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The Wingham Times, 1893-12-01, Page 2
THE WINGIIAM TIMES, DECEMBER L, 1893. tnrkeTs that she could. Fur the little wagon. We never saw the country; milk and cream, the beet method; (If Myna1.1f Cutts perry of invited uestshad sowidened before. ;.inirlel,att, tl,- eeitiug, wnrkiug, priet- w and expanded itself that, whoa the! Ute,Low sweet the air smells! ettidI ret; mut 1•:#ckurg of buffer: and fbe nue Katy Ssvern. , ning of !:ream seperature behead, by It makete n e dink of Sherman:. meld; tread power an`1 by :,team. weir Pint, the riolinst, with tears int Ceder the direction of Prof, Dean, his dim Gym ' iifr. T. C Rogers, our own butter- At the Truxton fartn-house a royal l maker, will Luke charge of ',hie borne cvelsuine was prepared. Fire blazed' dairy dt•partmettt and those who eieli in the huge fireplaces, auhurn leaver E instruction in this departittent uiay grewed on the walls, and wreaths of enter at any time within the two silver -white Grandfather Greybeard and a half months, commenciug oil were fastened over the wind. ws The Jan. 15, and may stay as loner or es long table was spread with gond things, short a time as they wish. I may add that we had five ladies in our •lairy ec1mol last year. 9 he liked the work very much, and took a high stnud at the end of rhe tern We hope to have.a number of farmers' daughters 11IDA,Yy 7)$ttafA1lfFeE t 1, 1898. gore®. makes a, home? Four waits of polish- taatone? dolt and mortar laid with nicest care ? prisou salla are made without as tin ---look not within—corruption there a ignorance and Bin defiles the air. I•t makea a home? 'Twere better far to roan: tonsod than have a part in dainty halls, ere rarest gerns of art adorn the walls sere's no hearth -Erre bright for poorest Poos o linger in the night without the door. other preparation were read!', t}tere was but a slender fund left for the. Purchase of the central element, And Z'm told they're up to twenty- eight ceuts a pound, said Miss Burr. Twenty-esght cents! If it wasn't far the looks ot things, Pd price geese and chickens, But ^whoever heard of a Thanksgiving dinner without a tnrkev at makes a home? 'Tis where the `weary come I lay their burdens down, assured of rest. where we learn to know our dearest beet, tete little children play, blessed and blest, ough walls of coarsest clay enwrap the nest. Fannie S. Reeder, in the Ram's Horn. i.rbara Burr's Thanksgiving. BY AMY RANDOLPH. "Miss Barbara Burr was a tailoress, o ut.t'le, button bole's and "finished" et, She was neither young nor arming. She was one of those poor folks our wry., because— i been !nippier in all UPr !If-. 'teary dweller-: in a crowded city Just then Mr. Brisket's sleeve was And when 'Thanksgiving came to septa to have a special claire upon energetically pulled, and a voice in••: around the next year Barbara kept it, ` one. Sat- went daily to her work, qnired : las Ma:. Truxton, in the same farm - xi or shine ; she came nightly dome Have you any small turkeys this :house. Wbt1P Mss Barbara was pisking. her way over the muddy pavements, 1 the beset stood on the threshold, rue - with brain full of these finan(lial earl bin;; bis bands.. cutattons, a stout, ruddy -faced farmer You are welcome friends! he keut stood in the middle of Mr, Brisket's repeating. You are welcoute! I only butcher shop, both hands buried in ; wise ,ny poor mother could have lived the pockets of his buttersnut-eolored 'to see his day. overcoat, his hat tipped jauntity over Did not Mr. Truxton and 11ise Burr hie eyebrows. beam at each other across cur long A hundred and fourteen peundssir, Mable, ns they carved for the hungry I k 't said air. ° Brisket, who was {guests? Did not the children ,snub, \ORMS 1OR the remora: of norms of all kindle from children or adults, use De, SMITH'S GERMAN WQRM LOZENCER ;A waysafter medicine. Screw failing. Leave no bad Oggliattla• Pricai, 25 cents Per Bose Prolapt reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring ne JOB PRINTING, INCLLDIN4 Books, TamPglets, Posters, Ifill Heade, Circniaro, ke., dc., executed in•the beet I c a xng� am EtulcS --IS I'UBLISIHED�- Ji B2 FRIDAY M.O1t�TING —41 TIM -- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGllietI, ONTARIO, . ,ty1s of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. .Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Timms Office. Wingham. LOOK HERE 1 apply file cols home dairy course to This'�i�� 1nterestver commence on Jau 15 nazi, Riad No,eid euegest that appi'cants stub- wheu they wish to enter and Low Long they propose to stay. Yours, sign. Subsoripttoaprice, $1 per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES: __ �_ space 1 1 yr. 10 too., 1 8 me. j 1 me Otis Coluinu the 00 , 535 00 1 tab ea - 'ties Oa Ilait " 35 00 20 00 12 00 b do (tauter •" 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 4 00 one inch 5 00 n 00 2 00 1 00 Legal and other moue advertisements. Pc. per line for first insertion, auet 3e. per linetorcach subsequent insertion. e...n8 for first insertion and Local notices 10c, p , 5e. per line for each eubeequent ha erticr.. No local pities will be ttwtg ed less than 25c. Advertisements of Loa t, Found, Strayed, Situations, — t and Business Chances %Vented, not exceeding 8linet, nonpareil, 51 per mouth houses and .('arms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, 51 for Met month, 50c. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Make l , e` uutlli „ figuring up some accounts on a piece a the old people smiled in shy delght at JAMES U ILLS, Jj of blue bill paper with the aid of a pack other, as the meal prod reseed t Onierio Agrieultnrtit Cullet:'. stumpy d pencil. Dui not the muarcal man sing the Guelph, Nov. 15, 1893. -roe the Special rates for local advertisements, or to m,ger periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Traesi"ory advertisements must be um lea sect , paid in advance We are selling Changes for contract advertleswents moat be n A hundred and fourteen pounds I best sang, the worn outactor Stomach Ache.—We all 1cu„w maks tt said Heber Truxton !which ; Mark Anthony's Acidness with tori i` e4r” what it is ; K s acquired a p w • perfect Best Coal Oil at 1 `2 1-2 that week R. ' ins of his theottice by Wednesday noon, to order to appear old swirls, i nor at en- knowledge of the "Pet" in our youth o ELLIOTTELLIOTTua AND PUBLISHED as the gold of the farmer,: y can per Imperial gal - At the old the €said Brisket. joy thzinsetvea with a keen sense of after a raid oil thiugs we were express- 'iOn, ©r a can containing Ob, yes, at the ilei rates, nodded happite-sa that was also to be but Hest ty ferl,idden to touch. Our mother Mr. Truxton. 1 dou't raise on an old ing i gave us Perry Davis' PAIN-EILLEIt the equivalent of five 7' �R customer. But, Brisket— "v It nen long after sunset when the then, and, strange to say,no nth -r American gallons for 7 Yes, Mr. Truxton. children were called hack from the r mid ' has been d=scovcred to this of Here's a half dozen small turkeys 1 barn and farm -yard, the elders counted } e�0C., exclusive pack - ami all the party carefully packed day to equal it. Old popular price 25c age. f w want you to give to your customers up this year. I'd like setae one to have': into a big wagon. Miss Barbara Burr fur Big New Bottle. i• a merles Thanksgiving this year, all was very tired—so tired she could H. S. Northrop; president of this Anlegican Axes, 5oc. to 65c. along with rue; there ain't many real ^ hardly speak. But she never had p,11 known prlteut medicine filen, of each. Northrop & L}' -nun, died Tuet.dite Crosscut Saws 45c. to $1.00 morning at Toronto. He was in his 73rd year. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured man afflicted with rheumatism. and we urge all the solitary rug„n, where the cent's ` year, Mr. Brisket for sale cheap ?s who suffer from this digease to give this Crtlt ut kifldlhtus lay ready for igni Brisker turned this way and tbat, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are admirably medicine a trial. u uud-r the pansy little tea -kettle. scarcely knowing whreh of his gusto -!adapted for curing diseases in+•itleutai t temides. At different periods of 3 In an editorial dealing with agricul- heu site heard the' ctrhbler's sickly • rusts to answer first. Farmer Trustee o n_ life w m -n are subject to cam plaints tural matters the llnpdon Times says y per foot. We to -day ,ireduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per lb. J. A. CLINE & CO � u to to ke it for a little while, leo keen, bright eyes. b et"y twinertwiner stairs she would go stared at Miss Barbara Burr, with 1 which i require a peculiar medicine ; Canadian timothy hay is now rico_ Wins:ham, and it is now en iudtcptitable freer that nized se being ae uood as the best ve the rtt.,tlle, a ehanae to pr -pare i 1 her your pardon, ma'am, said he, there is none so suitable for cnrnt)I4,iuts available hay of narnral home growthe peer for her husband. She made - ' Because it you be, ' went on Mr. +For all the debilitating _disorders DEAR Sias.—I have ben u ing B. B. B. rb Trtixtcn, recklessly 'firming all precau• incidental to the sex, and in every for boils and skin diseases. Y pdp find it . � EPM PIJMP 'kindltoil-petiloustothe lifand very good as a care. As a dsesia cure N0RKS; 1 1 i 5h (l bluntly, rut be you p,nr of this nature as Holloway's Pills. vary little thea_es far the sick ��ul in Stet said Barl•ara to surprise. d 1 For Boils and :Hein Diseases. f I GRAM e corner room ; she tiled up to rite t urea tis seri. bthrles to the wa,h-r mitlt's laid- girts,whrn their mother; tion to the Sandi, you re V lth of woman—youthful or aged, as late and they were afraid of f 1,e 1 come to one of these, p lintiu”marrito the health or ample—this great regulator irk. 1pile of mottled. birds on the bench in There's nobody belongs to rate, said !trent. of him. 1 bring 'eru in express- „and reuovator of the secretive organs arbare. So ie seems almost a., if i'ri i ly for poor fonts. 1 want to help some and the nervous system is an immediate mitt to belong to everybody. ! filmw•-ersatures, as ain't so well orf as I cure Their purifying c,nalities render thiel invaluable to females of all ages. Why (siert% you ever get married $ave, to have a good Thankseivio'. The are luable te, and lescleansing.ollyet id the washerwoman's eldest little You are a sensible mansaid miss They ar ee ; a few doses 11 agset ir1, one dtty. tc tier. ; Ba. tiara. I-il take four,^,of 'em. 1 remove every species of irregular;ty Z'vTgtlody ever rtskcd n,s,said Barbara. Four ? rep -aced tile. trnxton. in the ,system, and thereby establibh end I guess they never will now. •( . Yes, said Mies Barbara. I've got ,health Ott a sound and firm basis. So, when the minister read out the:neither kith uor kis of my own, but leanksgiviug notice., Barbara Burr; 1've invited sixteen of the poorest and stetted, and thought of the many I most solitary people I know to keep Home Daira ennti r 1 at t eegeOntario Ag- appy b happy household meetings whreh Thanksgiving with me ; and I'd like ',meld hinge on these words. 1 to ask six -and -twenty, if I'd room to To the Editor of the Timm. It makes nn difference to me, said sit 'ern down ; hut I've only one small, Flavin, received a number of in - be solitary old maid. I haven't been room, rind— guinea about our course In dairying, 1 sited out to Thantesgiving since Aunt ?ebhy died, twenty years ago. But I hou1d like to have a. little Thanks- iving of my own, and I will, said she. :11 ask Crisp the cobbler, and his wife ;;nd the children,—and ,Sarah Potter, Oat has had no work since she got 'p from fever; and Mr. Plin, the tolinist, that has not had any one iotne to see him since he had rheunia- irsm In the fingers,—and Uncle Peter, the peanut man. That will be eight the me,—and my room isn't a Targe one. But I think I can make room for lame linty Severn,tliat knits ag dolls at a dollar a dozen ! And here's luck to an odd number, too. ine 1 1 wonder if I can afford a killer for nine persons ? One wants a ttle something out of the common Dr Thanksgiving Day ! i Site went home and counted her leavings with careful exactitude. There ain't such a very great deal, he said, but 1 always was a good xianager. 