HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-11, Page 16-- .. . �: y,,. :.... ....:. ":.,. _....,,h..w., ^�roT.'n:t,9 ,+9+.,x eme,..n.:t «.,. ....„w,,.,m�,...•...w rw.rxrC .m .,.x,." ...... r,,, , .. „T; ...
14 X0 ;1tTW910",, QNTM ,AlPik�k, 11, 1lx+rf ��t'h
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23. Rus. Dir 23. Bus. Dir ectc►ry
Gerald L. Merner n the
dram Page 1) the board's &vision.
from the town if the 'progra,m The planning board supported at
nual eto
were to be continued. a request from Brewers Retail
Chartered Accountant
Council thanked the society for
that some industrial land near the
and Miss Brenda
Glanville of
BUSt 20 Sanders E. -
EXETER - X35-0 81
their work and agreed to grant the
industrial park on South Main St.
Mrs. Arnold Taylor was
re-elected President for the
competitictu next year. Mrs.
Gordan Papple gave the report on
machinery chains, don't gamble,
Annet MacRae wish to express
$400 necessary for this project.
be rezoned to commercial and
grandparents Mr.
and Mrs.
RES. 10 Green Acres - GRAND BEND - 238-8070
Council passed bylaw 951 to
council agreed.
Seaforth Women's Institute at
the District Board meeting held in
supply group lite insurance for all
County council informed
their annual meeting' held
Hensall April 3rd. Mrs. Ken
and Pamela Carter. 24-35-1
2. 34x3
town employees.
council the count rate this
Y Year
Tuesday evening.
Stewart, Mrs. R.M.Scott will be
Mr. and Mrs, Allan Carter,
A bylaw was passed making it
would be $63,427 , up about
The meeting was held at the
delegates to the District Annual
and Brucefield Volunteer Fire
An extraordinary 95 per cent of
illegal for cars to be parked'on
$13,000 from last year.
home of Mrs. Alex Pepper %with
in Zurich May f6th, with Mrs.
18. Building TODAY -S ANSWER
Cards of Thanks
town streets between the hours of
Council granted a Taxi license
Mrs.Wilfred Coleman co -hostess,
Andrew Crozier being the
thanks to Father Fr. Laragh,
2 a.m. and.6 a.m. A minimum
to William R. Kerr.
Mrs. A. Taylor chaired the
alternate. In discussing the
We wish to extend our heartfelt
".... "r ec nn f- ,r„• tint 'XI'k n c•
Council agreed to prepare a
opening exercises and business
project for .,.the local training
' &
thanks to relatives, friends and,
and $10.00 for each following
float for the Lions Club 50th
Period. Correspondence was
school course, it was decided first
neighbours for acts of kindness,
offence was approved.
Anniversary parade in June of
read, courtesy notes from Mrs. G
choice would be Bake in a pie,
Prompt, Courteous, Efficient
floral tributes, cards, donations,
A letter from the Huron County
this year.
McKenzie, Mr. Andrew Crozier,
Father Abraham Mission in India.
2nd, Creative stitchery, first
choice in the short course was
KiPFER - David and Hessie are
food and expressions of sympathy
Health Unit requested council to
Councillor Bill Bennett,
it was decided to enter
Home Craft.
during our relent bereavement in
require people intending building
new houses or structures
reporting for the Arena
committer,?said the brine
comedy number in the Seaforth
Mrs. Ken Stewart and Mrs.
the loss of a dear wife and
mother. Special thanks to the
requiring septic ,tank systems, to
was 4hAusted and asked
50th Anniversary of the Lions
Jas. Keys alternate was selected
pallbearers, Dr. Malkus and .the
obtain approval From the health
approval in getting a price on a
Club, to be hely in June 21s .t,
to attend the -Officers Conference
We give complete sale service,
staff of Seaforth Community
unit before they be granted a
replacement. Mention was made
22nd. 23rd. Seaforth Women's
in Waterloo April 30, May 1 & 2.
