HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-12-08, Page 2r IIF WINO.11AM TIMES, DECEMBER, 8, 1.8 93, .11,01111t ,,ln kt5 PAT DEOII.;1 B111R. 8, 1833. river Aohatee. Prevaricator was properly a cripple with distorted legs. Topaz took its name from Topazes, an ielend in the Red Sea. Pragtnratteal formerly had the siguiticanco o£ business life. Juugle, punch and toddy are words from N rse! in 'Yo't r Neighbor's the Ilindeostanee. The Mont Excellent V.emody, etreeelt in yonr neighbor's. place, Dun Sias, --I have Buffered greatly from Finest, unselfish and true; conetipatiou and indigestion, but by the er him service, as you would use of I3.11.B. I am now restored to health. ve I canuot praise Burdock Blood Bitters too �ia:eig.mbor Vender you. highly; it ie the most excelieut remedy I ever used. well in your neighbor's Place, Mins Ameess Ji Luoov, Hxgersvdle, Ont. t'rhildreu crying for bread, kt clothing to cover their shivering bs,- In the Thick of the Fight. .tate i1t poor wife lying dead- That was a good story which the Rev. leaver a friend or relative nigh 0.J. E. Jones, of Louisville, told in a Bos - Save hint a clasp of the hand, , e �,eve,,eve,hiss dead wife from a pa'tp..'r gave, wavered Christian land. an empty purse, and no work th be r tonna what can afather do, Ibildren to keep from the poor house my friend stood beside Iris horse, scanning door? the :veld with his glass and directing his e give bion: an answer true. ton pulpit the other day. He said : An alarmist always reminds me of a friend of mice, who was a commander at the battle of Round Mountain. It was a hot fight—one of the hottest of the war, At lL particularly iuiense'part of the action It troops IIe told me it seemed as if the fire of the whole Confederacy was centered on from hie scrip v the world turns ,sway, him, the bullets thick aroi7ncl him. Al no word of pity to give, Suddenly he heard a minis ball singing I111 this beautiful country of ours, iu the air, and he felt something strike his tiger man has. no right to live; he church p•essas by, fa fashion aucl leg, but the occasion was urgent and he pride,kept no his glass. There was another e the Levite of aid, on the other side. ping -g -g, and he felt another strike. And ei,J,hbor next door, with a million of so he continued. (;old, The ceptain at last lifted up his hand ds not his affliction and grief; purushis appeals and. tauntshim with and prayed: 0 Lord, I can go home to my acorn, wife and children without either of my if he were vagrant or thief. legs, but, 0 Lord, let me get home. a tithe that he squanders in a single Finally there came shouts of victory. Week The battle was won. With a long -drawn euld. feed them a whole year through, sigh the captain turned. He shouted to ld clothe them with comfort and house his orderly at a little distance: I'm wound- '` them with warmth, with courage their spirits renew, ed, Jun. Caine and help me on my horse ; I lnnst go home. It's my last battle. ;yourself in yo,.i•neigbbor's place No, I ];cess not, replied the orderly. honest, nueelush and true render him service, as you would What's the inatter? Come, hurry up; fair. Even for i<1 r. Hudson, 'to defire I'm wounded. 1111 ladies wearing feathers as a Feether- liar n g 3' p you, heed( c1 Lot. her - lir neighbor render you. If you want mo t., (tel ou come here, 'sang out tete orderly. But what's the trouble? Why can't you :iatititatca and Conventions. come here? Don't you sea I'm wounded will soon be time for our winter dairy and almost dying? < ..:-Gua and farmer's institute meet - Oh, n0, you are not, sang out the order - 'Plies?, are a great help to the obser- 13'• and thinking fanner, though in some Came here instantly, you rascal, shorted ere any attempt to improve farm the commander. ods is sneered at cr derided, the idea inmina's hair and frightening baby. No, I don't ; that's the biggest nest of tt'that the ordinary farmer knows more yellow -jacks there I ever saw In my life Yes sir, Said JAnkins, Sulit11Vre is a Canada's( Awards at the World's Fair, Canadians