HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-04, Page 18T is altv"sspu Pon, Im
a. r" IK HIACH 6 POSIT9R. ri routtry, cages spe)l su Coss
It 191 elid090 In ry"in •N.
Mr. get all of this that it needs.,.,
The area immediately around, retailers all over Canada and. in operate In conjunction with the interested In these days, in spite of the shortages
mediately a v nd f working spa es "We've got orders But -down some
is not exactly an the 18,000 sq. ft. o qP. Davi . says. slowed
Sektfortb that have
company has in,,',
industrial heartland. That .!$ tl�e About, (our years ago, John that the from November that still haven't Ford Diikison's
aspects of
Canadian from tht, - Brodhagem, been filled", he added.
reason that it will come as a Davies, a
workiag . tess than a, month ago, Steel is hard to get , even b6iness the c6mpany Is steaming
surprise to many people 'that the Huntsville area who was ad.Vord Dickison has
according to Mr. Davies; Ford though. Ford Dickison Ltd. is a ahe
1. largest manufacturer of poultry for the auto industry in the Uni 'Dickis6nLtd. bought . �ut the fairly big , user.' "Stelco has distributors.- all_6ver. Canada
one id B.C. w
equipment in all of Canada has States, bought the Ford Dickison who does'
it"s plant located rightiWlbe' Compan*' along, with H ugh Jiimesway Company'9 poultry limited us to 25 ton of �alva,nized inc $300,00
cage manufacturing rt - $200,000 to $30Q,000 lit business
'r afidlf
village of Brodhafien, mdW Paterson,- an Exeter accountant, and hog ca gee pier quarter
.1 1, every year.
Under John Davies business. use 100 ton per quariei
north east of forth. .- -, the **,Ford ]Dickison.. doesexpor to
Ford Dickison Industries Ltd. management the' company has Shortages have hit the poultry Davi'es'says. But becausc
�the equipment business gust like Bro company is one theUX., we have a big dealer in
started as--part.of a' hardware continued to expand and in iu dhagen based a -
s for North Carolina" Mr. Davies Is
by the l6e near future will open a new '5,40,0 almost every other manufacturing of Stelcp's biggest customers. 16
business ' ess operated ft plant in Mitchell whic'h will industry consumers are "chicken wire" type steel, it can but is quite content to be ht
Ford Dickison in Brodhagen in sq that
usiness really I took off biggest,company in their• field in
947. His b this country.
when Mr.. Dickison invented a
o19 Mr. Davies says that, over the
ventilating fan for use in poultry
Ford Dickison has driven
houses in 1956. The 'hardware
most American corn titul Is right 4
0 �11 /poultry
business had expanded t include out of the Onto
a plumbing and heating business equipment market, �nferesting
and a sheet metal shop by' this switch in these days when
time.By demon�trating his fan at seems to
NEW BUILDING Ford Dickison Ltd., the largest polultry equipmerif manufacturer industry
the International, Plowing Match American what is,
in Canada have expanded from• their original Brodhagen plant and have just and at fall fairs throughout the usually. dominate
a Canadian.
constructed a,neW plant In Mitchell. area,.Mr, Dickison built up a big it's quite a suicces story ---
market for the ventilation systems
and in 1959 expanded again. from a one man hardwa store in
-Fromlrvin,Leonhardt he bought the late 1940's to a two plant
a carriage and Ooodworkin . g shop operation • employing '25 to 30
F u'ei saving Weak- for'. employees in two shifts and an
to the. east of original' al 30 - 40 when the
hardware store. The building was t ~'Mitchell plant is' opened.
a structure
all farm machinery rebuilt nd the whole the best thing, about the,
was covered "with blue metal
.......... success story is that it happened
if as recommended by engine siding. Here the fans' were . . . . . '4g
As an,aid to farmers fated with than to stint it off particulaily_ XL
in our own neighbourhood. It
the engine is hot. 4tak6s less fuel maniffact manufactured.
manufacturer.. tight fuel supplies, t ' his list of -fuel an 3..Servic6 air filters regularly In 1962 'Mervyn Leonhardt, UI�WAMAEO�W%, n", kqi.%M7� should give a real boost to
saving tips for operating various to leave an engine running at manufac- who had been associated with Brodhagen. and area to'know#�at
types of . equipment will be idle than. it does to stop a hot as recommended by IN. 4HE FIFTIES The late Ford .Dickison-stands stands outside -'bis expanded Ford
I it turer., Ford Dickison Industries, bought the largest poultry . cage
helpful. engine and then try to get Dickison Industries Ltd.. building about.1954. •-At.tfiat.time' the business Included manufacturer in Canada is right
These suggestions havd been started ag'ain a, few minutes laler., 4. Check fan belt tension as the Plumbing and Heating part of
hardware and plumbing and heati ng,, -d iAs ions. here at home.
