HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-18, Page 7IN
REPAIRS BY HELICOPTER -- Qwarfed by the Hydro .crews used helicopters Monday, Tuesday and
hydro tower still standing in the foreground, two Wednesday to install wooden poles which will be
helicopters sit in a Hibbert Township field. Ontario used temporarily to carry the 230,000 volt fallen line.
Tourism in Huron
I 1'FILffi.;HUROhI•'i �C CySI'It>iM� 6 FM
�P'X Tars r_.:...__ � talks underway REPLACES THE
employment expense deduction money would be taxable as part of FAST HOT LEMON HERBAL VITAMIN C ALL DAY/All NIGHT REXPRIN
of 3 per cent of y�r employment your 'income. The Canadian Dairy shipped less than 420 pounds last(Ascorbic Acid) DECONGESTANT PMN RELIEVER
„ w
Commission announced recently yearill receive subsidy when 4 STRENGTHS (10 pouches per carton) WITH PROTEIN COLD CAPSULES. 5 gr. TABLETS
An advertisement in a
magazine "organically . grown
axetable seed" for'sale. It made
me think that some people have
ideas in their food eating habits
and are willing to pay muchcmore
for food than less concerned
peoplq do. On the other hand,
now that beef grown with the help
of hormones, that could
theoretically cause cancer, is
banned from our shores, one
hears more about a possible price
increase than about a possible
cancer death.
Not many people are too
concerned about the reports that
,there is only enough wheat in the
world today to feed this world for
one, I repeat one month. It is
frightening. One worldwide crop
failure, for near failure, and,
literally millions upon millions of
people will starve to death. Most
everyone knows that now, at this
very moment, hundreds of
thousands of Africans are
tv Iparving, We, the rich peoples, go
right on squandering our
resources that grow food.
Another reason for food shortages
is the fact that there is so much
,opposition against ingredients to
preserve food from spoilage. It
an increase in the offer to
their deliveries reach 420 pounds
• O L U MN
A meeting was held at Hully
Southwestern Ontario Travel
provided they hold a market share
quota of 420 pounds or more.
�/� �� 2/1
97 2/1
70 2150E1,822/1.83
Gully Recreation Centre on
Association. This association will
50 cents per pound. The support
Fluid producers in provinces
■ ■ LISTE ■
Wednesday, April 10, 1974, of
nromote the eieht county region,
For further information, call the District Taxation
persons interested in promoting
comprising Huron, Perth, Oxford,
Office. If yogi live in a toll
area, ask your long-distance
tourism within - Huron County.
Middlesex, Lambton, Kent,
operator for ZENITH 0-4000 and your call will be placed
The meeting was called by the
Essex diad Elgin, in the United
without charage.
Huron County Development
States and Canadian areas, to
Officer, Mr. Spence Cummings,
make the tourist conscious of the
to see if there was an inter
the operators of
advantages of holidaying in
Southwestern Ontario. This
I am now receivin h !
Q g the old
income, up to $150 a year.
establishments in prg
travel association will not be
age security pension. Must I
tourism collectively.
effective in 1974 but should be in
include this pension money as
Q. I am a veteran of World War
At the meeting there were 25
people from a cross-section of
full operation for the 1975 tourist
season. This association will hve
part et rn income h my income
tax return? Also, what about the
II in recei t of a disabilit ension
P y P
businesses in the County. It was
have funding from the Ontario
guaranteed income supplement?
from the Department of Veterans
generallyconceded that a need
Government, but, he ex lained
Affairs and in addition receive
exists.for an organization which
that a local association will have
A. The old age security pension
salary and wages , from
can promote the visitor industry
to look for fundingfrom their
must be reported as income on
Pensionable employment. On
within the County. A motion was
membership and local
your income tax return. The
`"'hat income do I have to
passed approving the formation
guaranteed income supplement,
of a Tourist and Business
A further meeting has been
however,, should be ignored
A. Only on the salary and
Association. The group decided to
called for 8 p.m, on April 23, 1974
except when calculating the
" ages.
hold another meeting for the
at •Hully Gully Recreation Centre
6 OZ•
income of a dependant.
purpose of electing an executive.
which has been kindly donated by'
Q. I am a•farmer. Must I reduce
All present members expressed a
Mr. Randy Collins, the
Q,;,nm divdt7ii ani-rYeceive°'
; m„•y,'uccuB cy,p t by., the amount
willingness to bring two or tkltee
prap'tietor.'Af'this'ineeting there
payments from my
oftaxes "o rent claimed as an
other business a le. to the next
.will be an election of officers,
former husband. Do I have to
operating expense on my Farm
a roval of ob
PP objectives, approval
report these payments as income-
Statement of Income and
The main point brought out
of the constitution and by-laws.
9 QZ.
on my tax return, and if so, where
during the meeting concerned
of the constitution and by-laws.
y on the return do i enter the
A. A farm owner or a tenant is
"who should be interested in
The meeting agreed that those
not required -to reduce the
such an association". Mr. Currie,
who .should attend the next
PRICE 2/2-014
A. Yes, these payments must
calculation of his occupancy cost
a Wirigham businessman,
meeting are persons who benefit
be reported as income. Enter the
by any amount he may declare as
reflected that not only hotels,
directly or indirectly 'from the
total received in the year on the
expenses incurred in earning
motels, • • campsites and
tourist industry. Those people
'dine for "Other Income" on your
. income,
restaurants- should be interested
who benefit directly are hotel
but each small business in each
operators, motel operators, ,
Q. If I am not -sure whether an
town and, village should be
campground operators, or an
Pg one P Y.