had 1,847 exhibits of cattle, horses, sheep, swine, and poultry at the World's Fair, and received therefor 1163 awards. Ta the same departments the exhibits from the United States numbered 4,005, and received 1,494 awards. In other words, of the Canadian live stock exhibits fifty-one per cent were prize winners, while of the American thirty-seven per cent were prize winners. The comparison reflects much credit upon Canada. The following are the officialc figures for the World's Fair, for paid admissions by I pouch, are worth half an hour of so mouths up to and including October 30, styled rept in an min -chair or in that when the official life of the Fair ended: uurepoaeftll tempter, the, rocking chair or 011 duty, es the case may be, and iu her own room, make a soueh or the floor her habitual resting place. Absolute repose conies to the tired ' muscle:. only when the body is in a re - :Owing position, and absolute repose come to the o•erstrung nerves only when the muscular system is perfectly at rest—relaxed. The middle aged women could,I aul. positive, woo buck much of the fresh nese and litheeonaeness of girlhood if she would be at little pains to learns how to rest. Five minutes rest flat on one's back on the boor or all a hard, smooth May June e July August September October Total The total of admission on passes was (1,0,0,380, making the grand total 27,537,- 531. "Mor iarity,it's home you should be going You're drunk." "Bedad, but O'im not, sor." "Ye're drunk, Oi say." "Oi'm a liar, then, Phelinl 0'Reilly ?" "No. Ye're jist dhrunk." "Ye wouldn't say that if Oi was sober." "If ye was sober ye wouldn't deny it." 1,050,01„ 2,(17,,,113 Some one kali *Hid to the women of 2,760,202 to -day, never stand when yep can sit, 3,515,403 never sit when, you can he down, This 4,059,871 exhortation H lied with sofas elasti- city is the best recipe for 1e ao1y 1 know of. While 1 bevy little sympathy w.th the eoepel of 1az111055 preached so eon- sistenily by snore lives, 1 do 't•ecnui- mc,ncl frequent daily lapses into 00111 pletc' fellowrirss. 21,480,141 Tid-Bits for the Boys. A triumph in cookery—When the cnut( makes a hash of the marrow- bones. Tl'e recent, illuminations in Paris, it is said, were a eery costly met ler Naturally, as al! •'Nff'aire de Lux (•t). N -w Descriptive Title of the (i- 0. \I, sullgestt'd iiv Lord Salina •' y's Leteet, Speech—The Autocrat of the Roue , '.fable. 11 HH'gh Feather.—It would not be 1• : I wonder why it's said to be a men ''1)3 not a woman we set' ill the moon 7 She (with emphasis) : Beet,use he :t•)s out all night. Une:tiltd-for Revelations.—Toin,ny (to caller)—Oh, we've been having drug.(' fou. Papa has been putting ou �nthose who try to instruct him. If any of our Leaders has a neighbor who .ts the efficacy of the institutes, let him missionary this winter and persuade to attend. a session. If he can only be 'to attend a single meeting, his interest be aroused, and this will do somewhat s•rds snaking him a better farmer. r dairy conventions and farmer's in. tes are doing a good work, in spite of (.sition and sneers; the more they are own the better they are appreciated. At sentcetirgs each farmer learns some- . g from his brother farmer. People are 'nniug to see that life is too short to ` n everything from personal experience, the best plan is to get all possible `;••ledge from others. mowing how a g is time is the main thing; the cheap- . Wily of learning is the best—generally orience is dear schooling.—Farmer's ' .ocate. I ' ositive economy, peculiar merit and dertul medicinal power are all come d in. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it. od;'s cures. Word. History .ea is a Chinese word. kase is of Russian origin. inain was formerly a farmer. re formerly meant any field. lio:v lace is made on a pillow. nay was first made in Candia. tinea fowl first came from Guinea. eize first came from Friesland. eek was once only a poke or bag. emons originally came from Lima. Grins were first made in Florence. ssy is a corruption of housewife. rypha means hidden or spurious. agnets were discovered at Magnesia. I e was invented at Tulle, in France. naries came from the Canary Islands. anet was first made by the Saracens. llyfiawer is a corruption of July flower. boo and tatto a are of Polynesian n. reevell means may you fare or travel oadclotb tmk its name from its anus - width. etish and zebra are from a dialect of 4412 .Africa. i'gold tank its namo front (Neon Stuart, Ion gave the world the odiferous l e"'. t was the final laughing reply of the orderly. The storming swarm of hornets were the only minis balls that had struck him, —Boston Journal. 10,411 e bn keeps his word ; but 1hen Ile line (o, How is tbat3 asked Joi,et;. Beeetrse no one will take it. By our own crammer—In uusue- cessfu. eandidstrs for Army and Navy Deafness Cured. E7(asis, England may have lost some of her best pluck'd soldiers and saih)1'. Gann-Amex,—I'cr tt number of years 1 suffered from deafness, and lint winter I could seareely bear at. all. I apl?lie:l Hag - yard's Yellow Oil and I can hear as well me au voile now. SinS1. Tu'rror Coma, Weymotti, N. S. ipng t r• t ., ... ter ns fro••n the .Ta1 ll::se sK,t, tr._r w.is a,) called from. the cross on terse. s were first made at a Persian town shear• were first found in the bed of the ]Tote These: How can a man come to know himself ? never by thinking, but by doing. Try to AL TED SCO 3_.3 .LV ..L''= -1 TR, S _ Josephine Street - WI'gham, Ont, J, A. FIA LSTRO, I J. Scow4. , Rescuer : Hurry 1 Quick 1 Throw 11,r 15 lite preserver. Drowning ;gill : flea'"u't—you—a white—one 3 That --u in y—drab—don't— match—my — 1.lne—suit. Mount Forest. IAstowe • Deposits Received. and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money rernjtted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- leeting Accounts and N otes. A'facetiuue dandy who danced e'ittl do your duty, and you will kuow at once 1 a couple ot country girls at a hurt y what you are worth. recently remarked that although he liken rugs un his fingers he aouidu't Unqualified activity, of whatever kind, stand bells on his toes. leads at last to bankruptcy. You cannot play the flute by blowing Al re. R. wants to know what was alone; you must ass your fingers. the 0iassic story about Ajax and Tele- phone 7 So, says she, as that was It is not always needful for truth to take hundreds of years ago, it kilt such a a definite shape; it is enough if it hovers haw Illventfflt. ' about us like a spirit and produces harmony; • if it is wafted through the air like the Gen,•I«+tnen of the jury, said an sound of a bell, grave and kindly. eloquent Queen's Counsel, remelnlier Piet is not an end, but e, means; a that my client is hard of hearing,aid means of attaining the highest culture by that therefore the voice of conscience the purest tranquility of soul. ttppeale to him in vain. Against the great superiority of another I wouldn't he a ladies' hairdresser there is 110 remedy by love. for nnythiug, said a loquacious {barber, Why not the customer ventured to When I cannot be moral my power is tisk, Because I might some tune u; e gone. an old maid I answered the barber. reel( the removal of worms of all ]rinds from children or adults, use De. SMITH'S GERMAN WORM LOZSNOES, Atw046 prompt, reRal,)e, safe and pleasant, requiring no after medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad after shoots, Price, 25 cants pep 1r3os JOB PRINTING, JliOLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, ere., ko„ exccutcd In the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short make. Apply or address ELT.IOTT. Tist Otflee, Wingham. LOOK HERE ! This iiIi InterestEvery body, Agents in Canada—Tho Merchants' .Bank of Canada 1. For Boils and tikin Disoaiaes. DEAR Sxns,—I have been using 13, 13. 