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The Huron Expositor, 1974-04-11, Page 14
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Phone S27.15P2,j� t side United Church, April 14, 7 would be prerequisite for the 11=34x4- after 6 P,M, 11-35- 1 1 a.m. Breakfast following. Adults P q - 4 /, ACRES �dtlCaf1o11 successful candidate. NEAR"BLXTH, QNTARiO. Nice BRICK & BLOCK LAID. , $1.S0, Children under 10 ,50. 20 sheets of white fiberglass 8 For all your -bicycle needs and Tickets available from members- + Applications stating experience fief long Used auxiliary power repairs contact' Wilf's Bike Shop, treed acreage with log house and HQUSES W FOUNDATIONS, WALLS, Classes and references should be E mondvitle, Phone 527-0803. only half a mile from Maitland of ,.Unit 5 U.C.W. Everyone. plants approx. $3S0•t each: g forwarded to this office by For your new or used bicycle, River, Priced at $11,200, FOOTINGS wet6ome. 1-33-3 `MacLean Flowers. I1-34.2 AND REPAIR b%eing held in the following areas.: � _ - Exeter • Monday,Aril 22, 1974 parts`'or accessories, Raleigh,, 1 SEAFORTH Lions Club 50th -Health Unit 7:30 - 9:30 APRIL 19th, 1974 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE Sekine, Peugeot and Thistle GRAND BEND ' P . LOT HWY. ZI. About 250 Ft. For all your BRICK and BLOCK needs Anniversary, beef barbecue and AT The Huron Expositor, bicycle available. 11.35-2 tt Goderkh Tuesday, April 16, dance, June 22nd. 1-35-11 and addresstad to: 527-0240, Seaforth. from Lake Hilton. Lot size 20' x 1974 - High School - 7:30-9.:30 11-34xtf250'. Priced at $5,500. FREE ESTIMATES TUPPERWEAR 'Party-Illmspla • Tuesday,April 16,1974 EIGHT can spray milk cooler and ****** Health Unit - 1:30 - 9:30 �• B. D V n © heavy duty milker pump and CARL KRAMERS on PAUL KRAMERS Wednesday , April 17,8 P.M. at • p TROPICAL FISH three Sure units all in good VACATION LAND home of Mrs. Ralph Fischer. �°�-Wed., April 17, 1974 g g 160 ACRES NEAR COCHRANE P Health Unit - 7:30 - 9:30 I Superintendent of Business condition. Phone 345-2198. 348-9908 527-0926 19-35-4 Route 4, Walton or 345.2869. All Affairs ONTARIO. Road access. to Wingluim -'Wed., April 17,1974 BUDGIES, CANARIES 11-35-1 ladies welcome. 1-35-1 -Health Unit -, 7:30 - 9:30 property. Good fishing' and DANCE, Seaforth Community �o�-Thursday,April18,1974 .r� A complete line of pet supplies Wanted t0 Buy hunting. Priced at $12,200. Bick's ; Health Unit- 7:30 9:30 * * * * * * HURON DEAD Arena. Music by The. Star Trek. PAT'S PET SHOP OLD clocks, pocket watches, post BUSINESS * BARBER SHOP Date, Friday, April 26th. Time 9 cards, books picture frames. ` 50 ONTARIO RD. Buildings, STOCK REMOVA'� Cucumber Both husbands and wives are ip-tpCrt Street, business and equipment. Priced % 1• Admission $5.00 per couple. 482 9193. 12.34-tf Contracts invited to attend and participate 350 Main Street - � Refreshments and Buffet Lunch. Clinton,Ontario. at $12,000. Clinton, Ontario ; in the discussions. , Exeter Phone 235-1951 � WANTED old kitchen cupboards, * * * * * * - Sponsored by Conestoga College 4-35-2 in Clinton. All welcome. 