The Wingham Times, 1893-12-01, Page 6THE WING:HAW TIMES, DECEMBER 1, 1893. ]tcTND and the amount 1poued nn account of thR elttrewele dia• agreeabiit weather. Due notice will be glveu of Bete when meeting will be held to il[eouse this important queetiuu, Mrs. IL N, Duff spent 'l;heuki•gtving tet l enfryn. Mr. George Burgess ie home front Priuee Edward Inland,where be hue been eu. I year being 51 An pound* /w, .'* a of Money realised being nearly 837,009, .. — 'f`):auksgiving ,servikes were conducted in the presbyterian elturela by Rev. Afr. Mae. Noble, 4f Edinburgh. We will keep up the high character of Messrs, ];saga and William Conn bave xr goods: andlower the profit xnarg}n, t)ttr returned from Dakota, in whielx they spent the summer. Mx. Cunningham, the well known shoe- nxaker, is very ill at present,.. 1Flr. Pat, Troy ie. recovering from, an at- tack of typhoid fever. eirmantle business is graving fest. To The annual meeting of the Creamery lye it en extra, push, we will offer from Company will be held in the Foresters' ow until the *lose ref the year,. Beersa Hall, on Saturday, December 1 LNra and more of them than any other p, tn, QM, at lower prices. That we are head• carters for mantles is easily proven by our !gentle stook andateedilyenoreasingteade. MANTLES. 'settles are the, highest credit to Winghatn 4 ourselves. Our stook stands to -day ,tnnd to none outside the city --and why s#, xe buy the beat materials frent the igheat skilled manufacturers in the world? OVERCOATS. We are going to .convince youthat this reuse is the place to buy your overcoats nd suits; they are in tan, gray, blue and dark, very etylish and very durable. We rill y, %p•lea us ten or fifteen minutes to try them on. Foe style or value we over- ttadow any competition at the price. 'bat's til Atka it. DRESS GOODS. P;tst.lo x.tble Dre,:s Fabrics in new and dark :nlw s in Victoria Serges, Hopsock- ing, Cheviots, Mixed Suitings, Plaids and triers, We can please you in Gloves, hosiery, "rc2e'wear, Blankets, Carpets, Lane Cur- ains. Roots and Shoes. teverehn ,E, reed ktnbbers, Gents' Furnish - age, most complete, at M. H. MaiNBOoss. Personate. jr B. 1'. Chapman, of the Ripley Et -t- int, spent Thankseiviug with his brother toWV, 1 tr. W. J. Chapman. r. A. W. Webster was in Seaforth on nese, on Friday last. ;,,y. B R Keefer, a former pastor of the 11.pl:ii.,x1 tittlioclibt "elniroh, was visiting ricut<e in town dui;ing the past week The ev, r t utleman is residing in Pennsylvania loth, at Morrle. Mr. Robb, Geddes carve over to the "Benediots" en tbe 22nd November, by marrying Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. Thos, Clark, of the 5th concession, His brother, Mr. 0. Geddes, supported him ou the occasion,. while Miss Annie Clark was bridesmaid for her slater, Rev. Mr. Dyke, of Belgrave performed the sero• mouy. Quite a number of friends gather- ed to sen the marriage. A very tine sup- per was prepared for the occasion and was fully enjoyed by the friends. Many pre- sents gave evidence of good wishes for success. The couple left for a honeymoon trip before settling in their new home. May they live iu it long and happily. Mr. John M. Sloan, sop of Mr, A. W. Sloan, of this township, passed Ills final examination in the Royal College of Physicians and Suugeons, in Glasgow, Scotland, recently. Tax Collector Mooney has the roll, and has commencedhis rounds. The total amount to be collected this year is $11;t 46 91.• ria r riston. geged in cheeaemekint;. Mr, Jobe J. Archibald, Q. O., or Mou-1 trees, who baa recently been appointed to a judgeship of the Sorerier Court, is married to Miss Hutolimit, ((innerly of this plane. A Union Tbaukagiving rervioe was held in the ltethodiatehureh here, on'T'haaks- giving day, at 10,80 a, vet. Rev. A, Y. Hartley preaobed the sermon, which watt uppropriata and much enjoyed by the e)»gregation. The attendance was fairly • good.