HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-11, Page 15163
2Q.ilf ROlill Sales 24, 14dion Saxes
M Lobb Gethke
Auctioneers & Appraisers
Clintgn Monkton
482-7898 347-2465•
Thuts.,April 11- 11.30 Trac-
tors, farm ' machinery,
efc., 21/z miles south 1/:
west of Dublin for Hans
Sat -April 13P - 71/: miles..
north .21/5 miles east of
Seaforth, tractors,
combine, Targe farm
machinery, etc. for Glen
Wed. ,April 17 -Household
furniture and machinery
for Reinder Middei at Lot
16 Goderich Township
23/4 miles west of Clinton "
on #8 Highway.
Sat., April 20 - 10:30 A.M.
house and 13/4 acres of
land for Donald Nott
11/4 west of Kinburn
Sat.April 20-1 P.M. Lot
.22, Con.13 North half
McKillop' farm machinery,
vattle for. Jack Bosman.,
W'd.April 24-Consi8nment
aut:tion for Ontarj4, ,fit.
11alted Ciiure X$ ipning
Sat.. April 27 - Household
furniture .and appliances
fbr Everett Rowland, 14
Blanchard St -Mitchell.
Sat.,May 4- Sale of furn-
niture, farm machinery
and 64 acres of retreat
property or grass farm
for the estate of Percy
Youngblut, 3 miles west
of Blyth on the Countv
Sat.,May 11- Construction
equipment and tools for
Doug . Shean, 23'
highway north Mitchell.
Of Feed, Tractor, Farm
Machinery, Tent Trailer
and some household
furniture for REINDER
MIDD•EL,,, at Lot 16,
Goderich-'t`vwnship.`r 22/4
miles west of Clinton on #8
At 1:30 P.M.
Furniture will be sold first.
French Provincial
.chesterfield and e, chair;
coffee table and end table;
dresser and mirror; 4
washstands; table; chest of
drawers; dog housd.
David Brown 880 tractor,
good rubber, adjustable
rear wheels; 8 ft. 3 Pt, hitch
cultivator; MF 7 ft. 3 pl.
hitch Haymower; Case 3
furrow mounted plow trip
beam; 8 ft.. trail disc; John
Deere 4 bar side rake;,Jand
roller; 5 section of diamond
harrows', Gehl 10" belt
drive Hammermill; Drive
Belt; Tagalong tent- trailer
good condition also dining
tent; Water trough; Electric
fencers; Hand grass
seeder; 9 farrowing crates;
heat lamps; pig troughs
scrap iron; 2 aluminum
windows; Approximately
300 bales of hay;
Approximately 500 bales of
straw; Approx. 1 ton of
mixed grain . Other items
too numerous to mention.
Not responsibly for
accidents day of sale.
Wants` What
You Don't Need!
Chusif Zed
Want Ads
Of tractors, SX.Combine,
Large farm machinery, etc.
'at Lot.. 16, Con. 13,
McKillop, 71A miles • north
and 21/2 miles east of
Seaforth for . GLEN
At 1&0 o'clock
John Deere 4320 Diesel
tractor, with John Deere
Cab and- extra fuel tank,
1675 hours: John Deere
2120 Diesel tractor with
hydraulic outlets, 1400
hours; John Deere 7700
combine with cab, straw
chopper with grain head,
pickup, 4 row wide corn
head, 710 hours, done 2
crops; John Deere .5 furrow
16 trip beam plow with
cylinder; International 18'/2
ft. Abro shank cultivator
with wings and harrow
attachment; International
181/2 ft. disc with wings;
John Deere 4 row plateless
planter used 2 years; 7 ft.
John Deere 3 -point hitch
blade; Continental 500 gal.
sprayer with 36 ft. booms,
floatation tires (new);
Turneo.20 ft. packer (new);
Two 36 ft. augers 6" with
undercarriage and 2 h.p.
motors; 2 John Deere 7 ton
wagons with 8 ply tires;
Two 285 bu. gravity boxes,
used I yr.; 28 -ft. 6" auger;
12 ft. hydraulic fertilizer
auger; Kongskilde. 91/2 ft.
cultivator with extensions;
New Idea 202 P.T.O
manure . spreader; Geo.