1-35-1 11-34-tf dressers, commodes, trunks, now available CROMARTY We are now paying 55.00 - 515-00� Mrs. G. Kramers a Please pre -register by calling chairs, tables, blanket box es, I V; STOREY FRAME, with 1pr fresh dead or disabled cows You are 'invited to an "Open' 1-800-265-4485 toll free of nearest Seaforth, STRIP tickets for admission or and horses over 500 lbs. 345-2643 - Dublin } g copper and brass items, crocks, garage and small barn. Lot size House' to celebrate the birthday Health Unit office at following refreshments, single ,and etc. H. Mitchell, 482 or numbers: . . Lions Park duplicate. The Huron Expositor, - • 7584. 12-32x4 103' x 128'.* * * * * * Two trucks to serve you better. df Mrs. Ila Walters, to be held at Paul Kramers the home- of her Brother and Brussels 887-9331 Seaforth. I1-34xtf .Fast,,_ efficient service. 527-0926 - Seaforth Clinton •482-3416 PP STRATFORD `�"' All small farm stock picked up Sister -in -Law, Mr. and Mrs. f Applications are invited for the 19-34-tf 4 Elmer Townsend of Har urhe position of pool supervisor, life OLD brick buildings, split -stone 121 ST. DAVID ST. Four bedroom free of charge as a service to you. P Y• - Exeter 235-1014 P P P on April 20, 1974 from 2'to 4 and 7 guards, swimming instructors ONE factory built used oil barn foundations, original 1'h storey frame onW corner lot. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN ''PICTURE framing r P Goderich 524-8301„ . g g g as usual, to9 P.M. No gifts please. 1-35x1 Seaforth 527-1243 and booth assistants for the furnace, 116000 BTU's. Call settlers' log cabins, and old Price $13,900. REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED 345-2974. 11-35-1 barns; for demolition and salvage• * * * * * * VETERINARIAN ' UPON frame made to fit any size of SOUTH Hibbert Athletic Wfngham 357-2264 Foming season at Seaforth Lions ui• oses. Write' 'Ross Lumley, SEBRINGVILLE REQUEST. picture. Harold Tyndall, 482-7409 Association Family Nite dance in 1-34-2 'Park. Applicants must be 16 years 150' ton red clover haytage, $25 P P after 6 P.M, 19-32-4' Y 1185 Murphy Road Sarnia, Ont. HWY 8 FOUR BEDROOM tw Call Collect - 482-9811 ' Staffa Hall on Saturday, April''ll 13th. Music by Murray Green's C Melady, 345-2783. 2-35-1 of age or over. Apply in writing indicating age, per ton to be hauled. '735,gallon Sunset bulk tank serial or telephone 1-542.4088 storey brick with paved drive and 7 days a week - 24 hours a day 72 2. Lost, Strayed Orchestra, Ladies please bring LOST Dublin black Labrador experience, qualifications, P q number 26 - MC713. Askin rice g P evenings. 12-35-2 two car garage. Franklin fireplace g g P in familyroom. Lot size 60' x ' License Na. 378C - Call us first, you won't have to Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phon�e;� lunch. 1-35-1 near pup with brown collar. Phone Ed. awards and the particular position for which the application is being $2,750. Excellent condition. 300,000 pounds market sharing MESH playpen crib and mattress, " 29 2 35 1 286'. Priced at $44,900. coil anyone else. 19 34-tf-tf owing Melady, 345-2783. 2-35-1 made, before April 22nd, 1974 to quota with subsidy 3/4 of a cent high chair,�27-03 ,t x Half acre lots on No. 8 west of admission. gifts. please bringsandAdiches. 1-34x2 WOULD t arty who took my o Secretary, LIONS CLUB PARK per pound. Will sett in part. John Boven,527-0207. 