• Rev. H. A. Shaw, of • Wroxeter, will preach iu the Methodist ohurgh ou Sabbath everting next, as the Pastor goes to Bel - more to preach Auni'ersary sertnors. Rev. Memel Paul sed wife, of Urus4els, f were visiting their daughter, M re. Joseph Pugh, on Thanksgiving day. The Snow was gently falling cu the eve of Tha:,ksgiving, about the hour of 7, 111\1111r pR�,��when a solitaryknight descended from a 1I ^' snowy hill, and although neavily laden with armor, be strode with i}rm and lengthy step. On, ou, he pushed with ) burned step and crossed .the peaceful brook. Nor stayed he until he had reach- ed what seemed to be the object of his travel,: —a large, centrally located building —perhaps a citadel or storehouse. Iota 1 this place he immediately hastened. He had scarcely eutered when be challenged tbe keeper to defend himself as beet his courage and valor would allow. II: deadly combat each ou the other closers. Bach employed all tactics and mauoeuvrr.s of guarding and thrusting. Time serird to e our Hero vauquitined u,nd now be lay Mr. Watson, from near Teeswater, was married to Miss Mitchell, of this place, last Wednesday. 1tev. Mr. Munro tied the nuptial knot. The t•treets presented a very lively ap- pearauoe ou Saturday last, owing to the good sleighiug, It is to be feared that the at present, and is engaged in evangelical present rain will briug us luta the mud " • irk. again. Nfra. A. MoILeen, of thistown:speut Sun- y last in I3elgreve. )Sr. Wesley J. 'Watson, who liaalieen in an toba. for the past few years, is visiting ends in town and vicinity. Mr. Wm Dwell spent Sunday last in orris. Mrs. Wm. 13?ack and slaughter, of Pal- xnerston, wore visiting in town this week, Mr. Robe. Tennant, of this town, spent henkeeivi t ; day in Paris. Blyth Standard: Mr. and Mrs. acts, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. cent, of Dintioy st., spent Thanksgiving y with friends ie. Wingham. • Gerrie• Court Gerrie, Canadian Order of Foxes - will give a grand concert in the town ikon the evening of January 5th, 1894. slant pf ,i, high order is being procured, fandevery endeavor will be made to make y$t the concert of the season. The High tChie£ Manger of the Order, Mr. C. E. Brit - On, of Ganeneque, and e. number of other igh Court officers 'will be present. A re• ption will be held in the Court tootle tiring the afternoon, after which short dresses will be given by the high Cnurt o#xxcers. ACUTE or CHRONIC, Can be cured by the use of SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Cod Liver Oil, with the Bypophosphites of Llzne and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its continued use adds flesh, and makes one feel strong and well. "0 4. !masse,": fleware of substitutes. Seliovilepsoldbyal8druggis Borne. We. and $1.00. Mr. James Robb, Elmo., was iu town last week visitiug his daughter, Mrs. Alexander. Dfi s Miuofe Alexander spent Thanks- giviug visiting friends in Tesawater. The t,uciel in the Methodist church, under the uuspioes of the Epworth .League, was ,t grand affair. It was called a "Pink and White" social. We imagine that some were a little too "airy," and so paid 'for it by coutractiug severe colds. Everything wee done in the sl.acious dining hall to make all feet at home. Eatables were in abundance and of the best quality. The programme was also of a superior quality'' Tim concert in the town hall. Monday evening, under the auspices of the 'Me, chauics' Institute, Ras not as well attend- ed as its merits would demand, no doubt because of the inclement weather. Miss White was frequently applauded and en- cored, while J. Moore did not at all dis- appoint the audience. There war; a :Thauksgiving service held in Guthrie chutch, ori Thursday, 23rd ult., at 3 p. 'm. and at the close of the service a social meeting of -the congregation was held, to which all were invited. Thera was a musical mud literary department after the tables were seryed. Tlie Messrs. Brooks Bros., who some time ago purchased the pop business from J..13. Taylor, have their' new premises about completed and expect, to remove the plant and machinery in a short time. Geo. Gray, contractor for Wenger's cold storage buildiug, is pushing on the work this tine weather with great speed. Al- ready read the wells of the e third story are about completed and a large gang of toed are at work pregariug tor the roof. Should the weather hold good for another two weeks, they will have the whole building enclosed. Glenrarrow• Mr: Wm, Gemniiil is spending his Thanksgiving holidays under the parental oof. Some of the sports in the vicinity went ranting Thanksgiving day, bet the returns ere not very large. Otherwise the 'weather ade it very dull, although the fire places one brightly. The farmers are busy at their wood•cut- 4ing.and saw -logging again. Mr. John Getntnill has taken the agency err the Townships of Tnrnberry and Hove, •ok for the noted Jones' Locked -Wire Fence, railroad, garden and a 'ti farm ray , t di , sane the e g ' ted. Those inteed. 