HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-04, Page 10E
1 . "I . I'll, . � - . "I -, � , ","-.1JU11a'7:4, I !--,ll
r-_ry HURON OXPQSIWR. $11AFORTH, ONT. AP101L, 4. IVO New'$'Of Wait*
• �C pIISt'1�1 Inn -0 D.CIV ds.on te, 11S of Vec! r in n iaT L TV - is I' , d,,�
SATURDAY 2:30 NvArs 5:30 Paul Lynde Show CFPL Movio� ckencl
8:31) Mai grichou et Gras 12:45 Movie: 6:00 FYI , correspondent st to school the y are given pupils of Mrs, Gall Glanville. purji�gton spent the W�
Double 4. , 30 Dick Berryman 7-00 Emergency 11:45 "Incident In Son Fran- d sses for the girls and pants, Mr. an Brown of with r. and Mrs. Allan� I�IcCall.
cisco" - Richard Mrs.Allan McCall d Mrs. Harold B
- Kiley ss
9:00 Quelle Famille 3:00 Take 30 ani.sbirts for the boys, they are
8:00 NHL Hckey Playoff and Christopher Conn6lly , The Women's Institute met
940 The Littlest Hobo 130 Edge of Night Wednesday evening In, th . e at dressed the same. Up to grade
10:30 Countrytime 4 are admitted free, The older
10-00 Spidernian 4:00 Famil3� Court 11:00 The Nation# SUNDAY, community hall.
10:30 Rocket 4bip Ho6d 4:30 A Way Out 11.7.() PM � ............ 1 12:15 "Doctor Rhythm" - Bing boys helped raise chicken§, then
Mrs. Allan McCall, president,
11:00 Grand Prix Wrestling 5:00 Dick van vyiLe -4� Movie Crosby and Beatrice Lillie welcomed the members and looked 9 laiers up .0
112:00 Max The Mouse- 5 :30 Dusty's Trail MONDAY,APREL 8 visitors and conducted the. on a roof top. This was the way
they had to snake money and they,
12:15. Howie Nfeeker Hockey 6:00 FYI THURSDAY 1�15 "I'll See You In My opening exercises followed by a
School 7:00 Gunsmoke Dreams" Doris reading $'The Ten would sell the -gs.
R:00 Partridge Family 8';00 Ontario ' Schools presented her with 'a gift of
2:30 Reach For The Top C71. Day, Danny Thomas. Commandments of -Humat, moneyi. Many questions wvre
1:00 Know your Sports 8:30 Cannon 9:,iu Mon Ami 11:45 Rivals Of Sherlock Relations". Mrs. Ken McDonald asked of the speaker who also
1.30 You Really Can 9:30 This Is The Law 9:45 Friendly GiW Holmes: "Wodan In The gave- the seicretary's report. and
t showed how their dress is put
2:00 Expo Baseball 10:01.; Nature Of Things 10:00 Ontario Schools Big- Hat" the members answered the roll together.
4:30 Sports Week 10:30 Man Alive 10:30 Mr. Dressuv WEDNESDAY ,APRIL IO , call with a current event. The
11:00 ine Nationil 11:00 Sesame 2,treet 12:45 "Hell Bound" - John correspondence was read by the Lunch was served by the
$,00 Bugs Bunny hostesses -Mrs. Ray Huether,
11:20 PM 12:00 Cartoons Russell and., Stuart secretary, regarding the food
6: Adam 12 Mrs. Earl Watson, Mrp, Gerald
11:45 Movie'' 12:30 News Whitman. forum on "PoultryPlease" to be
6: FYI Watson and Mrs. Allan McCall. ME
7: The Bob Newhart Show TUESDAY 17-4.� Movie. 11:45 "House On Telegraph held in the.Clinton,. High School
2:30 Shirley Taylor
7:30 OUThe Buses 8:00 Ontario S6hools Hili" - Richard Baiehart. next Wednesday 'evening. A vote
3:00 Take 30 was taken for the Senior Short Walton III
and Valentina Corteka. 11010,611
8:00 Hockey Night 9:30 Mon Ami
3:30 Edge of Night THURSDAY,APRIL 11 courses and the Training School. Meeting 1, was held at Helen
10:30 Singalong Jubilee 9:45 Friendly Giant
"They Knew -Mr -knight"
4:00 'Family Court
-00 12:45 The annual, meeiing will be Craig's.. on March, 27. The
11:00 The National 10 Ontario Schools
4:30 A Place Of Your Own -Mervyn Johns Alfred held in. the Winthrop United %'ZO.ting opened with the 4-H
.11:15 Provincial Affairs K
5:00 Dick Van Dyke Pledge, The subject .1 * - .1
Drayton. Church on April 17, members to of the
10:30 -Mr. Dressup 011114111
11:20. PM 5:30 Room 122 11:45 "Gentle Terror" report to Mrs. Nelson Marks,' evening was 'Take a look at 05
11:00 Sesame Street
Movie 6:00 FYI
12:00 Cartoons Terrence Alexander and e Ken Yourself'.
