HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-04, Page 15•
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other farm items.
curtain hand a
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Cis ltal
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mcmippry HOUSEHOLD: Large chrome tools; milk cans;. bedding
Th>�au l�r�tn eta ionto Qlymr r
table and six chairs in excellent (spreads and comforters); ATHGIIC GRQUNDS'
t CLEAR.,ING,AUCTION SALE Mowing grass and • trimming. � r� �
' condition. dishes and pots and pans; � g g
Brick slid Block laid ANTIQUES: 5 Parlour pres's-back and ma y othet items too Of Farm Equipment to pe held for Gerritt Zondag, 1 /: miles when necessary for orle year fol Hurvn
House and fpundations, west of Zurich and 5 miles north or 5 miles soutf"t of $a teld, c
garages. chairs with matching •nursing numer us to mentipn. . the Brodhagen and District 'l he faiaiiTy taf 3ho lattw xA'.� l
g turn left,16.1.1ow signs on .FxP 'tor.. :
rocker. Hand made spindle baby NOTE is is. good •clean Chamber of Commerce SROM w?r;h 19 O f l? aRt`e � E
For all your Brick &Block needs. cradle; copper boiler; assortment lot of household ,effects so WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:15 P.M. Tend¢rs to be to the hands of the frt+�nds and #'04 b tirs
348 9908 TRACTORS - 4000 Ford Deisel; P.S. weighis and pulley, 765 firs, Classified
of crocks; irczn kettle; picture plan to attend. secretar b Aril 15, 1974, • flor;ll tr blues apci fi .01
>< sll act # t to
527-0926 P 1 yr. old; . John Deere • 510 Diesel.890 890 hrs. C/ W No. 37, y y P.,
19.31-4 frames and many other items. TERMS ON CHATTELS lowest tender not necessarily of kthdpess 00 00*ssf�t;l of f
Terms of sale - Cash. Ca.'sh. J.D,.loader. being accepted. Want '� '• ,sytltpaX y an speeiaj:'tilall? f to
No Reserve.
EQUIPMENT: Gehl 2 ton mixall; 3 screens; J.D. 3 pt. H., 14" 3 WILBUR C. HOEGY, Sec. the Bali
PERCX WRIGHT MRS. IDA AHRENS furrow trip bottom plow; J.D. 8 ft. cultivator on robber, new Brodhagen; Oat.' 21.33-3 ompson,
o 'teeth; X.D.2 row 3 pt. -H. corn planter; Allied 10 ft. cultivator 3' Mir iviorrisoxi anise
Auctioneer `Proprietors ladies of Varna 1,Itiitec Citulrcli
REWARD$Pt. H; Calsa 3 pt. H. field sprayer, 50 of high ,pressure hose; 22. Le al Notices 22. Legal Notices '
Kippen, Phone 262-5515 R. G. GETHKE S� —�– and to the staff of Ciinto� ;;nd
A Not responsible for accidents day RICHARD LOBE Int. 3. Pt. 'H. 7 ft. mower! Case PTO 135 bu. Maxwell spreader; - Westminster Hospitals ani nh
of sale. 20-34-1 Auctioneers McCormick 3 bar side'rake; McCormick -32 plate trail disc; Case 4 those who, h'�lped :' in any way.
F Not res onsi le for bar side rake; Case 3 furrow 3 Pt. -H. 12" bottom plow; Dearborn Your kindness ill not be
We are now paying up to .1!'