'lawn feriae in the •t5rovinoe. q ose to build fences should call on their old ighbor and satisfy themselves as to the tneia, dn'°i,1!lily, etrongth and cheap., e of this fence before they build. Our e}ghbor would be only too glad to take ur orders and erect on your premises, a ice eo neat and suitable for the farms lat'e'nt of today, at no advance in cost etr.inary wire fences, and as strong a amble as other feuccs built of raile or orougii' Ic Onr;o, tivo TROitOU011 WO1llt, under the guiding hand of the P1t1NCIPAi" of the forest City Business and Shorthand School,, of London,. Ont., who has pail mow, preparation for his c`,ossn'profession, assures success to every student, Marina sneak rittTite:i'aunt in. the class room and nee mutt in 1,Ualtir.ei Met Ore',ea CSACTICR, he should know how to prepare young; people for business, It pays to attend a school that has a standhur among business teen. collets re•.pons on Tuesday, January 2nd, 1894, Catalogue free. Good board 92,60 per work. Om .T. W. WEST.ERVELT, Principal. TIIF diva��, � SV 3'J` t' Jl� Brings with it its own peculiar wants, autl we are happy to be able to say that we are prepared to snppiy such wants in tt way that wilt in- terest and profit the buyer. Do not buy olcl trash, which will prove to be dear at any price,. when yon can get • GrOat perhaps never to rise again. tleveral' As well as hundreds of minor au es iu silverware and jeweller line you will find t methods of restoration were suggested, water watt called for, but alas! the quarrel was over a pump. At last be returned home uttering groans expressive of his defeat. Such is the history of ruined not only represented but abundant iu our stook and give you such an assortment to pick from that whatever your taste or min- i dttion of your' puree, you lean easily be suited, Naturally the tirst purchasers get the beet of it. There is not a better time to "castles in the air," of blighted hope:; and purchase than now. honor tret upled underfoot. We lead iu every department, such as ROI $ Conent-1n East eteber telth, the wife a (laughter. watch, clock, wedding rims, jewellery. N. • Repairing a speoialty. awanosb, on Nov- • f• Mr. Wm. Currie ; I J. B. 1V.�JNSi.�';", 'ch, on the 19th 1 Mason 13lool:, Wingharn. u Donaghy : a son.. r, en the 18th ult., ' DoNACIrr.—ln Fordt ult., the wife of Mr. Jo Ceir,•;tt. -Ti,• Teeswat the tette of Me. H. W. MARE' l`ine'r—MCLAIM/MIN-• the Presbyterian Maus Munro, Mr. John E. Rut Jane, youueest daught Laughnit, Esq., all 'of H atter; snit. D EMWL COLLEGE' 'D. o Harripon, at by the Rrv. G. t .to Mise Sarah t ✓ of Chas. Mo- • wick. is on Nevem- ' An Institution where none but boarders GE1,10 4 CLAIM —Ill bar 22nd, by Rev. J. H. Geddes to Miss Mary J Mr. Thos. Clark, both o Butiouss—SxxTx--At Mr. Wortaniut, London, by Rev J. G. Laird, M to Miss E. M. Smith, Mr. John Smith. see • bero. Viehiteclhurch The flood Tempters' entertainment, on today evening lett, was grate atuccess, gi, Ill's bac) v; a ttlser was against it. . P. htendereon was chairman. The inment couslettd of music, din. 1*ochre,et:;. The tipatktrjWere rton and MaeNal•. *spits Bros. are buying grain. Ivry has wound tip for the t,meran�t of bobber roads this Bluevale. GA,invtT—NoLAN -- rliurnh. Blyth *on No Fti,tber Qutgie' "M r. Miss Bridget,' n, d Nolau, all ofIlett. Demote (biome—A ember 15th, by Rev. Jeremiah Dalton. As daughter of the late bort. Rain-Buncx.-- 24th. Mr. Itobert J. H. Bui,rob, daughte Teeswater, Out. Doxetneox-15APTt the bride's tether, C by Rev. .les. Mateo) Culroes, to Marv, d Baptist, of t.nlross, `i D 4'+" Mct AronrnN.