Mrs. Ron Bennett or Mr 01 ............. .
7:0U Tony and Lena Special NOR
SUNDAY 12:30 News Afigela' Douglas. McDonald. Roll- call is the Officers.. elected Sir,
8:30 Ontario Schools 12:45 Mqvie: FRIDAY, APRIL 12 payment of fees and the Sunshine President -Peggy - Qnnis;' Vice
9:00 Movie: 10.30 Family Finder 2:30 Djq� Berryman e: 12:45 "Namu The Kilter Sister Gift exchange. President Dianne Godkin;
:00 Max The Mouse Mrs. James Axtmann, P.R.O. Secretary Joyce McCallum;.
3:00 Take 30 11:00 The National Whale" - Robert Lansing
11:15 Howierted she -and the branch Press Reporter -Faye Dalton.,
Neeker Hockey 3:30 Edge of Night 11:20 PM and John Anderson. repo
School 4:00 Family Court 11:45 Movie 11:45 "The Robe" - Richard directors held a meeting and it The qualities that make a
11:30, Junior Talent Hour 4:30 The Fit Stop Burton and Jean Simrno�s was decided to leave the bus trip pe,=aat�ctive were discussed.
11101211001* N
12:30 Hymn Sing 5-00 Dick Van Dyke until f4ll. A committee was
1:uo Roy Jewell Farm Show chosen for the last regular card
5:30 And Mother Makes Three locals
platty'of -the seasdn...
1:30 Country Canada 6:00 FYI
2:00 Irish Rovers 7:00 Maude IFRIDAV The Dessert Euchre will. be Miss Carol Shortrecd, of
held on April - 8th London spent a weekend recently
2:30 Canada vs France Track 7:30 •The Odd Couple 8:00 Ontario Schools at the home of her parents, Mr. .......
Meet smilds committee consisting of Mrs. Don
8:00 Next Year In Jerusalem
4:00 Youth Conirontation8:30 Police Story 9J0 Mon Ami Achilles, Mrs. John Bos, Mrs and Mrs.Walter Short -reed.
4.30 Arts '749:45 Friendly Giant What's the difference between J.Van VIiet, Sr., Mrs.Graeme
9 Front Page Challenge Mission nand members will
5:00 Music to see 'Craig, Mrs. Laverne Godkin and
10:00 Ontario Schools a pessimist and optimist? meet Sunday when there will be af.
10414) Up lm
5:30 Wonderful World of tbic 10:30 Mr. Dressup A'pessimist is a driver who's Mrs. Harold Bolger. Posters are
10:30 Some Honora film,.shown.
11:00 Sesame STreet afraid he won't be able to squeeze to be made and announced over
Disney "Ringo, The Members
12:00 Cartoons Mrs. MAtid1eeming returned
Refugee Racoon" 11:00 The National his car into a very small parking the radio.
12:30 News home on Friday following a few ii KX.
30 Act rast space. An optimist is a bystander It was the Citizenship and
11:20 PM with days as a patient in tl-..c Clin on
00 The Beachcombers 12:45 Movie who thinks he won't try. World Affairs meeting tit:
11:45' Movie Public Hospital.
2:30 Movie conveners Mrs Mac Sholdice and
7:30 The Walton-� e Review --000.
3:00 Take 30 Son' "Dad, how do you think Mrs. Graeme 'Craig in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice
8:30 New Di& Van Dyke, Show,
WED. gig-,
9:00 11;e National Dream 3:39 Edge of Night those rock groups can afford all Sholdice read a poem Murray and Sandra visitrd
8:00 Ontario Schools 4:00 Farpily Court those expensive instruments? "Miracle of Spring". Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James -
10 -00, The Ma4ket Place
9:30 Mon Ami 4:30' B Dad: "No problem. at all. Look Mrs. Graeme Craig introduced Keys of Seaforth.
