HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-11, Page 2Inft Y.arg
Since 1860, Serving the Community First i
• ., �u)aI1 at SEAFQRTH, ONTARIO, every Uumday morniing by MCLEAN OROS,. Ptrb0a4M LW
ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Editor { p RIL14,18"
e `
As T. Murdock of Hen all was driving
" Member emadian, Weeldy Newspaper Aworieften ^. �. « � -� home from Seaforth, his team, shied and
' buwrio Weemy Newspaper •A�alauon •.,
i.. UP_affnd Birreant CdTcudandoQi .., _' fell over a culvert, upsetting the rig cCntl
Newspapea� got away, and idhearodeOthe ne pother tohe rhse is
SubscAptionn Robes: home.
' Canada .(in advance) x9.00 a Year Joseph Hugill . Aders lop; 'recently
r. � bought from H.b.Henderson of White -
Outside Canada (in advance) $11.00 A Year 4 church the imported stallion Hackard._ i
t=> SINGLE COPIES'— 20 GENTS EACH ,, . Wter Rogerson and bride of TuGkersmith
r Second Class'Mail Registbio¢b Num�bea 0696 F rG .,a have got settled in their new home, 3rd
Y Telephone 527 02411 concession , .the farm purchased from Mr.
5 Scott of Brucefield.
SEA -FORTH, ONTARIO, April 11, 1974 �,t;, J.E. Ball of dd supply of
had a wood bge �
' °' ifind got a `good supply of wood cut.
James Disart of Leadbury has purchased
a fine water spanieltfrom Geo.' Broome and
WhyIS 'the budget up ? x ihtends raising stockers.
The new school desks for school in
Section No. 7 Stanley arrived and have ,
by now most tax payers in Huron In the "good olrs" we didn't r' r been placed in position by the trustees.
County have had time to digest, if n'ot spend much county* -money on public ;'- �`� '°' ' They were manufactured in Waterloo.
to adjust to, the fact that the County's health or recreation. There waif no Andrew 'Love of Hillsgreen has
budget for 1974 is away up over, last such thing as county planning and purchased a cream separator.
year s. The $400,000 increase in social service, and welfare costs were
The Ladies Aid of Egmondville Church
' .., , are having the interior of the edifice
County spending for - this year simply lower. thoroughly renovated.
means that all of us will be paying Local governments, like the Alex McKay of Egmondville intends t
more in taxes, schools, are expected'to pay a much1 f starting on Monday next for the Pacific
Because some count costs .are now greater art in people's lives • than / ; L Coast where he intends pushing his -
distributed on a population , rather they did in the "good old days *sv�- �- 4 fortune.
-^ Y Murdock Ross of Bayfield put up his
than an assessment basis town Em hasis has shifted from urel �' J �'
,•••..•• , P P Y i ,�: , �' '' . '• , a, � ,' •. summer's supply of ice last week. It was of
dwellers in Huron County have been public works like bridges and roads to ' excellent quality although harvested in
hit harder than townships. Seaforth's "volvemen,t in good works. +~ 11 April. - �•
share of the Huron County budget is This involvement costs -more but we
• '" ` James Swan of 'Brucefield, had quite a
•large delivery of farm implements on
up about $13,000 from last year. t it s v orth the price. In human � "
Brussels tax payers will be Tuesday. \ +�
p y paying terms our county services pay off. We I �'�;,, „r" � R5' ' - •,. The Cvtolson's Bank at Hensall, has
about $7;0� ore than they did in need Huronview; we ,teed'.fegufated j•r � xl�: �� ,,` opened art agency there in Petty 's Brick -
1973: """� ' and orderly land use and our fine
Huron..Warden Bill Elston seemed black.
County Museum. t ! The North Road is said to be passible for
to have a logical answer to the u, _. Huron County, in terms of services, Crumbling foundation, MCKIIIO wheeled vehicles as far north of now. he
average taxpayer's question, about planning and programs is one of the r p ; but after that there is plenty of through
why-the big increase. "Our services P g P g � , i stage from Brussels came through on �
g most progressive rural county in the wheels for the first time this season. !
are going up every year he's quoted province, and this progressiveness
as saying, "if :we keep adding, we has cost us money.
,must have more money,". But we can't go back to the old days
also obvious to all bf us that the of small 'county budgets and skeleton
costs* of all these services have, been involvement. Rural as quell as city
going up every year. W, e've had price people have a right to the best in local
hikes in almost every commodity government services.
