HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-05-02, Page 3, 6 yx d 'q• Ji 'F ,% tl'AMY A' ��� 'm�. ," y�.1��yj{1�� + ,y+ •,� !MV.' d.r„ e.��pj i `i 1,4 ,SiY "�a' ,^'aT'�^„'"e .'R l'Y`.Tlr • � �+i�•�in'� �, `,� f. +,., `�' '1 1Y�!?. Frit x '.�,,� .)?�.. i s'a , i '��` s q<; ✓y*1yj l ,'y, ' ', �i.A f( 5, � . � ,� rv'„� , • f t ,� 5 �.'F.,.,. t y■■■X, i.' '.',. i ” Y, i,�'� ",.�.iX pR, r' b•.{ , i .h �M , . A,<a�9j 1,P^P' G :ltL'^ r. # r H < •r Triinmiingk. .,!!..W pr Y u '6.'!A7\'c !' " tq S C9 ZX h G 1 We Guaararlt .e Every %Y q !,• 1 , •nil ��;, " ,�' C �• j•• S E A -F 0 ,RTW N"110111., GQr4on Nbbxq `hong r r+4 W1 appoints, new officers Dublin Womens.Institute held stop sign rules, drinking and N. McKay; Citizenship & World ` .P {,.. , ,,.rii" t f.,.�r }Dp,i 51✓ G^ i : �_ .. .__�:...a-:-.r ,- -h .. '.»- � Mow heir annual meeting and discus- driving, breathalizer tdsts, speed- ' Affairs -Mrs. R. Pepper, Mrs. J. s' : � � a T, sed safety at the home of Mrs. ing, defensive driving, ,women Burchill; Family & Consumer i Harold Pethick. drivers, and girls maturity at an ti Lower -Interest nates g g Affairs and Safety -Mrs. H. Peth- '• - Mrs. Jack Burchill opened the earlier age than bo `s. , , NbW AVAILABLE ON ' P g Y ick,, Mrs. W. Annis; Education-& ' meeting, followed by the minutes , He said driving lessons at the Cultural Activitie$-Mrs. c. .. A PLAY-- This fearsome 'lookinb cast' performed in a play tailed The Stolen ; read by Mrs. -H, Pethick. Treas- high school are an advant gem Friend, Mrs. C. Roney; Resolu Prfrice'•' at Seaforth Public School - last week, apt a concert that was held for Yst , and - 2nd Mortg4ges' . titer's report was read by Mrs. R,: Visiting week at the O.P.P. tions -Mrs. C. Friend; Public , Burchill. Roll call was 'Interesting station ,at Sebrin viii is May Nomin- Education Week. Left, standing are: Joanne Rimmer -The Chorus' Jim McNichol - g g ' y Relations -Mrs. J. Dorsey; The Executioner; Wayne• Matzold - Lond Fo; Carolyn McClure - Wing Lee and anywhere .in Ontario on News of Another Institute. A 12th. A question and answer RESIDENTIAL . - DMUSTRIAL ` spring rally is to be held at the 9 sting committee Mrs. J, Burchill, Dianne Godk,in - Royal Nurse.'Seated on chairs are: Janis Van Vliet - Li Mo; Brian P g y • period followed. He was thanked Mrs. G. Aikens. G4MMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES ` Coliseum at Stratford on May by Mrs. G. Aikens. K•.,.,. Officers Lee - Hi Tee; Seated on floor - Paul Bode - The Pro ert Man and Nelson Peters - � g i n" _ S p Y . interim financing on new eonstructioru; , • r, Z�1-24• The annual meeting then The officers for 1974-75 are: Joy. (Staff Photo) or WW development l OPP Fred Mueilner of Sebring- followed. Minutes were read by Past President -Mrs. Ann Bur -1? 14PItESENTATIVES 19 YOUR AREA — PIRONE Ville who was introduced by Mrs. Mrs,. H. Pethick: Report of chill; President -Mrs. J. Statton; N SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS. L. Barker, gave a'very interesting auditors by Mrs. N. McKay. The Vice President -Mrs. 'W. Annis; talk on safety. slate of officers were installed by 'Secretary -Mrs. J. Looby; Treas- < ' Safety Rules Mrs, H. Pethick. urer-Mrs. A. Burchill; District 4 CONSULTANTS LTD' He* touched on many of the Committees Director -Mrs. J. Burchill; Alter- AREA CODE 618-744-0536 COLLECT safety rules ' and regulations, Standing, committees were nate-Mrs. C. Friend- =Press Re- includingOut. school visits on, safety named: 'Agriculture & Canadian porter -Mrs. L. Barker; Alternate- n for the children, not abiding the industries -Mrs. R. Aikens, Mrs.Mrs. J, Dorsey; Card Secretary- ? y WE RUT EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH , Mrs. O. Smith; Twecdmier Cura- for=Mrs. J. Burchill; Pianist -Mrs. +� NEWS OF C. Roney; Branch Directors-Mrs.' O. Smith, Mrs.