Hobpital, Rev. Wallace Murray
building permit. This in the long
of expressing appreciation to the
Institute. will participate in the
A donation was given to
and ladies of Knox Presbyterian
rurr would save the builder
local Beavers and Juniors for
'crafts display at the area
Milton Pardy Scholarship Fund.
8. Whirl
Church and the Heath -Leslie
considerable money as health unit
their efforts for minor hock, y'
convention in Stratford, Nov. 27
Yearly reports given included:
Phone Collect
Funeral Home, Mitchell. -John
approval is required before the
Councillor Jim Crocker
& 28, also in the Tweedsmuir
Secretary Treasurer Mrs.
235-1964 Exeter
A. Darling and family. 245x "
residence can be occupied,
reporting for finance and general
and Social Committee.
Special Committee
Council felt this was reasonable
government said the tender of
„ Bus trip - Mrs. Ross Gordon,
package is not only less expensive
I wish to thank everyone for all,
the lovely cards, flowers and
and agreed to follow this method
in the future.
Bou an and Morrison, Clinton,
had been accepted for new steps
As world food st•pplies become
Committee - Mrs. Gordaii'i kapple,
scarcer, the trend is to more
while I was a patient in St.
Council was asked by both
at the library at a price of $896.
brought to bear on what we eat.
' Convener - Mrs. , R.M.Scott;
And even to the development of
Joseph's Hospital. -Margaret
Maitland Valley Conservation
Further work is planned at the
Knowing what's in your food is
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Mrs.
Papple. 2.1-35x1
Authority; and the Ausable-
library but it will have to be
Space travel, pollutiori and the
But you're entitled to know
nutritional values is the second.
Bayfield Authority to submit any
cleared with the county board
TV dinner are all products of
what goes into the food you buy,
I would like to thank friends and
Programs they might have for the
before it is started.
modern technology.
or what's been removed front it.
refa•tives for the visits and treats..
SWEEP Programs planned by
Councillor John Sinnamon
More and more people are
And how much of the tampering
the nursing staff and Dr. Malkus
both authorities.
reporting fbr the public works
asking where that technology is
witty • food is necessary or
Kippen, Ont aria
for Peaking my stay in Seaforth
Seaforth passed a motion to pay
department asked council's
leading us -- especially where
Community Hospital more
their portion of the east involved
approval for buying two new .,"food
is concerned.
Let's say right away that most
Telephone 262-5515 - Hensalt
pleasant. - Mr. George\Earl,
in running the Seaforth Senior
chain saws for the town, a 14 -inch
Of course we can't simply turn
of the processing is done for a
Citizens project in 1973. The cost
saw and a 26 -inch saw at a total
back the clock and return to a
good purpose. The technology
to the town was $382.32 for five
cost of $546.07 including sales
rustic past where man sustained
that gave us canning and frezing,
26. Personal
months of operation,
tax. Two trees had been removed
himself on 'one acre and a cow'.
n so we don't have to be constantly
Council approved their share of
at the high school and the school
Nor can we find a solution in the
hauling around sacks full of
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Boyes,
the Seaforth Fire Area Board
was to be billed $103.20 for the
so-called natural foods --
groceries, has done us a favor.
Bayfield are pleased to announce
budget, $10,362, for the coming
work. He- further requested
organically -grown vegetables, for
Similarly, the chemical
the forthcoming marriage of their
year. Part of this figure is for the
permission to purchase 6 plastic
example -- because there aren't
additives that preserve food are.
P.C.V. Class CDF & FS
daughter, Janet ,Ann, to Mr.
purchase of a new fire truck,
cones for road work at a cost of
enough of them to go around.
obviously helpful. Janis without
Serving Dublin &Seaforth areas.
Michael Otto Eckert, son of Mrs.
A letter from the Huron County
5.50 each. This was approved by
benzoic acid, for instance, would
Phone 345-2301 Dublin anytime.
Marie Eckert, Clinton, and the
Library committee informed
Don t
quickly go m 'ouldy. Other
23 34-tf
tate Mr. Bert Eckert. The
council tile.rent for thehbrary for
Councillor Wayne Ellis,'
chemicals are used to stop fats
marriage to take place on Satur
day, May 11th at 4 P.M. in Trinity
1974 would be $i•c800.
