in October, very young. It's a time when you
Federal Government are \kivkin 1973 at the annual convention of • BLOUSES.
K - still jnave some control over ghat
to an nijeod plats �%ith a target the Roads and Transportation children eat. • PULLOVERS IS * `
date of September, 1977 for Association of Canada. Make sure the snack's and • 'CARDIGANS
changing all highwav signs in Adoption of the metric system meals you fix for the children, or
Canada.. will bring Canada in line -with the for the lunches .you pack for * PANTS * i
No changes in posted speed system of measurement already . school, contain a variety 'of foods' * STs
limited from miles per hour in use by all major countries., front these four groups: milk;
(m:p.h.) to kilometres per hour outside of North America. The meat or meat alternate, such as * • The Huron Expositor, established in 1860, has been serving Seaforth and surrounding. tLreas
(km/h), or on •other regulatory logo "Go. Mei ric" has been cheese, fish or peanut butter: OPEN 2 to 6 pm. *,
signs will be made before chosen to designate the fruits and vetables; enriched CLOSED WEDNESDAY * for 114 years and has"¢ weekly circulation Of 3,000 copies, with an average o£'3 to 4 reader ]�
'September, 1977. Ministry's implementation breads or cereals. s
When 'speed 4imit conversions program. * per copy. This means our advertisers reach over *'
News of
Mr. Norman Noran is home
from N'ingham hospital,
Mr. Michael Boyle is home for
the summer from university in
Goderich high school -formal
was held Friday night. A number
from here attended.
Four children from St. August-
ine made First Holy Communion
in St. Joseph's""Church, Kings-
bridge on Sunday. They' were
Steven Michael Hickey, were
Mr. and„Mrs. Joe Hickey; Brian'
Joseph Leddy, sone of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenny Leddy; Ronald Del-
bergue, son of Mr. and Mrs-. Ron
Delbergue; and Betty Jane Foran,
o daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brophy
are coming home to the Br pI
home for summer months.�Ed-
wArd teaches at Don Mills.
Master Brian Leddy returns to
Sick Childrens Hospital, London,
on Monday for further treatment.
- Miss lucy Thompson was home
for the weekend from Oakville
Tough as' 9,000 READERS Per Week .
all outdoors.
where she teaches.
Mr. and Mrs. Moss Shelter USE
moved to tete Biil Ceasar farm ��������� * Rennember. The Expositor �s No #
which they bought. They lived all
winter n the farm n yRaymond
ur �► ARM EOU1�'MENT LTD � � n fShoppers
Boyle and have a 'family of four WANT -ADS A�•t�.7 `7=
* The Hearts o Laos a 1 1�
girls. 1111 M BUSINESS R�T.IABILifi'i�' BiIILT°' �ik'
The wind storm df last Sdnday
Phone 527-0240
did some datiyage to 'barn roofs �i27-Q12a
i with many hail stones and wind. AYE •�• SEAPORTS --� CAMBRIDGE
f +.
The real winners show their stuff when you
look at them outdoors. And ours are winners. Automotive -type
frame, Fiberglass body. Safety Approved mower, The list
goes on and on. And they keep going, too, long after the grass
stops growing. To remove snow. To landscape. To seed, weed;
feed ... even sweep. Your choice: 5 or 7 hp., built to take tfae
worst any year can throw at them.
where she teaches.
Mr. and Mrs. Moss Shelter USE
moved to tete Biil Ceasar farm ��������� * Rennember. The Expositor �s No #
which they bought. They lived all
winter n the farm n yRaymond
ur �► ARM EOU1�'MENT LTD � � n fShoppers
Boyle and have a 'family of four WANT -ADS A�•t�.7 `7=
* The Hearts o Laos a 1 1�
girls. 1111 M BUSINESS R�T.IABILifi'i�' BiIILT°' �ik'
The wind storm df last Sdnday
Phone 527-0240
did some datiyage to 'barn roofs �i27-Q12a
i with many hail stones and wind. AYE •�• SEAPORTS --� CAMBRIDGE
f +.