The Wingham Times, 1893-12-08, Page 1Live Tiachors, CIPAL of the 1, of London, Ont., (revery student, flavin¢ anent once, he Mould knew 'how to Iandhirr among i nerleaf men. rrd $t.r,0 per week.. WILT, Principal. le B happy to be able. to a, way that will in - dear at any price, s [in uiv :tnas Supplies. N, MISSES S AND CARDIGANS SITS )articplar- @4C310te fou prefer SLITS IT RE "The Anchor.", _ _ r k, two of the one line and ng to see, even.. E OAPS of NITS es are broken, 'e at a pce. just opened. VOL XXL ---No. X140. Cold weather is at hand and Xmas is coming. Are vou prepared for then, I£ not, you should go at once to the z .n..,�,•-.. ;,.ANI y1 Where you will find an excellent range of winter goods of every description. Our Dress Goods and Furs are in the lead as usual in values and assortment, We are also showing special values in !I. Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Under- clothing. In the Gents' Furnishing Department we have an immense range of Tweeds, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Sox and a special line of Sealette Caps, in all the leading shapes, and at a pries that is lower than the lowest. Don't fail to see them. The head of our Grocery Department is also making a special effort in that direc- tion. Chosee New Fruit Currants ang Raisins, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels; prize Columbian Cheese and the old re- liable 85o. Tea, all to hand. ORR 8c HISCOC1i.S, Direct Dry Goods Importers. Tam Beds, November 80, 1891 Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PaemasoN, No 23, Vic-. toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. .attit DRESS WIAKINP mite. JO$ RULLA.il m Eras decided to open a *eke e king bust cess, ather residence ,lfr't eet, opposite` t Queer's Hotel. Satisfac4hl t.` guaranteed. s Apprentices wanted., . 3m • I WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1893. Sieigh.ruuners e . itable for any size of Baby Carriages, a Gracey's, �ehe Town Counc' , at the meeting on -Monday evening last deferred action on • the "Curfew Bell" by law for a time. -Call and see the bargains in ladies' hats, at Miss Wallace's, -We are pleased o see Dr. Maeclonnld out again on the e f reefs after bis rather severe illness. A grand street pa ade at noon on Friday, Deo. 15th, by Stow dti Co., Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. -The Rev. R. •111oNa1r, of Carleton Place, will preacl in the Presbyterial) church, on Sunday. ext, both morning and evening. -Are you interes ed in a course of busi- ness training or sho thand? See advertise- ment of Canada Bu 'nese College of ,Chat- ham, on page 8. -Good and Cheap -Good flour at $1,50 per 100 pounds, All kinds of feed equally as cheap, at A. H. Carr's. Wingham. -It was decided, the last meeting of the Council, to take vote on the House of Refuge, in the town. Most of the munici- palities in the count are also taking a vote on the question. -Mies Nora Cleric 1, the great Canadian ►1olinist, who is to spear in Wingham on the 28th instant, is lffering from a severe attack of la grippe, a d is confined to her room at a hotel in S Catharines. Miss 17azie Mark the world's greatest opiy, is with Sto rk Co.'s Uncle Tom's abut Co , and will appear at the Town all, on Friday, Dec 15th. -=The Canadian acific Railway seems o be bothered cons; erably by the recent now falls. On To sday and Wednesday f this week, it did not reach Wingham ntil about four o'el k, ,p. m,, being over n hoer late, T 'C -- 1 0 LOCAL NEWS • a - Call at the Star Restaurant for a big , vi assortment of fruit. Jas. Mciir•:LVn.. ' o - Our young reader, vertisement of the Cat lege of Chatham, on p should read the ad- d a Business Col- ge 8. -The TIMES will be sent to any address from.now till the lst of January, 1895, for One Dollar. Walkerton is t erect with a "Jack the Kisser," who ha ben annoying some ,of its female residen s late. i ---Ladies' felt 11 sat cost, at Miss Wal- 11ace' millinery st . rThe splendid s eighinis making busi- ness and saw logs