A letter from the Seaforth
reporting for the protection to
and property committee,,
with gasoline
becoming rancid, to improve taste
and texture, and to corRrol
Anglican Church, Bayfield.
Planning Board informed council
told council the resignation of
that they were not in favour cif
Harry Jessome. as answering ,
Oid you know that 40 gallons of
Much of the bread we buy
granting a request, for Mrs.
service for the police department
gasoline, vaporized and mixed
undergoes a variety of chemical
87 Goderich St.W., Seaforth
The engagement is announced of
A.DeCoo to have some lots she
had been received effective May
proportionately in air, have the
manipulations: flour is milled,
Phone 527.1390 Seaforth
Doris Violet Adams of London,
owtrs on Welsh Street rezoned to
1. Council accepted his resig-
explosive potential of 240 pounds
then bleached. In the process,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
residential. Council agreed with
nation with regret.
of dynamite? Because they
much of the nutritional value is
Adams of Goderich to' David
evaporate quickly and mix with
removed.Later, the bread is
Stewart Mills, son of Mrs. Fred
air, gasoline vapors are
'enriched' with vitamins to make
Mills of London and the late Fredparticularly
hazardous. In the
up for the 'goodness' that +vas
Mills. Wedding to take lilac,
Un i t I
right proportions, the mixture can
April 26. ' 26-35x1
e>ljlode with the flip of a Fight
But with bread, as with other
......_. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Nolan,
holds Easter meeting
s witch.
''While we have been able to
foods, the manufacturer gives us
pretty much what ++', want. We
R.R.S, 5eaforth, .Ontario are
:'tame'; gasoline. for internal
want bread thatstays fresh longer
pleased to announce the
"Wings for Easter" was the
announced several up coming
Fombystion engines, many people
-- so that's what the baker gives
engagement of their daughter,
Shirley (knne to Mr. Kenneth Earl
lic1em used by the President to
events. The next meeting will be
continue to gamble by using it for
unintended - and "potentially
Most manipulation of food has
Service to all makes
John McLean , sort of Mr. and
open the meeting of Unit 1 at the
home of Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot
Monday, May 6 in the social
rooms of the church.
dangerous - purposes," says
to do with convenience, hygiene,
T. V's., lt�adios, Etc.
Mrs. Donald C, McLean' of 321
on April 2 at $'p.m.
Mrs, K: Stewart read an
Don, Brown, -general ane er of
g � g
and reservation and storage.
P g
17 S arlin St. - Phone`527=1150
P g
High Street, Clinton. The
Mrs. McKenzie thanked the
''Easter' poem and the first and
the Farm Safety Association.
Some is done for cosmetic reasons
marriage will take place in St.
Vis, President, all who helped
last verses of "When I survey the
Kee,Ping gasoline away from
-- like artificial •coloring, because
Columban Roman Catholic
with Toddlers, acted as greeters
Wondrous Cross" was sung.
oflames isn't the only
, we want peas. to look bright green
Church on Saturday, May 11th,
and sent her cards while -she was
Mrs. ElliottE read the scripture,
precaution people need to take to
aril margarine to look yellow.
1974 at 6 P.M. 26,--J5x1
John : 1-18 and led s prayer.
Prevent explosions and tires. For
All of the chemical additives
Thr oil call was answered with
Rev. Ure Stewart was the
example, gasoline is not meant to
that go into our food are tightly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. L ne,
R.R,No.2, Dublin, Ontario
art Easter Thought"; the
speaker and m closing he said
be a cleaning fluid. it should, nal.
be usedlo''"clean floors, clothing
controlled b. government. And
Y g
most serve some useful purpose.
announce the forthcoming
mien cs were read and the
"Let us make our lives count far
and machinery parts. Neither
Technological processes like
marriage of their daughter Mary
treasurer s report given.