Dr. R.R.Ross, who has been attending I ,
the Dental College in Toronto and who
graduates t spring has leased'the brick q
residence of Mr. Kline.
Alex Cardno has leased the store in the
Carmichael 'block and intends opening ,
therin a second bakery. -
While kcditling in Cardno's Hall, John -
Cardno -slipped and fell, dislocating his,
during the past lnfiationary, twelve.
We d rather see Huron County
months or so --- we should have
keep up our up to date services under.
.- 1 ,.
The -stables at the farm of Joseph Scott,
almost expected the cost of running
our own steam and control, than have
When you travel • close to 10,000 miles
slept untiMve in the morning. Don't raise
at Roxboro were so flooded, that --he had to
Huron to takewa huge leap too.
what Toronto designates as modern
and meet about 500 total strangers in five
days, not only the body but also the mind
your eyebrows, gentle'readex. A federbette
is not what you think. It's a huge down
remove all his stock and three -6f tiisi s
P g
Exactly what are we paying for?
imposed ori u•s by some form of
begins to get a big scrambled.
comforter, about 10 inches thick. As light,
APRIL 11, 1924
Well, looking -down a breakdown that
regional government. With the extra
1`m,three days home from a crash trip to
as an electric blanket and as warm'as four
Another. pioneer person, Mrs. John
show which count departments et
Y P 9
layers of bureaucrats and experts
Germany. M� body feels like an old rubber
ordinary blankets.
Britton .passed away of Constance, in her
what money, one thing is very clear.
involved in a regional system We
boat. My mind is like an Irish- stew with
Was it really I who sat over lunch with a
74th year.
We pay a lot ",pore ',becau'se we get a'
could watch our costs really zoom.
very little meat in it. I'm nRl sure what day
of the week it is, what time of,day'it is, or
gaggle of generals dlsru�A hobo in�any
tanks the Russians 6X,e,Ai o whet "w "� 1,..
The making df maple syrup at Cromarty '
lot. more services from our county
Complaints about the 1974 County
-what my first name is..-
'wo'uy8 do ii'they started anyffi'ing.
is pretty much the order of the day riid the
season has been very promising so far this .•
government than .we got ten or even
budget• look small in the face of the
u`s members of the jet set;. this.
Was it really I who sat in a "space ship".,
five years ago.
reg.ional alternative.
condition is known as "je lag":;,,(u•;plain
with four IittleXanadian' kids, all of us,
Mrs. 'J. Tough of Brucefield had a
terms, it is total exhaustion.
wearing "-space helmets", and joined them
thimble party last week, which was enjoyed
Normally. I find it fairly traumatic just to
in the count -down? -.c
by her many friends..
An er ht
day week ?
change from Standard to Daylight Saving
time. It invarialily throws me out- of gear
Was it reallyl flying abo ve cloud into
the rosy -fingered dawn with two Dieppe
Robert McGrath, of St. Columban left for
Detroit. Before leaving he was presented
for a couple of days.
veterans, one of them, Albert Brown of
with a club bag, by the choir of which he
There has beep! a great deal --said
lagging badly; a decree went forth,
But when youPgo through a time change
Sarnia, president of the Canadian
was a "member..
and written in recent years about the
Jhat...t,here should be one -day of rest in
of six hours, and then do it
War Association?
An egg circle was formed at Zurich at a
establishment of a shorter work week.
each week so that workers. could
backwards within a few days, the hurha, )%
system can barely cope.
Was it really' I standing, at a -formal
officers' mess dinner, drinking toasts to
meeting held in the Town Hall.
The 60 -hour stints of the early 20th
recharge their vitality.
I feel as though my soul, or some other
the Queen, the President of the United
Russell Preeter of Zurich won a
handsome Hudson coach theLondon
century have given way' to ever
As 'is the case with so many of the
piece of essential equipment, is still back in
States,•aud,Willi Brandt, president of West
advertiser subscription campaign.
shorter work periods. As recently as
rules we always thought were purely
Germany, or at,least in mid-Atlantic, trying
Mrs. Chas. Regele of McKillop
,20 years ago five -and -a -half or six . religious, we find` that they were,
de, eratel to catch u with the ba of
P Y P g
Was it reals I standing at a cocktail
entertained the ladies of the vierlity to a
day weeks were not uncommon for
indeed, wise precepts for the survival
bones which is its usual habitat.
