HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-18, Page 8S lM,. •Q' I . . %O ITS. � If � a� � �alrlrN, alnr., Arr�te.,1:. ;tr�'>><, 88 • k 1 .: T Recreati. n Departm;e ►# ploos n Qlymptcs The Seaforth R, tion assigned a time unit worth one Participants have 12 months the Library Basement from 4 • S I Department is administering the point based on its fitness value„ A only to worts for their four Year I p.m- for all interested Young Olympians of Canada certain number ofints must be awards. A€ the end of Year I i Po participants ftum '- 13 years of ,ie jan News program on a town wide basis reached for each achievemInt participants are to re -register and age. 4 :a beginning tomorrow. level- The first level requires 50 begin Year H awards no matter Once the program begins crests an�j Views r This program'is developed by points and at this time the whether they have or have not may be claimed at the some 1+ • ' the Canadian Oiytrtpic participant claims a very earned their possible four location an Fridayafternoon o Association to promote interest attractive master crest., EAch 7 o awards. from 4 - S p.m. Further details and loess participation in sport points after this time in Year I Registration for the YOC will be given on registration days w through gashes, athletics and enYifles the- program will be held on Frida g g y _ x` participant to a p gram y, and awards may be seen at this a x t r s N S cultural activities- Over forty wreath, bronze, silver and Aril 19 and Fri A 26 at u .raittiti a� ,.; gold. P day, pit! time activities are listed in the .,,...,,•..-- ,,,n„„.r,n„••,....,.• ,K,- , Program. There are some for allv- • ,n,...;, !'.• ni.. seasons and they are all enjoyable. program o ers , 3 ` „��•� .� Several benefits to young participants r r T: —their interest in athletic ' By John D. Baker Scott: President -Comrade George activity for its own sake is '•-� <w r ` - rn '�,: ` '� ` ••. � �� `°� Public Relations Officer Hays; 1st Vice President -Com- aroused. , r Az `� , PIPA Branch ISS radg Tom Wilbee; 2nd Vice —rhes team the vM va}ue of r s , President -Comrade Liovd Ro%;= achievement. as opposed to t, V.L.A. EXTENSION Treasurer -Comrade Dick W4.bite-, ���+ 1AMS know.that No doubt you all hat the Y ley: Secretary -Comrade Archie � Veterans Land Act which was to Dobson: Sgt. at Arms -Comrade hterminated on March 31st, ' have r ; e Officer- John SinnamonWelfar f�• " �`' t s" ra' �' 1'974, has been extended one Comrade George Miller: Mem- year, Veterans who qualified in bership Chairman -Comrades Al - Z Z� M " 1968 will still be able to take 1968 Ian Nicholson and WYm. Dalrym- advantage of the Act until March Unfortunate i fact pld: Howe Chairman -Comrade ;' ` 31st, the Robt. Newnham: Entertainment a ..," t •, t that'the Government did not see he G Chairman -Comrade Lloyd Eisler, fit to reopen the 1968 qualification. Sports Officer -Comrade Ross -,- w� deadline. However. had they Coutts: Special Events Chairman ` _ x"'� ' ' k done this. it would have meant a� Comrade Wilfred Titford: Proper- C Q >���k 3."'"'• further extension of the final deadline. ' tv Chairman. -Comrade John Z g111MiNG Ulf::,_- A crew of Mennonites and Hibbert Township netgnbours of t eu 1Vopd; Public Relations Officer- 11 BUSINESS ars �lSLi�L For Information PHONE .527--0629 FAMILY PARADISE BAYFIELD ROAD GODERICH 527-7711 DINING & VANCumm EVERY FRDDAY- 4ANp SATURDAY THIS WEEK The Country Versatelles Those of us that have qualified MQ Da {et , 'whoseouse h=trailer and two barns were destroyed by Sunday s tornado Comrade John Baker: Ways and Y- „_,• -zs° •: '/8/i'",.W.i✓✓/rrririzu�r�„,,,�,.,iti�iriiwiruoo may consider ourselves fortunate (�% V P ,.,j• - Means Chairman -Comrade Bert burn:wrecked siding and berms f��m one of, -Mr. Doy;le's barns' +n'the foreground. that w•e have another year in McClure: Sick and Visiting which to act as the Government mg Q t OJ Volunteer workers were busy hauling wood and metal debris from