1 can bake a couple of pies, ailed stew up a few cranberries, and y some red appk'n and oranges, and quart or 80 of chestnuts, if they en't too dear. And a pair of small itrkeys would be better economy than e large one It's the size that costs. Id 1 couldn't put more than a five itnd turkey into fey oven, either. sr cue, I haven't cooked a turkey lace I was it girl at home, before ober died, Arid that reminds me brat I must risk the jeweler's clerk t has hired the top room 1 heard ns say yesterday he didn't know a 1 in the City, and he's it dreadful lite attendant at church. 1 re'• tuber how !onetime I was when Ica Came re. v,rbara's heart grey light within she thought all these thine They raw November wind Into ill, the frnsett air se"erred sees errt, ,a"d the stilus I-treetd 'nos let where Sidi trudged cheerily , tvbil-• :,hr, had title pet prc,jeet over to her mindrtw two tl:a4N before Thatrks*tvrn t, vale..iuwn to that hatcher's, Mr. Truxton had glanced inquire bhall esteem it a favor tf you will al'. ingly at Brisket, tate butcher, as if to low ins to say through the medium of say : Is this all reliable information 2 your paper a few words which may Brisket, the butcher had nodded hie terve as au answer to many questite i, head, as if to reply : Itis. At this Ota- regular students receive lecture:. stage the good farmer burst into the on dairying and get more or 1 -:re current of Miss Barbara's speech : practical inetructiou in that depart.. Ask 'em to my house, said he. Out (meat throughout the whole course. to Coon's Hollow, three miles beyond land the training given in .this way Is the Harlem River. There'll be room thought co be sutiicient for those who for all of 'em tbere. Don't be afraid, re,mau, with us for two or three years (at Barbara's wondering look.) Brisket L+`or ►,nicer -makers, cheese -makers and knows me, Brisket will go security others who can spare Duly a short rs- that there ain't no trap est for nobody time, we have a spiels, darty sou in what I say I'm alone in theworld The course in this school lasts for two and I'd tiketo do a little good here and commencing ou -ran. 15, and and there as I get the chance, if I only is devoted eutir-ly to the theory and knowed how. and 1 calculate it a practice ut dairying in its different lucky thing I chanced to meet you branches, namely, milk -tester, buster. making and cheese -wahine. Last now. yearr we admitted 60 applicants for 1 wonder what I'd better do, said his course end refused over 80. This Miss Barbara. It would he very nice year we use erecting a new dairy to take all these poor creatures for a butldiue fur the accommodation of a I have also found it unequalled. Mas. SABAH HAar1LToN, Montreal, Que. day in the country— And there ain't a prettier place going than Coou Hollow, declared Mr. Truxton. And I'd send my big straw wagon to the Bridge to meet eine and turn all the young'ans loose in my barn to play. 17o bring 'ern, ma'atn. I would do cup good so see a regulat Thanksgiving being kept once moreinr the old place. Well, said Miss Burr, it seems a queer abrupt sort oftlliug to do, but I don't see auy living reason against it. Yes, I'll come. And l'it bruit six. and -twenty With me, that would not taste of it Thaulcsgivtug dinner if it %won't for One Shake 1iattde on it, said Mr. Truxton joyfully. Atte their !lands met, a s and r baskets Mies Burr sentthe 1 hampers, carefully pecked, to the Bridge, where they were loaded duly on the straw wanton, in company with the Crisp faintly, pale Sarah Porter, Mr. Plitt and the vendor of peanuts, Baty