HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-04, Page 16-.,7
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Fresh Meaty Pork 4
Spare lbobs 89 t
Cweet Pidkled
ACTION -Fast and furious ply was seen at the Jy w
Knights "of 0,
Cglumbus Hocke Tournament in rMe
Ito K011S
Seaforth on Sunday. Teams from St. James and
St.Columban Schools won. ( a o o) y . -* ,.� • ------
. �„Y � �• :' �` �•,� •.
oFresh Sliced
plans breakfast ����Norths•de
Group Five of Northside, United Eastern nada in which sheI" at� uh $ "r Poii'l:iver 1b•
Church will serve breakfast described the highlights of the '
following the Easter Sunrise motor holiday to the east coast by XM
Service on April 14. Mrs. the Baker family, t w.
Kenneth Campbell is in charge
Entertainment was rovided by
P g p,^
Rev. TChurch will of
Egmondville Church will preach
the singing quartette en Ken cent
Bill Campbell, Marlen Vincent
PAST A STONE HOUSE - A two man kayak pulls
Bridg "arid ended 18 miles later at Tyndall's Bridge
the sermon for the 'sunrise service
and George Ribey.
past one of the several Tuckersmith Township
about miles south west of Clinton.
at 7 a. m.
A pot luck supper preceded the
houses along the Bayfield River route in Sunday's
(Photo by Ken Oldacre)
- At the meeting of Group Five
meeting when the husbands of
canoe race. - The race started at the Egmondville
on Monday plans were discussed
Group Five ere were
his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and the
including towers, and allecessary or convenient guys,
approving authority may in its discretion order the
anchors; wires, cross-arm4, apparatus, accessories and
expropriating authorityto pay suchcosts forthwith.
appurtenances belonging thereto, in, over, along and upon
for the barbecue they are having
1: To clear the strip and keep it clear of -all buildings, struc-
"owner" Includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor,
tures or other obstructions of any nature whatever and of
a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a
all brush and trees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all
committee ofthe estate df a mentally incompetent person or
of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a
cases where in the sole discretion of Ontario Hydro the
safe operation and maintenance of the line is not endan-
on June S at the church for the
guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land
gered or interfered.with the landowner from time to time
is vest e
or the person or persons entitled thereto may with prior
"regist red owner" means an owner of land whose interest
written approval of Ontario Hydro at his or their own
h and is defined and whose name is specified in an
expense construct and maintain roads, lanes, walks, drains,
ins ment in the proper registry, land titles or sheriff's
public when they hope to sell S00
tickets. -
o e, ,and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on
any portion thereof, provided that prioreto commencing
I I revised assessment roll;
any such idstallation'the landowner Shall give to Ontario
e' expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the
Hydro' 30 days' notice in writing so as to enable Ontario
approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of
i thhe lands intended to be expropriated and any owner
Hydro to have a representative inspect the site and be
during the oft a work and -that the
added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the
present performance
landowner complies with any instructions that may be
Kep Campbell of R.R.1, Dublin
given by any. such representative in order that such work
may be carried out in such a manner as not to endanger,
1. Subject to qualification, all right, title and interest in the
damage or interfere with the line.
following lands:
3. Tb erect, maintain and use bridges and such gates in all
(a) In the Township of Greenock; in the County of Bruce.
1. THAT PORTION of Lot 7, Concession 7, in the Township
fences which are now or may hereafter be on the strip as
Ontario Hydro may from time to time cogsider necessary.
of Greenock, in the County of Bruce and the Province of
4. To install, maintain, and bse an underground conductor
and Harry Whale of Hanover who
to. study
in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of
the strip, such conductor to be at a minimum depth of 12
Bruce as Plan 311-336.
inches below the surface of the land.