are coming in in large quantities. -The waterworks are being extended east along. Patrick street, the contract for doing the work havi g en let to Messrs. T. A. Cline et Co. -Grain chop i done for 5 Dents per 100 lbs. at the ngham Oatmeal Mill. Oats exchanged r oatmeal. W. MAInx.Y, VN -At the last rneetin of the Town Coun• iewaseleoided to p t ina number of additional ohairs in t town hall, as well as to properlyseat the Council Chamber. ' he new 8 cent s amp issued by the Deiii,in uppostal au%bo ities is intended to ge of t, fetter cov,4Y' t11B a10111ary post wel) b ' x.e ist�ration, O tc='� ok will do instea t ly, ...4What • cal . t ge present? X itnow.; 1'11 g beautiful an t Yana Mug -Follow the rash to Munsllaw's for olinsand violin strings and testi uloid. mouth rgatls at 25 Cente. =Word wins receive iu town, on Wed- nesday, of the death t Dr. W. Young, formerly of this place The doctor died on. Tuesday, of typhoid ver, in British Col- umbia, where he had been practising his profession sfuoe leavi r; here iu 1888,.) His many friends in tows will be sorry relearn of his premature de ise. -Wanted, 10 to 20 men to cut cordwood and sawlogs. Work to oommence at once. Gno. TiionxsoN, Wingham, Ont. -Capt. Richardson late of Orillia and Owen Sound, has err' ed in town and is in oharge of the local c '•ps of the Salvation Army. The Captai appears to be an earnest,entbusiastic orker. Next Sund ay being missionary Sm ay, the Captain wil preach, in the evenin from the subject "Christianity's Crim .11 silksAand lbroidh laren goads, at MissfWassortment oal. -.Very cold weatl r has already been experienced in ma points in northern Ontario, the therm neter dropping quite a number of degrees 1 low zero. -Cash for ;good butter and eggs at R A. Grahams market grocery. ,,/, =-Mr, W. C. ]MIeI r and family, of D treat, who purchased Mr. J. S. Jerome's brick residence on Francis street, have moved Into their ple ant and comfortable home. -Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of .interest. Apply to tf Jane NlemANDs. --Editor Todd, the Clinton News - Record, is in Toront being treated for an affection of the ear, which has troubled him since he had the a grippe, a couple of years ago. -Our accounts ar all rendered; please call and get yours. o not wait for usyo send it to you. ry -It is expec of Mitchell, wil the e Tonlperance day evening, 19t, -It is said that ment intend to pros business for iusuran not licensed. This ber of American Co Orin i4� Hxscocss. ho Ontario Govern - cute, all agents doing g o companies that are 'ill affect.a large uuzp-'r tponies. -The best offer yet -The Timis and the Toronto Weekly Globe from now till the endo; 1894, for $1,50. ,Y O r townsman, 1� "leas received the opl the tank engine puj Grand Trunk Railw ham.'This position Mat eson, of Luokn teen years. . Richard Kinsman, rintneent of meal g !ping water for the y Company in Wing- haa been filled by Mr, w, for the past four- -Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by HALBEY Pane, Meyer Block, Wingham. -The Clerk of eac unicipality in the Province will attend his office, on Mon- day, Dec. 11, for the • ppointment of per- sons to attend et the erieus polling places and at the final sum `ug up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf o the: persons advocat- ing the affirmative an negative of the vote to be taken on the P obibition Plebiscite. Temperance people sl ould not fail to have sufficient su.utineers ppointed to attend to this matter. Fovea SArx-A n❑ ber of thorough- bred Young Roosters of Silver Wyandotte, Black Langshan, Black. Spanish and Brown Leghorn breeds. Apply to John A. Bern- aru, Wroxeter, or R. Elliott, Wingham, -The anuiversai• servicesih connection with the Wingham ethodist church, will be held on Sunday nd Monday next. On Sunday, Rev. Mr. ryers, a former pastor, will preach both lorning and evening. 