HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-04-04, Page 4ul M M
y�, Ck1
APR11, 4, 1974
Filo Oueen's Park
Jack Riddeil, M.P.P. Huron'
Tan art; 40y, Vhf • ,no
Chartered Accountanis. 1
26.8 Main St.., Exd r
Resident Partner
�. 235-0120 .
f _. _ - . Garden Seeds Galore 'to Grow.
More in '74-
workers. The report of the Legislature by Attorney General budget with considerable interest
committees is not expected to be Robert Welch contains for in the last three years since PUBLISHERS AND THE PM - Plans for iriternational commuriKy press week in
ready before May 6th but in the recommended changed by the Mr. Davis became Premier, the Canada were discussed with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and' abinot ministers
meantime workers at 10 Toronto Ontario Law Reform Commission Government expenditures have at a luneheon,session during .the Spring meeting 'of the board of directors of the
hospitals could decide to strike, which would clarify what agree- increased 18% faster than
P Canadian Community Newspapers Association in Ottawa. Seen with Mr. Trudeau�
' Mr. Nixon asked Premier Davis to ments lawyers may make with revenues and the Provincial net
make a statement of good faith clients for payment of bills and debt has grown by 122% to 1.7 are (I, to r.): E. Michael Walker, CCNA General Managers Cloudesley S. 0
asking the hospital workers to,. how the fees may be appealed if a million dollars. Unless the Hoodspith,.First Vice -President, and LOU.Miller, Chairman of the Board. The Prime hh +
stay on the job until the report client feels ' he has been inflationary trend of the last 4 Minister has been invited to address the first joint conference of the National r
comes out. overcharged. Mr. Wells said the Provincial budgets is stopped we Newspapers Association, representing Community newspapers throughout the BIGGER DiVIpEN
A statement read in the proposed changes mean a can expect expenditures of more United States, and the CCNA, which will be held during the week, from July 24 to
Legislature bypxemier William member of the public or a lawyer than 8.3 billion this year with the <
Davis indicated that Ontario can have'an account or agreement Provincial debt growing by a 27 at the Four Seasons Sheraton Hotel in Toronto. Cabinet members attending the
wants Ottawa to relax foreign for legal services reviewed by an further $720 million. meeting were John N. Turner, Minister of Finance, Robert Stanbury, Minister of ORDER YOUR
ownership, restrictions' in the appropriate Judicial officer -in a Murray Gaunt, Liberal National Revenue, who will also be a speaker during the international convention,
Uranium irtoustry. The Premier way that promises to be simpler, Member for Huron Bruce spoke Mitchell Sharp, Secretary of•State for International Affairs, and Andre Ouellet, SEED
said the restrictions are inhibiting faster and fairer than the present on the Throne Debate this week
exploration for uranium :at the system. The Ontario Law Reform and strongly criticized the Ontario Postmaster General.
time when the mineral is Comm "ssion recommended that a Hydro's method of negotiation -
becoming an increasingly layer's bill should be signed by and purchase of property for the Over'"'use of fertilize"r acids CORN BEANS
important source of energy. him or by another solicitor power line corridor from Douglas
Ownership guidelines limit total working for or with him. Its Point. He also criticized the
foreign ownership of uranium language should be simplified choice of route for this corridor
producers to 331/3 %n and and it should be sent by ordinary which at present is to go through to water pollution
•I A thd ' 80% of class I and 2 agricultural
individual foreivit holdings to
10%. Neither Mr. Davis nor
mat . no er recommen anon
enables a clientnto apply for a
land whereas an alternate route
have' crossed
, ° r
both phosphorus and nitrogen in
'the drainage water were much
Shop now while ehowe of vegetable seed in bulk or
Premier William Davis came
not- see the higher well head price
rescheduled this for the 9th April �a
review of the bill by a County or
phosphorus does, not from
packet is available. Over 200 varieties of How-
under heavy attack in the
reflected on the consumer level
May 1st but intimated
in order to have an opportunity to
look at the economic
A ",
District Court judge or other
planting $Ort1Ct1�G1
Seeds, Items for, indoor Ira
Legislature from Opposition
before also
increase_ e .1 r,
significantly different than those
lawyer to give a client all
revenues and expenditures of the
Specialties; Reeoxrmended fertilizers and soilr sono`
Leader Robert Nixon and Stephen
that there was nothing Ontario
quences of the in the
heating •.'
