HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-11, Page 10• }
v first �e
At ben f.4"o1 !�' N n4I
r pont showing. at a March 28 ' atteitd'the April I8 meeting in an High School, at no cost- to persons
f '
Plan $'' rme d A ' I.... effort to give `abetter view of'and who attend.
meeting of the Consumers
Association of Canada at Goder. , understanding of the problems
institute Board Meeting
District � $ Institute which need attention to help
At the South Mem bens were asked to send ich Ai trict Collegiate Inst
seting on April interesting pictures and notes has prompted the organization to consumers throughout the pro -
3 in Hensall plans were made for from meetingt to the Editor. hold. another April 18. vines' the. Ontario branch says. THE
the District Annual to be •held The Adelaide Hoodless Rose Is The CAC is trying to organize a ' The meeting will be an,infprmal
May sixteen in Zurich Town Full to be available this Spring; . • local group -to help with national discussion of the work the CAC������
With a dinner to be in the United Erlin Lee would like continued surveys and programs. does and the possibility of setting
Church there. support like old pictures of CAC organizer Barbara Robin- up a local committee. Time is 8:00
A skit will be put on by families. What would you like to son says that many people who p.m. in room three at Goderich i!
- members instead of a speaker•aitd
see in the Driveshed? They need subscribe to the CAC magazine, �����
various displays. The meal will an old hanging lamp. Mrs. Papple Canadian Consumer, are mem- ! 11Ia1n corner=— Clinton
cost each .OQ a plate so that the also said that Women's Institute bets of'ihe CAC without knowing tl. O R •. BLOUSES
x f;h hostess institute doesn't beat the . is like a bank, you put nothing .' it.
into it and ou et nothiRS
n out of All interested` persons, not • PUI`��' `
t s extra cost as in the, past. Y . g . g P just U ,
Mrs. Gordan Papple brought it, CAC members, are invited to JEWELLE• CARDIGANS
Seaforth Ladies are to look after +
� c
greetings from -the Provinciaforl
g g getting rices on'the programmes
Meeting. When planning g g p p g A new,Conn Electric Organ has DIAMONDS,
: sv and ro rammes should be read
programmes for the comity year, programmes y been installed. at Bethel Bible
rt P g dk
memb@rs were asked to inc�gde 5 soon after District, Annual. • Church. The new inst rument was
The District Mileage rate was • OCCASION;ERY r
or 10 min. -in each mee ting "on g installed debt free.
Health, she said. Mrs. Pa le set at .15c.. Aril 7th was a da of much OPEN 2 tip" a pm.' 4A'
Nov. 27 & 28 will see the C7LOWD Vti►,EDNElSDAtY
K �,�• � �Y�, asked - "How do you like the New rejoicing as the new instrument
London Area Convention at
Face on your Home -and Country gave forth musical notes -of
r magazine?" Stratford. thanksgiving.
Northsi'de Unit sees
r F { °
x` , ,;, r , � I r ,fit � , ttifi • '' c e S! i des �.
;t,. .., rat r u, ,l � y � rosS�.� � • r �.� . r
4� vi �' ;�- '�}`I,� ✓i M, {'#d Sid n+ y ,'����• ':r:
1 %7 The April meeting of Unit 2 was husband had attended. Hymn No. f6
n • "<. held Tuesday evening April -2nd 589 was sung., 0 •
�t with Mrs. Alex Smith as hostess. A short business period was
,Ww ., z presided over by president, Mrs. ;
' Mrs. Ure Stewart and Mrs. Lorne Dale, which- opened with a
Let us assist you with 'your Wedding Plans...
Sam Scott were in charge of the reading "The Resurrection". 9
program which opened with a Minutes of last meeting were -
program M a'r A distinctive line of ti
poem "Just a Hint". Hymn No. read by secretafy, Mrs. Peter S
669 was sung. The Scripture McCowan. Treasurer's report
reading was given by Mrs. Scott' was giy.en by Mrs. Alex Smith.
from 20th Chapter of John, Members decided to visit
follop e by prayer. Kilbarchan Nursing Home. E D D' �. ' hN
;�x't i,��� >, �• _ �� ', �,. it ���; ���, .. ; A nem "A Miracle Was Born"
r� ' �" was read by Mrs. Stewart. A Mrs. Stewart, conducted an '
>�•: p y t interesting contest. Meeting iN 1TA ONS
re ort of the Presbyterial held a g
' ai r' 1• ' Mitchell United Church on March closed with Mizpath Benediction i't.
