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The Huron Expositor, 1974-04-04, Page 8
Ml�i1tQ1 1 Rx— POSI1!'OR. sevo R", ONTp, h1tP1iI1r .011. 4 -Legion News . n • and Views k ` By John I�. Baker ► a Eaton, Jack Fraser, Emmerson A new rant program has just g P g Segforth Legion Public Relations Officer Durst, Les Solmage; Brown f' Comrade Allan Nicholson intro- Branch 156 Hagan, Lloyd Hoggarth, Clarence Extra Camds,25e or 7 for $1:00 e WE Apili 10 " Hussey, Matt Kelly, John_ Long- Wilbee; Comrade Al Nicholson ♦r Last Saturday evening staff, Les Leonhardt. Cacil (CHIMPXN UNDER 16 NOT _ 5,30 P approximately 225 persons sat Lemon, Angus McLean, Bert " Jefferies, President of Ontario down pa d_0cious banquet at the McCiure, Mervin Nott, Wm. 1?ERMPITED) AdmisWn $1.00 Legion half. The Ladies Auxiliary McKay, Ang. Phillips, - Frank 3` " for, submitting applications is served roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, 'and Phillips, Harold Price, CarmGordon Rowcliffe, Lloyd Rowat, rlon MORE CHAMPS - Winners of ' `A" Cham s at Seaforth arena were: Front L - Ross-'' P cabbage salad and all the Scott, Morley Storey, Dr. C.E. Mitchell, Brad Fin.layson,' Paul Storey, Bob Henderson, Jim Henderson. Middle - Comrade Jeffries brought g trimmings followed by a jello Toll, John Wallace, Tom Wilbee, Brad 'Carnoehan, Randy Wilson, Brian Wilson, JIM Londsborough, Gord IIIIII�II�IIIIIIIHIIIIIiIIIIII dessert. Girls from the Seaforth Don Wood, Henry Ziler, Dr`Paul . Henderson, Bid Henderson, Greg O'Reilly; Clyde McClure. Back - Elgin Dearing Pistrict High School. Band served " Brady and Wm. Smith. (coach), Gord Dick and Dennis Murray. THIS WEEK on tables. Mrs. Peg Coombs thanked all The occasion was Awards Night the people who helped the Elliott youth into the volunteer sector of to contact the Recreation Office for Branch 156 where thirt -nine f •I ft t), h d 1 t humorous stories he sOotte°on the AT THE 1 members were awarded long service pins. Comrade Peter Malcolm in' full regalia, piped ,the head table guests into the hall. Comrade Arcfhie Dobson acting as chair- man, opened the . ceremonies following which Comrade Dick Whiteley proposed a toast to the Queen and to our fallen Com- rades. Comrade Bob Spittal gave the blessing' after,which'President Comrade Gordon Scott welcomed the lar a atherin amy er ey a os everything when their house was destroyed by fire. She then called on Mrs. Evelyn Carroll and Mrs. Thorndyke.to witness the dedica- tion of the Memorial Plaque which is to be used by the Ladies Auxiliary to honor their deceased members. Comrade Bob Spittal, Padre for the Branch, performed the dedication service. Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Thorndyke .,were called upon to present" life memberships to Elizabeth Brown, V H d L H• C A S H B 1-N G 0`ROYAL HOTEL Legion Hall, Seaforth- MITCHELL Friday, April 5th FR S• and SAT. 8:15 p,m. iNO BINGO 6000 FRIDAY) in the - 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES Crown Room — $75.00 Jackpot to Go — TWO DOOR PRIZES Entertainment :— g g g• At the head table . were era u son, on. fusser, Clara Little and Edith Dunlop. A new rant program has just g P g Projects funded under the` Pro - 1 Admission $1.00 General meeting commencing at Comrade Tom Wilbee and Mrs. Comrade Allan Nicholson intro- been introduced which might gram may start anytime after Extra Camds,25e or 7 for $1:00 'The their exceller* work with the McKinley M.P. presented two Wilbee; Comrade Al Nicholson luted the guest speaker, Bob a- of interest to voluritary.prganiza- May 1st and must be ,completed,, (CHIMPXN UNDER 16 NOT member of the Exeter Branch. speaking at. District level, and and Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Evelyn Jefferies, President