The Wingham Times, 1893-12-01, Page 5Eat awanoal.. Mr. Thos. roll Ilea been offered $5,000 far his flora, but bas not yet decided to accept, as be would bo ree quired to give immediate possession. Munn Bros. have purchased a porn able sawmill, and intended setting it up and ruuuiig it with their new traction engine tb43 winter. Miss N, Watson has been re,ei1 ag- ed to teach in S. S. No, 10 for 1894. at an iticreased salary. Mrs Love, of tee eth con., Emit Wawanash; who last spti.ig sold her farm to Mr. Win, T. Nohle,of Hallett, but retained possession of lt, le moving to Blyth acid givign Mr. Nsu1tJ full possession and control of the place. Manchester. A most successful meeting of the West Huron Farmers Institute was beld in Manchester on Thursday, 16th November, The addresses of the after- noon were well put, and the debates were conducted in a lively manner. Mr. R. C. McGowan spoke on under - draining, and Mr. R. McMiliun spoke on dehorning cattle and fattening theca for the British market; he also exhibited Ins dehorning apparatus. The eveuing meeting was largely at- tended,Mr. Baillie acting as chairman. The Auburn bind gave some excellent music ; Mr, W. MsPliee, Mrs. J. Stalker and ktre, W. N. Howlell also gave some excellent music en violin and organ, The speaking was done by J. E. Tom, P. S. I , on "Agricul- ture in our public schools," which was ably done. Mr, R. McMillan gave an account of his trip to the North West and Chicago. Mr. J, T. Garrow, M. P P., then spoke on "Ties Farrner's boy," and we are sure that the boys present would appreciate Mr. Garrow's efforts on their behalf. Mr. C. !Hamilton. of Blyth, spoke on the "Benefits of joiniag the Institute," ii WIN (ar.:: AM TIMES, DECEM BE It t, 1893, needay evening, We will give partio- Mars next week. .At a meeting of the Prohibition Association for this subdivision of East Huron, Thos. Cole was elected chairman and 13 Lawrason secretary, The neeeseary eommitteee and ecru-. tineers were also appointed, (Intended for last Issue.) Mr. John Tauihlyn has gone to IVlanitoba to look after sonic property out there. Laing Bros., of Acton, gave a Phonograph Concert in the Methodist Church, last night. There was a nuion thanksgiving service held in the Presbyterian. Chard; yesterday. Amos Watson has gone to Delaware being made almost ,tally for house's to rent. Tis is Nei eltouilt'aging, sign and indicates that Listowel is fast re- gaining its reputation of being Due t.1 the liveliest and most progressive towers in Western Ontario. Mr, Ge.,, litess,having been appoint, ed Collector of IJIIstonie at Stratford, was given a public semi oil last week, by being presented with :t hold -betel, ed cane and Mt'e. bless with a Derby tea set. The Bank of llainilton being allont to open a new agency of the bank to Berlin, Mr. 0, Clarke, of this place, has been appointed regent, Hits plum here will he taken by air. J. 11, SSartrl,. of the head office. to learn the milling business' The first schools •for tee separate A number of the formers and other education of girls where founded dur- ing the Roman Empire, The annual report of the Lond••s, horo Creamery shows that 40,340 lbs, of butter were made during the sea- son, which sold for $5,234.78—au average price of 20 31-100 cents, The Company's earniuge for the season were $1,613.57, balance ft'om last season $64.78, inakitlg a total of $1,668.35; expenditure, $1,449.70; dividend of 7 per cent on paid up capital of $2,000-8180, Leaving a balance on hand of $48 65, menhbere of the Methodist Church turned out last week and gravelled the church yard and shed, Mr. Henry Lear is on the Blair list j est now, Rev. J. li. Fair preached to the Methodist Sabbath Schuol last Sunday afternoon. There was a good attendance at the S. 0. E. lodge, last Friday night. After the business of the lodge was finished, a good programme was pre- sented, consisting of songs readings, and dialogues. The meting in the I. 0. G. T, lodge, on Tuesday evening, was fairly well attended. A good programme was presented and a committee appointed to arrange for a programme at the next meeting. There will be a mock trial on Tuesday next. Eow to Get a "Sums let" Pictue. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers(wrap- per bearing the words" Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Mau") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Torouto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, al'd well worth framing. This is au easy way to decorate your home. Iiintall. The snap is tne best in the market and it The people in this vicinity have will only cost oue ceut postage to send in , the ends open. been enjoying the first sleighing of the the \yriteyuurwrappersaddressifyou carefulleavely. season, for the past few days The semi weekly sales at Mr, Ken- ned;'etore still continue and are prev- ing a great success, although some of the boys do become a little uproarious after the saleli are over. Our village received a call,last week, from the travelling performers A. McLean, comic singer and reciter; and Professor M. J. Welch,champion iron - jawed ,nae, formerly of .Ashland, Wisconsin. The. former kept the audience in convulsions by his droll- eries, while their atuazement at the wonderf,il feats of his companion, was unlimited. He lifts without any very perceptible effort, a half a barrel of water, from the ground, carries it about the platform and sits it down again all by the unaided strength of his teeth, He is willing to meet any athlete in this particular line who may wish to compete with him. On Thursday of last week, the members of the local branch of the C.' M. B. A. met at the residence of one of their number, Mr. Jeremiah Dalton,to offer him their congratula- tions on the occasion of his marriage. After the usual greetings were over, the Rev. N. Dixon was called to the chair Ile made a very neat and ap- propiate speech and then introduced Reeve Griffin who in a few well-chos- el' en words, tendered the young couple the regaids of his brother members and beg their acceptance of a beautie ful easy chair presented by the mem, hers of ' the branch. Mr. Dalton although taken by surprise, heartily thanked the donors and hoped that each one of them might often enjoy the benefits of their.gift as hie guest. After a few hours spent insociel intercourse, Cthe company dispersed, wishing Bro. Dalton and his amiable spouse many years of unalloyed happi- ness. West Wawanosh- '1'lhe Council met ou Saturday, Nov. llth. The members all preseut. The treasurer's report for October showed balance on hand Nov. 1st of$18 20. The reeve reported having received from the County Treasurer $25, the quarterly grant towards the support of James Barron, a county ward. Archibald Anderson presented a petition from a large number of the electors of polling sub -division No. 5, asking that the polling booth for this division be in future held in the Patron Hall. Oon. 13, instead of, Schoolhouse No. 4, it being more central. The petition was granted. Moved by Mr. Todd seconded by Mr. Medd, that Mr. Robinson be granted $12 as charity.—Carried. On motion of Messrs Gibson and Durnin, John Bowers was paid $10 for his services a Arbitrator re proposed new School Section affecting East Wawanoah and Iluliett—Carried. The following checks 'ere issued : Joseph eViison, repairing. approaches to to.vnship hall, $3; Robert Towler, minding gap, 75c; John Ross 12 yards, gravel, 84e; Geo. Beadle, damages to buggy by defective road $7; David Mc- Allister, minding gap. 85c; \Vin. Gor- dun, locks for Hall, $2; James Hoey, } joh on N. B., $14.73; Ohne. ilcKin on, la job on N. B., $16.65; Jacob Miller, :i- job on N. B., $6.80; John Agnew, s job on N. B. $8 75; Arch Anderson, ditching, $3.20, gravel and damages, $4 73; Thos. Disher,lumber, $1.52; James Young, lumber, $12.35; Dugald Allan, tight of way, *2; Ohas. Derma gravel and minding ;zap, $6 - Londesboro. Mr. J. T O'Brien has moved to Lonrleshoro. Mr. Humphrey Grey is home visit to relations here. Mr: Brown, of Clandehoye, will open a harness shop in part of Mr. Wtlkin's shoe shop, in a week or so. 