$16.00 for Dead and 28 plate trail disc and 2 row cultivator; .three 5 ton wagons and t -
accidents on day of sale. - `' forgotten: —Mrs. Ray Elliott
Disabled Cows and Horses- CLEARING two. 15' flat racks; Massey Harris 10' pull type swather; 8 section. G '
20 34-1' 2-34xf
and Stocker Cattle - all AUCTION SALE` diamond harrows and steel stretchers; Eminent 3 Pt. H. fertilizer O V1/ niers Of, Dogs _
small animals pick-up free Of Trac ors, S.P. Combine, f spreader;'Geh1 30" hammermill belt driven; George White 9" I would like to'thank my relatiYes
as a service to you. We g y post hole auger; Durham Lehr �,ft. scraper blade; George White
lar a Fa�pm Machiner etc. in .the and friends for all the cards,
have three trucks to service
cutting box, 40' pipe; farm trailer with stock racks. r
16, Con. 13, g P P flowers and visits While I was a
at • Lot Clearing' MISC. Ritchieheated (new), cattle head ate; •
Clearing -
you 24 hours 7 days a week."' " ' ''MeKillbp;" 7''/z' miles north aterbowl g patient in Seaforth Hospital:..
Phone CaNect and 2'/: miles east -, of AUCTION SA mineral, feeder; cattle oil Sunbeam cattle clippers; cattle Town Sh I p Of Hullett
Of Furniture, applia res, dehorners; Warner feed cook ; fans; 200' -'/+' plastic pipe; 200" Special thanks to Dr. Malkus, Dx.`
Seaforth for Glen McNichol household eff�ets a d Movo , the nurses and staff, the
on jute bags; six sheets 14' steel r Ping (New); two electric fences, (Owner includes a person who possesses or harbours a
mechanics tools at 200 St. electric lawn mower; forks, sho - Is; lumber and many many dog. R.S.O./72) L.O.B.A. and the Eidelweis
SATURDAY, APRIL 13th Rebekah Lode and for help
ski. 96f4if–W
George Street,` Mitchell ott_ more items, 2 garage doors. By -Law #1973-5 Township of Hullett g P
at 1:00 o'clock WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10th received at home. — -Velma
OFFERING INCLUDES: HAY - 175 bales first cut. Miller. 24-34,-1
at 1:00 o'clock STRAW - 500 bales WHEREAS .THE TOWNSHIP is liable for damage to
John Deere 4320 Diesel OFFERING INCLUDES: livestock and poultry b dogs;
Brussels g SixtA one head yearling wester heifers. p : g. Yg g
Cab and extra fuel Deere 1 thank , Father
_ tractor with John
G.E.refri erator; G.E. 4 AND EREAS do s running at large can become a Qostveen, Father .,
Y g Lara h, the Priest at -5t. Joseph
Pet Food tank, burner electric stove; FURyN!TTJ Itr -`-Chesterfield and chair; 5 c. kitchen suite; 5 • nutsance� nd a menace;
1675 hours; John Deere P Church, Stratford, Dr. McNeal,
chrome table and 4 chairs; dinin room chairs and man man more items. THEREF RE pursuant to Sec: 5 & 7 of the Dog Licensing
2120 Diesel tractor with . • g Y y Dr. Malkus, Dr. Underwood, the
nearly new; chesterfield TERMS - Cash Farm Sold * ock and Poultry Protection Act, C.1.33, the
hydraulic outlets, 1400 and chair; stereo set; china Council of the Township of Hullett enacts s follows:-
ollows: nurses at Stratford Hospital,
�S u p p I � es Hours; John Deere 7700 GERRITT ZONDAG � P Avon Crest and Seaforth Hospital
cabinet; bedroom "suite; � Pro Proprietor � 9 '
combine with cab, straw single bed; dresser; odd p 1. Owners must register all dogs with •the Clerk of the for their good care, also C.W:L.
chopper with grain head, tables; odd chairs; Township by June 1st, each year. St. Columban for the nice flower.