1 On Monday evenin a literary and musical entertainment will e given in the church Addresses will be gi en by Rev. Jas. Living- stone, of Kinoardie •. Rev. Mr. Pryers, of Acton, and Bev. G. . Cobblediok, of Bruns sels. The choir wil furnish appropriate music. All are core 'ally invited. - For first -elites taildring and cheap gents fnrtliihings, try Webster & Co, 1{elnember the place, only two doors north of Life rld stand sed between Ross' book. store and Patterson's jewellery shop. - On Sunday, the th instant, the Rev. Jos. Wild, of Toront , late pastor of the Bond . i• street Cont,ret tioual church in that City, will preach n the Congregational church, in this plan , at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m On Monday ev,ning, the 18th, he will lecture in the sane laee,on "The Dangers anil Safety of Cana. ." The doctor is so well known,llaving a vorld-wide reputation, it is only necessary ., annomxce that he is to speak in Wingh m to secure a large audience. -It is said that 13 ussels is soon to have a Conservative pa '1•, with Mr. Tames Irvine, of Atwood, a editor. The experi- nt of sustaining second paper in Brus- was tried once ef're, and it did not ve a profitable o c, and should serve es •turning to those bout to embark in this tare. Tho Pos is giving the town and people good ser ce. f have a large/ took of furniture in (i Room Suits, Sideboards, Tab les, for Suites, F. ,c ''Chairs (in Oak and tan), Spring eds, Mattresses, etc., t I .wish to di osc of by the new year, w prices wil to it. So don't buy any t: in the fur ;tore line until you call at racey's I'tirniture Store, Wingham. ciallylow prices for spot &telt. me eels pro a1 vee as its It is a tinicasa ea't l o two, 'a3 fhlme',s o; Petr an ny for aXmas Iia, t her ono of those .the aw's. if to 'Athin.G Spe --An: "At Home," undthe auspices of j the 004.01ati Endeavor Society, will be held it7''tliebasemex t of a Presbyterian church, on Monday evenil g next. 'A pro- gramttle;eitentisting of voc and instrutnell. ,tat mals; ,, et ; will be gi en d refresh. tints provided for all. ' c. dial invitee tion is extended to all. Stowe ire Co.'s Uncle : m's Cabin, at Town Hall. Wingham, day, Dee. 16th. Reserved seats now on le at Williams' drugstore, Prices; 95, 8 and 50 cents. -The Hamilton Times, a recent issue: paid the following com 1lhtnent to our townsman, Mr. Thos J. S'btt: ')Mr. Scott, of Wingham, and recentl , frtiiii Scotland, appeared here for the ':hr t tine I.e has ;0 expressive and powerf tenor ite*,and !singe • the Scottish babas with that soft, -We take the foll wing obituary notice from the last issue f the Strathroy Age, The deceased was an 'uncle of the editor of the Times t The d th of William It Elliott, an old set or of Caradoc, took plane at the family r sidence on Monday evening at the mat re age of 76 years. 11 in Genesee Co nty, New York, on 18, 1817, William Elliott came to Can. with hia.mother, s ttling in the County S4entworth, in 1826 In 1840 he remove o the township of ` aradoo, purchased farm on which h.: died, and, with his e, Miss Frances R ittgs, began to hew a home in the wilt rndss. The father blamemother were blame ', with a family of t cllildren,of whom 've eurvive,George, mac; Mrs. Chas. oopor, of Strath- Mrs. T. D. sill, of rathroy; Jo etown, and Seam + eif West Plaice, Mr. Elliott ever a eta t' rat of the old t•chool, tailor o' the o of be for 95 years, ands onounced friend 1 true reform. Ti fnnetal takes today at one o'elocl Rev.1'.li:. Day-, presiding at the ser, a in the ,;;'rank t Methodist Church. Bor July neht of ed t the brit out and melodiotee *pie 'peculiar to the Dario tongue. eigli In mins**recalls 110 !, ve "Green Grow of C the Rashes, 0," and 'Highland dean." toy; His duet, "The Crook; Bawbeo," with Ridg Mrs, McArthur, was per yaps the prettiest In p thing of the evening. It is a 'fetching' Tribe 'sort of a piece, and bo 1 sang etceedingly G1 vvell.n al ,-The beat o+fer .vet ---The Trios end the place nto Weekly Globe from nnw till the foot e1�3 of 1804, for $1,50, Area Goo Of all the Chri the market tl Montreal St They were plrtionlar, by their loveliness, lighted to hear that MSS Star out early of perfectly bowilde The Moro Cionel the town hall',. when the ,boll Miss Norah io'tnedian; Mi Reeerved seats 0 'Williams' drug tto as Marty as posslbl ing opera chairs dress. All doing so Council Chamber f. 