1}-35-i PRIVATE buyer two ' bedroom FOR INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE PROPERTIES PLEASE -Bus Tout S navy topcoat by mistake at the COMMITTEE Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phon�e;� bungalow for cash, Reasonably g Y CALL GILL DOWER, 348-9941 - APPLY AT April 20 -21day California funerat of John Moylan, at the Box 520, Seaforth NEW pig scales, never used. priced, 482-7962. 12-35x2 MITCHELL, or 6 72-3333 Tour. lunch hour, please phone Joseph 4-35-2 Price $100.00. Phone 527-1831. 13, Wanted LONDON. April 21 Coriway "TrvfttY Ryan, Walton, 527-0668. 2-35-1 ' 11-35-1 HAIRDRYERS two. used 14-34-2 Located near Auburn, th farm and Loretta Lynn - at 4. Help Wanted CARETAKER needed for Toronto. -Dominion Bank, " TIMBER WANTED. air-conditioned beauty shop hair 14..Property for Sale C o b o A r e n a, - Seaforth. Work to be done under 3" M Photo -copier Model immediate payment for good Phone 345 270 4-34-2 dryers, Phone 527-0063. 11-35-1, ': contact Detro,,it ,bus fare and � You to purchase• :a" h (tattle 'or cotta. ":;�' tA•ats�•ttieYetpritlhicE contract and be covered by ••107" hi excellent condition, "-ownship standing timber and bushes of all • EIEU I U, � admission - $15.00. E X e ri e n C ed p _ liability insurance. Please apply' with supply of paper, of kinds. Write Robert Eag leson, 7. Situations Wanted A.C. 500 four row planter in good condition. 345-2876. 11-35-i• May 3 - 3 day Kentucky modern conveniences. Bank barn 72'.$54,000, in person to negotiate contract at Hibbert. 345.2931 $200. 11.35-1 Ailsa Craig or _Phone 232-4450 strictivconfidentiat. .. MATURE female accounts clerk, Derby Tour.between Trans Ot th'eT=D'"Bank'in Seaforth. 4 34-3 - Record Preparations L before 8 a'm. or 4 and 6 Saturday, t April 1 Walton Hall, from 9:00 COMPANION for older lady to several years bookkeeping ' May 25-, 3 day Ottawa Tulip p r Completely letet redecorated one p „„•,y , REGISTERED American Cocker p. m. It3-35-tf P P.M. to 12:00 P.M. to het live in the Village of Brucefield. experience, ledgers, A.R., A.P., Holiday Travel Trailers. -•n,w.. Y SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. Wet Festival, Trailer Driver • HELP WANTED Spaniel pups, red or blonde. Clinton Half acre lots on No. 8 west of admission. gifts. please bringsandAdiches. 1-34x2 guarantee all work. Write or call, 2 Day Indy 500. tour, 5 393-938. 11-35-16 MASON BAILEY Champion sired, available May p' Y GRASS for cattle, 26 head +•. HARDTMAN& Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phon�e;� GOOD TIMES Manager/Broker APPLY AT Ist, 527-1507. 11-35-2 averaging about 500 lbs. Phone age• STRACK LTD. Clinton, 482-3320. 19-34-tf >k TRAVEL AGENCY R e u i d Required • FOUR grade to freshen in a week. 345-2616. 345-2976. "' "13-35-1 86 ACRES Mortgages are our only business. each. Three Share-The-Wealt"fi Box 789 Seaforth r e EAST HURON PRODUCE HAIRDRYERS two. used Priced at $35,000. Located near Auburn, th farm Let Waterloo's oldest and most , Phone 527-0050 A Apply to Box 3106 PP Y Dublin air-conditioned beauty shop hair 14..Property for Sale able. has 80 rolling acres workable. experienced mortgage firm help, TRI -TO t �'N 0 1-34-tf Huron Expositor Phone 345 270 4-34-2 dryers, Phone 527-0063. 