HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-12-01, Page 4THE W INTGJIAM TIMES, DECEMBER 1, 893 E Willi Ontario has the only award given for a filo from h . complete system of education f s 9it The1 kiuderga;tea to the university. y ��^^•o[..7r judges laid particular stress upon the �.�/�'#.t'.1..1k regulations made by the Education Do - pertinent of Ontario, which makes our AN l) Proviuuial sellout system so perfect iu its uniformity. They are equally pleased ^; ° -'7":";IST .; with our text -books and the control the -' ' a^J A `"l v depertinent a t nt b s over authorization, .which does not allow au inferior book to -.--• be placed in the hand of any pupil. O T. Executive Committee : 1. A, Brown, Exeter; J. Delgaty, Centralis] ; W, II. Johnston, Hay; Miss IlleMnth, Goderich; Miss Watson, Blyth. Mr. Houston then continued the sub- jeot of Mathematics, dealing with divi- sion rind fractions. Moon profitable discussion was evoked by Mr, Huston in the treatment of. the subject of Mattie• the nasties throughout the session of association, and it is hoped much good will result 1t therefrom.refron . The time of adjournment having ar- rived the essocaatlon adjoi+rned to meet as . i ;,1. EGIIIPH WEST HURON TEACHERS. i in afternoon at 1.30. €T i. Ur.lnswieli House At the Segni-annual Convention. •i ,h IdaTTERS OF 1NTERl bl 10 THE 'PERCHING PROFESSION TtIOROt(11iLY DISCUSSED— INTENT OZZ DIRECTOR, norwrozr I i ('TCIIES ON E ttr- +n.^ •^!fir ............'�'-"�.,r° CANADIAN T1E \EW EXECU-. TI O. R; !` i? + st ��+, ;' 1" Cr The Kest Huron 'Teachers' Associa- s 1 •:, �7 �Ilt Goderich, t'11Ii).'Y 1) C' .1S13:;1� 1, 18)3. tion met in the Model School, Nov. 24th, 1893, pursuant to call of the executive committee at 10 a. m. In the absence of the President, In- spector Tom took the chair and opened the meeting. EDITORIAL, NOTES.Wm. Houston, M. A., director of cieaober.' Institutes, being present, avis • .e: Imperial Federation League will then introduced, and proceeded to dis- lvt> at the end of the year, the fad cuss Mathematics under the following .'g riled a natalial death. heads : 1, Mental Arithmetic ; 2, Nota- eun Patrons of Industry of West tion and Numeration ; 3, The four • ington have nominated Mr. George Elementary Rules; 4, Fractions; 5,Ratio; l er, of Peel, as their candidate for 0, Involution and Evolution. In Mr. )ntario Legislature. Houston's introduction of the subject he It Joliet THOICPSos has been appoint- dealt with the value of Arithmetic uuder 'It member of the Imperial•Privy cil for his services as arbitrator in Ueotion with the Bering Sea dispute. title is "Right Honorable." was dealt with uncle). three ea s , P School Leaving Examination for the 1, tics s1:i11, knowledge, and esthetic. g ed with the means of grace. I. CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON, Q. C„ Entrance Examination to the High Mental Arithmetic was dealt with iu a The next meeting of the Presbytery :lerliued the title of "Sri:" whiel]School, and would recommend that the very practical and instructive manner. will be held at Wingham on the third •)tferad him by the Queen for hisEntrance Examination and Public The discussion of this subject was Tuesday in January, at 11.30 a. m. cre in connection with the Berinir further continued by Inspector Toni, H. School Leaving be left as they are at r JoIIN 111A_�TAI]n, Clerk. psroitraeion. He prefers to remain I Strang, J. Delgaty. Inspector Robb, Present. Lucknow, Nov. 24, 18'93. Christopher Robinson. of East Huron, who was present, also 3. In view of the benefits received by Toronto World does not think a took part in the discussion. the members of this association, and.Men `,real and cr her parts of Quebec inion general election will be held W. H. Johnston gave notice of a mo- that the funds inthe association treasuryt •{ el f 1896 With afew t' d tosubstituting the Y S are rapidly decreasing, therefore, we, fit a aback of earthquake 011 Mon- "FRNOON SESSION rI . e association met as per adjaurai A committee, consisting of Messrs. McLeenan, Sutherland and irlurray,was appointed to draft a deliverance on the remit on relations of Colleges to the church, at next meeting. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Fairbairn, Anderson and their Presby- tery Elders, was appointed to draft a deliverance on the remit on recommenda- tions of Hymnal committee, and report at next meeting. ed and, on ration of G. Shepard,seoond permission was given the Whitechurch ed by R. E. }3ro:vn, the report was adopted, and the janitors ordered to be and Calvin church, East Wawanosh, to paid the usual fees. moderate in a call when they,are ready. The resolution committee then re )ort- On motion, it was agreed that the ed and, on motion of Inspector Tom, the Presbytery express its gratification at the step taken by the Ontario Govern - report was taken up clause by 011.000. merit in tasking an expression of the pub - The report of the committee as amended lie mind ou the question of the prohibi- was adopted as follows : tion of the liquor traffic, and would urge 1. That the Entrance Examiners be upon our people to use their influence satisfied with one eopy of the ornamental and record their votes in favor of prohl- 1 ria - el �s'i t ]ere are ten which showedthatl �t ch tian Endeavour Societies and three others. The Presbytery having consid. ered at some length the working of the Ohristiau Endeavor Societies within its bouuds, express sympathy with the good work being done by these societies, The Presbytery resolved to risk the ' { l to visit congre- gations within our bounds for two weeks, rind that Mr. Murray communi- cate with him, those desiring to have a visit to apply to Mr, Murray. The remit of Assembly o0 enlarged powers of Synods was disapproved uf. The remit on representation of Mission stations at Church Courts was approved. went. Inspeetor Tom took up "Time Tables in Ungraded Schools," and dealt with the work for these schools fully. Mr. Tom urged that the teacher should keep the copy books in his desk and examine frequently. Friday afternoon entertain- ments were recommended. Several tenohers discussed the question further. The auditor's report was then present - three beads. It's tactical ana culture work in the copy book, No. 5. P 2. That this association views with value and its value as an introduction to other or higher mathematics. Culture alarm the proposition of the Education •h d vac- Department to substitute the Public bition. It was agreed that a conference be held at next meeting as to whether the Presbyterians in our bounds are suppli- BARK WANTED. 1500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK -wanted at the Wiughana Teuuory. $5 .00 PER CORD Will be psid on delivery. Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can i n. ...rind balance iv Calf in summer deliver l winter, if desired, and same price will be paid. t ]e snmita • U ion ]n regard o da ,6 su]•;rrises like Winnipeg., the Gov- i,eaving Exam. for the Entrance. your committee, recommend that the 3 - r 'Hent will keep the evil day off as lou, The association then adjourned to ' annual fees of male ni9m,ers be 50 cents ssible. meet again at 1.30 p. m. os. MCGnesvEV, ex -M. P., and AFTERNOON SESSION. ,9las Connolly, the great contractor, The association met at 1.45 p. tn. Mr. were tried at Ottawa, las; woek. for Latta, president of the association, hav- iraey. were found guilty and sen- ing arrived, took the chair. Mr. Strang then proceeded with his dtoone year iuthe Carleton County The minutes of the last session at subject "Infinitives and Participles" and Exeter and the forenoon session vers in the short time at his disposal gave Aron Jobe MrTr.i , of Erarnosa, has read and adopted. i nominated as the Liberal candidate The following committees were then be Ontario Legislature for South appointed : Resolution—Messrs. W. H. and of female members 25 cents. H. 1. Strang, B, A., and Inspector Tom then took up the questions in the ques- tion drawer. Several interestiug and instructive answers were given. some very practical and valuable hints on this subject which were highly ap- preciated by the teachers. Being a ington, in plat:e of D. Guthrie, M. , Johnett u, Jas. Delgaty, Geo. Baird, 1 f English, principal Strang is • ., who decided that he would not i !hese • Burrows and Mary Blair • Audit I candidate 1 Ides r J J Boyd and J 4 Dempsey. WINGHAM TANNING CO. Winghaiu, May 10th, 1893. SLEEPLESSNESS is instantly re- lieved and per- manently cured by the faithful use df CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINE. It tones up the system and restores failing strength. Recommended by all doctors as a restorative after debilitating illnesses. , Prepared only by K. CAMPBELL & CO., ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. MONTREAL. 