"Him . Mrs. Allen- gave the
shoufd,it be used to start fires in
p a s t e u r i z a t ion a n d
Day 527-0680 -Night 527-0885
Louise Anne to William Gerald
I'hc copper contest captains
courtesy remarks.
brush, trash piles or briquettes.
homogenization have made food
23 34 tf
Thomas Staples. son of Mr, and
ha+'e until Sunday to get ti-wir
Hyo i 111 verses 1 and 6 was
Many gasoline accidents occur
Mrs, Gordon Staples, R.R.No.2,
Coppers iu,
sung and the Mizpah benediction
during refuelling. Ahvays turn off
But one researcher at the
Dublin, Ontario•. The weddingMrs.
Ellis is convener for our
repeated.' A social half hour
clic motor on t•actart•s, trucks and
University of Toronto's School of
Bruce Pulsifer
will take place May 3, at 7 P.M. at
Bake Sale and Tea on April 27.
followed. ]'here were thirty in
ruachinery !+,fore tilling the tank.
Hygiene, Dr. T. W.Anderson,
Columban Church. 26-35x1
general president
Gasoline -powered tools such as
says that,rtifieial ingredients are
i d I
earl n r ind r
Piano Specialist Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fraser,
Q R.R.2. Blyth, wish to announce
Your piano is a valuable piece of - the engagement of theirdaughter, Carolyn, to Mr. Gerald
furniture. Have it tuned and kept Sullivan, son of Mrs. Joseph
.in repair, Phone 529-0053.23-34.tf Sullivan, Brantford, and the late
Mr. Sullivan. The marriage will
take pla'ee in Walton United
24. Cards of Thanks Church at 7:30 P.M. , May 3.
1974. 26-35x1
awriniowers an clauisaws <F ng
should not be refilled when •they frequently in food -- and the only
are hot. way to.be sure what their effects
Even supposedly 'empty' tanks are is to do long-term studies.
and drurns can be dangerous; the "in general." he says, "the
gasoline [night be gone but the less intervention, the less
explosive vapors remain.'
Excessive heat, efectric.al and �►�+I+�+w++
welding sparks can all cause the
drum or tank t(i explode.
While it may seem easy to use
I he Happy Citizens met
Mrs. Mary Thornton is a
and Miss Brenda
Glanville of
gasoline to clean greasy
MacRAE - The family of the late
patirYit in Seaforth Community
Crediton visited- their
machinery chains, don't gamble,
Annet MacRae wish to express
TIENens, o Mr.,
SOONTIENS To Mr. and Mrs.
Hospital w here she underwent
grandparents Mr.
and Mrs.
Store gasoline properly and use it
,their sincere thanks to relatives
John Seaforth.
surgery last week.
Edward Regele.
only as the fuel it was designed to
and friends for the beautiful floral
in Stratford Hospital, on March
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
and Pamela Carter. 24-35-1
tributes, messages of sympathy.
donations to the Cancer Fund and
28 a son. 2Marx1
Preszcatorof Crediton visited last
week one daywithMr. and Mrs.
Mass cards, other acts of
Mr. and Mrs, Allan Carter,
Harald McCallum.
Patents and Prices
fireblight which can destroy as
and Brucefield Volunteer Fire
An extraordinary 95 per cent of
kindness shown them during their
•R.•R,N4, Clinton, are pleased to
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Re ele
18. Building TODAY -S ANSWER
recent sad bereavement. Special
the birth their
spent Friday evening with Mrs.
1. Indian
1.Novelist's or
thanks to Father Fr. Laragh,
announce of
Melinda Koehler.
aa n azda
3 1 t
Dr. Moyo and staff of Seaforth
daughter, Pamela Denise , on
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Boyd +rho
5. European
19. Stringed
N V �W oN
Community Hospital,
April 1, 1974 at Clinton Public
Hospital. 27-35-1
s crit the winter months in
9. Trimmed,
2. Single
t M OHM3 S
; A r
pallbearers, Honor Guard, flower
Florida have returned to their
as a tree
3. Bind
21. Miss
, s s
bearers and Box Funeral Home.