Severn, and the jewel- er's clerk, and a crowd of others scarcely less impecuttioutl and friend• lees. Is thin- the country 1 said the Crisp Experiments made in, the tobacco cultivation throul?hout Europe hate not given much promise of surces:s. DOE ELE, Deafness Cured. PROPRIETOR. GENTLEMEN,—Fera numl'.sr of years 1 suffered from deafness, and last wetter I could scarcely bear at all. I applied 1I.Lg- yard's Yellow Oil and I can bear a0 well as anyone now. , Mas. TITTLE Coos, 'Weywoth, N, S. Prof. Saunders, Dominion Dairy Commissioner, has returned to Ortnwa from Neva S&'otin, New Brutes% ick and Prince Edward island, where he bad been closing the eleven dairy stations established by the Domit,inn teovernment Everywhere the experi- ment proved a great. success. Fartt.ere are getting 24 cents a pound for heir butter. The two stations at Nappau, N. S , produced cheese lost year to the value of $3,500, while the figures this ear ran up to 347,500. larger uutnc,er, say 100 students, and 1 already, without any advertising:, the pressure ties been so great that we have admitted 116 fur January, 1894, and have placed on file between 20 and 80 applbeationa`for 1894 Abutuer elites has'stili to be previd ed fur, viz, young men and women, and perhaps suufe older persons, whu do nut 1% MD to take a full course so ab to fit themselves for factory work, but Want (u learn something about the latest atid u••st methods in !tome or farm di:eyttrg; i?ur this course we are u',w tlrue td,no, tleuesforth our stew deity l,uthttng and one'hall of the nl1 r,tt,l.4Iu, will be devoted to bystetltat to theta action in milk.testieg, butter (flaking and cheese making on a large melte, tar those Who wish to r equip. to ins"l. es fully for taktnl, ileo and the Moet h 111 of the yid hutldiu will be used for milk•testaig and ow, ter•ngaktug o a •waller. Settle and in ,t way adep ed to home or farm dairy- ing. This it•13.1030 dairy department i4 intended espectttily for farnterts eons and dauguters wlro may deals ter learn r-t0mPthitttr ghnnt. the appllaltett puitnhl•' (tstv•dri a the hest bergaiu itt children, leaning over the sides of the for dairying on the farts, tilt care of +lege (It ureuwtfr,ea orerises t facthr►t;t+i W.�iS2"1R'S- ITER.NAT ONAIl, E,.h New. DICTIONARY A5, cartos Times. A Grantucaler. 2'hes2rccesaor of the r�/fit Tenab ei rs w r" e i + Ten years veers ec spent revising, 100r editors employe'',e: and over �aoU,00>s c expended. Jv Y y s e: both' , should otos chi; " Dictionary. I an- t. s" err t swers all closed) is e coneernin: • the hi,- e i tory, spelling, pro- o nunelation, and V meaning of - vordt . t Library inItself. I. l,-ogi.ca the lac La often wanted cone. ming ettimen; V g•crsous, ancient and modern; netcl heti- tivas persons and places;.the countries, rit,,eio; towns, ion of foreigntquota� it n .:, of the 5 e r. urds, phrascs, and proverb; eta., ote., ecc. This Work is Invaluable in trio 1•n'tselmid, and. to tho teacher, scholar, pro - e. t' sionai inan, and self -educator. ''ie Grebe, Toronto, says:— 'lids newdtottonariis the beta book of Its Ida<t P, the litlrttleh r l..nnge. For every nit i y, ton A t n, n,t"r,v of whirllava miuterrd the m1 n1 rend- ;; e ti,.:,itapurclwae W rlproveayrontablehrvrsuucut. l'I Times .X3'nriltorr eay'g b, I wish to inform the peopleof Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as I have purcbased the Steam Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Forge & iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump rine. As I have long experience in the business I guarantee all my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. I also deal in MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, ONTARIO. ?tj E. TOWLER, M,D.C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— 'Officei'p.stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. Or'ica ltoras.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. 