` J. Burchill; er + + ' Auditors -Mrs. N. McKay, Mrs.' Women's Hospital Auxiliary'. StaffsThanksC. Roney. ` ;r Correspondent Mrs. Burchill thanked all •pre- rr r' " '""' Ak A Mrs. John Templeman., sent for all the assistance during her term as President and for the _ enjoyable meetings and get MEALS ON WHEELS COMMITTEE — P -E N, N Y A Meals on•W)>eels program, providing i .Miss Vera Hambley, Mrs. urer-Mrs. John Temple ma togethers. A vote of thanks was three hot meals per week to ten Seaforth and area Senior Citizens will st art June 3. Russell Worden and Mrs, Ross Assistant Sec. Treasurer -Mrs, Jo. given by Mrs. C. Roneywto Mrs. The co-ordinating committee for the program • named at a .meetin Monday night McPhail were hostesses for the Van Valkengoed; District D• a Burchill and Mrs. Pethiok, the 9 Y 9 aM i past Secretary, for the excellent are, left, Mrs. Marlen Vincent, Mrs. Bev Thompson, Mrs. Betty Cardno, Mrs. annual meeting of the Staffs for -Mrs. Ed Chappel; Alte nate- P Y Kennel Womens 'Institute held in . the Mrs, Carter Kerslake; ranch work in the Institute. Anne. Y, Dr. Rodger g Whitman and Recreation Director Clive Buist. E. TAw'nship Hall on .Wednesday Directors -Mrs. Bert aynard, Mrs. J. Statton, President, took evening, April 17, at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. George Vivian,' rs. Roy the chair. Courtesy remarks wereMeals }Q 'The President, Mrs. John Miller; McDonald, Mrs. .Sam Norris; given by Mrs. J. Looby. Lucky on wheels coming / O S6aforth Knapp's Auction ,Rooms presided and opened with the " Nominating Committee- ranch Prize was won by Mrs. R. Aikens. .institute Ode and Mary Stewart Directors; Public Relations Of- The ladies of the Institute A Meals on Wheels service will meals paying for themselves, "If people themselves feel they t Collect. In the absence of the ficer-Mrs. Frank Hamilton; Pian- donated food and assisted in begin in Se'kfdirth on Monday, Huron County Home Care' need the meals, then they really and Furniture Store Secretary Treasurer, her assist- ist-Mrs. Bert Daynard; Assistant serving for the tornado area. June 3, it was decided at an director BettyCardno" and ant, Mrs: Jo Van Vacken oed Pianist -Mrs. Ed Chappel; Press Mrs. J. Dorsey and Mrs. J. cases Mrs. Cardno said.... �e' most g PP organizational meeting in the Hospital Administrator Gordon cases people will sort ftiemselves' SATURDAY APRIL 27th read the minutes and gave the Reporter -Mrs. John Templemen; Burchill organized a group of girls Senior. 'Citizens' Apartment McKenzie both stressed. , and entertained 'the shut-ins at g Y g out as far as nutritional need financial statement. Assistant -Mrs. Cameron Vivian; building Monday night. Ten "About $150 should buy a case goes". - >)•,O Roll Call Auditors -Mrs. Frank Hamilton, the Smith Nursing Home in eo le, somdgin the apartments, P Pof containers and get you st anyone. who would like •more +I Roll call was answered by the Mrs. Cameron Vivian; Sunshine Mitchell with their guitars„a $}.pg•„ ,some rept,, will benefit from the arted Mr. McKenzie told the rnformation about the. ro ram or payment of fees for 1974-75 with Committee -Mrs. Russell Worden, song and step dancing. They were service at the beginning, and P g FRIDAY, MAY•,.:.3rd I1 members responding. Mrs. Ruby Reed, Miss Olive assisted by Mrs. L. O'Rourke. each will receive three meals per meeting. Donations from would like to receive Meals on organizations of interested Wheels can call Mrs.Edward Mrs. Charle§� lyouglas, r rs. Skate; 'TweedsMuir Curator- Spring seeding operations be- week. ,,ipdividuals can be sent to Meals Kenny at 527-1154 between •Ii --.SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE --- John Templemeii; and lvits. Vert' 'amiss Very H'am6ley; Tweedsmuir gan here on the weekend and Organizers hope the program on,.Wheels, c/o the Recreatiop- and 1„ p.m. or Mrs. Anne • Daynard were appointed a com- Committee- Mrs. Carter Ker- should be general by this week- can exftnd gradually to provide Office, Box 885, Seaforth. or given Kelrnedy,, mornings at 527-0548.. - mittee to plan a bus tri for June slake, Alvin Barbour, Tom Scott, end 'with good weather. Th more meals to more people per O ..any merSeaf , o the DRAW WILL BE MADE 9:0 :rrt., MAS S"�"d P P week. The organizing committee have sided for the election of Cameron Vivian,' Mrs. Ed Chap ground is working well.