of Ontario tions in Seaforth who are trying to by Septembgs 15th. The deadline 1?ERMPITED) S u e e e s sf u Carrbl)a Honorary Treasurer, ' •Provincial Command. improve their capacity to respond for, submitting applications is Comrade Allan Nicholson called on`' the Provincial Presi- held Denfiel& Eighteen tables were in play at Provincial Command, Ladies Comrade Jeffries brought g to .changing community needs April 15, so if any groups want to —Proceeds for Welfare Work_ Auxiliary, Comrade Howard greetings from Provincial Com- and to channel the energy of file for such a grant it advisable Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Carroll, Zone Sports Officer, . mand _and after one or two youth into the volunteer sector of to contact the Recreation Office Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth IIIIIIII�II�t11iIlIIIIIIIIIEIi Comrade Mayor Frank'Sills and humorous stories he sOotte°on the the community. immediately for an application Mrs. Sills, Comrade Fred Tilker, future of the Royal .Canadian The Student Community Ser- form. For the organization who District' Commander and Mrs. -Legion, He said that the Legion's vice Program, is designed to have wanted to set, up a program' Tilker, Comrade Cleave -Coombs, obligation was to. look after the enable voluntary organizations to but -'have not had the funds of Deputy Zone Commander and ex-selhAceman first and to the undertake innovative- projects in manpower, here is an opportunity Mrs. Peg Coombs, President of the - Ladies• Auxiliary, 'Comrade citizens. He went on to say 'that just because a -Legion, member their community. Also it enables students to be involved, in for you., At this point of time a number 'R MMAGE'SALE, Bob Jeffries, Provincial President --ylrs. -,has been active for a long time, itI voluntary organisations in the of parents are locking at different , andJeffries', Comrade does not mean that .he should community through activities for Hockey Schools deciding which Archie Dbbson and Mrs. Dobson; cease to act -and help . out..' which they receive remuneration would most benefit their child. ._ featuring Comrade Gordon Scott, President , . Comrade Jeffries thanked the ($100). Several brochures on ' various of Branch 156 and 'Mrs. Scott, Branch for. their hospitality and Basically this program offers have been compiled at the WHITE ELEPHANT SALE Comrade Harold Chambers, Zone said that he had enjoyed himself • financial assistance to existing Recreation Office and if you just Commander and Mrs. Chambers, S. ©rndyke, Zone .Com- .exceedingly. Comrade Tom _,-Wilbee tttianked the 'speaker=.at,d voluntary organizations to enable them to uiidiertaWW Ort�jects usiri are not sure which school best fits your needs, drop by and epmpar - _ • Saturday, • April 6th mandext Ladies Auxiliary, ' Com- him with a• The and rade Bob Spittal, Padre for ',Branch presented gift. Ladies Auxiliary Zone Com- student resources and volunteers. programs prices. fr6m 2 to 5 p.m. 156 and ,Mrs. Spittal, mander, Mrs. ' Thorndyke then -- Comrade Geo. Hays 1st Vice: ' President Branch 156: Miss brought greetings from the Zone. District Commander, Com- • .. ,.. First Presbyteritan Church ` Dorothy ' Parke, Comrade Peter ,The rade Fred Tilker closed S�D H S Malcolm and Mrs. Malcolm. portion of -the program. A social 0�� µ Comrade Geo: Hays introduced and dance followed. � 'S 'At Home the head table after which Lost and Found Comrade Cleave Coombs thanked the Ladies Auxiliary for the Found -at the Legion Hall, cuff " link',' black J O FRIDAY, APRIL' 19th stone' with Legion wonderful meal, Comrade Archie crest. Owner can claim it at the = Dancing 9.30 _ 12.30 to ' Dobson thanked the. members of bar. 7% a ' the Seaforth District High. School Band for wailing