01.. or at Residence, Otago.,a1Street. �It. J. A. MELDRUM, honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. R'ioanAM - • OST ��. "VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private sand Company funds to loan at lowest rate interent•. No commission charged. Mortgages, toes and !arm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block 1V,rouAs ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS. O"Soft water cisterns macre on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. D. SHOWERS, \'Viugham• ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Oar Load .Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part ot Wing hale. - IrBr'Orders by nail promptly atteude to - GEORGE THOMSON, Box 125, Wingha m P. A LIBERAL OPFER We are now offering �Ir mnSwetl be cheapest hook beet rurehl, B • , JOURNAL, ®{7i �, I' tar>• nod 1h0 cheapest hook 1n the w'nIll, met �, � � �, LADIES'i/ ��i9 � I�/'llaa, • sI: ad be In every artn>ol and famtty iu Uhlman. �. your.noolrseilertihot%':ttoyor of Toronto, alarge 36 prigs monthly t G. & C Mctriaru Co, i j • • ,` iYrLlfsi,c+ns,� c s: ,•f,rr;fJrtd,.tfe,r,..,C,R. ' t:l,'nnnothnrvrhe�pttetent %.' e.x. 1 T eranhirtel>t oras ancient iflTLtc..te c rrtnlnne DIC'efeleeItiVr y, r t' '-' n.rr f r.t..r,:pretust sire /J% Lltletratlefi,, LRC. _ kI veer eeeft/tee:earrr»Ma,a'7eiek+e,'* J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, sc , Out IV high= 4. L. DIC ;(1NSON, 'Barrister Etc. . SOLICITOR TO BANK or IIABIII.TONN. MONEY TO LOAN. OfItco—Meyer Block, - %V Ingham. 7'�E'ITISTI(T —J S. J BIOME, t%isonam, LJ • r Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite platen of the beFtin te,•IAI ' fir f ns cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraetlon of teeth by the use of Electric. ity or Vegetable Vapor. Tai hurie,.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents 1 each. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. EL Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mop.days of each month. illustrated Fashion home aper particularly iutorebting to ladies=, with TETE 'Isla/ S. The tivo publicstint:a till be given for 41.25 for one year, and will be rout to any ddrer,ar. .e The, Offer appltes t , theme whu •'a F , NRILYE IMAMS area new dirt' renew for the 'hams for another year be. einey flat care tete worst easel fore ,lanurry 1st, 1801, leu, its as (0 hewhewNenaud Dewar Lost vigor • Falling Hrahooti. restores the 'lenbecr+berrt. w.akn.ee of hotly or mind o°wod' ''1 1,e regular subrciititiou price of the BEANS ..Sine: teiy cures the lama *waste eine when • other %%A,tl4ERrtl here ;falwdeven N s, '.oldbrdeet• „g4., #L pee or A M vest mea �q 3i')..''i,,ro**, I*%.rt Mdet. I irY WIri iI.• , ai. ir. f.u1:G(r?, t r o .t -week. or 11to errors 61.14: f ax• .eees.ef youtit. 'role lz at t,b. LlLdif•tf' Jcnrnal is One I)nll•.r per year. The Journal and the Ttatss will only Cost you 51.25 if you truer now. �CHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT IyINOriAM, • ONTARIO an DEANS, Jit., trixorinx, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOlt THE COUNTY OP HURON. Salts attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. JOHN CI71RRIE, WIxanAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TUE OOUI(Ty OF • mums Alt Orders left at the Titins eftiee promptly attend ed to. Tagus reasonable. ( AMa:S HENDERSON, tLlretxrrt) Aeerie: ak POI Co xi-teS IIBNON .AHD hREeN, All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest .Notice, t;lau'gcs Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary arrangestehts can be made at the Tunis' 0)21110 1, IAeIIAH — ONT DR. J.IIcASIT, _.. M. 11. Toronto, ;1Iembcrs College I'hyslc•itats and Surgeons, Old:trio, I1tttGRA1'a 05TAa10 Monty to Loam on Neto. Discounted, d 'X% R,n A.SO11iA!1LL XtATS Money adcaaetd on Slort'a,t: ,.f lag p•.r cent wt privilege of paling at the en t of auy Jim.. Not . sad accounts collected. Address, TIMES Orrtos, ROUT. I1Tc11'IaDotl. Wiughain, Out, mut nloek Wlnsham, Ont.