HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-02, Page 5t'•^,T.IR*dR'!•x. , ... ...,. P"i"rnA
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. r Lunc}t was served b r "What Easter Meant #o Mary A #eJ� a rc served ' tlze'
Cortesorldent t h d nth h
Mrs. Allan G.A.lave, Mrs. C. Motu c eotR Ma daline. hostess• ;close. wt the •4-H thank o kll : a. t=;r : Al
Mrs. Laverne Godkin' and Mirk;, Mrs. James McDonald gaver rbata#o, , deartbns pn �tf lktte ",
... c#lei
A x „i,� un n 1 rL p M a r Wp,
,. The Me1£i11.oP Unit of the ' G.S,I,ove. the topic ••The Baster Niessa e,•� >r s''�lSti �?�tbel�
K a g � Tile ilfth meeting of Watton -1 leadef;s, g
U.C.W..held their,April meet!" Where seek ye the Ch�tst was,beld. in thre..,commu:nitY Matt. preseh#est I rsti a j' � eifz'�� �• "
in the church basement with 14 Boun4r1 and 1IfhCTtnit Hymn, "Rejoice, the herd is with - All, clubs present: on .gift,
�, xF _ , members present. The. April meeting of they0lit !Cing ' .was sung, The Lord's Thursday, April 18th. Draws
' The Calh to Worship was taken .was' hetd, on Wecdnesday Prayer was repeated in unison Mrs. Gerald Ryan -introduced were, won by,'Ma.xy Alice Ityn.n,,i;`'?
Mq Gi4 1 l r
`tf'tii ;irr by Mrs. Neil McGavin. Hymn 485 afternoon at the home of Mrs: closing the devotions. Mrs. Lewis. Cadiff of Brussels tonsari Futt►p>tlrtc,. 11J.gTle :'
"Jesus keep me near the Cross" Van Vliet's }to'n'e in the village, Mrs. George Call wa in ' th God' i 'O -Mrs,' G. Ryan.
P $, ge Mt a leaders, girls and mothers. K n And` ya
was sung. Mrs. Lloyd Walker opening with the Thought for thr, charge of the busine roll
..Mrs, Cardiff then introduced,'
read the scripture from St. Day. "When' 1 survey the cal was answered by eight 17
Mrs, Blackwell ..a Vanda Beat
Matthew, chapter 28, Mrs. Wondrous Cross" � was sung, members, Mrs. A. McDonald µ y� t
Counsellor from' Walkerton. who ` �•
Stewart M�Call had the Mrs. Jim Williamson read the read the minutes in the absence „ „r
? showed a film on skin care.
meditation, "The Risen Christ, A scripture from Chapter 15 of of the secretary, Mrs. Don;
Debbie Van Vilet was chosen as ��
Living Presence". Mrs. Norman Mark followed With prayer by McDonald. Upcoming" events
Schade led in prayer followed b a ' Mrs. Van Vliet, and a oem.' were discussed. Fu her lams a junior model for Vanda Beauty,
p Y PP care. 'Mrs. Rieidt of Clifford
" 'r '• poem, "Easter Glory". Mrs. J, Williamson gave the will be made at the next meeting M
ted Mrs. rs. Mrs.
Blackwell. ' •' � '',+
- �"+ •.
� Rev. D. Docken 'showed topic; "What the resurrection for the ham supper on June 4th. ass
Interesting -slides of several means to us". "Christ the Lord is Tickets are still available • from Joyce Van Vliet acted as theJIM
activities throughout the year risen today" was sung and the members of the unit.
senior model.
.1973 at the Walton an4 Monerief collection was received and The meeting closed with prayer Samples of cleansing grains.