White 10 ft. 3 point hitch
cultivator; Two 500 gal.
tanks; 2 sets 12 ft. chain
harrows; Set of 18.4 x 26
tires and dual rims; 10 ft.
conveyor auger with 1
horse motor; Clipper seed
cleaner with complete set of
screens; 16 ft, wooden
elevator; 6 section of.
Diamond harrows with
pole; 45 gal. of new
hydraulic oil; Acetelene
torch, set gauges, cart,
etc.; Comet electric welder;
Comet `air compressor; 1/2
in. drill and press; Heavy
•duty • Comet bench grinder
attd•motor; -welditrg•
150 steel ' posts; and a
wagon load of good tools
and small items; Ennis 520
bean windrower.
NOTE: This is a good clean
salewith everything being
in A-1 shape so if you need
machinery plan to attend:
RESERVE as farm
is sold.
347-2465 ..
Not responsible for..
accidents on day of sale.
Of Real Estate for Donald
Nott, Lot 10, Concession 7
Hullett Township, 11/4
miles west of Kinburn or
33/4 miles north of Clinton
on #4 Highway then east
3% miles.
At 10:30 A.M.
Property consists of four
bedroom brick house with
oil furnace, drilled well and
is situated on, I?/4 acres,
which is well treed. This
property overlooks the
'Hullett conservation area.
For further information or
viewing of this property
phone Donald Nott at
Property to be offered
subject to a reasonable
reserve bid.
TERMS being 10% down
day of sale, balance in 60
days or when possession is
Not responsible for
accidents day of sale.
STRIP tickets for admission or
refreshments, single and
duplicate. The Huron Expositor,
Seaforth. t.
To be held for Huron Pipe Limited, 1/2 mile west of Seaforth on
Highway #8 on
WEDNESDAY, APRIL -17th at 11;00 A.M.
PROPER'L'Y: Consists 9f 2 parcels of land,
Parcel #1 - Approx. 3 acres with 10,000 sq. ft. office and.
manufacturing area, possession in 12 months.
Parcel #2 - 7 acres of clear land with quanset building, this is
subject to land severance -possession -in 12 months.
Both properties selling subject to reserve - 10% down, balance
in 30 days.
'`VEHICLES - 1972 Fargo 500 - 5 speed transmission,. 318 motor
(safety certif.); 1965 -GMC 960 with 14 ft. flat bed (safety certif.);
1963 Fargo 318 motor (as is).
FORK LIFTS - 1964 Ford 2000 Ind. 2 ton, shuttle trans. (like -
new); 1959 Case 310 dual range shuttle trans.; 2 ton front end
EQUIPMENT- Rimas Concrete Pipe Machine 6" - 12" pipe x
42" long C/W all forms; VIHY Pedershaak concrete pipe
machine - 15" - 39" by 42" long with all forms; VIHY Universal
IOQO dry mixer; VIHY Feeder band conveyor (skip bucket).
STOCK - 500 pe. concrete pipe and fittings - all sizes; quantity of
steel;. some bulk cement; 2500 rubber seals.
STEEL FORMS - two 600 gal., one 400, 300, 125 septic tank
forms, two tapered manhole forms.
EQUIPMENT - Construction Machine Co. two 1h yd. mixers; 14
ft. cement auger on wheels; gas engine; 2 septic tank riggings
for delivery trucks; 1 cement mixer, I H,P. motor.
SHOP EQUIPMENT - 550 are welder; 3 H. P..compressor;.wire
roller; 2 1/2 ton press; electric hoist; manual hoist; Wolf Industrial
hand grinder; motors; and hand tools.
NOTE - Huron Pipe Ltd. is•going out of business, no reserve, this
is only a partial listing due to number of items.