- In nate Jae, McNaught 8 months. ;27th November, J Ieaao Northgraves; OSHAWA.. Orr yke, Mr. Bobt.' ne, daughter of Morrie. the residence of u November l5th, Audrey Burgess my daughter of ion boss, Lemke - e se n St. Mi h 1's ember 20th, by Rev. homes Garbutt to ghter of Mr. Thos. • Irishtowu. on Nov. Deau Murphy, Mr. field,to Mies Hannah, Johu Crouiu, H•b- t Chicago, on Oct. teid, to Miss Harriet of i'1r, John Bunton, r --At the reeidencenf lenge, on the 15th ult, , `!'hos. Donaldson, of ughter of Mr. Win. ED. Culross, -on the 22nd n, aged 45 yearn and 'I'uruberry, on the !alma, wife let Mr. gad 17 years. are admitted; has been ruining about 18 years. • ESTRAY SHIP. Came on to the remises�of t p e ' r i Board of b the 7'owus A. meeting of ie !} p13 and 16.tw 5 Town- shipwits held in the office of the w ship Clerk, ou Mooney last, when several mutters relating to the sanitary oouditiou of the township were considered. A ennventiou for the organization of the towuihip for the plebiscite campaign, was held in the: Foresters' ball, in this place, Carrie on to the pretnls ou Monday last, November 27th. The 10, fe;nncus+fou �, Turn November, ,o small rad $ attendance was not large, the extremely Is a hi r u I t prove disagreeable weather, no doubt, pre veiling, many frcin atfon,iing. After prayer by • evi itfl'tt enc an of Septetnl,ur. th.se aged owner l+ hone -Med to pro and take them away. Morris, Nev. 20th, int, e subserlher, lots u. nn or abs ttheRrhe.t ' a td, a ata b. x , n m Employs a very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOLO, esh, an cheaply froth us. We, make a 0 #-. s lit a � Pim •,n ti t' 11 tin ut this week. Now is the time to get your Xtnas Supplies. this week in 13'ELT BOOTS, TAT tlBERMEN'S RUt3BEl3S AND SOX, embracing a full course yearly, including all the English brnuehes, Sciences, French and German, Ciassice, Music, Drawing, Craven Portrait. Oil Peinting. ()Niemen Mel branches, with Vocal and Riotsutian, iu classes, at remarkably low, rates. This Institution drawer etudentw from Toronto, Moutreal, OttA.wu and the towns and cities from Canada, as web a from New York, Chicago and other cities from the United states., For psrtioulars address, MISS D. A, HURD), Secretary, Orhswa., J B CUMCS 4 I Beret to intimate to his 'oume-ons mut- tomeri+ and otheta that he inretldb Moving to the stand lately used as a boot and shoe store Two Doers North of Post Office a stock of where will be found a large 'OVERSHOES FOR MLN, 130YS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN , also It:JJ3E1+BS AND CARDIGANS for every perrofi. we Cor-xe and sue the ,4 S—LITTS Make up to order—first-clsas in ev ry pnrticnlar-- Finer Suits for a little more money. If yon prefer READY—MADE SJITS cc3 we have them for very little money Fours Respectftilll CORDON & iVicINTYRE3 - "The Anchor." RING. We have just passed into stock, two of the biggest drives in , - _ x:, it. ]IES' ,t°GE,. 4::: -ID We have ever offered. 24 pieces of one line and lin 4ew iiNCAtAIME LL, 4t Musical Instruments, I should you not want an trthem. —AND— c, al a. to erty, p y az anses �% another. Therevrarth tCsee, even ESTRAY Iiev, S. W. Pring, the meeting was declar- ed open for business. After tarns disnus• sloe, the following officers were elected f Rev. J. W. Prang, President; Ldward Leech, Seeretary-'treasurer, and Vies. Preeideute for each polling sub•divition, at follows: For No. 1. Malcolm Lamont; No, 2, Xt, Leathern; Arc. 8, Wm, Gernmill; No. 4, Wm, Mundell. Several matters of detail at 1 o'clock p. rn., when the divide gi wilt ht paid end other important were attended to, and.the Mating fed• b,nHseee transtut.�tl ,t°i "nitons. Shareholders and lotlrfled, others inlaresied ate cordially Invited to attend. Jtv , W. The 1?1eblsrtite Beating( advertised to be J. 81M['SteN,Ser•retary. by81t' rets' Monday evening lust, Was polo- Whtiecltt.reh. Nor. all, tem >Vt ER. Sewing Machines,NINE DOZEIT DOZESEAL. TT OAFS ... Washing Machines words $L25 for 75 ctz. e j, about the firer of tut Iletfer. The owner orgy, pay expenses and JAS. ELl t0't, Mu valet', U. WOTICE. The :annual Meeting' of the Wit �ry t'empa•, v, will he held in he Foresters' Hall Stttorda3r, De echureh ereaua hitechurchr Mit, 1.89g, and Wringers, with all needed repairs. Also a full line of SCHOOL S't PPLIES •-1•.AtYn•..