2. THAT PORTION of Lot 55, Conilcessibn 1; North of
5. To enter on and to pass and repass at any and all times in,
Durham Road in the Township oklGreenock, in the
over, along and upon the strip for the servants, a4ents,
crossed the Atlantic in their 36
contractors and sub -contractors of Ontario Hydro with or
as hart I on a referenke plan deposited in the Land Registry
without vehicles, supplies, machinery and equipment for
Office, for the Registry Divisiotr of Bruce as Plan 3R-348•
all purposes necessary or convenient to the exercise and
3. THAT PORTION of Lot 8, Concession 2, in the Town-.
enjoyment of the right, privilege and easement hereby
foot boat, Mary Poppins, last May
expropriated subject to payment by Ontario Hydro of
of Ontario, designated as Part- I on a" reference plan
compensation for any crop or other damage to the person
deposited In the Land Registry Office for the Registry
entitled thereto caused by the exercise of this right of
} ^'
ilivisiaif 'cif Bruce as Ilan 3R-324.
entry and passageway.
showed slides taken on their trip ,
(Continued. from Page 1)
.r �,' ''�"g' ' •-. "" -.,^y
oh. , itt;thrr �ttit)ntq ttf Brace and the Province
and commented on their
addition to barn; Brian Kennedy,
a new house, on about two-thirds
Jane Baker of Harpurhey who
of. an acre lot . in Harpurhey;
was a winner in one'of the recent
Bayfield Boat Yard, Vanastra,
public speaking contests,
renovations to building; Victor
repeated her, talk on Our Trip to
Hargreaves, Brucefield, addition
to house and Ervjn :.soi.}lery of
4 Ir
R.R.1, Brucefield, implement.,
council studied. maps &f
Joan Bennett and Joanne Kunz
Egmondville prepare by Brian'
will speak at the Hospital
Murdock, Goderich, of Huron
Auxiliary meeting on April 10 on
Planning, Department. Council
their recent' holiday in Italy.
marked in: suggested sites for
They were membeP$ of the
industry, commercial areas,
THE WINNER - Qne man was all alone fairly far out
above. Mr. Rissler paddled the distance in his kayak
Geography Club at the Seaforth
District High School who spent
mobile.home park and will return
iT to Mr. Murdock. This is
ahead. in the Optimist races. First,to finish the 18
in three hours, 29 minutes and 46 seconds. l
the -school spring break in
preparatory to passing a Zoning
mile Bayfield River course in,the Seaforth Optimist's
(Photo by Ken Oldacre)
by-law for the township.
canoe race on Sunday was Tony Rissier of London,
22. Legal Notices
"22. Legal Notices
22. -Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices
Huron PCs elect executive
The Expropriations
of Ontario, designated as Part i on a reference plan
deposited in the I and Registry (Ace for the Registry
Division of Bruce as Plan'3.R,_ii.rf.
S The Huron Progressive acid a dance concluded the
(c) In the "Township of Turnherry in the County of Huron
1• d ' 1 A t• cy'enin 's activities
Agood fog
Sun Life,of Canada experienced healthy growth -
throughout 1973 with life insurance in force
Increasing by $2 billion, our greatest increase ever,
to a total of $23.6 billion.
Sun Life policyholders, beneficiaries and h
annuitants received payments totalling $373_million,
including $82 million in policy dividends.
As a result of the Company's successful
operations and strong financial position, the scale of
dividends to individual participating policyholders in
Canade will be increased in 1974..
1973 1972
Premium income $ 418,045,000.. $ 397,421,.000.
Investment income $ . _251,459,000.' $ 233,022,000,
Policy benefit
payments $ 373,159,000. $ 350,391,00(1.
Dividends to
policyholders $ 82,591,000. $ 80,551,000.
-December 31 st $4,286,945,000, $14,07.4,194,000.
LiFe 1.
n TI'S �N<AW1 a.111� .d
APPRQVAL I ILJ APKOPRIATE LAND ' or, a eta .socia ton g .11
// !! 5. THA'i PORTION of Lot'), ('oncession 1 I, in the Town - -held their Ynnual meeting in the
IN THE MATTER of`an a Gratton b Ontario H deo for ship of Turriberry, in the fount} of Huron and the Rrov-
PP > y Clinton Legion Hall last .Friday
approval to expropriate land in the Townships of Greenock ince of Ontario, h'av'ing an area of 12.81•i acres, more or g
and Culross, in the County of Bruce, and the Townships of less, and more partic•ularll described as follows: t evening- . r- •
Commencing at the Southeast corner of the said Lot 9, A.ifr.e,d.. D. Hales M.P. for . •
Turnberry', Morris and McKillop, in the County of Huron, 10 -ss
for the purpose of a right of way for electrical transmission WestTHU
North st degrees, Iti minutes and distance is Wellington addressed the 230 0
lines extending from Bruce .Generati4-ig. Station to Seaforth 2292 along the (Eastern limit of the said Lot ),adis[ance of
Transformer Station. 2292.32 feet, guests.