Industrial & Commercial Auctioneers
Clinton - 482-3120
Items of Interest:
New Leonard refrigerator with matching 30" electric stove
.(green 'or gold), Leonard automatic washer and dryer,
Electrophonic Morse quality component set with 8 track tape
deck, 6 lovely styles of. Morse stereos, Morse sewing machine,
large selection of bedroom and chesterfield suites in styles of
Spanish, Colonial, French Provincial & Modern, new single and
double beds, lovely table & swag lamps, 4 styles'4 coffee & end
table sets; kitchen suites in a variety of styles & colours,
lazyboys; sets of dishes, radios, sets of silverware & gift items —
many more items too numerous to mention.
This is a large sale consisting of quality furniture & appliahces
which will be sold to the highest bidder.
NOTE: Terms of sale are cash and our gun yTI M,bud" land
There is plenty of parking & seating. A"refreshment Oooth �'&
washroom facilities are available.
Sale Conducted By:B9# Auctions Ltd., Brussels
Auctioneer: G.J.Ball
titer �
To be held for DENNIS OVERHOLT at Lot 23, on Hwy, #21, 12
miles north of Grand Bend on
TUESDAY, APRIL 16 at 1:15 P.M.
COMBINE-S.P.Case 1060 with 12 ft. Header, Innis pick-up
straw chopper and bean attachments. '
TRACTORS -'Case 870 complete with cab 1400 hrs, radio and 18
- 4-34 dual wheels will be sold separately; Case 830 C/W cab;
Nuffield W4 C/W Freeman loader; CA Allis Chalmers with 4 row
scuffler and bean puller.
EQUIPMENT - CaseA furrow 16" trip bottom semi -mounted
plow; 12 ft. Glencoe Viber shank cultivator; 12 ft, Kewanis wheel
disc; 10 ft. int. Trail Cultivator; 8 ft. trail disc; Dunham 13 ft,
cultapacker; 13 ft. Kongskild cultivator -with leveling harrows;
Allied 36 ft. 6" auger on wheels; Cardinel 36 ft. PTO Bale
elevator; New Idea 7 ft. PTO mower; New Idea 275 bu, manure
spreader; Brady Flail manure spreader; 8 and 10 ton wagons
with 210 Turneo gravity boxes; 5 ton wagon; Continental 250 gal
field sprayer, 44 ft. booms; two 45 gal tank and 12 ft, boom; int,
15 run grain and .fertilizer drill; 3 drum land roller-, -Massey
Harris 4 bar side rake; Dunham 3 PTH scraper blade; 220 Case
baler;'"'McKee 6 ft. auger type snow blower.
MISC. - 6 gal No. 30 oil; 20 gal. No. 10 oil; 4 cartons grease; 2 -
16 ft. steel gates, 100 steel posts; 40 rod page wire (new); 80 rod
barb wire; 1500 lb. scales.
Clinton - 482-3120
tttttw �
To be held for RUSSEL COLEMAN in Knapp's Auction Room,
Main Street, Seaforth, on
% THURSDAY EVENING - APRIL 11 at 7:30 P, M'.
FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES - Pine flat to wall; cherry
highboy; 2 large side boards; 2 pine flour bins; small cherry
tabu, fainting couch; pump organ and stool; spool wash stand;
commode; wicker parlour table; fernstands; pressback rocker; 6
press back chairs; odd chairs; oak hall seat-, brass and iron beds;
dressers; chest of drawers; oil hanging lamp (brass); Ai adins
lamp (brass); 4 oil lamps; cast iron kettle and pots; cream cans;
pottery; brass umbrella stand; quantity of glass and china,
Clinton - 482.3120 20-34-1
7771T71, —77"
v. uc�loln ;JIM AW 94 xoa�I Sa d �,a�t+ ►
♦. _ p, �, y1'' -C ! P 0a
for f �1.+rM, T'►�7 * b ,,'`III
' al�iNDJ[r',,�i�W����
1w, ;►' Tendors agio tnyited foy # , a ! Slra�ul 111
ARAG C4t}n1 �S ;Xaa': lcar�t�`i
Mowitl Tgrass and , trimanif?Ig Ag z}lr)St th �st��e. i?f by abPYaa
AUCTION SALE when necessary far one year for named vX}i+� �I1e� �ittheJ�t d
the Brodhagen and District Ft bruary!,:74; .e Irtt�e 4 ��
Of 2 tractors, machinery, household furniture, antiques and tools Chamber of Commerce file i"itll �hrttc}tit�fis t�er�gf �`� � ,b}t;
to be held 11/4 miles, north and 1/2 mile west of Winthrop on Tenders to be in the hands of the the µosier, tgtlpd1pll-9
secretary by April 15, 1974, 2iKd dad o �t#Ir nfr,' ;
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 at 1;30 P.M. lowest tender not necessarily which date tit, gaaets ;wIIIe G
being accepted, distributed, havi'lop gar dilly Gz >_
Full listing1n nevi week's edition. WILBUR C. HOEGY,'See: the clatrnalvl}�t<i%
Brodhagen, Ont. 21-33-3 the undcrisigned• sh�Ili, #hen boyo
notice. a
MR. AND MRS. KALICHUK, Proprietors 26th da at March,.
Oit74. , , tb%a k `
TENDER FOR � 26th day of IvXarch, f974, •�
Clinton, 482-3120 '+
Splicitor fbr the said Estate
` 20.34-1 Tenders fire required for the 27-33.3
weekly collectior�of garbage from it
all householders In the residential 2S. B-0. D14P'eet6ry
area of Vanastra in Tuckersmith -
Township. Tenderer will supply JOHN E. LQNGSTAFF
�r lir the truck and all labour. OPTOMETRIST
t1 Township tender forms are By Appointment Only
N required and may be obtained Seaforth Office
from the undersigned. 'renders to Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri.
be in the Clerk's hands by 5:00 9 to 5:30 P.M.
BUSINESS LIQUIDATION P.M. on Thursday evenings
Monday only - Clinton Office
For Jamestown General Store, 5 miles north of Brussels on APRIL 23, 1974 -or Appointment
1 -1'hone 527-1240 or 482-7010
SATURDAY, APRIL 20 AT 1:00 P.M. Lowest or, any tender not
M necessarily accepted; _ 23-344f
PROPERTY -. Consists of 1/2 acre of land upon which stands a James L McIntosh, Norm Knapp, auctioneer
large front store area, 7 room living quarters, 10% down, Clerk -Treasurer
g g q and appraiser will buy
balance and possession in 30 days. Selling subject to reserve. 527-0358.
STORE CONTENTS -' 2 cash registers; counter-, freezers; 21.-35-1 used
coolers; show .cases and pop cooler; giftware and groceries. FURNIT[l`RRE
r FURNITURE. & ANTIQUES Pine flat to wall • cherry flat to TENDER FOR ROOFING
wall; cranberry hall hanging lamp; Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table-, of St. Paul's Anglican Church or sell by auction. Phone
china cabinet; library table; rockers; mantel clock-, jam cupboard; clinton, Ontario 527-1336, Seaforth. 23-34-tf
two cherry counters; tables-, chairs; 2 wood stoves; 3 pc. bedroom Specifications: To remove, old
I suite; crib; washstand; Rogers Majestic colored T.V., dining asphalt and cedar shingles and
room table and 6 chairs and many more items. install new 3 in 1 asphalt shingles Add• tfion' cd
TERMS - Cash No Reserve 210 lbs. per square. -Seal-down
plain green on main section of
RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE ; ebytch and front .entrance. New
Industrial and Commercial Auctioneers flashing to be installed around ClassifiedClin4on, 482-3120 / chimney, steeple and front
20-34-1 entrance..Old shingles, etc. to be
removed from premises.
