HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-03-21, Page 11.. . .,
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The Ontario Soci � 1, ►` ; , �el Turnbull
Society for Crippled-ChUften s 19�Baster � } For B pws ;V10
t �,l
Seal objective is $1,800,000. This figure 'is based on a
careful atlalysis of the Society's minimum needs in order to ', y. -ST. y 74Z�say has passed. ' $
Rasari&b 8
m"t its obligation to more than 13,000 handicapped ba= 1* the dahe lrtslt have t eir fi.rt'
youngsters tbNa bout Ontario. Pe a ` x y fih
8 film I've been inn in alon 7Two
g . along Two Earp tovlul<d�•'Y ,�
a #lla�t pots of ,shamrock hopes the
Founded more than half a century ago, the Ontario y j
Society for 'Crippled' Children is a private charitable y ��, t ;
would perk up"idr that grealrday. Ronn.eiib.er lnsuranCe'A@thy
organization incoirporated under the laws of Ontario., ��"",'; with white flowers which rus>R ., $
Uevo#ed 'to the welfare of handicapped One,
PP yoan sters' �` O '
g x fi acc,9mmodated by having several ! 8 d ye
throughout the Province, the Ontario Socicty for Crippled f°5�. t.?`s`' �, white flowers, phis shamrock riot
Children is based on the work of 234 affiliated service ' came right" from lreland, The t0` � ' ""' Pltwns,
Maardcton office Open
clubs and financed largely by contributions'tx
o its annual othee was a pot with r ;4 ;,:
!raster Seal appeal. rte 3 foliage but not a pink
k bloom, It
More than half a century of public support has enabled "� 4,; had bloomed all winter - with
the Ontario. Society for Crippled Children to developa" P ri ldvely pink blossgms.
X province-wide system of treatment facilities and services ' ` �' Then today my niece broughk%
without equal on this continent..`'
me a pof of shamrock which one
The 0 Society for Crippled Children's services and is y 1, ` of the nurses said was .the only
facilities.are available to any youngster in Ontario, whose real shamrock. It hasplenty of full,
restriction of • activity by reason -of neurological folia e, a beautiful spring g
musculo-skeletal of . other , non-acute organic defecti shall wait developments with
produces a physical handicap. b �, inte)rest as, to its performance;
• , . The Ontario Society forCrippleu Children's objective is,., i M➢: , Quite a dilemma for a. second CONSIDEUING •• •
to assist physically handicapped youngsters in achieving k,� r� ` generation Scot'! We are told• that
their maximum potential by means of a comprehensive r2 xa thelrish went to Seotlabd and also .y
treatment and training program._ t that St. Patrick went to IrelandN,ew,.
The Qntario Society for Crippled Children's program' A from England , when he was Tlr.es
includes diagnostic services, clinical evaluation, , sixteen years old.
Ml specialized dental services, active. rehabilitation I used to'have many interesting FOR SPRING
treatment, nursing service, camping . and recreation, . r legends of lreland,' One was that
vocational training and jobacemeTit. the sun. -always shone o For trouble free motoring get the One and only
• The Ontario Spciety' for Cr pled Children's currentPatrick's-Day. This was th case
active case load consists of more t ti 13,000 handicapped t � t ob Sunday. a g
children throughout Ontario, . he follow+ng lyric should tickle M�chelrn Steel felted
The Ontario Society for Crippled hildren;s 21 District (� the hearts of.tF~ie Irish. It is the'
Nursing Offices provide a coast l 'ng n rsing service to ,A ': �.• •~ � verse •of a song; r'
handicapped children and 'the parents i» the home M I °''• "A little bit of Hcaverl fell front ,
through its 40 specially
-train pub lic health nurses. , -, ,✓ ..+ { "� , r3 . `x ,;,�. out tbe3ky one day and nestled stn 1 Radial ,U y
The Ontario Society for Cri led-Children's five summer the. ocean, so very far away and
camps provide the largest cilized camping program of - a� when the atngels saw it there it
i� �, -' 3, ., ;.w Revolutionary Michelin Safety Shape delivers
+► its kind in the world to more than 1,000 handicapped �. a w looked so greet) and fair that they _
youngsters eachyear, { r «a just called it Ireland and' left 'il 1. Extra firm grip on road
The Ontario- Society for Crippled Children offers ,parent - .}'<9 , . ~' lying, there."
