HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-02, Page 10:( S": '17, e n't the' 'tu s- S .r pa -,^g... .. ,e , 1 High School Holds Annual the rion-participants donating the .Feeney, Keith Murray, June Open Night pledges. The money gained from Ribey, Pam, Geddes. at BILL •Q ,r S H E A ` $ Over 400 visitors and parents the marathon will be used to help Team 8 visited SD'HS Friday evenign finance school activities. and Susan Bcorman*, Cxail Beurman, when the annual open night was uniforms. Mike Regier, Alec Robertson, Q Q held. Home economics students Participants are listed below. Robert Elligen, Maureen Del- ' of grade 10 and i t presented a The odd team numbers were on aney, Linda Vannesti. MEN'S JACKETS .. , • . • • • ' . • • • . • • 4.95 X4.95 fashion show. A script composed the yellow team and the even 12.95 in the form of a description of were on the red team. The 20.0 Media Trip DENIM JACKET . • , . • . • • • ' ' , various activities for each day of marathon lasted from 8:00 a.m. to Last Wednesday, the 200 DENIM JEANS ..... • • • • • • • . • , 8.95 -- 12'95 the week in the life of a scho'ol'girl 12 p.m. The -teams each played Media class went on a fleld'trip to175 7.00 was read by four stuff for 1 hour intervals and partici: London. They, were given a tour of T-SHIRTS, plain'' and fancy .. Dianne Wallace, Patsy Lane, gated in four games. In the end, the London Free Press. Since the SHORTS , , ... • . ,, , • • • • • • • • ...... 4.95' 12.95 Grace 'Riley" and Blanche West- the yellow team finally wan over class is studying the newspaper 3.95 --„ 8.96 colt, as the girls modelled the red!. But both teams enjoyed and how it is made, this tour BATHING SUITS costumes they had made during_`- themselves, whether they won or proved very informative, From the year. lost• - there, the class went on to the Q [] The • G)ee Club sang two (The first name in each list with Century theater to see the movie, numbers: 'Flow Gently Sweet a star beside it is the captain of 'The Sting.' The class is also BOYS' JACKETS . , • • • ' • • , . ..4.95-9.95 Afton' and 'My Grandfather's the team.) studying the art of film making $.95 A -L ------- :_ nV.WTM JAr,KFTS ...... , ClockTeam 1 Since 'TheSting' was nominated .' Mrs. J. Stevens, teacher � TOP STUDENT — Cynt.hia Newnham of Seaforth, left, was top student in the of home economics led•the group. John Elligsen*, irinda Albert, for several academy awards, Mr, T-SHIRTS plain and fancy....... , .DENIM JEANS' .................... 5,95-8.95 o executive secretary program at Conestoga College, Clinton Centre this year. She Included in the programme .1.50 to 4.95 and Marilyn Bell, top student in the Medical Secretary program, right, were were two showings of slides Brian Lane, Mark Golding, Judge, their teacher, thought it picturing several of the agricul- Valerie Sinnamon, Mr. Russel,, would be a good idea for4hem to SHORTS ..................... 2.95 to 4.95 presented with gifts by College represeQtative Patrick Jones, centre, Cynthia is the Mr. Knuds. see this movie. Needless to say, BATHING'S tural students at -work on their ^ UIT.S.:••; .•:........... . .. 2.95 '6o 4.95 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newnham of Seaforth. Team all the students (and Mr. Judge) projects at home on their respec. Debbie dorssers*, Jim Nigh, enjoyed both the tour and the, (Goderich Signal Star Photo) tive farms, during the past yea:. g In the laboratory, experiments Robert Haney, Paul McClure, movie. in chemistry were conducted June Williamson, Vicki under the watchful eye of Lloyd Orourke, Mr, Johnston. FRUIT SALE u CoJ 1 Ax E7 'Team 3 This year, at least in the month BILL, 01SHWWJ% B. Morrison. A flock of chickens, y =-� - which had been raised earlier'in Larry, Kale'„ Joanne Kunz, of May, fruit will be on sale at all the year in the incubator at Stuart Scott, Kelvin -Campbell, three lunch hours. This is being , 1h� bu{ W6{>'s school, was also in fhe room. Marvin Kale, Mary Ellen Knight, brought into effect by the 250 MEN'S ���� Ml'• 5peictal Janet Haney. home economics Class. It is an �mt k ow W6n a noui lei A Bren Gein walkie-talkie set I Team 4 attempt to bring about better +,&&i and telephone system were in the * - / Cadet work display, which was Cathy Stewart , Linda Dorssers, nutrition in the' lunch hours. The i (! Nick Hauwart, Ken Chalmers, fruit which now consists of apples WEDDING INVITATION S under the direction of F. A. J Shirley Chalmers Kim Ansteit, and oranges is going to be Dobson. 