KiPFER - David and Hessie are
honrc, •
11. Farm
, z
-The MacRae Family. 24-35-1
proud to announce the birth of
Mr. and Mrs..lunior Storey and
12. Pertain
4. Goals
5. Mineo
24. Pork -
eating to determine the
We wish to thank all those friends
their daughter, Karen Hessie on
daughter of Seaforth. visited`Mr.
and Mrs. Peter McLaughlin on
13. Take on
6. Wayne and
d 3ntn
and neighbours who worked so
March 29th at SouthHuron
14. Iago's
the 31. Submarine.
hard to make our reception a
Hospital in Exeter. 27-35-1
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Murray
wrongdoer apparatus
success especially the. Moore's,
Happy Citizens
spent a 1,,% days in Nova Scotia
15. Diamond
7. Alias "Miss
27. Last- 32. Fiend
men- 34. Injure
Dietz' and Dursts. Also the
the, cardboard packages they
visiting with Mrs. Murray's
8. Whirl
boned 36. Highland
Wilbee , Orchestra and the
Community Centre staff. - Mr.
16. Cambodia's
9. Ante-bellum 29. Singer, Scot
38. Duffer's
Stewart, Mrs. Andrew. Crozier;
Mrs. Barry Bullock and Allan
10. Constructed
and Mrs.John Flannery. 24-35-1
and Social Committee.
once more
Breeder gadget
I he Happy Citizens met
can have a significant impact on
17. Football
We wish to express our sincere
Thursday, March 4. The euchre
thanks and appreciation for all the
winners were ladies high,20.
a a tS
flowers, gifts, treats and
lovely g
Mrs -Routledge; Lone hand, Mrs.
22. svelte
cards. Special thanks to Dr.
McGavin; Low, Mrs. Greta Kerr.
Ontario's pear industry is
23. Shepherds'
Harrett and nurses on O.B. at
Men's High, Wm. Kelley; Lone
losing acres c and a major share
g g
25. Faithful
Clinton Public Hospital. - Karen
hand, Frank Smale; Low, Art
of the market. One reason
28. Public
and Pamela Carter. 24-35-1
Nicholson. After which lunch was
growers are reluctant to invest in
re tt96fp levels,
served by our social committee.
pears is a bacterial disease called
Many thanks to our neighbours
Patents and Prices
fireblight which can destroy as
and Brucefield Volunteer Fire
An extraordinary 95 per cent of
much as 40 per cent of a pear tree
31. Exuded
33. Rainy
Departm6ni for thpfr prompt
Canadian patents are held by
in a single season.
34. Biblical
assistance on Saturday, April 6,
non -residents , reports
Pear trees take about seven
-- Jim and Lynne Burgess.
Consumers' Association of
years to come into commercial
36. Eat one's
Canada. Patents as well alt tar'ffs
Director- Mrs. R.M.Scott; Pu blic
words '
Rising Village". Roll call was
can have a significant impact on
production, but fire light can
destroy the trees before they
37. Com-
I would..like to thank all those who
the price 6f major appliances such
make returns for the grower.
ponent ,
39. Appear
visited andsent best wishes while
as television sets and automatic
Work is underway at Agri-
40, Demolish
Worldaffairs, Mrs. Lorne Dale;
p.. A,p .
I was in hos tai S ecaf th'gnks
washers. And patent reforin is
culture Canada's Harrow, Ont.,
41, Weld
to Dr. r. Malkus and
crucial if rices of prescription
Research Station to breed a
42. Apple or
nursing staff. .-W-Anh BShij6hi
,•�Ir'ttjks ,are to be toweled to
variety, of pear resistant to the
48, picnic
Frank Hu-nt; Public Relations -'
Officers are: Past President -
re tt96fp levels,
Mrs. John MacLean; President -
Gordu41 Wliutt; Auditors, Mrs,,
Rising Village". Roll call was
AndrewCrozier; Standing
answered by, "My Favorite
Committee Reports: Agriculture
Holiday Spot in Canada", Mrs.
and Canadian Industries, Mrs.
Arnold Taylor thanked all who
Les Campbell; Citizenship and
helped throughout the year. Mrs.