N(:)TIC'li IS HEREBY C;IVEN that application has been made THFN(E North 1-1 degrees, 30 minutes and iO seconds Clayton Laithwaite of Goderich
for approval to expropriate the land described in the schedules West still along the said Eastern limit 1023.92 feet to the was re-elected as President of the,
Northeast cor of the said Lot ),
hereto attached as Schedules "A" and "B". A definition of the Association.
limited estate, right or interest therein which Ontario Hydro 7'HE1�CIi South 7 ' degrees, 23 minutes anti l0 seconds
b y West along the Northern li i -it of Lot 9 ;aforesaid i•i6..81 Vice -Presidents are: Ed.
' desires to expropriate in the land described' in Schedule "li" �' -
feet, Powell, Wingh-am; Fred Heaman,
is hereto attached as Schedule "C". The figures in parenthesis � '
THENCE South 10 degrees, 10 nainukes and it y seconds Parkhill; Mrs. Mat aret Bennett,
in Schedule "li" indicate the number of towers to be placed on c , g ', CHECK THESE PRICES ON
Bast 3.323.15• feet ter 'the Southern limit of the said Lot ),.
the land. Winghami Harry Hayter,
An owner uplands in res ect.of which notice'is given who 1'H1:NCIi North 76 <legrees, 23 minutes and 4(1 sertanrls•
Y P g Dashwood; Roy Cosins,
Ease along the said Southern limit 11;.7.03 feet to the point ', YRAN.GES•• -
desires'ati inquiry into whether the taking of such 1anii is fair,
sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the
of commencement: brussels; William Musser', '
objectives of the expropriating :iuthprity shall so notifh the Bearings herein are (erred to ct derived from through
the Exeter; and 'Murray, Cardiff,
on Polaris and referred to the meridian thrt>ugh they y
approving authority to writing, Ethel.'
(a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or Southwest corner of Lot h, e reesssi13 7, Township oC
Turnberr • (Lon •nude tit de 'ices 1 3 minutes and 20 . Directors elected are: Mrs.
by registered mail within thirty days after he is served y F ! I
with the notice, or, when he is served by publication, seconds West). F.G.Thompson,, Clinton; Gerry .
within thirty, days after the first publication of tete SCHEDULE "B"r Holmes, Clinton; Valentine - -
notice; I. A Limited estate, right or interest in the following lands: Becker, Dashwood; James
(1Y) in the case of an owner w hu is not a registered owner, (a) In the Township of iytorris, in the County of Iluron• -
within thirty days after the first publication of the I. That portion of Lot 22,,Concession 3, in the Township of Donnelly, Goderich; Ed: Grigg,
notice. Morris, in the County of Huron and the Province of- Clinton and Glenn Webb,
THE APPROVING' AUTHORITY IS Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited Dashwood.
Minister of the Environment, Ontario Hydro in the Land Registry Office- for the Registry Division of James Sills, Seaforth, was
Parliament Buildings, N. J. McMurtrie Huron as Plan 2.2R -D ':12.4 (1). elected Y.P.C. Director and Mrs. `
Toronto Ontario, Director of Property (b) In the T-ovfnship of McKillop, in the County of Huron. mZ4" Liberator
2. That portion of Lot 20, Concession i, in the Township of Nora Grigg, secretary-
iA2 Property Division McKillo in the Count of Huron and the Province of tro6asurer.
Refer to Application OH -.37 620 University -Avenue, p> ,A O $21.
Toronto, Ontario Ontario, designated as Part I on a reference plan deposited frill executive includes the 95
iJ�'� 79 7 J
M5G 1X6 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of chairman of the municipalities.
NOTES: Huron as Plan 22R -D ' 1 31 (I ). ` • .