+ DEHERAL STATION EDv. !tints wilt be opeued en Seturtiny, July 2Uth. GIVE AR A. CALL. 1. Ll. C'UUMItiNff+ Wiegbarn, July 28th, '90. flirt. T.e` largest assortment of GLOVES V ITS in town.. MANTLES A number of "dines cif our Mantles are broken. in sizes. The add ones you can h.ave at a price. 4 CaSeil more of those Long" Boots ,lust opened. See our Overcoats before you buy. t 5!f,ect i filly yours, "IMO.. . z -N,43. VOL, XXL ---NO. 1 Cold weather is et hand and Xm coming. Are you prepared for the not, you should go at came to the lav -.' "IdiA • Where you will find an excellent range winter goods 0f every description. Our Dress Goods and Furs are in lead as usual in values and assortme `,. We ire also showing special values s*1 Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Uu clothing, In the Gents' Furnishing Departm we have an immense range of Tweeds, T Collars, Shirts, Sox and a special line Sealette Caps, in all the leading she and at a pries that is lower than the lowc Don't fail to see them. The head of; our Grocery Departmt is also .snaking a special effort in that dir tion. Chace New Fruit Currants a Raisins, Lemon, Orange and Citron Pet prize Columbian Cheese and the old liable 35e. Tea, all to hand. OR's isc HISCOCSS, Direct Dry Goods Imports Tae BuAte, November 30, 1893. Marriage Licoitsos Issued by Fxnln P.aiansorr, No 23, V toria street, Wingham, Ont. 1(o whites reg lured, DRESS MAKING. 11115. Zr0.0,3110-1(AI.4,41.18,19 .Has decided to open a fire 11et g but ;et, opposi ;uarantee . 3m tress, at her residemee, Queer's Hotel Satisft dt Apprentices wanted., LOCAL NEWS —Call at the Star Restaurant for a b assortment of fruit. jets McKi Lvnn. —Our young reader. should read the ad vertisemeut of the Ca t da Business Col lege of Chatham, on p ge 8. —The Teems will be sent to any addres from.now till the lst of January, 1895, fo One Dollar. —Walkerton is t ,erea with a "Jac. the Kisser," who ha ben annoying som ,of its female resides s late. tit_ Luelies'felt h sat cost, at Miss Wal )lace' millinery st ;.The splendid s eighin is malting busi nese brisk in town. Wo and saw log are coming in in large qu ntities. —The waterworks are being extended east along. Patrick street, the contract fo doing the work having en let to Messrs. J. A. Cline ck Co. —Grain chop t done for 5 cents per 100 lbs. at thengham Oatmeal Mill. Oats exchanged Mr oatmeal. W. Mumma. of the Town Coun- f in a number of town hall, as well Council Chamber. stop issued by the ities is intended to ige of a letter •as It is ',a titrie-suvet+,' 1 o two at ki`Cxx{le away for a Xmas es + ' of those tawhotle 'x. j At the loot meetin it'was•dec;ided to p additional chairs in t as to properlyseat the ''Phc new 13 cent s DAtiiii » postal au%3io coV:Oiktliektelitio,ry pas registration, O.s, y Ole will do instep ly` , -7::'What • caai.;, go plrea8txt2 1 lsnott+,-111 f bbotttttifet fine ;SA Man Ati'`e1t Hosie,,' and ,,the till Mian Bndes.vor bald' abeseerit of x>rl' m aural), bn° 1tton'day even}i gratente,00tisieting of voc tel muss f! et00; 'will be itle for all. provided 1'next s l?t' tion la " extended to all. ' the auspices of Society, will be Presbyterian g next. 'A pro - and instrumen• d refresh. c. dial invite. Stowe Co,, s Uncle ' tree Cabin, at Town llitill, Wdeingham, y. Dec. 15th. Reserved seats now on e at Williams' drugstore. Prices; 25, 8 and 60 dente. . —The Hamilton Tithes, x a recent issue* paid the following com aliment , to our townsman, Mr. Thos J, S• aft "Mr. Scott, of Wingllaul, and resents , friitxi Scotland,. Appeared here for the ' fir •1 tfblo •`ale has expressive and pewee! tenor p'eMYre,and %lege the Scottish balls s with that soft, melodious! pe peculiar to theDoria tongue. In ansvf4', recalls he i• • ve "Green Grow tits 1tas14i6s, tl," and 'lliglilend Jean." ilia deet, "The Crooki Bewbee," with Mrs. McArthur, was per ape the prettiest thing of the evening. It is a 'fetching' !sort of e, piece, and bo t sang exceedingly well." • The beet refer yet The Txiti.s find the Ionto Weekly Globs from iinw till the a of 1804, for 81.60.