The Huron Expositor, 1974-04-11, Page 13W
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(Continued fvwa last night, and v
;ts v 0 group took #Jtl
On leaving Fiore full advantage of tb lt.p
Ace, we for all 8004 ylow,� Proo-Ically, 4,904,00Y
q lore chair hi
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th' tv n pag.e startle one u ftpn.t p wo'd wom 4,o `V
d e.. 4 the 0 h ndTod SjXty� the Tiber from the 8'TOVA4$ of the At the f. the If T �FNT N'
_J1, he I TPA� 'F
Castel Sant"Anjolo, (therfm 70 tyrn
seven mile ride' to Rome via the pefor ascended his thrQ#rp and . in monument� �, " � 1. , ,
v fi,
CREATIiE WRITING The door opened and his father looked at him. He b to the P4100 of Italian, French So - ou'r.lostt d t
. pow. felt no scenic Autostrada del Solo, The Hadrian's TOM,) t . .GeTMAP, P.Oglish W
Thoughts of a Teen 1n Trouble walked in. Re sat at the other side !origbr human. The .fudge asked four hour ride passed through -Justice and Cavour quaire. and Spa
the Spanish made a speech to all Naples.
The next morning, thq group those pj�eserlt, I# Also mentioned The nest- mproing* wip extiqo, 0
He sat there, feeling small, of the desk and looked at his son. for the verdict and the Foreman of lush valleyse Appealne
of the W, Af"�,rho
for, 4�fte'.`
guilty, and totally ashamed. At 17 "There's nothing I can say that the jury stood up. The court room Mountains, clung tq,the Ades of Was given a walking tout of the all the groups present (in their apprehensively no Whet ("q
9 ve a
hills and passed, "k 'Peter's native Ian Ullwillin y boarded the bus for co-vo9jiffo-A
he felt as though he didn't have will make things easier. I know was silent. through long Vatican beginning in language). 91 b
tunnels. I When His Holiness, and the the $0.0 to jq 't `,0
Square. From there lir trip bq Artbe.sta , atudwits, hrid,140'
we q�k' to by th� ff,
the brains of a field mouse, He you're extremely confused, We The crackling voicepf the man
hid' . done some" really stupid and most parents aye busy with delivered the verdict. Before long — Romel on the progressed to the Basilica of St. Canadian del �ID - S I 46� 446 , r
delegate mentioned the Yugoslavia 13 hour drive). The of " .411
things in his life but naw th�s, and our own lines and so don't take "The,defendant is not guilty." bus we received an introductory Peter, the largest church in the two thousand Canadians in journey Went - surprisingly SeRfID lthd
1, d* I . S',
what he had gone through. His time to find out what you think. His lawyer patted him on the tout of the city. We passed world• attendance, the whole rear half of quickly; and before lops,.wo were 09
world, his life, everything came You take it as if we don't care but back� around the Borghese Gardens, Inside: some of the Most the hall stood In recognition, with in PoStojna, Yugoslavia,. the site We; thank
tumbling down upon4lm we do. NO' "We won kid, you're free." the Square of the People; Via beautiful and famous treasures of a thunderous applause as the �4
Now w the •time has come
n9thing meant anything anymore, when we can't help you. You're Free, was he really. Would he Veneto; The Monument to King art in the world, Michelangelo's 'Pope waved. It was a moment
f "La Pieta"; Bernini's "Chair of that shall xfotbe easy to forget.