13. for boils mud skin diseases, and I find it veru good as a cure. As a dyspepsia cure I have also found it ,unequalled. Mns. SAmen HAnItToN, Moutreul, Que. Queer Way of Living. &thong the 65,000,000 people in the United States there are probably 500 out- side of the locality who are aware that at the mouth of the Mississippi there is a little village built upon woeclen piles stand- ing far out in the water. This village, which is called 13alize, is reached from the inainland by canoes or boats, and its in- habitants have to climb a kind of pole ladder to get to the doorways of their homes. This is probably the ouly plane in the United States in which "piledwcllings'r occur, but all along the 'Venezuela coast and at the mouths of the Orinoco and the Amason similar villages are frequently met with, many of them inhabited by the Inditeu fishing tribes. Beyond Disputa, T.1IE1LL 15 no better, safer or more pleasant oousth remedy made than flagyard's Pectoral 119,181,111. It cures hoarseness, Sore throat, muftis, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trou- bles, OfSco Hours—From 0 a. in. to 5 p. en A. E. SMI9 H, Agent. Learn How to Rest. The art of good looks is a fine art i'1 - deed, mid one that deserves the en- couragement it seems to be getting on every side. Lien those aids to be'tu- ty—u1 the stlape ot lotions, lemon water cud skin soaps---eo enthusiasti- cally urged upon womankind from the buck pa4Ps ut every magazine and pawpulet ice ti;,. land, are not to be tree. tcl with tr.topiug scorn; they have their plass acrd use iu the general sttilgg,e for leveille85. But, continues a wlater hi l,arper's Bazar, why not heck up these efforts for polueliness by Niel nom senses (Utiduet tllronghuut each day's wear and tear ? To bean wit'1, women sit too much, and women et tud quiet the much Nothing is so weariaollle as standing tt)t'Ut, even to toe well trained body that has bowl drilled into goad poise, and sitting i•+ not resting, lbws •r" cleverly women tnaydelude themselves 611 this I)pint. The yuuuu girl who desires- to keep away ooaysfeet and that jaded look we' all know so well, and to retain( the suppleness aril adorable bltwtlm of ex., treme youth, should when of parade UNLOCKS ALL THE CLOGGED SiCRETIf r•r5 or THE BOWELS, KIDNEYS AND LIVER, CARRYING OFFGRADUALLY, V/ITHOLVT WEAKEN- ING THE SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND FOUL HUMORS. AT THE LAME TIME conne T- 1NG ACIDITY Or THE STOMACH, Cunirtn BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD- ACHES, DIZZINESS, HEARTBURN, CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SCRO- FULA, FLUTTERING OF THE 'HEART, NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. THESE AND ALLA`SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO .THE CURA- TIVE INFLUENCE OF BURDOCK ,BLOOD BITTERS. re '+ WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL Beet. Hy L DICTIONARY We are selling tgtJamf� 110 —15I+ ILISIFTCD— EVE.IIY FIUDA,33 MOUlr1NG —A•;• 1015— TIMES OFF.I.CE,,J:OSEPH•irte: STREET {VINGHAM,t, ONTARIO, Subscription prico„ $1. per yesr,in advance, Al1Y19itTes•tt0 RATES: _ Space _I I.yr.,. 1 euro• l g aro. IT1 nip One Colupq; 060 00 Sas 001 $20 OO 86 00. Halt " 4,00 , 00' 00 15 00 5 en Quarter " 1 10.00 i$ 00 I; T 00 4 00. one (itch j 5.00 S 00 Y 00 _1 I Legal turd ot ter casuaiMdvestisetneuts, Se. per line for first insertion, rind 3c. per lino for each subsequent insertion. Local notices•lee. per..tie for first insertion, and So. per line for etleh subscipient hlsortikc. No 190o9 notice will be churired less than 26e. AdvertisetuentsoSLost„Wound, Strayed, Situations, 1and Business `hattees Wantedr not exceeding; 8 lines nonpareil, e1 per moritll , houses and Fiume ter Sale. not exceeding s (ince, 81 tor that month,. 