made by the men w 0 service, Tire Pressure' specified in Owner's Manual. I the business. *0 -
5. Engine operating tem era- In 1963 Mr. Dickisoh purchased
equipment and w*ho are The tires of the combine should
experienced -in I the operation of always be 'inflated. to the ture should be within specified ,Harry Tait's grocery sore and
machines in the field. specifications outlined - in the range. Hot or cold engines are extended the blue siding soti.th,to
inefficient.. Engines are . basically cover this brick building. The -g.aroe ning•
Hay Baler operators manual. If tires are ring -be heat pumps., 1974 manufacturing Plant is reallySP '74. i�' theo year f6T
Probably the most 'power -con- under inflated more fuel willbe
area of the baler is the consumed in * propelling the 6. Store fuel , properly to made up of several older
W' "in 1974 - and in -fact the past, Garden centers and roadside popularity is going e,"
slicing knives on the *plunger in machine, down,.the 'field. �ppxc.lude water, dirt, and dust. buildings, joined together under away that-Ahey will last well into 9 to decrease,"
the bale chamber. If knives are Mower -Conditioner' Underground storage for safety. one' roof •and &overe.d, with blue several years - there has been a -markets confirm. the rapid rise in the winter. says John ,Hughes. "Consumers
ng. a interest with the, sale of vegetable
ctions sharp at Open and close throttle sidi dramatic incre'se in the number
not. kept as sharp as they should. 1. Kee# sickle se' are able to lin
not. all of their
gently rather than violently. In the sbxties the company of home vegetable - gardens," transplants "Oeciilly: Even apart me�h t,, dwellers are summer vegetable needs. They'
be or if the clearance between all times. - I says John Hughes, horticulturist
a14 fuel line connee- began producing 'brooding, tomatoes,,. - peppers -and onion making 'use of the summer
them is not proper, excessive 2. Replace 'guards when ledger - 8. Keep can cut their food costs and still
p tions tight,to, prevent leaks and row and laying I ch _e . for. with the Ontario, Ministry' of seedlings. growing season. Balcony gardens, get the quali . ty and freshness they
p6wer is used resulting in, surfaces become" rounded. Agriculture *and Food. He sees
ex . cessiV6 consumption of fuel, '3. Keep hold-down clips in induction. of air., poultry, designed 'by r- Since ga�d.eping, is a primp with afro pots, of tomatoes, want."
along with. mechanical Problems proper adjustments. 9. Avoid long idling'period, Dickison. By, the time. of the this increase as a result of the- North Amend#n_>hob4y, it's -little radishes,. lettuce ando peas are
increasing food costs. wonder 'inflation' gardens becoming very common, Hanging course; work
such as excessive flywheel shear 4. Keep guards in good 10. -Avoid engine overloads. founder's death in late 1969 at 45,�
Gas Ford Diekison InduIstri6s Ltd. had 1973 Was a year in �which are catching on. It doesn't takes' •4A.
, baskets 'are, also 'involved in vegetable gardens,-
bolt breakage. alignment.
I.Keep slicing knivessharp at S. Keep. engines properly tuned engine tuned:to 3employees ansolof 1. Keep engiignition from 25 0 ld d increasedfood costs received a lot much space in thg�ac�ard to -backyard being, ,used to help conserve keeping ' weeds down and
all 'times. with frequent - check of points points, plugs, condensor .and farm, equipment. 'supplies. to publicity' over the season. grow, a row of corn;tomatoes, space,. And ac wide variety- of watching for insect problems. But
2. Maintain proper clearance plugs and timing. (!(self-propelled)
% 'Inflation'. gard6s are one way peas potatoes; and vegetable plants will do well in all things considered, thdre'aren't
timing. -beans, and
between. the slicing knives.' 6. Keep tires properly inflated. 2. Service fuel filters regularly. More than 250 sternwheel6r 'consumers can lower the cost of Ff:_ficse and manyother vegetables thyse conditions. 'too many Hobbies that you enjoy
3. Bale as tight as necessary for 7. .-Service air 11 cleaner 3. Service air filter regularly, riverboats plied the Yukon River their weekly food budget.- can be stored or preserved in such It's not likely that this working With = and then eat.
1896 to 1944. V_xcept fora
4. Check fan belt tension as from
the purpose required but don't frequently. (self-propelled)
•specified in Owner's -Manual. handful- the
bale tighter than necessary. 8. Properly adjust reel location' specbig majestic boats
4. Reduce engine to idle speed- and, speed -fbr Specific operating S., Engine,6perating tempera- either sank or have been
atthe end of windrows or when condi . tion. ture should be within specified dismantI eo,
moving from one windrow, to . 9. "Follow recommended' range. Hot or cold engines are
another.ication practice to minimize ;inefficient.,' Engines are• basicallySornebody •
S. Keep tires properly inflated. friction. heat pumps
6. When windrows are 10.. Maintain proper lift spring 1 6.,, Store fuel properly to SWING INTO WI TH.
than adjustment to minimize A
extremely light, rather lift exclude wa ter., dirt and dust. Wants What r
continue running the baleratfull energy. Underground storage for' safety
You Don
speed, lower the baler RPM and 11. Do not run the rake basket and to reduce, evaporation. t Need 1
necessary to maintain 7. Open , and close throttle
increase ground speed by going lower than ne�es
to a.14igher gear in the tractor - clean rakidg, gently rather than violently, SELL
not by increasing tractor engine IZ. Do not operate the 8. Keep carburetor properly
speed windrower in the field, or At slow tuned to conditions.
