HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-02, Page 7., ,. .r r '.. .r. .. � � ,. . . .,,: ... ,.. :. , .. ,. , ,. , V .1. i. a r,. r ,.i,::. TC. s r :rcM1:. n , s .r ..'+ ', , ..I. ., 1 5''.., .� x III �' h WILY. o i t 6 BS n m T ti. �"rl. �! r i am y d e c v 1 1 s en o � n to. nt 1�;tr �d ' I.e n A Qd d to a .a l ed �rll1 f h at, Now, � Ne>�` QO>t z�� ; d ,� y- story a.1~ A ,��Ni th s fn v . t e i r i cl de'tle ilny mo in pd sse. , with cotzledv a S afa h �� b ��;y #� g y Y i � x a' ✓ I r r s t 1� w, fallo>,wtn , . , , , SPRING YIpIrEI�' E ONE DA N THINIG �AFIER e From O u ee n , % Park A SURGEON$ WORLD • ANOTHE Hit, h Garner ell Slla�gon i TT o4sa Ti��� gg A I,lt3s Merldgza naystpr• 1 Non Fiction An account of a Cabaa etow � William A,.N9letlt C.D. boy trying to. get somewhere, with ''err <;) THE ADVERSARY Bart Spicer B' 1 .. N Dr. William A. 'Nolen bAA one nothingmore than talent and +'" rs r B� from the hectic wo>ld of tea aitt detertinatiori. The Adversary is the owerful tQ"q P'A r Mta4lvy W story of four very different men SUn.IC Sda U t Jack R 1 d d e 1 1 ; M.P.P. N u r�0 i1 to a practice in surgery, 1 1t and the murder trial that binds rdirectness, compassion And 1+7CTUly them i p together. ° humor, he writes about the world . PRIOR BETROTHAL E. Lee t30DElRiCl11[�� , VAST °.,* of a.doctor In practice, A Romantic novel of a beautiful BARDEL'S MURDER' �� and spirited young girl whose 7 BILLION REAR SPREE- prior betrothal,. a mysterious' Edmund McGirr 0 A new novel featuring Piron, N ,, +t Y' �,+•r Financial critics for Brian W. Aldiss alliance arranged by her father at that most individual of rivate • �` •� �' r both fiitmers rather than at develop- Budget Critic The true history of science fiction- her `birth leads to pressing detectives: An American527-02,4o:0 1 x I complications. Ph .Exposit x A VT Opposition Parties delivered a ment potential rates. Mr. Donald , -MacDonald, P majgT attack on TreasuTeT John - Ontario should step up itis Budget Critic 'for the New, OLIVIER operating in Britain. White's new budget this week, corporate tax rate by two points to Democratic Party, in reply to Olivier is the revealing and THF. TURQUOISE MASK Instructing stud of our._g_rea est Phyllis Whitney scorning it for wild spending and re -occupy room left vacant by t e Treasurer John White s budget, g Y Y Y federal ove m-0. reduct of said that the Provincial living actor. A masterful tale of mystery and 3 •, - a deficit that .will continue tosuspense. g - stimulate inflation. ' corporate in oc me taxes from 40 to Government should move into the WOMAN OF LABRADOR 3 g� The Liberal Critic critized the '385 in the past two years. housing market in a massive way Elizabeth Goudie THE ¢LACK MOON LOOKING FOR A Treasurer for making no'attempt' - To help overcome regional to ease the pressures that re Mrs. Goudie 'has written a Winston Graham to curtail rising costs. He said a disparity within the Province, tax driving prices up. The human document full of joy, fear, As a master,storyteller Winston + Committee of the Legislature policies should be selective. The Government should set itself the humour and tribulation. Graham needs no •introduction, should be up as a Provincial -former 5% Provincial tax credit target of building from 25 to 40 . Here he is at, his best. , prices review Board which could for investment in machinery and percent of housing stock through BUT I WOULDN'T HAVELight Duty mmend ithld beewed forrice rollbacks to the equpmensoue rng poration. MISSED IT FOR THE` wORLp TH'E PARTNERS reco P ' the Ontario Housing Corporation.Peg Bracken Louis Auehincloss house. Mr. Breithaupt, the goods that will be used in regions He felt only in this way could The Pleasures and Perils ofan The partners is a masterful Liberal Financial Critic said the east of Ottawa and north of the housing be re -geared to incomes' Unseasoned- Traveller. characterization of lawyers and of Eoard could examine such things French River. - and the market.cooled