Worldaffairs, Mrs. Lorne Dale;
Elmer Cameron gave the courtesy
Education. and Cultural Activities
remarks and lunch was served by
- Mrs. Andrew Crozier; Family
Mrs. Lorne Carter, Mrs, John
and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. John
Henderson, Mrs. Norman Riehl
MacLean; Resolutions, Mrs,
and Mrs,,John McGregot.
Frank Hu-nt; Public Relations -'
Officers are: Past President -
Mrs. Lorne Lawson; Sunshiti��ee��
Mrs. John MacLean; President -
Committee - Mrs. Gordart�
Mrs. Arnold Taylor; 1st Vice
Papple-,Scrap Book - Mrs. John
President, Mrs. Harold Hugill; '
'Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs.
Mrs. Gordan Papple conducted
Gordon Elliott; Assistant
the election of officers and the
Secretary - Mrs. Ken Stewart;
entire slate being accepted as
District Director - Mrs. Ross
prepared by the Nominating
Gordon; Alternate District
Committee and read by Mrs.
Director- Mrs. R.M.Scott; Pu blic
Lorne Lawson..
-Relation Officer - Mrs. Lorne
Mrs, Elmer Cameron gave„ the
Lawson; Curator„ - Mrs. John
motto, Reading, "Thoughts of•a
Hillebrecht; Assistant Curators -
Miss Belle Campbell, Mrs. Ross
MacGregor; Branch Directors -
Mrs. R.M.Scott, Mts. Lorne
Lawson, Mrs. Alex Pepper;
Auditors - Mrs. Mary Haugh,
Mrs. Andrew Crozier; Pianist -
avoidable manipulation of our
Mrs. John McGregor; .Assistant
food, the better."
Pianist - Mrs. John Henderson.
What can the consumer do
Branch Standing Committees
about all this? Well, first of all,
Agriculture and Canadian
try to find out exactly what you're
Industries Mrs. Leslie
eating to determine the
Campbell, Mrs. Norman Riehl;
nutritional content of what you
Citizenship and World• Affairs -
Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mrs. Andrew
Nutritionists advise avoiding
Crozier; Education and Culture
foods like synthetic `snacks,
Activities - Mrs. John Henderson,'
artificial cramers, fruit drinks
Miss Belle Campbell; Family and
with no fruit in them -- and
Consumer Affairs - Mrs.
non -enriched cereals with
R.J.Doig, Mrs. Alex Pepper.,
perhaps less nutrient value than
Resolutions - Mrs. Harold Hugill,
the, cardboard packages they
Mrs. John Hillebrecht..;
come in.
Delegates to District Annual -
They also suggest taking a little
Mrs. R.M.Scott, Mrs: Ken
more time; balancing diet
Stewart, Mrs. Andrew. Crozier;
between the convenience foods
Public Relations - Mrs. Ken
and.. those that need more work
Campbell, Mrs. Lorne Lawson
but provide more nutrition. For
and Social Committee.
instance, cooking rice front
Special Committee
scratch rather than buying iLin,a.
„ Bus trip - Mrs. Ross Gordon,
package is not only less expensive
"'Mrs. Johri MacLean, Mrs.
-- it's better for you.
Gordon Elliott; ` Sunshine
As world food st•pplies become
Committee - Mrs. Gordaii'i kapple,
scarcer, the trend is to more
Mrs. ,Eldin Kerr; Scrap. Book -
rather than less technology being
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman; Lunch
brought to bear on what we eat.
' Convener - Mrs. , R.M.Scott;
And even to the development of
Programme Mrs.- John
more totally synthetic foods.
MacLean; Social Committee
Knowing what's in your food is
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Mrs.
the first step; balancing diet
Gordon McKenzie, Mrs. Jas;
between convenience anal
Keys, Kominating:Committee •
nutritional values is the second.
Branch. Directors President and
And if technology makes this
Past President; TelephonQ
harder to do -- you can always
Committee- Mrs. Ken Stewart,
grow your own tomatoes. One Mrs. Andrew l urnbull, Ivlrs.
nutritionist 1 know growk them in Graham Kerr, Mrs. Lorne
her apartment. Lawson.
APRIL 11, 1974
From 12 Noon - .
Dancing from 9 p.m. .
nu sauces
ell Ij
U .