10:30 Ombudsman Bag
9:45 Friendly Giant 5 :00 Dicl�81`lan Dyke at all the money they save on the guest, Mrs. Jane Davidson of
11:00 The National
10:00 Ontario Schools 5:30 Bride yes Bernie music lessons." Brucefield who spoke and'showed The committee consisting of
11:15 Nation ,s Business. il VP
Mrs. Don Achilles, Mrs. John ffX;;.
10:30 Mr. Dressup pictures. of her trip to India. Mrs.
11:20 PM 6:00 FYI
11:00 Sesame Street Bos, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Sr., Mrs.
11:45 Movie review 7:00 Brian &etth Show A little girl who was rebuke Davidson and her. children left in '4 -go
12:00 Cart Laverne Godkin, Mrs. Graeme
Cartoons October 1972 and returned to B..
12:15 Comedy Classics: 7:30 Lotsa Luck for incessant chatter explained, *wg -'Ilg
Craig and Mrs. Harold Bolger are
12:30 News
"I dorth-know any big words so I Canada in August 1973. It was
MO 12:45 Movie., 8:00 Charlie Brown Special very hot when they arrived in making final laps for the W.I.
S71A 2:30 Dick Berryman 8:30 Tommy Hunter Special use lots of. little ones to make Bombay. They then travelled Dessert Euchfe to be held in the,
ch, up.
9:00 Ontario 3:00 Take 30 where Walton Community Hall on
Hawaii Five -O north east to Kurseong 11*NoAmed
MOTI Arm 3:30 Edge of Night, 10:00 they made their home. Father Monday. W 1 Big;
11:00 The National "What's your son going to be
9:45 Friendly Giant 4:00 F&nily Court 11:20 PM Abraham, -a real Nova Scotian
when he finally graduates from Mr. and Mrs.' W. Stutz and
:: ;a<
10:00 Ontario Schools
4:36 Tfiis Land >`"'_ '' less water.
11:45 Movie -went to India and in 1969 set up a daughter, Natasha of Waterlo
10:30 Mr. Dressup college?"
5:00 Dick Van Dyke prygram for' practical education 'spent the'weekend at the home
12:00 Cartoons "Senile," AAtrex Liquid, easiest to
11-00 Sesame Street for boys helping with an t.'
L e atter s parents, r. an to.
agricultural program for the high Torrence Dundas. measure, mix and keep in
•school and Mrs.Davidson
suspension, gives.,most uniform
Christine Achilles, Peggy
sewing to the women. All women
CKNX T V,listing s, Vi 11fidia carry' heaVy'loadi' as Rumpbxies and, -S9.t*ajShoIdice
More area
much as 50 lbs of stone The took part in the step -dancing zi.:�::: with!:everv-tankful.
SATURDAY, 11:20 Insight 1:00 Matinee concert Friday evening It the
Michael Rennie vegetation is very great and
8:30 French Show 11:45 Starlight Theatre 3:00 Take Thirty 11:45 "Gang War" . Sean flowers gfow wild such' as Blyth Public School. They are You now spray twice as many
9:00 Tugboat Annie 3:30 Edge of Night n'kful
Kelly, Eira Heath and cosmos, marigolds and banana acres pre -emergent per ta
9-30 Rocket Robin Hood 4:00 - Family Court Sean Sullivan, orchids. Darjeeling is' noted for with AAtrex Liquid. This means
10:00 'SpIderman TUESDAY 4:30 A Place ' of Your Own WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 tea plantations, the hillsides were,
10-30 Junior Talent Hour 8:00 Ont,ario' Schools 5:0U �Lugan's Heroes 1:00 "A Touch of Larceny" - covered. Landslides are f INVEST that you now save both time
11:30 East of the Sun s:45 Friendly 5:30 Truth or Consequences James Mason, Vera Miles every year in the monsoon and labouras well as having
dly Giant
12:00 Abbott & Costello 9:00 Mon Ami' 6:00 Insight, news, weather and George Sanders season. The average rain fall is In'. a the best possible control against..