11ARKET REPORTS. master o p p WINO iA3f. } always at home when discussing any -1 Winghan], November 30, 1893. again. — ' ' --` A. thing petraining to this as in other'. lir. Johnston's resolution with refer- I Corrected P. Deans, Produce Dealer. F eleetien in the; Ottawa to till the I branches of bis work, and his remarks I Flour per by0 lbs 1 50 to 1 80 ocy caused by the appointment of ( encs ofto I he P. S. Leaving Examination H ID1eIetoch to the Lieut Gower- I was referred to the Resolution Commit- 'rliip of the Northwest Territories, tee, as was also a resolution by Mr. take place on the 74th inst. Sir Boyd. - etes Griot has been nominated as the 1 S. J. Latta then proceeded with the Iservative candidate. a subject of drawing, illustrating his re- narks by blackboard exercises. This ,ISIBETING of the East Huron Reform 1 proved very instructive, as Mr. Latta elation will be held in the town hall, l showed himself thoroughly conversant ss ssel, on Tuesday, December 12th, • with the subject. p. m.. for the purpose of selectingI Mr. Liouston then resumed the discus - A Brick House and Lot*r Sale In Wtngham, being lot 65, on the East aids of Uatherine street, Ward No. 2. The house contahra 8 roome, paltry, and cellar, hard and soft water, The lot contains one•alth of an acre. For further pal tioulars apply to the owner, on the premises, or �a Wingharu f . U. J. It. otille,N. GEO. SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT AGAIN. STEAK, 100. PER LB. Ontario Legislature. A full repre- I dition and multiplication. tion from all parts of the riding is ' The roll was then called and showed ntly requested. teachers in attendance. Hie Conservatives of West Huron will G. W. Holman then read a paper on t in convention at Goderich, on "Canada's Commercial Position in the 1 World," giying Canada's resources of all kinds and tables showing our imports, and other particulars with regard to onsideration will be the advisability . urging teachers to teach the children to ng out a candidate for the Ontario have confidence in their country. stature. R. E. Brown then rend a carefully pre- pared paper on "Writing in Public Schools." Movable headlines were re- commended to be used—the ornamental writing in the Entrance copy books should be abolished.Messrs, 13. I. Strang, B. A., Wm. Houston, M. A., and others eoutinued the discussion. The time of adjournment having ar- rived the association adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock a. m. on Saturday. are always eagerly listened to and highly valued. After passing a vote of thanks to the trustees of the Godericb Model school, the association adjourned to meet at the call of the Executive. GEO. W. HOLMAN, See-Treas. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Barley Peas Butter, tub 055 to 057 055 to 056 027 to 028 034 to 035 050 to 050 020 to 020 and other meats low in proportion. PORK SAUSAGE also on hand. RARE ' C6fA i! RE A A to ```alto from 315 to 525 ler weak in selling our Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Ifl;rhest Salaries I )letll ()merevauw, u weekly. C on or Commission P id1 special 1nstruetionsto beginners. Write this Week for terms to. I R. 0. GRAl1AM, Nurseryman, 1st Toronto, Ont CHEAP READING! Our Clubbing Yates. I am prepared to paw the Highest price for all kinds of fowl. They must he drawn and well dressed. • GEO. SHAW. Wingllam, Oct. 10th, 1393. Tho Turas and Toronto (globe, wacb ly $ 1 50 The Tools and Toronto Empire, weekly 1 75 The Truss and London Advertiser, weeldy,. ,1. 75 The Turns and London Free Press, weekly., 1 75 The 'rules and Montreal Herald, weekly 1 60 The Trxxs and Montreal Witness, weekly 1 60 The Toms and Toronto Daily World 2 56 The TIMES and Montreal Family herald and Star weekly, and premium 1 75 The Ttuss and The Ladies' Journal, monthly, 1 25 Toronto The Ties and Cosmopolitan Magaz,ne,monthl,l•, 2 05 New York The TIMES and The Live Stock Journal and TTousehold Companion, monthly...... . 1 75 The Timis and Fanners' Auvocate, biweekly 1 00 The TIMES and the Cultivator and Country 2 75 Gentleman, weekly The balance of 1893 free 111 every case. Reduced rates with ail other papers not mentioned in the above list, Address, Ticiss Orme. Wingham, Ont. In order to dispose of our entire stock of Goods, as .need then] and we need the money, we shall for the Butter, rolls ........ ...... 0 20 to 0 20 Eggs per dozen 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord.... .... 1 50 to 1 75 Hay' per ton .. .... 