on the tables. Coming Events Executive Thursday Apr. 4th %'HIG '"BOBBY '^ DOWNS" F 1 NA L AT E - Mayor Frank, Sills 'then brought Meeting commencing at 8:00 Admission: $6.00eper Couple .D greetings from the town of p.m.; Friday Apr. Sth - Bingo as Seaforth' and told some more Ia t t+11L H 11 usua t huihorous stories of Nis experi- Wednesda A r 10th Weekl ' ences overseas in the Canadian Y P y Stag Euchre will be held at.the forces duging World War Il. He Legion; Thursday Apr. 11th - wished the Branch a . successful General meeting commencing at evening. Comrade Archie Dobson 8:30 p.m.. then thanked Comrades Bill Last Sunday at • the Zone Dalrymple and Tom Wilbee for convention' in Wingham, Bob their exceller* work with the McKinley M.P. presented two Public Speaking. Comrade Bill Canadian flags to each Branch in Dalrymple introduced Michael 'the Zone C. 1. Bob is an honorary Rowland who won public member of the Exeter Branch. speaking at. District level, and Michael gave his speech to the gathering. Comrade Archie Dobson then introduced Anna Lee S u e e e s sf u Stevenson and told of her accomplishments in public speak- ing. joint Euchre Comrade Allan Nicholson called on`' the Provincial Presi- held dent, Comrade Bob Jeffries and the District Commander Comrade Eighteen tables were in play at Fred Tilker and Comrade Harold a successful euchre party that was Chambers, Zone Commander held a week'ago sponsored jointly ` who in turn presented life by IOOF and Rebekah Lodges. Y t THE SQUARE, memberships to Comrades . Al Winners were: Ladies high 1 Country and Western Entertainment Sillery and Wilson Allen. • Forty- Mrs. Harvey Dolmage; LoneP '' RK five year pins were'presedte'd to hands - Mrs. Alec Pepper, low - SATURDAY -- IN THE - Comrades Alec Muir and Herb Mrs. R. K. McFarlane. Gents GODERICH AIR C014DITIONED Trapnell, and Wallace Archibald, high - Wm. Kelly; Lone hands R ED I N I G T R 0�0 M aaf the Branch's first President. Elmer -Dennis, low " Secord r H U R'S . •, FRI., SAT. APR. 4-5-6 Forty year pins were presented to McBrien. , Jack Carter won theis I 1 ER Comrades Secord McBrien and lucky serviette prize. Elgll� Fisher E Wm. Cleary. James Racho was Gordan Paple and Arthur Varle y , the recipient of a thirty-five year were- in charge. IV E pin and twenty-five pins were (Th F :l ff ,k awarded to Comrades Wilson Allan, Peter Bannon, Pearson ` p, Chesney, Clair Campbell,' Ken BROWNIE'S 'I` n DRIVE-IN INATRE CLINTON ONTARIO - op.NING '. THOR ;APR 11 1 WaICIf N Nxt'ii oAls t { F dptir , F6r Prog"eawtll e ami y, A acr) ' Cosmop- ?Orh CENTURY F6X PRESENTS ,. •,,. „ ... THE LAST IN THE LADIES AND ESCORTS ROOMre�NDER" • day — , ,. AMERICAN Fri Saturday , ,� ,,.,,„.,,. •.,. ,,.,. F..,, 0HER01 Fred .Harburn (Fiddler) and Group --aw- --W- -0 - — ,--= — - SUN., MON.. TUES., WED. APRIL. 7-8-9-10 • - ,.....E ,..,.... : , . .. TASTY CHICKEN' WINGS for SNACKS.,..tmer.., •' l �y1G[j' ---confessions of AMPLE FREE PARKINGt' MICH I i g m ide capta in � Y WE SEROM BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS • , : ,. `.`. ”`"."" �' "`°" Ant. EmEiiry -rwt 19to2"and 6toS AT VERY LOT PRICES :� `-""` -+ '�' 'i` '�-''�--�' -�- -• ER CIAL HOTEL r Sia#oltb STARTS rHUaS: APRIL 1 1 air*lre.■� '" AMERICAN GRAFF1Tl" ► BUSINESS as USUAL - For Information PHONE 527-0629 FAMILY, PARADISE DANCE at --ice CIH.S.S.,. AUDITORIUM Clinton, on, THURSe,. APRIL 1' 1, 1974 9:00 - 12:00 Dancing to "STEEL RIVER" Admission 112.00 Refreshments 'available ' 14,15b _. CABARET DANCE Sponsored by St. Columban Soccer Team -Saturday, April 6th ' r � , Brodhagen Community Centre ' Music by - w "The Now and Then Sounds" Tickets available from players, $3.00 per Couple 0 ' O SEAFORTH ' Entertainment b Thursday Friday. and Saturday Night The Tee' Kee's