relief by providing special holidays for severely. - e ,, the dear-little shamroc�, the 2. Surprisingly long mileage
handicapped children unable to attend the Society's sweet little shamrock, the dear
special caro S. -' little sIA•eet', little, shamrock of 3, Guaranteed for40,000.miles
The Ontario Society for Crippled Children's annual E'AST.ER ALS - Wijh a big smile and a warm handshake, 11-year-old Billy Lyneh Ireland. {(7" ,
travellrug consultknts' clinics brim modern diagnostic4. Smooth stable ride
thanks Prime Minister Trudeau for his purchase of the first sheet of Easter Seals in ,
skills to more than 4000 handicapped youngsters' in the 'Ottawa last week.
remofei areas of the province. USEd5.' Measurable gas_eeonoMy '
The Ontario Soc ty for Crippled Children arranges or The young Belleville lack, who is bntario s Timmy for 1974, flew to the capital
r, sponsors any needed transportation for handicapped where, he and the Prime Minister visited a''stuffing bee" organized by.the local' EXPOSITOR�- SEE.
children to treatment centres; hospitals, clinics or camps. Rotary Clu6'490 spoke to hundreds of volunteers bu ' _ engaged in- stuffing
the Ontario Society for Crippled Children p rovides campaign envelopes with Easter Seals and appeal fetters " re ration for the. ERALWS: DATSUN LTD.
Wheelchairs, braces, crutches, artificial limbs an¢ other huge mailing to, prospective donors. in the- area.
eiluipment for permanent use, and lends similar ""'r Phone 527-0240 527-1Q10 , SEAFORTH
equipment from 'its Loan Cupboard to, meet short-term
needs v _
The Ontario Society for Crippled Children 'sponsors
and USe Easter SeaIS
basic> and clinical r�search into crippling 'disorders-of
children; preventive' measures ;and new treatment
The Ontario Society for Crippled Children operates
Variety V Alage-, a residential vocational training, school HONDA �- SKI "- YAMAHA AMAHA
for boys between the ages of 16 to 18 who are unable, to
obtain training elsewhere. P R1*- and,§ERVICE
The Ontario Society for Crippled Children assists the ,
work.,,005 regional treatment centres throughout Ontario — Why Wait. fol' Spring? Do it, Now!
p . o ae hrou h local Easter
by, y g e�wrvantage orbur re- ea90n'C}lecktlps: Fact- ,
Sea servte Lubs" or 'specta�'grraants towards capital cost_
ory t;rai ed and licensed mechanics. Get if-done -• . ;
early. Get it done right. a
Of Every. week more and more H ULLY 'GULLY SPORTS
BMWVrB people discover what mighty jobs
are accgmplished by low cost R.R. Varna, 262=5809
Want Ads.. Dia' .527-(124(1
Mrs, John Miller presided for
the Ladies'' Aid meeting at the � „Billy Lynch doesn't know how t0 quit. �
hame of Mrs. Jean Carey on
Wo'ldYO,,UMak e ' He's, a rough and tumble .wrestler and play's
Monday night.. The worship with the mosquito diyisiori soccer league
! service opened with a poem, If,,
near his home in Belleville. And he's doing
and the hymn, Beneath the Cross '
of Jesus. Mrs. James Miller read G-001
pretty well in Grade Five, too. Not bad for an
the story of the resurrection from . y
Luke •and gave a meditation, • ' � � � eleven ear'old?.You bet.
entitled Living with.Whai's Alive. At Conestoga College we offer a series,-of in-depth technician programs i Because Billy s had cexebi al palsy Since
Mrs. Thos. L. Scott led in prayer designed to equip the high. school graduate or the mature,. studentdissatis- he was born. And in all that time, he's never
and the roll call was answered by givq up. Maybe becaukyou'ave helped him
fled with his/her present job, capabilities to become a skilled aid valuable "�
an Irish verse. keep on fighting. Every y ar your donations
The' secretary's and treasurer's worker. Financial aid is available4amd our placement office will assist you d •
"�� '�' help mare than 13,000 crippled youngsters .�l .. .
reports were given by-Mrs. Carey to find YOUR preferred job, r '
• Ontario hang in there. Kids with birth de-
and Mrs. Eldon Allen. During the ` — fects, cystic fibrosis, muscular dy stroph&. '
business' plans were made' to WELDING TECHNICIAN a Y. - Kids with artificial limbs and wheel chairs.
assist with two weddings and a Your dollars'build the facilities, buy v
committee was appointed for the 4 opporttmities for advancement as a jobs and are extr ely well-paid. Most the equipment, hire the nurses and therapists
- strawberry'supper. Abate of u$ed Welding Technician are excellent., As the Welding Tec•hni ns advance to supervis-
clothing will be packed the firsf compexity of welding techniques and ma- ori aAd executive positions oi• even start . ' who teach these kids to make it on their own.