Just to complete the weird feeling of ..
party talking to charming Sandy Morgan, a
pretty Texan girl, and telling her I'd love to
quilting bee, it being Mrs.' Regele Sr's 79th
most • people. Today' ' it is fully
of human society. Latterly, - however,o
alienation, ,the weatlt2r lent a hand. Left
along S
g g' to pain on a trip she was
The home Mrs, Lou rt
expected that some wili be able to. get
We have disregarded the common
Canada in a howling blizzard. Temperature -
organizing for officers' wives, but that I
, as the
McKillop, was the scene of a happy
a happy
r a full week's pay for 36 hours of labor.
sense need of a day of rest each week,
in the Black Forest district in the sixties,
really had only two days left?
g when,' over IQO 'friends
In spite of our evident intention t0
' More and more organizations are
flowers blooming everywhere. Arrived
g y
back home in'----: guess what — a howling
I'm afraid all these questions must be
answered in the affirmative. But perhaps
assembled to,spend a social evening before
provide ourselves with more leisure
scheduling. meetings for Sunday'
they will give some, idea of .the
they moved to their new home in. Seaforth.
time it seems that we are frantically.
Places of business and recreation
All in all; I'm slightly unhinged by' the
mind-boggling five -days I hada
The were made the recipients
Y p nts of fine gifts
and the address was read by John McNay.
trying' to jam -pack our days with
centres remain open on Sunday;
experience, so bear- with me while' I try to
One thing 1 did not do was something my
E.A.Mclntosh, of London received a
- feverish activity 50 that we will Reed
are as and ball parks are so busy that
sort out some impressions of my jaunt.
wife, in a fit of pique; suggested I would.
dight concussion. of the brain, lacerations
" eight days rather than Seven in Which
eVera minor sports must be scheduled
Was it really i who was belting along the
autobahn a few days ago at 85 m.p.h., and
We were.being entertained by friends one
evening, just before I left. She was
to his face and possible internal: injuries'
to burn up our excess energy.
for Sunday.
To thope who are sincerely religious
shuddering as those crazy Siegfrieds went
annoyed because she wasn't going..
when he was struck -by an automobile
driven b y Eade Y+ 404 Tecumseh Ave.,
After the revolution in ,Russia,
the "'abuse" of the Sabbath is
by us like a•bat out of hell, doing at least
120. There is no speed limit on the
"I have to drive through a blizzard to see
my Dad", she snapped, "and this one's offr
London. "He -is a son of Mr, and Mrs.
when the ancient precepts of the
shocking, and they are entitled to
autobahns. A "suggested" liar' of 81 is
to Germany with some Bitte Schoen," Her
•James McIntosh of Seaforth.
Miss Frances Crich of Seaforth
established church were in total
respect of their views. But even t0
the only guideline and nobody pays. any
Germaij. is limited. Our friends are both.
chosen to•take part in a demonstration
disfavor, the government of that day
those people of common sense who
attention to it.
Was it really 1 who climbed into bed mit
fluent in German, and I've never heard'
anyone laugh harder. I give my word I
home nursing in the new auditorium at
•decreed that there would no longer be
are not particularly church -oriented',
a federbette at 4.30 in the. afternoon and
wasn't off with Bitte. T
Alma College
g , St'. Thomas:
one day of idleness to every seven.
the unending cycle of weeks which
Dr. H.H.Ross,-Seaforth, handsome new
Unending production ,was all that
see no let-up in dashing from place to
driver carried off first prize at the Clinton
mattered. Ina few years, however,
place is becoming abhorrent.
A.F.Cluff and Wm. Anent of
with production by individual workers
To the editor
town were in Toronto last week attending
the coal dealers convention.
Harry Hinehley left for Tamworth, where
A thavghtful
Gaad Friday
he will manage a creamery for the Bowes
Co. of Toronto.