11-35-1, ': contact Spring and stream with and site;. g You to purchase• :a" h (tattle 'or cotta. ":;�' tA•ats�•ttieYetpritlhicE "' B60KI&EPWO ! Y ,, ; ,,, ,,•qhn, i $'EifVi�`"' l Large split-level home in Clinton. Stating .experience, age and • , , ...:. i \ r r . � i I /z storey' 3 bedroom home witfi t , y r 1 The family of George and Bertha' Y g Love cordially invite the friends, accident record. All replies are 4••34-tf 7. Situations Wanted A.C. 500 four row planter in good condition. 345-2876. 11-35-i• � modern conveniences. Bank barn 72'.$54,000, home to consolidate debts or .4i} improve it without embarassing •" .. Income Tax Returns Business Farm Individual neighbours and relatives of their strictivconfidentiat. .. MATURE female accounts clerk, with 1 I 40' x .Listed at COUNTRY LIVING credit investigations; for - Record Preparations L carpeted. Large corner ,lot. P g * * * * * * Saturday, t April 1 Walton Hall, from 9:00 COMPANION for older lady to several years bookkeeping GOLDEN Falcon, Citation, Flyte, +....,.•.;..... •.. `Baron, XL 311 80-85 day corn _ Completely letet redecorated one p „„•,y , confidential, competent service, single articles, t -34-tf P P.M. to 12:00 P.M. to het live in the Village of Brucefield. experience, ledgers, A.R., A.P., Holiday Travel Trailers. -•n,w.. Y store 2 Bedroom home in Y for mortgages from $1,501 to LAWRENCE BEANE t t P celebrate the occasion of` their 4-35-1 data reconciliations, etc. Wages Bellevue Hardtops. Johnson 'Estate ltd . McKillop. '/z acre lot near payed construction loans, call collect, Waterloo Brucefield Phone 482-92601 Wedding Anniversar g Y• secondary to immediate full-time Outboards. ' Boats. Truck Toppers. Camp Rental ` & •Real road., Asking $21,500. 884-6030.CUNNINGHAM40th "":' 1934-34 PEGGY CUNN ` M • b th T t N I TeChnlClan employment m Seaforth area. -but g2 Albert Street HIGHWAY LOTS 229James St. usic . y e ru ones. o No Ladies DURST FARM & GARDEN Phone 527-1648 tie. 7-34-2 t d Sales, Hwy. wy. 8, Stratford, S Clinton Half acre lots on No. 8 west of admission. gifts. please bringsandAdiches. 1-34x2 In Huron County ,between the 8 room family home in Clinton. 5 393-938. 11-35-16 MASON BAILEY Seaforth. Water available. Priced Chains, Set of Sockets and ' miscellaneous Items. Clinton ages of 20 and 25 years. Contact g• Farm Stock for Sale Phone Manager/Broker at $6,500. NEW Bingo Clinton Legion Half 8:30 P.M. Aril 11. Admission United Breeders Holstein heifers due YOUR FOOD S SHRINKING? The vegetable yield from even a g Y 482-9371 RECREATION PROPERTY 30 -acres of hills and hollows P $1.00 15 Regular Games $10.00 * * * * * * FOUR grade to freshen in a week. 345-2616. small plot can surprise you! Shop I floor red brick bungalow in covered with hardwood bush. each. Three Share-The-Wealt"fi 4$2-3442 8-35-1 now while .seed selection is Londesboro. 5 rooms, 3 Priced at $35,000. Games. One jackpot game for between 8 and 10 a.m. Realtors greatest. Seed available in bulk or bedrooms, double garage. Nice Contact box spring, mattress and dresser 01r :., ce , 11. ,.r lr ce i - ta_i 4-35-t _, _ _„ , . , package. 