HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-02, Page 13r. r . t4r'V 'sks, Giovv. toa enpr rTIotton.' ��^.:T."_. • ` 1 }' •-' _e�4 , rel I. -, �. P ' ` 5 he National Pars ers Unio , In Whenever access to farmer's The ' NF+U *10f. said the watch . ntarip Hydro is a prilne ��tt it annual brief to the Ontario land is required, '«tlptice is prescrlked prat dare vr}t0 y a oxamo#; Its brief said '1n their Government recently said the. served" and .if the farmer is not farmer may request a hearing zealous desirr'l to attain quick (13y Adrian yes) "general phiiosphy of oxpropriat- happy with the .expropriating before an inquiry officer to settlement before a farmer. Is able 4 f ing agencies toward the farmer is agwicy's plans, or, eoniponsation,protest a prospective to say the least, condescending the -onus, for iniating defence expropriation is illusionary and to consider the full mplication:s.."° + and arbitrary." .action rests with the farmer, nothing more than a shanysince in The NFU ' called on the Phil Durant the chairman, of many.'• "Concern was.Fe eatedly , such. cases ,. -the expropriating, Government of 4ntari6't9 amend ' ... p I agency has Invariably rpceeded the Expropriation Act to re require the bean board has been mush in expressed at the (public) asS g Y Y P� P $ �� , Adv' !•in its plans beyond the point of expropriating agencies io desk} the news lately. He opposes a - meetings thiat municipal and/or / se �" f plans/ reversal." from the forceful taking of prime new power station in bean - regional plans • tend to give 7 growing areas because the development � priority'over - "When a new hydro .line for acreages of farm land when .. P Gm- exam le, is lanped, •notice of alternate "classes df land would inherent , pollution causes agriculture. Areas have bee Hydro asks farmers intent should be sent to all adequately serve the purpose. . diseases, like bronzing, in the defined for Industrial, interested parties well in advance Lend which is the subject of ' beans,, resulting in greatly commercial and residential zones, and a hearing should be held for cefut taking from a farmer, reduced yields and hence reduced for parks, golf courses, raceways, Ontario Hydro has appealed to supply of plastics used for ,before an impartial panel to •should•.the NFU says, in addition income for the producer. biking trails and other developers and, industrial .-electrical . insulation with the determine the appeals of to considerations ,for disruption, . When some ,consumer group recreational uses, with • t a left customers to provide the utility result that cable and wire can take .. wanted the consumer to have overs being const ed, ,I with earlier notification of porsons, the brief st ated. damages, and inconvenience, be g up to six months to delKer. The NFU was particularly . compensated through an annual representation on marketing farmland." planned new developments Wood poles are also in critically critical of what it called the easement rental, reviewable boards, Phil said: "When the big "Farmland has been requiring transformers and other short supply. "Some 10,000 feet deceitful,. coercive and dishonest every three to four years, and corporations, like GM, let their continually treated as an endless w electrical equipment. of damaged cable resulting from tactics often used by where required, receive a special customers sit on the board of resource. It is obvious that Clintot)' Area Manager Walter the recent tornado-like storm in directors, we will do the same. farmland is not unlimited in total Palmer •ex seined that a world expropriating authorities, of 'hazard allowance.'P Hibbert Township' is being Until then, nothing •doing". quantity and is particularlyherbicide,. shortage of critical materials, reclaimed for Ioeai use as guying When Mrs. Plumtree, of the food limited in productive quality." particularly steel, is causing • material, rather than being' prices review board, singled out Farmers urged, to: "To .prohibit ■ severe delays in deliveries of scrapped," said Mr. Palmer. Research economist to the bean producers and asked for or control'the entry of nonfamily electrical equipmenTo meet the shortage t. "One area in a two, price system for beans, Mr. corporate owners whose prime for white beans of particular local concern is the To oils, Ontario Hydro is Durant athfarmer sked wh e aEtivity is not the production of matter of upgraded farm investigating ways .. of stn I , annia.n food trends would have to subsidize the.fest agricultural services," Mr. Palmer said. recond[t[on[n oils from old of societywhen no other indust• g Y Products but which "There will be delays in our g Y may be a method of marketing Y transformers so that they can be Food trend's,, like fashions, The increase in the, amount of is asked to do this. I have to agree their principal products through a ability to react- to these service reused in new transformers, change over a period of time. fat we eat has resulted from with the bean board chairman on W changes as promptly as we have Hydro is also makinga Once Canadians tended to eat a greater use of, margarine, system of conversion into in the past," "'' concentrated effort to reclaim or lot of cereal; but now we're into shortening, salad and cookie all counts and since it's so agricultural products." In other-7- . ther 7- g g.. reasonable, one wonders why words, feed companies raisin Farmers