--- co-ordinating committee, A list of Alread heard from, about 12 or July, Mrs. John Templemen pre- pel• Personals Seaforth -Community Hospital y donors will appear in the officers. Convenors Mr. and Mrs. Geor e Covil e, will provide siz meals er da •••-or people who volunteered to drive g I P P y Expositor. meals once a week from the TICKETS ON SA TIDE STORE OR; Reports were given by commit- Standing Committee Conven- who spent the past two weeks in thirty a week at a cost of 85c per tees and convenors and moved ors: Agriculture & Canadian New York State with friends, meal. Disposable' Styrofoam Meals will be available to Hospital to,,. some of the FROM ANY AUXILIARY MEMBER accepted as read. Mrs. Miller Industries -Mrs. Jo. Van Valken- returned home on Monday. containers for each meal cost an Senior Citizens in Egmondville recipients. Meals will be ready to - gave areport of the past years goed, Mrs. Penelope Fell; Educa- Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas. Kraus- additional 15c to bring the cost and Harpur-hey as well as be picked up at the Hospital at 5 It highlights,•• tion and Cultural Activities -Mrs. kopf have taken- up residence -on per "ttieal- to $1, Prospective Seaforth and can be purchased on p.m., Mr. McKenzie said and New Offleers Lloyd Miller, Mrs. George Vivian; Saturday on, John Street in the customers of the program who a weekly or monthly basis. delivery would likely take 20 The nominating committee pre- Citizenship and World Affairs-- • Home of Mrs. Kate Krauskopf. attended the meeting felt the $1 ' Tickets will be sold for the meals minutes or a ' half . hour. sented the following slate for Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs,, Mrs. Steve Eckert of Hamilton change was reasonable. in advance so that lists can be Representatives from church .1974-75: Past President -Mrs. Ed ' Robert Parsons; Family and Con- is visiting at the home of Mr. and A committee of Mrs. Bev. drawn up of who receives meals groups and the Legion who Chappel; President -Mrs. John sumers Affairs -Mrs. Ross, Mc- Mrs. George Coville and other Thompson, Mrs. Marlen Vincent, on what days. The hospital will be attended the meeting said they O i .Miller; 1st Vice President -Mrs. , Phail, Mrs. Robert McCaughey; relatives. Mrs. Betty Cardno, Dr. Rodger able to provide meals for'people would solicit volunteer drivers " Charles Douglas; secretary tress Resolutions -Mrs. Ed Chappel, Mr. Paul .Horan of London Whitir}an, Mrs. Anne Kennedy with special diets, who often find from their organizations. „ s ent the weekend with his d Recreation Director Clive cooking for one especially Any individual who wants to P father, Mr. Fergus Horan, Mrs. Marion Kelly of Kinkora visited on Sunday,with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Byers, Barbara, Bonnie and Billy of Kitchener visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Byers. ' Mr. and Mrs. Vic,Layland and dishes were prepared by the girls: their niece, Penny Layland, from Lasagna with tomato sauce Malvern, Worcestershire, by Cheryl Riley, Betty Anne ,England, are spending a few days Miller and Margaret Laing; with Mr. and Mrs., Mervin Dow Mexican chili rolls by Kathy hand family. Douglas, Teresa Wallace, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing Bonnie Norris; relish tray and and Mrs. John Jefferson attended creamy rice with meringue an Buist was formed to co-ordinate the program. Area organizations are being asked' for donations to get the program underway and ' to establish a kitty so that anyone who needs the meal and cannot afford the $1 charge, can'have the difficult. Because many senior citizens in Seaforth have' already indicated an interest in receiving Meals on Wheels, there was some discussion at the meeting about how to select the first ten