50c. per subsequent month These time will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, or to longer periods - Advertisements• and local notices without specific I directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tref et'ory advertisements roust be paid in advance Changes for contract ndvorticnments must be n the orrice by Wednesday noon, in crier to appeet Best ryoa, qr��, 12 S _2 that week 1 :J 1 Jt R. ELLIOTT c Juts per Imperial gal- PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHER loin or a, can containing the egguivaleiit of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. .Abreatt ophe Tunes. i� 4Gram eEducator. TILe8UCBCSSOrofInc k "Unabridged,'” 15 Ten years weree, spent revising, 100 fi editors employed, u and over , w300,ae) a expended. a .,nverybo(lyel- . should mil at.)Dictionary. ;I:: an- 1. swers an (pastimes e concerning the Lia- re tory, spelling, pre- •1 nunciatfon, and d m !' meaning or words. @ ALibraryiziItself, Is a:sogivoa 4' the facts often wanted concerning eminent e persons, ancient alai modern; noted fled - tions persona and places; the cotuttriee, e cities, towns, and natural features'of thee N globe; translation of foreign quotetio.; ., k w American Axes, Soc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $x.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per Ib. J. A. CLINE.& 00 9 .� y,R 51ACDONALD, �J JOSEPHINE STREET, WINGLIAll, • OsTAato, ANT T , 13. TOWLES. M.D.C.M,, Myermber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Iluron— Olfioet?p-stairs, next to Mr Aforton's aloe, Wing. ham, net. - OrstriLllonas.—e to 12 a. m., 1 to 0 p. m„ or as Residence, Diego, al Street. nu. J. A. 311ILIRI3M, Httor Urn:+nate of Toronto Unieereity, anti Member of the (tilt: o of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Resideuee—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formcrl,t oauupie(1 by Dr. Bethune. 1' I:WHAM - • (*5.1' iVillt ham. — Te VAN STONE. 1 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc„ Private unit Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, to,•n and !arm property bouwht and acid OFFICE—Beaver Block WINGIont WINGHAM S[EI\M PUMP VVORKS NEL HOV1flRS, orcds,phrases,andprovorbs; ete.,ole.,e.e. This Work is Invaluable faille i honeehold, end to the teacher, seho10r, ere- e feesional man, and self -educator. t 7Ho Globe, Toronto, says:- 11,This new dictionary Is the best book of ifs kind in the English lenitnnge, For overt' family, I1,; M Members of which have mastered the art of read- p • Uig,Its purchase'1vllt Provo a profitable investment. ii FROPIIIE CURL. I wish to inform the people of Wing- llancand surrounding country, that, pis I have, purchased the Steam Pump Works lately owned try 111 '. IL Clark, I Inc prepared to supply ell kinds ot SOLIOI'rOn To 11ANrt or ltA3tILTON. Wooden, Lift, Force z iron Pumps J. A. MORTON IIARRiSTEI(, ae , tlieghau, Ont o L. DIC2(t1SON, Baarrilater Etc. And attend to the wents of the public in anything in the Putnp lino. As I have long experience in the business 1 guarantee all toy work• and if not satisfactory will refund the money. I also deal in ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS. LOAN. Office Ll e) er Block, 15 iughnnt. 310NEY TO RINTISTa1'.-- J S. JEa)0) 0, 'A ixottam, K- v Is mannfacturitrl CoIholoO Plates, Vulutulite ph(tes uthe beatnlaterlal as rne4 ns they stal, l i i;0( :a the Doiuiulen. All work u•arrar ted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Elected. Ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE 1Noncar-1 Will extract teeth for 25 cerate each. U:+'FICE : In the Bearer Block, opposite the Brunswick House. ee'rr'Soft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mail promptly nt.tdnded to. a D. SHOWERS, Winghanr ZETLAND ► I t T IgILL GEORGE THEM Proprietor. Lumber of all kind First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Zar Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any pare• ot l4'iughn•sn. carottlershr mall promptly attendo to GEORGE THOMSON, Box 120, 11 highs, ut P, A LIBERAL OFi'ER! We are naw offering 2'ho Times, Ilaurilton, says:— ft may be pronounced the best working ays:—Ttmaywellbepronouncedthebestworkingdl•- C r y6?) �p world, sur r f tlonm and the cheapest book in the t 1, t I u, LADIES' J01411AL eh0 neve school an • (s . • old be t every 1 1 d family hi (Wrath!. Ilavoyour.Sookaellershowitioyntt, o el Toronto, alarge 36 page nlmulhly — _ lb i*, G. & C. inertia= Co. Publishers, ,5;tr21t�f11e1d,Mass.,tT,S.A. ,'De not buy oilcan photo• a granhlereprints 0550518nt cdittone. (3 Send 502 fres prospectus eontalntngspsel ten pages, A, tttultra*ons, etc. WLBSTER'S INTEILe'AT10N.1L blcrloW. 