Tenders must be received by on
r — `" — " "
"' " `. ---' APRIL 30, 1974
�Lowest or any tender not
I' necessarily accepted:
Action Ads
I For further information please pQ
phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn,
�` _ r — ` Ph. 527-0240 y Board of Management, St. Paul's
--- Anglican Church. 21-34-4
22. Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices
The Expropriations Act of Ontario, designated as Part i on a reference plan
deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Divt'si4vit••i f.Rrucelas Plon 3R-361.•
APPROVAL TO EXPROPIZIATE LAND (c) In the Township of Turnberry, iri the County of Huron.
5. THAT PORTION of Lott 9, Concession 11, in the Town -
IN THE. MATTER of an application by Ontario tlydro for ship of Tuxilberry, in the County of Huron and -the Prov -
approval to expropriate land in the Townships of (,reenock ince of Ontario, having an area of 12.814 acres, more, or
and Culross, in the County of Bruce, and the "i'ovynships of less, and.more particularly described as follows:
Turnberry, Morris and McKillop, in the Count) of Huron, Commencing at the Southeast corner of the said Lot 9;
for the purpose of a right of way, for electrical transmission THENCE North 11 degrees, 18 minutes and 10 seconds
lines extending; from (truce Generating; Station co Seaforth Nest along the Eastern limit of the said Loc 9 a distance of
Transformer Station. 92.32 feet, 11
NOTICE 1S HEREBY (A V EN that application has been matte THENCE North 1 I degrees, 30 minutes and 50 seconds
for appruvarto expropriate the land des}ribed in the schedules West still along the said Eastern limit 1023.92 feet to the
hereto attached as Schedules "A" and "11. A defiaittion of the Northeast corner of the said Lot 9;
limited estate, right or interest therein which Ontario Hydro THENCE South 78 degrees, 23 minutes and 10 seconds
desires to exproptiate in the land described in Schedule "ll" )Vest along the Nbrthern limit of Lot 9 aforesaid 146.81
is hereto attachgd as Schedule "C". The figures in parenthesis feet; •
in Schedule "B" indicate the number of towers to he placed oil THENCE South 10 degrees, 40 minutes and 40 seconds
the land. Bast 3.323.15 feet to the Southern limit of the said Lot 9;
' Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given vvlvo THENCE North 76 degrees, 23 minutes and 40 seconds
desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, East along the said Southern limit 187.03 feet to the point
r sound anti reasunahly necessary in the ac•hieveniunt cif the of commencement;'
of the ecpi-opriating authority shall so notify the Bearings herein are astronomic, derived from observations
approving; authority in writing, on Polaris and referred to the meridian through the
(a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or Southwest corner of Lot 8, Concession 7, Township of
by registered mail within thirty Clays after he is served Turnberry (Longitude 81 degrees, 13 minutes -and 20
with the now
tice, or, when he is served by publica(ion, seconds West).
within thirty days after the first publication of the SCHEDULE. or "R"
notice; I. A Limited estate, right or interest
rest in the following lands:
(h) in the case of an owner who is nota registered owner, (a) In the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron.
within thirty days after the first publication of the i, That portion of Lot 22, Concession 3, in the Township of
notice. Morris, in the County of Huron and the Province of
'fhtli APPROVING AUTHORITY iS Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan'deposited
Minister of the Environment, Ontario 11; dri, -.--.. in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of
Parliament Buildings, N. J. McMurtric Huron as Plan 2212-1) 12.1 (1).
Toronto Ontario, Director of Property (b) In the Township of Mc-Killop, in the County of Huron.
M7A I A2 Prorert) Division 2. That portion of Lot 20, Concession I, in the Township of
Refer to Application 01-1-37 620 University Avenue, McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Tortinto, Ontario Ontario, designated as Part i on a reference plan deposited
h15G I N6 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of
NOTES; iluron as Plan 22R -D 131 (1).
1. The Expropriations Act provides that,
(a) where an inquiry, is requested, it shall he conducted by SCIif.DI'Lli "C"
an inquiry officer appointed by th.e Minister of justice DEFINITION OF ESTATE,
and Attorney (ieneral;
(h) the inquiry, officer, RIGHT OR INTEREST REQUIRED
(i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity A limited estate, right or interest is required in the land (herein
to present evidence anti argument and to examine called "the strip") as set forth in the description hereunto
and crass -examine witnesses, either personally or attached as Schedule "B" and made part hereof, namely, the
b)• his counsel or agent, and \ right, privilege and easement in perpetuity.