Q. Can repairs to property be
employee is° in insurable
interested because of the extra
who receives direct tourist
claimed as "an income tax
employment, or if Canada
revenue the summer trade brings
dollars. The indirect beneficiaries
Pension plan contributions are
to their stores. He further
are businessmen in general,
A. Not unless the property is
required, how can I find out?
emphasized that. many local farms
whether they sell food, shelter or
being used for business or rental
A. Write to your nearest
benefit through the sales of
commodities. There may also be
District Taxation Office.
produce, either directly or
indirectly, to the visitor,
many private individuals who
have an interest in attending a
Q. 1 am a, salaried employee
Q. Last year my friend died and
Mr. Cummings explained that
meeting of the newly, formed
and I have to purchase special
in his will left me several
the province has formed a
, association. 4.fiul
beau r
411eference books for my work. Can
thousand dollars. Is this money I
I claim these as a deduction for
inherited taxable as income?
~ "•
• •
income tax purposes?
A. No. Money inherited is not
Dairy commission
stty cs
No. The cost of reference books
subject to income tax. However, if
is , not an allowable deduction
there were investments involved,
from salary received as an
any investment income received
employee. You may claim an
or credited after you inherited the
employment expense deduction money would be taxable as part of FAST HOT LEMON HERBAL VITAMIN C ALL DAY/All NIGHT REXPRIN
of 3 per cent of y�r employment your 'income. The Canadian Dairy shipped less than 420 pounds last(Ascorbic Acid) DECONGESTANT PMN RELIEVER
„ w
Commission announced recently yearill receive subsidy when 4 STRENGTHS (10 pouches per carton) WITH PROTEIN COLD CAPSULES. 5 gr. TABLETS
An advertisement in a
magazine "organically . grown
axetable seed" for'sale. It made
me think that some people have
ideas in their food eating habits
and are willing to pay muchcmore
for food than less concerned
peoplq do. On the other hand,
now that beef grown with the help
of hormones, that could
theoretically cause cancer, is
banned from our shores, one
hears more about a possible price
increase than about a possible
cancer death.
Not many people are too
concerned about the reports that
,there is only enough wheat in the
world today to feed this world for
one, I repeat one month. It is
frightening. One worldwide crop
failure, for near failure, and,
literally millions upon millions of
people will starve to death. Most
everyone knows that now, at this
very moment, hundreds of
thousands of Africans are
tv Iparving, We, the rich peoples, go
right on squandering our
resources that grow food.
Another reason for food shortages
is the fact that there is so much
,opposition against ingredients to
preserve food from spoilage. It
an increase in the offer to
their deliveries reach 420 pounds
10's LIST 1.59
LIST 2.54 BONUS BUY 12 H. oz. LIST 1.89 100 • 2/085
100's UST 1.12 2/1.13
purchase price of butter to 77
cants and for skim milk powder to
provided they hold a market share
quota of 420 pounds or more.
�/� �� 2/1
97 2/1
70 2150E1,822/1.83
200's UST 1.97 2/1.98
300's 2/2.%4
50 cents per pound. The support
Fluid producers in provinces
■ ■ LISTE ■
LIST 2.73
could presumably cause
something or other if eaten in
great quantities, so we rather let
it rot. .l heard mention that
one-third of all food spoils for this
Beef prices in the NWT are so
high that people can't afford to
buy it. Now they turn to the
hunters for caribou meat. The
• Indian leaders are 'worried that
the Caribou may be hunted to
extinction, if this keeps up.
Marion Brechin, of the
Consumers Association of Canada
is one of those women who claim
to come from a farming a^ea
(Lucknow). If she did, she
certainly wasn't very observant,
for she keeps on attacking
farmers. The last I heard of her
was that consumers can't go on
indefinitely subsidizing
agriculture. For. heavens sake,
can't one of her fellowCacs set
her straight that agriculture has
been subsidizing consumers for a
hundred years?
Food prices are up, what? Look
at 'running shoes.They are up
60% and before the year is odt
further increases are expected.
price for chdddar cheese remains participating in a pooling
�t 60 cents per pound. arrangement approved by the
The dairy subsidy to producers Commission are eligible to
has been increased to $2.30 subsidy as announced in the
(3.5% B.F.) per hundred pounds policy statement.
of manufacturing milk and cream In recognition of the on-going
or 65.71 cents per pound of
butter at. The temporary subsidy
payable since August 1, 1973 has
been discontinued.
Eugene Whelan says "the
combination of product support
price and subsidy increases will
provide a target support of $8.50
per hundred pounds of milk used
in the manufacture of butter and
skim milk powder".
An important feature of the
new policy is that all qualifying
manufacturing shipments made
under market quotas will be
eligible for subsidy payments,
subject to minimum and
maximum requirements as
determined by the Commission.
The minimum requirement for
eligibility to subsidy of 420
pounds butterfat deliveries in the
1973.74 dairy year has been
New producers or those who
PHONE 527-0240
trend to larger operations the
maximum eligiblity to subsidy for
each quota holder is increased to
-900,000 pounds of milk. To assist
producers in obtaining relief from
the 7 -day work week, the
Commission is changing the
method of applying'the maximum
where two or more producers are
financially involved and working
full time in a dairy farm
operation. Producers who meet
these requirements will be
eligible to apply for additional
subsidy eligibility. Complete
details will be available from the
Commission or through provincial
The in -quota levy which is
established annually to offset the
cost bT exports to the Commission
has been increased to 15 cents
A.29 cents per pound butterfat)
effective April 1, There will be no
in -quota levy on cream,
uma/I , ,
%Samoa, .1374
M E. HOOVER, Phm 6.
1-v aforth