,he didn't care whether he lived or. old en6ugh to, run your own life. ever be ' from the scene Victor Emmanuel HIThe Altar o St. Peter"; The B . aldachino over Teacher spold
branded into his memory,, of the the Nation); The Imoisrial Foril; The rest of the day was- free for
died. lie had almost made the When this is all over If you have
decision that there was no reason to. ' disappear and straighten little boy appearing In front of The `Temple of Vesta; the Castil the high altar and so on. Beneath individu,41 exploring. Generally,
to go on living, but his, spirit yourself out, we'll understand. him from behind the parked car? Sant"Angelo; the island the church we visited the crypt, we went among the famous Mr. Shy Guy - Mr. D. Procter sports such a$ hockoy,I)a4dbsll"
wasn't that dead yet so the crucial "Good luck always son." - Would he ever be free of knowing monastery -hospital in the Tiber; and saw the tombs of most of the monuments of Rome, the Everybody knows the guy that golf, cutting and various oftio,"',
rpoment passed and he was still "Thanks' Dad, I'm really sorry he had killed an innocent child? the Spanish Steps; 'the Palace of Popes; including St. Peter's and squares, the Churches and ruins. blushes it] the time, but we know while his favourite 'holiby, 14"
around. Now he has a teenage son of his Justice; the Piazza Novona; the' Pope John's. Above the church littli else about him'. Mr. Procter swimming. He belongs also to he
all the trouble 'I've been but
He was so confused and so I'll snake it u to you and he knows that the Arch of Constantine and f inally, proper, up the near thousand 'We saw ..the" Pantheon. the went to school in Wingbarn and . `Seaforth' Beayers'.,
p somehow. Ov Campidoglio, the Foro, Romano
bewildered nothing made sense, e steps lie's the observation posts on
I'll be all straightened out after teenage years are the hardest the Coloseum, where w received his Bachelor of Science Mr. *Morton lives in Seafbith,, 4
and the Baths and Caracalla and nothing was real. The only real this is all over." years of life, because we make so disembarked and had a chance to the top of the cupola of St. Sheila,
the Circus Masimus and so on 'til at Guelph. University. He now along with his. wife, whpri
things were his nightmarish th m0hy mistakes, which will stay. explore •-these famous ruins, Peter's. From here, 4, complete I teaches Science 250, and
we were exhausted and Physics: also happens to be a teacher, She, -
Sq be was ushered back into e
dreams and the feel of handling a courtroom. There his charge of and haunt us for the rest of our He then checked into our hotel,' and memorable view of the overwhelmed by Rome. 340, 350 and 55.0. Mr. Procter teaches at the public school in
fast sports car. He had had
ad plans motor man -slaughter was read. lives. the Atlante, only three blocks Vatican Gardens and all seven finds' t I he students easy to teach Seaforth. They have two phildrelf1g,
but" they had to be changed The dead little boy's parents Written by Eric William Tippell 11 from the Vatican. After supper, hills of Rome can be had. The next day the majority of the because of a wit! to learn, and the a daughter Jane, who is ten I and a
there was a chance to see Rome at Later, a tour of the 'Vatican group took.on optional excursion
because something more size of - our , school allows the son, Bruce, who is,.eight.
museums, the Vatican library, the to Pompeii and Naples, 150
Kimportant had come up. Re had teacher to know an the students. By Diane Preszcator
tried his best and had tried to (t,3 Stoic. Medici apartments, the. Raphail miles to the south.
make the right -decisions. He ,felt' mcxrt - rooms, and of course, the. Sistine There, we saw the house of the He feels that most of the students
a f. 0,014 col oil yq Chapel, with the beautiful Faun, the Villa of Mysteries, the are trying to do their best,
that he had done the right thing. frescoes by Michelangelo and House of the and of coure, Well, enough about his job,
Yet he had been told that he was v41 now we'll go "a little deeper".
less than human, that he wouldRaphael. the famous streets. He revealed his pastimes craving SL�,Ident
be a failure; that he wasn't worth A couple of us, by sheer luck, Back in Rome, some spent the of . girlwatching, plus
the powder to blow him up. happened into the weekly public- •�day trying to see some of the sfiowmobiling, motor cycling,
He had been so keyed up for 1f7 Me Papal audience in the huge areas not generally seen by the music apd,goaching. Being a man
this new challenge, he thought he _ modern Audience Hall. . His tourists: the back streets, little of simple tastes,he leads a simplespotlig ht
had, some , , pretty good lour' ?raA�S- 0 1; ACV% II L�%C,, life; having no secret ambition. I
4 advantages. He ,w4sWt worried "giple •4 During, the March break, he CIndX.RgWn__,
that things.would go wron . g. But far N" OL S As Ir 'ck and. field summary went to Florida. He visited Disney This week's spotlight is on
•- they had stolen all this, his whole 0 0 World, but' spent the rest- of his
41 Cindy Dorssers, 4 grade 10'
world, and most important his 01 4 J0 time on Daytona Bepch, doing his
The Seaforth Track Team has but,we desperately need boys in student at SDHS. Cindy is sixteen
self-respect and his confidence -in favourite sport, girt-watching.'He
himself. •participated in three indoor track Midget, Junior and Senior arrived back in Seaforth, with a years old and lives at home,
meets to date. Two trips to categories and girls in the senior R.R.4, Seaforth, with her mom
Why, • couldn't 'adults London have provided our team age group- Practices are held good. tan; but he can't hide his and dad and one brother and
understand teens and their with some very stiff competition. every night, leading, to the blushl three sisters.
problems? Why couldn't Ahey
Our students dill_ very well with Huron -Perth Competition on May Cindy has her count- honours
practise what they preacfie'ffl Mr. Don Morton
Mary Lammerant winning the 14th in London. in 4-H and was an bono student
Why. did they have to lie all the -Open Girls' Mile in one meet and This teacher is one Of the # last year and will probably be
time? Why couldn't they be
honest and tell you what they the 880 yd. run in the latest meet. A driving -school instructor was several who came back to school, another this year.