Lic. 399 - C 73 482-3126 - Clinton. 20-34-1•
pickup,- 4 row wide corn . wardrobe; small 2: On registration a Licence Fee must be paid. I thank everyone who visited me,
19-3 4 -tf head, 710 hours, done 2 3. Feeg•fb be paid are: I male or spayed female - X3.00; For and for treats and cards. I thank "
appliances; bedding;
crops; John Deere 5 furrow steamer trunk; T.V. each additional male or spayed female - $4.00; -Fo: each Jifn• Agnes McQuaid,
16" trip bean plow with female $5.00; For each additional female - $6.00. D.J.Cronin, Bill Murray for their
Every week more and more , dishes and glassware; tape
cylin4er; International 18 /z lawn mower; and r• 4. A tag issued b the Township must be kept on the dog at kindness and thoughtfulness. 1
people discover what mighty jobs player; ,
ft, vibro shank cultivator many other items all times (except when the dog is being lawfully used for thank everyone who helped and
are accomplished by low cost /
with wings and harrow listed. hunting deer). remembered me in any way since
Expositor Want Ads. Dial attachment; International 5. No do •is allowed to run at large in the Township of my accident. I thank you. — Mary
527-0240. � TOOLS: 4 drawer. Snap-On � g g P
18'/:' ft. disc with wings; . tool chest and. large Hullett. O'Reilly. 24-34x1
W • 2U. AlletlOn Sales John Deere 4 row plateless assortment of tools; air BUSINESS LIQUIDATION BY AUCTION 6'"Owners contravening 4 or 5, above, are liable to fines of.
planter used 2 years; 7 ft. compressor and spray gun; • a not more than $50.00 under the Summary Convictions Act. I would like. to, thank Dr. Moyo
John Deere 3 point, hitch sand; grinder; skill saw; 2 To be held in Varna, 7 miles east of Bayfield or 4 miles west of 7. Any dog running at large may be killed forthwith by an and all the nurses and :staff for
blade; Continental 500 gal. electric drills and many Brucefield on officer appointed by the Township for that- purpose. helping me during my stay in the
sprayer with 36 ft. booms, hand tools. r' hospital. Special thanks also to'all
lob -b fit Gethke floatation tires (new); TERMS: Cash No Reserve SATURDAY, APRIL 6at10:30A:M. my relatives and friends who
For 'the i .n f o rm a t i o n and action visited me. All was ver 'much
" Turnco 20 ft. packef (new); � Y ,
AUCTION CALENDAR.,, Two 36 ft. augers 6" with JACK O$IER Property - Selling at 3:00 P.M. Service Station and farm of all concerned. 1974 Do g appreciated. Thank you. —Mary
underc5rria a and 2 h. hardware store -building - approximately 58' x 50' situated on a- Tags are now available a t the Margaret Kelly. 24-34x1
Auctioneers & Appraisers
g. p' Proprietor
pP motors: 2 John Deere 7 ton R. G. GETHKE Clerk's 0 f f -i c e .
Clinton Monkton 56' x 130' lot, also selling a newly constructed 24' x,32' building '1 would like to thank everyone for • .
wagons with 8 - ply tires; RICHARD LOBB Clare Vincent
482-7898 347-2465 (movable) selling with reasonable reserve. Clerk cards, treats and gifts while i was
Two 285 bu.. gravity boxes, Auctioneers
Sat.,April . 6 -Real • Estate used 1 r.; 28 ft. 6" Auger; •a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
Y g Not responsible for Consisting of $10,000 in hardware, stock and shop equipment - in London. Also thanks to doctbrs
furniture, antiques, etc., 12 ft. hydraulic fertilizer accidents day of sale. mostly farm hardware 'tools; bolts• fencing;cultivator teeth; Litz
A 99 St.' Andrew Street auger; -Kongskilde 9'/s ft. 20-34-1 parts; pipe fittings; mower parts-,16rks; shovels; belts; I H.P. air and nurses at the Hospital. —
Mitchell' for Mrs. Ida cultivator with extensions; 22-34-1 Mrs. Percy Dalton. 24-34x1 ,
compressor; tire changer; taps and dies; and many many more
Arhens. New Idea 202 P.T.O. items pertaining to this busituess �r am
Wed.�Aper -Furniture manure' spreader; Geo. CnCs - TcuFl� amdLtractw•s.,,.,I96 Olds..,88,.auto,..P.S.y.p,I&; _..... _ .-. relatives very grateful . y y•
to m man
'x effect t White 10 ft. 3 point hitzh""' - tives and friends who showed
P CLEARING Volkswagon car and van, Chev. �t ton trucks (parts), 9N Ford IN THE ESTATE OF ROSS NORM WHITING such concern and consideration to
�,4cyn;pf Mrtc I or cultivator; 'Two 500 gal.' AUCTION SALE tractor; all veh' les se 'ng as is..