6 00 to 6 00 ext Thirty be prepared to quote we know yowl } Prices Entirely Below Anything that has ever been heard of Before in all onr lines. ----- Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 35 005 to 0061 008 to009I 0255to 035 040 to 050 6 00 to 6 10 Geese, per lb Presbytery of Maitland. Turkeys The Presbytery met at Win gham, I lu ksens, per pair g eday, December 12th. The election ulcers and other important business take place. Among other matters Monday last. the tariff bill prepared e Ways and Means Committee of United States Congress was made ie. It makes sweeping reduction he duties and places a great many cies on the free list. Almost all materials are placed on the free list, ell as coal. eggs, wool and bread- s. The barley duty is reduced from 12 cents. If the measure; becomes in its present shape, it will be of ease benefit to Canada. EVENING. In the evening an entertainment was ,c Is said that a number of their given in the Collegiate Institute Hall, consisting of music and a lecture by Wm. Houston, Esq., M. A., on "Reminis- cences of Eminent Canadians." The usual votes of thanks closed a vary suc- cessful entertainment. The association met at 9:15 a. m., Mr. Latta in the chair. W. II, Johnston conducted devotional exercises. The minutes of the afternoon session were read and adopted. The election of officers was then pro- oeeded with. Messrs. Gowan and McLaughlin were appointed tellers. The election resulted as follows : President, J. T. Wren, Iiensel!; Vice. President, Mies Burrows, Sheppardton; See. -Trevi., G. W. Holman, Ellaville. ds intend preparing a petition and ting it to the Governor-General g the clemency of the Crown in of McGreevey and Connolly. It is hoped that the Governor-General, has any authority in such cases, efuse to have anything to do with oiling men who have been proven of the offences they have. The thing to regret is, that all those ed with them in their vile busineee not behind the bars with Mc- ey and Connolly. awards in the Education Depart - the World's Fair have just been , awl the Government of Un - way dell proud of the success getatfionstl exhibit. The Com- mis iii* understands that Nov. 21. Rev. G. McKay, Moderator. Dressed Hags The minutes of assembly for the Elders can vox, were distributed ; also, the annual Fall Wheat, old 0 50 to 0 60 statistical and financial returns. FWheat, new.. ........ 0 58 to 0 01 Elders' commissions were received in Spring all Wheat 0 53 to 0 58 Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bushel0 35 to 0 40 •017to018 013to013 5 00 to 7 00 300 to 400 favor of Angus Martin, Ripley, James Quaid, Port Albert, Robert Barr, Ethel, Peter Campbell, Bluevale. The Pastoral charges entitled to send commissioners to the General Assembly were announced : To send ministers— Whitechurch and East Wawanosh, South Kinloss, Wingham.. St. Helens and East Ashfield, Ashfield; and to send Elders—Walton, Langside,K n ox Church, Ripley, Knox Church, Brussels, Moles- worth. The Rev. A. Findlay, superintendent of Mission in Barrie and Algoma. Pres- byteries, being present, addressed the Court regarding the work carried •on and the need of the field at some points to have churches and manses erected with as little delay as possible. This Presbytery expressed gratification at Mr. Findlay's visit and cordially commends the object of his visit to all our congre- gations. It was agreed to apply to the Commit- tee on the Distributions of Probationers for full supply for Huron congregation next quarter, provided Gaelic supply can be secured; and for Molesworth one- fourth supply ; tor Whitecbtlrah and Calvin Church, East Wawanosb, three Sabbaths supply next quarter. Messrs. McLennan and Mark Wilson were appointed to audit the Treasurer's books and report at next meeting. The Rev. Dr. G. L. McKay, Missionary to Formosa, was nominated Moderator of the next General Assembly. Mr. Rose read a report oa 'Young People's Societies in the Presbytery , .,.... 0 30 to 0 35 0 29 to 0 30 050 to 051 Butter Eggs,gper dozen HCordwood EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1857, Chapter 110, Section 46 the creditors of Alexander Rh100111, late of the Township of East IAawanosh, in tha County of Buren, who died on or about the Sth day of October, A. 1)„ I893, are required to send to R, Vanstone. Solicitor for Hannah Kintoui and John Gibbons, Executors of the slid deceased, winghant P. 0., on or before the 20th day of December, A. D., 1803, their names, addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims, astatement of their account.• and the nature of the securities or any) held by them; and notice is hereby given that the said Executors will, hum'diately alter the lost men- tioned dray, Proceed to dtstrihn4, the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled' thereto, having regard only to the elahns of which they shall then hare notice. Gated this 22nd day of NovIt1093. ember. solicitor. HANNAH U5NT0L-L, l lixecutor4, JOAN GIBBONS, 1 OR. McLELLAN, LONDON, ONT. GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made of the best Fabrics the market produces. GENTS' FURNISHINGS g UNDERWEAR we cannot be undersold. BOOTS AND SHOES . at the most unprecedented low prices. We are headquarters for the celebrated. ranhy ver hoe also all Canadian Brands in Stock, with Socks to match. t `. OILUTH S r S FIRST -CRSS INI)LS PRICN RIGHT,' Repairing done as usual. 