� : f:: '
soils. While the acreage of
documents relating •t6 his case if
Lewis, - Leader of the New
could dos specifically to hold
p y
rice of gasoline and oil • �
p g g ;
, •,.t
society's concern with the quality
of the environment has prompted
complete, same conslusions can
be drawn from the analysis done
ditioners Stock, gloves, _
Democratic Party for not
on prices. Liberal Leader Robert
�• ,
by 7c a gallon. Premier Davis has
indicated that tiis
assuring hospital workers of a
salary increase. The Premier
Nixon said prices in. Northern
Ontario are higher than these
Government is plannittg some r
from surface runoff. Good crop
22 Isaac Street. >ln n
attacked in the Legislature by
Previously a lawyer who was fired
' intimated that pay increases will paid in the rest of the Province relief for people on low or fixed
algae and other aquatic plants.
production practices, including
482-9333 Open Daily
likely be recommended by two
and suggested a Provincial
fuel for'
income who might suffer real s. - +� =zai
hardship of these price _}
Government may possibly
There are, however, many other
proper fertilize se, will reduce
Government committees investi- cushion on prices .because _
increases. Opposition members
gatipg salaries and working Northeners. PP
wondering'whether it meant the
documents. Another recommen-
reconsider allowing licensed
' conditions of Ontario hospital
A report tabled in the
are awaiting presentation' of the ''w ,�",`>t=
b Government' is ready to let
dation would all w .lawyers to
denturists to work directly with
phorus, in addition to fertilizers,
workers. The report of the Legislature by Attorney General budget with considerable interest
committees is not expected to be Robert Welch contains for in the last three years since PUBLISHERS AND THE PM - Plans for iriternational commuriKy press week in
ready before May 6th but in the recommended changed by the Mr. Davis became Premier, the Canada were discussed with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and' abinot ministers
meantime workers at 10 Toronto Ontario Law Reform Commission Government expenditures have at a luneheon,session during .the Spring meeting 'of the board of directors of the
hospitals could decide to strike, which would clarify what agree- increased 18% faster than
P Canadian Community Newspapers Association in Ottawa. Seen with Mr. Trudeau�
' Mr. Nixon asked Premier Davis to ments lawyers may make with revenues and the Provincial net
make a statement of good faith clients for payment of bills and debt has grown by 122% to 1.7 are (I, to r.): E. Michael Walker, CCNA General Managers Cloudesley S. 0
asking the hospital workers to,. how the fees may be appealed if a million dollars. Unless the Hoodspith,.First Vice -President, and LOU.Miller, Chairman of the Board. The Prime hh +
stay on the job until the report client feels ' he has been inflationary trend of the last 4 Minister has been invited to address the first joint conference of the National r
comes out. overcharged. Mr. Wells said the Provincial budgets is stopped we Newspapers Association, representing Community newspapers throughout the BIGGER DiVIpEN
A statement read in the proposed changes mean a can expect expenditures of more United States, and the CCNA, which will be held during the week, from July 24 to
Legislature bypxemier William member of the public or a lawyer than 8.3 billion this year with the <
Davis indicated that Ontario can have'an account or agreement Provincial debt growing by a 27 at the Four Seasons Sheraton Hotel in Toronto. Cabinet members attending the
wants Ottawa to relax foreign for legal services reviewed by an further $720 million. meeting were John N. Turner, Minister of Finance, Robert Stanbury, Minister of ORDER YOUR
ownership, restrictions' in the appropriate Judicial officer -in a Murray Gaunt, Liberal National Revenue, who will also be a speaker during the international convention,
Uranium irtoustry. The Premier way that promises to be simpler, Member for Huron Bruce spoke Mitchell Sharp, Secretary of•State for International Affairs, and Andre Ouellet, SEED
said the restrictions are inhibiting faster and fairer than the present on the Throne Debate this week
exploration for uranium :at the system. The Ontario Law Reform and strongly criticized the Ontario Postmaster General.
time when the mineral is Comm "ssion recommended that a Hydro's method of negotiation -
becoming an increasingly layer's bill should be signed by and purchase of property for the Over'"'use of fertilize"r acids CORN BEANS
important source of energy. him or by another solicitor power line corridor from Douglas
Ownership guidelines limit total working for or with him. Its Point. He also criticized the
foreign ownership of uranium language should be simplified choice of route for this corridor
producers to 331/3 %n and and it should be sent by ordinary which at present is to go through to water pollution
•I A thd ' 80% of class I and 2 agricultural
individual foreivit holdings to
10%. Neither Mr. Davis nor
mat . no er recommen anon
enables a clientnto apply for a
land whereas an alternate route
have' crossed
-Fertilizer use has played a
large part in providing high-
organic soils and eight in Dover
Township on mineral' (clay and
both phosphorus and nitrogen in
'the drainage water were much
export sales.
uranium mines and the granting'
Energy Minister Darcy
review of the bill by a County or
could only about
phosphorus does, not from
fromsoils insignificant n'tficantrus
The agreed price of $6:50 for
The budget was expected to be
of exploration, permits should be
recommendation compels a
... McKeough made it clear just how
District Court judge or other
40% of class 1 and 2 land.
quality, low-cost food for Canad-
sandy) soils.
