HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-24, Page 7ithe rally ry G. Bros, oion was having ce at emtewart is sup - She d after o the single But before , and ods of seating she ad - in ad- ecnlator tgteein g ,ds until ,—South urnatism in1to3 tete is re emoVes at atly hee;uieholm's neouracy the fol - u, account fter y wa.e re - ante Others ;artf Ly In - nit • this frgmthe Sillsbee 'nn, Mass.: man, more than of lie speaks, erit This family have hose commenda- ose benefits to fidence. MY wifeever from severe ladle p. She has tried l well but per - d gave her a bot - [t seems surpris- ould and did do ache decreased innt in their inten- iso hbeen ebetter. ?aril%a singitA. A. WILLIAM,. at family cathrti, Prtco23e os65 hKERS, , ONT. sges OFFFR! ffering JOURNAL, 0 page monthly In Home Paper ig to ladies, with ZI tS- will be given for will be sent to aby plis to theme whanother year bo- as Well els to new ptinn (trice of the Dollar -per year. xinis til tlthly costnow. SYiuhIua, Ot. Eduoatla. dueatan to be popular must Inman science made as. fasnoting as fiction, history wtten like a romance,told an a tale, and religion epined in parables and symbls, such as the Great Teacher Himself used, Popular education is just what tlhe average man end woman may obtain withot interfering with the Work of their trades, or any 0f the vocationsin which they are engaged. A. man may earn his daily bread as a laborer or amechanic and educate himself to a high degree in .the Chutauqua Literary .and Scientific Circle.What is true of the( laborer and the mechanic is true of nien engaged Ievery vocation, It is matter of history that graduates of Yale University as well as alumni of other higher institutions of learning have joined with men who have not finished a common school education in reading the C. L. S. C. course of study. They are doing it toclay and thus the more highly favored, help those who have been less fortunate in their school privileges. And by this means we make popular edu- cation a substitute for pernicious literature, overcome ignorance, and disseminate knowledge and true learning among the masses of our people. --The Chautauquan. Amicted Wth Nouratigla for 0 Years. To the Proprietor of the Great South American Rheumatic Cure. DEAa SIa,—For over thirty years I Was afflicted very much with Neuralgia and Headache. Seeing your great Sourn memoAht RHEUMATIC 0uai advertised 1 thought I would give it a trial—although I did not think for a moren` it was going to do me any good after trying so many remedies without benefit. I obtained a hottle from Chieholm's Drug Store in this towu, end I must say that I got great relieffrom the first few doses, anti was no over. joved Mutt I determined to give it a good trial and contiuued taking it, taking in all six bottles. I can truthfully say that I L uev r felt ao well siuce I was a girl, it has not only cured me of neuralgia and head. ache, but has also built up nhy system and I feel quite young again. I most cheer. fully give you this testimenial and oousider you are the greatest benefaotors to suffer- ing humanity,I am, Dear Sir, Yourshtin�ttc>'ii L^LL. Witnessed by J. Ii. Chisholm. The 13oiletifla American not long efnee ublished's. paragraph outitled'"Mietikeg of .i life" The unia.take Were suui ed up ae follows; t ie a great mistake to sot np our stand- ard of right and wrong and judge people accordingly. To measure the eomet of others by our own, To expect uniformity of opiuionin 'the world, To endeavor to mould all dipositions alike. To yield to little trifles.. To look for perfection in our actions. To worry ourselves and otbere with that which cannot be remedied. Not to alleviate all that needs alleviation as far as we eau. Not to make allowauoe for the inrmities of others. To consider impossible whet you canot perform. To expect to be able to uederataud everything. • TRE WING - AM TIMES, NOVEMBER 24, 18930 eeSeteleiralwir ��Ig I roam cunt ilutrtatt acrd thereon anti nil ani- S7traett( tirrr edfoa. 