.12:30 The Littlest Hobo Ontario Ncnools 6:30 Barnaby Jones 11:45 "Lucky Partners" '7 140 - 160 inches. It is 'very damp
1:00. You Really Can 9:15 Ont 7:30 Irish Rovers annual broadleaf weeds and
V-30, Reach For the Top 10:30 Mister Dressup Ginger Rogers' and at times in the houses, the fog
8:00 Carol Burnett Ronald Colman. rolls right in. They also have a dry Guaranteed most grasses.
11:00 Sesame Street 9:?0 Thursday night movies THURSDAY,APRIL 11th season. The , roads are ve,4ry
4:30 Sports Wee .12:00, Lassie 11:00 The National 1:00 "Under Ten Flags" narrow and hairpin turns. The For more information, talk to
,,5:00 Bugs Bunny 12:30 Noon Ret)ort. 11:20 Insight, news, etc. Trust
:00 Supper per Show. Charles Laughton and elevation is about 5000 ft. The your AAtrek dealer.
6 up 1:00 Matinee 11:45 Starlight Theatre Indian people travel by a very tiny
7:30 Music Machine 100 Take Thirty FRIDAY Van Heflin toy train which is both beautiful Certificate
8:Oq NHL Hockey, 3:30' Edge of Night 9:00 "Otley" - Tom Courtenay
4:00 Family Court 8:00 Ontario Schools and Romy Schneider' and antique. Every year they
10:30 Singalc�ng Jubilee 4:30 Switched On Set 8:45 Friendly Giant "The Ride Back" - Anthony have an exhibition when all the CIBA-GEIGY
9 9.00 �4on Ami Quinn, William -Conrad schools take part and display their
11:00 The National 5:00 Hogan's Heroes work of carvings,,, I paintings, 01 DONALD Gi, Agroc hem'licals Division
11:20 CKNX Late News 5:30 Truth or tonsequences 9:15 Ontirio Schools and George Trevino. /"
10:30 Mister Dr needlework and sculpture of
11:45 Starlight Theatre.. 6:06 News - �-S_Lup FRIDAY, APRIL 12 Which they are famous. Once a EATON 3
6:30 Twilight Theatre (Par 12:00 Lassie Lewis, Suzanne year they have a picnic out in the Office. in .Masonic Block
t 1 11:00 Sesame Street 1:00 "Geisha Boy" PI .try (A) registered trademark
SUNDAY 7:30 Circle Eight Ranch sh tte plains. No Christian names are trom the follow'ing area
12:3(f Noon Report and Marie MacDonald.
' Dealers
8:00 French Show. -8:00 Mary Tyler Moore D n Id. used as the children are called Main 'St., SEAFORTH
8:30 OECA 10 8:30 Police Story' 1:00 Matinee 11:45 "Esther and the King" . little brother,, tiny brother, big
Joan Collins and Richard Phone 527-1610.
10:30 Cathedral of Tdifiorrow 9:30 Front Page Challenge 3:'00 Take Thirty Egan. brother, etc. When the children
11:30 Hymn Sing 3:30 Edge of Night Hoegy Farm
12:00 Peoples' Church 10:00 Up Canada! 4:60 t' "I Court
om� y
1:00 Focus on the Farm atel 4-H meets
10:30 Some Honourable 4:30 _Jlsagga
1:30 Couptry Canada Members 5:00 Hogan's Heroes
2:00 The World We Live In 11:00 The National 5:30 'Truth or Consequences McKillop 11 Hold Meeting Supply Ltd.
2:30 Grand National Steeph 11:20 Insight ) 6:00 Insight, news,' etc. McKillop 11 held their second
chase 11:45 Starlight Theatre. 7:00 Lawr"en-ci-WeRi meeting at the home of Mary Ann MAG E'EASY Broaagen
3.00 Canada -France Track 7:30 Maude. Van Bakel. This meetings - dis-
4:00 Youth Confrontation . onfrontation 8:00 Charlie Brown Special cussion was Based on grooming
4:30 Arts 174 WEDNESDAY 8:30 Tommy Hunter and general app6arance. Along Phone 345-2941'
5:00 Music To See With this, there was a'demonstra-
5:30 Singtime .8:00 Ontario Schools. 10:00 Under Attack tion oil manicuring. 'Modified
6:00 Walt Disney 8:45 Friendly Givp� 11:00 The National Raggedy Ann' was chosen as the
7:00 The Beachcombers 9:00 Mon Ami 11:20 Insight, news, etc. name of the Club.