Jaak,,Osier. tanks; 2 sets 12 ft. chain myself and my family during my
-`� Of tractors, and Farm A quantity of nit re and scrap meta) will also be sold. late of the Town of Seaforth in the LICENSED AUCTIONEER illness. Thank you for our
Thurs.,April 11- 1:30 Trac- harrows; set of 18.4 x 26 Machinery at., Lot 18, County of Huron, Labourer, & Y y
tors, farm machinery, tires and dual rims; 10 ft. prayers, cards and gifts. A special
Concession 4 Hibbert Note -This is a large offering of hardware and equipment and deceased. APPRAISER thank you to Box Ambulance
etc., 2/: miles south /7 conveyor . auger with 1 Township, 21/7 miles south must start at 10:30 A.M. ALL persons having claims Prompt, Courteous, Efficient '
west of Dublin for Hans- horse motor; Clipper seed and 'h mile west of Dublin`, Lunch Available against the Estate of the above Service. — Michelle Rowland.
Vonk. cleaner with complete set of for Hans Vonk orf No Reserve - must be sold to clear Estate. named who died on the 2nd day of 24-34-1
Sat.,April 13• 7'/i .miles �; , screens; 16 ft. wooden THURSDAY, APRIL it Estate of Elgin Porter February, 1974, are required to ANY TYPE ANY SiZE
north 2'/, miles east of elevator; 6 section of at 1:30 P:M. file full particulars thereof with ANYWHERE 28• Deaths
4 Seaforth, tractors, Diamond harrows with. OFFERING INCLUDES: RATHWELL'SAUCTION SERVICE the undersigned on -or before the
combine; large farm pole; "45' gal. of new M•F 65 diesel tractor; M -F Industrial and Commercial Auctioneers 22nd day of April, 1974, after We give complete sale service. BRUCE BAKER, son of the late
machinery, etc. 'for Glen' hydraulic oil; Acetelene 50 hi -arch tractor with 482-3120 - Clinton. 20-33-2 which date the assets will be• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Sr. of
McNichol. torch, set gauges,. cart, heavy ' Freeman load distributed, having regard only to 6�,PPR`OFIT BY EXPERIENCE Hensall passed away March 21,
etc.; Comet electric welder;
Wed.,April. 17 -Household M -F No.10 baler,; M -H the claims of which_ 1974 in hospital in Kingston,
Comet air compressor; /: the undersigned shall then have
furniture. and. machinery or; 1 foot S.P. swather; 3-furro g Phone Collect Ontario in his 49th year. He
for Reinder Middel at Lot.. in. drill and press; y M -F wide bottom plow; .-notice, 235-1964
duty Comet bench grinder Wagon with 16 ft. rack; 9 ft. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this' Exeter leaves -to mourn, his wife Bridget,
1.6 Goderich Township g IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE daughters - Bridget of Germany,
and motor; welding bench; 6" Kon skilde cultivator; � 26th day of March, 1974. 23-34-tf
wa Clinton g EVERY FRIDAY AT 8:00 P.M. Wanda aii-d Shirleyf Kingston,
Y 150 steel posts; and a 17 run John Deere seed E:B:Menzies, Q:C:'; Y
23/4 miles west o
on #8 High BALL AUCTIONS LTD. one son Gordon of N.S. and 3
wagon load of good tools. drill• ' 2 set of 9 ft. chain , � Clinton, Ontario. PERCY WRIGHT
BRUSSELS ONTARIO - `grandchildren. Surviving also are
Sat., April 20 -, 10:30 A.M. and small items. %harrows and -poles; 32 ft. Solicitor for the said Estate
Items of Interest: seven brothers, Glen of London,
W' house and 13/4 -acres of NOTE: This is a good clean Case enclosed hay .and 22-33-3
New Leonard refrigerator with matching 30" electric stove Auston of Stratford., Meade of
land for Donald Nott sale with everything being rain elevator; IHC 7 ft. LICENSED
g (green or gold),' Leonard automatic washer and dryer, .., � Winthrop,.ob.-..Joltn......I1ih _and..