higher than from the mineral
significantly different than those
lawyer to give a client all
revenues and expenditures of the
far they wanted the rQstrictions
review officer within a year even
In other matters this week, Pat
ians for many years. Lately,
Although the study is not., yet
soils. While the acreage of
documents relating •t6 his case if
Provincial Government of the
fertilizers, can have serious
relaxed but neither are convinced
if he has paid part or all of the
b'll It ' th
Reid, Liberal Member and labour
critic from Rai River was
society's concern with the quality
of the environment has prompted
complete, same conslusions can
be drawn from the analysis done
cultivated muck soils in Ontario is
small, and the total amount of
Before- tie
. Rush
soils'can reach lakes or streams is
that equity requirements IN tit
respect„6 to the ownership of
t rs e Lawyer s respond-
bility to justify that his claim is
elected Chairman of the Public
questions on the effects of
�`h(>s rhoruss
gtfaese en s
'Phone 527-0770
export sales.
uranium mines and the granting'
fair and proper, Another
Accounts Committee` of the
fertilizers on water quality.
phosphorus does, not from
fromsoils insignificant n'tficantrus
The agreed price of $6:50 for
The budget was expected to be
of exploration, permits should be
recommendation compels a
Ontario Legislature which studies
Certainly, nitrogen and 0os-
mineral soils to a significant
extent; the only way fertilizer
comparison to the total amounts
into Lake Erie or Lake
Fresh CEMENT Stock
significantly different than those
lawyer to give a client all
revenues and expenditures of the
phorus, major component'
applied to oil, gas and coal where
documents relating •t6 his case if
Provincial Government of the
fertilizers, can have serious
phosphorus applied to --mineral
Ontario from other sources, the
there are no such requirements.
he removes himself from a case or
preceding year. Also, the new
effects on water quality, by
soils'can reach lakes or streams is
amounts .. are high enough to
The statement was sharply
is discharged by a client.
Health Minister, the Honourable
promoting excessive growth of
from surface runoff. Good crop
pollute smaller local bodies of
attacked in the Legislature by
Previously a lawyer who was fired
Frank Miller indicated that the
algae and other aquatic plants.
production practices, including
Liberal Leader Robert .Nixon,
by a client could withhold the
Government may possibly
There are, however, many other
proper fertilize se, will reduce
wondering'whether it meant the
documents. Another recommen-
reconsider allowing licensed
sources of nitrogen and phos-
surface Brost to a minimu4n.
The high amounts • moving'
b Government' is ready to let
dation would all w .lawyers to
denturists to work directly with
phorus, in addition to fertilizers,
Nitrogen content of td Sin-
through'" fhe muck soils are
ownershipand control over
raise 'the interestRev charge on
the P
that cAn contribute to water
age water from mineral soils was
caused, . at least partly, by
uranium fall into. foreign hands,
overdue bills from 5 to 71/2%.
lure where recommended rates of
applications of fertilizer in excess
The Ontario Government, report
Premier , William Davis
A study has been condpeted it
nitrogen application were used.
of. recommended rates, The
�0� �
tabled in the Legislature said
indicated that the Ontario
Short Shorts From the Yukon
Kent County during the'p'ast two •'k
Where rates were greAter than
amount of fertilizer used on these
should include htong
eGovernment nt is td grin
River trips in the Yukon are fast
years to find out how much
ferti� 11 z r • are
recommended, significant
amounts of nitrogen were found
muck soils could be reducedincentives
without reducing yield or 'quality
market prices for uranium
possible ind try
becoming summer attractions
present practices
in the drat a e v 4-
f cro s Reduced rate of fetrt•1' e
a term commitments by. Canadian
utilities and encouragement of
consorom similar to the Panartic
Oils Limited to explore for and
With tourists seeking more and
more o en countr the
P y
contributing , to surface water
pollution. Tile drainage water is
being sampled at twelve sites -
n g a e .
The data from the Erieau
Marsh muck sites indicated a
o p . tz r
usage would certainly reduce'the
levels of nutrients in the drainage
'Phone 527-0770
export sales.
develop uranium in the Province,
Department of Travel and
four in the Marsh on
more serious problem. Levels of
The agreed price of $6:50 for
The budget was expected to be
Information, Yukon, is supplying
J --...A-. ' r -" "" -°- " "" "r"` " canoe travel inforrhatton free for
first ministers will mean an Treasurer John, White has the asking.
increase of 7c a gallon for.
gasoline and heating fuel. Liberal
member Vernon Singer said this
was a phenomenal increase, a
shocking increase for pensioners,
welfare recipients and others on
low and fixed incomes and asked
what the Government planned to
do to help. Premier said he was
very cogni2ant of,the inflationary
pressures on people on fixed or
low incomes and said the
.Provincial budget which has been °
postponed to April 9th, would
reveal the Government's financial
program. It has been estimated
that 30 to 45 days of'petroleum
products are in pipelines, refiner-
ies and storage tanks and
according to Premier Davis the
industry should maintain existing
prices until current stocks are
exhausted. Energy Minister
Darcy McKeough said we should
ou even
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