'churches. dedicated, followed, by the hostesses serving. hand cream and lipstick wrr,
Mrs. N. McGavin, expressed Mrs." Martin Baan conducted lunch. tried by, everyone present. A bath
her thanks ..to Rev. Docken -the business. Minutes were read ball was given to everyone.,
followed by reading a poem and roll call taken. Mr. Cliff Walton 14•H Meetings open all day Wednesday and
"Earl days of spring". The Ritchie ave' the treasurer's The third and fourth meetings
Y Y P g'�• g . Y .!
collection was received and report and Mrs. Van Vliet the Fere combined for the Walton i GENERAL Freda Ag hts •until 9 p,me
dedicated by' Mrs. N. McGavin. miscellaneous report, Plans were' Club, the "Magic Mirrors" which
"Jesus' Christ is Risen today" made for coming events and the' was held at Mar aret Shortreed's * r
was sung, foll9ped by prayer.'"meeting closed with prayer.' home, g ACCOUNTING for your sh-opping convenience
Mrs. Murray Dennis, A social half hour foBowed•with• Weopened _with the 4-H
president, presided for the lunch served by Mrs. J, Pledge, The secretary's report SERVICE
u- business, thanking everyone +kho Williamson and Mrs. Van Vliet. was read by Kim Humphries. 'rho
had .taken part in the worship roll call was answered by nine
period, Minutes , of the last 8th and 16th Unit members, INCOME TAX WATCH
TAPPING TWINS -- The Hulley twins, Sandra and meeting were ' read by ' the Mrs. Alvin McDonald was We discused storage in cite Returns prepared. Account
Bostic', tap danced a routine at ,the Seaforth Public secretary, Mrs. Glen McNichol. hostess for the' unit meeting in bedroom. Storage for make-up�Tn 7
Ing Assistance for Small
Roll call was answered by . her home on Wednesday, and other grooming aids and arlso for' this Week's'
School concert last..
ast week. The twins are the everyone naming their favorite The Call its VVktrship was given storage for sports equipment was BUSineS'se5.
daughters of Mr..'and Mrs: Eldon Hulley of Side St:•,- wild flower. Mrs. Merton by Mrs. Jim Fritz. Hymn, "Jesus discussed. Differeftt storage_ "
Seaforth., Hackwell ave the treasurer's Christ is Risen todal" was sung. rcu>urOt�s like walk in closets and J.' R. WRIGHT ' U
* (Staff Photo) g .,d � � 1111
report. Mrs. M. Dennis closed The scripture from Chapter 26 ot-
dt,a+,:cp , ++etc also, dtscussc
their sale a success. Thanks also
We filled-in i)ur handout shectS
Mr. Neil McAdam of R.R,#2,
Mr. arid- Mrs. Tom Riley . of
Sweeny and Mrs. Jean Taylor of
goes to the leaders +oho give so
and talked.. over the, . home
Goderich, Mr. Adam McAdam of
with a poem, "For
This 011e Mark, verses 1 - 8 were read by
Mrs.Watson read s different
76 Market Street
Xrich visited the past Monday'.
' Kevin Jewitt spent the
and Mrs.. Don Krick of Hamilton
worthwhile cause.
w' Mr. and Mrs. George
weekend with•Mr:•-M•aTeiel
of Sarnia,
•�y,„attended Binkley United-
Mrs: "Fritz followed by .a poem,
storage methods, like laundry
Box 542, Seaforth
In the write-up of the institute
Mr. and Mrs. ..Sam S+viceney
Mrs. Taylor of Brussels
Provost, Alberta visited last week
bads, froni the leader's pamphlet.
PHONE 527-1036
then storage for accessories was
disCUtisCd, Such I scarves. ties
, ry
Mrs.. Keith Rock was omitted
Walton +ecce Sunday visitors with
and hells ntn\, be kept in separate
Reg, Lawson; John and
hosc5 in one "drawer or in
plant and bulb sale upaitO. Brit+vers clepcndin•, tin
the duantily. How to Int Po+e
Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Ritchie. supported 'them and helped make i„tlividIla I S I o ra C \% a sZS4 aS”ed
J , , , ay nteettng.w en etc is t
Walton; Mr, and Mrs. Sam
their sale a success. Thanks also
We filled-in i)ur handout shectS
Mr. Neil McAdam of R.R,#2,
Mr. arid- Mrs. Tom Riley . of
Sweeny and Mrs. Jean Taylor of
goes to the leaders +oho give so
and talked.. over the, . home
Goderich, Mr. Adam McAdam of
Brussels.sperZ Sun•'av with Mr.
much of their time to this
Xrich visited the past Monday'.