000* Wayne Nigh. available every Wednesday and Basketball Marathon Team Friday. THE HURON .,-EXPOSITOR Participants in the basketball James Flannery*, Cheryl Sey- They,, are going to later sell h I M d N '1 B D H other fruits such as bananas and seniors played a scoreless game, Editorial while the juniors'fiiad a score of 00, 1-1, with the score being scored by Murray Connelly. Monday, there was a game 1 1vS1 did .4 ?,&4 scheduled against Clinton, but a e• t't' �a r•member•d was postponed because of the C O n t i t u t i o n weather. This week a new constitution" is Being A BIT OF NOSTALGIA drafted, revised and' ratified by the April 28, 1950• Student's Council. The constitution is Gordon McKindsey-was elected designed to establish a structure by which for the leader's club . by the w ' , the Council is to be formed in succeeding school. years, by -which it can operate efficiently and by which it fan regulate student activities. As to the first part, we hope a More efficient and representative council can result, Far too often the entire n. responsibility' for the' running of tlfe r :-! Council will rest with the Executive and > ,} ff i U can k marath, n came to se oo on ay with sore joints and many blisters. ntour, ei eurman, our en- derson, Jim Segren, Donna Grid- zak, Nancy Dietz. grapes, depending on how well the apples oranges go over. 4� The marathon was held Satur- Team 6 Mrs. Weido, the 250 home ec - r be clearly divided among the executive, day, April 27, in the gymnasium Karen Rcgier*, Marg Sills,•Larry teacher is at the head of the and the Council Assembly itself will take a _ of the high school. Before the marathon, the participants and Dolmage, Murray Connolly, Brian Dietz, Connie Van Dyke, 'nutritional programme.', SOCCER the non -participants were Anne Albert. As usual, SDHS has a great womw (5.pants extremely busy, also. The partici- were asking for and Team 7 Bill Kunz*, Cindy Dorssers, John soccer team. There are two teams - juniors and seniors. They played - pledges - with their first exhibitional game organized, and facilities must be used Wednesday in Exeter. The sen- BEGIN .BRE But in drafting this constitution, the But iors and juniors both tied. The seniors played a scoreless game, Editorial while the juniors'fiiad a score of 00, 1-1, with the score being scored by Murray Connelly. Monday, there was a game 1 1vS1 did .4 ?,&4 scheduled against Clinton, but a e• t't' �a r•member•d was postponed because of the C O n t i t u t i o n weather. This week a new constitution" is Being A BIT OF NOSTALGIA drafted, revised and' ratified by the April 28, 1950• Student's Council. The constitution is Gordon McKindsey-was elected designed to establish a structure by which for the leader's club . by the w ' , the Council is to be formed in succeeding school. years, by -which it can operate efficiently and by which it fan regulate student activities. As to the first part, we hope a More efficient and representative council can result, Far too often the entire n. responsibility' for the' running of tlfe r :-! Council will rest with the Executive and > - more, precisely on the President. - - - � Next year hopefully, responsibilities can r be clearly divided among the executive, , F and the Council Assembly itself will take a _ more active part in the Council's „ administrative functions. G�Aei P�%S sawa But • as to the regulation , of student Begin breakfast activities, great care must be taken. Certainly activities must be better with organized, and facilities must be used more fully and without conflict. BEGIN .BRE But in drafting this constitution, the But breakfast a A nutritious breakfast each nutritious can make the rest of the thoroughly. Makes 4 cups (4 (onc: half tl !/4 ounce cans) Council must realize that clubs and teams day a whole lot brighter. If you or, servings).. 