'up the back way it m is lieauties ever put on e hr stmas numbers of the asil carried off the palm. t and nt gems of art in every nd sim I,y carried people away The public will be do. here is to be a Christ- in December, a thing ing beauty. , - if est t oneert., : : 1 cotloert will lxt ;qui it1 j as ittnon 1)eeenabet• :¢tit, ; lent will take 'part: iollnist; 111r.,ratnTax, , Curtis, elocutionist. ; its and 35 cents, at , w . Itis expected that ' t f theaudienceoeoupy t I appear i11 'evening,' v ill have the Ilse of the it dressing roo.u. Come ;$he hall. g t .r d that the Rev. A. V. ',Pully, speak on Prohibition, in 1a11, Wingham, on Tues. instant: n t. n Toro1,50 s to Weekly Globe sh will 11 froremnowt ll theun T131ES 1st 9f January, 1895. Subscribe at once, r" -A short time o, twenty-five of the citizens of Mild y appeared before a magistrate and lead $1 50 eaoh for having ale, in that village. $1 A YEAR IN AD "ANC To the bdi:ec or the Whig ata Maim Doren Snt, -.Iliad th agbt that some abler writer than I would ve ere this called the attention of our Bo, rd of Education to an unnecessary evil tha ' is growing in midst -the giving of pre ents by the pu to teachers every year. t think that Board of .Education woulc be doing a be fit to the ratepayers (if they have i their power; to stop this e i1. They might, however, carefully omsid. • the matter, as it is now commencing to be a burden on Itarr.rArl:It. participate.1 in a -If Gen, Neal Dow, the Grand Old Man of the Prohibitio ists, lives till March 20th next he will be 0 years old. A movement is on foot for a g eras celebration of the day by temperan societies thronghout the world. -Ladies, have your garments made by Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite' the Queeu'r, Hotel, Latest styles, good work, always first -olefin fit. The inclemency f the weather prevent- ed a number of the t lembers of Caledonia Camp, Sons of So tland, of this town, joining the memb' rs of Murray Camp, Clinton, on Thursd y evening last, in their an l dinner. e --At a epeoiai m tiug of the Methodist Church Official Bo •d, held on the 30th of November, to consi er the question of in- viting a euccessor t the Rev. S. Sellery, as pastor of the churc , at the close of the conference year, a thoroughly unanimous invitation was exte ded to the Rev. G. A. Giffo,d, M. A., Ph. „ of Fergus, to the pastorate,; The inv tation has been cordi- ally accepted by Dr Gifford. -G T R triune for Toronto and ens, leave Wingham et 6.25 a m and 11.20 e rn, via W 0 & 13 Divisu,,,. tied net (1,40 a as and 3.45 p m, via Clinton and (i•ueip,h. Good connections by all trelua. FIRST UO'GREGATION�L (HIIR0Fi, WING](iAM.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser.. vioes each Sunday at 11 a. re. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2.30, Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 8 p. m. Christian Endeavor;,Friciay evenings at 8 p. m. All made welcome. Seats free. Strangers welcome, Sunday, December 10th. Mor ink subject: "Hold Fast." To young eople: "A Message front the Waves." vening : "The Un- pardonable Sin." Logs, Logs Messrs. Button & Peasant have again received their usual large order from Eng- land for maple blocks, and will again be paying the highest cash prices for any quantity of good large maple logs. Also all other kinds of logs taken. -We take the folio don Advertiser on ation services were 1 yesterday morning. ordained by the Bis appropriate sermon Innes from I Corin preaching of the cr isle foolishness; bu saved it is the pow ing from the Lon- onday last : Ordin- Id at Christ Church The 3 oung men were p of Huron, while an vas preached by Dean hians, i., 18: "For the s is to them that pets unto us, which are r of God," The condi. dates were presonte 1 by Archdeacon Marsh and at the close of the service the Holy Communion was administered by the bishop, assisted by the dean and archdea- con. The pastor, tev. Canon Smith, also• tools part in l the se vire. The young men ordaivacl were: M ssrs. L. C. Clarke (of Wingham), F. Leig ( (of Tilbury), and 11. 