'At the regular meeting of the I. 0. G. T. lodge, ou Tuesday evening, a committee was appointed to prepare a letter of condolence to Bro. J. 0, Adams lit the loss of his wife, who was also a member of this lodge, as a token of remembrance. The charter of the lodge was draped in crape. There was a spelling tnatoh at this meeting, Sisters Crisp and Woodman acting as captains, which resulted in a victory for Sister 'Woodman's kelt, Bro. Ephraim Grey keeping the boor the longest. $226. make gnit�+alt much looney ; all Others S. 0. E. lodge meets tonight, which is quarter night; alter, election of .Listowel has been filling up so i Sloe+ to flet!, lest beef, Se to 83 fid' officers, There was a W. B, D. meet. , rapidly that there is Bearcoly a vacant i per stone; best Mutton, 7. to 7, ri FOUNDED �N . MERIT ir.�l of the lodge and a supper on Wed- holm left in town, end enquiries are per Ib. Short Cut to Wealth. , The visiter at the hustness man's desk might have been a tramp, and he might not. In any event, he was not there asking a loan. Do you want to know how to make a dollar ? he iugtiired poltrely. Yes. I'd like to know how to make several, replied the puzzled business man You can, sir, but, of course, you mutt know how to make one first. That's so, Tell me how. My information is valuable, sir, it will cost you 10 (lents, That's two beers ? Yes; sir, including the lunch that goes with it. Here's two dimes ,ow tell me. Well, sir, when a friend strikes you for $5 lend him $4. Good morning, sir, and as the tisitor• passed nut the business man remarked that it wasn't half as bad as begging a dime, any- way.—Detroit Fra'- Press. back on a British Grata Trade. London, Nov. 27.—The bark Lane Express in its ,weekly re, tow of the British grain trade, says: The v„ lues ,1f English wheat;, ars,. Stationary. Foreign wheats are an absolute drug on the market. Indian wheat has de - mined is per quarter. American red' winter is down Ort despite the firmness in New York. Russian is irregularly lower. California. carves on rhe passage are quoted at 278. .Barley and oats are firm. Corn is steady and shows a strengthening tend- ency. At to•day's market Eng, lish wheats were in moderate request Foreign wheats were firm for good white shorts. Cahforinan a as a shade better. Fleur was steady. Ltverpuol prices Of barley were supported. Large supplies of grain.t:.g barley, though sold in quantities, checked au ad- vance. Corn ou tee spot was held at 3d advance triti Na rihNq $110V OF THE BET $OHOOL IIOTJLD 1 Dunt men and women wishing to cp•1ro thonnseleoee iR tteokkeepars mat ptucr V ON} ENJOYS Deli the method and results when iyrupof Figs is taken; itis pleasant curl refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver anal Bowels, cleansee the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- nches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the oily remedy of its kind ever pro- d• leer!, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to Oland have made it the nee: t l+'nnlnr remedy known. rup of Figs is for sale, in 170 1„Ltlos by all leading druggi:sis. Any reliable druggist who may J:ut have it on hand will proems; it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SIRUP C:., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. t.47.1tJISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK.. thw CFIATFIA1 , ONT. is recognized as the peer of any Business or l hortlrnnd Behool in Anrerlca, and vastly supe Om to napp its contemporaries In Canada. No barter elicit:ue” of this need be advanced than the fellawlog list et l,u where students carne Pram, who registered during the 10 days inuuedlately pre.rding the sv: iii rg nt hl advertisement: North Adams, Aless, Wnehit,etou, Ilieb., Lethbrideo, Alta„ l.etili Lor don• Torras Ilanisvllle, Muskoka; Kincardine; Runeven• Chatsworth; Balney; Clinton: 4Iratl rod; !tal.h•r; J-lenapd Co. Grey; Auburn, Co, Huron, Sego's h, Bothwell.wiudnnr, t1trangaeld, iridpetowa, Wred lea, Flebritair Camp Paluter, Essex Co., Glen Rae, 11i;'h ares '.ldburn i rampton, Alyiuston, CL•ueoo, t'omind ;nu, Cacho Springs, Chatham and m.ely polite ht the vicinity. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Two of America's best penmen among the intunher8 of our staff, means a great Oral to oar pupils. WE PAY RAILWAY FARE', IN COMING TO CIIATIIAM. Good hoard for ladies at $5,00 gentlemen ;a be. We secure homd at these fl;;t'r e s if h Dots t•ct•rectabtal prtrate families, and have the places in readiness for the students when they arrive t.t rte t,r Itandseene o ceteloguetnd specimen 0f penmanship and be cant laced of the auper•ioi't,y of thi g nu,titutit;u over an schools of a similar !rind In Cannon,. Mention whale f ou saw this adrertisenreet and address, 51. 