1 tablespoon• sugar are all individual, and have different needs members of your family are ORANGE BANANA FIZZ 2 bananas and aims. habitual breakfast skippers. try 4 eggs Combine ingredients and blend A blanket policy pertaining to extra adopting the attitude that even 2 cups milk in blender. Makes 51/2 cups. (6 curricular groups cannot possibly take into something is better than nothing. 1/3 cup frozen orange concentrate servings). account the contingencies that an g Y Just make sure that thatparticular group may face. "something" contributes to part More cigar smokers! ' As far as we know, there has been no of your daily food requirements. consultation with the clubs about the It's not necessary to limit your Many women Thave quit A cigar ad brainwash is now- sections in the Constitution which affect menu to bacon and eggs or smoking cigarettes. But, would being lathered up for the ladies. them. in a school of our size, surely breakfast cereals.. Be invent)ve - you believe, more women are now "We get letters,' says .he vice representatives of all , clubs and teams yogurt, a grilled cheese smoking cigays? president of General Cigar should be participating in preparing this sandwich, last night's ham on Men seem to be switching to Company, "telling. us to feature constitution. rye, e are just a few of the possibilities. pipes, but re women are more women in our advertising so cigar omen i on the a g• g part of Without it, these unilateral decisions will interestingAn e may lighting up cig rs. The Cigar women will become more sociallycause friction and create more problems be all it takes to pt yougr fam ly Institute of America estimat es acceptable. When women started than they solve. to sit down at the breakfast table. that there has been a 300% smoking -cigarettes years ago, it Whirl up one of these suggested' increase in cigar smoking among wasn't acceptable. But David Ring by Agriculture Canada's Food 14'omen during the last decade. advertising changed that,, The Advisory Services and you're off Arld cigar makers and sellers feel same thing is slowly going on - to a great start. The "Maple this figure is an underestimate. with cigars and women." Graham Shake" can be served with cheese and fruit or whole wheat muffins. For those mornings when the alarm doesn't go off, try the "Orange B an Fizz". It combines eggs, orange juice, milk and fruit into one delicious' nutritious beverage. MAPLE GRAHAM SHAKE 3 cups milk cup graham wafer crumbs 3 teaspoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon maple flavoring Combine ingredients and blend in blender until smooth. Chill Smiles What A Carl What a car I ownl i think I'll call' it "Flattery" because it gets- me ets_me no wherel Auto Research With the concern about energy and pollution, little publicity has been given to this innovation they are working on, im Detroit; a windshield wiper that won't hold parking ticketsl Student spotlight The student spotlight this week is on this year's formal queen, Donna Nolan. Donna is 17 years old and is a grade eleven student. She lives at R.R.2, Dublin, with her mom and dad, and two brothers and five sisters. Donna is a member of the Geography Club and was one of those who went to Italy during the winter break. Her favourite sub- jects are geography and law. Around home, Donna likes sew- ing, swimming, and baseball. She is a member of Junior. Farmers and 4-H. As for the future, Donna is thinking of taking a nursing course. Good luck, Donna, and congratulations! GIFT WRAPPING and BOWS f Vii. Large Selection CHINA - NOVELTIES - GLASSWARE SLIPS - . HOSIERY - COTTON GOWNS and DUSTERS. RECQRDS•and BOXED CHOCOLATES. Larone s BOOKS and STATIONERY STORE The Friendly Store in Seaforth —' "the friendly town" LOW• PRICED LOW GAS BURwfRs! Open Nights' -''Starting May, 6th' . USED CARS and TRUCKS 1969 Ford, 2 --door H.T. ,1968. Chrysler, 2 -door H.T. 1969 Ford, 2 -door H.T., XL 1969 'Vauxhaul 1970 Ford, 4 -door Sedan 1971 Mercury Marquis 1971 Fofd Stationwagon 1966 Ford F100, long bed 1969 Montego, 2 -door H.T. 1968 Rambler Stationwagot, 1969 Chev. Impala, 2 -dr. H.T. 1 1972 Chev. Bel'air, 4 -door BILL McLAUGHLIN MOTORS' LTD. FORD Phone 521-1140 Seaforth MERCURY ogle IF fr'' W 0