the stricken area does not often yield to requests of Chairman-Corade Henry Ziler; IE11� of the Township to two dumps yesterday. this kind. One might think that we Padre -Comrade Rabt. Spinal: have had ample time in which to Auditors -Comrades John Long iiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiilliiiliiiiili ANNUAL MONSTER take advantage of V.L.A.. but staff and Ron MacDonald. winning- Vanastra Nominations may be opened —their athletic horizons are LEGION BAKE during these infiatali fie again on election night. so if you p IConrinned from Page t) g widened because the engram situations change. All qualified have anyone in mind for the encourages participation in a Harpuritey who is building a newEuchre, Draw Veterans would be well advised to variety of activities. BOWLING DANCE SALE think carefully on their future above listed posts. come on out. house and Walter Armes of Co Events —the,, have the pleasure of Egmondville. a rketiv house. plans. lIIIDg participating in a national pro- Caun,-0 took no action on a Seofor#h legion Past Events Sunday April, 21st. District Last Thursday. April 11th. vv as Convention: in Kitchener: the gram and rune rt�ognition request from Bch Bridge of Friday, Agri! 19 WEDNESDAY,APRIL 24 nomination night. Nom inations k Dominion Prosident Comrade for their efiarts- > anasxra. w ha as chairtttasi of the APRIL, 2 < �s a result of. the prpgrarn Clinton Corr -triunity Band asked / were held during Chep trronttz$v gobpri- U- Smi llie wt � ' at 3 p.m. S 8.30 p:m.. al Sal t xtitrz4' F :hectem ).kith and for a 2mht f b'M the Council- He general meeting. Tne proposed atending. This will ' 6e a,y,.•r slate of officers are as follcrvti's ••-worihwhite da}'. sopJ,aR: to attend b tasree aw•a a of s2'id the bard has five mztnbers s�orts�anship and value its who Eine a )arasara- 10 — in Cardno Store Past President -Comrade Gordon if you can: rew ards. `� lee[ ne adpurnea at 1:20 a -m. I,o�j Morello iN iOOF HALL Next to Stedman's n u n ee Huron »e program runs foo 3 veers W4'2drecv.and operates an the on,�uur vtl•, .� ons d t lr tlae system with parents ltrding Mews Df ...>�. _ y A moral support. - �3.Q0 per couple at the Seaforth Women's `'In Aid of Wheel -Chair. and Hospital Bed Program Ae h e v e nn e n t Days The cost of this program is 5!k Brucef a dtjor. Institute . Sponsored by IOOF and Rebekah Lodges per year, During each year a.„:: participant will receive three s'lr- and Mss_ Esvin' 5r ilillillliillll(liiilliitlliiii�il' The Home Economics Branch ,Blyth Public School, May 18. booklets and an opportunity to spent Eastz- we-ekend ors a motor a EVERYONE WELCOME of the Ontario Ministry of Lucknow Area, Achievement1 y earn four awards. Each boo;rlet Coach tcur co Op y and f Agriculture and Food is again Day'. Brookside Public School.ti SDH S riles •which are holding 4-H Homemaking Club May 25• ash.itle. Tenn sser. contains actio -' Achievement Dass in Huron Brussels Area Achievement * * *. * �.)(� * * -* .*- '1Tt .* * .* * .� *';k -p�Q�j. 11 County. Day, Brussels Public School. June The 106 �'�` BROWNIE S�tris��wlio are, 1. * �• bAt Hometil �iX'3`ti�.tgattng in the, current Seaforth Area Achieveme2tf * HAM -a U p p ER � � � Q CLINTON - ONTARIO protect. "Taking a Look at Day. Seaforth High School. June * Wednesday, April 24th >� o FRIDAY, APRIL -19th BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P.M. - SHOW STARTS 8:30 P.M, Yourself", have been studying 8. �■ ei �c /it = • tips on good grooming, storage of Wingham Area Achievement / � Dancing 9:30 — 12:30-toFRIDAY •SATURDAY -SUNDAY nt; clothes, skin and hair care. and Day, F.E.Madill Secondary * — from a to 8 P.M. "' ylv� BOBBY DOWNS" April 19-20-21 posture. Each girl has 'been School. June 15. * ADULTS : 92.25 — CHILDRE'N'6-Z? : $1.00 * A BRASH. BRAWLING JOYOFA MOVit. working on a special good Gorrie Area Achievement Day. * Admission: $6.00 per Couple grooming or storage aid or project Howick Central School. June. 22. Cavan Church, Winthrop eIT SHOULD BE -SEEN ByEURYONE.. . pertaining to the -unit. All friends and relatives are * . * -` K, Miss Jane Pengillev, Home invited to attend the afternoon -1KTake-out Orders. Available * trN t•m tritium tirnl you, t� Economist for Huron County. will programme. which begins, at i:1S„ .