'W. Jeanes (of Dun Inman), asdeacons; and Rev. I. Hunt, of S uthampton), J. T, Ber- rie (of Bayfield), a1 d E. Lee (tf Princeton),. to the order of the riosthood, --Rev. George tared in the Congo place, on Friday ev in General Booth's was not a very lar;; W. H. 'Meson, the occupied the Chair lecturer with a few c Me. Puller launched Old Loudon, in w couple of years recon conceive of the inti ul city with over 11 ation, . anal • novel quitrent territory. tel 750,000.liansas. tooth has ( n+ttt where turn aro take in unci {live:) a i:iDel. ad bed for four lr ureas a night, ,t11rl it as to tree how thea ; places are oouclucttiJ hat Mr. Fillet' spn, t a eight iu one of item as an inmate. His descriptio•, of his ;sit was amusing rrd t11e audience Heart. y enjoyed it, Ilf' Fuller had nothing belt P for Getter Rooth in his philan- rophio 'work amo g the poor in London. iter, of Stratford, leo- wtional church, in this ning last, on "A Night 'helter Home," There audience, and the ltev, pdstor of the church, mid introduced the our pile t tile' W. B. `Yowler, that t ne tire Provincial Govern tin County Councils to pr n fuge for the destitute, write to other towns county and do the eat The committee to the matter of Mr. Thof from taxes, reported. was referred bank to tl rent. Moved by . B. Tuwl,rt', seconded by W. F. Brookeu, lire, thus the rein, pea due and for current., mouth for the house occupied by Mr. Wi lams, Le l;:afd by the Charity Committee Carried. Moved 1)' Phos, G ,egary, seessulcil 1'y is Council request exit to compel the vide houses of ro- und that the Oletlt nd villages in the --Carried. hon) was referred s. lien's exemption n motion,the report e commit tee, to confer some, Personal Clinton News -Record: Wingham, was in Cliuto Miss Maggie Elliott, o ingfriends and relatives Air. Geo. Mebianuus, s a"position as telegraph Northwestf for some ti visit to itis parents. Mr. Wm. Robertson, a position at Eincerdil'1 has returned home. i%Ir. John Smith, Win:ltam on busines Mr. Smith was very with the appearance o respects, be thinks "Iiub." Mr. Thos. Tipling, his hand injured cou friends in and aroun Mr. John Elder is where he has Leer time. Seaforth Exposit is at present holiday Wingham. Palmerston Rep Wingham, spent W Lucknow Sentine Wingham, was visi lege last week. Clifford Express: Winghniti, was at 1 Thursday. Tow The regular mo Town Council was hast. Present -Ma Sperling, Deputy -R Councillors 'Towler, cocks, Gregory, McI man, Ilowuth, 111oL A communication Aiktns, complaining purchased at the r were assessed too hi A communicatio Thos. J. Scott, askin • on Mouda Howick, is vis re town. ho has been filling operator in the e, is home on a it- with Mr. Bell, and r port at next meetieg fling pieces and att- vho has been BM for some time pas A. By-law, fixing pointing deputy -ret ming officers for the municipal elections, was read three timee and passed. Thepol ing places and deputy - returning officere a as follows : Polling place in No. 1 ward in Jos. Golley's office, ng t, Jas. Plenty, deputy returning officer; No.2 ward, in 'Halsey taet'e shop, Gem PaYnet the town hell, J. I Ferguson, deputy -re- ward in W. W. Inglis* of Clinton, was on Saturday las avora,bly impress Wingliam. In sons we are ahead of tl urning officer; No. store, Wm. Robe aeon, deputy-returising lei °ft1137.r.law No. 217, I 14 years shall not the ringing of the " three times. 