sufficiently people in whose sesrvice they as the recent milk price increase, - Retail, sales taxes'should be to dampen the fi,es of inflation. IN ONE ERA AND OUT THE gain riches and prestige. Inspect the Large Selection of Brand Now medical fee -,schedules, car cut two points to 5% north of the Mr. Macdonald said the latest OTHER "Sam Levenson vF , insurance rates, and apartment French River. Gasoline tax should figures show OHC. owns only .65 Nobody in this world pulls our THE REVENGE OF ANNIE rent structures. The Board should be reduced 4c to, 15c a gallon in per cent of the province's housing world together (or takes' it apart) CHAIiLES Allan Fry immediately summon food the north, stock and only rents 53 3 per cent ' processing companies and ask . The Ontario Development of it. Whereas comparing Ontario Euchre and draw'' held s them to justify their enormous Corporation should change from a with Britian, more than one -6 profit increases. The budget did loan agency into an initiator of quarter of the housing stock is not even mention food costs. The'%business. the ODC would carry rented from local authorities. a a' document did estimate that a new projects to the stage where He called the budget "a Provincial government sPending conventional business organizat- flagrant exercise in flim-flam- in aid of benevolent, work. would -increase in' the current ions are prepared to fund ,and ming the public." AVAILABLE AT 41 -fiscal yeart by an even'one billion manage them. Mr. Macdonald felt that the They CPT committee of 'Local winners were Mrs: Mac Wilson dollars to 8.3 billion and the Throw away Government's' proposed land IOOF and Rebekah Lodges held a and Russell Coleman. Draw deficit would come to 625 million Throw away bottles and cans speculation tax is full , of most successful euchre and draw winners were: platform rocker - dollars. should be banned. There should loopholes. "The + lawyer.& are in IOOF hall last Wednesday John Coleman, Seaforth and RAGE MITCHELL'Mr. Breithaupt said that by the be a standard , returnable pop going to have a Roman holiday evening. bridge sett (table -and 4 chairs) WEST END end of the fiscal year the bottle in Ontario just as there are and the developers will still be Twenty-eight fables were1n in Lisa Campbell, daughter of Mr. Government will have added already is a standard beer bottle. laughing all the way to the bank". play. and committee chairrfian, and Mrs. -Robert J. Campbell, more than 2 billion dollars to the . A package of measures to Mining Robert J. Campbell was, in R.R.1, Seaforth. � public debts in four years. He meet the housing crisis would He said the higher taxes on charge. Mrs. May Habkirk was lunch LIMITED • said annual interest payments on include development of the mining companies hardly touch ' The money' realized will be convener. the debt have already jumped by 18,000 acres currently held by the -these firms•,' real profits, and spent to replenish the hospital The committee in charge there should be a 15% tax on bed, wheelchair, walker, crutches expressed appreciation to all 177% to 674 million dollars this Ontario Housing Corporation, program, cane and These and those who purchased tickets, year. Mr. Breithaupt went on to . provision of trunk ,sewer and mining production as well as a tax P g pu say that Ontario's Government wate services by OHC to on reserves in the ground. That other articles are available on those who attended the euchre �' there should be a rovihcial loan to those needing them. avid the Gingerich Store. EXAMPLE-' �Pickup fan' slow the inflationary spiral , Municipalities as a public utility, p GMC /qTo n in the Provincial economy until it removal of the sales tax' on prices review board able to Anyone wishing to ,borrow these find- the courage to control the building materials used on houses decrease prices, either on isolated aids may contact Harold Connell The many extras on this model include• eustovm com- inflation of its own expenditures. and