7-3() The Waltons 9-15 Ontario Schools 11:45 Starlight Theatre, The meeting was closed 'with
$-30 Dick Van Dyke 10:30 Mister Dressup 12:00 Abbott & Costelf6 the '4-H Motto' and '4-H Grace.'
9. --The National Dream 11.�00 Sesame Street • The members were treated to
10:00 The Marketplace 12:00 Lassie chips and soft drinks. Lindathanked Mrs. VanBakel for the seea
10:30 Present Tenge 12:30 Noon Iwport C K N X MOV ieS use of let home. Ctaltl
0:00 The National 1:00 Matinee■
11:20. CKNX Late News 3:00. Take Thirty Saturday, APRIL 6 Seaforth 11
11:45 Thi� World At War 3:30 Edge of Night 6:00 "Terror in the Sky" - The second meeting of the -2527
4:00 Family Court Doug McClure, Roddy Seaforth 11 4-H club was held at Mitchell W-8= HeiwaR 262
I Mc- the home of Clare Devereaux.
MONDAY 4:30 Drop -In , I-.- -.-- . ...- - _-
ts:w Ontario Scfiools. 5:00 Hogan',s Heroes Do*al, Lois Nettleton and Club name was chosen by the
8:45 Friendly Giant 5:30 ',Truth or Consequences Ed Begley members, and the 'Bumbling
9:00 Mon Ami - 6:00 Insight, news, etc. 11:45 "55 Days at Peking" - Beauties.' A discussion 6n
9:IF` Ontario -Schools 6:30 Gunsmoke Chariton Heston, Ava 'Things That Count' in grooming
Gardner and Dvid was held. Each member did a
10:30 Mister Dressup 7:36 Ryan's Fancy I on OP
I E00- SesaWe Street .8:00 NHL Hckey Niven demonstration MONDAY, APRIL •
6th Meeting adjourned manicuring. and lunch was 11)
12:06-Ussie 1:00 "Run a Crooked Mile" served. Mrs. Devereaux was T 0 INOTCH FEEDS LIMIT ED
J2:30 Noon Report Louis Jourdan and Mary thanked for the use of her home. We Specialize in
1:00 Matinee Tyler, Moore The next meeting is to be held at
3:00 Take Thirty 10:30 Countrytime 6:30 "T�e Robe" - Richard the home of Mary Devereaux. FARM.
1.30 Edge of Night f1_-W'Tli_e_ National, HOME and Ph*o n l,'. .521-'19_ .10
. Burton, Jean Simmons, McKIIII&
4.-00 Family Court 11:20 Insight, 'news, sports p
Victor Mature and Recent visitors with Mrs. -Mary COMMERCIAL
4-30 Dr In 11:45 Starlight Theatre Michael Rennie were and Mts. WIRING
Thornton' MILTON' Im DIETZ'
5:00 Hogan's Heroes 11:45 "Ferry to Hong Kong" -' Alvin Hinz of Monkton, Ont., Mr. I
Iti3d Triiiii'or consequences SDAY Orson Welles, - Curt and Mrs. Leo' Murray of St. LIMITED
6:00' insight-News,Weather Jurgens and Sylvia Syms Columban, an"r. and Mrs. Phone $27-0608
6:30 Twilight Theatre 8-00 Ont 1160 Schools s,��s�r�wa�g'\� 994-P
8:45 Friendly Giant TUESDAY, APRIL 9 Thomas Burns of Dublin.
8:00 Partridge Family 9,00 Mon Ami 1:00 "A Crqck in the World" - Mr. and Mrs. Steve Manley of HEATING PLUMBING
00 Cannon Dana Andrews, Janette
A 0 -'AA This Is The Law 4:15 ontprio Schools Scott and Alexander Knox Chatham visited with Mr. Villiarn
ada 10.30 Mister dressuP Manley Saturday evening. ELECTRICAL WORK
10:00 Images of Can 6 :30 "'The Robe" - Richard Mr. and Mrs: Beattie 6f
11,00 Seagame Street Burton, Jean Simmons, Phone 521-1-620 Seafor'th
mW The, National i16MS16 Seaforth were recently visiting
12:30 Noon Report Victor Mature, and with Mrs -r -Joy Hopper.