'reit r jSHINGLEr rrl in ljl! muur+ by ni trn -e' rat. ehtifrdfo Woe. s r tt xn .ix l.x { surf lq� it tiaLthiny, .rb!wall imatteandhied many leer rtedt f:lrn'euyr6re. ciufoytYsIGhutriad Ifur•• , �iIIAbLtJ,ii I1 k lie l Btttere and vary shot. lead -- • • •-• • parennow eollhpletely cored t relief, NOI cured, ' d its 1314013140uud sm TO Subscribers in; Arrear and Wast to hand, a ear Toad of No.1 How many kinin: of oes'K at- them:? sn ski Luer:, 411-5 atl11 C011a asked Penelope, Well, n:ti•i pap' A rtullibel.elf • U 1 there is sue, Lund tt:rt ,itl 6"uud un; a' g in arrear, for their sabserillyiopt4 for Ir r+ , piper ,Niiti wucit lies *hid' tlltit'' tl►li`C!llrl.ent earl :>tflfi ' a.. Certain P P t f f p 1' tvhicli we will sell a4 prices that defy Coln- Iivt•s on a sheet old ice. • ' MIMI:1ni' for two and • even 'more pegitiou, Aleo, first.cluas Dthers..., .. { Brl JuPxi u Primmest Quebec, Que. tishColum�ia SHINGLES, A Prompt Cure, , (i EYTf.E11r.ti,—Flaviuf~ huffete(1 over two yearn with etnlstipetiou, aura the doctors not having helped ine, 1 concluded tolry B. B. 13., uud bei ore 1 pnt•(1 ono hottle I wag enrol. 1 can oleo ttcuutureud it for sick benduche, Enna. 1). lierNes. Lakeview, Ont, She Came i'r,pm Toronto. asnILANn, Wis., Nov, 20.—Mrs. George Emil?, of 2111 Last Third Street, has beets in poor health for some years. Her energetic disposition made invalidism doubly irksome to her, so she sought far and wide for remedy that would make her well again. Her efforts were unavail- ing until she began using Dodd'e Kidney Pills. Now she is on the high road to health and attributed the result to the use of these pills: Every day makes it more apparent that many of the ills to which women are subject are due to im- paired ar•ticu of the kidueys, if not to actual disease of the organs. The reputa- tion of Dodd's Kidney Pills as the greatest sper.itic iu all disorders of the kidneys is now irrevocably established, so that all unfortunate victime of kidney disease may use them with the, utmost confidence. It rutty be of interest to state that Mrs. Reany is au old Torcntonian. Well, Ralph, doyouhave many play- mates ? New ; don't leave any. What, no playmates at all ? No ; mamma won't let me play with about half the boys, and the other boys' mammas won't let them play with hoe. Say, would you reform or just get tougher? HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS -- ShortuesHs t.f Breath, Coughs, and Colds.—Tht,usnude of testimonials can he produced to prove the power 11Irs. Pettish : I'n1 afraid you won't do. As nearly as I cats, find out you have work- ed iu six or eight places the last year Miss Mary Mahoney: Iluht and how many gir-r•ris has ynrself had in the sante time? No Liss, I'm thinking. Ara t to 11Oiit hennery. Q E 'TLiiatlEN.—We have used Hu g. yard's Pectoral Boleyn in our house for over three years, and find it an ex- eelleut remedy for all forms of coughs and colds. Iu Nilotic and lung troubles it affords tustnut relief. Jolts liiteele, Columbine Out. A New Way to Avoid Colds. For many years my occupation took me to crowded political and labor meetings, generally held in rooms destitute of any means of ventilation. The heat was intense, the air fetid and poisonous. I have left such meetings bathed in pers- piration and plunged into the chill air of a winter's night, thereby running the risk of catching the severest cold. Yet, strange to say, I enjoyed a singular immunity from such aggravating ailments. At the first touch of cold air I took a deep inspiration and then held my breath for half a minute, in the Meantime walking as fast as I could. During that half•minute the pores of the skin were closed against the chillingatmosphere, and by the time the lungs called for reinvigoration the body possessed by thee° corrective retne les 1 considerably cooled, and the risk of a in cases of asthma, incipient oonsutnp tion nod till disorders of the chest and 1 chill was over. I recommend this practice to public lungs. The Ointment well rttbbed speakers, vocalists, entertainers and those upon the chest anti hack; carried penetrating who are obliged to frequent unduly heated the skin, ieabsorhtad and carriedi- rooms. In m5 own case the practice never reedy to the lungs, where, in imtnedi- failed and although I fully believe in its ate contest with the whole mass of value I never understood the reason of it circulating, blood, it neutralises or I until a learned scientist came forward with expels those impurities; which are tit• the remarkable theory that while holding foundation of consutriptiou, asthma, the breath the skin could be maintained broncehitts, pneumonia, and similar impenetable to the stitig of Is bee.