' Kevin Jewitt spent the
and Mrs.. Don Krick of Hamilton
worthwhile cause.
w' Mr. and Mrs. George
weekend with•Mr:•-M•aTeiel
of Sarnia,
•�y,„attended Binkley United-
• People We Know
Tours Assoc.
Mrs. Walter Jickling ,' of
Miss Donna $uchanan of
In the write-up of the institute
Mr. and Mrs. ..Sam S+viceney
Mrs. Taylor of Brussels
Provost, Alberta visited last week
Toronto spent the Easter'
weekend with her Mr.
meeting last week, the name of
and ,Jean
and Mr. and.Mrs. Clift' Ritchie of
plans meeting
• with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs.. Keith Rock was omitted
Walton +ecce Sunday visitors with
Reg, Lawson; John and
and Mrs. Don Buchanan, Pal.;-
from the list of voting delegates to
Mr. and Mrs. Don Krick of
Their first
Elizabeth, Mrs. Harvey Taylor
Jim and.Gary.
attend the W.I. District Annual"
ckccutive ntectiipg
the Huron County Tourist
and, with other relatives in the
Weekend visitors with Mrs.,
meeting on April 14 in Gorrie,
Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and Mrs.
Association" discussed and
Vicki Powell of. Auburn spent
W.L.Whyte ,Tom, Bill and Mr,
Harold Whyte were Mir. and Mrs.
Mrs. ,Leeming is a patient
in Clintolt Hospital and Mrs.
William Perric arrived horite last
p„, posed oh c
I 1 Pori+cs, constitution
the past weekend with Mr. and
John Whyte,Jeffrey, Kerri and
Mervin Smith had been a patient „
`+'cck,from Florida. Mr, and Mrs.
,rrrd h�-ia+vs for the Association
Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Bill, Doug,
Andrea of Lin sa Mr. and Mrs.
Sl y'
in' Seaforth Hospital. We wish
Larry Schnell of Sarnia visited last,
++•eck+vith Mrs.�Hollinger and the
at their first meeting Monday.
Betty. and Bob.
Doug. Whyte of Glen Orchard,'
Miss Margie Whyte of Toronto.,,,
these ladies both a speedy
Pcrrie family•
will o to
,the general membership a� a
Mark Underwood of Seaforth,
Jff Hackwell and Scott Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. FredBuchanan,
Mr. and. Mrs. Don Maier and
The friends of Mrs. Jean Leach
meeting on. Tuesdav, Mav at
of Walton spent the weekend
Bill, Doug, Betty and Bob visited
Paul of Thamesford spent Sunday
µ-ere happy 1V SCC hl'1` in B1'IISSCIS'
PI '
Hullo Gully at 8 P.M.
visiting with Bob Thompson. ' ,
On Saturday evening with her
with the latte.r's lfarents„ Mr. and
oft. Tues., able to get about
again after her stay in
The e .n.iin e invited all
rumm�u,ity-n,�indcd business
Miss Margie Whyte has
parents Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Dave Watson.
hospital in Winghant - and
people to attend the- May 7
completd'd her -course at. Teachers
Hart of Brussels.
Thl executive of the W.I. met
College in Toronto and is
Rick Thompson spent a few
on Monday evening to plan their
Kitchener. Mrs. 'Leach is at
meeting and"help make Huron
spending the spring and summer
days the, past week with his aunt
meetings for the coming year.
present with her daughter, Mrs.
Cotfnty the beautiful place'. it
months with her mother, Mrs.
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George
The members are reminded of the
Cathy Snivth of Waterloo.
really is".
W L Wh to Tom Bill and Mr
. Vivian, Andrew, -Janice, Sandra
Ivl' h th b
o e
Harold Whyte. and Steven .of Staffa. a sale of bulbs and plants with the
'r Mr, and Mrs, Dave Medd and - Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thompson Education and Cultural Activities
K'rm of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. -Jim of Mississauga, Mrs. Robert conveners: Mrs. W.J.Leenting
Medd of 13th Con, Hullett, Miss Reynolds, Janet, Bob and Nancy' and Mrs. Dave Watson in Zharge.