1„ n i + -tf114N THAMPRON . Clinton Phone 482.798Nt 19-34.tf ; :ttENRY'S Harmony House t 'be open Saturdays only, 9 to 6' except by appointment. Phcile; $27-0053. Good assortment- of:., Guitars, Electrics, Etc. Leaso+•a' ` 'sem an. Apply Hans Von Euw, Phone XL DURST FARM & GARDEN * * * * * * R.R.2, Seaforth 527-0238 If you ,are thinking of buying or arrau u. 19-34-tf` 52.7 - 1798. • 8-34-1 `• � CENTRE Isaac St., 8 room family home in Clinton. or selling 20..Auction Sales. Chains, Set of Sockets and ' miscellaneous Items. Clinton , Easy terms. This house is newly JOHN DUDDY Phone Two or Three bedroom mobile HOLSTEIN. cows and heifers 482-9333. decorated. Vanastra 482-6652 ANTIQUES AUCTION SALE' springing guaranteed right for ' 11-35-3 * * * * * * DON HOLST or Of farm machinery for Glenn sale at Clinton Sales barn on Headboard bed 54" Modestly priced 101bom I floor REAL ESTATE LTD. 20-35-1 Hoerner, Lot 13, Con. 11 ' Gre Friday or any day of the week. BOOKCASE aluminu t>ni a in Clinton. Realtors USED FURNITURE y Township, I mile 8-34'-tf box spring, mattress and dresser / 3 bedro oil heated•. ' Nice 14-35-1 your costs. Final date for wpst of Cranbrook. gOLSTEIN'bull calves, d_ Van with mirror. One Coldnial door, inside. Phone 262-5848. 11-35x1 large lot, * * * * * * CLINTON outskirts 2 - 3 bedroom contact WEDNESDAY APRiL 17 D k, Phone 527-1435. Y 8.35x1- machinery. Apply Gd'rdon Elliott, Large split-level home in Clinton. 4 -piece bath, modern kitchen, P NORM WHITING 1:00 P.M. TRACTORS SEAIrORTH 527-0411, Deka 527.0187. 11-35-1 Seed Corn Angel stone and brick; electric large tivin room with dining area. g g g Good basement laundry i19-34-tf 35 Deluxe Cockshutt New 1 9�oultry for Sale heat. 4 bedrooms. floors mostly with Exeter 235-1964 Motor), 60 Cockshutt KIMBER LEGHORN "High h Yieldin g g 032 80 day corn carpeted. Large corner ,lot. P g * * * * * * room. Electric heat, Carport, town water, low taxes. 482 7676. We buy estates, household lots or Y MACHINERY - 91/2 Ft. John XL 311 80-85 day corn _ 100 acre farm i Hullett 14-34-2 single articles, t -34-tf Deere Cultivator, 9 Ft. Masse y Harris Doubt n -'� Day Old "and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 169 4-34-tf 10. Used Cars for Sale '64 Dodge, good running condition. Call 482-9934. 10-35-1 1969 Ford Fairlarie 2 -door, Hardtop automatic ' power steering, power brakes, radio, snow tires, good condition. Selling as is 345-2650 after 6 P.M. 10-35-2 '66 Chev. 6 cyl. standard. Call 345-2195 anytime . After 6 call - 345-2404, 10-35-2 11• Articles for Sale 2 or 3 loads of loose hay. Very reasonable. Box 3112 Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11-34x2 COPIES XL 12 90 - 95 day corn AVAILABLE Contact: VERN ALDERI)ICE Kippen, Phone 262.5988 11-35-6 BOATERSI 14 ft.- runabout, 30 H.P. full electric motor. Tee Nee trailer, new cover, reasonable. 527-0446. 11-35-1 TIMOTHY and red clover • and some peas to mix In grain. -Barry Hoegy, Phone 887-9018. 11.35x1 ALMOST new chesterfield' and chair.527-1851. ' ' 1.1-35-1 13 cubic foot Inglis refrigerator, frost free, soft and hr,rd butter control, 30 inch Inglis stove, automatic timer. Both appliances are in excelient condition. Reason for selling • bought a fully equipped mobile home. Phone 527-1082 after 6 p.m. or 482.7025. Township 9l]A awl/orkable. Barn eqg r sows. i!/2 storey *9eine home with 3 bedrooms. • 11/2 storey stucco home in Clinton. 8 rooms F.A. gas furnace. Priced right .for .quick sale. ***** t'/x storey 5 room home in Brucefield. New oil furnace. 3 .bedrooms. 