— eompluints. On the r.ppearance of I Jenness Miller Monthly. the first consumptive symptoms the back and chest of the patient should Rr,I.n V Ix Six Boons.—Dtstressiug Hid. be fomented with warm brine, aria- uey aud•Biadder diseases relieved in six with a comae. cloth, and Holloway's hours by the "Great South American Kid - Ointment then well rultbed in. Its ney r ret"ud d is n tws reprneiy is on r ct absorption will e3uhdue advancing cunni of its excoediug prer,npiit ns nu re. symptoms, and baffle this formidable lieviug pain iu the bladder, kidneys, bads foe. and every part of the urinary passages itt 'M I thought you said your boy's nurse was mete ter or female iuIt relieve it retentionf of a colored girl, Mrs. hicks, said the visitor. water a I4yd, I[ you trent quick relief sed I saw her to -day, and she's white. Oh, cure this is your remedy. Sold at Chis• Well, she looks white, Mrs. Hicks, but in helm's drug store. reality she is very green. It is not in our exposed deeds that Nursery Medicine.—We do not we need the still voice of the silent Believe in dosing children with drugs monitor hutytu the small secret every- and medicines from the time they day acts of lift'. • ' arrive in the world till they art' grown, A wonderful new combination is It, as some do We have found a itltlP Stack's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver easter nil and a bottle of Perry Davis Powders, nice to take and perfectly harm. PAIN -KILLER safe end sure remedies 1 1 hti• F'IGolte L ndon Pottery for all their little ills, and would not be without then. (fit the New Big Bottle, 25e. years. We :urgently request all subscribers in.ar•rear to put them- selves right on our hooks as soon as possible. . Those indebted for lob. printing Thousands of' i::exic'ttth Milttt'A. "It is not often that men havo an op- portunity to make themselves rich, espe- cially when all they have to do is to stoop down and pocket the dollars," said Alfred Louis, an old Mexican soldier. "I was a soldier under General Scott during the Mexican war, and after the battle of Buena Vista I found myself out off from my command. Four others of my mess -zero with ole, and a detour through the woods was taken in hopes of reaching our regiment, from which we had been cut off during tho last charge. As we tramped through the thick brush and carefully avoided stop- ping on dead and wounded Mexicans wo came upon a stout wooden chest, bound with iron hoops, about two feet square. One of the boys gave it a kick, but failed to move it, and he then tried to lift it, with no better results. titick- ing his bayonet unier tho hasp which held the lice so tightly, it gave way, and rho lid was raised, displaying thousands of shilling $20 geld pieces. "I•t was the Mexican treasure box, and the money was to pay the Mexican troops. It had been dumped in the chap- arral by tho carrier, hoping that it might be secured after the battle. Tho other boys began filling their bootlegs and pockets with the precious metal, but I didn't touch a piece of it. After they had loaded themselves with all they could carry they wanted Ino to help my- self to tho many hundreds. of dollars re- maining, butt considered them the sane as robbers. While they were debating as to the disposition of the remainder our colonel rode up, and noting the treasure chert placed us all on guard and we had to stand there all night watching that box. The other boys secured several hundred dollars more of the coin, which was carried away next morning, and each man buried what he couldn't con- veniently carry. "After wo were discharged the boys re- turner and secured their treasure, which • mounted to about $2,700 apiece. I don't think I would let such a chance to gather money slip again, but I am now an old uiahr, and that was lay only opportunity M a lifetime."