recipients. The first meals will b bl h h h ve the volunteer as a driver, one half hour a week or a month can call Mrs: Marlen Vincent at 527-0373, In perhaps• a month "after.' the wrinkles , are ironed out” Mr, McKenzie said the Hospital could probably provide 8 meals a day. The tWaximum the Hospital could meal subsidized. The program - pro a y go to t ose w o a probably handle would be 12 or 14 wiifdk be self supporting; with most urgent need and apply first. a day, he. said. the Cantata in Listowel topping by Lorraine Laing. and � •"• -: - 1 Presbyterian Church on Sunday Julie Anne Elliott. Cabbage, Ricky Maloney and Francis and visited with Mrs. Bruce salad, brad and cookies were Feeney of Kitchener spent the Cleland and family. supplied by the leaders, Mrs. weekend with their uncle and Alec Scott has completed his C.Douglas and Mrs. John aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Melady. I term of employment in Guelph Wallace, Miss Nell Doyle and friend of and is home to take up farming Betty Anne Miller presided for London spent Sunjay with • her with his brothers, John and .the meeting which followed. After brother. "gh• ' the 4-H pledge the roll call was Miss Rose Doyle of Cedar Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dow "A convenience food used in my Springs spent the weekend with visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. home and how it compares in her father Mr. Michael Doyle. Ralph Feltz and family, Clinton, price to something made from Mr, and Mrs. S. McLean spent Mr. and Mrs. Cy Canning of scratch". Gail Harburn gave the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -Dennis Lisle spent last weekend with Mr, secretary's report and ' the girls Nolan. and -Mr!' . Harvey Dow and Jean, discussed and filled in the sheet Mr. and Mrs..Jim Doyle and '— Munchkins on meal planning. girls of London visited with Mrs. The Staff Munchkins held•their, Frank Maloney and Francis. final meeting of the Cereal Shelf on Monday after'school. It was" a supper meeting and the following Mr. and Mrs. Dave Regier and children of Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James Mailioux and Brother Joseph of Toronto visited relatives here on'. the weekend.. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mt., -ray and Correspondent daughters of Scarboro spent Mrs. Charles. Goddes Mrs. Mary Thornton has Sunday with the formers parents, returned to her home after Mr, and Mrs.\ Gilbert Murray. spending last week in Seaforth Michelle Mutray and Maureen Mrs. Howard James, Mrs. Dar- Community Hospital. Costello of Kitchener spent the win Bannermat, Mrs, Leo Tea- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preszca- weekend with their grandparents, tero, and Mrs. Walter Armes tot of Crediton visited with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray. ptended a meeting in Ingersoll and Mrs: Edward Regele . and Mr. and Mrs. Don Murray of on Monday representing the Mrs. Mary Thornton on Monday Ldndon visited their grandparent's Hospital Auxiliary of Seaforth. afternoon. Mr. ai,d Mrs. Gilbert Murray Mr. and Mrs. Howard James Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray of St. before leaving to spend the have started the foundationof Coiumban visited with Mrs. Mary summer at Winnipeg and Cal- -q&heir new -home in the village. Thornton M onday evening, gary. I - r N• THANKS ! We would like to thank everyone who helped to make our ' Opening a Success. WINNERS OF THE DRAWS WERE: ' 1. Jeff Cardiff --10 sheets Weldwood panelling 2• D. McMullen, RR' 1 "Listowel -- 36" marble ' Vanity Link 3: Russell Knight -- Skill Saw '4. Mac�ussey -- 6 Luxaply Panels 5. Melville Lamont 3 gcs,l. Glidden Paint -, 6. Norman' Schade, Walton -- 1 Ji saw , i`" • BUI L ASSOCIATE STORE Brussels, Ont. Phone 887-6277 1 Two- DRYER- • Not exactly as as illustrated Permanent Press Cycle Timed Cycle ' Q 3' Heat Selection ... ,... ,'$1.69,91 77 J FRANK KUNG ITD. -- electrical gifts that please -- 527-1320 -- AEAFORTH �r k -i