1/3 acre of land. X1'/2 storey aluminum sided home at Vanastra. 3 bedrooms. oil heated. ****** FOOD FOR THOUGHT "I wish a month, like April were more aware of what we expect from it. 14-35-1 THREE bedroom 11/2 storey brick home. Completely redecorated. Brand new kitchen, modern 3 -pc bathroom. New hot 4tater heating system. 31 Sparling Street, 15. Property for Rent 125 acre fa for rent in Grey Township, Huron County, for croping. Suitable for corn, beans or barley. Call after 7:00 p.m. 887-9310. 15-35-1 TWO bedroom apartment newly decorated, heat, hydro supplied. Immediate possession. J.C.Crich, 527-0340. 15=35-1 BEAUTIFUL two bedroom apartment, natural fireplace, frig. and stove included, ample parking. Available May 1st, 527-0964 or 527.1365. 15-35x l 50 acres of excellent pasture lots of shade and water. 887-6759. 15-35-1 19. Notices NOTICE for home renovating and remodelling, building cupboards, steps, etc. contdct Jim Co�ljeman, R.R.1, Seaforth, 527-1684.19.3 1, Fred D. Benneweis will not be I tsc„ HC Ft. ,1,, Chisle Plow, IHC Ace Bottom 3 furrow plow, 5 section harrows' and draw bar, International 13 Run Seed Drill, Post Hole Auger, 3 Pt.; 90 Gal. Weed Sprayer on Wheels, Steel Land Roller, 2 Wheel Hetivy Duty Trailer, 20 in. wheels; New Idea 7 ft. Mower, Case manure spreader, °90 bus.; John Deere Harvester, Model 74,corn and Hay Nose; Alli3f.* Chalmers Blower and Pipes, Masscy No, 26 Combine, S,P,; 34 Ft. P.T.O. Grain Auger, 6 Inch; Gravity Box, Grain Tank and Wagon, 4 In. Grain Auger, 1 _ Wagon with Flat Rack,'S.P. No. 25 Owatona 10 ft. Swather, Papec- Hammer . Mill, Letz Grain Grinder, 2 endless belts, 290 Gal Gas Barrel and Pump, Emery Stand, Massey Harris 4 bar 'side ,take, Titan' Chain Saw, I new Hydraulic Cylinder, Pipe Dies, Set Scales, '/4 Horse Motor, 1/J W Horse Motor, P.T.O. Air Pump, Riding Lawn Mower, Fence Posts, Stakes, Anchor Posts', 100• ft. Snow Fence, Steel Water Trough, I'A Horse Gas Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait, 11-35x1 Seaforth. 13111 Southgate, 527-0812. -35x1 responsible for any debts Engine, ' Jackall Jack, Forks, , Letter size, 25© each. 1 26" ladies bicycle for sale. _I_4 incurred by my wife, Jessie Mae Benneweis after A ri i6, 1974. P NOTICE Chains, Set of Sockets and ' miscellaneous Items. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Excellent condition. Phone Two or Three bedroom mobile /1 19-35x3 We r11re shipping cattle every JACKSON & JACKSON ' 11-34xtf 527-0398. -Monday 11-35-1 home situated on an acre of land , to United Co-peratives Auctioneers 25 Treated telegraph poles. near Hensatl. One year old, all conveniences. CROP INSURANCE guarantees of Ontario. To arrange forpick-up- 20-35-1 USED niachineiy for sale: 2 - 35 Contact 527-0311. 11-3S-1 HOWARD HODGSON your production so you can cover at your fame phone by Monday 8 p� ri!!D "'' I OI Cockshutt tractors , one with motor, - AIIsaCraig, 293-3175 your costs. Final date for A•M• Wt LLi4M J. DAIX r L CLASSIFIED also some other small To give away 2 -year old Cocker Granite Reai Estate Corp.Ltd. applications May I st. For ON machinery. Apply Gd'rdon Elliott, Spaniel, house trained. Phone Realtor , information contact P.A.Roy, SEAIrORTH 527-0411, 527.0187. 11-35-1 527.0560. .. tt-3r,_1 1a.Aa-2 Clinton. 482-9357. 19-31-7 i19-34-tf PAGE 15