9. Avoid long idling periods. Through
Combine highway eeds, with the A. -NEW
y -9-p
There is no way that you can hydrauloic rangi lever in high 10. Avoid engine overloads.
slow' a combine engine down and range. (self-propelled) Trucks, Tractors and Equipment Huron
"seduce fuel consumption because 13. -Harvest crop I at optimum - I. Keep tires properly inflated.
it is netssary that a combine stage of maturity to minimize 2. Avoid -jack rabbit starts. Expositor
engine rat a constant speed at cuttingand conditioning energy. 3.. Tires with good treads, on
all times to do an efficient job, of Automatic Bale Wagon drive wheels are more efficient Classifttd 011
threshing. 1. Build storage sheds for hay than. poor treads
Avoid 'n Want. Ads
'However, there are -things you closer to th�fields so that hatrib void -subst, Uti
can do with the engine to make distance from the field to stor4aggel- manufacturers tire size recom-
sure that it. will Oerfordi to, its would n_Qt,.,,be as far, thus
"optimum capability and bui� less
conserving gasoline wiffi- the
fuel while doing so.. Some of thk
tractor or self-propelled machine.
things you can do are:
-2. When operating . the
1. Make sure that you4 plugs
equipment on the road the same
andpooints are in good eo n;Jition.
thing pertains to our equipment
Check them before going into the
as.it would to trucks,or anything',
field cleaning - the Plugs and
else. The speed. that the man
resetting the gap and -replacing
drives up and down the road is
the points if they are pitted7. The
certainly a major factor. He could
opening on the points should also
reduce his speed by 10 or 15
be adjusted to the specs- of the
fn.p.h. on , the . self-propelled
engine manufacturer. It is wise if
units, thus using les's gas. - .
'thepoints are replaced to replace
3. Make sure tires are properly
the condenser as well.
inflated for field and highway
?. 'Make' sure that your
operation.. -
-carburetor is clean and that the,
41. Make as few trips as possible
float 1eve1, is properly adjusted
with a partial load, thus
'nand that the mixture is properly
conserving energy.
-,set so that excessive fuel is not
S. On our self-propelled units
make sure that the engine is.
. 3. Ser4ice the -engine air
properly tuned and serviced.
cleaner regularly to make sure
Grinder -Mixer
that the engine is not starved for
1. Do not allow more than 1/4"'
air thereby increasing 'fuel
radius to be - worn on hammers
before reversing them. � '
1 4. Make sure that the combine
2. Turn screen when noticeable
is well lubricated and that all
radius is worn on Holes. 'After -
drives are properly adjusted so
holes are worn on both eQds,
that extra horsepower is snot
either replace screen o\have it
required to keep the machine
re6b"e to,u se opposite side.
operating efficiently.
3r Run tractor at recommended
Ground Speed
pto speed.
So6etimes a slight reduction in
4. Do not feed hamtriermill to
ground speed can save a lot of
the point where PTO speed drops
fuel in a combine. By watching
below 540 or 1006, whichever
the cylinder tachometer -the
operator can tell, based on thp,
5., Concentrate on uniform
fluctuations of the tachometer
feeding of harnmermill
needle, how frequently il is
accomplish even Ao"i materia
r ia
necessary forengine governor
into mill and thus eri'minle
to cut in and provide extra power
to maintain the constant RPM of
6. Keep unit well lubricated.
the threshing mechanism. Each
.7.,Keep air system cleaned out
engine governor
p, 'time the goveor cuts in,
and frei of obstructions.
more gasoline is injected into the
8. Maintain proper backlash on
engine and fuel consumption goes
bevel gears and maintain proper
up. It is thereforeyossible for the
sprocket alignment and chain
operator to save fuel by reducing
tension. Tight gears, and chains
'the ground speed of the machine
consume power.
so thatthe engine work§
9. Keep auger tubes clean and
consistently and that the governor
free of obstruction and remove
through its constant action is not
material 'build up.
injecting excessive quantities of
10. Maintain propef alignment
'0 "fuel. itifd the engine with •the
and tension of belt diives.
booster pump.
Diesel Engines
Sometimes, if you are going to
1. *Check injector timing for
be stopped for a few minutes, it is
best efficiency. -
better to leave the engine idle
2. Service fuel filters. regularly,
. .. .. . .. ...