.6th was given by Mrs. Stewart. A in unision. Lunch was servRd by - ��%�
c poem.followed by Marion Scarlett Mr"s. Bechley and Miss Gladys is available from : , ,.�,���.� s,� •� ,„;'';
r z, "r Planted a Garden". Mrs. Thompson. Mrs', Betty Bryans �. a+Y�i �f:
Stewart showed interesting slides thanked hostess and all taking
HOW DOES IT SOUND? — Tony Terpstra gets his chest checked out at the g g
of conferences she and her part in the meeting.
Kindergarten registration in Dublin last Friday. Nurse Leslie Bald of Listowel fromr'''
the Perth District Health Unit checks Tony's health. THE HURON
Tripthrough Europe}
G v% •
has s f 1 Simnel Teahligkhts
St. Thomas access u �" ���.:�>t;�:r;Y�.• ;.
mbols and ussv INVITATIONS `'`'A:: ;I>>>>s:<s{`>" k'' _•
4 Easter s� p baking. Guests were received by the
willows formed the ettin in the A ,Simn�t�ake colorfuliv A.C. W.President Mrs. C
g The Ladies Aid of F'i'rst scripture lesson and Mrs.
Parish Hall of St. Thomas' decorated for the Lenten season 'Coombs, and Mrs. S. Sharples Presbyterian Church met in the F.Coleman led in prayer and O IES
Anglican Church for a _very centered the ica table. Glowing wife of the rector. schoolroom of the, church on closed the prayer with a poem. "'x "'' : `:'.•':•ks'
successful tea and sale of home candles added to the decor. • Tuesdayafternoon"with a good Letters of appreciation were > '
g pP : Y<f
Smiles attendance. ANNOUN EMENTs <:•'
• Mrs. Ed. Andrews, the
sent by Mrs. R.K-McFarlane
Control of ealo'r�es
balanic andMiss Jean Scott read the INFORMALS
president, was in the chair and
/ reasurer's report. There will be a q
Anti -littler, campaigns are conducted the business with Miss
• 5th. Eighteen calls were made. in
meals way to lase weight.. having an effect. More and more Jean Scott as secretary. The
people now look around -to see if McMillan, Coleman group was in Mrs. James Keyes introduced See our Complete line of
- anyone; s watching before charge of a very interbstin
$ Robert E. McMillan and his wife
If losing weight 'is one of your li•bits: 'throwiifg down a can or a meeting. Th� hyymns were.#o�erta ykditja who kQggther gave an ;s c a �r a 'Forever, Ymirs" and- N'Rbuquet"
major problems, you aren't alone! Many weight Nvaichinrs don'i - 'i wrapper• '' n by Mrs; '.�:LWIL' ` intersting account of Their trip to Invitations .�
More than half of ail Canadian realize that, besides counting Mrs. WMcClure read the England- Scotland, France, ?..
The airliner flew into a violent g w
adults are overweight. You'll be calories, the\' should include all thunderstorm and soon was Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, "' P
defeated before starting if your the basic food groups each day in Holland' and $\\edea. , Their FREE With Your Order . ,
swaying and bumping around the
spring "shape -up" progrartoisn't order to meet their nutrient sky. One nervous lady happened Now* of pictures were very interesting.
carefuily planned. No general requirements. Why not take care ' skv. sitting next to a clergyman A Bridal Gift Register, a/copy of answers to most queries
ever goes into battle unprepared; of .•Lor daily calcium needs by h rn Miss Jean Scott thanked t
and turned to him for comfort. Auburn U1 11 McMillan's for the spi ala regard ing wedding details and 6 MONTH FREE
and neither should you. Bizarre drinking skim milk, which has and
you do something"
schemes includingspecial fewer calories than 2°b or w.h•ole afternoon's entertainment. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE ,
p she asked.
gimmicks or the latest, fad diet are milk: Vegetables can be served 1'nr sorry, madam," said the h
out. instead, food' eciafists at with lemon uire or seasoned Mr. George Nevins and Mike
p I reverend, ge'n.tly, "i'm in sales, Boyle of London 'spent the week
the , Ontario Food Council.- vinegar instead of butter and ' not management." p Every week more and more
Ministry of Agriculture and,Food, sauces. Even potatoes call be end with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril people discover what mighty jobs �*
suggest "Riot you take a sensible 'included:--. • 'hey, too, provide Boyle and family. are accomplished by tow costll IDS1
approach and, really concentrate vitamin C and only have as man). Plan Spring Shoal Miss Lucy Thompson returned Huron Expositor Want Ads, Dial
on Improving your present eating calorics as an apple. to Oakville after spending a week 527 -0171 -
at her home in St Au-ustine
(Today's Health is provided to
�vee441y newspapers by ' the
Ontario Ministry of Health)
by David Woods
You've probablg� heard a lot
about acupunj ture in the past
year or so, btri'the technique isn't
new.the Chinese have been using
it•for more than 2,000 years.