Angela Flynn were Sunday Jo of Sbuthfield, Michigan, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Graemc Clvde
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jinn •Thompson of Lindsay were visited on'Sundav at the home of
Medd and Kerri. Easter weekend visitors with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. ,Norman Schade•
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator • and Mrs. John Thompson, Sharon Mr. and- Mrs. .Allan McCall
Bill, Debbie and Michael visited and Bob. Mr. end Mrs. Terrence were guests of Mr. and, Mrs.
with Mr. , d Mrs. David Hunter of Colborne Tclwrashipl, Harold Brown in Burlinglon" for
Preszcator, Christine, Lisa Mrs. Joe Armstrong of Detroit. the weekend. Tits Salvation Arm\, Band from Chatharn who had been
Christopher and Greg. Michigan, were Good Friday The Guiding Spirit, , wishing the Goderich area during the weekend provided an
Mrs. Sabben of Stratford was a visitors at the Thompson home. Brussels Girl Guides and hour of Sacred music in the auditorium, on Sunday, afternoon.
Sunday visitor with Mrs. ' Easter Sunday visitors with Mr.
W.L.Whyte, Tom, Bill, 'Margie and Mrs. •John Brownies Cookie Sale was held Captain and Mrs. topple, furmerlp of Wingham, led the band
Jewitt, Carol, Safurdav, Aprif 27th, 1974. of thirteen with duct selections by Eric Saunders, Dick
and Mr. Harold Whyte: Judy, Danny , Billy and Paul were Forty cartons of cookies were Goldsmith and a vocal solo by Beverly Ra++'n.
Don't forget Margie Whyte is, 'Mrs. Ella Jewitt, Don, Larry, sold in Brussels, Walton and
showing her pictures and Ken, Kevin and Steven, Mr. and Ethel. The girls worked hard to
speaking about her experiences Mrs. Bill, . Dowson, Urenda; achieve this number. Four residents were welcomed to the Home at Monday s
with Crossroads in the Phillipi'nes Bonnie and .John of Varna, Mr, A special thanks to all who activities, Mrs. Luxton, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Bernard and
being held in the Foresters Hall and Mrs. ,Jim Preszeat,or, Bill, - Dan Beuermann. The Clinton Christian Reform volunteers
on Friday evening l ay 3rd. Debbie and Michael. Mr. and helped with the afternoon program, with old tyrne music
Mr, and Mrs. DAvid Dollim6 Mrs. Dennis Jcwitt. -Kathy and Burns U.C.W. Provided by Maric Fivnn, Norman Speir, Jerry and Tcrrv,
and Kenneth of Ajax spent the David, Mn and Mrs. Ross Jewitt
weekend with Mr, and Mrs.- Don and Lori, both of Clinton, Misses Public
of the over 90 Club met in the ground floor north
Buchanan, Paul, Gary and Jim. Pat Willert of Stratford and hears /- ublic dining -room arca and follokving games of euchre and
Joanne Gibson of R,.R,#2, crokinole. tea and cookies were served. Happy Birthday was(Intended for last week) Seaforth. PP•
Health, nurses sung for Miss Agnes Mitchell who was celebrating her
The Canadian Foresters held' a - Mr. and Mrs, Robert Storey ninety -,fifth birthday. Mrs. Luckham, of Clinton, is the only
very successful Spring Cabaret and Alvin of Holmesville, Mr. and volunteer assisting the Cluh of fifty inembers and +\,e would
Dance on Saturday evening April Mrs. Lloyd Dale visited on Easter Burns U.C.W. met at the home be happy to hear front anyone who would be able tit help Ouch
13th in the Seaforth Community Sunday with their parents, Mr. of Mrs. Gordon McGregor on month.