* *. * ,*, * ,* ,*, * ,* * * -* •* +t i t be conductinb' the following P m. The girls will be presenting TAKE A TRIP SOUTH WiTH ” Achievement Days throughout skits andexhibits on carious j69 • • • • • • • • • a • • • • e • • • r •:♦ • • • 4,0 • • • • • • • N the County: topics related to god grooming. : Crediton Area Achievement Your 'presence will show your • • Jt*” i> Day, Stephen Central School, support for the young people of ' LLONS>MCFADDENS>ROSES>A 1474- the county- ExtergAchievement l tDay CABARET DANCE INOWN Exeter -High School, 2 S T illifpiiliill!liiiiilillipiiii� PEPPERS and BRODIES ,, D , Clinton Area Achievement • iotth the • Wi111VI�BMH!<A c s Day. Clinton High School.. May 3. • „ : at the Adult Entertainment COL'N Zurich Area Achievement Day. THIS WEEK : THE CONTiNENTALSIS • s Zurich Communitv Hall, May 1-1. AT THE ' /�� Blyth Arca Achievement Day. SM -FORTH LEGICIN HALL HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL 'V • R CASH B I N G 0:i SENOR CONCERTAdultY TC / 20th Entertainment Where Legion Halt, Seaforth MITCHELL' Dancing 9 APRIL 25 APRIL 26 begins,�, `ended. I NI Friday, April 19 • • .,._.,.,� .. , W � t.E' n� 8:15 in the Admission $2.00 — Refreshments : •, . 8-00 P.M. IS Regular Games for $10.00 Crown Room THREE $25.00 GAMES Tickets: C. Dorssers 527-0656 TICKETS: $1.00 — $75.00 Jackpot to Go --• TWO DOOR PRIZES Fjnda A _ ,day G. Nobel 527-0840 Admission $1.00 a COMMERCIAL BOWLING LEAGUE % Extra Caz•ds 25c or 7 for $1.00 '� (CilILDREN UNDER 16 NOT Lincoln ��0•go* ��•••••••••"••••••••fee •••••••••pt P`F:1�biLi'I I Ei3) Proceeds for Welfare Wort— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, "I Canadian Legion, Soafortlt f iY Keir tl"ulle�'is Dilloh;.. r the action-hungry'guy with onty three ways to score... Playing with hockey sticks... Playing with guns... ¢I �. Playing with girls... 0 t7A>W� The boys firom R1 y THEY'VE GOT tr MADE... (well almost) commune THEY'VE MADE rr— _AND THE GIRLS FAI., SAT, b SUN: APR. 19-20-21 I^ } BOX OFFICE OPEN lad P.M. Country and Western Entertainment SATURDAY — IN THE RED KNIGHT ROOM Elgin Fisher . (The Family Affair) IN THE LADIES AND ESCORTS ROOM Friday and Saturday Night Fred Harburn (Fiddler) & wou►p • T'AS*Y C11iCKEN WINGS for sNACKs AMPLE FREE PARKING WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUNGEMONS 12't6 2^And 6 to 8 AT VERY LOGir PRICES lCOWERCIAL ,HOTEL — Seat ti HELD ,THURS., FAL, SAT. API (MR THURS, 8 P.M. ONLY ERI., b SAT. 7:30 ti 9:20 j They all agree... e, AAA AdULT Where were you in'62 SUN., MON., TUES. APR. 21-22-23 ONE SHOW NIGHTLY STARTING 8 P,M. in, AODhEIr) FEATURE � ALKl�.T Prrr�l^, lry tit" 1 IPY('" SEAFORTH Listen to Country and Western Entertainment Friday. and SaturdUy Night Friday Nite Mozart's Melody Makers 'K r U��kS NOrlt SEAFC3RYN d!t Y U 411 V IW B, 0 V ,4rJ v, 0 Al ;A1 P 1 r Country and Western Entertainment SATURDAY — IN THE RED KNIGHT ROOM Elgin Fisher . (The Family Affair) IN THE LADIES AND ESCORTS ROOM Friday and Saturday Night Fred Harburn (Fiddler) & wou►p • T'AS*Y C11iCKEN WINGS for sNACKs AMPLE FREE PARKING WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUNGEMONS 12't6 2^And 6 to 8 AT VERY LOGir PRICES lCOWERCIAL ,HOTEL — Seat ti HELD ,THURS., FAL, SAT. API (MR THURS, 8 P.M. ONLY ERI., b SAT. 7:30 ti 9:20 j They all agree... e, AAA AdULT Where were you in'62 SUN., MON., TUES. APR. 21-22-23 ONE SHOW NIGHTLY STARTING 8 P,M. in, AODhEIr) FEATURE � ALKl�.T Prrr�l^, lry tit" 1 IPY('" SEAFORTH Listen to Country and Western Entertainment Friday. and SaturdUy Night Friday Nite Mozart's Melody Makers 'K r U��kS NOrlt SEAFC3RYN d!t Y U 411 V IW B, 0 V ,4rJ v, 0 Al ;A1 P 1