497 Talbot Street, EYE ani EAR' StT11rGEO11, Gradu'ite nt the New York Eye and Ear hospital, 15;99. Porti (lraduateenuree on the Eye, Ear, Diose and Throat at the Noses York fest Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 1802. Eyes 'tested. Glasses supplied. rine stock of Spertacles, Lenses and . Artia(:ril }les. Will be at the Brnnaw'idk Mouse, WtNGICAM,; l The First or Last TIICUIt$1)AY of each month, at date named below: First Visit,, January 14th, 1894. mows ii s. rtt. to 8.00 p. rn. Charges j moderato. C"W a naw o.T„► J. J. HOMUTR & SON, Windham, HARNESS AND COLLARS. Having bought out the Ambler !farness Business and started in his old stand, am prepared to furnish the public with everythi usually kept in a harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, Wl3IPS, CURRY COM SS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, the., d:o * I make all my owuoltara and guarantee satisfaction. Give mo s trial and T will use you right. r�. East W awanosti• Mr. Thos, tAkelt has been o l $5,000 for Ilia faun, but bus not decided to accept, as he would (puired to give immediate posse Munn Bros, have purchased a ably sawmill, and intended seal.. up and running it with their traction engine this winter. Miss N, Watson has been re.e ed to teach in S. S. No, 10 for at an increased salary, Mrs Love, of the 6th con., Wewanush; who lest spring sol( farm to Mr. Win, T. Nohle,of 1-1 but retained possession of it. 1s 11 to Blyth and givign Mr. N.)ulo pos1eseion and ooutrol of the pia, Manchester. A most successful meeting c West Huron Farmers Institut( beld in Manchester on Thursday November, The addresses of the noon were well put, and the d were conducted in a lively Mr, R. C. McGowan spoke ou draining, and Mr. R. McMillan on dehorning cattle and fat tllern for the British market; 1 exhibited his dehorning app; The evening meeting Was largt tended,Mr. Baillie acting as ells The Auburn band gave some ex music ; Mr, I.V. McPhee, M Stalker and Mrs. W. N. Howiei gave some excellent music on and organ. The speaking was by J. E. Tota, P. S. I , on "A Lure in our public schools," whi ably done. Mr, R. McMilla an account, of his trip to the West and Chicago. Mr. J. T. G M. P. P., then spoke on Farmer's boy," and we are 20 the boys present would apprecir Garrow's efforts on their behalf C. Hamilton. of Blyth, spoke c "Benefits of joining the lnstitui Kintall. The people, to this vicinity been enjoying the first sleighiu€ season, for the past few days, The semiweekly sales at Mi ned;'store still continue and ar ing a great success, although sc the boys do become a little upr after the sale are over. Our village received a call,las from the travelling perform McLean, comic singer and recit Professor M. J, Welch,champic jawed town, formerly of A Wisconsin. The' former ke audience in convulsions by his eries, while their amazement wori-derf,il feats of his company unlimited. He lifts without a perceptible effort, a half a ba water, from the ground, car about the platform and sits it again all by the unaided s `T of his teeth, .He is willing t any athlete in this particular 1i may wish to compete with him. On Thursday of last wet members of the local branch C.' M. P. A. met at the rrsldf one of their number, Mr. J, Dalton,to•offer him their con tions on the occasion of his to After the us ial greetings wer the Rev. N. Dixon was called chair Ile made a very neat propiate speech and then int Reeve Griffin who in 9 few w en words, tendered the yours. the regaids of his brother and beg their acceptance of a ful easy chair presented by t bers of the branch. Mr. although taken by surprise, thanked the donors and that each one of them ' mig enjoy the benefits of their•gii guest. After a few hours spen Intercourse, rills company c wishing Bro. Dalton add his spouse many years of unalloy+ nese. • Lon:desboro. Mr. J. T O'Brien has mo to Lonrleshoro. Mr. Humphrey Grey is h visit to relations here. Mr: Brown, of Mandel; open a harness shop in part Wilkin's shoe shop, in a W 'At the regular meeting of G. T. lodge, ou Tuesday e committee was appointed to letter of condolence to B Adams in the loss of his wif( also a member of this lodge, of remembrance. The ebo lodge was draped in crape. There was a spelling matt meeting, Sisters Crisp and acting as captttinsi, which re victory for Sister, %seam Bro. Ephraim grey keeping the longest. S. 0, E. lodge meets toni ie quarter night; also, c officers. There was a W. l irg of the lodge and a suppl