For several years the Village of Bayfield
young lady, reading from a well prepared
Miss Margaret Grieve of Egmondville
Whatever ones religious faith, Or
YOU don't do it for good feeling'.
has been conducting a fair and legitimate
battle to save the North S[lore of the
script, .stood on the Bayfield River, bank,
interviewing' not a Bayfield resident, but
has been appointed valedictorian for this
the lack of it, Good Friday, the most
You do it because it has to be done
Bayfield.River (known as the River Flats)
-one of the parthers of the Blue Anchor
year's class at the Stratford Normal School
solemn day in the Christian calendar,
and you're committed to making
from being taken over by persons
Group. After several minutes of, at times,
Elgin McKinley, Stanley,
has something to say to the
yourself available when you see a
interested in turnip the area into a purely
g P Y
inaccurate statements delivered b the
Blue Anchor
farmer, was named Progressive
• thoughtful.
need." That' what love of the genuine `
commercial venture. if these persons
(acting under the name of Blue A chor)
representative -finally -two
Bayfield residents were flashed on the
Conservative candidate for Huron Perth in
At a time when the word
variety is all about.
succeed in their purpdse it will mean that
screen. One was cut off before he could
the next Federal election in Mitchell Town
turns u on buttons, on car bumper
Good Friday -- the term is a
the last remaining public launching area
g P g
finish his statement and the other was
slogans, and slops out of pop songs. as
corruption,of God's Friday -, reminds
for the .use of summer residents, and
given only a scant moment or two to make
Albert Pepper ha purchased the brick
residence of C.N.Shultz, in Egmondville.
if. It were the froth Ona lass Of beer,
us that every improvement in the
Villagets, will be gone forever and small
her feelings known. Other Villagers,
Mr. Shultz has purchased the residence
Good Friday 'impels us to turn from
hjjman condition is bought with what
boat owners will have'' no available storage
visiting the Post Office (where the Camera
was set up) were told that the film was
Miss C1eta�Dicksori on Market Street.
the ersatz variety and look, however
the late German theologian, Dietrich
running out and the.CKNX crew hastily
The male quartette of.Seaforth,Messrs.
-briefly, at the real thing.
Bonhoeffer, called 'this costly grace'.
On April 2nd T.V. Station CKNX, in
packed. and left.
James T'Scott; Fred Willis, M.R.Rennie
Genuine love for one's fellows, far
From �leSUs him3elf, the long; thin,
Wingham, phoned the Reeve at the
This so-called s ontaneous interview of
and D.L.Reid were in Dashwood on Sunday
from wrapping the person who tries to
PP $ P
valiant tine which -includes such
Bayfield Municipal Office asking permis-
stop to conduct an 'on the spot' interview.
g s was laid on at the noon -hour, on a
evening, furnishing special music in the
Evangelical Church there.
embody it' in a co of euphoria,
name's as the Tolpuddle farm hands,
They stated they wanted to get Bayfield
closing day when the least iiumber of
people• would be available •on the main
Mr. and Mrs. - Ernie. Whitehouse of
means putting oneself out — by
wh'b organized the first trade Union
residents' reaction.' to the attempted
street to give their comments. Most of the
Kippen, have, moved from Aldan
inference, a disrupting process -- for
P g P
and Wer -e banished -to Australia for
: take-over of the North Shore Fiats.
crew s camexa-tipte was spent an the river
Cockrane's farm to the farm• -the Y
' someone else: When Lord Donald
their pains, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin
Appreciating their courtesy in asking, aad
batik where the destruction of the Flats'is
purchased from Mrs,aCarrie McLean.
Soper of Hyde Park and London Cit
P Y y •
Luther King, ' Tom Dooley and the
believing the Station was acting in good
faith, permission was granted.
taking place. We ask you CKNx - would
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized in St. Thomas Anglican Chutch
M189(on feirrfe"--visited Canada
Ke'n-rtedys, the price for • this
you call that unbiased coverage? Bayfield
Village says Shame, on gout
when Rev. T.Date Jones united in marriage
described his work With indigent
commitment was heavy indeed. But,
Thenron April 3rd, anyone who viewed
p y
Jacqueline Elizabeth Brown, to Douglas
rtterr, "'f hre�s nothing glamorous
somehow, we move, forward on their
the resulting News Broadcast on Station
Florence Oddleifson, Elva Metcalfe, Gwen
Wm. Herman Racho. They will reside in
ebwt`�t,"' he said, "When you're
061ders. That in' art is wha# Good
attempt P.M.Pet4anhatonthe sept' village
p g p g
A.J.Graham, Milvena
Erickson, Evelyn Sturgeon, Jack Sturgeon,
The ,
Washin old men's feet, you're aware
rld�y is all about. Corrfributed )
opinion - but a "set-up". •'Che whole
Frank Burch, Ed, Oddleifson, George
.Seaforth Institute
re-elected Mrs. John H411ebreeht as
ftp they're. lrgly and. that they srhbll.
broadcast had been deliverately staged, A•
Tuford, Margaret Clift, Betty Garrett.