,part of May, and a Stanley Party terialss ever-increasing, Welding Tech-' up the}r own M:sinc ti5es. - ° I'm Whipper Billy Watson, and I know what 1"
will be held in April. ' nicians ens l' •interesting and challenging
P it takes to be a fighter. These kids have got it. -
0 Mrs.Calder McKaig gave at=LUID POWER TECHNICIAN
Guts: Determination: Spirit. But it takes
humorous reading, The Ladies' _
Aid, followed by an accordion money t00.
solo, "Believe Me if all Those Fluid Pow -`the dynamic new tech= solid d d for skilled teo 'cians. At Last year you helped us reach our objec-
Endearing Young Charms; by nology that encompasses th fields of "Cones a College you will be` in '
Mrs, Robt. Laing.—The meeting 'Hydraulics, Pneumatics and oldies. In- 4 practical laboratory tests designed to.pre- t1V�Of,$1,675,000, Now we need even more n
creasing use of pressuri power meth- pare you for work in fluid power compon- if kids like Billy aye going to take another • �.,
closed with the'hymn, Nearer My a d ms in industry, transportation, 'con- ep+t design, manufacturing; roWntenance, step. This year, back a Fighter with
God, to Thee, and the Lord's sttruction and aerospaceds guarantees
Praer in unison. Following the _ I representation.
Easter Seals.
meeting, donations for the ftchanical Engineering, Technology/ Te•ehnician
Unitarian Services layettes were - Give % Easier Seals.
4`aldisplayed. Methanicat Drafting Eng eering Tech'nici'an 7�
Personals See -what your dollars_
A large crowd attended »the i
dagce sponsored by the South )Int the Mecnaniead Enguieering Tech- Engineering. drawing is the most hal-'::
h� +can do.
Hibbert Athletic Society in nology/Teehnieiain Programs studies are pw•taht branch of study. In the Meehan- a '
Kirkton Hall on Friday night, based on a core' of applied Mathetgaties teal Drafting Engiueeritng Technician Pro-
"Z ung , People held and Seletnce to enable the 'graduate to gram Graduates ,will find job opportun-
their annual bowling party" in, solve techniear production problems In
itie6 and challenge in such diverse fields
• iVlitchell on Saturday night the mechanical environment. Jbb possitiili- g Campaign Conducted by
Y g ties Include Produetloiin Conn Technia• as meclnarnicat, marinte,'plast3cs, pulp and LIONS ;CLUB OF SEAFORTH Orville G. Oke Chairman Easter- Seal CommifiteiD
followed by rich, at the Family Jan, Technical Sales It =ve, Qual- 'paper' aand will be employed as in association with fiHE ONTARIO SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN
Life Centre in Staffs. Ity Control Teandolan, Production Pre- estimators, inspectors and field r nt-
Mr. and Mrs.'Bill Laidlaw and cess Planner, to mention %few. ativeiL %7 TO CONSERVE MAILING EXPENSES, RECEIPTS FOR GIFTS UNDER $5.00 SENT ONLY UPON REQUESt. Registrotion Number-0282780-65=15
family, Dorchester, visited , --_—•—___--_ __
Sunday with Mrs. John Jefferson. Like to know. more about one of our programs? We'll be, glad to help. gust _•__
Mrs. 1Vlarilyn Laing, call the Regitrar at, 653-2511, or send in, coupon below. Send
� � � , � da
raccompanied by Debbie Debus, --- -- — ----...—._.-- -----------i Ydon.at' ®� t0'm Ya r
Rostock, visited on the weekend �,
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles i t am interested in the program I USE THE ADDRESSED ENVELOPE YOU HAVE RECEIVED WITH YOUR EASTER SEALS
Laforge, Windsor. ,
last week at-the Fartiltr-ainage Name: .i DU NATION ANYWAY.
Conference in Guelph. `, I
Lorraine Lain is spending this =
g P g Address- Telephohe• i
week in Rothe•with students from
Mitchell High 0' I Send to: Registrar I •n
(-,-'U S E
On Wedne a Ding Debbie {
4 Wallace was g est of honour at a Conestoga College I°
bridal shower at the home of t 299 Doon Valley Drive
Linda Miller, Staffa. I. Kitbherer, Ontario I S-EALS
A few farmers have tapped for NIG jW5
' mapl:t syrup but report that the _„ — — _........ ,_,,, -,— — I
cold wind is slowing up the run.