But its use as an anaesthetic i'h
China -- as opposed simply to a
pain killer -- dates from 1958
trr?rq 9
started using acupuncture in
surgery simply because they
didn't have enough anesthetic
1n any event, acupuncture is
still very much an experimental
Plan,,, arc progressing well for
the 2nd Ontario" Spring Show for
Holsteins. At a mecling of
directors. it was decided that the
show date would be May lith, and
the site would be the same as last
year ---the Stratford Fair
Grounds, Stratford. Ontario.
At last vear's event, an
excellent turnout of 273 animals
led b\ '12 exhibitors was recorded.
Many of the show wriners at that
time w cnt on to make impressive
silo\\ winnings at later events.
For instance, 25 of the 84
nominations for 1973
All, -Canadians were sh(M'n at the
first Ontario Spring Show.
News of
' b '
C.W.L. held a meeting at which
time completed their reports for
the past year and made final
arrangements for the "Luncheon
Served" being held Friday night,
April 5th. No tickets available at
door. „
The new roof is completed on
St. Augustine Church. it was
started last fall but bad. weather
delayed it being finished until
Mr. a114 Mrs. Angus Cline and
family of Waterdow'n were home
at Ted Redmond's on Sunday
owing to Mr. L. Cline Angus
fathers illness in Goder•ich
The technique, which consists
in an attempt to find out more
it Canadian docmrs
Hallett Central
of inserting need!es at strategic
about nine
points in the body, has enjoyed
and one dentist will visit,China in
some success in its country of
April. When thev return, they'll
A new season of basketball has
origin. But nobody's precisely
be able to Conduct more research
into acupuncture -- and perhaps
this veal- for the boys of
sure how it works, and even the
grades seven and eight.
Chinese admit its limitations.
to teach others to do it..
noon hour one team plays another
A group of Chinese physicians
At present. it's a technique
team. The winner then
visited Canada in late 1972 and
that's ripe for quackery: quickie
�, Ics on and challenges another
showed dramatic films of
courses are being offered to
team. This continues until one
complicated surgery being/,
non-physicpians in Vancouver and
team has won over all . other
performed under acupuncture.
Quebec, and federal health
teams. The teams are as follinrs:
But a spokesman for the group
Minister Marc Lalonde warns that
Pistons. Lakers, Celtics and
said the technique is used as an
people should avoid non-pmfes.
Knicks. The placing of teams will
addition to conventional forms of
sional practitioners of
be vecorded later as the playoffs
anesthesia, 'Used alone as an
hate not yci been played,
anesthetic its effects can wear off.
Anybody seeking acupuncture
The advantage of acupuncture
treatment should be aware of its
Miss Adams and her Class Two
over other methods on the
experimental nature, Until we
Kindergarten pupilk presented an
operating table is that the patient
know more about it. its use should
assembly on April 4. The order.of
is awake and the surgeons can
be restricted to relief of pain. and
the assembly was as follows: O
talk to him. And there are no side
undertaken oniv on the advice of a
Canada: Songs: Peter Cottontail
qualified physician.
and I'm a Little Bunny: Meaning
' There's considerable
About 40 doctors in Ontario,
of Paster: Rhythm Band; Dance;
disagreement among western
Quebec and British Columbia arc
Looby Lod: Actioti Song:
ph'ysicfans as to whether
currently using acupuncture,
acupuncture really work*. Some
One member of the
recitation of 'Raindrops' by
conceded that though it seems to
China -bound medical team, Dr.
Carolyn Daugherty; a tap dance
be effective on orientals, it
Gerald Edelist of Toronto, says:
'Whalcn's Breakdown' by
' doesn't appear to be too
"Acup,"cture is not oniv
Connie t; Action Song:
successful for oceidental patients.
surrounded by myth and
I'm a Little Teapot; Play:
Other doctors believe that'
misunderstanding, bui .promise
fhumpy the Easter Rabbit. The
acupuncture is merely a version
-as well. If it is improperly used at
Rhythm Baird played to 'Minuet
of hypti8sis -- one that works in
this stage there's a danger that
in G' by Beethoven.
very few surgical situatioris, a'nd'
we might be throwing away a fool
Songs: Egber't the Easter Egg,
on very fere patients. And sfiii
that could be really useful in
I'm an Faster Bunny White; and
others feel that the' Chitt'ese
tnedicine "
God Save the Queen were sung.