apartments and commodities such as fertilizer and or Wilmer Cuthill. INVEST , Waste encouragement of inexpensive farm. machinery. Mr. MacDonald At Christmas time several in fort option, 350 cubic inch V-8, automatic transmission, Mr. Breithaupt' accused the housing fdribs including mobile also felt that Ontario should the community are Lemembered " b Government of waste and and factory built homes. follow the lead of Nova Scotia and: and gifts'of money or goods are In a power brakes and Steering, AM radio, deluxe wheel force the oil companies to cut the given o disaster victims. misplaced priorities and outlined Mr. Breithau t, said Mr. it P cove s, chrome -front bum er, chrome grill, tilt steering a number of measures the Official White's tax on land speculation extent of the price increases they Winners at euchre were: Ladies Guaranteed p p Opposition would bike to see has too many loopholes to have plan for next month. This could - High - Mrs. Alex Scott ; Lone wheel and many more extras, finished in lime green 4� implemented. These measures any significant effect on the price% be done through the Ontario Hands, - Mrs. Earl Papple; Low - included the followng:. of housing. Indeed without a Energy Board. Mrs. Norman Rhiel'. Trust and white. Mining taxes should be made mechanism to prevent its effects Consumer and Commercial Gents - High - Leslie Oliver; Lone ' • „ , . , i' stiffer b being applied against from 'being passed on to the. Relations - Minister, John Hands W.D.Wilson; Lq ,r Y $ PP g P . t 1.=' r= } �T1R7�i' FQIt QUICK `5"A7L . „" Clemtrit;`§did' tliat the'f litarfity' "'kEIMrr r Dennis. Lucky pate ° r .;;a the Company's cash flows or real housebuyer, this tax may even,, ,. r,. operating profits minus a portion aggravate the problem. Government will introduce of their actual exploration and Mr. Breithaupt was, particularly warranties on new houses, News Of DONALD G ' development expenditures in distressed by the loss of prime covering materials and. • Ontario. farm land to urban sprawl. He workmanship later this year if it . Development should be stressed -that this dangerous can workout agreements with the. MCK1110 EATON Open every # -to serve, you and -all prohibited on good farm land in 'trend must .be stopped. With federal government: - Ontario unless it is demonstrated every acre of farm land that is The Ontario Government will Office, in Masonic BI'OCk night if we have to. that no other •suitable land is consumed b urban sprawl, the spending Correspondent Y P increase its s endin on cultural MAtll St., SEAFURTS g ' activities b one third in the Mrs. Ed Regele available. Property taxes on these ability to produce food is altered Y Phone 527-1610 lands should be levied at 'although the demand for. food `is current fiscal year,,Cultural agricultural ,rates to encourage increased. spending plans were oulined in a Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson 1 _ - vt h ------------ statement by James Auld who spent the nter mon t sin Minister of Colleges and Uni- Florida have -returned .to their versities. home. Libraries, museums, galleries Mrs,' Mary Thornton is a and artistic ani zations will get patient in Seaforth Community hefty ncreas S. in their operating Hospital. grants from • e Province., Mr.I Mrs. Mervyn Smith is a patient AtIld plans to introduce ,in Seaforth Community Hospital. legislation soon that will give Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele municipalities greater power to and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele designate and. preserve historic spent Sunday evening with Mr. U0 SSW0 RD P UZZ L E chamber Farm Mand *After buildings. One million dollars will John Dietz, Recent visitors from presented at Northside Good go to a new program Outreach Miss Marion McCallum of. out-of-town with Mrs. Mary Friday evening, also the morning Ontario, which aims to Listowel spent weekend with her Malcolm, Mitchell were Mrs., service at Northside United decentralize