Centre with the Royale 'Aires and Mrs. Bill Storey. Thursday afternoon with a good
providing the music. Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, attendance. Beryl Reid opened
Door prizes of Easter lilies were Steven, Sharon and Kenny, Mr. p A group Young People from the` Clinton Christian
won by. ,Allan Campbell and and Mrs. Leo Sanders. Jennifer the meeting. Hymn 579 was sting. Reform Church
h provided a program of gospel music on
Marj'Bickell and Ida Leiper gave "Family Night','? Mr. Clarence Bos was M.(, for the evening
«�Dennis Beuerman. and•Jeffery of Brussels visited on a reading. Beryl Reid introduced and director of a junior grout} of ti-irteen singers, Mr. Lukc
The Foresters Lodge L 1842 Sunday with their parents, Mr, the three special guests, Mrs. Lise led a sing -a -long and provided his own accompaniment
held their regular meeting on and Mrs. John Wammes and McHugh, Public Health nurse, with guitar and harmonica. ,A quartette known 'as the
-Thursday evening'A,pril 11•th in Jo� Clandeboye, Mr's. Ted Davies and "Freedom Singers" sang se\rral numbers and include Alice
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson,
the form of a pot luck supper. The Mrs, Walter Forbes._ Clinton. ' Roorda, ,Jim Baker, Frances and Bill Jongcyan. Margaret
evening was spent playing Court John and, Elizabeth visited on Mrs. McHugh showed films on Kohn thanked those taking hart in the program on behalf of
Whist with the winners High Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs, breast self-examination and the the residents.
Annie Vincent; Low -;Edith Not: •E. F. Warren, Lynda and Helen of pap test. A discussion. period
Lucky chair prizq was won by London. Thev also visited with follo++'ed. On behalf of - the
MurielMcCJure. Mr, Earl Lawson in University U.C.W., Mrs. Donald McGregor ,__ -__..-.,
Business was discussed with Hospital. presented cacti lady %' ith a potted I
the following coming events. May Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson. Rick
Ist ladies to cater to the Huron Rick and Renee spent Sunday Mrs. Ed Bell conducted the �t
Rural League banquwith his parents Mr, and Mrs.
et. May 3rd ;business session. Roll call was
0 Ken Thompson and Joanne of
everyone is welcome to attend the answered by a Bible verse. The
Goderith. Mr. and Mrs. Art �
Margie Whyte Night, May 9th treasurer's report was given by
McMichael, Rhonda, ean
regular meeting; May 2$ d
d, MihlRhdJeff Miss ,lean Leiper. A thank you
Foresters Bowling in London, Scott of Dungannon also visited card was read from Stan McDon- !
The Chicken Barbeque coming with her parents. al¢ and a letter of thanks from No waiting for
up the 2nd week in June. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCfymont Margaret Whyte on behalf of the concrete to
Personals ` of Clinton visited on Sunday wjth Wall farttily• A thank you letter cure. Over 100
The Young People Group of the Mr. and Mrs, Nick Whyth. David. from Orville G: Oke, Seaforth
BrianCrystal and Murray. - size's in shack.,
Londesboro United Church are Lions Club, was read, The
Mr. and. Mrs, Wilfred
holding •a Variety Night on Friday meeting closed with the Lords THE EASYtr
Buchanan a Ilg with
visited on � �� �
evening Apr 19th at 8 P.M. Prayer. Grace was sung and lunch
Sunday evening with Paul.
Easter weekend visitors with, r, served.
�•m Mrs. Don Buchanan, Raul, Jim
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley were and CMry• t Enhance the beauty and value
Mr• and Mrs. Robert Remember It takes but a of your home with precast steel
VdoodS, Debbie and Michele of Mr. John Turner of moment to place all Expositor reinforced concrete Unit Steps. •
Ganano ue Mr and Mrs Doug Tuckersmith visited on Sunday Want Ad and be money in pocket. Our insWIation crews work
.' r�,
9 • with Mr. and Mrs, Reg, Lawson, 'To advertise, just Dial Seaforth iekl and cleanl Phoew 527.1320 -- SMfiorlh
Riley, Kim and Greg of Winthrop Johq and Elizabeth, y y�
527-0240. --------- --�-