Wn Maloney ran a fine 440 yd. trying to impress the importance after the break, with deeply Cindy belongs to quite a few
thought about you and what-ypt
were doing? Why do the tell -yoii' indoor at •58.2 sec. of gauge
-watching upon ayoung tanned skin. In our Easter break. athletic clubs at school. She'was a
Last week the girls pack and female student. Casting a glance Mr. Morton was fortunate enough member of the Junior Girls
to do something but nevl&r"how to
d , t9 And why when you did it field. team defeated Stratford toward the gas guagq, he said, to travel to the Barbados. 'Basketball Team and she belongs.
o "Pretend we're going to take a teaches to the track and
wrongn Northwestern in a 'dual meet.' Mr. Morton
did they hav6 to come field team, high
Highlights of the meet were a long drive today, What's the first geography to grades nine. ten jumping being her favourite
you. so hard? Whi'`,
down on 1-2-3 finish for, Seaforth in the thing you do before you leave?" and twelve. Also he is at the head event. She is also a member of the
couldn't they help instead of
hinder? Why couldn't they teach OL& ov t' high jump. Cindy Dorssers The student gazed around the car of the curling and'golf ,clubs. So Roadrunner . Team and ran
I'm sure it is agreed that Mr. twenty-five miles.
you what was right and wrong? JA reached a personal high of 57'. for several seconds, "Look the
& oykrin She also won the 50 yd. low dashboard over carefully," the Morton contributes a great deal to ' The future, Cindy is not sure
Why, wasn't it really right or
wrong when the time came? hurdles. instructor hinted. Hesitantly, the our school. of. She - tliinks'she might want to
w4ieft. V - I The team is progressing well girl answered, "Dust?'.' Out side of school he enjoys be a RNA.
At he was confused, and M.&I
worried. He had a hard' time
;trying to keep things straight
now. All his worries were gone
wben.he- w#s driving a winding
road at suicidal speeds. He hated
y. ',to'be'alone, it gave him time to
think, to remembei, and the
memories burned like a red hot
iron into his heart bop
His father' andmother both
knew that he was in emotional
turmoil and they knew why. They '44 911, .
tried to help,but it was no good.
4 So now why did his dad. want to
talk to him?
Most men since the begifittipg
of time hav6 regarded comets as
omens of evil. -As recently as
1910, when Halley's great comet
last appeared,' charlatans sold
-special pills to protect the fear-
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*To the. Editor
Students can
summer- trips
You Learn a lot, outside school
students, the two chaperons
I am one of those people who
teach. You claim you would have
read this column back in June
paid the cost of the supply
'4when the board -handed down
teachers. This would. be about
their decision. I agreed with it
$400 for two teacher; for one
then and do now. Although it
week.' Still supply teachers can
would have been very ,nice for
never effectiv.iply replace these
those involved it was unfair for
teachers. So your education may
those not.
be bettered but at the sacrifice of
the rest of the student body.
You claim in our article that
"Sounds like sour grapes,*' I
"Being restricted on this trip to
don't think so, sounds more like
our holidays Wy, we have not -'poor
planning. Just think,, had
had a chance to explore and
you only thought to wait for the
*Wour the cities and people and
summer holidays, of the three
customs, as we would have been
glorious weeks you could have
able to had we had two weeks or
twenty days". I am very curious
Stuart Scott
as to who restricted you on this
trip to these holidays.
(Ed. Note: The price of such trips
Unless things have changed I
in the summer - the tourist season
seem to remember that everyone
. is much higher, and
gets over two months summer
consequently more restrictive to
vacation. Certainly out of these
the student. Secondly, a large
seventy -odd days you could have
percentage of our participants
found two, weeks or twenty days
were unable to make a summer
to do your exploring. I feel, had
trip because of the necessity of
Wou really wanted to see these
working on their family farms.
things you feel you missed, you
We did not to pay for'
could have waited until til the
supply teachert - we promised.
summer holidays..
The results of a poll taken of
Year W students and their
You say the board decided that
parents concerning the students
your edu tion would be better
and teachers being absent for five
eive e four walls of a
served ingS th
days are not complete yet, but
classroom.. Au must remember
those returned have all been -in
that there #re other people
favour of the extended trip,- even
besides your `,'group the board
if they, or their sons and
must make the 'decision for. May I
daughters were not going.)
what makes the Geography
so ,special that their
All letters to the editor must be
education is worth disrupting the
signed, otherwise they will not be
education of the other 300
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