1RY t. Illustrated Fashion Home Paper ;` j partieularly inteeestiug to ladies, with 1 .L i 'I'LL/ZEUS S - The two publications , ill ber given for `l•i for one 3r'Kr ulxl will he s+r'ut In 1 • ' 1 ad(1re1K. ',1'141* ttf111' applies raj -thew, who f IE' RV 1 N10R.TE BEAU area nee die• renew fur 311P 'TIMES far au„(Ler year he - .51.2o 81, , any aevtaaovsweaaaavaaaaaaaetaar CM** that tape eke woratcseee bt fnre ,3nhut'ry lsi, 1b01, u,t well' an t0 new Nethna Dobility Lbet vigor.a 13EANS Failing Manhood; restores the Hllheei'lhel'H. wsekneter of body or mind emoted , lie itgular subscription price of the I byk b the errors dr era owes of eremite*. yenta. Thee Remedy W. h:trlfi•g” :Inertial is Gdr,t• Tioll,isC per year, eolatel curse the >ato tt' Juurua tit) Be OMR Iv only giber et Myer f �liege, et Mater IA er dent ky_rnaa oD 3 t.'1 ,:u 1 3 on av n c nom t'eoeiptef price (,yid"ebeeelnrTIM JAMES I Addresfi Trsrlsa OrxcxeE, CO., Toronto, Cut, late* tot verepelet. fiold in-- , + Wtnghair. ff. 34'. t+OItburl. Winghum, Ont. y et obe0oate ease When afi other ''1 r 1 d t 't' 111 emit 'raL'ATM1tN're have felled btre0 td relieve, : old b1 drug. 1 @ 1 OFFICE, Macdonald; L. D. S., DENTIST. - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Iiotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN termite:, t� GENERAL INSSJJ)ANCE AGENT WINOnAM, ONTABLO p. DEANS, Jit„ tt'ixvuAu, ; LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTT UP HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOHN CUIIItIE, 1VINalla55; ONT., • LICENSED AUCTIONEER P011 T1tl11 COUNTY OP BIOME All orders left at the TIML'K office promptly attend cd to Terms reasonable, AItil1S HENDERRSON, 1.105051(5 AUCTIOxi5Ell 505 COU11TjSS HURON AND BRUC#, • All sales attended to promptly and on 1110 Shdrteet NetiCe. Charges Moderate and Sat!efaotiorl Guaranteed, All necessary arrangements Inc he tirade at the TIM BS' elhce 11 n OIIAM Oer DI1. J. MOASII, St. G. Toronto, viand tis College ph3'stcians and burgeons, Ontatto. Beton Aen 0581,010 Money to Loan on Notes, ot es :.litceuntec A.'' ItEA.So1`r'•ltBI,n ItAlitS 5 Money advaIc.d hit 3l51t„ .3t�, at '• tent "14/1( °o pay'.n: at the en.I of an,, 1 ger. Not ami accounts collected. 34onT, T(roItiDoO. savor Meek 11•ineham, Oat. R •' Pur Gad •ant well .call the AV.. to the fact, that once (th1101( Meets sharp, tor ono hour rick street. All if We hold a 1nontl Monday of every advertised, to whit generally As the Editor h spectator our wort send items of Intel day to any of our Sto: My boy, when Stop and 1 1 k of tl Just think Of the hearts 0 O'er hopes that Filled with den When. you heal Stop and The draught th High hopes ant And the pian n Is a slave. that Ohl this terrib Stop ani Of the graves v Of the ruin ant Of the wives ar For the curse t Yes, when you Stop ane. Of the danger The death that The harvest of And spurn bac( To 1 The Plebis of the Vv . C. following, circ In the pleb January 1st 1 tario who are right to exprt against the tc liquor traffic, The ballots will be prints anguish then_ by men. The; ed and in the voting, there ber of votes voters, the nu by women vol of woolen vo to be entitled The plebisc the legislutur the attitude c of Ontario tc (2) the extent session of tilt exercise that Never befo country wa frau'ght Ni Lance to the the rause 011 It imposes ul all other won them, a trern• is very much that their v, separately. the total vote it would hay( the small ext swell the agg hibition. Co be taken as 1 the vote of t would be. E women voted mark their b for us to say bly •Three-fc Ontario wan allowed then bably have 1 ing 'Yes' or favor of prol The exten this contest a measure o women of right of voti the returns small percen to the polls, those oppose pression of argument in It will thus every woma be voting fo enfranchise( A woman an expressic thus count 1 In View 0 View of th liquor evil saki of the suffer sorely of Ontario - pure and .g now hare a promote, -1 to the won rise to the respond unl