l'/a west of Kinburn in A-1 shape so if you need trail mower.; cultipacker; 16 El g ) ry 23• B113. Directory p`
machinery plan to attend, ft, t e' elevator; S Sprayer er Electrophonie Morse quality component set with 8 track tape AUCTIONEER Murray of Hensall, five sisters,
Lot pipe' P Y deck,, 6 lovely styles of Morse stereos, Morse sewing' machine, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Wanda, Mrs. Adam Wilson of
Sa22, Cont 3t, -North, :•half TERMS: Cash No Reserve with 24 ft. boom and new
large selection of bedroom and chesterfield% suites in styles of p METRIST B•rucefiefd, Beatrice, Mrs.
as farm is • sold. g OTO Ki en, Ont ario°
pump; Wagon with gravity Kipp
farm machinery, GLEN McNiCHOL Spanish, Colonials French Provincial &Modern, new, single and , Alphonse Grenier of Dashwood, °
P Y rain box; 16 ft. '�1" rain By Apptointment Only
• cattle for Jack Bosman. Proprietor g g 'double beds, lovely table &swag lamps, 4 styles of &end Clara, Mrs. Bill Brown of ,
P auger; water trough; Seaforth Office Telephone 262-5515 Hensall
Wed.Xprif 24 -Consignment R. G. GETHKE Co kshutt side rake; -bale table sets, kitchen suites in a . variety of styles\ & . colours, Eyndall ille, Irene, Mrs. Bruce
lazyboys, sets of dishes, radios, sets of silverware & items — Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 23-347tf
.auction for Onttario ,St. Bornholm 347-2465 - stocker; 2 wheel trailer; 4 � Tyndall of Clinton and Gladys,
many more items too numerous to mention. 9 to 5:30 P.M. Mrs. Grant McGregor of Kippen.
United Church.Evening RICHARD LOBB farroping crates; 11/: ton Thursday evenings
sale. Clinton Mondayonly LOU'ROWLAND Funeral services were held at 11
seed grain; scrap iron and This is a large sale consisting of quality furniture & appliances Y ' Clinton Office
g g q tY PP A.M.March 25, 1974 in
' Sat., April 27 -Household •Auctioneers., ;_ othetr items. 'or Appointment.
which will be sold to the highest bidder. , TRANSPORT LTD. Kingston, Ontario. 28-34-1
furniture :and appliances Not responsible for TERMS: Cash No Reserve hone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 --
for Everett Rowland, 14 accidents on day of sale.
Blanchard St.,Mitchell. 20-34-1 MOTE: Terms of sale are cash! and our hat TIM budget plan. 23-34-tt P,C.V. Class CDF & FS
HANE VONK Serving Dublin & Seaforth areas.
Sat:,May 4 Sale of furn-finery Proprietor There is plenty of parking & seating. A refreshment booth & Norm Knapp, auctioneer Phone 345-2301 Dublin anytime.
• niture, farm machinery � R.G.GETHKE washroom facilities are available. , and appraiser will 'buy USE
and 64 acres of retreat Bornholm 347-2465 23-34-tf
property or grass farm CLEARING AUCTION RICHARD LOBB Sale Conducted By:Ball Auctions Ltd., Brussels used
for the estate of Percy Of Real Estate, Furniture, Clinton, 482-7698 Auctioneer: G,3.Ba11 FURNITURE' G. A. WHITNEY
Youngblut, 3 miles west Antiques, etc. at 99 St. - Not ' responsible for Phone: 887-9363
of Blyth on the County Andrews Street in the Town accidents on day of sale, a -or sell by auction. Phone FUNERAL HOME. EXPOSITOR
�^ road. of Mitchell on 20-34-1 20-34-tf 527-1336, Seaforth. 23-34-tf
Sat. May l l- Construction SATURDAY, APRIL 6th 87 Goderich St.W. Seaforth
at I P.M. (" • R. S. BOX Phone 527-1391 Seaforth
equipment and tools for Remember ! It takes but a 23-34-tf
Doug Schaan, 23 room house with one and A moment to place an Expositor FUNERAL HOME WANT –ADS'
highway north Mitchell. Want Ad and be money in pocket.