—St. Louis Republic. NORTH SHORE SHINGLES at $1.75 per Square, quality guaranteed, and advertising will also confer a MI kinds of favor by an early settlement. We I Dressed and Rough Lumber, Barrels, Wood, &c., kept constantly on hand. lave large payments to Stake and would like those indebted to us to put us in a position to meet them. If you owe . us anything, don't wait for an accoiint to be sent you, but; call and settle or remit the atnouut at your earliest conve- nience. All remittances should be made by expressor money order, or sent by registered letter to B. ELLIOTT, TI:iens Orrxcx, Wiugham, Ont. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sora 'Zi,roat, Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Bad: or Chest Shiloh''saPtosrous Piaster will give great satisfaction,—r6 May. T, ei Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., sub tit Sleilo?t's Vital u er • S4 VED ITP' LIFE. d. oofutider •it the most rcmedll foradetr.iitatedsilstem oever o r ule ed." For Dyspepsia, 5 clLiver or Azidney 1141 1 L0 'a"z.,,, ckrAR R 161 zwn REMEDY Have you Catarrh ? Try this lteraedy. l t will positively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 eta. This Injector. for its successful treatment is are cod ofree. lruOrc .. 0 tolgi he Q atisfaction.es vtil When we assert that Lath, MINING AND MATCHING DONE A fuer which is always eeren(; Pos- sexes tt trybterious and powerful at- traction ; dad titan is conte to it as to the anti to warm themselves again, Weil Adapted. Till; effective action on the glandular TH. iyutem turd the blood, and the gen• oral regulatluti tonin Hud purifviug action of 13. B, 13. especially adapt it for the bilious, nervous, etifttVe nr scrofulous. From three to six bottles will cure all blond diseases from a common pimple to the Worst scrofulous sono, es"' "No ial eau be too Werke, say silent; to express the beueGcial effects I But really it is time to inquire molwcare- have experienced frt iu the of R. wders, s fully as to what these stories do nican.� Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, We must cease toascribe our intelligence hape rve ffer and in my family, and they have afforded me perfectug i,bead cies from often possess eirarn tinct. it is we that most dntlyreinca business.y inknoaciof o me from h ve Mi- sain sea ch of preylwander and w ll there business. I know of others who have lore bo well • acquainted with the coun- beeu equally benefitted. I icnsider them by for miles around. It is taken 80 one of the most useful medical combines Catit wanders aridctuee Mons of the cleat," J. Temple, 46 Cather• Mites away. Again tut: rarest N., Hamilton; says : "I find rte• lcross a bit 01 country it know before. Stark's I sada cure." e, Laucetield, e,- Neuralgia and Liver. Inwtlet•n a sure Whatt morn natural than that it shouicl. libritriaM n, public library, Hamilton, Hays : go to its old h e? Carriertp1g tonsgraft_ icia aro most neuralgia ablenti for sufferersomppa fromcomplaints." 1 ally longereight flights from home, so that he•atiache, ueuralli,L au:l liver tom htiuts." Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine they may learn the look of the country. deelers. We cannot always discover that a dog. cheap as the cheapest. McLEAN & SON. Wingham, Juno 7th, 1803, PROF. SCOTT MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH tfauriin pelilaTIII> T] 4. TAO* Arrive and depart as tll•WS l K V11a w� 6;34 u. rtt...... ,..,Far Tt;lallts .,...,... 1:05 p. ru t CUp. 10............. For Taoswete1 10:40 Ism G"RA Of "RCI T . ----TIME TABLE. -- motive TADIJ . _ - motive Ar'meetlM i.sAV,t °NIS s.3., a' in. l'aln>,eretan, Gurlith,T0r0uto, ,r 11:20 y ,• ., 7:90P. tlt, 11130 6.65 p its. 10:as a. n1. " mixed for Kincardine 13. ILS 9,97 p.rnt. forKhlardine 1$s k," 10:e2 a. , 11:OQ a rn, f.ol. 