A dinner preceded the meeting
I, The Expropriations Act provides that, - f
(a) where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by SCIILDI L1: (' 30 Liberator
an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of justice DEFINITION OF ESTATE, $25
and Attorney General;
(h) the in uir officer RIGHT OR INTEREST REQUIRED o�?ti� L '
4 Y ,
(i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity
A limited estate; r4ht or interest is required in the land (herein
to present evidence and argument and to examine
called "the strip") as set forth in the description hereunto
and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or
attached as Schedule and made part hereof, narr}ely, the
by his counselor agent, and
right, privilege and easement in perpetuity.
(ii) may retommend to the approving authority that
1. To construct, repair, rebuild, replace, maintain and operate,
a party to the inquiry he^paid a fixed amount for
an electrical transmission line (herein called "the line")'-`
his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and the
including towers, and allecessary or convenient guys,
approving authority may in its discretion order the
anchors; wires, cross-arm4, apparatus, accessories and
expropriating authorityto pay suchcosts forthwith.
appurtenances belonging thereto, in, over, along and upon
2. "'owner" and "registered owner" are defined in the Act as
the strip.
1: To clear the strip and keep it clear of -all buildings, struc-
"owner" Includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor,
tures or other obstructions of any nature whatever and of
a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a
all brush and trees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all
committee ofthe estate df a mentally incompetent person or
of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a
cases where in the sole discretion of Ontario Hydro the
safe operation and maintenance of the line is not endan-
guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land
gered or interfered.with the landowner from time to time
is vest e
or the person or persons entitled thereto may with prior
"regist red owner" means an owner of land whose interest
written approval of Ontario Hydro at his or their own
h and is defined and whose name is specified in an
expense construct and maintain roads, lanes, walks, drains,
ins ment in the proper registry, land titles or sheriff's
sewers, water pipes and fences on or under the strip or.
o e, ,and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on
any portion thereof, provided that prioreto commencing
I I revised assessment roll;
any such idstallation'the landowner Shall give to Ontario
e' expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the
Hydro' 30 days' notice in writing so as to enable Ontario
approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of
i thhe lands intended to be expropriated and any owner
Hydro to have a representative inspect the site and be
during the oft a work and -that the
added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the
present performance
landowner complies with any instructions that may be
given by any. such representative in order that such work
may be carried out in such a manner as not to endanger,
1. Subject to qualification, all right, title and interest in the
damage or interfere with the line.
following lands:
3. Tb erect, maintain and use bridges and such gates in all
(a) In the Township of Greenock; in the County of Bruce.
1. THAT PORTION of Lot 7, Concession 7, in the Township
fences which are now or may hereafter be on the strip as
Ontario Hydro may from time to time cogsider necessary.
of Greenock, in the County of Bruce and the Province of
4. To install, maintain, and bse an underground conductor
Ontario, designated as Part 7 on a reference plan deposited
for grounding purposes when and where required within
in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of
the strip, such conductor to be at a minimum depth of 12
Bruce as Plan 311-336.
inches below the surface of the land.
2. THAT PORTION of Lot 55, Conilcessibn 1; North of
5. To enter on and to pass and repass at any and all times in,
Durham Road in the Township oklGreenock, in the
over, along and upon the strip for the servants, a4ents,
County of Bruce and the Province d1r OT�tario, designated
contractors and sub -contractors of Ontario Hydro with or
as hart I on a referenke plan deposited in the Land Registry
without vehicles, supplies, machinery and equipment for
Office, for the Registry Divisiotr of Bruce as Plan 3R-348•
all purposes necessary or convenient to the exercise and
3. THAT PORTION of Lot 8, Concession 2, in the Town-.
enjoyment of the right, privilege and easement hereby
ship, of Greenock, in the County of Bruce and the Province
expropriated subject to payment by Ontario Hydro of
of Ontario, designated as Part- I on a" reference plan
compensation for any crop or other damage to the person
deposited In the Land Registry Office for the Registry
entitled thereto caused by the exercise of this right of
} ^'
ilivisiaif 'cif Bruce as Ilan 3R-324.
entry and passageway.
(b) Tit the Cowrfshtp of Culross, in the Courcy of Bruce,
4: T'HT P TTQ��i''aif Ltrt 8, Codcessioit 7y in the Town -
This Notice first published on the 4th day of April, 1974.
oh. , itt;thrr �ttit)ntq ttf Brace and the Province
30" Superb
o�" $255.50
$ 295.50
ZURICH 236-4351 SEAFORTH 527-0290
1+ t�'