51ol.AClt.AN, Chatham, Ont. Blyth. Miss Campbell, of Seafort11, has been engaged ou the teaching staff of the Blyth public school for 1894. The annual meeting of the Tract Society wits held in the Methodist church, on Friday uight last. The Rev. Mr. Moffat, egent of the society, delivered an appropriate addiass and officers were lhcted for the ensuing year. British Cattle Markets. John Swan & Sons, Edinoargh, in their weekly report of November 17, say :—There have been fairly, large supplies of fat . cattle at all the differ- ent markets this week, and there has been a better feeling iu the trade, especially for the printer gnnlities, 50; JGcob Mills, for cutting hill and which have been' readily and well repairing road, opposite lot 16, cons. G and 7, $10; Dugal McMillan, gravel and damages, $1.92; John Gillis, gravel, $3.09; Will. Barbour, gravel, $6.72 ; Frank Jury, gravel, 83.28 ; Edward Carrel, gravel and damages, $10 58 ; John Bowers, services as Scltiool Arbitrator, $10; John Mier. son, posting notices ,$1. Council adjourned to met according to statute, on December 15th. R, K. M l noon, Clerk. Listowel. .Howlc k. One of the busiest places around here has been Mr. ,las. Dunlop's, for a little over two mouths, he having suffered the loss of his barn and eouteuts, which took fire from a steam engine while engaged at threshing, was uuder the ueaessity of erecting a new one. It bas almost reach- ed completion, under the leadership of 3. McMillan, Minto. On Sunday last, as Adam Faust, Esq., was attending to his horses, he narrowly escaped fatal injuries, being kicked on the head and rendered unconscious for a while. With medical aid he is in a favorable con. dition. Under such auspicious circumstances as having a fine young sou, Mr. Henry Road- house has begun preparations for a brick residence next year. As Mr. Dave Stewart, of Neepawa, Manitoba, has purchased near Moles. worth, his better half is enjoying a visit with her parents, Yr. and Mrs. Alex. Edgar, preparatory to settling iu Ontario. Miss J. Pyke luta returned to her home near Gerrie, after a abort stay with her cousin, Rhes Havel. -n. sold. The quality of the home cattle on.oller has been rat;her Netter, while the Irish as a rule have riot been quite so good. South country buyers are not able to compete with the home demand for either bu,locks or heifers. Fat cows have made rather more phoney. Canadian cattle 11ev. been in small supply, and they wet only a moderate trade. Other two weetts supplies will close the trade from Canada for the season. There have been fair supplies of fat sheep on , flee this week. Trade wa•.3 not quite so good, and prices fell Is to 2s front last Miss Annie L'niisn hate, New week ()elves, although slightly York's great versatile reciter, gave cheaper, are still reakiug very high one of her recitals in the Methodist prices. Pigs alto the turn lower. church here on theevening of the 28th Nair supplies of store cattle on offer, and trade gtitte up to expectations, prices being about los a head higher than two a ceps ago, and there was a total clearance of English cattle and only a few left unsold. Store sheep, if of good kinds, continue to sell at very full prices. Milch cows, if good, instant. etiee Clara Goddard of this town and a grednate'of out' high eohool at the last exeminatiotis, has been engag- ed by the trustees of school section No. 2, Elma and Wtillace, as their teacher for the ensuing goat lit a salary of A "SUNLIONT" PILLAR 0,00-C) QQD� t oRher Ma fes v 14:1114,,ttio `suN LICHT, SOAP LAROt4 M R1TEWOME A 'GUARANTEED PUREANDTO[ 1A11190NUR- i \OS 01E140 4. A full stock of all kinds of piies. SCHI L BOOKS, for both High foal Public Schools, just receive,! Also, a tisrge stock of Scribblers, Exercise • ooks, Copy Books, `dates, Pencils, Crayons, &e. Just received a large consignment of "Quentin Durward." WALL PAPERS, WINDOW BLINDS, STATIONERY a f 111 stock, as usual. ALEX. ROSS. The Popular Bookstore, Wingham. SLAUQHTER PRICES —IN— C 'a S —AND -- Ready , ade Clothing —FOR THE— Next Eight Days, —AT---- T A'T—,_ T A. MILLS' BLEARING SALE