'Clinton, .1 ' $•a® «, 5:16p. 04 " gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff and-Tonic-Sol•Fa Notation. Open for engagements for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply a tIRS. II. MORROWS, Patrick St Wir,gham Instinct and. ISnorrledge In Animals. A cat carried 100 miles its a basket, a llog taken perhaps 800 miles by rail, in a few days may have found their way back to the starting point. So we have often been told, and no doubt the• thing has happened. Y'v a have been astonished -at the wonderful intelligence displayed. hfagic, I should call it., Last week- I heard of a captain who sailed from Ab- erdeen to Arbroath. He left behind him 1, dog which, according to the story, had sever been in Arbroath but when he ar- rived there the dog was waiting on tho Xuay. I was expected to believe that, the dog had known his master's destina- lion and been able to inquire the way overland to Arbroath. Truly marvelouet Dodd 9� s..) etAltitieteeeseueesett Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed 1,,,,,, by the testimony of all who have used them. :very person should have some de- . mitt' and fixed obIt•et 111 view, A lazy Sian is not a moral lain. There is for ati.ton, and witch truth ill the old prosorb. The devil tempts al other men, but the lazy mint teurpls ideally was Actlttainted with the route For over Fifty Yearn by which it wanders home, but it is quite As sett, Aso tvittb.Taian Hanker.—Mli•e, will b�ltra `•e•.ry .. 'u used for over ttfty mv' by rwith p rf mothers cur their a t1 dr n while land. --A. J. Maekiptdsh ho Churl t.,ethh.e, tYt' i erallays all' man cures wind colic, sutrul d 1 l r hroa Is pleas to Imagine, as most people at 5 othintr Syrup has been t •1 o onto do,that it was a perfect stranger to Flow' , It soothes t Clic, lay of tho SUMO the figs, allays til p pleasant to In London Spectator, • and then . t 0 vont+ n nettle. the devil, i 1 1 b1 Iietr,d takutno other 11 7?Cn�h1t3:Y- S 1cn0eft• Williams' Royal Crown Kentedy, I est cure an The rot :,t pe•t'velent entnrlttiets at thin earth, noaranteed to care general Nervous Debility, ®seen are r11!'unrati 1), theuralgia, sore tthonil"atislli, Nenralxia Paralysis, etc. tl d cuugestioue, N thehest remedy tot 1 a + part of the t 1tL Sdtiby Druggists in oterVtt 4alne is A Slant. Wanted—A burglar who does not "°f - feet an entrance" and who does not t•ovcrtnrn a chair, wakl'n}; tho inmates, hit' • e loud cries cause him to heat a coat Ind tntrr,l.tiuus au 11•r• ,-v retreat, malting good. his escape." th w Aso ly to most newspaper reporter. . Stagy w- ,lett tl,ost anyt. ace's ti re a y. is the best Internal Cold, ereochtiie or asthma m Will O,rreany r �uxh and exterAstixetnedy. u•ttrip. Ttven y t ask or vers. Winslow's rtn en a c. kind. $ olhitlg shite, t re0. { S11h.cribe for the T tgs. Fee till these nett oilier painful troubles Ti -ICY CURE TO STAY 65,.iJttCD. By all druggists or mail on receipt of price, so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. T For Sciatic t, INetra gic TRY ONE APPLICATION rag Els OF THE. aaa g9MENTHOI� 4,1c 1 01 © PLASTER IT WILL DISPEL THE PAIN LIKE MAGIC. NEURAL 4 Scientific American Agony for CAVEATOR TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENT$, COP YRIGHTS, eta. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN It CO., 361 BlloanwaT, 11Etr Tot='. Oldest p tent takemeowing out by patents is brougbefore the public by a notice given late es ebarge intim grfientific Atzevican Largest circulation of any scientific paper inthe man *hooka bo withouttit. Week/ 63 00 a rust. surtts 361 Broadway, Vodrees w .k CitCO., FOR THE BEST VALUE rIN ORDERED CLOTHING, w CO TO -- HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, Cheap for KA.SET, SHIRTS, AT-- WEBST.Eiti,1 toves, btoves5 s &c. toves All intending purchasers of stoves for thi. winter will save money by buying from vrtNG 1' Qtr I -uNIERFUL 0/R 'SFS CERTIFIGNIT 1, Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound, Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Ile sure you got STARE'S. PREPARED $y R. STARK M. 0, G. P., CHEWS? FROM 0LABCOW UN,vtI8ITY, SCOTLAND, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. a bOx. Sold by tttl IDrnasd- tt 25 GENTSEntlrelir. Doe f nlnxtetii d F U' S VYNENt Alt EISE FAILS. Seat CoughInttrnti. Syra Nntdp. b'rruKK,eIOatM Goests. tee ': D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEAT- NG AND COOK S — f ti a is to choose from 1 cry stove � .tove uaranteeci, against breakage at .� to give comp1et4 satisfaction. Wiughr:ln, Aligtet Title 803. D. S •'takatLAND.