planning service rehabilitate worn-out equipment meat and poultry. oils, she says. Vegetable fat• some people even dare suggest P g changes are asked to have their instead of simply sellingor An Agriculture Canada consumption has increased to 5$ P P gg livestock a order to market their electrical contretor advise the scrapping it, For example, when a researc economist set out to per cent of total oil and fat some rs it, and I' m sure my urban feed. 1 presume it could include local Hydro office of their plans, readers puwilblic agree also. canningcompanies who raise Y P tr nsmission line is upgraded, the study food trends and to find out consumption from 37 per cent in Those public relations people of P as early as possible.' old\conductor may have 24 ears which foods contribute which 1949. Butter and lard consum their own chickens and Where once manufacturers of remaininglife and may be nutrients to the national diet. tion has dropped to 42 per cent the big corporations• are very vegetables in order to supply were able to supply transformers Y PP P adept at shifting the blame for their manufacturing facilities. PP Y useable.' "it's important to remember from 63 per cent. g Y g Various reasons are given for increasing their profits on the Th growing of agricultural within a few days of receiving an g g g order, deliveries todaymay take g that the data represent the There have also been changes farmer. For instance Kellogg's r ducts then becomes Y the mat erial shortages -- among nutrients available, and do not . in our sources for minerals and Mr. Robinson. His figures of P as long as 40 weeks, said the them environmental demands take into account loss of nutrients vitamins. course can't be challenged. He secondary. Hydro official. that diverted some production to through storage or cooking, We are drinking less whole stated that the cost for corn in The report also attacks rural "Unless customers can give us cleanup devices, inflation which Deirdre Shute stresses. milk, which accounted for 75 per cornflakes went up 73.8%. residential ownership. Having a substanfiall'y more lead time;" he created, ...additional stimulus to With that in mind, dieters,,, cent of all calcium provided by . True, but at the highest price paid r prices and among farmers inflates said, "we can't provide them with demagd and the excess capacity should not despair upon reading dairy products in 1949. The to tfor he prod corn was only P the electrical equipment they of 1970 and 1971 that discouraged that the average dally contribution of dairy products to sit over 5'/zc a pound. A the real farmer, and it reduces need, on time." the expansion that might have, consumption of calories per calcium has declined since 1949, p and of cornflakes however food producing land as well as Manufacture of transformers is met today's shortfall. person in 1971 was 3,174, the but increase-d"low fat fluid milk, osts.64c. How much then of this creating problems with fences being held up both by a steel No accurate predictions can be highest it's been since 1949. The and cheese consumption has kept cost increase then can be blamed and ngxious "eds. It creates shortage and a scarcity of the made on when the steel shortage lowest was 2,967 in 1953. the percentage from declining on an increase of about 3c ,a demand far services not needed special oil the use. In addition, p y• pouhd of raw,�orn. You can see by the farmer thus increasing his P Y will ease, but is expected it will drastically. ? cost of taxation and the odour the oil shortage has reduced the The slight increase in this g continue through 1974. Dairy products also contribute how misleading these statistics 'Green Cross Patoran plays an important role in ensuring 4 national trend to devouring more the most -- 39 -per cent -- to our can be. problems from close proximity to calories is partly a result of eating phosphorus intake. Canners are canny people. livestock• buildings. All of which a rich harvest from your white Mean fietais. Used pre Garden mulch helps hold more margarine, shortening, end u in higher rices for all of "The level of iron in the food They are the vertical integrators P g P emergently, as directed, Patoran will riot damage. beans salad and, cooking oils, and more basket is the highest it has been who try to put the ' vegetable us as consumers. A meat, especially beef and pork. will get the crop off to a good -start free from weed since 1949, mostly because of grower out of business. Now they , • Cereals contribute about 21 per enriched cereals and increased grow all their own produce, Corn and bean competition, .,moisture i n the soil cent of the calories we consume, meat consumption," she says. except the high risk crops. The Series gardeners know how Mulches of shavings or st Paw down from the 25 per cent they . We're not getting as much result could be that ot►ce the Patoran for white, lima, snap, kidney and other beans, is. club gets seeds useful garden mulches are. should be soaked occasionally to ,contributed in 1949. Vitamin A as in 1949 because farmer hats, got rid of his the widely used herbicide. Green Cross Patoran has the "The decrease in calories from we're not eating as many meat specialized equipment and is thus B'y Gevrge Douglas reputation for de endabilit AS Mulch does all kinds of good help decomposition and prevent p p y. k your neighbours.. tower cereal G,onsumption