Ontario's cultural parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard Crich, Mrs. Pearl Church. The taping was very resources. McCallum. McClincheys Mrs. Hazel enjoyable especially for shut-ins. * 16. Old draper's 7. Verbatim Matheson, Clinton and Mrs. Traditional spring cleaning is 26. Law- D 31 V3 H 0 ki H 17. "Down George Gibb, Stratford. yer's N i 1 o t3 the order of the day. This project 9. Lost charge Vi O S 7 H A special thanks Gordon is done with minimum Rimmer who -taped the- cantata inconvenience to the residents:., ow! 20, °'Arabian U0 SSW0 RD P UZZ L E chamber Farm Mand *After Today's Answer ACROSS 2. Subside 19. Before 1. Corridor 3. Mrs. Carlo gURt- 14101tl A w v 3 S 5. Heliacal Ponti N tro a l a 10. More or less 4. Legendary l b 9 A 1 1 N 23. Long 1 3 1 N 3 1 O 12. "The - founder cigars N 1 7 Mutiny" of London 24. "Sweet 3 3 a J tl 0 0 18. Unfeeling 5. Surmounted _ •11 a 3 d 3 Av 0 15. Devoured 6. Paddle 25. Malta's j O 8 3 ti 1 N * 16. Old draper's 7. Verbatim capital W "1 3 1 measure S. Crowfoot 26. Law- D 31 V3 H 0 ki H 17. "Down plant yer's N i 1 o t3 under".bird 9. Lost charge Vi O S 7 H 18. Dlnne'r weight 28. Like 33. Houston course 11. In that soil baseball pro 20, °'Arabian place , 29. Peal 34. Pretend Nights" 14. Part of a of (2 wds.) bird famous bells 38, Phoenician 21. Part of a Confed- 30. -- nous capital saxophone erate's (cbnfiden- 40. Scotty's cap v 22. Scot's "one" signature tially) . 41. Min's name 23 Grotto 16.33 r 26. Escaped 27. Seraglio fence ,P r I Guaranteed Investment Certificates Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation The senior Trust Conipoity devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. 4I1►j��UandGREY TRUF4T COMPANY SINCE 1889 chamber Farm Mand *After 28. Manitoba Indian Rah Price 31. Electrical Factory- unit 32. Gene- Door Discouni alogical . cash 35. Corrida fan's shout „ 38. Emmet 37. -- the 14.50 pace - 39, Actual, 3.50 basic facts 4 17.40 (slang): 10.82 hyph wd. - 42. Architec- tural biers 12.47 43. Boo-boo 14.44 44. Sordid 3.24 45. First-rate 4 121.65 DOWN 13.03 1.Sunken fence ,P r I Guaranteed Investment Certificates Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation The senior Trust Conipoity devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. 4I1►j��UandGREY TRUF4T COMPANY SINCE 1889 .. �p vuwvn, ,w �.uw. �a, now v. ww,w �,awpawpr Other sizes available on special order We install and fill all sizes I oil F.W. TIL•LEY LTD., Phone` 52i- i 1350 r list Farm Mand *After Farm Master '*TUBE *After zes t Rah Price Factory- Factory- before Ing Door Discouni Door Discount cash cos) Price for Cash Price for Cosh dimount 4 20.55 14.50 13.77 - - ` 3.50 4 17.40 11.39 10.82 - . - 3.19 4 19.85 12.47 11.85 14.44 13.72 3.24 4 121.65 .13.72 13.03 16.76 15.92 3.20 6 28,85 15.69 14.90 - - 3.20 4 24.40 15.89 15.09 1617` 15.84 .3.20 6 30.70 17.19 16.33 18.57 17.64 3.20 4 26.85 17.19 16.33 18.27 17.36 3.36 - 6 •33.50 18.33 17.41 20.42 19.40 3.30 4 34.65 22.18 21.04 21.90 20.80 4.98 6 43.60 23.67 22.49 23.96 22.76 4.98 4 20.15 12.92 12.27 15.92 13.12 3.24 RI 4 58.90 44.83 42.59 - - 8.99 141 4 i 69.90 44.79 42.55 -. - 9.77' 241 4 84.90 52.12 49.51 - - 9.98 241 6 153.80 78:37 74.45 97.77 ,92.88 15.75 Al 6 '142.25 79.95 75.95 96.32 91.50 17.20 28) 4 79.60 56.33 53.51 65.91 62.61 10.75 28) 4 ; 95.25 63.14 59.98 74.94 ' 71.19 13.95 281 4 108.75 75.60 71.82 87.85 83.46 15.25 281 6 151.15 84.68 80.45 .24 113.28. 16.98 0 6 183.20 109.68 104.20 11 .83 111.94 21.15- 32) 4 96,40 53.93 51.23 - - 11.35 36) 4 108.10 67.19 63.83 - - 1 SA2 18)4 118.65 70.00 66.5 - - 13.85 381 4 !126.70 77.89 73.99 93.27 88.61 16.10 %) 6 146,55 98.84 93-90 122.34 116.22 17.95 6 32.95 15.39 14.62 17.52 16.64 3.30 6 16.09 19.39 16.42 3.45 6 28.75 15.18 14.42 - - 3.20 6 32°70 15.93 15,15 17.94 17.04 3.30 8 46 30 23.50 1 22.92• -- 4.98 .. �p vuwvn, ,w �.uw. �a, now v. ww,w �,awpawpr Other sizes available on special order We install and fill all sizes I oil F.W. TIL•LEY LTD., Phone` 52i- i 1350 r