(ii) may recommend to the approving authi�rify that 1. To constract, repair, rebuild, replace, maintain and operate
a party to the inquiry he paid it fixed ani tarsi for an electrical transmission line (herein called "ihe line")
his costs of the inquiry not to exceed 5200 and the including cowers, -and all necessary or convenient guys,
approving authority may in its discretion order th@ m anchors, wires, cross -arms, apparatus, accessories and
expropriating authorityto pay, such costs forthwith. appurtenances belonging thereto, in, over, along and upon
2. , "owner" and "registered owner" are defined in the Act as the strip.
follows: 2. To cleat the strip and keep it clear of all buildings, struc-
"owner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, tures or other obstructions of any nature whatever and of
a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a all brush and trees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all
committee ofthe estate ofa mentally incompetent person or cases where in the sole discretion of Ontario Hydro the
of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a safe operation and maintenance of the line is not endan-
guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land gered or interfered with the landowner from time to time
* is vested; or the person or persons entitled thereto may with prior
"registered owner" means an owner of land whose interest written approval of Ontario Hydro ar his or their own
in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an expense construct and maintain roads, lanes, walks, drains,
" instrument in .the proper registry, land titles or sheriff's sewers, water pipes and fences on or under the strip or
office, and includes a person shown as a tenant of fand (T any portion thereof, provided that prior to commencing;
the last revised assessment roll, any such installation the landowner shall give to Ontario
3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the Hydro 30 days' notice in writing so as to enable Ontario
approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of Hydro to have a representative inspect the site and be
the lands intended to he expropriated and any owner present during the perfortnance of the work and that the
added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the landowner complies with any instructions that may he
inquiry. given by any such representative in order that such work
SCHi?1)I'Ll: "A" - may he carried out in such a manner as not to endanger,
1. Subject to qualification, all right, title and interest in the damage or interfere with the line.
following lands: To erect, maintain -and use bridges and such gates in all
(a) In the Township of Greenock, in the County of Bruce. fences which, are now or may hereafter be -on the strip as
1. THAT PORTION of Lot 7, Concession 7, in the Township Ontario Hydro may from time to time consider necessary.
of Greenock, in the County of Bruce and the Province of i. To install, maintain, and use an underground conductor
Ontario, designated as Part 7 on a reference plan deposited for grounding purposes when and where required within
in the Land -Registry Office for the Registry Division of the strip, such conductor to be at a minimum depth of 12
Broce as Plan 3R-136, inches below thesurface of the land,
2. THAT PORTION of Lot 55, (,once4sion I, North of 5. To enter on and to pass and repass at any and all times in,
Durham Road in the Township of Greenock, in the over, along and u on the strip for the servants, agents,
County' of Bruce and the Province of Ontario; designated • contractors and suit -contractors of Ontario Hydro with or
as Part 1 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry, without vehicles, supplies, machinery and equipment for
Office for the Registry Division of Bruce as Plan 313• 3 I.R. all purposes necessary or convenient to the exercise and
3, THAT PORTION of Lot 8, Concession 2, in the Town. enjoyment of the right, privilege and easement hereby
ship of Greenock, in the County of Bruce and the Province expropriated subject to Wyment by Ontario Hydro of
of *Ontario, designated as Part i on a reference plan compensation for any crop or other damage to theperson
deposited in the Land Regist'ry (Office for the Registry entitled thereto caused by the exercise of this right of `
Division of Bruce as Plan 311- 32 4. entry and passageway.
(h) In the Township of Culross, in the C4?unty of Bruce. This Notice first published on the 4th day of April, 1974.
4. THAT PORTION of Lot 8, Concession ,, in the Town-
ship of Culross, in the County of Bruce and the Province 22.34-3