has by-products or consuming as unable to return to the lower risk Perth 4-H Corn and Bean Club things for a garden. Thick layers the mulch from catching fire. been compensated by increases in much butter and whole milk. crop, the price of the canned food, met at the home of the leader, Fdr more information write to Green Cross Products, of mulch conserve moisture, and Other mulch material sold in meat, poultry and fat," Miss However, vegetabi have been will go up, because in effect the James Harper, Mitchell, on -�! you don't have to weed so often. commercial preparations includes 1, Westside Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario M9C 1B2. Mulch gradually builds up the corncobs, buckwheat hulls,. peat Shute says, providing more Vita in A than canner has a monopoly. Tuesday evening. Pat Lynch 'of < humus content gradually the soil and moss and bark fiber. Peat moss Meat accounts for 15 per cent they- did because e've been This time I will lift some the Department of Agriculture in of the -calories we consume, and eating more fresh carrots. - sentences acid farmers' views Stratford discussed how to increases its capacity to hold , needs nitrogen added, but the beef and pork make up .92 per The amount . of t(liamipe and from the report on farm classi- p analyse soil s'amp)tgs and ahQw tc� . water During those hot summer .other preparations axe all right on , • db cent of a13-,thc�caJoiies from*nieateiqjiaei'iRwetilreased, �ication presented to the Ontario buy fertilizer and sauce a^ liar y days, mulch keeps the their own. .- ;r •. Fat makes up 41 per cent of the again because we're eating more Government that I think will be of Connie and Joan Harper, Martin temperature of the soil down and Nitrogen should also be applied calories, up from 38 per cent in meat and enriched cereals. interest to the consumer. Vink and Warren Wolfe were thereby helps plants grow. with wood chips. 1949. But Miss Shute hastens to "Whether Canadians , are Garden mulch can be made Black polyethylene plastic is add that not all the fat in the food "The production of plants and appointed to,work on'the exhibit. from an kind lc fibrous material also sold as a mulch. It still eating better or -worse np'w than animals useful to man must be of Roger Roney and Doug Ahrens Y supply is eaten. they were 20 years ago is difficult paramount, concern to 'every volunteered to represent the corn GREEN that's plentiful and inexpensive: conserves.'moisture and It "No estimate is available on how to say," .Miss Shute explains. consumer, for with chronic food club on a committee to make it This traw,nclhay,s cgra sbeclippings, other mulches, adds no nuts a is shells, the need for 'weeding, but unlike much fat is trimmed from meats "Such a concldsion would require shortages, the consequence is not 4-H float for Mitchell Centennial shredded paper, decayed leaves, or, organic substances to the soil. CROSS, or discarded after cooking,' she more detailed information• on merely inconvenience and higher parade. The members received for' bun er " cost, but eventual 4 buckwheat hullsi shredded bark, Slits may be made in the plastic says. individual consumtion.,^ p g their seed corn. wood shavings, wood chips,- sheet so the plants can poke GREEN CROSS PRO DUCTS sawdust, peat moss and through. _ 1, Westside Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario sphagnum moss. The mulch is Mulches can be applied spread two to four inches deep anytime throughout the summer, ■ Division o f C I BA- G E I'GY CANADA LTD. around plants. although it should be done before MONCTON • MONTREAL • TORONTO • WINNIPEG CALGARY • VANCOUVER Shavings and sawdust are easy, the hot July weather sets in. MasseymFerguslon qua ,ty to 'get from local workshops or Mulch can, and should, be aregistered trademark 8310' sawmills, but should be mixed applied whenever,material is ■ area Dealers with high nitrogen fertilizer available a from the fol following n shovelful of includesgreat fuel econom ■ . gbefore being put on plants. decomposed leaves from under a y Otherwise, the bacteria which tree; grass clippings from the Hoeo�y Farm decomposes the mulch will get lawn, or good organic material nitrogen from the soil and the from around the summer cottage. With our 5 -hp riding mower, you can flowers will be fewer and smaller. r lawn mow youwith only 11/4 quarts � � � Supply Ltd. ,t GRASS SEED GlADI0LU5 'and DAHLIA BULBS GARDEN SEEDS Dutch Set Onions EED POTATOES. SEED'CORN BULK, BLENDED OR BAGGED SEAFORTH CO.00 FARMERS,Mme 617-W70 Sedortlil Our biggest .14 -hp lawn/garden tractor uses only 31/2 quarts per hour! Long-lasting dependability. Riding mowers handle your outdoor jobs faster and easier. and lawn/garden tractors, 5 to 14 hp, built to Rotary tillers, snowthrowers and blades, utility the same quality standards as Massey-Fergu- trailers... you name it, MF has the equipment son farm tractors. Mower cutting widths 26" to do it. to 48". Reliable service and parts. Factory -trained Versatilityl Take your pick of over -40 attach servicemen. ments, implements and accessories that will f=inancing. Available from MF. Quality -built by Massey -Ferguson. World's largest manufacturer of tractors. B OYES FARM SUPPLY Seafonh Phone 527-1151 Brodhagen Phone 345-2941 Mitchell 348-8433 Hensall 262-2527 Nil L'I'ON a. D.IETZ LIMIT -ED RR 4., Senforth —• Phone 527-060$; WANT ADS BRING QIJICB RESULTS a