3. Jerome, that the ringing of the Curf the Council. Moved by Geo. 11 Keuzie, seconded by J. A. McLeon, that the Ity-low now react, No. 217, regulating se hours that childeen and yonths may or nay not appear on the streets, be laid over for further mnsider- ation tor say two n their motion, and •he motion of Me.ssre,t,;, vote of eight to foi r. to pay over to the ohne School Barad the pb:liasns.ce of the mo ey levied for echool par - The Reeve we ted to know why the electric foot lights ere not.put in. It was ' decided to have th lights put ia as soon as f Clinton, who ha ling cars, visitir Wingliarn. home from Sarnia, employed for some Master H. Grieve ug with relatives in er; Prof. Scott, of dnesday in town. . Miss McCreight, of mg friends in the vil- I Mr. A. McDonald, of r. 3. Hazelwood's on Wily meeting of the la on Monday evening or Gordon, Reeve ve Brockenshire and eelands,Jerome, His. tzie, Elder, Herds - vas read from Wtn. bat certain lots Imbed ent tax sale in town was read from Mr. the Council to put 111153 additional ch irs in the town hall, in view of the expect d large audience at the Nora Clench cone McKenzie, seconded the matter of putti in the Town ai Chamber, be referred mittee, with power. t hist passed a resoluti asking the Council county house of refu municiptil elections. let 1°1 task stisV;ii4:stee°tankaecidt, vobtyi; at the next eiectious rt. Moved by Geo. y Thos. Gregory,that in additiooal chairs d seating the Council to the Property Corn - wits read frounth& at theCountyCortinii mat its last meeting, f each of the munici- on the question of a at the forthcoming llies. Gregory, that the house of refuge mending payment of t e following accounts: P. Davidson, fire and water, $4; V. David- son, clearntig streets $8; James 1?lettty, printing, $3 50; Ralp 1 Rogers, work et utrects, SW 50; Alex ltoss, stationery 82 81; Wilson lumber, a26 82 Thos. Irwin, night -wit ohman,$36 60; Thos Lavin, caretaking of emetery, 08 34; 0 N. Tel. Co., supplies f r fire alarm, 87 07 lit Co . street light d lighting hall, 88:3; It. Elliott, advertis llespie, fire and w iter; Sse 25; Mayor seem: and Clerk, electing jnrors, $12 Saint, teaming, $2; 3. hu Ainsley, assiating in tinting 3. Johnston tre London, $1i. account of Messrs. Ca. Lloyd .& Son, open- ing culvert on John ,t ad Leopold streets, amourding to 86, WAS referred to the Conti. oil,. as waa not cell tied. ort motion the report wa, adopt el. was. leid beton tho !ter, when III,. tars. Lloyd hunk explanati and the Connell ordered payment of th account. The '11taFer stated that Mr. %Tame.. who was unable to pay is rent, haa hppliea tobim for $4 50, t v three menthe' Wingliam Electric Li 1893, regulating the ren nnder the age of be on the streets, and urfew Bell," was read aeing, seconded by 3. y -law referriug to the possible. The question of i hall was discussed lands, that insuran thousand dollars b proper rates be obt ried. surname on the town t some leugtbs Moved to the amount of four r ut on the town hall, if ined, say $1 05 -Cats On motion, the ayor, Treasurer alla - Clerk were instru ted to prepare the usual. financial report as per statute and submit'. some to the Coutes 1 at its meeting on Dila 15th inst. ' A Prominent Lawyer. "I have eight children, every one ingood health, not one of whom but has tale, a Scott'e Emulsion, in which my wife has boundless confidence." Williams Little Dandelion Pills will cnre Headache, TUtot,st Sour Stomach, et,s. '11 y them -Untie *4 you will not use any other. Price 2ae. box, at all drug stores. Oill!keti the best Fends!, inniineut le h tvoil.,t1Stallt (etre for spraine and BraiSeee "Beware of imitations. Ask or tire litireSeS Worm, Gwrierte rt, made arid eerie Lee.... x. ; 51 eathfield's ID ruling lila t Saila . Will 001.0 the worst cold. ituncht Els ,,f eating Delwin does 001 00 all that in s claimed for it. . I remit) the blood purr, end les p it pore. ; Cleve dyspepsia and all 2.411ra of ;eve woe , end liver troubles It is the bust; lay the beet. Price one dollar a bottle. six bottles for five dollars. :itillu:sriti. Iiing.'s *Worth. Pncriterm. mt in desetiption of ing ich he had spent a eat ly, Otte elm Lordly sta tsitv of this wonder. millions of a popu- nr over thirty-two has 35,000 streets thifaeity vt. of Shelter IlIoniee' Are all reliable nterlieinea raid ilia prri. ease or money retu i