-20-34-1 two -third baths. This is a To advertise, just Ilial Seaforth
good hour at an ideal. r 527,0240. Phones:
location to b�t offered at Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885. ELECTRONICS
AUCTION SALE •2:30 p.m. subject to a CLEARING AUCTION SALE 21. Tenders Wanted 23-34-tf Phone 527-0240
1:00 P.M. Terms to be 10 per cent Of modern farm machinery to be held for Dennis Overholt, Lot of St. Paul's Anglican Church '
down day of sale and 23, Lake road west, Hwy 21, 12 miles north of Grand Bend 'on Bruce Pulslfer &PHILCO
w clinton, Ontario
For Lucille Ayotte, Lot 13,Con. balance within 60 days. TUESDAY, APRIL 16 at 1:15 P.M. i -
11, Stephen Township, 2 miles Consistin of Case 1060 combine, 12 ft. header C/W wh' a bean Specifications: To remove old DEALER
ij P P• FURNITURE' — McClary g asphalt and cedar shingles and Plelne Specialist AC�C�Itt�11C1�
west, /: mile north of Creditors, Easy refrigerator; four attachments; Case 870 tractor C/W Cab, 1400 firs.; Nuffiel No. install new 3 in le asphalt shingles Service to all makes
Ontario. burner electric stove; nine- 4 tractor with loader; C.A%Allis Chalmers with 4 row scuffler and -
TRACTORS: Allis Chalmers piece diningroom sui'ie; bean puller; also a full line of modern and, well maintained 210 lbs. per square. Seal -down Your piano is a valuable piece of T.V's., Radios, Etc. t
.Model C, recently overhauled Chrome table and four equipmept. Full listing next week. plain green on main section of furniture. Have it tuned and kept 17 Sparling St. - Phone 527,11.50
• Plan to attend this sale to be held for church and front entrance. New in repair. Phone 527-0053.23-34-tf 23-34-tf Classified
with scuffier and bean puller; chairs; bedroom suite; � flashing to be installed around
Massey, Harris No.30. Chesterfield and 'two 'DENNIS OVERHOLT '
FARM, MACHINERY: New chairs; extension table and Terms - Cash F m Sold chimney, steeple and front
Turnco 180 bushel RATHWELLS AUCTION SE VICE entrance. Old shingle's, etc. to be
gravity box six, pressback chairs; removed from remises. Gerald L. Merner
And hgav3 duty^ chassis wagon; pressback high chair; Clinton 482-3120' P an
Kongskilde 9'/2 ft. cultivator;, library table; Hoover 20 34-1 Tenders must be received by
international model 36 S"Wer washer;' brass bed; two APRIL 30, 1974 Chartered Acycountant
%*Chief 3 -furrow 14 inch 3 point space savers; wicker Lowest or any tender not
hitch; lnternational fifteen run rocket; hall rack; cedar f necessarily accepted. HIPS: 20 Sanders E. — EXETER -- 235-0281 P pago
i A and USE' For further information please, RES: 10 -Green Acres — GRAND BEND — 238-8070 �.,
double disk fertilizer rill; 9 ft, chest; organ stool; wash y phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn,
land role r; Massey Hairis 81/2 -ft. stand; dressers; Hostess { Board of Management, St. Paul's
cultiv2tor Fai.gbanks Morse chairs; wicker fern stand; EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Aaglican'Church. 21-34-4 23-34x3
hammermill; George White '' •
' t